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good morning everyone so today we've come to  a very busy area of rio de janeiro it's the   city center you can probably hear all the  noise behind us that's the tram passing by right now   so in portuguese they call this area the  centro, centro means center and this area is often   overlooked by tourists because they're just coming  to rio for the beaches and partying right but   there are a lot of historic attractions here  a lot of tourist attractions here so now we're at   the intersection of two of the main busy streets  here so you got avenida rio branco here and this   is avenida presidente vargas huge street i think  it's 12 lanes or something and   this is where all the big businesses are  all the office blocks. so today is a working   day that's why it's so busy and this is an area  we know very well right. yeah we used to work here   for like i don't know how many years six years  for me and how many years are you four or five   years since i was 18. and yeah we usually work in  a place over there in a big building over there  

yeah just right around this corner yeah so that's  where we met and that's where our story began   yeah so we're going to be doing a lot of walking  today there's attractions down there attractions   down there and even behind us so yeah we got a  lot of stuff to check out yeah let's start here so right next to where we started the video we  have a really famous church here called igreja da candelaria  and the building started in 1775 but  then over two centuries they've added bits onto it   i don't think we can enter there though it looks  like it's boarded up but yeah we should be able   to enter some other churches today so the part we're  walking at now is pretty new it's a   boardwalk along the guanabara bay so they built  this during the olympics rio got a big  facelift during the olympics especially the center  so if you're somebody that visited rio before the   olympics it's gonna be very different now to when you visited so this area here is actually a   military navy base, is it like a navy school? yeah i think so they're navy buildings  but i don't know what they're  doing there yeah there's a museum there's a   submarine that you can visit yeah you can kind  of see the corner of the submarine there and then   there's some kind of like pirate ship looking  thing here yeah you can actually visit maybe   we will do it one day i don't know yeah we got  other plans today yeah there's also a helicopter   you can visit yeah a few like military things  to visit these are the navy guys here in white before we continue i am going to talk about  today's sponsor surf shark we have been   using the surfshark vpn on all our devices  while traveling the world this past year   surfshark allows us to have a private connection  wherever we travel keeping our data and personal   information safe from potential hackers surcharge  gives you access to all netflix libraries   different countries have access to different  series and films so by using surchart you can   access 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before no they  made it like in the center of brazil to be the   capital you have to be in the center because rio  is a bit down south i guess yeah it is yeah   so around here you have loads of the old buildings  from that time even these here look at all these and this is at the exact spot where we would have  our happy hour after work yeah like there are many   bars here now it's more empty because it's not  late or it's not the time to have happy hours but   there are many bars here and we used to come  especially to this one here so this this place is   where me and carol had our first date yeah after  work yeah yeah we had a drink here so i think i   think it was this restaurant right yeah yeah this  one yeah so we were sat around here somewhere   but a really cool place for a happy  hour because this gets really busy   after work and yeah just super lively music  and you get all the beautiful buildings this square here has quite a few sites to see so  this is called praca XV which means the 15th   square and right next to us is an old  fountain so this is an old water fountain   from the early 1700s it's a lot bigger than what  i remember so yeah it's not active right now   and it's kind of closed off to protect it it's  pretty cool that they they kept it here got   like modern buildings surrounding everywhere and  then just this in the middle and this statue here   is of the king of portugal called dom Joao the sixth who was the first king of portugal   to arrive here so that statue is here because  this is actually the point where the portuguese   family arrived when they were escaping napoleon  or france who was trying to capture them in   portugal they arrived here in 1808 so that's  like a memorial of the king at the time yeah so   the portuguese royal family would have arrived  around here somewhere i think this was like the   the main port at the time still kind of used as  a port it's where they have where they have the   ferry terminal here and i think the ferries go  to niteroi which is the city over there yeah   but also some islands yeah there's a an island  called paqueta which is an also also another   place that we want to go and other places and like  less famous you can also get the ferry from from   here yeah and back there there's like a really  cool um old looking palace do you know the name   of that place yeah it's called isla fiscal and that  place was actually the last place where the royal   family had a party before they got kicked out yeah  or overthrown so yeah that's a famous place you   can actually visit and we also want to go there  at some point yeah but i think the tour takes   quite a while like two hours yeah so maybe we'll  still do that on this trip but it looks amazing so this building here in front of us is called the  paco imperial the imperial palace so as you can   see it doesn't really look like a palace a royal  palace and that is because it wasn't built to be   a royal palace it was built in 1754 just to be  the house of the colonial governors that were here   at the time the royal family weren't even here  then but then when they escaped napoleon in 1808   the king obviously had to live somewhere so this  was the building that the first king lived in   but then the second and third  king which were pedro the   first pedro the second they  lived at that other place quinta da boavista a big palace with a big garden area looks like a  royal palace yeah that really looks like it this   one doesn't look, it's nice but it doesn't  look like a palace yeah it just looks like a   government kind of building and you know what that  building is that looks amazing uh currently is the   assembleia legislativa which is the place where they make the   laws and before i think it was also a  government building but i'm not sure   what kind of government building it was but  now it's the assembleia legislativa so right next to the square we have this beautiful  church here called sao jose and this is the front   of the assembleia that government building we  were just talking about so yeah you can see it   looks absolutely amazing here it doesn't  even look brazilian at all it looks like   it's from rome or something like italy yeah  because of the pillars i think it's like   the same style yeah yeah the huge pillars and  even the designs are the sculptures of the people   yeah it just looks italian or something  to me greek italian so this big church   that you can see behind me huge church is  where my parents got married here in brazil   in the seventies so yeah they got married  in this church it's called Igreja nossa senhora do carmo  kind of looks like it's two churches  i don't know this part looks older   and this part looks more modern but  yeah it's kind of joined together so here you'll get a better  view of the busy street avenida rio branco so here we have like the tram  lines tram line's going that way as well   yeah just super busy now it's lunch  time so yeah everybody is out and about   and this tram line is quite new as well yeah well  it's been like i don't know four years maybe but   it was built also in the same time that they  were building things for the olympics and also the world cup i left  rio before the olympics so   i didn't really get to see all this when  i lived here so it's completely different   this was all cars when when i was living here so  this is one of the most famous attractions which   is this coffee house here called confetaria  colombo and it's from 1894 considered to be   one of the most beautiful coffee houses in the  world well look how fancy this looks this place   it's all shiny i think there's a second  floor as well whoa look at that roof so there's some information about the place here  and it says queen elizabeth has been here in 1968   and king albert of belgium   royalty have dined here i can  see why so i'm going to get this uh lemon tartlet that's 12 reais 90 and carol is gonna  get the cheese pie empada de queijo 10.80 and   she's also going to get a strawberry tartlet 13.90. carol  also got this fresh orange juice for 11 reais   90. and i just went for the mineral water 7.70 and  here's my lemon tart looks pretty cool how's yours   i like the look of that one. yeah it looks better  than yours. is this the fanciest coffee house we've   ever eaten at? probably it's a bit expensive for  brazil but that's because you are in a fancy place   yeah the royal family ate here that's  why yeah even the floor is cool look at that so this part here is a very popular local street  market so you can get loads of like cheap clothes   10 reais for shorts, got  the flip flops the chinelos got food as well, people selling different  kinds of food and it goes all the way down here   so all around the center if you look up you  realize how beautiful the old buildings are   they're literally everywhere. on the ground  floor you can't really notice because you  

just have the big shutters now they've kind  of like opened up the the entire wall but   yeah if you look up there looks  really nice colorful as well   hey carol so are all these clothes really  cheap then? yeah they are mm-hmm yeah 10  reais for a t-shirt is that cheap? yeah  it's like what four dollars or something yeah this is one hectic market so now we're in the center of the the big market  found a quiet place finally to speak so what's   the name of this market it's called camelodromo and  as you can see that you can find everything here   like from clothese to things to buy like for home  everything. pirate video games yeah and   some some things are pretending to be original from nike or adidas but they they're not original. and i remember when  i lived here it would appear on the news that the   police would come here and try to shut it down but they can't. they can't shut it down, like a few  

days later they will open up again yeah so there's  like pathways everywhere all different alleyways   literally everything here and we should probably  speak about the safe because this is probably the   most unsafe part of rio i think just because it's  so busy yeah yeah there are many like uh case of   thieves here so it happened to me five years ago i was on the bus with   my phone and then somebody from outside stole  it and i couldn't do anything oh that was here   in the center yeah it was here so this is  not a safe area we wouldn't say its safe at all   but we have some tactics to try to be more safe  like i usually hide my phone inside my blouse or   like my pants or something like that and  i always keep my purse like this i've actually never been robbed in brazil even  though i lived here for six years as a gringo. i still never got robbed but this is an area where you gotta pay attention a bit   with electronics don't do what i'm doing walking  around with a camera all the time. i'm obviously   making a youtube video so i'm risking it but yeah  i wouldn't walk around all the time like this got the beach towelswe need some of those actually so carol couldn't control herself  yeah i needed a white blouse so yeah   buying this one for10 reais 10 reais. yeah i'm buying because of the price got loads of options here so this building right here is a famous library   we don't usually go to libraries when we travel  to places it's called real gabinete de leitura portuguese and that is from the 1880s and apparently  it's based on like a 16th century   gothic portuguese architecture so we actually  needed a proof of vaccination to enter this place   so that's the first time luckily we had a  picture of it the certificate on our phone   look at this entrance here whoa have you ever been in here no  looks crazy it's great here yeah i've never seen a library  like this before oh wow yeah so this library has 350 000 volumes of portuguese  literature which is the most outside of portugal   and apparently there's loads of rare coffees  single copies of portuguese books so you can   see these ones here i'm not sure what the dates  are but yeah you can see that they're super old yeah carol at first i couldn't  imagine why a library would be a   tourist attraction yeah no we can't understand  why yeah now we can see why beautiful so some even more interesting  buildings to show you   so this isn't really a tourist attraction  but that is the building of petrobras which   is the national oil company in brazil looks super  unusual so those parts that go inside are like a   garden i've actually worked inside there for like  three months not for petrobras for another company   and then on this side you have the cathedral  of rio probably one of the most unusual looking   that i've ever seen yeah it's very different but  i've never been inside people say it's nice to go   inside but yeah it's just very different yeah  i mean both of these things look like they're   from star wars or something this pressure rice  building and that one over there is from the   1960s they were trying to do like a modern style  but yeah i've never seen a church like that before   so this part here is also different from when  i used to live here cars used to pass it this   is part of avenida rio branco one of the busy  streets but now they've made this like walking   area cycling area as you can see these guys  there so yeah it looks way better like this   a lot nicer to walk around so this right here  is probably the most impressive looking building   out of all the ones that we've seen in the center  and i think a lot of people consider it to be the   the most beautiful so that was built in 1905 i  think and how do you say the name in portuguese ?  like an opera house yeah and as you can see here  in this area uh the buildings look a bit like uh   like french style and that's because the  mayor at the time who was called pereira   pasos he wanted to make rio look like paris  it was the bella park and he wanted to make   it look like an european city so that's why it  looks like it yeah from what i read this was   actually designed pretty much copying the opera house in paris so that's why it looks like that   and i think this main road avenida rio  branco was full of buildings that looked french   a lot of them have been destroyed now for the big  modern buildings some are still there as you can   see and some are like museums or others are just  like government places but yeah some are still up   but others were just destroyed by the modern  buildings yeah so all around this square these   really impressive european looking buildings that  one there like carol said we don't even know what   they are but they they're probably like government  buildings this one here as well look at that   it's kind of funny because like  we said we used to work here   not really this area of the the center we were  way on the other side so i've never really seen   that much of this stuff i've passed it by  bus and stuff but never really paid attention so   coming here as a real tourist now  you pay attention to a lot more the   the details the different buildings and yeah  i just didn't realize there were so many   portuguese style buildings or european style  buildings. there are way more than i thought so normally there would be like shows  in the opera house there but because of covid   there's nothing going on at the moment  there's a few places around here that are   closed because of cover just like many cities that  we go to and now we're gonna head all the way to   the other side of avenida and we don't want  to walk there could probably take like 30-40   minutes so we're going to get on that tram which  i've never been on i think it's called virelite   yeah vlt vlt have you been on it yeah oh yeah  okay yeah i haven't so it'll be interesting so we just have to buy a ticket first from this  little ticket booth how much is it? oh that's for the card. so this tram wasn't  really worth it if you're only gonna get   on it once because you have to buy the card and  the card was four reais yes four reais and   the tickets to go to wherever you wanna go is 3.80  hey but the machine is not working properly so  

i had four reais extra to recharge it and then  it just took my money. yeah it ate the money but didn't give us any credit then the lady told me  to call the call center to make a complaint which   is just yeah we're not we're not gonna do that  yeah useless and yeah that's it yeah so we came   to this other station here that worked and now we  got the cards so yeah a lot of wasted money but   it's coming we should have just got an uber it's empty so this area here is going to be our last stop  of the day it's called porto maravilha and it's   another place that was created just for the  olympics so this is actually one of the coolest   spots now in the center of rio because you  have this museum here museu do amanha, museum   of tomorrow so before the olympics i remember i  came to this spot and it was pretty much like a   dump. it was an abandoned area there was  some big highway bridge crossing here   and there was just nothing here to see so yeah  they did an awesome job because now it's a   very popular tourist attraction so even on a  working day look still quite a lot of people here unusual design isn't it yeah it looks like  an alien thing or something, alien spaceship yeah there's nothing else  like that in rio i don't think yeah look how cool this place looks  the mothership, the alien spaceship and around you got some better views of nitiroi  over there popular fishing spot there's local   fishermen all over here and that's the huge  bridge ponchido nittaroi there's actually   another island right there i think that might  be like a military thing as well not sure so we got some food from some of the food stalls   over there in front of the  museum i got this called tapioca and yeah i think it just says like onions  tomato has oregano as well so kind of smells   like a pizza doesn't it yeah i wish i could eat  it but i i bought some pipoca which is popcorn   so mine was eight reais and how much was  the popcorn? five reais for the popcorn and five reais for the coke.okay pretty good  prices so there's this area right next to the  

museum that's called the olympic boulevard another  area once again that was made during the olympics   and we've come here to check out the street  art because we came here a few years ago   and there was some street art i think the main  mural is down there i think there are some new   pieces there i don't remember this one here all  along the buildings i think all these buildings   are abandoned don't know why every single one so  this is the main famous mural here by an artist   a street artist called Kobra brazilian one and  yeah it was done just before the olympics here in   brazil and at the time it was the biggest in the  world i mean it goes all the way down there i'm   gonna show you it all and yeah it has different  uh people from indigenous tribes around the world   so each person represents i think a different  continent you can see there is an asian there   african i think they have a aborigine from the australia area at the bottom yeah if you keep walking   very long yeah and kyle was just saying it's  not as vibrant now right because i guess though   the weather yeah the years are fasting and the  weather the rain and everything so maybe they will   bank it again i don't know yeah it's kind of faded  this was like super bright when we came last time   so this is another spot that  we used to do happy hours   and it is a friday and works just finished so it's  happy hour time right now pretty much check it out   super lively i think we drank  here together as well right yeah yeah it looks really cool so we're gonna be heading back to carroll's now  it's almost 5 30 and that's when it gets dark in   in this time in the winter and we got here at  11 so yeah we've been walking around for a long   time loads of stuff to do we haven't even covered  everything there's loads of other museums that you   can go in cultural centers just different parts to  go to so i think you could spend like two or three   days to explore all the stuff that the center has  to offer and we're just waiting for the uber so   yeah carol just ordered an uber they have  uber in rio i think a lot of places in brazil   have uber the main cds yes yeah how much  is that? 24 reaisfor a 30 minute drive   and it's a rush hour so that's why it's more  expensive okay not expensive yeah compared to   other countries anyway so hopefully  you enjoyed this video as usual   a lot more videos coming from around  here from rio so stay tuned for those   subscribe like see more videos like this  follow us on instagram for more recent updates and we'll see in the next one

2021-10-17 11:02

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