Ditched my bug out bag for an INCH BAG

Ditched my bug out bag for an INCH BAG

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what is up i am redoing my bag system here and  i thought it'd be a good time with everything   unpacked to kind of go through it um i for all of  2020 i had an inch bag aka i'm never coming home   i had a bug out bag which was in the trunk  of my car so it doubled up as a get home bag   um and then i had like a everyday  carry kind of small thing i kept   in my glove compartment in case it got  in a car accident or shot or something   so the problem with having a bug out bag and  an inch bag is that a lot of items you have to   buy twice and that's just really expensive and the  other thing is i'm constantly figuring out what to   put in what bag so you know i have the bug out bag  i can i can survive out there for 72 or more hours   but in reality if i was able to come home  first and then bug out i'm i'm stuck sitting   on the ground switching out things for things  i much prefer so it's kind of like this weird   it's never harmonized the way i want it  because some bags have things i've heard   you know i prefer and then other  things that i prefer in a different bag   and ideally i want them all together so where  i'm at now is it's basically i'm just having   and i'm never coming home bag the weight is going  to be heavier but it's easier to grab it's already   got all my ideal items in it and i can stay out  there for a week or longer if i need to um as   opposed to having a whole bunch of bags and buying  tons of stuff and it's just it's too confusing so   i'm trying to consolidate everything into one  bag if there was an instance where i would need   more than one bag for another person  or i'm just going camping or something   i have that too and then that way the things  that are non-essential or supplemental such as   winter items like gloves or an axe or a hatchet  i can add or just camping i could take items like   you know fuel for uh miniature stove and whatnot  or i could just put together a bag quickly   for another family member or friend in case of  uh stuff hits the fan situation i do a lot of   camping so i also just want a bag that i can  bring camping with me because i can practice   the skills i need for bugging out but i also can  have fun camping that's another reason i wanted   everything in one bag so without further ado  to save space i'll start with my shelter system   every place i live it changes so now that  i'm in north carolina there's a lot of creepy   crawlies on the ground it will just rain out  of nowhere so i wanted to be off the ground   something with a quick setup so first and foremost  i have an eno tarp here this is great it comes   with everything already the cordage is attached  the stakes come with it it's super low maintenance   i can just throw this up super fast i don't even  need a ridge line really but um you know if i   want to make certain shapes certain frames and  whatnot of course i can put that up so part first   hammock for the time being i have a not an ultra  light hammock i have an ultra light hammock   i just put it outside on the balcony  because uh the quality is not good it's   really hard to get a good night's sleep and  it's very small the bug nets always in your face   i did a kind of a review on this one double wide  super huge it's just a much better hammock for   camping um so again i'd consider consider putting  the smaller one in uh in a bug out situation   but for now this isn't killing my back or  anything so anytime you have the hammock your   back is exposed so you're going to get  you're going to lose all that body heat   so i have an under quilt for that even  the under quilt and the hammock together they're still a little bit smaller than my  sleeping bag was which was originally in   my inch bag plus my sleeping bag weighed  a ton so this is still a superior option   right now i have a really compact goose uh down  feather blanket which is nice the only thing about   this is it's a little small it doesn't go all  the way over my feet if i have it pulled up to   my chest um so what i am gonna do is switch this  out for a queen size wool blanket um but those   are extremely expensive so and it's also summer  time right now so i can hold off on that for now   and then not shelter but could be is my poncho so  i think everyone should have a poncho in their bag   system obviously keep you dry but it'll also go  over the bag and keep that dry and then it also   doubles up as a tarp and or a mat or a carrying  bag i mean it has countless functions to it   and then i have a chamois scarf the another  item that's got countless applications   you can pre-filter your water with  this you can use it as a carrying bag   you can throw it around your neck when it's  unfolded and use it as a sling if you have an   injury just walking down south you know  wiping the sweat off of you so schmucks are   always a must for any survival situation  food i was carrying the sos bars   and you know if if i'm in trouble and i think  i'm going to have to be out there for a while   um or i'm going to a bug out location which i do  not have as of now because i'm a new resident in   this state i'm working on i have made some prepper  friends and trying to figure that out so in the   event where i'm going somewhere and i think i  might have to walk a day two days three days   these are good they're 3000 calories problem is it  weighs as much as a brick it's not helping my bag   system right now weighs 30 pounds with just this  full of water if i were to fill up the camel back   it's going to get even heavier than if i'm  putting a gun in my waist and some magazine   clips on me it's just going to get heavier and  heavier and heavier so i'm trying it's by no   means an ultralight bag but i'm trying to keep  it in that 30 pound range 35 max out at 40. so   for now i just have two packs of beef jerky two uh  snack bars and a whole bunch of electrolytes just   because the the south is it's just so humid and so  hot and you do not want heat stroke while you're   trying to do all that i forgot to mention straps  for the hammock that hammock comes with fantastic   straps but before i got that hammock i had already  bought a set of enough these ones are really nice   that i have in here is navigation system so i  have a headlamp and some spare batteries for that   i have a map of if i did have to go out to  the woods for a bug out location um great   smoky mountains just such a massive beautiful  area so this is a topographic map so the right   coordinates down i have a waterproof notebook this  also has some some notes in it things that i might   have to remember if i'm out there different  knot styles how to tie those and whatnot   um so also i have a suto mc2 compass i'll  definitely do something on this once i get uh   you know to get i'll do a video on this but um  fantastic compass uh multifunctional so it's   got the magnifying glass so i can start  fire as a you know permanent heat source   as long as the sun is out uh it's  got a signaling mirror here too   you know has a ton of features i'll  have to do a whole video on this alone   attached to it is pace speeds so i know how many  meters and kilometers i've gone so that's all   part of the navigation system which is extremely  important because you don't want to get lost out   there in the middle of nowhere or if you have to  get to your bug out location and the road has been   blocked off or a bridge has been overtaken by a  gang or something and you have to abandon your   car and go on foot you're definitely going to  want that navigation this is just a garbage bag   i have a roll of one inch gorilla tape i have  a full roll as well but for this bag i think   this will do it i have a spare battery pack  this has got four more charges for my phone   i you know you don't see this much but my comfort  item is carmex just because when you're out there   um your lips get so chapped and also  you can rub it on your knuckles or   on the cuticles as they start  getting shredded apart out there   a lot of times when i wear a hat and i'm out in  the bush and i sweat and stuff i start getting   this really itchy forehead um so i can kind of put  a little bit of that on top too so it's kind of   like a first aid item procurement of water so for  fire and water you want three ways at a minimum   so first thing i got here is uh my pathfinder  survival uh water bottle it's a single wall   so those you know those ones that keep your coffee  hot and your drinks cold at the grocery store   those will actually expand and explode on a  fire it's very dangerous you really want to get   a single walled one you can just put that into  the fire and that will boil your water for you   it comes with the nesting cup which is fantastic  because i can make food in this and boil my water   i could also use this to carry sticks in it's got  a lid i can actually make a char material in here   as well i think the way that they do it at the  pathfinder survival school is they'll take really   punky wood like i grabbed in that last video and  they'll pop it in here and then this over as a lid   and put it in the fire and that will actually  create the char cloth or the char wood   so this is just a great a great item and it's it's  as with everything that can't very comes out with   it's multi-functional which is really cool so  there's your boil method for the water second   water procurement water purification  tablets so these are going to be   something you you pop in that you know you fill  up your camelbak full of water from a stream um   you're not going to want to get cholera or  something like that so salmonella what not   so you pop your tablet in there for about a  half hour and then you can drink that water   third is going to be my sawyer mini i think  this is superior to the life straw although   i hear the sawyer squeeze is superior to this  but if you want a light straw it comes with this   attachment you can still make it that way but  if you don't want to be down in warming water   um and you don't want to be limited to  accessing directly from the water system   you could just still your squeeze bag up  and then this will attach to the top of it   and so you can go ahead and drink it that way  when you need to flush out it comes with a syringe   you can flush it back out to clean that  filter out so this filter should last a   hundred thousand gallons i don't know any other  filter that does that much so extremely reliable   a lot of people put these on a smart water bottle  which is great but those things are large you know   it's bigger than this thing so i prefer to roll  it up in the squeeze here take all the parts actually i prefer to throw everything in there  uh i don't i could probably get that into if i   finagle it but i don't want to wrestle it out so  it's flat anyway that's another reason i like it   so it's kind of like a little panel back so  yeah those are your three ways to procure water   now moving on to fire big lighters um  i do need a waterproof case these guys   or at least one of them but big lighter is  going to be your most reliable why you know   start a friction fire when you're trying to you  know get to a location as fast and stealth as   possible so don't make things more difficult on  yourself yes i'd love to do fire starting stuff uh   you know the ferro rod or whatnot camping  having fun just practicing those skills but   when stuff hits the thing you're going to want  to just be quick and go to the lighter but those   freeze or you drop them somewhere or you get water  in them or whatever ferro rod is my next guy here   this will last far far longer than these these  will run out of fuel eventually this will go   on and on and on i do have some gorilla tape  wrapped around it too because it's flammable   but it also gives me a little bit of a pull handle  um so when i pull the rod back like a lawnmower to   shoot sparks i have a little bit of a handle here  got the string on it too to keep it around my neck   and um if it's raining or it's hard  to find material to start that fire   i made my own i got a little like it's you  know supposed to look like chewing tobacco   but it's a shredded beef jerky stuff so i use the  container for that and inside are cotton rounds   that i slathered in vaseline so those will  take a spark light up and they'll actually um   they'll actually burn for a decent chunk  of time i'd say probably about five minutes   as you get the other materials on and dried  out so they're just homemade but it's cheap   and then the third way of making fire  as we saw on the compass that magnifying   glass will make fire too just in case  though i also have this flat like wallet   magnifying glass that's always going to be with me  wherever i go um so this will run out fastest this   will run out much slower but eventually will run  out this will never run out as long as we have the   sun got a spare pair of socks in here too you want  to have your socks on while you're hiking when you   go to bed at night you want to wear a different  pair of socks a nice pair of wool ones is good   next up is first in i don't really want to  unpack all this i have a sam splint in here   i have a tourniquet i have a decompression  needle in case your lung starts collapsing   if you get shot i have chest wound seals in  there i have gauze i have all kinds of stuff   for first aid i also have an emergency  whistle in there so you can use your mirror   for signaling you can also use your whistle  so first aid next up is your cutting tools so   i have a gerber multi tool here um really great  you just you need one of these you need the pliers   they'll cut wire they'll pull a fish hook out of  your skin if you get it stuck in there um open   you got a can opener all kinds of stuff in here  another miniature knife and saw um so definitely   awesome um a lot of people like leatherman  i will eventually get one of those it's just   um everything you do you know the the adages buy  it once by once cry once um so you do want to   spend and get top of the line stuff  when it comes to saving your life   but the thing is when you're putting together  an entire system that gets insanely expensive so   my way of doing it is if i can't buy the best  thing because i need multiple things i need to   budget properly at least go middle of the line you  know gerber's a great company it's american-made   it's going to be your middle of the line so that  being said i have a gerber folding saw as well you know everyone wants a silky i can i can get  them silky eventually as well but i like the   gerber folding saw it does come with a spare blade  that has different teeth as well so more of a fine   verse more of a rough one i did not include my  hatchet or my axe in this because i'm in the   eastern woodlands where it doesn't get too cold  until winter so as the winter draws i will start   start supplementing my pack you know put that wool  blanket in add the hatchet or the axe on and it   will change uh with the seasons in my location  um next cutting tool is just my backup knife so   it's a mora knife bushcraft high carbon steel 90  degrees fine for the ferro rod pretty good stuff   so that's about a forty dollar knife and then  i have a joker compara which is about a hundred   dollar knife um really nice high carbon steel as  well 90 degrees fine keeps its edge really well   it does come with a miniature ferro rod i didn't  have a whole lot of luck with that guy out camping   it might have been the fatwood that i had though i  had just had some fat wood in my trunk so i don't   know which it was i'm gonna have to test that out  um and just to keep them sharp in the field i have   an ax sharpener i have a bush pot i use this for  cooking all kinds of stuff it's actually a you   know a carrying you know some sort of bucket for  carrying things but inside of it i can also keep   a lot of things from my bug out bag so cordage is  in here i have you know number 36 bank line 100   100 yards of that [ __ ] bank line there i have  probably over 100 yards of paracord in here   probably 150 and then i just shove this mosquito  net in there too it just goes over your face   i haven't had any problems with mosquitoes yet  down here but i'm not sure if i i just haven't   gone and they're just not here yet but bugs are  tough in the south so i like having that net there   then this lastly is a tin here this is my hunting  kit i have snare wire in here i have more water   fill more water purification tablets i have extra  batteries for the headlamp i have a spare ferrule   rod in here i have all my fishing line and fishing  hooks in here i have a small candle as well   to save you know that lighter fuel i have some  cotton in here for char cloth material i drilled   a hole in the top of the cooking tin here so then  i can that steam can come out and i can make that   charred material in here as well and then i have  a silcock key as well for um you know i'm in an   apartment so i'm still i'm not in a city but i'm  outside of one in the suburbs so i'm still near a   lot of commercial buildings i'm not completely out  in the countryside so that's definitely a valuable   tool to have different bags in there to make it  a little bit easier this guy just goes around the   bush putt i have a dry bag which i like so this  is good this holds a lot of things in it as well   and this will just go inside the bag but it does  have a little um you know i could set up camp   and leave the big sub behind and take what i need  over my shoulder in the drive bag um it also has   the way it clips here um i could run that bank  line and chuck it up over a branch and hang   you know fish or meat or food to keep it away from  bears as well and of course it's a dry bag so if i   do get submerged in water i'm going to have things  like the cell phone charger inside of here so they   don't get wet um and then lastly um you know  i went to rei looked at um osprey and mystery   ranch and they're just three four hundred dollar  bags and that's just not realistic for a lot of us   so i got this guy for 80 bucks and it's  great it's got all the compartments i need   it's long enough for me i'm tall guy i'm 6'1 so  i like that it's nice and long it has all the   support so we got the plastic in here the frame  this really helped when i took it out the other   day i just cinched everything as tight as i could  and really helped i got a lousy back um i do have   a camel back in here it has the attachment in the  slot for that as well on the bottom here if you   pull this velcro it actually has a rain cover that  goes all over the bag so it starts raining out um   i have the poncho anyway but you know what even  more protective reiterate i got rid of the bug out   bag and i'm just going to keep this in my car as a  get home bag as a camping for fun bag as a bug out   bag and as a i'm never coming home back it's going  to work for everything i sacrificed um you know   a little bit more carrying weight but as you saw  in the last video i'm going out practicing so that   doesn't affect me as much um and again i don't  know they say your bug out bag shouldn't be more   than a quarter of your weight i'm i got to be 190  i want to say so i mean we're talking 45 pounds or   you know you know somewhere thereabouts and  i'm nowhere near that this thing's 30 pounds   um you know an ultralight bug out bag like my  other one was probably closer to 15 pounds but   really the only benefit is i can move a  little faster and it's a little easier to   crawl through branches and things like that but  then again if i'm out in the woods i don't have   as much stuff so i'm kind of limited to that  72 hours or or so a little bit longer honestly   but with this i can stay out there for i mean a  long time as long as i can get game and uh and i   don't have any injuries i can stay out there for a  while i don't recommend that plan though the plan   of going out in the woods and trying to survive on  your own is kind of stupid um even professionals   you see on tv shows they really have a hard  time even making it 90 days out there so it's   best to go to your bug out location i'm just like  i said i don't have one yet i'm working on it and   it's uh i don't have a community either i'm  new to this state so um right now i'm sort of   forced into that plan of going out to the woods  being the lone wolf i'm not romanticizing that   at all it's a terrible idea but it's the best  idea for me where i stand right now which had   a lot to do with why i decided to do this bag  system but that's it thanks for checking it out

2021-07-11 13:09

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