Darshan - Blessings of Saints

Darshan - Blessings of Saints

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I. Was. Planning a trip to the Annapoorna sanctuary, at the base of the 10th highest mountain, in the world in Nepal I. Sent. A message to punting sake the. World-famous, faded, pundit who had, met at the Mahathir, Mail in, 2013. While. Filming my, award-winning film, truth rush, to. Let him know I would be coming through Delhi pundants. Sake surprised, me and. Called me 10 minutes later and invited. Me to go to Rishikesh, with, him I learned, a long time ago that, when. In Indian holy men invites, you to come visit you. Don't hesitate, to go. Research. Kesh is the, meditation, and yoga capital, of the world and is. Situated, on the Ganges River where. It emerges, from the Himalayas. 50. Years ago it became famous when. The Beatles came to transform, their lives and careers. By. Practicing, Transcendental. Meditation, with. Maharshi, Mahesh, Yogi. JJ. Go, to bed. Jesse. He. Was in living in socket area with the secretary, positive Anantha he was living up there. He. Was. Steady. Mother. He was single day. He. Was in the school college. How, long will see they're up, if this has just, happened, Jose Eber ticket this are they barely. Sure 42, years if. They. Steady, in kasi -. University. That they can. It. Was very great teacher and very nice, too, he's always $14, good work. Here. Many student. To. Specialize. In my jutsu sure I began. To. Change within. That area. I need, notation. Many things I. Did. Not know what to expect when, we went to Calima, we. Left at 5 in the morning for. The six to seven hour drive up, the mountain from Rishikesh. After. We arrived we decided, to hike to Cali Sheila, I, thought. It was only a kilometer, or so but, after eight hours and six kilometers, the. Steep. Switchback. Trails we, made it to the top of Kali Rock in, the dark. We, arrived at the small are shown in the naka Baba, who. Is. Recklessly. Allowed us to stay the night, he. Made. Present. You. Have say. Bulacan. Kali. Kali. She lock. Him. Away ki, jai. Jai. We, are. Top. Of the mountain, now. And. It is very special, place for the meditation, there are some yogi and mother, divine and living they. Are doing regular, meditation, and. They. Have their own experience. And. There is kaliesha. Kalila. Means black stone, from the mother Kali. There. Are the. Shape of many divas and, when. You look it you go there you, see there you will feel the vibration. J. The. Body full name is, Bubba. Brock Aguirre, ji, Maharaj Kali, Sheila Burke. Agreed, and. He's, living, around 45. Years in this place Vitalis. Derka Berka means, raining and. Where did he live before that no se pehle carpet, a little belly. Can. Take about a bottle, get on. Athenaeus. He was you get honored many, temples, you know they go around the world and then easier, so, when did he become a sanyasin. Absent. Give, this alma the. Girl. Said i'm nicholas, hmm. He, came, out from his house and when he was eleven years and then, ten years vermicelli and. Then 23, years he becomes, an yes. And. Who is his spiritual, teacher. Mahant. People. A surgery, his digital one. But. But. He says you, are very special and you have the devotion, in your heart and you are enlightened, just like in Latin percent, and you have great aura you. Will do many things when. I belong bhava Jamuna I have to do stomach, hey Jimmy, they have a person. In America and again hit, one. Goodbye he. Says yes. After. Returning, from Kali Sheila, Pinette. Sati and I earned the blessing, of the pundit of. The historic, nanda devi temple, in, topof, on, after. A week of painting, inside, and out we. Had hired, some painters but, after one day of work, they. Disappeared. With. All our brushes and paints. So. We rolled up our sleeves and, with. The help of local sadhus, and, travelling. Musicians, we. Transformed. The temple and the. Neighborhood to. The delight, of the, pundit, his. Family, and, local merchants. We. Went to the source of the saraswati river, at. Adi, Badri, in. Haryana, State about five hours drive, from Rishikesh. We. Were invited, to stay by the Swami, who. Resides, over the ashram, there. Opportu. Like them you looks. Really. Big on Antigua. This. Is very very good name of you Billiken mom, make which come here little bit still. Missing. Something so, I mean like Natalie. My. Name is Sarah. Jane who. Can remember Sarah, and Jeannie.

And. Today happens to be my sixth year purpose. So. That supposed, to you complete, a site or visit and. You are born again as, it were so we, usually do a little you know pooja. And a prayer of gratitude to, God for all. His blessings and inviting. More blessings. So. It's a milestone. Birthday. Happy. Birthday thank, you so much that's. How I. Am. No. It's, my honours minded, I was, kidding I said I saw you and then I said okay what you will enjoy. And you. Are going something, is from the inside, I don't also but you go. This. Pupil is, near. The end of the to our ceremony. Swami. Ball yogi, prem Vernie arrived. Ball. Yogi, means child, yogi. This. Was a surprise visit. And. When thorough Jeanne asked the Swami how, he knew it was her birthday he, stated it. Popped up on my facebook page this morning. Howdy. Miss Julie. Also. Ready nice to. Be Smeagol et Dona Romney family. You. Understand, no. Mason, Avastin. So. Yeah he was. Both. Of them were living in the same layer but, the house was it. To each other. Same. Is. This within you to touch you know. When. You're young, yeah it is, it's in mp. Mother for this it's one of the state in India, ntral, so, there is a place called Jabalpur new pants jumpin, foot is hanging down we're in the same lane Maharshi. Pal was, living, on this night and oh sure on the other side. Same. Lane. Would. They are giving me in Quidditch arsenal. It's, my harshest Ostrom not, him um. Yeah. I'm. Going to say he's, table seconds at the post proper secretary, and I gotta create uh-huh much is. There, Shankar. Acharya Nanette or topple. And. Name. Of. SRM. Right. Spiritual. Regeneration movement. In. Land meters but not happy. Marsh, you might not have a fetus, did, disappear, nighttime, do, you remember you. Remember that, last moment, last. Moment, all Vitas, disappearance went. Direct area I. Know. They. Want to make you, have this teaching. That time and there, was many people and some. Young, lady was also there. They'll. Know then, share meeting with the initiation or something and brittle want to meet too messy and Matthew. Say after you can meet me something and then they become little bit upset. They. Says you are meeting to other horn and we, want to meet you also you know that was the reason but, he says, forgive.

Me After, age. Of sixty who, Patel delica young comical de Beaufort, Anita. England. A. Machine. Without. Ya. And. Everything to the proper channel I'll, post a few photos on your Facebook page come today, yeah by my facial gold my, name Mario, EEPROM early uh-huh, this is Facebook direct, yeah. Send. Me I will take you acceptable, yes I have many photograph, in arashiyama. Gonna. Be when we come over with a. And. Marshy measuring, City. Oh good. Good. Yeah. I'd love to see those we, were three together in. The Facebook uh-huh, Teddy, picture okay, I put. In the future. And. The Sankara also, attending the session Carla. Vallabha. Naked. Yeah. Yeah. She's. Came behind my after okay Tata. Bhalla care and. Behind myosin he. Was, used. Like you he's a very handsome man yeah very, handsome. Man. He, said Kissin oh yeah. Alibaba. Hansie, Hansie please birthday of, couture our cushions, domain, not. Valley Baba. Margie. Must invite him all these equations, whole celebration, tomorrow we, imagine, always. Marcy. Crying, Takashi can go through that terminal. Then. He came in nineteen sixty years yeah. Yeah. Any. Starters, organizations. Yogi. Meaning, child. Yogi, and, his guru, was in ruther Kashi and, he learnt under, the Guru at that time you know Turkish II that's, when he met Mahesh, Yogi you, know, and. Since then they have known each other and dear friends you, know Mahara. She and I since 1954. Together. Aparri. Maliha not here mm-hmm. Here. He came after 1960. After, 61. Victory, - yes. I suppose down my heart you missed the. Beginning you start. The. Beginning of March emails, show me my. Shrivastav, is David mm-hmm, before merci merci merci, Roberta. Is. City. Nevada resident. From, Jabalpur. Growing. In. Permanent. Subsidy, Mara's jagger, Dave. If, I cook. -, arsenic, is, obtained. Very. Muster this is started, she, started as a cook he said ha hey, sorry, that's why I see some difference of opening and getting your gifts and a half because he was time stricken good ramananda, can take them, he. Did not give initiation. Brahmana. Memorize, and. Then second thing there, was he knows after my passing, then should. Be encouraged, others should be Brahman and, nobody. Is or nothing then he, was not Brahman yeah, that's why he did not see, the master. But. Today we are very really, fortunate we. Meet the, Swamiji. And savage, great have. The you. Know knowledge and Balraj, Sahni he. Was living in forest in utter Kashi and then they meet their can go three Ganga three new English, source of Ganga source, of Ganga yes, and then, he. Made there and then Mataji. Came nineteen sixty year but they was before also we.

Are Very fortunate to meet him and they. Are enlightened, people you know you. Have very good karma. Minimum. Good name which our era she. Was the founder of this organization. See, father. Oh her, father yes, so. Me Shiva now sir she won't last. You. Know 1958. 58. Or 59 Matthew. When to run fast he is telling us, Cuba. America. At. That time you might not famous right, he must be competing, speaking, with. His brother Beatles, yeah. Mega. Homage. America, materials, Donovan. Beach Boys yes. At. That time. British. Minion Beach Boys. No. I am 86. Ma. She is right that. The. Real yogi, of Jabalia he. Made famous mother and at that time, now. There is no machine, Rishikesh. She. Gets finished, yeah, I am keeping a lavish tickets in my politically, alive in my arsenal. All. General nature of everything, untouched. Anymore. Now there. Is no Russia in the Seekers anymore all right. Tomorrow. You got blessings, and how much. You must give your blessings. Yes. You've. Got the blessing yes. She. Kind of Marcy, blessed you. Are. Sending, bless. You personally. Specialist. I. Give. Thanks to. All the people I met while making this film who. Saw the same. Images. They. Go, to the. JJ. Guru. The. -. We go, to day. JJ. Could. Oh.

2019-02-10 04:00

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