Day 8 Staying At Every Disney Hotel! The SMALLEST Resort Port Orleans French Quarter FULL TOUR

Day 8 Staying At Every Disney Hotel! The SMALLEST Resort Port Orleans French Quarter FULL TOUR

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hello everybody I'm Chris you're watching  Provost Park Pass and today is day number   eight of staying at all the Disney World resorts  in a row day number eight and I am at the Disney's   port Orleans French Quarter this Resort is the  smallest Disney World Resort there is but even   though it's small it packs A Punch full of flavor  because there's a treat here that people come   around from miles miles just to get this treat  it's only offered here at the French Quarter   Resort let's go check it out here's the exterior  we're about to go into the lobby see this is   beautiful little architecture and we go right that  way it's going to take us right in the lobby let's   do it every inch of this place is just covered in  jazz music wherever you go you seem to Hear jazz   it's fun it's great it's Lively and this is the  main lobby area you walk in look at the brick work   down the ground they have a little statue right  here little Fountain all these different remnants   here of Marty Groth this is heavily Marty gr  themed over there we'll get into all those float   works and all that what's over there but first we  need to go into registration and find our room oh   look at that little awning here's registration  we're going to walk right in and first I want   you to look at the floor look at this look at this  flooring and then right over there you have the   look at the wall it's all done here to be themed  after Marty gr look at the ceiling the chandeliers yeah this is nice it is a little bit smaller of  a Lobby because it is a smaller Resort and like   down here they have this nice little couch you can  sit at and relax and against the walls there when   you check in they got some great paintings there  bright colored paintings from marig gr they also   have a nice little carpeted area purple color of  marig gr and kids can sit right there while you   check in right off of the registration  right behind me is Jackson Square that   is their like Market let's go check it we got  to look at the merchandise that they have just   specifically for the French Quarter let's go check  it out okay we're going in you going see lots of   greens purples here because it's all Migra look  across the top you can see it's a Migra influence   look at the carpet this is great all right now  we are coming into this is the Migra por orans   uh right here French Quarter here we go the Port  Orleans French Quarter they got a little Shaker   here and then they have a jazz club we'll go to  it later on tonight it's called scat cats live   Jazz the Jazz CL Club they also have this look  right here P Orleans Resort French Quarter and   then you have to look at the back scat cats live  jazz beign then right over here and then look at   this little baby blue Disney's Port Orleans  Resort French Quarter I think it's called   the Flur de Lee right there in the center it's  very French and then you going walk right over   here and you can see it says beignet all day  beignet is what they they have a beignet bar   here and everybody comes here for the beignet  that's the that's miles around for that beignet   all day have these beignet ears and they're like  they smell and like you can like they literally   they smell good I can smell them from here going  to turn it around so you can see the front of it   you see it says beignet all day and of course you  got the green frog not Kermit it's Prince naven   is what's hopping and I look here it's kind  of in green Port Orleans French Quarter and   they also have these little dresses for little  ones Port Orleans French Quarter Tiana is here   with their cookbooks this is awesome and  here are their pins Port Orleans the French Quarter they also have this Shaker here I  kind of like this one this has got a little   blue the last I showed it was just all white  writing but here's blue with bans and French   Quarter they also have cold beverages  and little grab and go items in there   got some uh adult beverages and then just some  water and Gatorades chips and salsa that's at   all the resorts have milk there like little  bit of bottles of milk got some wine right   over there I got peanut butter and jam and  everything you need bread and little boxes of cereal of course beignet mix and down here it's  coffee and chory and then behind the counter of   course they have the a little bit harder alcohol  all right we're back here into registration   I'm going to turn right here I see it says rest  rooms and arcade there's an arcade South Quarter games you see it's a little bit smaller it's  a smaller Resort it's a way smaller arcade but   they do have pinball machines and what they  oh it's the first pinball I mean it's the   first arcade they don't have Tron I mean Star  Wars they got Tron thank goodness TR but this   one right here is Guardians of the Galaxy no Star  Wars actually looks like this has got some credits   nobody's playing it I might as well give it a  try Uh something's wrong with Tron darn it oh I   didn't realize it actually extends back I didn't  know that there are more things to do I thought   that was just a little teeny tiny arcade but there  is more yeah there some ski ball what we got here   little basket shoot and a bunch of racing games  lots of racing games here all right all right all   right I'm okay with this I thought it was a teeny  tiny one but it's still pretty small compared to   the rest of them but this is there you go and it  looks like they have two chairs there for adults   those massage chairs let's exit out of the arcade  here oh it's a pull not a push let's exit out of   the arcade and let me go show you the um where  you get your food there's no like restaurant   like the boat right or like requires reservations  here this a small Resort they Resort they do have   of course um this beignet place which I'm going  to show you just a moment but I also want to show   you this is called the float works it's just like  a food court here we are at the float works just   go right on in there and you kind of see the the  food court it's off to the right right here look   at the theming right there you see the looks  like margard beads from the ceiling and then   right there is your food court and I noticed  this when I walked through earlier they got a   king and queen up there of cards you got Prince  navine and Tiana our food they've got the beef   and fried shrimp burger of course everything  else we pretty much have seen at the other Resorts same here these ones here  we've seen all the other Resorts   as well and then we got pizzas here  as well and they have some sandwiches   they have a Marian Curry chickp salad  andali sandwich a turkey Pento wrap   beautiful bottles there all right so now I'm going  to exit out and we're going to go right here to   the this is the most important part here right  here this is called scats cats club and Cafe this   is where you come to get your like cappuccinos  and Lattes or whatever but this is where they   have the special Le pignet this is it this is  what everybody wants to they have different   types of dipping sauces you get salted caramel  strawberry or bory chocolate ganache and you can   add them so you get a Mickey shaped beignet sunde  oh my gosh if you wanted to go crazy you get that   baton Rose was that I beet two beignet Jazz up  with your choice of Bailey's ice cream liquor   KOA liquor or RumChata liquor oh my gosh this  is it let's do it oh my gosh I ordered it it   comes you get order of three or six so I did the  three and when you order it it comes with you get   your choice of one you get either the strawberry  salted caramel which they recommend is that's the   best one or this is kind of like a dark chocolate  like a chocolate chory they said um like a ganache   but I want to try all three of them but you get  one complimentary if you want to buy more it costs   uh 99 cents to get another one here we go to be  honest I don't even know how to eat them I got a   knife and fork over here but I think you just have  to pick him up but man I know this is going to get   everywhere we have dust going everywhere  let just first try it without any dipping sauces they're hot really hot amazing okay if you had the beign at Disneyland  the ones at Disneyland are a little bit softer   these ones just have a little bit of a  crust around outside of it it's really   good just they're not quite as soft as ones  SE and not doesn't affect the flavor at all let's try the first sauce it's  going to be a strawberry strawberry [Music] sauce M good it's like a stet sweet strawberry  jam now let's try this salted caramel this is   the one that was recommended to me  they said this the best one [Music] mhm oh yeah mhm if I had you to choose between  that and strawberry soft caramel that is so good next is the [Music] chocolate it's a dark chocolate it's not  sweet it's a you know dark chocolate it's   kind of with a sour bitter taste that's  what this one has like that sour bittery [Music] taste I hate them all all three gone  gone if you watched yesterday's video you know   I didn't eat breakfast so that I could come  here to eat specifically SP and I ate them   all yep destroyed it o oo that was so good  um I'm going to say this the salted caramel   sauce was number one then strawberry and then  the dark chocolate which is interesting cuz   dark chocolate I normally love it but it  wasn't as good as the other ones I don't   know why but I want to show you something  I just found right here I love it look they   have a little they have a set of checkers and  somebody's made a little Hidden Mickey out the checkers also something really interesting there  they don't have ice coffee so um that guy was like   make sure you tell people they don't he like  we're one of the few Resorts that don't you go   in there you can order a latte but there's no ice  coffee they don't have it and I'm like can't you   just put IES ice cubes in it and like that he's  like no he's like this is one of the few Resorts   we just don't do ice coffee strange as that may  be just so you know all right now let's go check   out this Resort because it is really really fun  to look at here we are just we just left the   lobby and you see it go right outside you got the  benches I mean the little tables there there you   got the the little railings up there this is this  really fun area to look at you got look at these trees okay now I'm going to turn to the right  and we're going to kind of come around we'll   end up at the pool later on this Resort only has  the one swing pool like the other Resorts every   other Resort we've had had multiple swing pools  this doesn't this only has the one swimming pool   has one little playground I'll show you a map  so you guys kind of get an idea this is right   where we just walked through right there the  palm trees and there's the pool right up there   I'm going to kind of walk down these little  areas here and I'll walk back and go through   these little areas right there just so you guys  can see this really cool architecture I love it   they are thre story buildings they are three-story  buildings it's kind of like you know the allstar   Resorts they're all three stories um they all  have elevators everyone has elevators there's   the arcade the outdoor entrance to the arcade I  thought was a little tiny they all have elevators   need to worry about that and they have these mock  streets as you walk through these buildings they   make it look like you're walking in downtown New  Orleans in the French Quarter because they have   these little streets here let me show you so you  turn right here and you look and there's a little   street now they do have like the little golf carts  and things like that that go on it little service   vehicles but not they don't have like um there's  nothing like real cars going down these streets so   you can walk down these streets and feel perfectly  safe yeah and you can see the bright colors on the   doors right there we're walking along here I also  think this is another cool little fun detail right   they've named the streets they street names and so  when you look at the street names they're on the   signs like this is called Jazz Alley and then if  you look on the sidewalk it's going to be on the   sidewalks I'll show you that so we're going to  turn right here there's a little Park we'll go   there in a second look how beautiful this is this  street is named Jazz Alley and you look down here   on the sidewalk what do you see Jazz Alley going  to go right right down here I'm going to turn into   this park so you can see this little park right  here in the buildings you can walk from one end   of this resort to the other end of the resort  in probably about five minutes very very it's   it's not very big at all look at that Fountain  so there are two areas to this Resort they have   what's called North quarter and South quarter and  the buildings are they have numers on them so you   see like this is building number two I'm actually  staying in building number one so you have like   the number one right over there the north corner  and the South Corner I've already walked it I   don't really see much of a difference as far as  theming it's just how they kind of let you know   you're North quarter you're in South quarter but  look at it it's fun like the building it looks   like it changes it's like Al it's pink and it's  blue a little brown I mean fun theming okay that   was literally the South Quarter and now we're  going to walk and turn and go back to the north   quarter this Resort is just very quaint oh I love  that the light blue railings there I love that I   love it I love it now I'm going to walk into the  north quarter here we are guys this is kind of   back at the entrance to the lobby and then we're  going to go down here there are seven buildings   that they have here for rooms a little checker  board over there and have a little chest board   right over here okay we're going to continue on  down this way this is kind of goes down by the   pool area we'll go there in a moment and they're  just going to kind of keep going looking this way   yep there are seven buildings so for the rooms  to be for you to stay at different rooms they   do have staircases that you can walk in  the outside or take elevators so either   one's fine and right here we see this is called  Cakewalk it's another little Street just kind   of goes around these little buildings but in the  center they have like a little park and a little Fountain little Fountain right right there all right we're going to continue on this  road here call is that rudaba I guess rudaba   and we're walk down here to the and if you look  closely you can see and this I love that they have those lots of trees lots of trees it  is very quaint when I checked in the   lady was was so nice and she's like she  she welcome to French Quarter she's like   it's just like being Marty gr except  it's quiet thought that was awesome   and again they have these this little  kind like Gardens tucked in between the buildings let's let's turn right here  so you can see this just a little garden it's very cute I to turn right here there we go and this is building number seven right over  here that's the farthest building away and that's   the whole Resort I can't tell you that this didn't  come in a better time for me um those last several   resorts like the Caribbean Beach the uh PTO the  Riverside I was walking around because I'm trying   to show you everything top to bottom like almost  all those Resorts I me everything I've stayed at   they been pretty spread out and I'm walking all  over so this is nice I needed a little bit of a   break so it's nice that this Resorts is a little  bit smaller so when I'm walking through here it's   not taking doesn't take several hours just takes  5 minutes I love the railings there the blue the   deep blue that's building number six again that  was building number seven right over there and   now we are headed back let's go back to the room  I'll show you the room so you guys can see what   the rooms are like here and before we do that I  just want to give a huge thank you to our patreons   uh guys I hope you guys hear loud and clear so  thankful for you guys because without you guys we   wouldn't have been able to do this amazing journey  and if you want to become a patreon there's a link   down below you can click that link down below and  you'll get your name on the end card and be part   of our patreon community which I would absolutely  love so I just want to say thank you to our   patreons now let's go check on our room this is  the door to my room let's open it up and check it out okay let's check out our room um you kind  of see it's the same thing this is a two queen   bedroom somebody asked they asked me like  are those Queens are they doubles those are   queensized beds so you see queensized beds look  back I love that the headboard there's no picture   like they do at uh Riverside but they have this  nice lamps above and then looking over here I   actually am on the ground floor and I have I love  this when they I love that they have these little   tables that makes it so nice like to to have  like a little food or relax there and then I   was calling this credenza some like I don't think  it's a credenza I think it's a Chester chores and   so this is probably just a Chester drawes I guess  um so let's take a look at this here this here is you're o that's a full fridge good fridge good  good good good there's a little thing here on   the wall like it says invitation to the pork ball  1887 music and drama wow and then over here they   got a giant this is very pretty there go there's  French Quarter over here you can see look at this   I didn't I never noticed before nicer hooks guys  we're getting way nicer hooks now uh bigger shelf   to put things on there's a Hidden Mickey right  there I love it and there's a nice little bench   there to sit on which is great now let's take a  look at the bathroom you're going to notice since   we're at a moderate what do you see two sinks  two sinks look at this nice I like those little   handles the uh what was it the Riverside had kind  of like the Pearl this is just the stainless steel   I guess or is that Chrome I'm not exactly sure  over here the back this is the there's your safe   and your ironing board whatnot then we'll turn  this way you'll notice the mirror is very well   lit uh in front and behind so that's great and  then right over here is the bathroom you got a   bended bar I love it when they bended bar look  at that shower head it's good shower head okay   turn it on it is a bathtub you have to step into  it there's also a little step right there which   is nice and then there's that if you ever  use that I think this is very interesting woo now you don't know I'm here you don't know you  don't know you don't know if I'm back here or not   you don't you don't know but I am I'm outside guys  it's little it's getting close to the evening the   light rain is kind of coming down so I thought  you know what if the light rain's going and   nobody's in the swimming pool I can show you the  swimming pool right now let's check it out so I   want to show you they also have this nice little  playground area right here this playground area   is open for ages 5 to 12 is marra themed it's got  some slides it's very open like you see it's just   it's just open nice little benches for parents to  sit on got a little soft little play and there's   a little play area for kids to play all right  guys we're going to open up I don't see a lot   of people here at the pool so let's take a look  here oh I got to come around wrong door they have   a little Migra themed play area that feels with  water and tips out over everything you see it's   got some little slides here this is perfect for  little kids to play I think they play in this   area you're 48 in or smaller uh so it's for little  ones but it's it's a good little area and earlier   today when I was here it was jam-pack but now  because it's raining you know nobody's out here   but this is fine okay see nice little water slide  for kids it's a very good introductory water slide   for children water is like spraying down yeah  this is a really good little play area for kids yeah you can't complain it's perfect  little and there's water down there   so they can Splash they got plenty  of seats you notice that these seats   here they're a little thicker so that for  padding so you sit down they're they're   nice to sit down I love that let's  wait for this to Splash oh there it goes whoa right in the line of fire there's  a few people in the pool but not a lot so I'm   going to I'm going to film around them so if it's  a little it's a little weird editing now you know   why oh this pool is cool you got a nice little  Arch that let you walk up and over I'll walk   over that Arch this is the little 3-ft area  you got stairs that go down here and the pool   kind of wraps around and so let's go up here  and take a look see you got some stairs here   this allows you to walk over to the other side  of that pool so let's walk up the stairs to go   to the other side of the pool the pool wraps  around it comes down here see I love it they   have this little clam and our oyster shell and  it's like shooting water over you got the band   playing down there and then the pool continues  on that way there's also a little water slate   here you walk up these stairs it comes here  is like a little dragon or Zeus not Zeus is   that Triton he's riding like a sea serpent and  the tongue comes down and it's a little water   slide you can follow this around again I love  these little chairs they are a little thicker   padded which is nice you see the little the  tongue coming down where people get out and   then of course they also have towels and towel  return plenty of seating and for shade because   it's raining nobody's here right now but plenty  seating and got those nice little umbrellas right   there and here you can actually walk under here  where the Lifeguard is you can see these little animals that's pretty sweet complimentary  life fests and there that's The Pool Guys   the themi is that sea serpent that  Triton King Triton on goes like   this it goes down then comes back over  and then you see it goes up over there it's a great pool they have a little  chair there if you need assistance   getting in and out of the pool it's  not a problem and then right down here   you notice the entrance there the curves  that's where you have the stairs to get in and then you will notice the entrance to  the pool that is the tail of the sea serpent   let see the pool rating I'm going to give this  pool three pools out of five three out of five   it's a great pool there is a little water slide  it's not a big thrilling water slide it's kind   of like almost like a little beginner water slide  for for children there's only the one pool here   at the French quarter but you can use the pools at  the Riverside if you want to walk on the Riverside   they do allow you to walk over and use the  Riverside Pools if you want to but this pool here   I'm going to give three pools out of five the rain  is really starting to come down like really really   really starting to come down so I'm going to head  back to my room just for a second um but the thing   I've been told about Florida rain is it doesn't  last long it might be fierce it might be powerful   but it doesn't last long but this is starting to  rain pretty hard it's raining so I just back in   my room I'm going to wait a few moments Hopefully  the rain sides a little bit and then we got to go   get some dinner guys let's go get some dinner it  stopped raining safe to go outside I literally   just came outside and look my glasses [ __ ] up so  I'm going to walk down and get some dinner let's   tell you a little bit about this amazing Resort it  was built in 1991 like I said it is one of these   smallest Resorts it is these smallest Resort here  at the Walt Disney World they went through a huge   refurbishment in 2018 but starting in May 2024  this month right now may 2024 to November 2024   they're going to be updating a bunch of different  rooms and I think what they're going to be doing   is making those little five person Sleepers for  like little kids uh they haven't really said what   they're going be doing but there some of these  rooms are going to be updated uh starting this   month until the end of November 2024 pretty cool  almost surreal doesn't even look like this could   be real a perfect to come relax at the end of a  long day it's wonderful let's go get some food   let's do it I like how right in the center they  have like this little cooler for cold drinks as   you're trying to decide what you want to order  got to talk about this cuz a lot of people are   telling me about this this is a mug you could buy  almost any of the resorts it's refillable it's 234   too that includes your tax and what you do is it  allows you to refill all the soda pop that you   want while you're on your vacation uh at the  resort and if you happen to go into different   Resorts like resort to resort resort it doesn't  matter they let you take this with you you can   fill up soda pop or coffee and tea soda is  24 hours a day the coffee and tea turns off   at 11:00 the hot B beverages turns off at 11:00  at night but that way if you're going to be here   for a long time you can get this you can fill it  up you can only refill them at the resort so you   can't take them to the park and refill them oh big  call all right I got the uh bacon cheeseburger and   I also did get this um we'll talk about this  in just a moment it was a good hamburger now   let me go show you what you can do with this  cup with this mug you have the freestyle Coke   machine you can refill there you got some like  Vitamin Water there which is really important   they also have like sweet tea and uh normal tea  and then hot cocoa and coffee all right it is   still raining pretty hard now these things about  this I need is I'm G to be honest with you they   don't they look much bigger than they are I'm  thinking maybe 8 oz all right so I came back to   the room the reason I came back to the room is I  wanted to go to the Jazz Club but you can't take   outside beverages in so I can't take this little  mug in so I brought this back but I want to show   you it's not that it looks bigger than it is I  think it might hold 12 oz um but we got to diss   solve this so let's figure this out there's our  nightly water bottle and it's that holds 20 oz and keep in mind that normally you put a bunch  of ice in there so yeah you see there's still   quite a bit that's that's more than 4 oz yeah  that's maybe 8 oz so maybe it holds 12 O but   then when you put ice in it it you you're you're  really you're not getting a lot so just be aware   you're going refilling it a lot but that's not a  bad deal if you're going to be here doing it a lot   then not too bad since the first video people are  like oh you've got to get that you got to get that   thing and refill it it's so smart because you're  going to be there so long and I was like oh I'm   not gonna do it because I didn't realize I thought  it was just soda pop and I was like I don't really   drink a lot of soda every once while maybe have  I have bad headache I'll drink a Coke but not   really often but then I went to show you guys this  thing and I looked and they have Vitamin Water I'm like yes and so now I'll be filling it up using  here the the rest of this whole little massive   undertaking going to all the hotels and you can't  take it from hotel to hotel resort to Resort not   a problem let's go to the jazz club I'm here in  the um like the little runda area that's for the   registration right there behind me I want to  go look at this jazz club let's go check it out now you can't bring any outside drinks here  but I just wanted to show what we can all right   here I am at scat cat's Club it's beautiful  Lounge they don't happen to have any live   music tonight but it's I think it's uh Friday  through I'm not exactly sure I have to look   at the dates they do have live music but they  have over here and they have it looks like a   little bit dancing area and this is the scat  cats Club you also have a little piano play   over here a nice little area to sit down and get  some drinks and they also have this so there's   a stage right there they have it so they can  open these doors the music come outside they   have a little outside patio with some chairs and  tables but since it's raining the doors are all closed that's really cool though nice little Lounge this is the bar area and if you look  right down here this is like a little appetizer   menu they've got like some like little nachos some  pimento cheese fritters and some gumbo poutin that   sounds really good these aren't like large things  it's just kind of little snackables that you sit   down here and at the tables and enjoy some live  music and then they'll make you a drink Friday   Saturday Sunday is when the live music's here and  they said that it's a little bit different VI like   yeab Bob over at the Riverside that's like it's  a crowd up and dancing whatever this is like that   just that pure music people are enjoying it you  got a nice little ctail maybe and a nice little   uh some food there and just enjoying that Vibe  look at this so cool I love it I just wanted to   show the lobby again this a little area for kids  this so pretty you look up here it's gorgeous got   the look at the floor you can just check in it's  this is like a fan favorite Resort when I say this   is aan favorite Resort I mean that it really is  a lot of people are very devout they love this   Resort kind of think it it's a little more low  key a little slower um it's not like just it's   not like this isn't where you're going to be going  for like the crazy like ah this is where you going   to come to have a good time to relax and a lot  of people love this Resort and I I I can see why   it's amazing it stopped raining it's beautiful  so I'm going to take you down here and show you   the main entrance into the pool cuz I kind of  went around that cuz I was raining is going   fast but this is the main entrance into pool and  the first thing you notice you're going to notice   these alligators these musician alligators out  here playing having a good time they're enjoying   it thring a little Marty parade you got a little  drum little banjo action I love this oh I need   to show you this also this right over here we do  not look at this this here is also a little hot   tub you come right in here to the hot tub so  I noticed there's some people in the hot tub   I almost barging on little romantic evening so I  don't want to do that but it's a nice little round   hot tub it's perfect it is separate from the pool  you see that there's like this fence right here   around it so you go in there nice little round  hot tub to go in there and just kind of relax   it is separate it's not in the pool area so that  way it's a little more quiet you don't have when   we have the kids in they playing the pool this  here it's a little more quiet Contin on down   here to the pool you'll notice got this alligator  plain symbols down here and you got of course this   one little saxophone action that is sweet then  come over here that is your main entrance into   the um pool starting right there I think that's  actually King Neptune I I kept said Triant but   I think that's actually King [Music] Neptune if  you turn to the left you can see right here it's   Marty grogs Marty grogs it's a little tiny bar  here poolside bar let me show you perfect little   area you have some seats out here you can order  some drinks get some drinks and then you have a   little uh your little bar out here they do have  some little pool bar bites just like a little you   grab a little pimento cheese wrap Cajun salad and  and you can actually take it out the pool but you   have to be six ft away from the water and they if  you get too close they will blow their whistle at   you and they got these little drinks out here  they have non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks   both of course they would it's a bar okay let's  go get ready for bed we got to do all the get   the water bottle ready let's get ready for bed  and then I'll do all the ratings of the room in   the morning uh yeah this is awesome I love this  place it's quieter it's quieter than the than   the Riverside that was just at it's very it's it's  elegant just look at that let's fill up the water bottle this lid has got to go on tight  I'm worry that the lid always come off   and spill in the fridge tight tight tight  tight tight come on get on there had a boy oh there it is good good  night water bottle see you in the morning good night guys we  see you in the morning oh TV all right let's do review the bed I'm starting  to think that maybe almost all the beds here are   pretty much the same we're going to see when we  get to the deluxe Resorts which we be doing here   here shortly soon but I'm going to give this  this is going to get a review of three and a   half beds three and a half Z's I slept great uh  I woke up and didn't feel too I didn't have any   bad experiences I didn't wake up sore or achy and  I felt refreshed and I also have some really good   news guys look what I found this morning it was  tucked in my shirt yeah I found my sock so all   right let's go check out breakfast you guys I'm  getting ready to go in I can see there's Pluto   and Goofy or inside here it's the lobby goofy  Pluto and Donald they're all right over there   we have a little character meet and greets it's  fantastic let's go look at breakfast now again   this one's a little bit different if you want to  go get coffee in the morning you go to scats cats   Club Cafe right there and then over here is just  your breakfast offerings right over here this is   where you come in and get get breakfast it's  pretty much the same of everything we've seen   guys of course I've got pastries which called to  me every morning they look so good and cereal we   do have a ham and cheese and vegetable breakfast  quesadilla and western omelet I'm going to skip   breakfast this morning last night I showed the  hot tub but I think there's nobody in it right   now I think if I can I'll get a better view of the  hot tub so I show you a better view of that hot tub the pool it's open from 10 until see there a  nice little hot tub right there got a nice they   call it the spa nice little Spa a little hot tub  right there awesome let's talk transportation to   get to the parks there are two different ways  modes of transportation they have this Resort   they have the boat the boat only takes you down to  Disney Springs or they also have buses which will   take you to theme parks there's only one bus stop  here let me show you how easy it is there's Pluto   it's just and it's nice cuz there's not a lot of  lines there just you Donald Duck that plut don't   goofy you just go in there just interact with  them really nice now let me go show you the bus   stop that you need to see here bus stop just you  could barely see him right there that's a Cas is   talking to he's like I'm so glad to see you out  here on this side of the coast he's like we were   planning a trip to going to Disneyland and he's  like we went out to Disneyland watch their videos   and I was like oh it's awesome I said that's  exactly what I'm doing right now I said there's   a lot of people in in the west coast who want to  come out here but they're nervous we don't know   CU there's all this Transportation I mean like  all these buses you don't understand how to do   it cuz at this end you just go to your hotel and  walk but that cast remember did say this he's like   man he's like Cars Land yeah Cars Land something  special they have two little bus stops here they   have bus station a and bus station B bus station a  is going take you to Animal Kingdom Epcot Blizzard   Beach Disney Springs we hear Disney Springs that's  downtown Disney for for the West coasters and then   bus station B that's going to take you to Magic  Kingdom and Hollywood Studios and right here we   have bus station a you can see on this bus here  it says Epcot the buses will always be telling   you where to go that one says you can see it's  kind of hard to see with this but it says Epcot   right there so it's always easy CH and then if  you always look at the front and the bus drivers   are super friendly they will help you if you ever  have a question just ask them and they'll tell you   oh we're going to here oh is that is that right  we're you guys are the best thank you so much my   pleasure yeah they're so friendly and this is bus  station B so we get on for uh Hollywood Studios   and for Magic Kingdom as you can see this bus  here is going to Hollywood Studios I had a lot   of comments of people are asking what if I'm in  Mobility Scooter how does mobility scooters work   mobility scooters are super easy they'll open the  door it's a kneeling bus there a ramp the ramp   will come down and you will have plenty of room to  put your Mobility Scooter the driver will assist   you with that here's the bus pulling right here  for Animal Kingdom they come by about every 15 minutes I've shown this in all previous videos  but you can go look at those monitors that's the   most accurate time you see those monitors you can  also go on your Disney app you go on your Disney   app we go on your hotel reservation click on hotel  reservation scroll down it says bus schedule click   on bus schedule and then I'll show you up to date  when the buses are coming to your particular hotel   which whatever one that you're staying at oh my  gosh there goes Pluto just founding out goodbye   Pluto handle it oh there's there's I love you  Donald there's Donald Donald might oh there   goes that's okay there goes Donald there's goofy  hi goofy now I'm going to show you where to go   to catch the boat to go down Disney Springs right  now the water is not quite high enough so they're   not running the boats but I'll show you where it  is cuz when you come here the water will probably   be high enough but before we do that I need to  do a couple shout outs so let's do some shout   outs then the boat then we'll go do the room  here's here's the order shout outs boat I have   to tell you a story that's kind of odd about this  place and then we're going to go do a room test   first shout out is from Amy May 2097 Amy May  2097 Amy says thank you so much for doing this   and can you please tell me what's the best for  getting around and quick breakfast choices well   they're all pretty quick for getting around um  I haven't done them all yet so we don't know all   the options but right now the best breakfast  options I I think are probably pop centry so   far they had a lot prepared ready to go and also  the Disney be Caribbean Beach they had that grab   and goart and they had a lot of hot stuff in  there just grab it and go so those would be my   recommendations thank you so much Amy May next  shout out is for Axel Cole Axel Cole 1090 he   said I've watched your channel for a couple years  now thanks for all the info you keep me connected   into Disney in between business ah Axel you're  so welcome I'm glad you enjoy your channel and   uh yeah we're all here we're just all big lovers  of Disney this next shout out is from Ready set   go jell Ready set go Jella uh maybe it's Ready  Set Go jel La I'm not exactly sure but this is   a message to Kylie Kylie mommy and daddy want you  to know that you are smart kind sweet you are are   you are your mom and dad's Sunshine Kylie your  mom and dad are very proud of you they love you   more than anything love Mom and Dad there you go  Kylie this last shout out is from Tink Disney and   all they said is it's going to be crazy here's  a little something to help out oh thank you so   much Tink Disney I appreciate it if you want to do  a shout out you can easy it's very easy to do on   the bottom of this video where it says comments  there's a thing says thanks you click on thanks   you can make a little donation that donation all  of it goes to help cover the cost of this Mammoth   undertaking and you put out your message as long  as your message is appropriate I will read it on   screen all right let me show you the uh the  boat area where you catch boats to go down to   Disney Spring right down here you can catch these  boats and they will take you to Disney Springs now right now because there's not enough water the  boats aren't the boats aren't currently running   but you guys can see wooo these are the boats  I have to tell a story just kind of be patient   with me I have stayed here in the French Quarter  one time before but I almost have zero memories   of it here's what happened I'll give you a little  backstory in 2019 um at the end of 2019 my wife   who's not generally a risk taker she ended up  coming up with this great idea she goes let's   do a world tour of Disney when it comes to our  YouTube channel she's the ones I got these great   ideas she's the one that came up with this idea  of staying here at every Hotel she is it's amazing   and it's awesome and she came with this idea  she goes let's go do this world tour and it'll   be it'll be amazing so we started planning that at  the end of 2019 we were leaving on January 25th of   2020 we all know what happened in 2020 right well  right before we left a couple weeks before we left   the very beginning of January our son got super  sick really sick so sick that he was hospitalized   he had a breathing he had breathing difficulty  this major asthma attack and he couldn't really   breathe and because of that um he was hospitalized  and we were getting ready to leave to go on this   world tour in about 2 weeks and so we were  panicking we like we can't we can't do this   we're not going to be able to go on this world  tour after and we told our doctor what we're doing   and the doctor we released miles they ran some  tests and the doctor's like nope he's fine to go   on the world tour they gave us some medicine the  Breather things for him they're he's going to be   perfectly fine we came down to Florida we left on  January 25th the reason I remember that cuz that   was the day that Disneyland Hong Kong closed they  closed because of you know the everything that's   happening in the world and but I was like oh  nothing's going to happen we flew down to Florida   we're supposed to be down here to Florida for  2 weeks the first 5 days we having a great time   and all of a sudden I got sick the sickest I've  ever been in my life hands down and um I was so   paranoid that I was going to get miles sick that I  was like I can't do this my friend Dave thumbnail   Dave um he was staying down here at the French  quarter and we were staying at the Contemporary   Resort I literally I came to Dave Dave I'm worried  about getting my sick he's said come to my room   so I came to Dave's room and I spent the night at  here at French Quarter I don't remember it at all   I was I was the sickest I've ever been I have zero  memories of it the next morning Amanda and miles   came to visit me and I was so I was so worried  that I was going to get miles sick that I I didn't   even let them I was like don't come in the room  don't come in the room so they opened up the door   and Dave and Miles went and sat on this balcony  outside and they were I could hear them talking   the room the door was open I could hear them  talking and they were talking about their favorite   colors they're talking about their favorite  cereals you know the conversation you have with   a three-year-old at that time well what happened  was um Amanda and uh miles I said go to the park   we're going go to the park I ended up getting a  massive fever they put me Dave helped me into a   bathtub I got in a bathtub in a cold bathtub to  try to break this fever and it was I was miserable   we get out of that fever I get out of that fever  the bathtub and I'm like I have to go see a doctor   they take me to I go to the doctor I get to the  doctor once I get there um he tested me and he   told me he's like you don't have covid you don't  have anything like that but you have this massive   illness and I was so worried about getting anybody  sick that I went and booked myself into this kind   of this a dumpy little hotel and I Stay motel like  I don't to be honest I don't remember where it was   and I stayed there for 5 days and just slept  for 5 days I'll link that video because it's   kind of a funny video now to watch about it  but I have a really sweet memory of laying in   bed here listening to Dave and Miles talk about  cereal and colors and I'm going to go find that room and that's it that's the room  that I was laying in and the door   was open when I heard them talking  and right here is where Amanda took   that photo of miles and Dave talking  about cereal right here and this is it   those actually from the door just like  that this is where they were talking about cereal so technically I have stayed here but  I don't remember it all right let's go back   to the our room and do our room tests if you're  interested in staying here though cuz this place   is amazing this is a fan favorite people who  stay here love it they repeat they come here   a lot this is the Port Orleans French Quarter  let me give you a little bit of statistics on   it the room price for here the room price  is between 295 a night and 380 295 and 380   a night that's average room those prices will  fluctuate depending on the time of year though   so 2.95 to 380 a night though if you book it  through getaway today you can get the lowest   price guarantee so all you have to do is click  the link down below and and let them know uh   click link down below that's going to get you  the provos park pass uh lowest price guarantee   and they give you their coner service for  free or you can call them at 1 855 getaway   1855 getaway and when they answer be sure  to tell them Provo Park pass sent you and   that way you'll get your the free coner service  down here in Florida and what is that there's   a whole bunch of these restaurants I mean uh  Resorts that have a really amazing restaurants   that require reservations there's also some uh  dining on the parks that require reservations   they will take care of your reservations for  you for free you don't have to like you like   making those phone calls and like trying to  get reservations like 60 days out they'll do   it for you which is sweet save yourself some time  that is awesome just for that alone is amazing   so okay let's go check out our room all right  let's pull out the water bottle here there it is oh yeah cold cold cold I can  tell it's cold right at the bat   that is very very cold in fact  I'm going to drink it right now [Music] it's a good shower uh I think the riv had a little  more pressure so I'm going to give this three   drips out of five three drips out of five and if  you notice remember that picture of when I was   like in the bathtub and I was like sick still have  the same shower curtains flush test here we go there's maybe a little more fles power here  than at Riverside and going give this three   fleshes out of five three fleshes out of five  I'm confident that anything that was put in   there would be flushed in one try I got a pack  then we're going to head to Coronado Springs   that'll be the last moderate Resort that we go  to and the price ranges on that one fluctuate   greatly I've never stayed there I don't know very  much about it but doing research I was like holy   cow the price fluctuations here are just pretty  high so let's go to corado Springs that'll be   our next stop I'll see you in tomorrow's video  at Coronado Springs I realized I hadn't done   like a recap of my feelings of French Quarter we  have to talk about this this place is absolutely   stunning it is beautiful it is gorgeous it is a  little bit quieter so it's a little more quiet um   there are some young families here but mostly it  seems like you have a lot of there's adults here   there's a lot of uh maybe teenagers it's not  quite as like rambunctious as other like pop   Sentry which is like yeah art animation this is  feels a little bit slower paced it's kind of relax   in and it's got a good vibe I mean it's got  a really good vibe to it I love it and so I   just be aware that this is a little bit quieter  one um so if that's what you're looking for then   this would probably be the top of your list can  you guys just see how amazingly beautiful it is   all right I'll see you tomorrow in the Coronado  uh Springs Resort I've never been there I know   nothing about it we'll Discover it together  French Quarter was amazing and beautiful uh uh   I love that place I really think it's awesome I  stayed there one time before but I don't remember   it because I had such a bad fever that I was kind  of delirious and then Dave had to take care of me   and then like say no I don't remember anything  about it except for miles and Dave talking about   cereal but the place is a beautiful Resort and  I would definitely stay there thank you patreon

2024-05-23 00:38

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