Day 18 Of Staying At Every Disney Hotel! THESE ROOMS ARE AMAZING Saratoga Springs Resort

Day 18 Of Staying At Every Disney Hotel! THESE ROOMS ARE AMAZING Saratoga Springs Resort

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hi I'm Chris you're watching Provost park  pass and today is day number 18 of staying   at every single Disney Resort until we stay at  the all and check it out guys this is Saratoga   Springs this place is massive it is huge we're  going to cover it from top to bottom and here   we go I also have to say this I'm going to be  a little tiny sad maybe today because Amanda   and miles are going home uh they have to  get home so today is the day we're going   to say goodbye to Amanda miles this is the  main entrance so let's walk into the lobby   this is the main area there like a little horse  right there this Resort is absolutely huge so   this is called the carriage house and I'm going to  have to show a lot of this on maps because it is   massive this is the lobby it is elegant and horse  themed you got horses all the way around let's see   if we can identify every one of these horses  this first horse here is Maximus from Tangled   this next horse here is baby Pegasus they have  the names but they don't say where they're from   and that's from Hercules this next horse is  Filipe or maybe it's Philip I'm not sure but   this is from Beauty and the Beast this  next horse is fruu from the Aristocats   this next horse is Destiny from Enchanted  and look there's a dragonfly that's a real dragonfly and lastly you have Angus from Brave  all right guys let's go down here I think this   is the gift shop area let's check it out you  walk in here looks like this is also the dining   area and then we turn to the right and this is  the gift shop let's find the merchandise from   saratogo Springs so most of their Resorts you we  come in their their resort property merchandise is   like front and center this is like right here  off the side let's check it out this is the   Saratoga Springs the horse is a big deal here so  let's go through and check this out you can also   rent these little cars here these little bike cars  and right down here in the shirt it says Saratoga Springs and then you got this shirt  here it's got like Mickey riding a   horse I love it but you turn it around  and look at the back of it Saratoga Springs here's the Saratoga Springs  pin and this is the magnet this little magnet this is their little tumbler it's  got horses all over it Saratoga Springs   and look at this little bag that's got the  horse with Mickey on it and you turn it around Saratoga Springs and I like  that cuz you can tell it's like a   saddle bag really cool whoa looks like  they got a pillow here little pill here   for Saratoga Springs that's the the horses  and all that that is for Saratoga Springs   lovely lovely they also have like leggings ankle  leggings look at this I like this it looks like it   looks like a jersey like a what a jockey would  wear the buttons there Saratoga Springs with a horse and here's a little hat and that  is all the merchandise they have here   for saratogo Springs this little market they  told me is a little bit smaller like you can   look up they have these cool lamps  but you got nice little area this   is all the merchandise they have have and  then goes right over here into the market   to get food a little area here it says  Winter Circle I love it it's got a little Disney there are four swimming pools here and  we'll be reviewing those four swing pools and   two of them are like with like lots of slides and  stuff like that so we try to review those pools   for you the best that I can uh Amanda miles right  now they are walking to downtown Disney Springs   this Resort that we're at here Saratoga Springs  is the closest resort to uh Disney Springs Disney   springs for those of you from California like  we think of like downtown Disney right downtown   Disney is amazing but Disney Springs is like  downtown Disney on every form of steroid   possible probably it's just like it's massive  it's huge and it's a big big deal here people   spend like on their vacations they come down  here for a full day or days just to spend time   at Disney Springs because it it's so amazing so  man is going down there cuz she wants to go to G   Ians and get some sweet treats their flight's a  little later on today so we're going to go down   there and then come back and spend some time  together before they have to leave this is   one of the pool areas we'll show us a little  bit later on it'll get a little closer right   behind me is this says sensus Spa it's not  open um the only Resort that has a spa that's   open and functioning is the Grand Floridian uh  but before the pandemic they had it open maybe   at some point they'll reopen it but as of now  something reopened look at this beautiful area all right they do have an arcade  here let's go check out the arcade   wind place or show those are all  that's a horse racing terms first   second third wi place or show oh they  have a little bumper pool table right outside let's go into the arcade and check it  out little typhoon they've got racing games   some basket shoots like this um guys I don't  see any pinball machines all right I oh Star   Wars battle Pond racing games racing games Pac-Man  and oh yeah guys I don't think there's any more   Tron pinball machines I think we we saw them all  there are two chairs for parents to sit in there   massage chairs other other than that there  are no more chairs to sit in right outside   the arcade they also have look at this they've  got like a pool table it looks like they have   a foosball table right over here and then behind  me we'll turn around you can see that they also   have a ping pong table oh and then over here  looks like they've got a little um they've   got a little like a bag toss this here little  area right here is the Community Hall this is   where you go in to get all the the things  that you need like for to play the bumper   pool and the pool table ping pong you're going  to turn right here and go into the Community Hall this is a fun little area very cold  very refreshing they have like arts and   crafts um it is open here for your people come  in and you can play games there are different   things you can do you can do painting crafts  over here they have different ones that you   can select and you can paint it shows you you  can do like Ceramics they have all different   types of things for you to be doing they have  daily crafts like create your own luggage tab   and fun things like this and I thought this  was really interesting check this out they   have movies you could check out a movie you got  the G movies PG PG-13 R rated movies and also a   bunch of board games you can check them out you  can either play them here in the community center   or you can take them back to your room to watch  the movie and play the games if your room doesn't   currently have like a DVD player you just tell  the front desk the Bell service and they will   bring you a DVD player so you can enjoy a movie  a little sink there you can wash your hands and   a little area where you can watch movies and then  turning right over here they do have an area where   they have video games they have Nintendo switch  and Xbox you just tell the attendant and they'll   come here and set it up for you and they have like  tennis rackets they have they have adult rackets   they have little kid rackets and these are free  uh you just come in and check them out and they   have to return them they also have a basketball  you play basketball and then there's some bike   rentals let me show you the bike rentals they also  have these little bikes like bikes that you can   rent the little two-seater and the four seater  and uh then over here you have to be 58 tall   if 58 in tall in order to Pedal one of these but  they do have individual bikes that you can rent   right over here and these are these do c these  are rental fees like the basketball the tennis   all that stuff that that's just complimentary but  if you want to rent a bike that does cost and they   do have bike helmets if you're under the age of 16  you are required to have a bike helmet if you're   over 16 it's up to you your discretion let's go  walk by the tennis courts area so we show you that   so you come I guess you come right out here this  is a little fire pit area where they do some fire   pits in the evening it's uh 6:30 to 7:30 I think  the test courts are right up this place is really   big and I'm still kind of getting my bearings  and walking around but I think we Walk This Way   ah Fountain I wish Amanda miles would be able  to stay a little bit longer but I understand um   but let's just walk this way and find the tennis  courts you can see that little balloon right over   there that is Disney Springs area oh my gosh look  at this little golf cart with the Mickey Mouse seatbacks all right we're going to  walk right over here this is the   tennis courts area let's go check  them out right here this tennis   court oh my gosh it's a sand Court I  don't want to scuff it up this is a sandt wow hence why they have a little  shoe cleaner and then right behind the   tennis courts right over here we have the  shuffle board and this is free you can get   the shuffle board stuff at that Community  Center and then behind the shuffle board   we've got the basketball court let's go check  out the basketball court I guarantee it's   not going to be sand and here we are nice  little half court basketball W check it all out I'm in a golf cart they're taking me to my  room because this Resort is so big let's go these   are the buildings here at the [Music] paddock okay  the Bell mingas came they brought our bags in and   I'm not joking when they opened the door to take  our bags in my job dropped I was like I was it's   a reenactment I do a reenactment walking in I was  like oh my gosh it was crazy I did not know what   to expect I knew nothing about these rooms and I  am in shock let me show you the room all right hi   little mirror this here is the entryway you got  some little hooks there a little greeting table   and this is if you had an adjoining room okay so  we don't have ad joining room they already dropped   our luggage and put it right there so our luggage  is right there let's go in check this out there's   like a little hallway right here you're going  to walk in I'm going to turn right first it's   a little dining table look at this this is the  living room the living room here this is a full   kitchen you've got a dishwasher you've got let's  see what you have here you have a quinart coffee   maker then over here you've got all of you got a  toaster oven full size fridge and microwave now   let's take a look at these drawers right over here  this first drawer you have here cabinet you got   some glasses in there and some dishes Bowls the  second one you have here is have a bigger glasses   and some more glasses the third one you have  here this is like maybe like some wine glasses   it looks like a serving platter and some plates  this next one over here got some smaller plates   and some coffee mugs this next one over here let  me open up both of these you can see you got was   a colander and like I mean anything you need  for cooking going down here this drawer here   that's your utensils this would be your cooking  implements and then down here these are some pots and this is just crazy then right down  here youve got your uh recycle and garbage can coming back up here let's take a look so  we got this nice little tin dining room area   lamp horse stups of course here you have the  Mickey right there and right there you got   this is a couch but it also pulls down into  a bed we'll show you that a little later on   in the video turning over here I mean let's  let me back up can you guys see how amazing   this is okay right here this is another bed  that this that comes down I'll show you that   a little later on as well there is a large  TV screen right there right across from the couch now we're going to turn and  I'm going to go this way go right   here and the first we're going to look at  is these this little open this up you have   your own washing machine and dryer oh  my gosh I'm can't tell you how happy to   have that cuz uh tonight I'll be doing  laundry it's about time which is great we're going turn here look at this shower let's  take a look at this shower it is a shower like a   little rain shower and then also a wand shower  comes down there you got your shower drain you   turn it on right there super convenient and there  is your uh shampoos and some somebody asked right   is that all the same they're all the same doesn't  matter which Resort the shampoo the conditioner   and uh the body wash is all the same so let's come  in here and close this door and then right here we   have a sink little sink there with a mirror and  a light over it and then over here let's open   this up this door you open this door and you have  that if you ever need to use it closing the door   turning left we're going to go back in here and  this here is the bedroom look in the bedroom here   it is this looks like a king-size bed you've got  the decorations of I it's all very itic there's   look at above the bed I love it they look like  they're hanging they got Mickey and Minnie riding   horses there's Pluto it's almost like they took  these sweet photos and they've added them in the   characters in there's Donald Duck it looks like  there's goofy is's doing a little fishing maybe   that is sweet so let me back up so you can see  this room a little bit better look at this room   oh my gosh your little Chase Lounge nice bed over  there and then right over here you have like your   like your Chester drawers and there is a  television in here as well not to mention   there's this giant huge window that you could just  open up and look outside from the bedroom then   we're going to go this way that's the bathroom we  checked out we're turn this way go to the right   and you see there's another bathroom another sink  here with a giant mirror it's lit from behind and   also the top then down here you've got a bathtub  this looks like a very deep bath math tub right   over here perfect and then when we turn right  there you've got another door let's open that door and this takes you into like a closet oh  have it open closet uh there's your ironing   board there's even like a little vacuum a mob  and a safe so back here in the back here in the   bathtub area with a sink there you notice there  is a door right here behind me you can open that   door and that will take you oh I forgot to close  that that'll just take you right back in here to   the bathroom area I didn't even I had no idea I  didn't know anything about this Resort really I   mean I just was like this place is amazing now  what I'm staying at is a one-bedroom this is a   one this is considered one-bedroom they also  have two bedrooms and three bedrooms so just   imagine like three bedrooms with all the same  like you would have all the same stuff out here   here as well you'd also have the kitchen and  dining area they do have studios here a studio   like is Imagine like it's a queen-sized bed and  kind of like you still have like a kitchen area   but you don't have like all the like the living  room area I just I'm in shock I'm in shock this   is I don't even know what to say Amanda and miles  are just walking back from Disney Springs so I got   to go find them and show them the room Amanda  and Miles went to Disney Springs she wanted to   go to Gideons to get tree and they do a little  bit of shopping I think I'm going to show them   the room I think she's going to love the room  but then in about an hour or two they have to   get ready about 2 hours they have to get ready  and head over to uh the uh airport okay we made   it over to Disney springs for Gideons and I'm  going to walk back with you guys deliver this to   Chris and show you how easy the walk is to and  from Saratoga Springs to Disney Springs let's go all right I Am timing this um because Gideon  is right in the heart of Downtown Disney and   so it will give you like a really really really  good estimate of how long it takes to get through   everything and to get into the heart of Disney  Springs technically getting to Disney Springs   would be shorter because you know you just get  there you arrive but this will give you a good   estimate here we go oh and I also timed it  we started at 12:03 plus I have a 7-year-old   so that will help you if you have young kids or  if you're just kind of doing a more leisurely   stroll I'm definitely not power walking okay I'm  busted I had a little sip and it looks like a   lot more than a little sip okay sorry someone  got distracted by the Star Wars store we'll   continue our journey shortly okay that only added  like 2 minutes onto our journey and we're back   off okay now we're just getting ready to exit  Disney Springs you head towards where the boat   would be now we're crossing the bridge to get to  Saratoga Springs Okay so we've technically made   it now I'm going to do this nice little walkway  it's in the shade this walkway is closed From   Dusk to Dawn but it's beautiful in the trees here  and you guys Chris has spoiled me he has brought   me drinks and so now we are doing the same to him  okay and now we really have technically made it   into the resort we are surrounded by the Villas  now and it's 12 18 so 15 minutes to get from   the heart of Disney Springs to inside Saratoga  Springs let's go find Chris all right look who   it is here you go sorry I took a few sips oh my  gosh I need it's so hot here guys this feels so   good peanut butter your favorite peanut butter is  so good just a little treat for you to say thank   you for all of these amazing videos oh thanks  sweetie doing great let me show you the room   all right guys we Amanda's waiting outside I told  her just to wait out cuz I wanted to see get her reaction okay here we go oh my gosh I know oh  my gosh okay okay wow look oh God bathroom oh   my gosh this is a villa yeah yes I know right  I had no idea oh what a pleasant surprise this   is unreal this is perfect check out them it's  perfect it's absolutely perfect this is Kitchen   yes is it a washer and dryer thank goodness  okay this is amazing and then this is what we   all need this comes down as a bed okay and then  this comes down as a little bed too kidding no I   love it this is why ultimate family vacation  this is great you guys miles discovered this   I didn't even notice this look okay it's like the  Melt Zone the warm Zone and then the Dual element   but look it's a it's a Mickey it's a hdden Mickey  oh my gosh they think of everything I turned the   light off so I won't get so much reflection so I  can see that isn't that crazy you guys um Amanda   miles have gone to the pool and they leave in 3  hours and Amanda's like I know you got a lot to   do go film go keep going through the resorts and  go do all that and I was going to do that but I'm   not right now I am literally not going to take  my camera or anything I'm going to go spend the   rest of the time with Amanda and miles and then  once they're gone then I'll come back and start   filming some more I am going to start the laundry  uh do a little bit of laundry while I'm trying to   be efficient and do two things at one time laundry  while I go out with Amanda miles here with Amanda   miles they're ready to get on their Uber so  this something we just love on our thing this is   inflatable you blow it up it's a car SE booster  we live with this you travel a lot you have   little kids I just put a link down below you  can see it cuz a lot of people ask like where   do you get this this is a lifesaver to have when  you travel booster seats she's getting them all buckled bye guys I love you bye love bye little guy it's almost harder to  watch him leave this time all right let's get back to work that's what we  got to do we got work to do let me show you the   uh the market where you order your food this is  called The Artisan's pallet you walk right in   here this is the little tiny Market but this is  The Artisan's palette you can mobile order food   and that's what we did when we were out at the  pool this afternoon we mobile ordered food I   came here and picked it up and took it back so  it's really convenient they have your cratone   entree we select different protein two sides they  have a marinated chicken bowl pepperoni pizza and   they also have like a Saratoga brisket sandwich  the hot Italian Panini the grilled ham and cheese   they've got the seroga salad chicken plant-based  uro and avocado toast and chicken strips you might   be saying well why didn't just demanda in my stay  um I refill my mug here got some more uh drink [Music] miles is currently in school um he  he only missed a few days of school and then   he also this coming up weekend he has a final  baseball game that's really important to him   to his baseball game so he's going to go be  back for the baseball game then uh yeah so   then the last week of school this is what's so  interesting to me well I'm going tell you this   Amanda literally sat down and and she's like  well maybe we should just stay let's just stay   and I was like oh my gosh please stay and so and  she's like okay and and we uh she contacted the   teacher and got all the rest of his homework  they've been doing his homework isse here they   Amanda works with Miles diligently with that and  uh but then we went to change the flights it was   so expensive like I could not believe it was  like yeah it was just it was too expensive to   do it so uh we just decided not to do it and so  U they're they're going to be home all right if   you walk to the market there's this thing here  called the Turf Club Bar and Grill we're going   to turn right now they usually normally have  boats that'll take you down to like Disney   Springs but the water level's so low they can't so  this is the Turf Club and the bar and grill let me   show it to you they have a nice little sitting  area down here you can like order this is just   relaxing they got uh videos news up there right  here is a little bar area the bar is open from 4:   to 11:00 and then behind me there's a pool table  that you can play pool on as well and here's the   Turf Club so where you can come and eat opens at  4:30 I got permission to come here it's 2 minutes   till it opens up the Turf Club they letting me  come in here to show it it's so cool looking it's   all set up this is a restaurant that's going to  be you it's going to require a reservation you're   going to absolutely have to have a reservation  it's great food great restaurant and uh it's   very popular it opens it's from 4:30 to I have  to look and see what time it closes but this is   a great little restaurant the restaurant is open  from 4:30 to 9:00 and the staff here is amazing   here's a little pool table and like I said the  staff back there they're so kind and accommodating   and the dining is from 4:30 to 9: and you need  to have a a reservations strongly recommended   uh for that restaurant this Resort is really big  geographically wise so I'm going to show you this   map and kind of show you how they divide this area  up all right so this is a map of the whole area   this is the right here this is the Springs this  is the main area where you come into the check-in   area all right there's a little bus stop here this  is the lobby area and right over here they have   what's called Congress Park this is the closest  area to Disney Springs there's a little walkway   right there to Disney Springs this remember how  we talked about this and we haven't talked about   this really since the value Resorts almost they  have um standard and premere rooms these are   considered the premiere this is where people want  to stay down here and also these ones here called   The Springs these are the premier areas these ones  here The Paddock the grand stand and the carousel   those are considered standard rooms I'm currently  standing in the padic and you just walk right   across that bridge and I'm literally like right  there there are five bus stops one two let's see   three four and over here is five there are four  swimming pools this is the main pool this is the   pool of the paddock there's a pool down here at  the uh Congress Park right over here and there's   a pool over here at the grand stand right over  there no pool at the carousel now for you aute   and eiz people you might have noticed something  over here called The Treehouse Villas that is part   of this Resort but we'd have to talk about that  maybe in a different video there's special type   of Villas that are up in the trees and uh it's  it's a real Deluxe Deluxe thing to stay there   but this is what we're looking at here as Saratoga  Springs now normally what I do is I walk around   and show you all the different areas but they all  kind of look the same I'm going to show you there   some houses in some the same areas but they all  kind of look the same they're just a painting the   scheming might be a little bit different all right  I'm going to either show you the grandstand pool   or the Congress pool I getting a little turned  around this map cuz I'm right about here I'm just   going to start walking either I'll walk this way  or I'm going to be walking this way we'll find out   once I get there there are four different swimming  pools at this Resort and they're trying to explain   the rules to me and there's lots of different  rules for each of these pool so I'll try to   go over them so you can understand the different  pool rules I do want to show this area this is a   golf course and you don't have to be staying  in this Resort anybody can golf at the stre   course and you check in at the the lobby here but  then anybody can golf but look at the look at the te's Mickey heads this area is known as the  grand stands let's go check out this pool the   pool is right behind me and they also have little  splash area I don't see any kids in Splash area   so quick try to film that that's Saratoga and  right here is a little splash area for kids   they come in here they can play there's little  water guns they could shoot they could Splash   in the water it's a nice little fun area you kind  of can see the pool behind me is there little pool   it's got like water things shooting the pool this  pool is open 24 hours a day 24 hours a day there   are no lifeguards on duty here at this pool and uh  there's that little kids play area and then right   next to the pool is called the back scratch  bar which is right there located right there   the back scratch bar this area here is called the  Grand grand stand and I'm going to walk this all   the way across this Resort is a big Resort uh to  what's called Congress uh the Congress area it's a   preferred location and we'll take a look at that  pool that pool is also open 24 hours a day golf   is this golf course surrounds this amazing Resort  this Resort is large and I was walking by in the   castle was like where where are you going now I  said we're going to the Congress pool the Congress   Park Pool he's like oh he's like we'll give you a  ride they have they actually give people rides to   this Resort go golf carts because you just have to  wait about 5 minutes sure I'll wait all right here   we are in Congress Park let's go check out the  pool this little area here you see these building   here this is called the preferred area because  they're all the same they're all the same um it's   just that this is closer to the entrance to Disney  Springs and also very close to the lobby all right   there's a bunch of people here this pool is open  24 hours a day so we'll see how I can film it   pool's behind me it's open 24 hours a day I didn't  know how to film it but there's a lot of people in   there so uh it's open 24 hours a day there is  a little spot area like a little jacuzzi area   in there as well uh no slides nothing like that so  it's going to be more for adults than for children   no lifeguards right in front of me this is the  like a little Fountain but across right here this   is Disney Springs this is for those in California  think Downtown Disney but this is massive this   is huge huge huge huge huge and it goes way down  there and it's a very very very big deal here in   uh Florida there's restaurants they have little  boats you go out on there's all there's lots of   things to do here next to the pool there's a  little playground for little ones that's all I   can film with this pool we do have a sauna here  as well little Jacuzzi hot tub shower head all   right we're walking along this is entering into  the paddock area keep in mind that the rooms are   exactly the same here as they are in Congress Park  right over there just buildings look a little bit   different on the outside different color scheme  that's it I do like the feel of this place though   and the architecture it's bright and feels happy  all right this little blue and green building that   actually is that little that little porch right  there that is my porch That's where I'm staying   at right there and then if you turn this way  there is a bridge that takes you back to kind   of the center area area to the lobby so we just  walk across that bridge then you walk across that   bridge then there's a pool and there's a Lobby  that's a typical Lobby right there here I am in   the paddock area The Paddock has a pool and a kids  area and the kids area currently right now has no   children in it so I'm going to film it this is a  nice little kids area little splash area for kids   a little tiny W water slide here it's not too deep  this is where uh miles did a lot of playing fun   little water slide for him and what the fun thing  is there's like a bucket on top and this bucket   it dumps frequently and a lot so the kids don't  have to wait very long for that which is really   nice I'll show you let's get here there it goes  yep and it goes about every 30 seconds or so and   they have these little buckets here they tip over  yeah see like a little bucket there is getting TI   well I want to tell you say he's stuck and uh yeah  they he was he missed some friends they're playing   and running around and having a really good time  little kid area here The Paddock area here's the   paddock pool it's got a water slide you walk up  those stairs there and there's the water slide   and it comes right down there dumps you right out  so pretty fun they also have a little hot tub over   here with the accessibility chair all right so I'm  only going to film a little bit cuz I don't want   to show people but this is a sloping pool that  goes in it's very nice for parents it just kind   of slopes on in again since there like people in  here I'm only going to show parts of it cuz I want   to film any people but this is the deepest Bend  this is where the slide comes out this pool pool   also has what's called The Paddock Grill coming  there it's got like some food drinks Mills and   uh whatever you need that's the padic pool the  Panic pool is open from 10: until 11:00 at night   it's got it does have lifeguards this one does  have lifeguards and does have a little play area   for children as well and then tomorrow morning at  10:00 I'll go to the main pool and show you what   the main pool is like that's the bigger pool with  like a little bit bigger water slide and a little   more activities for families I'm currently going  to my room this reminds me of Apartments when I   graduated from college the first job I got um was  in Philadelphia I lived in Philadelphia and I got   a little apartment there and this is literally  what my apartment complex look like just like this it's uh dark so I thought I'd come outside  and kind of show you what this Resort looks like   at nighttime this is a bridge earlier today I we  walked across this with Amanda miles to get them   to the the their Uber that's all I'm thinking  about but you can see how pretty this Resort is getting close to the end guys I I felt like  for a long time I really was struggling there I   was having some really rough days you guys don't  know that maybe in the videos because I edited   that out but I had a couple of days that little  little rough um so the cornado video that was a   really hard day I it was so hot it was so hot  and so humid and I was just kind of grumpy and   I didn't feel good I was dehydrated yeah but uh  we got through we're getting through this we've   got a couple more resorts to go and uh wow we're  done I can't believe it hope you've enjoyed this   hit the like button and hit the Subscribe button  we have some even crazier things coming up this   summer you're going to want to be a part of let's  take a look at this Resort let's just go up here   to like the little lobby area to see how it looks  like when it's all lit up okay so here's a little   little horse this is where you get dropped off to  get in this is the entrance to the lobby there's   the Saratoga Springs Resort and [Music] Spa here  in the lobby you kind of walk through this little   area here I don't know if you had a chance to  see this like they have like a little sitting   area you just kind of sit and relax it's a very  nice resort I have a thought on it though let   me share my thought as I walk back to the to my  room this is the main pool it's called High Rock   Springs here at nighttime I will go through that  pool tomorrow morning uh right when first opens   that's the main pool I have a thought about this  Resort this Resort is different than any other   Resort that I've been to so far it doesn't feel  so it doesn't feel like I'm even in the Disney   bubble this feels like a resort that you go to  when you're having vacation you stay here for a   week maybe spend a day or two at Universal Studios  a day or two at Disney or just Lounge out by the   pool it doesn't have that constant like Disney  pressure or the not pressure is not right word   but Disney presence right all the time in your  face this feels like a a resort where you're   just here to relax I've seen lots of people that  are coming into this Resort a lot of them are like   carrying big bags of groceries or having food  delivered or whatever because of this it it's   like an apartment it's like a a nice little area  a homestead if you will that you can just kind   of hear relax and just enjoy right behind me is  some Transportation really the only option you   have for transportation are buses buses buses  buses I'll talk more about that in the morning   buses buses buses he we made it back at the place  uh the the resort I'm pretty sure this is like a   Hidden Mickey or H Mickey homage what do you guys  think I mean that's just too symmetrical for that   okay so here's what we got going for the rest of  this video I'm going to do some shoutouts after   shout outs we're going to get some room tests  get ready room test go to bed and wake up in   the morning we'll show little breakfast offerings  and then I'm going show you that main pool now we   are not accepting any more shoutouts uh and I am  just so overwhelmed by you guys you guys were so   kind and so generous and you've helped us so much  on this amazing um eventure that we're doing here   but I didn't realize I didn't think we'd get  this many we had so many but I want to make   sure that each one is special each one is read  and each one will be read let's get into this   here we go um first shout out is from IET Nez IET  Nez oh you're so kind it says thanks with a big   heart shout out to provos park pass you are the  best you are blessed thank you for your content   thank you so much I'm so glad that people this  content is resonating with so people and people   are liking it this next shout out is from Heather  Baker Heather Baker 262 two and she says this a   shout out to the baker fam Travis Janelle Donovan  Orin Lan and beex I'm so excited for your trip to   Disneyland I hope it's the most magical ever it's  going to be bex's very first time love you PS I   can't believe how much work you're putting into  these videos Chris I hope somewhere in there you   get a nap or have a three-day nap when you get  home I and I I am guys I'm I'm kind of dragging   a little bit but we're going to get through  it this next shout out is from Beaker honey   do Muppet labs and they said great job on your  videos I love the few food reviews when you're   showing your face we get the true feelings  oh my gosh that is my nightmare to eat on   camera I I get so self-conscious doing that so  I'm glad that you guys get enjoyment of that   this next shout out is from Tessa Robel Tessa  Robel 5015 and she says Chris you're probably   feeling pretty hot right now and a bit tired  or discouraged or maybe even a little lonely   missing Amanda and Miles today's this is an  interesting uh comment to read on the day   they go home because I am I'm missing them a lot  but you need to know what an inspiration you are   to me and so many your positivity your positivity  is contagious and the complimentary parts of your   videos have made my day at times where I've had  no one else to speak to me I've never felt such   Sunshine through a screen before in my life you  make my heart smile the pass year has been rough   and you truly been a light in the darkness for  me and for that I thank you your kindness never   goes unnoticed and I adore you and Amanda P.S  you're raising a mighty fine young man please   keep up the great work um Tessa PPS I don't mind  you eating on camera at all you never gross me   out whatever you're most comfortable with is best  thank you so much Tess I appreciate it that was a   perfectly timed comment to read and um I so glad  that you like those positivity messages I still I   I'm going to be honest with you guys I get a  lot of people I get a lot of really negative   comments for people a lot of times they they  I don't know why they feel like they need to   message me privately and tell me that they're  awful or that I'm insincere or that I shouldn't   do it or make someone want to I don't know but  I just think I'm like well that's maybe that's   their feelings more than what I'm really doing I  just want everybody to know that they're amazing   especially you Tessa thank you so much this shout  out is from my purpose 404 my Pur purpose 404 they   said I want to make a shout out to you Chris  provos yes I'm talking to you I wanted to thank   you for your daily message to viewers it really  does help when you have when we have a difficult   day I love that you always try to be happy and  have a smile on your face and I actually love   your dad jokes thank you I'm so glad that you  do I love that you love Mrs Incredible cuz you   know she's hot LOL I do love miss incredible do  you know who I also have a kind of a crush on is   Colette from uh Ratatouille I love her too um and  I love that you have a beautiful family that loves   you thank you so much my purpose I appreciate  that message so much next shout out is from is   from Scott Sterling Scott Sterling 4298 and he  said oh my gosh thank you Scott I was hoping   we' get one of these and we I was so nervous thank  you Scott here we go all right kadre go Padres go Padres we're getting everybody from the whole  division except for the Padres like thank you   so much Scott go Padres thank you so much for  all you are doing Sebastian's beastro looks   so delicious so keep up the food reviews your  food reviews are spoton I'm so glad that you   thought so that that I'm going to be honest  with this the um Sebastian's beastro is one   of my favorite restaurants and have some of the  very best food I've had so far in this entire   time it was amazing I think that was what like  12 days ago and I still think about it thank you   Scott cadres this next shout out is from hard  Hardley Hogan Hardley Hogan 4915 says Chris I   love the content but it keep it keeps us happy  between our Disney trips please give a shout   out to my wife Terry shallcross and tell her  I can't wait to take her to Tokyo Disney and   Orlando oh my gosh you guys will have the best  time when you get to go it's going to be amazing   this next shout out is from Michael mcer Michael  mcer R Y3 LW says hey Chris we love the videos   thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up you bring a ray  of sunshine across the pond can you give a big   shout out to Alicia and Zach who are getting  married at the Grand Floridian wedding Pavilion   on the 1st of September 2024 oh my gosh way to  go Alicia and Zach that's going to be amazing   it's going to have you guys that's awesome that's  awesome from a very proud dad of the Bride Mike   good luck with the 20 Resorts stays ah thank you  so much we're getting through we're almost to the   end this next shout out is from Karen Meer Karen  Meyer and she says 70s rock and you do too dude   I think the 70s was a great decade I think that  I just think it's a great decade I look back at   it with like Fest I was like that would be like  a fun decade to grow up in all the I think the   clothing was cool the music was cool I just think  it was a cool time so I'm glad that you agree with   me Karen this shout out is from T Nelson or maybe  it's T Nelson I'm not exactly sure and says but   thank you so much thank you so much um you're very  generous I hope you recover okay we had an issue   with the heat while they talking about the he the  heat that when I had that when I was struggling I   hope you recover okay had an issue the heat while  I was out there a couple years ago and those cool   snap towels were Lifesaver for me aside from water  which I super super appreciate you constantly   mentioning a big thank you to you and the fam  okay yeah those towels like you get them wet and   you put them around your neck those are amazing  and uh yes those are really really really good   so I appreciate that and I have been I'll keep  remaining hydrated and make sure you drink enough   water too Lorraine Ogden all she said was thanks  and I just want to say you're welcome this next   shout out is from Graphics 5107 Graphics 5107  and they said we met met you and Amanda at DCA   while you're filming why Oswald can't cross this  line video you two were so sweet and welcom me and   took a photo of me oh it's always my pleasure I  love it when people come and and want to talk or   take a photo it's so fun um the secret revealed  videos are great and are family sits and watches   those together then go search for them in the  resort your positive messages are amazing and I   personally appreciate them these Walt Disney World  hotel videos are going to help us plan our Orlando   trip thank you for doing all of this and keep up  the great work Chris and stay hydrated I'm going   to try to stay hydrated shout out to my amazing  Disney wife Melissa Melissa oh my gosh by the   way I love the name Melissa um little Sidetrack  here when I one of my first skateboards I had   I've had tons of skateboards but I would always  name them and my favorite skateboard I ever had   I named Melissa I love that board it was amazing  so sorry distraction let me go back here I want   to give a shout out to my amazing Disney life uh  Melissa and our two wonderful boys Benjamin and   Elias I am so proud of the hard work you put in  this school this year take Chris's great advice   and always be confident in yourselves love you all  Benjamin Elias listen to your dad be confident and   know how amazing you are because you are amazing  this next shout out is for Disney dad rocks Disney   dad rocks Chris I had to figure out how to  purchase one of these thanks for your messages   the pinball reviews in each arcade are appreciated  by this pin head yes I know I'm a little worried   I haven't seen more trons in a while I can't  believe how many Tron pinballs there are and   I have never played it it's amazing very good  pin someday we'll meet up and play some pinners   uh thanks for the vids and all the positive vibes  to the world uh message for all this is a message   to everybody dizzy dad is talking to you yes  you you are amazing and the world is a better   place with you in it we all need each other and  we can play nice in the sandbox of life together PS this is really Disney dad rocks PS go Yankees  go [Laughter] Yankees this next shout out is from   Carly Su cersi uh it says hi Chris my family loves  your videos my shout out is to my husband Grant   and my kiddo and my kiddos Kitty Sue Robbie Allan  Ammon and anchor I love you all more than you will   ever know can't wait till we all can go back to  Disneyland again you were all my favorite travel   buddies and Grant I love love love love love  you best husband ever this next shout out I got   two of them they're from Charlotte Mel they both  just say the same thing they say thank you and I   want to say you're welcome this next shout out is  from Aaron Rogers Aaron Rogers Chris you're doing   a great job I once rented a cabet at the Yacht  Club the stormlock the that's the pool there for   a day of relaxation please show them if you can  water water water take care Aaron Aaron oh my gosh   the yacht club and Beach club's pool is amazing  amazing this next uh shout out is from laam wq5   frr and it says in regards to your apprehension  of being a food reviewer I have watched a lot of   food review videos and my take on your ability  to convey your thoughts is outstanding thank you   so much on I appreciate that I am really enjoying  this series thank you P.S you look lonely and you   wrote this comment before Manda miles got here  yes and I I was I have been and I am again this   next shout out is from Black Magic Adventures  23 black magic Adventures 23 oh my gosh okay   sending lots of love thanks for being a kind  soul I really admire your work everyone make   sure to hit that like button and follow pris park  pass actually let's turn that around you know how   like doing like going to Disneyland I've met so  many interesting and kind and cool people and I   met you guys could go to Blackmagic adventures  on YouTube and follow along and it's one of my   favorite channels black magic Adventures hit the  Subscribe and on black magic Adventures this is   this next shout out is from David wood David wood  pw8 it and it's he says Chris I love your videos   thanks for all the league work all capitalized  leue work do you have a favorite type of brand   of shoes for all the walking you do wow that's  interesting yes I do what are they called um   hakas H Kaa those are really good walking shoes  um also I like Adidas running shoes the ones   called boost technology I love those I am going  to say this though um my hakas have been great   but I actually have a blister I got a blister my  first one I've had in a long time I have a blister   I think because I've walked I have walked a ton  in the last 18 days I mean a ton I have a little   tiny blister but uh usually it never happens this  next shout out is from T mms13 TM mms13 and they   said Lisa you are my life Christian you are my  future Mr Provost you are our positivity thanks Mr Mike this next shout out is from Lara Crawford  Lura Crawford and she says thanks for your   positive vibes I watch you daily and after after  I repeat your messages to my kids and cats don't   forget I love that don't forget you and yours  are amazing thank you so much L I appreciate   that this next shout out is from Adam trano  Adam tribiano and he says thanks I get a lot   of migraines and I found uh liquid IV works and  thanks for the message you put in the videos it   helps me since my dad passed Adam I'm sorry  to hear that um um that's a difficult thing   and the only thing I can say about grief is  a lot of times I think people feel like they   want to overcome their grief I just think grief  is another way that we show that we love that   person we miss them so much it's a little hole  in our heart and it shouldn't try to be filled   up with something else it's we just love that  person and I'm sorry you Dad passed as far as   the liquid IV it's weird it's like you're in  sync today Amanda was just talking before she   left she told me she's like we she was telling  me about this liquid iv put it in the water   and you drink it it's got some electrolytes  or stuff like that I was like I should have   probably got that this next shout is from AMA  Aldridge and says hey Chris my husband and I   are celebrating our 10th uh anniversary at the  poly visian Resort at the end of December could   you show me how to get a Trader Sam's gr gr and  the walking distance to different Transportation   uh options manage to get TTC boats monal from the  room thanks for all you do yes and we did that and   so you actually posted this here uh this video  just came came out the video just came out so   thank you so much you are amazing all right guys  we have time for one more shout out and uh then   we'll get ready for the for the the room tests  here we go this is from Janine Camille Janine   Camille and they said Chris we're talking to you  you may think no but yes we're talking to you you   are amazing and the world is better because  you're in it whenever this 20-day challenge   gets you stressed or tired just know that you're  incredible and the light you put out the world   matters much love from Paul and Janine thank you  guys make me thank you thank you I need to hear   that I need to hear that I just want people to  know that they're important and I don't really   know how to always convey that so sometimes that  might seem a little hokey but when I am talking to   people through the YouTube channel and this videos  it's sincere and I mean it and I know that you're   you're uh your comment there sincere and I know  that you mean it I appreciate it thank you very   much all right guys let's get ready to do the room  tests I mean get ready for bed water bottle test   water bottle test put the lid on put the lid on  I'm pretty confident you better be cold in the   morning good night I do want to show you this  over here they have this little bed that comes down very cute there little Goofy's  reading on the about horse riding and   a little cute bed there little  day bed for like you know like   a little bed for like a little child  all right it's the hide Bay that comes [Music] down apparently you have to move this okay take two the beds sometimes these beds here like  this that come down to this point there to   get a little stuck it's actually a child  lock so that way a child can't pull the   bed is get stuck and you have to kind of  pull it pretty hard to get past that point this is the mural above the bed you got  Mickey and Manny and Pluto there's Donald   and Daisy and Goofy's watching  a bird and the bird's watching goofy all right guys I will see  you in the morning we'll continue   on good night good night right turn this off good night glasses good night good morning let's go get some breakfast guys you  guys remember this is the paddock pool I wasn't   really able to show it in its full Glory last  night cuz so many people were in it it doesn't   open till 10:00 it's about 9:30 right now in the  morning but it is it's closed they won't let you   in the water uh but right here they have a paddock  Grill because kind of far away from the SC the the   lobby area so they open up the padic grill so  people come here and have breakfast but that's   a nice little pool and right here is the padic  grill this opens at 700 a.m. and is is open till  

900 p.m. but they also have breakfast so you  can come here and get a bunch of breakfast if'   got bacon cheese bagel sandwich Greek yogurt  parfait bagel and cream cheese cro chocolate   croissant sorta muffins fruit dip and so on I'm  going to walk us back all the way across this   bridge all the way across the pool pool to the  main lobby I think we can maybe look at some see   if we get there in time to maybe look at their  breakfast offerings and then look at the pool   the main pool right as it opens up but yeah this  is that where I'm out here in the paddock which   is one of the farthest areas away because of  that they have that grill that opens up for   breakfast so you don't have to walk make the trk  all the way in okay so here's a little bit of a   map this is where we're at right here this is  the pool where they have that Grill that's open   at 7:00 a.m. we're going to walk here across this  bridge past this Lake past this pool then here is   where they have more food so you see it is  a little bit of a jaunt that's why they have   the grill over there as well and this is that  bridge that we saw on the map and here's the   lake that we're walking by now all right  now we're walking by the pool this takes   us up into the lobby this is the breakf  breakfast offer they have here in the main place I'm going to say this the one at the  grill there was no line this one here there's   a long line of people trying to order the  food does offer more food here but if you   were satisfied with the food they had the  padic grill there's no line versus there a   massive line okay this is the main pool right  by the lobby it's the biggest pool it opens up   at 10:00 it's a little bit early but uh they're  letting people come in to choose a spots so let   me show you some of the cool things that this  pool has one of things that you see right here   they have a little play feature right over here  just a little fun area waterfall kids can play   and splash in there not a problem at all now  it says pool closed cuz it doesn't open for   another 10 minutes but you'll see this is the  water slide the water slide up the umbrella   up there that's where you get on the water  slide you come down it's got some twists and   turns and then you got a nice little uh bridge  that goes over the water slide this is the pool area there's the water slide entrance it comes  down here goes right around there around it kind   of the loop and then out from right below a fun  little feature here is you notice that this pool   has a teeny tiny slide there for little kids  it's got steps and then right there there's a   little waiting area where the kids you can  walk in slope and has little little water   jets shooting out for fun there's a better  view of it coming in you see like a little water these pools are fantastic there's four  different pools here they have some different   hours some are open 24 hours some are open here  I this one opens at 10 morning so at the paddock   pool uh there's two water slides you got a water  slide here this main water slide here and at The   Paddock pool you have a water slide then the  other ones have some little splash areas I'm   going to go ahead and give this four pools four  pools out of five it's a fantastic area the kids   are going to be super happy with it it's a  lot of fun there are kind of spread out so   you're going to probably be mostly staying at  the pool that you're closest to cuz this is a   very large resort uh it's really fun though so  I'm going to give this four pools out of five   all right that's the little Saratoga Springs in  entrance area that's to the the arcade and the   community center but now we're going to walk  back to the room we'll do our room test and   let's do this back across the bridge this gives  you a good idea of what the buildings look like though I realized I never did the bed test so  let's do the bed test this is a really good   bed soft uh it's firm but with a nice uh like  soft like pill top type thing on it I had a   hard time f as sleep nothing to do to the bed  just cuz I think I'm missing my family but I'm   going to give this four Z's out of five four Z's  out of five excellent excellent bed water bottle   test this is the first one I've been 100%  confident this is going to be cold before   I even took it out and it is perfectly cold  cold cold cold I better drink that cuz it's   already super hot here uh cold cold cold cold  cold cold cold shower test guys this is a very   difficult one this has not really happened  uh on any other Resort the shower pressures   on these different shower heads is so drastically  different that I'm just going to kind of give you   the mean of the two as a score all right that's  the shower the not the like the W shower good   pressure good pressure it's like a three three  out of five now I turn that little nozzle up   that's for the rain shower now the rain shower  is hard to see I don't know if it's because and   that doesn't go any higher like this nozzle here  that's as high as it goes that turns it down for   the nozzle doesn't go any lower that does not  go any higher that's full power and maybe it's   cuz it's got to go up this pipe the pressure  it hard it's I know it's two drops out of five   it's hardly any pressure coming down out of  that water it's barely coming down it's very   interesting uh different type of rain shower  so I'm going to combine a score a three drip   and a two drip we're going to give this two and 1  half drips two and 1 half drips flush test here we go it has a really strong right the very beginning  so I'm going to give this one here four toilets   out of five four flushes out of five all right we  got to talk about Transportation CU this Resort is   huge Transportation It's All Buses buses buses  buses there is a ferry that can help you go to   to downtown to Disney Springs it's currently not  running right now because the water

2024-06-02 09:56

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