Devils tower in Wyoming | Cool place

Devils tower in Wyoming | Cool place

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dear folks I'm still in South Dakota Northwestern  part close the border of with Wyoming and I'm   heading to Wyoming I'm heading to Devil's Tower  Devil's Tower is a one famous Hill Mountain they   say it's um ancient giant tree we will see  so I'm heading there uh when I get there I   will change my head I will put the Cowboy head  because the Wyoming think call the people call   it uh cowboy state so let's check those cowboys  I am delighted with the United States of America   although I have visited this continent before I  always considered it less attractive than other   continents I was completely wrong North America is  wild special and simply beautiful after Nebraska   and South Dakota I headed to Wyoming hoping  to see Devil's Tower of course without aliens the Landscapes are simply  breathtaking I would love   to spend some time here driving cattle  on Horseback and living the life of a cowboy I am in Wyoming so what what I'm  going to do I'm going to change the head   Cowboy States needs the Cowboy [Music] head  let's go we need to see the devil Tower [Music] it's right there behind me  see him just a little bit   a pig shows up I'm going to take the  big camera to take a footage [Music] [Music] I'm not a photographer but I like to take a photo  sometimes although life friends encouraged me to   send my photos to some important places to compete  I was never interested in it what would I get out   of it I do it for myself and that's my pleasure  sometimes I use them for my videos and that's it houet this is a good view to the Devil's Tower uh  for me it's interesting to see something like this   only one piece in this environment and everything  else is normally Hills with the with the pine   trees and that's it nothing special but this guy  this mountain this Hill Tower goes from nothing   up to Sky and he has pretty cool formation looks  really strange for me you know there is a there is   a theory that that those those towers are actually  um ancient giant trees with time became Stone I'm   not sure it's always what you want to believe and  what you accept like a reality I don't know I'm   not the person that that believes or not believes  I just listen the theories and that that was that   is one of the theory that is a uh trunk of the  ancient giant trees you never know but this guy   here the Devil's Tower is famous because of  the movie Steven Spielberg movie I think that   was the first one about extraterrestrials  about aliens that he made uh third count   something like this uh I I'm not sure was the  name in English it's Encounter of the third   time third third I don't know something like that  uh very good movie and it was filmed over there Devil's Tower is one of my childhood  dreams somehow it always attracted   me because of its mysticism and unusualness when I   saw it my heart skipped a beat it's  nice to make your dreams come true you know I just decided not to go   uh inside because I don't think so that I'm going  to see something that I can't see from here so for   me it's more interesting that little town it's Cow  Cow Town over there it's 10 mies from here so I'm   going back to take a footage of that to Devil's  Tower is Dev devil Tower nothing more to say [Music] this was a very strange decision when  I saw the line of cars waiting to get   in to approach the tower I immediately  changed my mind it seemed completely   unnecessary to approach it any closer  because I was already very close to it [Music] maybe I'm weird guy but for me this is  more important to see little American   Town what it looks like I'm going to show it to you I just hope so is not human bones I'm  in wet let's check it out this is the main   street of the town I would say that this is  a quiet Town far from any big city you can   feel the peace for some It Is A Wasteland  but for me this town has everything you   need for a decent life it probably doesn't  have anything that young fools are looking   for partying drugs and alcohol but it has  beautiful nature Cowboy life and freedom small wooden houses decorated  with deer ampers wide streets   were reminiscent of former Cowboy  towns I enjoyed exploring this city w in feel I saw a board that said the number of  inhabitants in this town the number   is incredible 309 309 lucky Souls I would say e that's it that's about that you know the the the  the town is so little that you can walk from one   side to the other in 5 7 Minutes 11 in total and  it's very sympathic very nice actually they have   everything they have Clinic they have police they  have uh fire brigade they have stores and souvenir   shops and everything so I think it's pretty much  boring for some to live here but for the people   who search for the for the for the peace this  is perfect actually I'm one of them I like those   kind of places they have River beautiful clean  River clean water I I think they have pretty   much everything I left the town now I'm heading  to the Yellowstone National Park I'm leaving this I'm leaving it behind us and  let's go see what the H brings before before we leave uh Devil's Tower I'm  going to give you the small Legend how the   God create the Devil's Tower Tower um the  Indians who lived here before the white man   came seuk Stripes they believe the Seven Girls  was attacked by bear grizzly bear and they they they tries to survive like hitting themsel between  the between the Rocks they start praying a God   that protects them God answered the prayer and  start lifting those rocks like uh the rocks are   growing and the rocks are grow so fast and so high  then eventually the girls Reach the the heaven the   the sky and the trans form trans trans transform  them uh into the constellation know as bles so for   the se s Stripes uh they call it mote or Grizzly  Bear Lodge so that's a nice Legend Worth to know   right right now I'm heading to to National Park  Yellowstone it was my priority here in Wyoming so   we will see before that I  can stop somewhere [Music] [Music] h for normal Wyoming a normal Road  through Wyoming you can see antelopes I drove across the flat Wyoming to  see the mountains on the horizon it brought   a smile to my face and I was really looking  looking forward to the change up until now   the landscape had been mostly flat so the  mountains looked like the Himalayas to me amazing space open space everywhere we are heading to the to the Yellowstone  we are going up hill to the mountains I'm in Buffalo feeling the tank now I know why whyoming considered the Cow  Country because all the way you can see the   wrenches horses cows horses cows all the  time so it's really means that is a cowboy

2025-01-23 20:29

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