Day 5 Staying At Every Disney Hotel! Is This The Best Themed Resort Art Of Animation FULL TOUR

Day 5 Staying At Every Disney Hotel! Is This The Best Themed Resort Art Of Animation FULL TOUR

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hello everybody I'm Chris and you're watching  Provost park pass and today is day number five   of staying at every Hotel here at Walt  Disney World and today I'm at The Art   of Animation and I've been told that this  is the best theme Resort here the theming   here is amazing let's check it out that looks  so cool now you'll notice right over here you   have like three giant pictures cars Little  Mermaid fining Nemo and Lion King those are   the four themes that we're going to see a lot  of here the four themes that are represent   here at the Art of Animation look how cool that  is let's go into the lobby check in here we go oh of course everything's going to be done  through animation and drawing looks amazing I   love it oh look how cool the lobby is  the lobby is like so wide open and it   feels so bright and it's really really fresh  I look at how cool it is at Pop Sentry right   back there that's where they had like the kids  room to go in but here it's off the other side   they have like a little theater right there  where the families can the kids go out there   and watch the movies kind of be entertained  while the family's getting checked in you'll   also notice the art as you come in and as they  come in it's called the rough sketches and as   you go down the Walls it's going to become movie  ready sketches they thought of everything here I   thought this was fascinating cuz if you look  at this drawing here it's Frank in the movie   Cars and they have a giant bowl like what a bowl  would look like and then if you look underneath   it the blue lines you can see where they have  the Frank tractor they got the inspiration for that yeah this Lobby is great I love the change  of colors it is awesome such cool artwork you're   right in front of you have What's called the ink  and paint shop all right look at this chandelier   when you go in this is before you go in the  store but look at the chandelier you can see   artwork right it's drawn on a sheets of artwork  and if you look closely some of them have some of   them have a autographs on them and these are  autographs from various people uh you've got   you got animators you got voice actors you  have people who have been influential look   I saw one over here it's a John Lasser see  if I can find it again oh I think it's right there and I also noticed right over  here you you've got jod Benton she   did the voice aerial and she signed it right there Jody Benson that's crazy you just  noticed right there is Pat Carol the voice of Ursula behind me is the ink and paint shop  that's the that's like the market that you go   in and it's the way it was at Pop centry you  walk through the market and they'll take you   into the cafeteria here's the ink and pink  shop let's go in remember how I was telling   you as you start to kind of go up into levels of  the Disney Resort we start seeing um merchandise   just for those Resorts they have plenty of  merchandise here for The Art of Animation   right here it says my heart belongs to C this  is called The Dizzy ink and paint this is for   the Art of Animation you come around look at  there's Crush you come around this side over   here you going see it says Disney's Art of  Animation right there Resort and then right   there you got also Disney's Art animation it's  like a sunscreen shirt I really have to show   these ears this is important okay so these  are the Art of Animation ears you see these   art animation ears but guess what these do these  ears change color in the Sun so you look back here   there it says I change color not exposed to UV  and exposed to UV so it changes to like a pink   color when it's out in the sun these will change  these Arta animation ears that's really cool   also they have pins here Art of Animation pins  and they also even have these Art of Animation pin they look like paintbrushes they have  different colors you get the tips have different   col colors light blue purple green and they have  these mugs over here yeah how cool they even have   more like you know like these are art animation  shirts check this out art animation right down   there you see all this art animation down the  side a lot of Mer and then this of course this   giant towel right here and the bottom of it says  The Art of Animation right down there lot of merch   you'll start seeing that as we start getting  these other Resorts they also have their own   merchandise you'll notice the theming here in  the gift shop is like these jars of color these   paints of colors now if you go if you're ever  lucky enough to go to the Walt Disney Studios   in Burbank they have like this inking building  they have like these are how the old jars of   color used to be when they do animation they  have this wall with all this these jars of ink   it kind of looks like that but see like each  of the little kiosk and displays is a jar of   paint showing different colors the start to  notice that they have even more stuff here   for sale in the gift shop they got bread now  different types of things peanut butter and   jam for sale different types of cookies for  sale and they have way more supplies here as well this is the other side they have all kinds  of different merchandise over there as well not   a problem and you can buy like beverages they do  have adult beverages for sale as well all right so   this the gift shop goes right into the cafeteria  it's called Lance ape of flavors let's check   it out walk in here look at this this beautiful  landscape see it's a landscape of flavors you walk   right over here it's a little bit different than  the other Resorts that we've been to so they've   got their pastries and desserts and the stuff  over there they're kind of like a little market   stuff here you looks like a grill here little  cold um what is that like refrigerator items   there and I'll come here for dinner we'll take a  closer look at everything this is the cafeteria   we're walk at the cafeteria and you can see right  here it's very heavily themed okay you see like   look at the L the Lance up there look at this  one over here it's fish oh I get it this would   be uh The Little Mermaid she's looking up looking  up you know how she like looked up the top of the   sea and you can see this at the top of the water  this one over here yeah a little mermaid I guess   then we enter this part of the cafeteria this  is going to be cars themed you see got radiator   there you go yeah the sky okay love it I love  what they're doing here it's really yeah this   is radiator springs or was it like ornament Valley  and now it makes sense this is Lion King look at   the lantern up there is Lion King and then you  got the Savannah paintings and whatnot oh makes   complete sense now I figured this out right here  this is Finding Nemo the fish I thought it for a   Little Mermaid it's for Finding Nemo you see like  the little backboard there she Finding Nemo that's   Little Mermaid over there but this is definitely  Finding Nemo of course we have to go look here   into the uh arcade this one's called pixel play  Arcade let's walk in here all right pinball   machines what do we oh they have Tron Guardians  oh Avengers that is new I've not seen that yet Star Wars [Music] and and this time Star  Wars is 25 but Avengers is now 30 this one feels they're all  differently designed this one feels uh bigger okay look at all all the different racing  games lot of racing games perfect little area for   people to sit down and relax behind air hockey  ski ball and there's this looks like there's a   lot more chairs in this arcade I've seen in the  other arcades which I think parents will probably   really appreciate just stepped outside and right  behind me you see there's a bunch of cast members   they're doing tie-dye t-shirts you you purchase  a shirt and you can do a little bit of tie dye on   the t-shirts and it's like a little souvenir kids  can do it it's an extra charge you can absolutely   do that all right so here's what I'm going to do  I'm going to take you through each of the four   different areas here at this at this particular  hotel it is probably the best theme Hotel of all   the Disney hotels kids love it adults like it it  feels like you're almost just like thrust right   into the movie It's The Art of Animation now I  want to show you something inside before we do   this whole tour that they just have launched day  number one so I don't know if this will be here   when if you have a chance to come down here this  might not be a permanent thing that they're having   but I am going to show you uh something cool that  they just launched here at the art animation this   is really amazing right behind me okay so you  know how the other other Hotel tells are G to   they've had like you get a character artist this  is different this is a little bit different this   is they're going to draw you as a cartoon but then  you're you're going to see your process you'll be   animated and they'll send you an email of your  cartoon character that you were drawn as and uh   this is kind of a limited thing to trying it out  and and uh hopefully goes really well it become   a permanent fixure here at the hotel but you go  right there they'll do this drawing of you then   like a character shirt and then they'll animate  it so these are the different character designs   that you guys can get do different artists so they  do drawings you'll be able to get this animated   version of yourself and make it kind of fun they  show all these different things yeah cartoons of   you right here Art of Animation here's a map  showing The Art of Animation the farthest part   away here this is a Little Mermaid you got lanking  Finding Nemo and then cars these three buildings   we want to kind of focus on those buildings I'm  going to show them all to you but these three   buildings are these one of them are that are what  are different here at the value Resorts I'll show   you that in just a moment but let's head down  to The Little Mermaid The Art of Animation was   built in 2012 they did another renovation of it in  2020 so just about 8 years later did did another   complete renovation of it it is very family  friendly this is very family friendly now this   is a value Resort but I want you to think of all  the five value Resorts we've showed this is kind   of like maybe the top of the value Resorts you  want to stay here at this this Resort I'll tell   you the best way to get the lowest prices this is  how you do it is you're going to click the link   down below click the link down below that'll get  you the very best prices I mean even if you went   to buy it straight from Disney it's going to  be more expensive or you can call 1855 getaway   1855 getaway and when they answer be sure to tell  them that provos park pass send you why because   then if you do that you're going to get their  coner service for free or if you click the link   you'll get the coner service for free what is the  coner service that is going to they'll do all the   reservations you just tell them the things that  you want to do when you come on your trip down   here to Walt Disney World anything that requires  a reservation you tell them they'll make the   reservations for you you have to worry about it  otherwise you're like 60 days out trying to make   those calls make those dining reservations they'll  take care of it for you that's a little free perk   for being a friend of of provos park pass that's  right guys getaway today you get the lowest prices   uh on your tickets and on your hotel down here at  wal Disney World okay we're going to keep walking   down here uh down to the little mermaid here  we are entering into The Little Mermaid theming   Part you'll notice immediately look at the lamps  they're like little like ship lamps or lanterns   you notice the stairwells those stairwells are  covered by Coral and these buildings are four   story buildings like when you're staying at the  All-Star Resorts there are three story buildings   but here they are four story buildings and yes  they do have elevators I know sometimes people   are like why do you keep putting it up cuz some  of the hotels don't so we want to talk about that   the four-story buildings and like oh my right  here you can tell right at the bat what do you   see it's a fork guys we got a fork in the road do  we go right or left that is awesome and we look   right over here you see the nice theming here you  got a what I think it's called a blfs barf snat or   something like that that's a pipe try a little  Force perspective here if I hold that out like this is it working maybe not we're under the water  here as you can see this is a giant tankered cuz   it's been dropped off the water and then of course  Valiant Prince Eric look at that little statue   right down here way to go Prince Eric you turn  right here this is where the elevators are and   they always have like these cool statues and who  do you have here right at the front Ursula she's   a fantastic bad guy one of the best Ursula you see  some of the fish are dancing right over here you   got Sebastian Sebastian he's right there singing  Under the Sea Under the Sea this is the pool and   I will tomorrow morning when I get up early  I'll Rush down here and show you the pool and   then we're look right over here fish are dancing  and who you Triton Triton's right over there King   Triton overlooking everything making sure that his  kingdom is good and now let's still this way and   we're go down and see Ariel we are in The Little  Mermaid section The Little Mermaid section all the   rooms that you see here look look at that inside  great I love it all the rooms here in The Little   Mermaid section are reminiscent and like the rooms  that you saw over at Pop centry they have uh two   queen beds some of them there's a few of them  just have one queen bed you can try to request   request that if you want these are just uh up  to maximum of four uh adults sleeping here so   you get uh two queen beds or one king bed and  they are very similar to the rooms that you saw   over at Pop Sentry look over here they looks like  they're having a good time oh look at these little   fish all lined up glub glub glub glub glub glub  glub and then there's Who Ariel flounder I'm not   going to do my joke about where does Ariel go when  she loses something the lost and fler Department   because it's just too easy  right here guys it's just too easy why did Ariel blush oh she saw the ocean's  bottom I don't think this is the time for that   type of humor what are the price points to stay  here it's around 230 to around 510 per night   depending on which type of rooms that you choose  um and also depending on the season of the like   the time of the year they going in cuz that makes  it that definitely affects the price but again   I'm not even joking if you click that link down  below or call getaway today and you talk to them   you're going to get the lowest price guaranteed  guaranteed which is awesome okay let's walk out   let's head over to like The Lion King area but  of course you can see there's a giant I mean   there's lots of photo ops here like like family  friends every we get these great photo ops here's   a giant treasure chest booty booty booty booty  booty booty we are now going to enter into the   Lion King the little uh Finding Nemo and cars land  area these are family suites uh I'm in the I got   my room will be in the cars land area the rooms  are exactly the same in all the different areas   doesn't matter if you hear Lion's King little  mer uh not little mer Finding Emo or carsland   the rooms are going to be exactly the same they  are family sweets they can sleep up to six adults   that's why they're a little more expensive let  me show you this amazing themy here for Lion King   there is Zazu and it looks like like see you're  walking through now we're walking through oh is   that the elephant Boneyard and looks like scar  is right up there checking us out hi scar scar   you're one of my favorites and I'm not lying they  themed it so the building kind of Blends into like   this jungle Forest here it looks awesome and then  right over here of course you've got the elephant   graveyard there's the hyenas up there laughing  having a good time it looks like there's even   some tunnels that little kids can go through so  and I feel like I mean I don't know yeah it's a   little tunnels here check it oh it is a yeah you  got to you got to you got to duck down yeah oh   ah ah ah ducking down ducking oh this is even  worse way down okay I'm coming out through good grief but we did it and here is the entrance  into this building you got them check it out   whoa wind has just kicked out that's great that  feels good so this one's a little bit different   you got the entrance that building over there you  got them going across the Friendship bridge and   then there's no like big huge thing covering that  entrance there it's just a goes right across here   between both buildings right here in front of me  you've got Pride Rock and then this here they have   this little that little fire pit there's another  little fire pit there that's where they're going   to do their marshmallow roast the s'mores roast  at 6:30 at night and the outside of the buildings   look great there's Pride Rock looks fantastic  you just want to get up there and hold a little   baby as you enter into the Lion King area of  course look at this Rafiki we're now transition   Into The Little Mermaid sorry the Finding Nemo  area they've got some games you play they got   Checkers they've got a cornhole and let's check  it let's go to look at the uh Finding Nemo area   love to see it one of my best friends voed that  Jess harnell he did that he's the voice of the of   the seagull mine mine mine mine mine the Finding  Nemo area is the most popular part this is where   people request this is considered remember we  talked about Premier rooms and standard rooms   this is considered PR room it is closest to the  Skyliner which I'll get to in just a moment and   has the uh large pool right here between it so  this is the most requested area people want to   be in this area right there is a giant pool  when I say Giant pool I mean it is a massive   pool we'll talk about that tomorrow morning well  for you it's the same video uh but later on this   video I'll talk about to you why makes that pool  so special theming on the buildings they look   fantastic oh look down here and of course here  is the entrance where the elevators are and there   is crush and Dory Noggin righteous righteous  right behind me is a little coral reef area   this is like a little children's playground some  slides little areas for them to climb in see the   exit of the slide right there got Squirt right  there there's another little slide right over here little Tunnels for them to climb through it's  like a little children they used to love to play   on this stuff I think adults do too probably  climb on up there there's a tunnel and there's   some slides for them to come down right behind me  is the Skyliner I'll show you that a little bit   later on in the video how convenient that is and  what it's one of the reasons that this Resort is   so popular is you have the Skyliner Transportation  this is the entrance right into the Le building   here for Finding Nemo and you can see you got  Mr Ray out here right out here as you enter in it's very cool I will now be taking  you into the cars portion themed part of   this hotel this Resort and it is I think the best  part the best part of cut I think the cars portion   is the best themed portion of this amazing Resort  it is fantastic let's go through it top to bottom   here it is you're walking in you notice right  there big huge billboard says ornament Valley   Radiator Springs and then right here you got  a little some little games to play and it says   Radiator Springs a happy place and then you got  Sheriff he's right down there sheriff is right   down there and then you're going to walk in you  can see that it's already like it's themed with   the road Route 66 and you've got Doc Hudson  right here look how cool that is like these   are great photo ops you can walk around these  cars get some amazing photo ops of them so sweet Hudson look at those little license plates 51 hhm   d That's a 51 I think the year he is Hudson  Hornet and he was a doctor no was he a doctor   I can't remember what the MD stands for  there's a judge maybe as you walk by you   can see these signs here they have the signs  in Disneyland same signs but Disneylands are   bigger it says made or used it dang near  fainted look like he had just been painted rusties then when you walk backwards there's a  different message the buildings are painted to   look like you are in ornament Valley right  there you got flow she was actually part of   a like a 1950s band and then you got Ramone  right over here looking very good raon and   then right in the center you have the Cozy  cone Motel off to the right you have tomater   that's where my room is I'll be taking you  in there in just a moment and then over here   to the left you have Luigi's casadella tires  there's a leaning Tire pizza right outside you   got Luigi and Guido and if you look in the  window you see it says Lightyear tires on sale I'm going to take you down to the end cuz  there's three buildings here that make up the   uh cars portion I want to show you the third  building cuz it's the will well Hotel there's   Filmore with organic fuel oh he doesn't have  his little license plate underneath his chin   and like oh maybe I can see the  bolt marks maybe they just took it off I'm telling you man every third link blink  is longer oh the wind is really picking up here   it is it's the willwell motel that's what  you see kind of there in Radiator Springs   the movie Cars will well motorc court and  of course you got Lightning McQueen and   Sally right over there this is great I love  it and they even have some of the stickers on lless what is Lightning McQueen's favorite  food kachow M now I told that joke before   and a kid from ordinary Adventures she said  kachow D which one's funnier here we got we   have Sarge's Surplus Hut right here and then  of course we got Sarge right over here Sarge   right there ready to Take On The World prove  his worth I'm staying in the Tomato wing   and I just got word that my room is ready so  I'm gonna go in I'll show you the room here's   tomato right here tomato and you see like as  you walk in it's awesome because the sign's Tipping it's leaning the sign is tipping that's  awesome he has these little rusted Garden fixtures   out in his but as you walk in you see little the  Tomato Motel let's go in first thing you'll notice   is that the rooms are all indoors so your door  to your room is inside so technically I guess   that makes this a hotel the hallways are wide  and I love they have those little cone accents   right there that's sweet okay I'm going to open up  the door I'm going show you this room it's going   to be different than any type of room we've  seen so far this is the family Suite let's do it this place is huge look at that room okay guys  let me show you how big this room is this is the   family Suite now this is your dining table look  at this it does pull down into another bed does   pull down I'll do that a little later on tonight  uh in the video but you can see they got these   little stickers and all these cool things here uh  all representative of carsland oh look you got Flo   and Ramon over there so this is like your dining  room table here is the like I say like maybe like   the master bedroom but if you look right in here  here you've got this is like your living room look   what you have you have your television you have  a little this is be considered your closet right   here for this room considered a closet right there  you can move this little table that shows a Route   66 this is what's unique look what you have you  have a microwave here in this room you actually   have a microwave you have a quein art you got a  bigger fridge and you have a sink like a kitchen   sink right there this pulls out I'll do that a  little later on in the video this pulls out to   be another bed show you that I love this you got  the cones over here casting a little bit of light   love it love it there's Doc Hudson turning around  this is those are all drawers that pulled out got   a little chair there for sitting and a television  for viewing pleasure you got a recycle bin and   garbage right there I'm going to come right in  here and then turn into the right this is kind of   like the master bedroom or like the bedroom look  at your bed right there you've got like the side   end tables they have postcards they're not real  but they look like real postcards right there then   close this door a little bit so we have some more  room that's your closet area right there you have   a little television for viewing pleasure again  fake postcards but so cool I love that I love   that I love it love it love it then back here  you've got your bed right there you got we got   uh Lightning McQueen and Sally on their Drive  little end table then turn here you have your   bathroom let's take a look at this bathroom spiffy  in a jiffy okay look look right here look at this   shower this is a step-in shower check this out the  door closes of course obviously door closes opens   tall shower head lots of bubbles bubbles bubbles  bubbles there's your shampoos and body washes down   here and that is your shower right there and then  you have that if you need it and then look at your   mirror car wash at the car wash look at that let  me show you this other one right here go right in   here this is another bathroom that's right there  two bathrooms look at the sink right there Car   Wash okay got a sink spiffy and a jiffy then right  here of course you have your uh toilet if you ever   use that and then oh shower curtain there it is  here it is little looks like Lightning McQueen's   getting a little shower from big red and then  you can open this up and there is your shower   check out the shower you see that this is a tub  right there you got an actual bathtub and you have   a little hand rail to get into in and out whoa  this place is awesome and and I also like that   you have another sink in here like you got like so  two bathrooms technically it says it can fit six   adults uh I think five maybe comfortably that's  going to be pulled out bed then we got of course   you got that right there that's going to pull  down and then you have the other bedroom as well   wow this is called the family Suite this is the  family Suite see why these are very very popular   here these are very popular now the buildings  that have these family suites and they're all   exactly the same but themed for their particular  movies you have The Lion King cars and uh Finding   Nemo those are the three that have these family  suites The Little Mermaid those rooms are exactly   the same as like uh pop Sentry or the other ones  we've already taken a look at what do you guys   think wow yeah wow wow I just walked outside my  room I just saw this I love it little little hit   Mickey all right let's go just stepped outside  and I realized there's this cozy cone motel and I   think this might be the entrance to the swimming  pool but I I we better check it out says Lobby   let's see what they got here they got like some  cones office look at these oh little rack of postcards look at this there they go a little  yeah and I noticed they even have like credit   cards in the windows charge driver's Club Fast  L Express card and yep okay this does take you   down to the swimming pool I'll film I'll show  you that later on today um it's for me it'll   be tomorrow let me say that again I'm sorry I'll  show that later on in this video uh for me it'll   be tomorrow I try to go to the pools at 8: 10  in the morning when nobody's there cuz I I feel   like I feel like when people on pools they should  have their privacy uh but there's something very   unique about that pool there the comb pool there's  also something very big unique about this pool   here they call the big blue and we'll get to that  later on the video we're walking this way now you   can see it's a different thing think Sheriff slow  won't get busted think again cuz he's not rusted rusties and at Disneyland they have that same  when you walk through uh Radiator Springs they   have that same uh uh signs posted there just a  little bit bigger now this hotel is absolutely   amazing and everybody loves it it's uh  one of the best family sweet hotels there is I was explaining why everybody loves this hotel  this hotel is perfect for families a little bit   larger you can't fit four people a little bit more  than that you got these family sweets those are   awesome but the the other reason that Everyone  likes this is the Skyliner Skyliner offers you a   different Transportation option rather than just  buses so I literally just walked past the uh the   big blue pool I'm going take you down here  to the Skyliner show you the Skyliner here's   a Skyliner just walk there that quick it's that  easy remember when I did pop Sentry there it is   pop Sentry so yeah pop Sentry and art animation  they share the Skyliner entrance you come right   here it doesn't matter how long the line is in the  morning it'll go by very very fast let's take it   the Disney Skyliner and a sneak peek of where'll  be at tomorrow here comes our Skyliner we're going   to get right on in here we go all right we're just  taking off here in the Skyliner it's so easy and   convenient I love this all right here we am over  our glass Lake anys please sit back and enjoy the   most magical flight on Earth it is I I know I  keep bringing this up in videos but you have to   be drinking a lot of water if you don't you'll  regret it all right this here takes you to a   station where we're going to get off and you can  choose how you want to proceed you want to go to   Epcot or to Hol Studios you can use this you can  use the Skyliner here from the art animation takes   you to Epcot and Hollywood Studios that's all you  need no buses if you want to go to Magic Kingdom   or Animal Kingdom then you hop on buses I'll  show you that a little bit later on this video   but it makes it so easy in fact tomorrow in  tomorrow's video I'm going to take the Skyliner   to my new hotel my luggage and all get on Skyliner  and blit at the new hotel I'll be staying at tomorrow that's Disney's Caribbean um Park I  mean sorry Resort that's where I'll be staying   at tomorrow I'll be doing it that is a very  large like not like has got a lot of ground   to cover so yeah here we go just got off that's  the resort I'll be staying at tomorrow that's   a Skyliner right there it's very simple and uh  just so you guys know I want to some the little   secret here that at this Skyliner Resort there  is a little this is like the terminal station   right you're going to catch that one if you're  going to um Hollywood Studios you catch that   one if you're going to abcot you catch that one  there's signs there that'll take to where you   want to go but if you turn and look right here  there's a little coffee and pastry shop right there so yeah people wait there and grab their  morning breakfast and whatever and then they get   on The Skyliners let's go back all right I on the  Skyliner headed back it's going go very fast real   quickly I just wanted to say um do some shoutouts  uh these are people there's a little thanks button   a little thanks button down below where you can  click it says than if you do that you do a little   donation all that goes to help to to help with  this cover this whole massive Mammoth undertaking   of staying at every one of the Disney hotels and  then you put a message down there I will read your   message verbatim as long as it's appropriate  during one of these Hotel videos so I have a   couple here to read today here we go IET NAA said  to Evette Mama Grinch love you what what a great   what a great little uh shout out next we have here  this is from estella's m 2162 it says I love this   channel I would like to give a shout out to my son  Ry Ry who has been my Disney buddy for 12 amazing   years I love you so much and you are the best  thing in my life wow it's Gott really windy but   if you have some like a mobility issue or you need  like an assistance like a a electronic convenience   vehicle or wheelchair they have these little they  have it they'll stop them there you don't have to   worry they'll stop it you pull on in you have time  to get on all the time in the world not a problem   at all all right I need to now go back to uh Art  of Animation and get some food cuz I'm starving   it's dinner time oh and lastly if you want to have  a shout out R for somebody special or just for   yourself or whatever you want you can click that  little thanks button uh put your message and I   will read your shout outs in next couple of videos  that are coming out dinner time let's check out dinner see what they have here barbecue bed braised beef  garlic herb trim yukai mashed potatoes W they have the same offerings they  do at the other value Resorts meatball sub   the macaroni cheese top the barbecue beef yeah  you know lots of they have lots of hamburgers   we got the Benedict Burger the cheese cheddar  cheeseburger barbecue pul sandwich the Korean   sty impossible Burger bacon cheddar cheeseburger  chicken strips so forth all right so so I got the   Mac a cheesee here with the beef on top and then  I got this dessert this is special dessert it's a   coconut chocolate pie Powerade and something also  very interesting here at the cafeteria they've   got metal utensils no more plastic all right I'm  going to mix up the mac and cheese here so you   guys can kind of see this mixing it up and uh oh  it's a really warm it's really warm [Music] so oh yeah that sesame chicken I had last  time was not very good this is good   this is I'm I'm happy eating it so yeah  thumbs up yeah that was good okay so this   is like Marana it's like a cake here by  the way one of the things that uh people   are not this the art anim animations known  for is they're really cute cupcakes so this   is not cupcakes little little high  but still I thought you should know that wow oh yeah it's like a it's a good  little there's a crust down there   it's like coconut and chocolate all good things that dinner was great I'm going to walk out here  in the lobby something unique to uh our animation   is also it's a pet friendly hotel I don't if you  guys know this is a pet friendly hotel now all   Disney hotels are service animal friendly but  this one is just pet friendly let's give it one   try I got enough to get a free game but not a high  score no high score so for those of you who don't   know how pinball maybe you're not familiar with  pinball is when you play Pinball they have like   little markers if you get a certain if you get  a certain point like certain amount of points   it'll give you a free game and what a lot of  people don't realize is if nobody's played the   pinball machine in a long time that free game  amount that threshold will keep lowering down   and so at Tron was at like 5 million which is  a pretty low amount for Tron um so I was able   to get over 5 million but like your high score  is like 35 million I'm going to keep trying one   of these days I'm going to get it got uh going  to get one of those just got to get it let's see   how easy it is to pull down this little Murphy  bed let's do it okay there are four chairs for   this table the last The Last Resorts only had  two so we're move the four chairs super [Music] easy Once those chairs are moved just pull it [Applause] down oh and there little lights in here  too sweet and ah tomato he's sleeping   wanted to give you kind of a closer look  at that bed it's it's not the biggest bed   I mean two people could sleep there but it's  going to be kind of a tight fit but yeah not   too bad not bad at all then in the morning  if you want to have The Breakfast Table back that easy let's check out the pull out  couch first you got to move this table sorry sorry oh okay just reach in let's pull out voila if you've never slept on a pull out couch I would say this is one and   half Z's probably uh yeah it it is their  mattresses are not very thick really good   for little ones but adults can sleep there  too adults can sleep there too now to put it back most important thing is just push  it down good to go hey the cushions wrong oh wait a minute cushion adjustment no problem except I got to move the  table back wanted to come out and uh see this at   night time it's not quite dark enough yet but uh I  think this car's L's going to look really good at   night so I'll just wait for a little bit darker so  we can take a look at it I wanted to show you this   because you know how the I showed you the front  of the hotels they're like bright and colorful wow   it's awesome look at the back because remember  it's art they're doing art here so let's check   check out the back of the hotels see this is like  the uh Finding Nemo you got the piece of paper and   they're just like drawing there just like this  and then over here it's the same with cars it's   the back of the cars building they're like these  pieces of paper and they're just drawing on them   just nice little black and white drawings I love  it this is my wife's probably one of her favorite   hotels and she loves it because it's a rarity that  you get a hotel on Disney property that has two   bathrooms that's so convenient and she loves the  fact that the one bathroom is a tub so for like   little if you have little kids you understand  it's like at the end of pool it's just easy to   put them in the tub and scrub them down it's much  easier than like a shower so she loves this hotel   absolutely loves it now I got to say I've stayed  here one time before but I don't really remember   it we were doing a world tour and um uh this  in 2020 January 2020 world shut down and we   were here and I got super sick sickest I've ever  been in my life I ended up and I'm I'll try if I   remember I'll link it here this video you go back  and you go watch the sickest I've ever been I was   sick for 5 days straight my wife was staying in  a different like a temporary then we're coming   here then staying some other hotels and she came  stayed here I think for 4 nights and I stayed at   a different Hotel cuz I didn't want to get anybody  sick I was so worried about that so um I ended up   coming here on the last night they were here  I don't really remember that much about it I   just ended up sleeping most of the time because I  wasn't feeling very good so I don't have like any   strong memories of this place other than sleeping  but Amanda loves this place it's awesome I'm just   doing a little nightly oh a little bug Florida  bugs I'm just doing a little nightly stroll just   to you know K little exercise and there's pop  Sentry I love Pop Sentry I love it and just it   feels it's so hot during the day here it's brutal  but it feels really nice right now here's a little   fun fact though so pop centuries through the  decades right 1950s 607s 80s and '90s it was   built first these these hotels were built and  they were going to be the early years they're   going to be like 1910 1920s 30s and 40s I guess is  what it was going to be I really like what they've   done instead of doing can you imagine if they did  in the 1910s 20s 30s and 40s like what would you   do a roaring 20s that would be fun but like the  30s was show depression and then the 1940s like   we're off to World War II so yeah super glad  that they and these these stood vacant for a   while believe I've been told that they used them  for the bus transportation when they trained their   bus drivers cuz they were vacant for a while they'  use the parking lots to train all the bus drivers   then eventually they opened them up of course as  you know opened up here in 2012 so right outside   the Giant pool here they called the the big blue  is there's have this little bar here it's called   the drop off a little fun trivia is when they  were Nam when this Resort opened this didn't   have a name there was no name it was unnamed they  let the cast members come up with a name that they   wanted and the cast members pitch the names and  they came up with the idea for the drop off which   is great names course for Finding Nemo and it's  spelled using MoonFish see those little fish right there so I had to come into the gift shop cuz  I had to verify something cuz I bought sneaker   bars last night I was like I'm going to go back  and check cuz I only seen him there at the um   art of movies yeah no snicker bars just there  I don't have him here I had seen anywhere else   either weird let's check it out it's dark outside  and yeah I did go play Tron and it was terrible   cannot get a high score they're lit up and then  right here guys they have movie night just sit   there in the grass and watch the movies as of  family looks like Lion Kings just kind of lit up   you know the statues I'm confident that Cars Land  will be really lit up hey that's my shadow on the wall it's kind of lit up oh that's cool they got  a little red light under there that's kind of cool   I like that got the h are lit up be prepared there  we are kind of typical it's kind of what I thought   was it I mean lit up a little bit but not so much  I know I'm confident you guys I'm confident I   hope I am I hope it's right cars is going to be  great those lanterns are lit up hey Eric how's   it going I was just talking to a cast member and  he did tell me that um these little mermaid rooms   do book out really fast because this is the only  standard rooms here not family rooms there's not   a lot of them so people who they want to stay  here but they don't want the family Village so   these do fill out fast and I forgot if I mentioned  this earlier today or not but The Little Mermaid   ones no microwave in Little Mermaids they have a  microwave in the cafet if you need it but not here   all right let's go check out cars and it doesn't  disappoint guys cars is so well lit I love it I   love it I love it I'm going to go slow so there's  no blur but I just notice something okay first   character you see when when they go into Radiator  Springs is who the Sher Sheriff the sheriff and   then who's the next character you see doc and  who's the next character you see when you come   in Doc and I know earlier in this video I'm like  what does MD stand for I can't believe you guys   I'm just tired I'm just tired it's doc right okay  doc let's move on down and check him out look the   lamps are all lit up looks great oh look at this  Flo she's got the headlights on yeah this this is   what like they were saying like the order that you  you see them down this road is the order that they   were presented in the movie oh yeah Ramone looks  great I'm going to go all the way down this way to   the left and swing around come back to to tomatoes  oh look at the office this is not lit up that was   a little surprising to me but this is lit up the  office there's the Leaning Tower of Pisa Luigi's   casadella tires looks good let's go down here  and I just noticed down here the last building   you got the Cadillac fins on the on the on  the wall there wow look those all the way   down looks great there's Filmore and there's  the will well Motel there's Sally you can see   she's got her head lamps they are lit up and  you got the gas the gas pumps are lit up you   come over here to Lightning McQueen you notice  he he doesn't have the head lamps cuz they're   stickers because he's a race car he doesn't  have headlights and there's Serge's Surplus Hut   Serge he's got his headlights right on question is  is Mater going to have one headlight on and what   did you call that as a kid we always call that a  pittle did you guys ever do that like we always   see like a One Headlight on we call that a pittle  did you guys call them that was that just us I   don't know he got his brake lights on you notice  his license plate by the way is A113 it's a very   it's a in joke for Pixar animators it's one of the  rooms that they I think it's cow poly or something   like that that was a classroom that a lot of them  studied at so almost every single Pixar film has   the reference of A113 and oh no oh well let's  go in our room speaking of Lights I got to show   you one more Set of Lights can you guys see this  let let me show you this it's the lights up top   they're kind of like traffic cones see like it's  like four traffic cones making like a little star   lamp I'm sad already this has been a really nice  day I'm going to get ready for bed here guys we'll   do all the tomorrow morning well the same feater  for you for me it's a different day we going do a   raing on the bed we'll do a raing on the uh the  the bathrooms we'll do a raing on the off both   toilets I guess and both showers I don't know yeah  we'll do all that and show you all the pools all   right I'm need to go to sleep and I'll see you in  just a few seconds but for me I got to go to sleep   okay it's time for bed I don't know if you guys  noticed this it mightbe it's too dark for you to   see it but the bed board's like traffic cones  all right good night guys I'll see you in the morning I just jumped out of bed I forgot to   fill up the water bottle for the water  bottle challenge I got to do it right now okay I don't even know  what time it is this middle   go to go to sleep bottle see you in the morning to the bed test so this is a nice bed um I slept  good woke up refreshed it wasn't incredible but it   wasn't bad so on a scale from three Z's to 5 Z's  I'm going to give this three Z's just it's right   down a little bit better than down the middle of  the road I mean it was a good night's sleep I I   didn't get too hot I didn't get too cold I like  this bed so yeah three Z's out of five all right   let's go check out the pools uh the breakfast and  also the transportation let's get that done I I   do want to say this just real quickly um if I did  have a criticism of the art animation I did notice   that last night it was a little bit louder like I  could hear I think maybe it's cuz it's a hallway   I can hear kids you can hear kids you know kind  of like running up and down the hallway uh the   family that was above me they did exactly what I  did I can hear them moving the table when they're   pulling out the pull out B it's like I can hear  that I heard like a little girl she was talking   with her mom and she was you know not like she's  like a toddler and she was maybe a little fussy   and I could hear that um not so loud that it  irritated me but I haven't noticed it to that   level at any of the other hotels let's go check  out breakfast walking inside I like how you have   to go through the mark and then into the food  court area flavor of the land just walk right   through into uh flavor landscape of the flavors  that's what it's called landscape of the flavors   and the artwork in this one is just topnotch what  I've noticed is that it's literally the same food   here the difference here is though they don't have  Mickey waffles they have little Dory waffles it   looks like all the value Resorts have the same  food and look at that one said Mickey waffles   they've got a Mater flounder and uh Dory they do  have cute little cupcakes check that out they got   a carrot cake and I got this spring plant-based  cupcake as well you know I tell you some mornings   I have breakfast some don't I am just not going  to have breakfast this morning so now let's go   look at uh Transportation good morning the bus  dri is waving I love that there are two types of   Transportation here at the Art of Animation number  one Skyliner the most the most popular is going to   be Skyliner Skyliner will take you to Hollywood  Studios and to Epcot now if you want to come in   and go to Magic Kingdom there's going to be a bus  right there the bus will say Magic Kingdom right   there and there's plenty of signs that'll show  you Magic Kingdom there's a sign right there where   you line up and then they get on the bus and it's  just even on the side of the bus I'll let you know   where you need to go we already have another one  ready to go for Magic Kingdom when this one takes   off that's really sweet now I want to kind of walk  down here and show you this this is remember here   the art animation they have a Skyliner for  Hollywood Studios and for Epcot buses will   not be running they only run buses if something  happens to Skyliner like has a problem or breaks   down which is a rarity how long does it take to  get from here to Magic Kingdom with the buses 12   to 15 minutes depending on traffic lights 12 to  15 minutes and the bus driver is like make sure   you tell them that they're not running buses here  we don't want people lining up take the Skyliner   I said I already told him so we're good to go uh  let's go check out the uh the other ones as well   this bus here takes you to Disney Springs and then  from there you can transfer and get on a bus if   you're going to Typhoon Lagoon but there's the  bus it's a goofy bus you see right there perfect   again they have these little these little um  I don't know things to tell you what time the   bus is coming so there's Magic Kingdom tells  your a bus tells you to take Skyliner for Epcot   Hollywood Studios Animal Kingdom next bus we here  at 927 and next bus for Disney Springs at 9:41 so   it's telling you exactly what time the buses will  be here and it is very very accurate and I guys a   time right there across the top those bus monitors  are continually updated if there's a delay or   whatever they're the first to know you're going to  see right there in the monitor it's always right   there and so you can also catch the bus here  to go to Animal Kingdom if you if you want to   go to animal kingom that's what the families are  lining up right there for Animal Kingdom and the   the farthest away theme park from here is uh Magic  Kingdom as we go into some other Resorts we start   going to you'll be noticing that we'll be getting  closer to Magic Kingdom and like animal kingdom   and those other those other um themes Parks will  be a little further away I'll always tell you the   time of the theme park that's farthest away this  in every video you can also take an Uber you can   take an Uber or a lift and that'll take you uh to  the parks I would not recommend taking an Uber or   a lift to Magic Kingdom they cannot drop you off  at the front of the park they have to drop you off   at the ticket and Transportation Center and then  from there you have to get out of your Uber lift   and then go get on um a montal or the steamboat  the the ferry boat uh to take you into the Magic   Kingdom there is with a partnership with Lyft if  you go with Lyft there's a thing called a mini van   I think and um that's m i n n i e as in Minnie  Mouse they're really cute they're red with white   dots and you can get those oh there's Ariel hi  Ariel those will take you those minivans will   take you right to the front of uh Magic Kingdom  if you use them they are more expensive though   it's a it's a premium type product and as you can  see here they've got buses stacked up for Magic   Kingdom because if people want they don't want  people wait as long for a long time they want to   get going and get your Magic Kingdom so there's  a bus there that takes off that one will go jump   in the spot it's very nice if you have like a  wheelchair or Mobility vehicle thing the buses   kneel down they lower they have a ramp they'll  be able to get on and I think they can do two   maybe only one per bus so if you have multiple  people your party that has it you might have   to take multiple buses you can also always look  on the app if you look on the app you go to the   hotel reservation scroll down you see where it  says um on your hotel reservation it says bus   schedule click on bus schedule and it'll show you  everything that you need to know the buses start   running 1 hour before the park opens and they run  1 hour after the park closes so you can spend the   whole day here and now I've got to do the pools  guys and uh there are three of them and they are   really spread out how I get to them I'm going to  try to get to them as fast as I can before people   get there there are three pools here two of them  I really want to highlight really well so you see   how awesome they are I'm going to go down to  the to the cars pool that's one of the two I   really want to highlight cuz it's awesome and I  won't be able to get in because it's closed but   I'd be able to show you the features I think you  should see um and walk around it won't be anybody   in enough pool at this point this early in the  morning and it is like like 78° or so it is warm   already it's like 9:30 in the morning again come  Florida lots of water drink lots of water you guys   remember how they were working on it the guy was  working on it again today and check out the cone   spins yes well I love that way to go it looks  that's awesome so here we are the this is the   cozy cone pool now it's just shaped kind of like a  like maybe like a rainbow or like like that right   there that will well Motel right there what I want  to point out though is these like see these cones   here these are little Cabanas you do not have to  pay for them it's a first come first serve basis   whoever gets here first you can get those there's  two little chairs in it they provide shade and   whoever whoever's gets there first can have those  they also provide Lifest a complimentary for you   so anybody needs that it's a nice little pool  there I mean that's sweet those cones are sweet   that's something think very unique and it is  complimentary let me walk around the other side   so you can see a little bit better of this pool a  little better view now you guys last night when I   did that it wasn't it wasn't spinning or they just  worked on it and it looks now like it's spinning   I'm wondering if it lights up if that sign lights  up you'll have to anybody who comes down here let   me know or if you know in the comments if that  sign lights up during the night time I would   love to know that because it wasn't lit up last  night but I think it's cuz they're working on it   all right so let's take a look here at the pool  from this way uh as you see again those cones are   complimentary anybody who just first come first  serve and then you can see like the little pool   there it just kind of goes around it goes from  3 feet down to four FTS in the middle and then   back to 3 feet sweet little pool they got some  fun Cars music going on here all the time it's   a nice little pool to relax I like how they have  the chase LS in the center making it look like   a it's kind of like a wheel well like the wheel  well oh you guys look at this oh my goodness come   oh hi hi oh there you are hi hi guys he can't  videotape you when you're right in his face   that's okay what are their names the dark one dark  one is sailor sailor white one is JJ JJ hi guys oh   well you have oh they're getting tangled they're  getting excited oh be careful baby they're babies   they're babies oh my gosh just four months old oh  my gosh like we said this is a pet friendly hotel   little puppies you just can't been like I think  about that poror custodio see like all little   rocks they have like rocks out in the Planters and  we walk along this road but all the little kids   they get excited they want to they climb on a rock  they want to play those signs they always track   little Pebbles onto the road then like every night  they still they sweep that off and then the next   morning it's done again it is 9:38 in the morning  right there you see like the lifeguards are doing   their morning prep meeting that's the big pool  called the big blue I'll be coming back to that CU   I want to talk a lot about that pool opens at 10:  in the morning goes from 10:00 to 11:00 but I'll   say there are always some people kind of lining  up who want to get in there um and a lot of people   just spend the whole day at the big blue but let's  go down and take a look at the little mermaid pool   and then we'll come back and hopefully it'll be  there right as the gates open so we can get in   there and get some good good shots of the pool how  amazy it is this here is The Little Mermaid Pool   this is kind of like your standard pool let me  open let me go over here and kind of show to you   little mermaid pool it's got stairs on both ends  which I appreciate which is nice it goes from 3 ft   to 5 ft in the center and then back to 3 ft it's  just kind of a little woooo that's it this is the   pool here of course they have showers and towels  everything you need life vest yeah Little Mermaid Pool hey who is Sebastian's  favorite Renaissance painter   I bet you it's Leonardo d pinchi [Laughter] get it all right hey can you guys do me a small  favor I just all I ask is ca

2024-05-20 08:43

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