Don't Wait Go Do: The Film

Don't Wait Go Do: The Film

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We always had this dream to go far far away to see new things and to meet new people and eventually it became our only focus  in life so we did something about it   for a whole year we worked as much as we  could saved every penny we made and then   we bought a used cargo van and spent the  summer converting it into a home on wheels then when the van was done we quit our  jobs said our goodbyes and hit the road   day one starting off pretty strong i would  say like hour one actually this is bad   good way to start off the trip very rainy   very lightning very thunder but that doesn't stop  us nothing stops us that was like right there okay and that was the beginning of our journey   we had left our home state of  michigan and began to head west this is being life wow this is pretty nice i like  it this is night one we haven't slept yet we just   got here we found a little campsite right off  the expressway over there so this is just our   life now like this is our new home and over  the next few months it truly felt like home hi kyle hi it's been so long i know i miss you  so much i miss you too so i wanted to start out   with like the first night that we had in the van  what do you remember how we felt like that night   well i remember even though we were  literally sleeping beside a highway   i think it was in illinois i think illinois  yeah we hadn't quite made it to iowa   um i just remember being super excited like it was  finally real we um i don't know we like we're just   so excited to even just brush our teeth in the  van it was like something so silly i remember was   just so exciting like wash her face and brush her  teeth and we're just so excited to crawl into bed   and like spend our first night even if it was  just in illinois yeah it was like something we   wanted to do for literally years prior and we were  finally there finally doing it yeah we finally had   like the perfect setup and everything so yeah what  do you remember most about our first night i think   it was just how we like had the van actually there  actually sleeping in it you'd like lay in the back   and be like oh soon we'll get to sleep and we'll  be on the trip and we actually were like that   was actually the first night that we were sleeping  there yeah it really did feel like so surreal just   because we talked about it so much we had finally  made it happen yeah and we had so much ahead of us   like we had no we had no idea what was still in  store seriously i think that was the most exciting   part you know like we had all of our days ahead  of us we had no idea what to expect yeah that was   the most exciting thing and that was like the best  part is we had no expectations we just went into   it it's like whatever happened happened beautiful  sunset and then we're gonna go climb a bridge at this point we had made it 700 miles west  to nebraska continuing our journey westward we're almost to colorado we've walked all this way   and there it is folks we just wanted a picture  with the sign that's all we wanted really   we're gonna walk home after this yep it's taking  a long time to walk here get it we're gonna walk   home because our vans are home that's true  we are gonna walk home we ever get back we're having breakfast with the boys i can open some bananas and peanut  butter with the boys hello boys after our first few days on the road we had  finally made it to colorado where our adventure   had just begun it's so flat over there still  i know all of a sudden it turns rocky mountain   literally rocky it's really rocky  mountain they're not lying we are at the   red rock amphitheater thing but we're actually  not at the theater because they have a show   there tonight we just want to climb the rocks  i'm not out of shape it's just the elevation   this is when it felt like our trip had actually  started this was our first time experiencing   the rocky mountains and it was honestly unlike  anything we had ever seen before we were getting   to see all of these sites we had only ever seen  before online or in pictures and it was so surreal   to actually be there we found an awesome place to  park our van that overlooked a mountain range for   our first night in the mountains where we got to  give the van its first souvenir we're putting the   very first sticker on our van which says denver  colorado i feel like that's a good spot for it this marked the first of many destinations  the van would reach throughout the next year we're trying to get to a  campsite in the national forest   not sure if van's gonna make it through everything  we didn't got him out of now so i think we'll be   good that was a pretty steep one we tried staying  at free campsites on public land whenever possible   but most of them proved to be quite the track  for our little van i feel like we'll make it like what's that gonna do stop yeah i  mean that would actually back in yeah okay i think we're good now so what do you think  the first trip we took that really inspired us   to want to do this was i mean there's so many you  know we took so many small trips around michigan   exploring our home state but definitely  the big out-of-state trip that fueled our   need to see more of the world was our  big trip to tennessee yeah definitely   during our senior year of high school we went on  this road trip with our friend ian to tennessee   it was our first real big trip we ever went on  and it honestly changed all of our lives forever   but there was one night in  particular that was extra special   all right so what should this one  be about sunset yeah i like that we parked the car on this grand  mountain overlook sat in the back   and made up some songs with a banjo in true  tennessee fashion wow that was beautiful   that was amazing soon after our trip was  over but our need for adventure had just begun we officially made it to rocky mountain national  park in colorado and we were incredibly excited   to go on a hike we found this trail that led up to  a lake in the mountains and we set off on our way   after a couple hours of  hiking we made it to the lake   and everything was going well up until  that point but then we left the lake at this point our options were either turn around  and go back to the van the way we came or take a   slightly longer route and ride a shuttle bus back  to the van and of course we chose the longer route   did you grab satellite phone yeah okay but  in order to get to the shuttle we had to   pass over a mountain which didn't seem too bad  at first but looks were incredibly deceiving we're still going uphill still we're like five and  a half to go not even uphill it's up a mountain   yeah like we have to go up there at this point we  started to worry the daylight was fading quickly   and we still had miles ahead of us we  never expected it to take as long as it did   and we had no idea if there would even be  shuttles running anymore by the time we got back   eventually we stopped taking pictures stopped  taking video and our only focus was to get down   that mountain as fast as we could hoping that  we wouldn't be stranded out in the wilderness   but by the time we got back to the trailhead  we had made the last shuttle back for the night this is hiking day two not  even sure why we're hiking despite our slightly terrifying first  hike in the mountains it didn't stop us   it opened our eyes to how grand the rockies  really are both in beauty and in danger   and it taught us to be more cautious in the future guess what we found this little white transit  connect sitting on the side of the road all lonely   it does look like ours i wonder if it's  ours i think that might be our home from there we continued north  making our way into wyoming well it's morning time now it is we stayed at this  beautiful campsite last night it's pretty gorgeous   y'all and katie heard screaming in the night  and she thought our neighbors got attacked by   a grizzly bear it was terrifying i promise you it  really sounded like screaming so now we're gonna   head out we're heading they didn't get attacked  by aggressive right by the way nope they're   right there they're they're doing okay so now  we're gonna head off on our way through wyoming and that's that when we started this trip  one of our biggest priorities that we had   was to hit as many national parks as we could  along the way and we did just that right now   we're hiking in the rain and the thunder  and probably the lightning as we made our   way through wyoming the views only continued to  get better the further north we went and then we   made it somewhere on the top of our bucket list  yellowstone national park how is it that blue we're making oatmeal and  some tea and hot chocolate   it's snowing today we are in yellowstone national  park it snowed last night it's pretty cold out   look at the bison they're so cute  they are so cute y'all so cute   those are getting kind of mad i think so okay bye soon so we woke up early this morning yes and we  drove here in the darkness yes to see some animals we spent almost a week in yellowstone and it   seemed like each day we became more  blown away with how grand it really is so this is day 14 of trip we're hiking and we're  hiking once again hike twice today we might hike   twice just because we can we finished off our time  at yellowstone soaking in some hot springs which   were incredibly nice and said our goodbyes  to the abundant wildlife roaming the park guess what we made pancakes with cinnamon and  they're delicious so good we're sitting outside   this fancy lodge and we're not staying at the  fancy lodge of course guess how fancy they are   very fancy they're so fancy they have incense in  their bathroom not insects like our campground   bathroom incense so i think for both of us one  of the biggest misconceptions that people had   was we weren't living this luxurious life and  people thought we were most definitely oh my   gosh the van life was not luxurious in the  slightest no um well it was amazing it was   very hard it was hard beforehand because we had  to work to save up to it you know um our parents   didn't provide us with any money for this you know  yeah yeah so i know we were both working like 12   hour days like that summer before we left just to  have enough money to live off of on the road yeah   like i think a lot of people just picture  the grand mountain views and the beach views   and that that is definitely part of it and  that's the biggest reason we did it but that's   definitely not the whole picture like there  were some nights when we didn't even know   we were gonna sleep we've been searching for a  campsite for five six hours now trying to find   a campsite we don't even know actually where  we're even staying yet probably walmart but   you know it is what it is i guess van life  not everyday is luxurious beach views sadly from yellowstone we continued north into  montana where we came across some wild horses   it's so huge it's only september 22nd but  we're in a winter wonderland   it's lovely i love it look at this so gorgeous   it looks fake it's not fake we're actually  here and we're actually hiking through this   it is so beautiful this is glacier national  park and while unfortunately a lot of the   park was closed at the time due to wildfires we  still got to experience this breathtaking hike   we're at the lake now so gorgeous oh my gosh we saw a grizzly bear and her  and her cob two grizzly bears on her baby   yeah they came in high fived up they did basically as we continued north we soon made our way  into canada we drove all day all day long   and now we're in banff which we like it's really  cool big fan so cool very cool i love it where   we spent a few days exploring good morning  from bam we're making our way up the mountain   eventually our days filled with adventure started  to blur together it's quite steep we made it i made it to the tea house it's in the middle  of the woods we're making some beast here what's going on over there you know it's  smoky looking please be here for a report   wildfire doesn't look very wild no no it doesn't  it looks like construction anyway it is day 23   question mark do you think so 23. i don't even  know anymore um we got linked past that point   yeah we're in canada still we stayed at this  free campsite so now we're continuing on our way after spending some time in canada we  re-entered the us into washington where   we spent a few nights camping and exploring  the city of seattle we're making breakfast we're in seattle it's starbucks not  too sunny starbucks not any starbucks   but the very first starbucks so cute so cute good morning from olympic national  park hello hello it's my birthday   what it is i forgot oh i didn't actually   it's his birthday it is we're celebrating it in  the beautiful mountains here he's turning 12. i am   i can finally drive i'm so glad  that i'm finally 12 so i can drive in all seriousness it was actually my  19th birthday and i don't think i could   have picked a cooler spot to be for the  day look at this class so cute it's like   forever yeah you just fall and fall and fall for  days hopefully we don't fall hopefully we don't   we do look happy for days and days and days we're in the clouds yeah we  are clubs are down below us   feeling fine we made it to the coastline   after nearly a month of slowly heading west  we had finally made it to the pacific ocean   and it was absolutely beautiful that night  we celebrated by taking a break from the van   and spent the night overlooking the  ocean from the comfort of a hotel room it's noah's birthday it's my birthday it's his  first birthday number one we've had this candle   since our first year of being friends yeah and we  haven't used it since nope so today we're using it   on his birthday because this is our first birthday  on the go first birthday this is our first   insane like condo thing we've gotten on the go  oh yeah it's our first time living out of a van   uh-huh it's a lot of first so it's time ready  happy birthday to you yeah i got them all   i'm sad we have to leave this lovely home of ours  i know it's really nice it's got a wonderful beach   view how did you enjoy your stay here it's pretty  nice what was your favorite part of staying here   um probably the bed with the view  yeah understandable what was your   uh least favorite part of staying here  probably my cold shower this morning   it's pretty tragic that's really sad i didn't  have any hot water left so just like lukewarm   i showered beforehand do you have a cold  shower no that must be nice oh no i better go we're currently hiking at mount rainier  wow it's so grand one of the best things   about being on the road is that your life  suddenly becomes incredibly unconstrained   there are no routines or schedules to follow  just google maps and road signs for so much of   my life i lived on a schedule and suddenly it just  disappeared it's a strange feeling to wake up not   knowing where you're going to sleep that night but  at the same time it's incredibly freeing wherever   we wanted to go we went whatever we wanted  to see we saw and it was as simple as that i've been looking forward to this  since before we left for our trip   i'm having some peanut butter jelly for  lunch i'm having some mashed potatoes for   lunch she's having some mashed taters for  lunch and we're sitting here by the ocean we're at another national park guess which one  it has the world's tallest trees not the biggest   not the oldest the tallest they're very tall  after continuing down the pacific coast we made   it to the redwoods which were incredibly massive  i really know how to make you feel small here they were so massive that we could actually drive  the van through one whoa you drove through a tree   we continued down the coast until we hit  san francisco where we spent a day exploring hello down there lots of very giant rocks   yosemite national park is honestly hard to  put into perspective unless you're actually   there experiencing it the landscape is so  massive that it's hard to believe that it   happened naturally and even after being there  it's still hard to grasp how big it really is so one thing that really bugged me is  how much people told us we were lucky   because we really weren't like this wasn't  handed to us we went out and we worked for this   and we did it we were told like wait till you're  older maybe you should finish college first   but we didn't wait we went don't wait go do  it really seriously and a lot of the people   that told us we were lucky i really don't think  would have enjoyed living in a tiny van and having   to cook out of it and sleep in it every night  yeah definitely i think they had um this vision   a very uh rose-colored version of what  our life was like that we are loving guess where we are we made it we're in nevada yeah we are   it looks like this just like that for a long time  our lives got to the point where everything ahead   of us was just an open road both figuratively and  literally it seemed like around every new curve   we always had something new to see whether we were  in the mountains or in the middle of the desert   this is it that's everything there's nobody here  just just the cows and it seems like sometimes the   simplest moments truly make some of the best  memories there is a whole new perspective you   get on life when you know you don't have a set bed  in a set location set shower to like come home to   every night and you kind of have to um make those  things happen for you you know when you i don't   know i feel like you really get to experience  like more in a way when you're not so focused   on things like you know what what are people  gonna think of my outfit today or like something   like that you know like the little things like  that that we didn't really worry about very icy shirt of ice rink we're really old  trees 5 000 years old literally 5 000. that's crazy we continued through the country   and eventually the empty desert landscapes  turned to vast red rock canyons we're up early we're walking out to mesa  arch to watch the sunrise after nearly two months on the road we started  making our long journey back home this is the   final night in the van i'm sure i know that's  kind of crazy he's gonna miss it in a way i am too   at last we had made it back home strange oh my gosh we spent a few months back at home and once winter  was over we set off on another journey we're   packing the van we are bye love you we're leaving  we're uh round two round two and just like that   we were once again on the road ready to take in  all of the adventures that would lie ahead of us   in the weeks to come guess where we are tennessee  premium tennessee and it's snowing it is snowing   we haven't been here in the snow yet no we haven't  we've only been here in the spring in the fall oh   technically it is spring but this is pretty winter  i'd say the plan that we had for this trip was a   little different than last time while we saw a  ton on our last trip we still had the southern   half of the country to explore so we began the  trip by heading south we're in south carolina   and we just made a meal in like i would say  three minutes maybe maybe six realistically but   good morning from walmart a really loud walmart by the way there  are like people driving around all night   it was kind of unnecessary so yeah we  survived our first night in the van   we're outside of savannah georgia right  now we're gonna go watch the sunrise on the ocean we're on the ocean it's sunrise it's not even sunset we actually  woke up early so beautiful one of our goals on   this trip was to go from coast to coast our first  stop was the atlantic side and once we made it to   the ocean we spent a few days roaming the beaches  enjoying the warmth and of course taking a swim we're watching the sunrise from the back of the van because that's what  you can do with the van you can just park here   and you can watch the sunrise we've always  been a huge fan of sunsets but there was   something about waking up early to catch the  sunrise that made it that much more magical we're having some lunch at this rest area we are   it's kind of buggy here ak323 is making  some pizza pizza cutter oven heating up   one of those days where you keep driving  and like you get nowhere yeah basically we're in new orleans and this is the pastry to get   one question we always got asked was where do we  shower yes that was definitely one of the most   common questions from everyone and the answer is  really anywhere we could yeah a lot of campgrounds   yes lots of campgrounds we didn't end up going  with the gym membership even though it's something   that we did talk about um we decided against it  because we weren't really in areas that would have   gyms you know there's no gym in the  middle of the rocky mountains yeah   but we also had a portable shower bag uh we did  use once which was nice but um as you can imagine   you know we didn't really have a water heater yeah  it was definitely quite the challenge at times   yeah whenever we would have a shower though that  was a good day shower day was always a good day   so great yeah we usually made a shower day laundry  day um clean the van day you know kind of all in   the same thing and then we're all clean and  refreshed and ready to hit the road again   those were the best days definitely our luxury our  form of luxury i guess we finally found showers   are yours not nice they're all right like  everything oh you get definitely seen worse but   it doesn't seem better yeah they do have the push  button though they do have the push button yeah   and we had to pay six dollars  to get in here but that's okay   that's not too bad at least we're getting  showers we eventually made it to our next   stop which was texas we spent some time  exploring cities in some historical sites in the walmart parking lot soon after we headed  into the desert and made it to big bend national   park we're here at big bend you can cross the  border into mexico so we took a ride in a rowboat   over the rio grande to mexico and we rode donkeys  into the village of boquillas to spend the   the birds afternoon turks and caicos  and i read like a truth commercial   but we feel bad so we get stoned into snow angels the next morning we woke up early and went to  a hot spring on the river where we watched the   sunrise over the desert it's nice and chilly out  in the desert now it is yesterday it was very   very hot today it will be very hot again but the  sun's not up yet so we shall see yesterday yes we're going on a hike up there yeah okay  it might be i think it is yeah like we're   just kidding like i literally think that's  where we might be ending up i don't know   it's pretty nice time today actually  yes i'm like a little warm in a light   jacket but a little cool in a t-shirt so  it's like the best isn't it i think so we finally drove to the entire state of texas   after spending a few days in texas we  continued heading westward to our next destination you seen our blood ties do you see what's behind noah's head right  there it is a cactus not just one not just   two not even three but millions many more than  three there's there's all over what a tall cactus   i didn't realize they'd be so tall they're taller  than noah they are taller than me he's pretty tall   wow i'll stand next to it you  can see how tall it really is height reference are you shook yet because  i am we kept walking through the park and   we came across a snake hiding under a bush so of  course we approached it there's a snake do you see   yeah it doesn't really matter how small it  is we clearly didn't know it at the time but   that's a rattlesnake anyway we lived so carry on we're camping wonderful camp  spot here in the mountains   where's our lime greens once we got the van we  really didn't attend camp too much anymore so   we set up the tent for the night and had  to complete the camping experience with   some s'mores over a fire but we don't want  a whole fire also we don't have wood also   we don't want to smell like smoke because we  just showered today also there's a fire ban but this is the van life compromise no i decided  to join the bees for a drink of water yeah i hope they don't think me  they look very upset they do   they're like but that's our  water we can't have our water   as we continued our way west we soon accomplished  our goal of going from coast to coast i can't after spending some time exploring san  diego we made our way north to los angeles when in l.a it was a goal to try  something that i had never done before   so i thought i'd try flying a plane so we're going to channel islands   we're on the boat right now listen it's going  to be a really rough ride out there though so   we've never done anything like this you um have  to leave the boarding dock and head out to the   island and another fairy may come pick you  up tomorrow hopefully they'll come tomorrow it's just like we started the hour-long  ferry ride from the california coast   to santa cruz island where we  were going to camp for the night   well we made it no seasickness once we got  to the island the ferry began heading back   and we started the journey of backpacking  to our campsite there's so many foxes here channel island was one of those places  that was hard to believe was even real   we had never experienced any kind of landscape  like this and it was incredibly magical   just arrived the night in the tent we did none  of the foxes came to get us no they tried i heard   them and while they may have been unsuccessful in  their attempt to get into our tent they did manage   to get into our food later that morning okay i'll  reenact it i was standing right here he comes up   he snatches the kind of right there and  he runs away with it i was right here   regardless we went on with our day until guess  what we found we stolen titans that's ours   didn't even eat the whole thing if they  were gonna steal it might as well eat it as we left channel islands we were followed by a  pot of dolphins swimming beside the ferry which   honestly felt like something out of a fairy tale  movie once we made it back to land we headed up   to big sur and we came across this waterfall  in the woods so we decided to take a swim and despite how freezing the water  was it was definitely worth it   we drove along the coast one last time said  goodbye to the pacific and started heading inland we're headed off to sequoia national park now we  are we slept at walmart last night we did um and   a cop came and knocked on our window yeah not in  a bad way he was just kind of wondering you know   what we were up to we're like okay you know just  passing through town don't worry folks so we got   our first snack yesterday but we weren't told to  leave so that was cool it wasn't a bad documentary   no the curious knife yes he was curious so  we're leaving town now headed to the park we stopped first at king's canyon  national park where there was this   hike at this mountain that we wanted to  do we're hiking we're going to bueno vista   peak snow having been on the ocean only a  day prior it was kind of strange to see snow   once we made it to the top we  were quite literally in the clouds   and it was such an awesome  view from every direction   we're at the general sherman tree is by  volume the biggest tree that we know of   on earth it's very voluminous it's very voluminous  wow that tree's got some good volume to it   these are the sequoia trees i am also one of  these sequoias he is tall enough his neck alone so we're in the middle of nowhere california   zero miles till empty and 2.7 miles to the  gas station this was the only gas station   oh we're a little nervous right now like we've  pulled into the gas station on one before i pulled   into it on zero right as it turned zero but it's  been on zero for the last two miles now it has   the town's house we've been posting  downhill for like two miles though so so   we'll see if we make it okay we're  really nervous right now oh my gosh wow so last night we spent the night at walmart  we did and now we're off to death valley we're in the middle of nowhere as  we ventured deeper into the desert   we eventually came across this ghost town  which was a really cool sight to explore we're at bad water basin now the water is bad  here it is not like toxic but it's very salty   which makes it bad yes so salty the mules  won't drink it is what we learned yep the   further along we went the more the landscape  changed and soon we were in the canyons of utah walking through these narrow canyon walls  felt like we were on a different planet   and it was definitely one of the  coolest hikes that we got to do one of our main destinations  in utah was zion national park   and there were two hikes in particular  there that we knew we had to try   and despite being in the same park they're  both very different from each other   the first one is the narrows which is essentially  just hiking through the water of the virgin river   that sits deep between the canyon  walls north and arrows right now   gorgeous it really is we made it down like  two and a half miles maybe around there and now we're gonna walk back walk   we're gonna trek through the water in  our water shoes in our water pants yes the next day we took on the second hike which  is angel's landing instead of hiking down below   the canyon walls like the day before  we were now hiking up the canyon walls   i never associated a hike with being scared for  my life but that changed after this one it's   one thing to be on a mountain but it's a total  different thing to be on the side of a cliff where   you look down and you can see the ground over a  thousand feet below you it's scary up here as far at a certain point the fear of heights got to  us and we decided that the risk of one misstep   was not worth it so we didn't make it all the way  up to the top but we definitely made it far enough   to get the adrenaline rush are you terrified  i'm death gripping i don't i just can't help but   to look down that's the only word it's the only  way to look thankfully we made it down unharmed   after a few days of exploring we left zion and we  made a few other stops at some sites in the area   wow with one of our last destinations  being the grand canyon itself and finally we started making our way home  once again so what was the biggest lesson   that you think you learned on the road  there were so many definitely so many um   we learned a lot from a lot of different  people from a lot of different backgrounds   um but overall from the whole experience i  would say that my biggest takeaway was really   just to make that life happen that you dream of  living you know um you want to have a life that   you can look back on and tell stories about  to your friends and your family and just   have a life that you enjoy living because really  that's the only one you got and it's for you so   really my biggest lesson was just to create a  life that i'm happy with what would you say is   your biggest lesson that you learned on the road  best friend of mine probably that when you chase   a dream and you have a dream and you actually  go about chasing it you can make it happen   i know that kind of sounds cheesy but like if  you do chase your dreams you can actually make   them happen and this was by far the biggest dream  we had up until that point in life and we worked   as hard as we could we saved every penny we made  and we really made it happen like we built the van   out we planned out this whole trip and we lived  this amazing wonderful journey that we got to   experience together and i think it brought us so  much closer as a result obviously we were already   best friends but once you live in a van with  someone it kind of takes it to the next level   that's kind of a bond that we've created that  you can never never break and like that we had   accomplished something we had dreamed of for so  long the phrase don't wait go do has always meant   a lot to us and it's something we truly live by we  showed ourselves the magnitude of what can happen   if you actually go do something instead of waiting  for it to happen and i'm forever grateful we did you

2021-03-26 17:05

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