Dream Anchorage! Raw, rugged and alone... Sailing Vessel Delos Ep.251

Dream Anchorage! Raw, rugged and alone... Sailing Vessel Delos Ep.251

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So. Today we're, doing the but a really, good clean and, just. Like a refresh, and organize those things get out of hand pretty quick and. Then we're gonna get off the dock because we've been on the dock now for, maybe. Two weeks this. About. Ten days so. We've got to get off the dock and go do some exploring. And diving and stuff like that you, reckon really hard man like either. Were missioning and shooting. Stuff over in here editing way it's, good soon really productive Allenton, kind, of creative headspace is making stuff it's. Definitely hard to for, me especially to separate, work. From kind, of life and relaxation, because you're doing it all in the same area. It's. Tough ah. I'm, just kidding it's the best job in the world. Real. Pain smells. My spine on it that don't look like no this a nice this. Is the I. Shouldn't. Describe what's in that without, throwing up a little bit I don't. Know what you boys are doing up here in the shower but you better not be washing. Your hair. Vitelli. Clean, and pretty on the inside it. Was time to give Maggie a little bit of attention and TLC. Before. Hopping in the water clean, the bottom of Delos, at. This. Point it had been over 4,000. Nautical miles, since, we kidded Delos with our eco-friendly. Experimental. Anti Valley and ultrasonic. Transducers. For, the, most part it, was holding up pretty well as long as we spent a few hours underwater every, few weeks maintaining. The soft growth but. Lucky for us the, cold water here in the Azores has, cut growth down by over 50%. What's. Your duty today yeah. So. They clean, the kitchen. And he's my cooking they Tucson start. Thinking, what can I make for, the, lake they're also probably the past. This. Is the story of Delos a sailboat, that's been cruising around the world for over a decade I jumped. On board ten years ago not knowing that one day I'd be stepping up his captaincy with my girlfriend, first made by my side over. 50 crew of called ellos home and that tradition of sharing the adventure continues, this, season as we write the next chapter of the Delos story during, a lap around the North Atlantic Ocean if, you enjoyed Ella's videos please. Hit subscribe it's, a fast and free way to keep our journey going. Yeah. I think it's, perfect timing to get off the dock everything's, about balance, right after, being, at, sea for a. While I think the crew is keen to just be, kind of at the dock for a minute never enough you know freedom in space but, now it's everyone's. Itching to like get back in the water and excited. To dive and, be, away from everything and everyone I'm stoked with anchors view beautiful. It's. Gonna be an interesting little tuck in action, but it'll be cool to be a good adventure it's, really hard around here to find Anchorage's, because. It's not like that. It's, not like the Caribbean where the, wind is always coming. From the southeast and you, can tuck, behind any Island and it's the same here every. Week you get these systems that roll through so, it changes from westerly. Southwest, really leaves southeasterly easterly, and then northeasterly, and there just wraps around so no matter where you are you. You're gonna get hit unless you're gonna protect the harbor tied to a wall so. Right. Now it looks like the wind is settled really good Southwest for the next couple of days so, it should be fine so we've have to check if there's any systems, coming through will have to leave Anchorage quick because then we'll be on a leash or and it's all really deep rocky cliffs, so. But. It's a little bit tricky because we're, kind of stuck the winds pushing it's against the wall and we. Have these two boats behind us oh. Yeah. And the channel is out of the size it should be so if there would be. This. Top. End is, now. An. Area, but it's March and there's enough room so but. It's not too bad shamans, in the dingy right now so he's gonna drive. Out that, way pull, that after the boat out and I'll use the bow thruster, on the bow, and. Then let's go out far, enough. We'll. Lose the liner then, help. Thanks. To the slow. Nice. Work, that's. The hardest part getting on and off the cuff. Oh. Wow. Man. Just. Protect, it out of the wind gusting. Out there like 20, but these clips are so high in front of us that we're.

Gonna Be super protected in here. Wow, beautiful. Then. I don't, know we'll see it. Depends the way the wind is blowing now I don't. Think we're gonna need to stern, tie but in, here there's a lot of random. Rocks that come up and I'm a. Little bit worried about that so yeah, blue, and Shawn are in the dinghy with the depth sounder gonna check. Maggie, Maggie Delos. Coppy. So, right here we have, sixteen. Okay. Remember. Those rocks we saw the other day can you just check to see the depth of those rocks the ones that are just barely under the surface there's one probably, in front of my bow about 30 meters and there's one off the off, your starboard, side. This. Place is incredible then, as insane, I was. So excited just wake up and forget where we are and then beast and I hit like oh wow. Yeah. Roger that I don't, think I want to go between, those two rocks from, here if the wind comes down through, the hills it's, gonna spin us around and all the weight will be on the stern anchor I might just turn around here it's nice and flat it's just as calm where I am and drop. Just off our port beam and, we're, at about 15 meters here. We're, just gonna spin the bow around we're, gonna drop the bow and then back in and, tie. A. Stern, line off the back Adela's. To. One of those rocks over there. What. Do you think, that saucer oh, it. Looks pretty good the, one thing you're gonna have to really be careful of is wind shifts so, if the wind shifts in here and that. Line shapes or breaks you have so much scope out that we're gonna get if we swing we'll get close to one of these rocks on either side. But. It looks like the weather's pretty good like this next couple days I shouldn't have anything to worry about unless a squall comes through or something keep. It on the weather yeah and then we got to check this line for chafing quite often yeah, well. That's it that's an engine off. Bellows. And Maggie seem to be sitting nice and safely in the Anchorage but.

We Still wanted to go on a little recon mission to make sure the anchor had properly set in. 16, meters of water on a leash or anything, that can add to our peace of mind is well worth it. And. While we knew that most of the best dive sites were on the opposite, expose, side of the island to where we couldn't take the boat it was still fun to take our first breath under, his Orion waters. Meanwhile. The, rest of the crew was exploring, the crazy coastline, that surrounded, us. Well I'm a magical, bed. It's. 9:18. Right now it's, not a see ya, I'm not crazy it feels like it should be six, six, o'clock evening. That's. Awesome that's so nice oh look. Oh yeah. That's. Pumpkin, and black bean soup there's. Cream. Cheese in it and sunk to the bottom there's, Daleth. Was. He. Disappears, into the dark maybe see a dollop yeah, see mean dollop. Waking. Up in Dallas this morning is, it's. Different from normal to dinner different atmosphere than the last two weeks, it's. Very peaceful no, one's saying a thing that was just kind of like, enjoying. The noise of the birds. In the sea. It's. Very very calm. This. Is it's. Such a beautiful place and, I. Think we're all really really appreciating. How lucky. We are to be able to be here. Beautiful. Day to wake up in this crazy Anchorage, and. It's even better because, we're. Going for a dive today did. That right Ruben sir everyone's diving what am I gonna do. You're. Gonna do sometimes, when people are in the dinghy. By themselves, so everyone else is diving there they can film themselves and, say thoughts, by inserts. Dinghy. I mean, dinghy drivers name. Oh. God. Why'd you do that. Oh. My. God. So. Weird-looking. Why'd. You put in one word it, looks like from Planet of the Apes. So. Divers. Hack right here this is really cool these lights are made by the company Nemo, who, also makes the underwater, drill that we have that we've really been liking anything, scuba, related is incredibly, expensive and these, lights each are eight thousand lumens each, which. Is crazy, and they're only what. Three or four hundred dollars apiece so we've been diving with them for, six, months probably now and we really really, really like him. Now. 34, meters everybody. Did very good all right good job guys. There. Was just one more cave, mission we wanted to go on before prepping, for the heavy weather we knew was on its way in. In, print. Yo their, backs. Just. Like something, crazy. Nice. Conditions, to get in here we go. What's, the deal. Like, cream eating yeah. Just a quick little the weather is changing quite a bit since. The last time I checked it like well every six hours or the new forecast comes out it's. Changing, and. Allow. The forecasts aren't agreeing which is, strange. Especially 24, hours out cuz normally all the forecasts, within, 24, hours they start to align, pretty. Much we have two. Fronts. That are that are coming out of it now like two lows coming, through here's the big one that's developing, mmm-hmm this is a little local one that's kind of it's all gonna mash. Into one but one, of them is like a small little local. Low and, another one is a big. This. Guy right here that comes through. So. Like six hours ago that wasn't showing like. That at all, that's. Crazy. It's. Like a tropical. Storm look everything apart yeah. So. Because. It's changing so fast it's, probably, what's what's happening is this low is just continuing, to gain, speed and to. Suck up all this moisture from, the south and just kind of wrap around so, I think, we should get out then we'll we'll start doing its third lot or a lot of stuff we'll tobacky boat or down. And. Just. Like that a two days at acre world. With. The weather changing so fast a big, windy, low headed our way it, was time to pick up the hook and head for the safety of the harbor. Can. I pick, up speed are you guys alright okay. Smooth. Huh. And. What an anchorage huh I know she wouldn't. Be there okay well luckily. We got it for at least a little bit better yeah those really little, though yeah. So. So. Interesting how the weather the weather patterns, here at small yeah consistent, it's just so it's changing so you matters have to play by play. By that you know and timing right. Well. Whether. It's here that, was, predicted. But it, doesn't seem to be blowing that much at all but, were super, protected. Here in the harbor tied up to the wall. Although. The storm wasn't as strong as expected it. Still brought some swell so. Shaun and Kia decided, to go on a search for waves. He. Checked to get the, wave on the, north of the island which, is like five hours walk, so hopefully. We don't have to come, in there. We. Ended up walking for, three hours but. With such a beautiful, views we really couldn't complain. Oh. Meeting, some locals they're so cool we're. Gonna interview, these, two, beautiful. Ladies. How. They're like, tap water in, the most random places.

Hi. Says the fresh surface. Let's. Just drink from the source. We. Our right. A. Local. Fisherman took us the rissalah way and suggest. That we're helping the back to enjoy the spectacular view. Let's, go get some way. It's. Good to be back in the water fish show I. Just. Alex foliation. Next. Up on Delos we, take part in a 200, year old is Orient tradition. Learn. About the damage, caused by Hurricane, Lorenzo. And. Head. Midland to have some fun, candidate. Talk. To like it's a person. Are. You talking to me. There's. A showing which we had a blue, dye and it fell please hello sorry in an accent, we. Had a blue dye and they fell and, bounced. Into the water and. Then Sean, takes. Off he's uh, he's. Hurting here jumps. Over for it and grabs. The blue dye from the, and. The blue is on the blue sea, ain't, nobody thought met before, because, that is a hard thing most, people just give up let's go and he, he. Jumps in gets it, he's, our man he's, Harmon, he's my man amen. Crusader. Can predict gusts, anytime, even when, you see. Good. Oh. That's. Crazy, it's coming into the boat. Gonna. Get the pot of gold, where is it it's, here it says here it's. Just like. Hey. Gabbar one of a sailor but really not want to leave your couch, taranta. I. Get. Out I like it.

2020-01-25 13:23

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