DIY Budget Travel (4K) - Best of Andaman Islands on a Budget

DIY Budget Travel (4K) - Best of Andaman Islands on a Budget

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Can. You guess where is this. No. Clue well, here's another hint. Still. Don't get it it's in the same country as this. Namaste. Yes welcome, to India we are going off beaten, paths to see the beautiful element islands experiencing. Them best friend beaches in off Asia, unspoiled. Nature's this is the historical, clover architecture. Learning, about its history giving. What fun lots of wall activities, smelling, fishy from my big catch getting. Carried away from my Indian wedding parking around for great shopping chasing. Lots of sweet treats and great local food. Courts. Not to mention the, warm hospitality of, its people in this sunshine island, of. Course. All that is a fleeing expense, something easily anything, I can do you can do welcome, to the remote, and magnificent. Element, Islands. Is. That Oliver Ivan's our Koopa Alan's at the juncture of valve and Gao and alamin seat despite, his location, closer to Thailand the chain of islands a part of India with. A star journey from Chennai, the closest, Indian see little Ottomans if you don't, have a luggage the, best enough pretty way together is by swimming across the bay up and out it's only. 1,400. Kilometers that, is. Just. Joking, the cheapest, way to get there is by a ferry, but, it's 60, hours and in the special permission for travel by sea but think goodness there is a vention, call airplanes, there's multiple, flights to and from major, cities like Chennai, Delhi, and Kolkata to. Port blair to capital of ottoman, and Nicobar. Once. Grounded, you need to get a permit to enter the island but it's quick, and painless, and before, you know it you're on your way to a rival, Hall where you can either walk out and grab a prepaid, taxi to a city only two, kilometers away and costing, about a dollar fifty or, if you really cheap experience. A local way there, is always all the rickshaws called T took and of, course, the. Buses. The. Preparer, convinces. With attorney. Thanks. Our Homebase g/km Grand Hotel offers direct, and fast reliable transfer, we can save our energy and, focus on getting great, shots. South. Is our first point it's right across all secretary and, when you think get a view. Of the whole island they're on. A 20, MPA, notes you, can see right there that is the North Bay. But. Those damn trees are getting on the way and I'm determined, to get the turkey shots so let's get hired stop, to get to. The airport and come in here and this is chocolate spot, her, right there is always the plan and, this is breathing, to do. Of, it, finally. We're right by g/km Grand Hotel mm boy like Coco's Sarah and I did not expect to be welcome like this. As. Majora the local population, is hinden who were welcomed by the hotel, staff with a tradition, ceremony, called tikkun garland, a Hindu reach all marking, someone's forehead with a frequent, pace as welcomed expressional, honor when they arrived. Finally. Sarah has, chosen, her ways of having her all, nice. Fruit top, honours continue, to our rooms with more flower decoration, on my bed but even, more important in both of us was given a very comfortable, rooms with clean bathrooms, of course, with hot showers a really. Great price yay, she's. Here. In a hotel this. Wafaa Hollywood, juice but. There's no time to take a nap we need to fuel up and we were treated, with a traditional, breakfast, at the hotel some Maine Restaurant. Port. Blair is fairly small if you got time you can walk but you can get around bite it took about a dollar or so or for, a little bit more comfort by a taxi, for about three dollars but, once again thanks, to g/km we, got our own driver, and this, is how we got transfer to prison. Seriously. So this is one of tourist attractions a, very, famous jail, where.

British, Actually, sent all their Indian. Like prisoners, will return some, report. In a pencil. And, one of them is actually the, free compiler real, shocker. Who's the airport's name after where. He spent rest of his life serving, his time here. The. Construction, I'll see our jail started in 1896, and was completed in 1906. The remote island would consider to be a suitable place to punish the independent, activists, not, only they were isolated on mainland the oversea, journey, to the island also threatened, them with loss of caste resulting. In social, exclusion the. British. Use a facility. To especially, exile political, prisoners, during the struggle for India's independence, the convicts, are also used, in chain gangs to construct, prisons and buildings and harbor facilities many. Died in this enterprise today, the complex, serves as a national, memorial monument. So. This flame has been burning, since independence. Of India and dedicated. To all the Freedom Fighters. Carved. On the wall are the name of all the political prisoners who were incarcerated in, this prison and many of them never made it out alive. So. Peacefully, religion, this is where the prisons, come and they can get last, prayer before. Just. 15, minutes walk will form in this drive is a memorial, dedicated to, victim of 2004, Asian tsunami which, caused extensive, devastation. To Ireland's environment, this is also the location of a seaport with a statue of former Prime Minister of India Rajiv, Gandhi, who was assassinated. It is also we can bore ferry to the Ross Island. The. Regular ferry cost about $10, and taking about 15, minutes but due to the time constraint, g/km, Grand Hotel helped us arrange a private jet boat so we will not need to wait or swim, across once, again thanks, guys. So we're on our way to Ross Island where the British lived. So. That they were separate from that prisoners, at the cellular, jail yes, the prisoners were to escape and try to swim away they're just gonna encounter, more British so it was a win-win for the British not so much for the inmates. Your. Private, boat might be fast but there's no guarantee, of a smooth ride so if your scale seasick, eat like beforehand, so, this might be a rocky ride was only five, minutes our rotten Rock Island. The. Island situated, three, kilometers east of downtown Port, Blair and named of the marine surveyors sir Daniel Ross the island was first discovered, by handful, guarding the Port Blair harbour it served as a Ministry of the headquarter, in the capital Holloman and Nicobar until the earth read our blog in 1941. Today, this historic, will our popular. Tourist attraction. The. Best of all at the time of this film is that entrance tickets only 30 rupees or 50 cents and a plastic, free zone. At. The entrance of Ross Island there's, a wall of history. And one thing to note is that during the deadly tsunami in 2004. If it wasn't for Ross Island the. Main island, of Port Blair would, have been wiped out, during. The Revo our 1857. The British had to flee to Ross Island as they settle and live there for about next 90 years until, nine months before the Japanese takeover. When Ross Island experience, at earthquake, which caused many people to leave the island. Except. From a preach time with japanese-occupied, that Ross Island was never firmly, resettled resulting. Wildlife, such as beer rabbit, and peacock to flourish, and roam freely around the island. I'm gonna put this here buddy.

They. Got a chance for you to get close it you're, fast. There. Are also free, tours, led by some of the locals, this lady is giving, a tour right now if. You'd like to give a little donation at the end to show your appreciation is, great, so, here on Ross Island the. British, had everything they need a general store a water distillation, plant. So that they could have, their own fresh, water pool there's, bakeries, and, all, sorts of things let's. See what's inside who's, here there's a sound and light show that takes place on this converted, bakery that they painted the walls white and the entire show fits within its frame. They. Even got cute, little beach that. Little, beach is too, small for both of us so, this visit one of the most famous beaches in Port Blair but, I'm not going anywhere before cooling down first, this gentleman's out ice cream will be all he wants do not. Tell. You from last ten years this. Is all here. Hopefully. Make. Mouthing so, up here, this. Is the main called burnt milk all-natural. As. We walk along the unspoiled short straw private s complete also passed by the marina park it's a cute little park filled with statue all important, figures in the Indian history. In. A tank for you to practice your serious. Driving skills and. Anti-aircraft. Guns. For. You to practice some serious, serious serious, bear hunting if. You got time that is. But. Now, our patient driver was waiting to take us out Corbin :. This core can teach is touchy one of the nearest beach to. The airport, as, well the clean. In. Ireland. Where you can swim as, you can see this, is nothing and I saw my footprints, and if, that's nothing not for you there. Is all, kind of, waterfall. Along the, shore. Through. The rocks a little bit we're, on our way up to an abandoned. Japanese, bunker from the war. And. As. Still, huhhh have, some, various. Modern-day, usage. Especially. By the young lovebirds. Without. A man in Sara's life she'd definitely find, someone and some. Excitement as well thank. Goodness she will not need to look far on this beach was selling handsome indian princes and lots, and lots and lots of water activities maybe, she could even kill two birds with one stone. We're. About to take the jet skis out for a ride one of the many places here. On the island that you can rent the jet skis for the day. Wow. Look. Like their relations, has a very, exciting, start I don't know if I'm jealous but I do know I'm pretty hungry and it's time to head back to grab lunch our lunches just delivered, to us but, it was a special. Surprise so I'm not sure what's in here yet oh. Thanks. It looks like a chicken, biryani we've, got some chicken and again, look at the artistry. They're. Done with the plating, oh yeah, they felt really well, the restaurants, open for lunch between 12:30, to 3:00 p.m. so take, your time but not with us we need to go some little, somber. The. Great tsunami hit Solomon and Nicobar, Island hard with the death toll reached over 1300. And over, 5,500. Missing in the villages - perhaps a tsunami create a permanent sea lake with many of the building submerge and inhalable.

Today. Many of these residents are living inside those permanent, nami settlements. After. Seeing the settlements, my co-host Erina are tired and pretty much brain-dead, we, want to go back to our comfortable rooms but, our, friendly, staff has, other ideas to. Wake us up they, really, treat it as like a member of their family and read, us to their homes to get high up seriously. So. Some of our teammates just climbed, up their. Coconut, tree we're on third farm right now and they, dropped, down some coconuts and chopped them open for us to try and, I'm. Really, excited to take. A drink I'm really, thirsty so, let's, go for it. It's. Really good it's um sweet it's cool and, really. Refreshing. The. Legendary, power coconut, water give us a walking strength I lost Superman or super, women to be plated correct, so we power a way to see motherf Gandhi I mean moneth Gandhi National Park named after him for those of you who want to go local there are buses from Port Blair that goes to wend or village, I heard. They got some, pretty, nice speeches, so sunset but here's a little advice I got. My first receipt, for using the toilet here in India it, only cost me 5 rupees this, time usually, costs 10 rupees. So I suggest always having a handful of small, bills so, that you. Can use, the toilet. The. Beach is located inside low barrack saltwater crocodile, century, and the best time to visit is to get there around 5:30. P.m.. By. The way some part of the beach has nets and they are there for a reason feel free to cross it if you want to get unforgettable. Experience of being crocodiles. Dinner no thank you for me. This. Famous speech is well known Foyle scenic beauty and specially. For its crystal blue coastlines. Not. To mention enjoying. His wearing life especially, the, little fishies but the big catches will come later. But. Most, of us are here for one reason. It. Was definitely, worth the drive out here, the sunset was beautiful. And, really. Relaxing, and calm there aren't too many people, here so it's. A great place to you. Know maybe, a picnic. And watch the sunset or. Maybe, a little meditation now. We're off to the sound and light show back. In the city, not. So fast remember, I still need to collect my big cash and my parent taught me wherever this Fishman this fresh fish is lots and, lots. Of them they are totally right and just few minutes away there's a local fish market where big catches are loaded, so. Right, after sunset. X, is not over here's, a fish market where all of the. This. Is one majority our portfolio, fishes come from fish memory track another day where fishes have sorted auction and sold to the local market vendors. After. The big cat we are exhausted. And in desperate, need of sugar, but once again thanks to our knowledgeable, staff they, know, how to sweeten. Us up. We. Pay a visit to one of the oldest, and the most well-known bakery, in the island view my bakery, this is we can encounter lots, and, lots, of sweets sweets. And. Even. More sweets. This. Is one of my favorite sweets here in India Catholic hockey is made, of almond. It, is melts in your mouth. I'm. Definitely, gonna take the big piece of this cool off with some, custard inside. There's. Also a bit of a nut inside. The custard. Got. A little French delicious. I love this one Sarah, is clear, that's what she's consuming, entire first boishakh give us a little introduction. This is Rasulullah.

It, Is, boiled, in, hot. Sugary, water let's, take a bite. As. Soon as you bite down on it, sweet. Honey liquid, squirting, all over in your mouth it. Was so much sugar is hard, to keep cool when the traffic is not moving. So. I decided, to get up and join a bride and groom who are the culprit, responsible for. This traffic chaos street. Wedding party are crazy, and normal, is a perfect, place to show my cool moves and burn some excess, sugar. Before. Our patient, and driver escort, aspects, of a cellular, jail to serve, a remaining, sentence, and history, lesson in form of a cell and light show, if. You. Want to check it out make sure to get your tickets in advance it's a 100, rupees for foreigners, who are about dollar 50 and be first in line to get the best seats. The. Sound and light shall give a history of the jail and the sad girl hair art freedom, struggles, by many of its political prisoners, for the freedom fighter within these walls now. Go quickly and do the job it. Recounts, the hardship, and the suffering of, the hands of occupying, power including, forced, labor deprivation. Of food and water torture suicides. And other inhumane, treatment of shipmates. The. Show also highlights. Compassion. Victories, enough struggle, and concludes, in a uplifting. Concept, note. We. Return to our g/km Grand Hotel really, late but I'm not going to bare without a nice, dinner, in fact I demand a hot and fresh but thanks to its in-house, restaurant, it will not be a problem as they openly until 10 p.m.. Now. Before, I dive into my lovely bellflowers, let me do one minute infomercial to thank our sponsor g/km Grand Hotel seriously. They have been awesome. Ok. That's enough let's get some sleep we, got a long day, tomorrow. In. The ottomans ferries a funny way to get between islands unless, you're a good swimmer. We're. About to take a ferry, to have Long Island something to keep in mind is make sure you have your passport, as, well as the paper, you at the airport to enter the islands, and make sure you have your patience, and a. Little. Bit of an elbow power because. The line here. The. Fairphone government-run topic berries about 550, rupees and the seats of first-come, first-serve, but private and more comfortable, it starts at 900, depending on the class all have assigned seats so tickets, can be poking up at but thanks a g/km Grand Hotel they made it easy for all the guests by taking care of the ferry blocking. Once. A bull leave the dock you're free to roam around and still get some fresh breeze along with a beautiful photo to make your Instagram, friends, jealous out, there I do not recommend you sit on your butt playing entire, 2 and 1/2 hour journey in fact I recommend you put it to work right dancing, it out. Honestly. It feel like paradise right on a ferry dock with a beautiful, clear water and, the clean beaches. Block. Island ferry. Departs. And. Arrives, just over here and as soon as you arrive you just walk about, 200. Meters into the tourist information where. You can get your tickets for our scuba, diving snorkeling and. A whole variety of other water activities the. Rates, are 15. To. 4,000, rupees for your guide you, have many options here for transportation. You can take a taxi, for the day or if you're on a budget take the local buses around 20 rupees one, way and the stops at many different places follow. Up. Is. A pitying, way as well, scooters, lot. Cheaper than on private drivers, about.

Because, Of all 500. Rupees, or foe. Do. Your own research before, you listen to us but. Once again things a g/km Grand Hotel they took out transportation. Typically, the hold a taxi Cosmo 1500 what $23, okay we're gonna go get, up get it up and get, ready to go for our dice. Like. Difficulty, because. You're sick oh. I'm. Excited I'm excited I, have a proper suit and little, booties because there's all sorts of fire, coral, and things like that then, I'm always afraid I'm gonna get stung, or bit or something so, my biggest advice is don't touch anything when you're diving because if you go to grab on to something you may regret it later. So. Let's peek and see. My. Crew hasn't fully recovered, I. Was. Not able to dive. In this paradise, look at this. Wow, I am just jealous. Sarens. Able. To do it I, hope. She has fun. Unfortunately. My. 40, underwater, camera, in, China. However. She, does have, a. 1080p. GoPro. With underwater, cake and so let's. See how about footage, come up on that. Something. Is better than nothing obviously. Even. Though I'm not able to join Sara and try out scuba diving don't. Worry I still get to enjoy the beautiful crystal-clear, shores, of each summer to walk or not not of each. So. We're trying to visit as many beaches as possible, we're at Beach number two right now we, went, out with the guys, from ocean. Pearl scuba. Club and it. Was really great if women was great and service. Everything, was bought, on very, safety. Oriented, here now we're going to head off to Kalpana, Beach another, Beach to check out. Oh. Okay. Great. The. Name is actually, news. I. Was. About to include that embarrassing, footage in the show but it was too funny, but. I think it's better I get wet on my own, this. Small stretch of coastline remains refreshingly untoward, and more quieter, than the islands main beach the clean sands of a good mouth room for relaxation, and, Beach sporting, but just, remember because, of the sharp corals, and rocks the water remains unsuitable. For swimming. Don't. Forget to support the local economy by, being hydrated, killing two birds one, stone has. Really big it. Means you. Got a whole days off vitamin C's and. Wall. That sometime. Stall, good. But. Nothing, goes to waste, there's meaty, and care you can eat. Environmentally. Friendly, it comes with its own spoon you, just have to make it first. Very. Out refreshing. And delicious now. If you want to support the local economy, considering, buy one of these locally, made, souvenirs. Young, money goes directly to the park other locals, and to, support their families, what up he said I'm, gonna try out this musical instrument. It's. Not working. Next. Our search for paradise ends at the best ranked beach in Asia in seven in the world by Time magazine 2004. At the Rockefeller, Beach or Beach number seven. We're here at radhanagar, beach it, is known in India as the most beautiful beach and some even say is the most beautiful in all of Asia. The. Beach life on Southwest goes I have an island and about 12 hours from our island ferry appears easy accessible, public bus trust, me it's really, worth a visit so, calm, down bathing suits ready. Across. Asia is one of the top beaches but hearing you guys number one and this many, tourists. Are coming here without falling, in love for, this beach and change your plan and stay for weeks outside just like me but, I don't I'm. All. Good time to come to end and it's time to head back to catch our ferry but along, the way I encourage you stop and soak up some vitamin C's with some fresh fruit. If. You need to really feel up don't, worry there's a cantina the ferry port for you to try some Indian. Version of fast food. Okay. So everybody's, lining up right now there's two boats about to come in if, you've chosen to go on the government boat there's no fixed seats so you definitely want to line up so you can choose in, the area to hang out at but, if you have a private charter, you. Have a fixed seat and you. Don't need to stay in line just chill for a while wait for the light to go and then scoot in that yes ladies. And gentlemen this is the government, boat all. Right guys I'm, not comfortable on going. To a boat like that I think it's very dangerous. Take off fella so it's okay, friends, that's. The horn. Oh wow. Get hoppin, we can take their life. Don't. Forget to get outside and see the beautiful sunset on the side deck. Keep. Walking you see. So. We just arrived back in for Claire and rocked at the bazaar no time to rest but um time.

To Go shopping. Maybe. A brief rest as you as many tickets outside appears, to take you to the Aberdeen Bazaar once again thanks to g/km grand hotel our comfortable, ride is waiting for us. All. Right so we arrived here at mama, candy square and this, is very, sensual. Here. Is where are the essential, past and all the bus terminates. But. We, are going to is down there right now which. Is the averaging, Bazaar. And bazaars. Very all a pretense of British arrivals, here in Port Blair. This. Is we also can pay a respect, to the most important, historic, figure and Indian, here at the square named after him. Is. Also, you can go back in time and save, some money if. You want to try. Something interesting. Take advantage. Taxi. This, is actually. Used mostly by tourists. But they, are also, cheaper. Than, ordinary, taxis. So. We. Are approaching the aberdeen to volunteer. This is not only while. The oldest, bazaar. In portland, is also, one oldest throughout the whole island, is. The. Center, of economic engine. For port blair. You. Can find absolutely, everything, from cookware, electronic, clothings, to food and more food and flowers, and more flowers. But. You don't. Put your nose right in to the makeup this sacred and their, offerings. To the gods one. Thing you must do is look at some of the jewelry when you're in India because it, is unlike. What you're gonna find throughout the world. This. One but I'm gonna see if I can get a better price I. Don't. Feel like I've bought enough clothing yet, so I'm gonna check out this little shop and see, if I can get a long t-shirt. Just. Remember, one world regardless. What you are buying never, accept the first offer and always barking and marking, heart so good luck on finding a perfect deal also, my, condolences. All in there and to learn about panel shopping let's, look at that. Yeah. She. Can be perfection. At times at least trying to make. My choice do I go green or do, I go you. Please, help me decide. Can. We do 600 flat. 7:40. No. But. I'm getting 2 now. 625. In. The middle, 625. And. Here. In the Andaman, Islands, their plastic, bag free so everything. Comes in a cloth reusable, bag which is brilliant and that's one of the reasons the island is so clean.

With. Her new dress we are both happy and there are a night back at a g/km Grand Hotel. We. Wake up next morning really. Really. Early around 3 a.m. and prepare ourself to go somewhere. Really. Really, hard. To get to so. It's four o'clock in the morning, it took, us about an hour to drive, here from Port, Blair were. Waiting. To go. Through a forest, where, there's a local tribe. We can only access in. Group, convoys, so the convoy stretches. Sometimes. Three to four kilometers, in length. Now. Generally, you can take a public spots from the STS bus terminal near the African Bazaar but make, sure you check is most up-to-date return, schedule. Getting. To our destination record. Our vehicle path so a Jawa travel, reserving, a convoy, the home to group our endangered indigenous, people element therefore there's a long list of rule 1 Maps falling order to protect the remaining 250. To 400, individuals, as a population, a little contact, with the outsiders, they have little immunity, against outside, disease therefore, we encourage you not to interact, or have contact with them so, we just received our permits so we can answer the Java reserved, area, and most. Importantly. It. Comes with a list of do's and don'ts number 3 on the do's and don't you do not install. Jing for any photography. Whatsoever. Or taking, any videos, in the Indian government is really cracking down on making sure the tribe stays. As, they. Are without interference, of foreigners, or, other, people's, after. A long drive we finally, made it at least we thought, we did. So, we just boarded, a ferry and we're on our way to the baritone Island they're mangrove, forests. Behind us and, it's only about a 15 minute journey, but the cars and the people are all crammed in as. The buses were the toughest buses were loading in like we all just have to shuffle past so. They could get on and that was an, experience. But I'm excited to get on the island, I, guess. The muffled, F Nyx's and on, the bus. Isaak. Once. Again we thought we reach our final destination I guess, not. Okay. Just because we get off really. Really path very definitely. You can be on your way who, I recommend, is you get a local guy hot spot like 700.

Thousand. Rupees. But, they, will signal of heavy. To. Put the boats and. Then hold, up the lineup and. There. You. Can, for, both. Our. Destination. Remember. I said about bringing your password permits you, definitely, need them here. The. Cause of the speedos 5,000, rupees or $75. But the tour operator, usually, gathered together all individual, to form a group of 10 passengers. Looking, for an entrance so that we can explore, the. Bit. Of a traffic jam maybe. Too many boats in this water. Often. Finally. We thought we reach our destination, no, quite there's a bear walking including. Outdoor is, a lesson, on name of countless type of trees dominate, this island. For. Shade and please. Don't, be a victim to, heart stroke like always rehydrated. There's many stalls selling coal other enterings unless. You are complementary, passionate, CPR. Finally. A fun, I triumph, have appe about to reach our final destination that, limestone cave. By. The way before, you enter the tunnel darkness bring, a flashlight. Watch. Out for your, head. Absolutely. Time. Watch. Your steps to, this. Also rocks, even. Surface. To. Yourself a favor I. Can. Get so. There's. A sink up there and, well happiness over the years a ring or countdown and make. These stone. Black. And. Also. The powers of escape. Part. Of the cave is closed off because of, the, damaged. Diner during the earthquake which, caused the tsunami waters, flooded, in and about. Half the Cape Flats. We. Exit, on the other side of the cave and really, from another round of walking, exercise, and. As. We walk back we are actually going to another, route through, the village which is really nice you get to see how the house is built. Made. Country. Parks, there, no, take. That out so. I'm. Just one of the first person, to write back I thought this is such a nice spot and the, great thing about it is it's. All shaded, but, still there's some sunscreen. Martha's. Government. Boat ferry we are backing, down -, so. We can. Claire. And. Up. Here, as. You can see. And so you get the seats but be quick. There. Is also a third deck type here which, means you.

Have To be safe, no clapping. By. The way you really need to make sure you get back to checkpoint on time. Unless, you really, want to have a wound sleepover, I'm serious. Then. Once again I clapping, to a deep sleep in our private, car provided by g/km Grand Hotel whoo I woke up I realized, our, long day is longer, than we thought and it's. Not over yet. Yep. Our driver is a little aggressive as they understand, how important, to us to capture the beautiful sunset, of our last destination de Luna for our Beach. So. This is the most selling, tip of, some animal, accessible, by Road from poor, player now. This, is a must-see, Beach because, it is. Famous. Famous for its magnificent. Sunset it's, also well. Known port, of being, use of sea in some Indian movies. Within. This Beach there's also, love, for greens, and this is the mango walk and you can come here chill, out look, at the crystal, clear calm waters, and enjoy. The fish within. The. Beach coast at 5 p.m. for we ain't going, anywhere until witness, my sunset, located, a few minutes away there's no more famous, viewpoint that chilli taboo. Very big pistol and. We, finally in our night back at gk and grab hotel and thought we have, a simple, dinner and go to bed, but our hose has other ideas like. With a kid cutting ceremony, to celebrate our successful, conclusion to, the filming in the Ottoman islands. And. Now, you don't, need to be famous or as cute, as Sarah to receive this special treatment, instead, they really, really, trying hard to make all your guests feel value, as probably a family by offering, cake-cutting ceremony's, for birthdays and they're raising other special, occasions, free, of charge hopefully, next time will be my turn. Seriously. I'm hungry, and once again there's no simple, dinner here perfection, is a standard built into every. Tasty, dish in our three-course I mean four. I mean five quart, I mean okay sorry six-course, dinner. Since. The element is surrounded, by sea is a crime, for you to leave without trying out some fresh seafood. I will. Miss the most is the in-house red showing us is amazing unions that are without to myself and in. Local. Food that the, staff prepare bus also, it get to change some of that what, some food that we missed that makes, us less. Homesick. So. That's, one thing I really missed and I like to think the staff here, at the g/km, brand, with. Our sincere. Appreciation. For. Their service and attention to, detail. Alright, so, we can show you our rooms we enter the final night our air-conditioned. Rooms took a hot shower in a clean bathroom and I watch a little bit on television, between sellings, by very, clean, and ultra, comfortable bed. After. Practice, is time to head to the airport and if you don't have too much luggage then, use the most inexpensive, option, by rickshaw or you can arrange a taxi through your hotel, once again thanks a g/km graph each other took care of alright and this is the end of our magnificent. Journey here inaudible, islands. With. That being said I hope you come to explore this beautiful pristine, paradise. And have an amazing time thanks, for watching and good bye Aveda.

2018-05-26 15:50

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