DISCOVER The #1 Activity In Phuket, Thailand

DISCOVER The #1 Activity In Phuket, Thailand

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in today's video I'm going to show you the number one activity on TripAdvisor in the whole island of Phuket this place is spectacular we're going to see some of the most epic nature that Thailand has to offer anywhere lagoons giant Cliffs beaches but it's not all about the destination that made it to number one on tripadvisor's list it's about the entire experience and it all starts in the morning at your hotel you choose the time I chose to leave early it is a pretty comfortable way to start the day out I just want to kind of guide you guys on this tour so you know what it's all about this is a place while you can see it right here in the van called five star Marine it was started by a good buddy of mine Sean and I've shown you guys this place before but I've never walked you through exactly what a full day looks like oh there's the man himself surveying in the fleet Sean hey man how are you good brother first of all congratulations number one on TripAdvisor when I heard that news I thought there's no one that deserved it more so congrats dude yeah man I was blown away when I logged in and checked it out like number one out of 901 things to do here in Phuket so it's a huge achievement considering we started like one boat man I've experienced it but to my viewers out there these guys what what makes you guys number one in your opinion I think for us the number one thing that we did as a company was to forget everything and just say everything's about making the customer happy say to my crew don't come back until the customer is 100 happy I think a lot of my competitors they're focused on how much fuel the boat uses or where they're going to go and I'm like no let's worry about the people on the boat let's give them the experience because you know that's the difference we're not like a tour operator we create experiences we create memories that's the day that's when I know that we've delivered exactly what we as a company set out to do yeah my parents were here for two months I took them to so many places all my favorites and when I asked them what their number one was they both just looked at each other and went the day on the water was shown so there's some lessons for some young business people how to get to number one and TripAdvisor me and my cameraman AKA nephew we're gonna head out now brother but it's awesome have a great time man I'm so proud of you man like it well deserved dude thanks man yeah have a great day just before we get out on the boats I just wanted to walk you through what goes on here in the morning so you show up they got snacks they got coffees they got it all prepared and it's already starting to get a little busy you're going to want to book these boats far in advance because they're pretty much sold out every day that's what you get for being number one so yeah we're gonna be jetting from Phuket into panga Bay this is one of a few of the more popular tours here and we're gonna show you all the highlights of the day I'm excited to jump on the boat and meet our captain captain Alex yes it's been a while sweaty cat nice to see you man I've been with Alex before we're going out to panga let's do it man [Music] foreign [Music] stop number one we're gonna need hard hats and some headlamps got a little monkey waiting on the beach picking the shells man when you get up this close to the monkeys to see their hands in actions pretty awesome [Music] pretty dry in here right now oh good things for the hard hats depending on what time of day you come in here you can uh twin raid in at times last time I came in here I swam and now the water is only about Knee Deep that you walk through this about 100 meter long cave with all these amazing rock formations and you're in the middle of kind of a mangrove forest day in the middle of the island this is your office nine to five living can be tough Alex how do you survive uh you know this is really beautiful and we love to come here every day if we can and how tall are these Cliffs talking about uh 150 meters yeah we're surrounded by epic Cliffs with kind of trees and jungle growing on the boat enough of me talking let's listen to the birds look at the mud skipper just to show you what it's like here so the water's just gone out or it's just coming in oh it's like quicksand here so I'm in the middle of this Lagoon here very muddy muddy this will all fill up with water in about four hours so depending what type of time of day you come in you might have to swim through the cave and then you come out here and it's a kind of an emerald Lagoon it is a bit muddy but man this is wild oh God you wouldn't want to fall in there [Music] [Music] back on the beach oh my God it's empty how did you arrange for this beach to be empty yeah we like to come on different time with another group we don't want to show like where's ton of people so my customer can get different experience that's one important thing to note when you go out with these guys is they kind of craft their days so that you can duck in and out of spots when there's the least crowds and this this is decisions made based on the tide based on the time of day based on the knowledge of where all the other boats in the sea are at check this out we're literally the only people here right now thank you foreign reason number one why you get a private boat with five star I've told you time and again go where the crowds aren't reason number two you get all this space he's pumping up a kayak reason number three I forgot my towel at the hotel and somehow in the middle of the Open Water he's gotten me another and now we're at our next stop coming up to another beautiful location I like this one the sun's still on the other side over there we're gonna go kayaking in Bat Cave oh we don't want to tip this Alex wow there's hundreds of bats hanging on the ceiling wow look at them hanging upside down like little vampires foreign this Lagoon is is properly named you know these lagoons are so special because from the outside the islands just look like sheer Rock faces and to people like me I'd have no idea that this was in the middle of the islands but these locals scour these Waters and they find all of these little secret entrances and then they they take you through now I'm not so sure about the bats it was really cool but I don't want to be there when they wake up I live in Bangkok Saturday noise just listen to this foreign [Music] trapped here they can they're able to come in but cannot go out but because of the tide because of the time has this ever happened to you no never happened what happens when they're trapped in here they just stay here until the ties coming out but hopefully they just get married [Laughter] I don't want to get married to Robin here so uh maybe back through the bat cave and time to go [Music] oh yeah the waters definitely come up higher we kind of got to get down a little bit as we enter the bat cave one last time off to the next stop our Cherry to weights another detour by Alex he said there was another cave just about 10 minutes away so why don't I just paddle us over there we're out in the open water now and one tip for you when you are doing this yourself make some plans tell them some things you want to see but don't be afraid to say yes when your guide suggests something this is what makes these days extra special look at naughty guards watching our every move [Music] I can see why they call it oyster cave Alex yeah so I guess if we get trapped in Oyster cave due to high tide we're not going to starve then Alex we can eat the oysters Harvest them eat them oyster for for lunch do you guys like oysters fresh oysters big gooey fresh oysters I like little ones with some hot mustard but comment below let me know oysters yes or no [Applause] foreign reason number five that this is number one on TripAdvisor fresh fruit at just the right time [Music] and the next stop is perhaps the most famous stop in the entire country of Thailand quite honestly it's just behind me we're about 15 minutes away and this is the place that everybody wants to go at least once in their life [Music] [Applause] thank you all right as you can see we're not the only ones here today this is the place that you might want to stop and get a photo you might not want to stop but I'll tell you how I feel about it but first let's walk over to where all the photos happen there's the Instagram photos happening let me step in and get a couple of my own foreign [Music] so this is James Bond Island it's absolutely epic this is what for many people is the centerpiece of a trip out onto panga Bay and all I'll say is the best advice I could give you is don't just come out here and focus solely on James Bond Island listen to your guide go to the other spots where where no one else is they're actually in into the naked eye even more beautiful but don't be ashamed if you got to come and get and get your Instagram shot [Music] oh yeah welcome to another episode of the lagoons with Alex podcast [Music] today we have a special guest host do you have some questions for our Lagoon experts so Alex on the panga tour what's your favorite place to take guests to I think panatha island is one of my favorite Islands because the cave in Laguna is quite different how do you guys find all of these off the beaten path places I have friend uh living around that what's it like working at five star man and you know the the trip really flexible we know of the tour company we know what time they go there because every day they almost do the same thing and they go right we go left we go left they go right for us every day we don't want to see people and this has been your lagoons with Alex podcast stay tuned for the next episode [Music] wow oh I love those mangroves as they stick out of the Lagoon floor [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] the kayak and we're gonna go somewhere super unique but I've noticed that the crew has prepared these lovely watermelons um super refreshing out on the sea we're gonna zip across to this place that I've never stepped foot on but uh it's something that that you don't see every day that's for sure [Music] thank you [Music] this is wacky it's a village floating in the middle of the sea this is the panji village what we call and and how did this place start I think over 200 years ago first people came here some kids are born and raised here Generations yeah wow and we're standing in the middle of a floating football pitch a soccer field where I've come from [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] let's see the main news pre-ordering yeah it's probably the busy or over there so we just ordered before we go sometime Thai yeah uh with two chili well look at this guy out on a private boat day on the Enderman C pre-order and lunch with Alex I hope he realizes how good he has it over here we've arrived for lunch at this super cool restaurant and on our way and let me give you a quick boat tour you got the bow Rider you can see many people comfortably out here you have my favorite little feature here the mini toilet the plane bus deplane you got the captain's chair Tunes this thing's huge if you had a group of you know up to 12 people you'd all still be very very comfortable here [Music] all right okay and this ladies and gentlemen is how young Adam fills up his plate in Thailand [Music] that's what I call a perfect little Thai Plate oh yeah get some coconut get some banana this is all fresh ingredients completely homemade by that lovely lady back in the kitchen thank you Chef this is a super unique Ocean Front Restaurant I highly recommend the seafood that's what most people get when they come in here but you gotta try the signature I'm feeling amazing and ready for one more stop well that was tasty geez look at this we have the five-star Fleet out here it's like the five-star parking lot two over here we got Lucas 15 Lucas one Lucas six I guess we better leave a link down in the description below it seems like you need to book these a bit in advance to get out on the water [Music] okay we're on nakaiyai beach here this is absolutely gorgeous check this out we've had a little Lagoon time now we're flipping over to a little beach in Sea time oh Adam's got the Drone out I'm flipping over to a little air time peaceful tranquil two words that come to mind as I sit here floating in in what's a pretty strong current here in this part of the Andaman sea I could just sit and Float here all day but uh speaking of variety there's all kinds of stuff to see when you're out here so I guess it's time to jump back on the boat man I can see why you're number one congrats dude thanks man it could not be more well deserved thank you very much this is not only the best thing that I've ever done in Phuket I go all over Thailand and I gotta say that this might be the number one thing that I'd recommend to any of you out there as a must do in Thailand it's once in a lifetime Splurge book yourself a private boat get out there in the andamen and see and and I've got a couple other videos I got a video right here showing you a completely different destination that five-star services and I got one here with a bit of a secret a secret to her check it out Link in the description below book it and then thank me later

2023-08-02 05:00

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