Cycling around Boka Kotorska / Bay of Kotor Montenegro | RECUMBENT TRIKE vlog | Steintrikes Wild One

Cycling around Boka Kotorska / Bay of Kotor Montenegro | RECUMBENT TRIKE vlog | Steintrikes Wild One

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Good morning! So, we start today downhill, and you can assume   that we will finish it on  the same steep... But uphill. See you! Yeah, we will go with that ferry across. We start our today's morning ride on the ferry,   and then we will go all around  the inner part of the Kotor bay. We will soon reach Verige, which is  the narrowest part of the Kotor bay, and once we are on the other side we will know  we are close to our destination, to get home.

We are arriving to our first  destination, the city of Risan. Ivana is also here with five seconds late. We are arriving to our second destination,   the village of Perast, which I  think is the pearl of the Kotor bay. You will see. And the best part - check it  out - it's forbidden for cars. As you can see, the town of Perast  is completely built in stone, and actually it is one of the, maybe the only one,   the only place in Kotor bay that is  completely preserved and highly protected.

So if you want to build a new  house, or restore an old house,   you are only allowed to do  it if you do it in stone. It is also famous for the  two islands that we can see. The left one is St. George, which is a monastery,   and it's not allowed to go  there without a special permit, and the one on the right is called Our Lady  of the Rock, and it is an artificial island built in, I think in the 15th century, when two Venetian soldiers found the Holy Mary  painting on a rock that was located there, and then the locals brought  rocks with their boats and   threw it on that place and build  an island with a church on it. And today you can go there by  boat and visit the church, and   see the painting that was found and  many other sailor-related things. Also, somewhere in August there is one  day, I think on the 10th or 12th of August, when you can see many little boats   going to the island and still throwing  rocks to maintain the island on its place.

Along the coast there are these  little cafes and restaurants   where we usually like to stop for a coffee, but today we decided to continue all the  way to Kotor and have our coffee there. And breakfast probably. Here we are on the square of the  St. Nicholas church in Perast. It was built in its present form in 1616, but  there was also an older church in its place. This bell tower is 55 meters high, which is  the highest church tower on the Adriatic coast. Every second comment on  Serbian is "Ležiš, a ideš!" Everyone is commenting that  this is a true Montenegrin's   life - you are lying and you are moving.

Maybe we should mention that the Montenegrins are   famous in jokes that they like to  relax a lot and lead a relaxed life. From this central point in the bay, we  can also see the narrowest part, Verige, which is approximately where  we started this morning. And this part was obviously a very  strategic point through history, because the one who controlled  it controlled the whole entrance   to the bay from the water, from the sea.

Verige means a chain, because there  were chains lifted on this place   which would stop the boats from entering, and they were only lowered  to release the ally boats. And we're back on the road. As you can see there is  only one road in this part, so it is a shared road for all the cars, buses,  trucks, and so on, that want to pass here. That is the main reason why we decided  to leave the kids with their grandparents   and go alone, because it's not... Because we don't think it's safe enough. The nature here is so  beautiful, but also very savage.

We have some bicycle path, so we use it . But the main reason why I start to film  again is because I think that these walls   in front of us are the walls of Kotor. The main gate of Kotor. Bikes are not allowed. When you enter Kotor, the old town of Kotor,  you reach this main square with the clock tower. And then you can go on.

It's not allowed to enter Kotor by bike, so  we had to leave our trikes on the entrance. But we still did enter and came for a breakfast. And I know you're wondering how  we left our trikes unattended, so we'll show you that when we get back to them.

Kotor was for a long time a  Venetian city, governed by Venice, and it was also in different times taken over  by the Ottoman empire, and then Hungarians,   Italy and so on, but for the longest time, almost four  centuries, it was a Venetian city. So its main architecture  reminds many Mediterranean   towns with these narrow stone streets. These little streets take you from one little  square to the other, and make a very nice   morning walk, or an afternoon walk. There is also... If you're into it, there is also  a nice hike up the mountains   along the walls of the old fortress, fortress  of Kotor, which takes a few hours to climb.

And few more if you're wearing SPD shoes! Yeah, we'll probably do it another  day, but without the trikes. There are also some cargo  trikes! They are allowed. And here we arrive to the other church of Kotor. It is an Orthodox church of St. Nicholas. From the other side.

So here they are, safe and sound. We usually lock them somewhere  where there are a lot of people, with a big chain lock, as you can see, so it would be very hard to  take them both at the same time. And here is a Tourist info point, so a place  where there are usually a lot of people   who would guard our trikes. The old town of Kotor is a fortified medieval  town which is very well preserved, as we can see. Up there in the mountain you can  see the walls of the fortress,   where you can go for a hike if you're up for it.

All the way to the top! The streets of Kotor are very busy, so I think  it was a good call not to take the kids with us. We are so close to the sea on the right, that is almost as if one of  the wheels was in the water. This side of the bay has only one lane  which is used for both directions, so all the cars, and even  buses sometimes pass here, have to be extremely careful, and when  they see a wider spot, like this one, go to the side and wait for the others to pass.

On the other hand, there  is less traffic down here, because there is one tunnel that goes  through the mountain on the left side, which connects Kotor to Tivat, which is  the next biggest town, just after our   destination, Lepetane. So people who want to avoid this part they  can just take the tunnel and get through. But if you want to go to any of these small   nice places along the coast, you have to take  the this downer route and enjoy the slow life. As you can see, the surrounding  mountains are very steep,   and consequently the sea  is very deep in the middle.

They say that this is the southernmost fjord  that exists, similar to the fjords in Norway. Let's see... Do you see maybe one turtle  climbing up? That's my wife! No surrender! It's so hot! Aller! Aller! Aller!

2021-08-10 08:18

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