Discovering Kroměříž Town Touring With Locals | Pt.1

Discovering Kroměříž Town Touring With Locals | Pt.1

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Hello you lot and welcome back to my channel so  today I'm in a town called Kroměříž which is   known for its old historical architecture  I've been invited by a subscriber my friend and   his wife and kids and I've  also turned up with my family   we're going to tour this town and  he's going to give me any necessary   necessary information about the town we're  going to look at the shops the buildings the   architecture let's go let's have a look let's  have a tour so his name is Tomas here he is   hello all right and here's my family alright so  let's go so here are like the shops right yeah   these are like the shops they are mostly open in  the in the work days like from monday to friday   okay and then on saturday only in the  morning and then they are closed but   the boot shops they go like non-stop instead of  uh except uh except sundays they are closed   So is this like your local place to go  shopping to get your things? yeah it could   like shopping centres also okay so they have a meat  shop here they have like a small restaurant   they have a place where you can get ice cream  they have like clothes here wow and they got nice   beautiful colourful buildings here  in Kroměříž as well have a look yep they have a bakery here as well to the right  papers paper shops like where you can get crayons   pencils everything bookshop wow so everything  is here in this surrounding area and this   This street is called a lost street. A lost  street? uh-huh... And why that? How comes? what is at the end of the lost street  there's an entrance to the chateau garden   okay where are we going to go awesome lovely streets wow there also should be  a building where you can see big hats   and i know the history of  the building okay there are   big heads because there was a really famous uh  butcher in the history okay and it was all his   so that's why there are big heads and  people have so big hats big pickups   animals oh wow it should be somewhere here And you said you've lived in Kroměříž for how long? All my life. So you're you're definitely a local  then of this this town. right yep that seems   like a nice big open space town it doesn't  seem like so small and now it is crowded well for example when you would go to like uh south czech republic there's a town called Český Krumlov and it's typical for like a really narrow and uh really small streets uh-huh yeah it's  similar to like Italian streets or Croatia   streets okay some some call it some call it  like the czech Italy or Croatia wow I'm looking for the big heads it's a saint monument so  monument here has just caught my eye you guys it's across the road and it's covered in scaffolding as  you can see it's probably under reconstruction but there's going to be another monument square  and it's a monument of the uh sand three uh-huh I don't know how it's called in English like  three saints the most famous three saints oh wow okay let's go and tour this beautiful town  here I can see beautiful colourful buildings here   and the style here of the architecture just looks  so amazing let's go look all right so straight   ahead I'm going in the direction of a church  what's the name of this church here called what so it's got like a nice big beautiful  clock there and it's got like   nice architecture we'll go we'll go straight  down and walk and have a look and I'll see wow look so to the left is a brewery right yeah that   in history was it was it was a was a brewery for  beer but now it's only a theatre history people   there's a info centrum for tourists okay a  tourist information centre across the road   so would you say this is like a touristic  town yes it is well in summer when there's a   big holiday there's a lot of tourists  here like Vietnamese, Japanese   also also you can hear like a lot  of English here German language wow this is a city hall city hall right wow is it big inside have you been inside  there I've only been there like the world beautiful let's go in the centre and see like  what we got in the surrounding area right   they've got a sweet shop here sweetshop that's  a sweet shop like pastries and cake stuff like   that they have a nice outdoor restaurant  area here what restaurant is this for here it's a classic restaurant with like normal food  wow my eyes wow they got another street up here   as well there's so much going on here in this town  so many shops it looks very entertaining here like   the colourful buildings the architecture  here it just really stands out to my eye   check out the buildings wow and there's a  museum right there in the building uh-huh wow   is that another church straight ahead in that  direction there wow look at that one there   that gold embryo there this is this is the tower  that we're hopefully gonna go up there yeah wow   I've got to show you lot so now we're in Kroměříž  in the centre now of the town in the the square   which is known to be called the square and look  at the beautiful architecture you lock look at the   colourful buildings wow there's a buffet in the in  the garden so yeah then they make like hot dogs and they also have beer there oh yeah yeah  yeah what's your favourite beer my favourite beer   uh in the restaurant next to our extraordinary  house yeah because I always order like   half a light and half dark beer I don't  know how it's called in English but it's   the best beer I have had here in from wow  I've got to try that if they have them yeah   look at this waterfall well I think in the  buffet they have like like beers from small   breweries here and i think they have 11  degree one 12 degree one and a 13 degree one   but the 13 degree one I do not recommend because  you get it gets really quickly in your head   especially when it's dizzy so in other  words thanks for the recommendation   wow I'm not driving today so it's fine  that's all right yeah well also have   some homemade slivovice for you let me  get back wow so that is a what is this   straight ahead here that's the monument that  I sat with the saint up there and I think it's   saint Joseph saint Joseph I think this is  a monument for the for a guy uh Jan Milíč and there's also a square named for uh yeah so that's the monument there you lot and  I was just looking at this building looks so   fascinating is that a souvenir shop there  right yeah it's like a pretty old souvenir then there's like vegetarian restaurant and then  there's museum of the of the wow look at the   buildings as well this this moment you asked my  wife just told me it's a plague monument okay   so yeah that's the answer thank you and is this  like just a seating area or is this like a see   they they built this in 2016. okay and it's uh for  our uh president Havel that was that he's already   dead so it was like the first Czechoslovakia  president and he did a lot for Czech Republic   it's called bench of Václav Havel so in  translation it means a seat of Václav Havel right so this is this is  our shuttle it's in UNESCO   heritage so so now the street here  is called Big square yes this is the volcano to the square the  whole square is called Big square yes right awesome is it this is this is  information uh what films were filmed here   so there there was film like a lot of a lot of films a lot of commercials yeah that's it we have a  lot of these across the town because a lot of a lot of filmmakers use this  historical town to film wow also many many like   fairy tales are filmed here like  an example do you have do you know all right so uh we can go that way and down  there are some animals in the chateau garden   yes and then we can we can go back to the main  like uh main area wow I'm up for it I'm always   willing to see animals will they have any hens there? uh I think yes they have hens in the   garden great wow look at this they also have  a lot of like peacocks ducks that would be   good fascinating for children as well nice they  have rabbits they have goats and they have uh deers how is it called in  english deer uh deer deer wow and then there you have you have  the chateau uh chateau church wow that's another church well so how many  churches are there here in Kroměříž maria churches and everywhere you have  wherever you see the vehicle yep   they make like tours around the Kroměříž with  a historical prologue that you can listen to   wow so but it's for money yeah we have we  have never tried it because we are locals   okay and many tourists buy for these and they  go like well and they just tour yeah so that's   the like the cart there straight ahead and  this chateau also has has its own like uh winery like the uh down how's it called   underground yeah underground the winery on  the ground where they like keep the vines   in one in big barrels fish shuttle company yes  interested okay we can go across is going on   yeah loads of going on like many shops crosses  he said there's three churches the vine seller from the year 1266 yeah these are the footage  from from the seller there across the road   and here you have like the opening hours stuff  like that the phone number and all the other uh   uh you can order the entrance to it but you have  to just call and then it's in 16:30 and they will   like guide you through the cellar aha awesome and  wow there across the road where you see the sign   there's the seller well have a look at this you  know there's the seller shop so you can buy like   uh chateau wine there if you're interested  wow I actually really like this town seriously   I really like this town you know look look  at the sign butcher they got wine here   they got nice restaurants colourful  buildings they got a pivot bar here as well yeah yeah is great definitely dangerous yeah let's look for the shop if it's open yes they're  open oh wow they're open right so this is the   yeah the entrance to the wine cellar shop   and do they have butcher in here yeah yeah it's  that they they have so all right let's go in   so we're gonna have a look for the butcher  yeah these are the magnets here let's go wow wow see they have certificates  here as well they'll be done is this the wine from this town Kroměříž from  the cellar that we just passed along the road wow   and it's really good it's a really good one have you tried wine from this town yeah  what one have you tried uh Welschriesling   and I also had uh Savignon and I also had these these are like  fruit wines and they are with bubbles he said that any like he's you said you tried  the bubbly one right yes yeah the bubbly one a   wine i had the grapefruit one grapefruit and I  had the Rose how much percent do they have in   here these ones I think it's 12 12 I'll get  one of them then I would get weight uh 13   alcohol I'll go for yeah huddle yes definitely you  see some maybe some great american intelligence   and they have certificates out there on  the yes the front that i saw as well wow and I'm looking forward to trying it  because it's this wine from the town where would you say on this square here exactly  would you recommend someone that has never been   here and they would like to get some nice  food this one the bohemian restaurant okay   that that's the best one and they  have like schnitzel, fried cheese, goulash a lot of steaks also also also children food  do they have ice cream there as well no   I was going to say that would be a good  combination we'll go there right now   I think I think they have like ice cream uh like did they make make you a big bowl of  ice cream with like biscuits and stuff ah wow   I don't know how how the ice cream is so they only have like bowl of ice  cream oh they just have a bowl right yes and if people wanted some good beer there's  the there's the black eagle   it's a it's a mini brewery oh it's a brewery right yes they have many many many beers and I think they also give beers to like plastic   plastic plastic cups so what's the  name of this street this is a car okay if I would translate to  English it's blacksmith street   okay and they have restaurants here this  is the a place for ice cream restaurant there is there is the church there is the church   wow got to have a closer look  at the church yes definitely great beautiful church wow look at  all of the sculptures and all of the fascinating architecture in here wow  all right so this is where you get the   best ice cream in town yeah this is  the best ice cream in town all right rivera here it is best ice  cream in Kroměříž can you not tell by the queue they've got slush puppies here look have a look they've got apple they've got melon raspberry oh these ice creams look so nice wow look at the ice creams you got they  haven't even wow guys thank guys strawberry mango caramel blueberry apple  melon nutella pistachio snickers banana raspberry vanilla they have so many flavours here do you think they have they'll keep or not this is too complicated for me what did you get   the melon we've got one flavour  right one flavour it's so   you can get hard yeah can I get more than two yes  yeah you can find a bigger bigger bigger one yeah   and then you can have like yeah should I order  first order yeah what do you want she wants that's take my one I think this is the best ice cream I've had in  your whole life this is the best ice cream wow I usually get good ice cream in my town  but this one here something special that's   because it's homemade I talked to the owner  and the owner said that if it's season he   like sells the ice cream and when the the  ice cream shop is closed throughout the   winter he just tries new flavours wow  hey he just like smells them taste them   and if it's not good he just just throw him  away and again and after he is satisfied then   he sells them in the summer wow so that's  why it's so good is ice cream riviera yes   correct in Kroměříž come here and get the best  ice cream in town you know I wouldn't lie to you mascarpone there's something that is creamy you  know I like the fruity ice cream more hmm so you said this is like the main church here in  Kroměříž I think it's like the second most famous   like the most historical one  is the saint Moritz but this   is the most famous and what's the  name of this church here Maria st. Marie show your ice cream what flavour did you  get um the raspberry how about you and the baby connected to the connected to the to the  church I have never seen it open not a year ago   or during the pandemic okay this is  the historical views of Kroměříž so that's like the sketch what we can see  on top now you cannot see this one anymore   because during the second world war there was  a bomb destroyed this this one was for Jewish it got destroyed by a bomb and where it was  built there's the cultural house we passed look at this pub how about how  how old is this pub would you say   I don't know it it was it was there like 50-60  years yeah it's not a really really good pup a lot   of bad people go there have a look at the the old  Radegast sign wow check out this old pub you lot it's a radar gas pub but  what I'd like to show you is   look at that sign up there Radegast and  then I'd like to show you the older version that's the old version they'll be done

2021-09-14 01:11

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