Cruces Craft Cannabis: Cannabis Tourism, Saturated Licensing, The Deltas

Cruces Craft Cannabis: Cannabis Tourism, Saturated Licensing, The Deltas

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[Music] welcome to the farm table with in 60 miles of cruises there's about 3 million people um because El Paso on its own not even the metropolitan area it's 900 000 people and then um there's about two million people yeah well you have I think you have a ton of people that kind of to have a dual residence you know we talked to you know guys all the time the high horse guys you know guys are you know living in Texas they've got employees living in Texas and they're they're still working and and operating and living in New Mexico a lot of the times yeah so no you have this huge population right there uh much bigger than Albuquerque um and yeah there's a lot of talent down there and it's really cool to see um companies start to emerge and make a name for themselves they got a little goodbye down there and they're killing it too I mean they're like number four or five in the state and sells like 17 000. yeah um so yeah I called it that back in the day you know when we first went down there and checking it out because you just saw all the potential we saw all the little Farms starting to kind of buy everything up and so those of you that you know don't get the reference or whatever Chad's talking about a very little town um on the border of New Mexico Texas that's just developing at a rapid rate yeah yeah um little Dubai um to where you've just got you know a town that didn't have no action two three years ago other than maybe a gas station or a [ __ ] burrito shop yeah yeah you know quick stop off has now become one of the biggest money makers in the state if you follow the states map of where the money's at you know the track the tax money and you know cannabis is good for New Mexico kind of thing they're showing these these cities that are bringing the most in and Sunland every time is killing it Las Cruces is killing it um so yeah we're starting to see the the wealth and the the money in New Mexico in in different spots yeah and and that's cool hopefully of all this money that the state's collecting they'll actually put to some good and we'll start to become a prettier State better infrastructure you know more Landscaping you know more pride in in these especially small towns you know what I mean that now have so much tourist traffic you know right and you know Southern Park is just really missing like a consumption Lounge you know something to keep the Texans in the they don't have one yeah they don't not yet not yet they're working on it we went to one uh the other day they should be up here soon um which one was uh Field of Dreams yes yes uh looks like they're gonna be something and there's just briefed on it you kind of skipped over real quick but to keep the Texans here yeah that's smart because um you know a lot of them just come in and [ __ ] book it right oh yeah right you know for retail and for for tourism and for the hotels and the restaurants and the you know I heard they're making some sort of amusement entertainment over yeah that's been planned there for a while you know all that stuff only survives if they stay a little bit they have to actually spend the time there um so make it worthwhile I don't see how the casinos couldn't like figure out how to do something to because I know you can't mix alcohol with uh this business obviously but um do a concert don't sell alcohol have vendors they have the space like you said uh how do we keep them here how do we make this uh City indoor Town better well and how do we get them to Venture further into New Mexico you know of course uh Sunland Park's right there but I mean how do we get them to come to Las Cruces how do we get them to go to Chaparral how do we get them to go to these other places because other than a hats chili bringing them in and whatever [ __ ] all the way to hatch yeah and even malwolf yeah like there's only like you said specific things we got to figure out how to do more well we want them to come you know the way tourism works is they come in to your state and they spend money yeah they spend money they start enjoying themselves and then they look what can we do here and and they look at the map of you know said place and they start plotting out where they want to go and why they want to go there so yeah no I think the quicker we start spending this cannabis tax money on New Mexico um the quicker we start really focusing on that and keeping people here yeah um is the the quicker we're going to see more of a benefit from Cannabis money I agree because uh even the Las Cruces City Council there uh there's a pamphlet at the you know like little City Chamber or something like that um and it's a cannabis crawl for all the dispensaries um but there's no place to like do a real cannabis crawl it's just telling you where they are because I think there's some talks from my understanding of actually doing a cannabis crawl um getting someone you know to provide drivers you know of course just like any kind of you know Bar Crawl um and take it to different spots and then hopefully by then um unfortunately Soul shut down I don't know if you guys know that or not um and Chris this was our only consumption lounge and hopefully more open up I we I did hear about it um did they anybody release any information on what happened there you know other than the employees said that they were closed and then top uh ownership or management got a hold of Chad yeah and I haven't heard back from them because you guys did business with them well we were trying to but yeah we also like showing love the different dispensaries and whatnot so we just wanted to go enjoy the lounge and see what's happening but everything was locked yeah yeah there was a sign that said you know you side door because uh I don't know if you've ever been there it's this old building it's actually haunted they say there's a curse on it you know pretty much everybody that does a business there goes out of business built on the Indian burial ground and so uh it's a fairly good sized building and so the consumption lands on the far left side and they're like yeah go over you know go over there so we're like okay you know we're like use which side door and so we used one of the other ones on the right we looked at the window we didn't really see anybody we're like okay there's cars in the parking lot but they don't look like no customers so did their whole operation shut down because I mean they out of consumption Lounge a dispensary and a manufacturing right yeah I mean from my understanding from what all I know is yeah all those shut down however I don't know if they still have the licenses or not yeah no who knows um and I'm guessing you know you never know I mean it it's hard to make money right now there's a lot of competition yep you know I'm you know I hate to speculate you know um but I'm guessing possibly they weren't making the money they you know thought they were going to and it just wasn't a good business yeah job you know choice to to move forward um you know that's what I could guess hopefully it wasn't anything corrupt or bad that happened we did see an additional two of their dispensaries opening up in town and I think both of them were going to have consumption launches to them so I mean it could have been fast expansion one closes multiple open up yeah so that's wild you know that's wild to see that in our state and see that that's where um we've gotten to you know what I mean I don't it's been quick it feels like it was I mean we're what a year and a half in yeah yep like I said sped up timeline yeah yeah so you know I just hope I always say it the cream Rises to the top you know the good companies the good you know um dispensaries the good grows the good manufacturers will all find their way find their place find their foothold and we'll just have a you know a very good quality um kind of selection out there I agree it's getting better all the time especially in the South you got to come to the South man we'll show you some good stuff that's popping up and it's really surprising I don't get away from this [ __ ] place yeah you need to dude listen to The Comedians yesterday talking about I got shot while walking my Q2 cute dogs he shows his scar and I was like he just I felt safer in East L.A is crazy bro oh it's nuts dude yeah on that note um why don't you guys introduce yourself oh yeah good to have you here on the farm table appreciate you yeah it's a long intro huh right right oh [ __ ] my bad yeah so uh my name is Chad Lozano I've actually been on the show before um I've known Don for a long time I'm from the medical cannabis side I was an advocate for many years helped get the laws changed you know um actually the reason why we're here with legal cannabis is you know myself and many other individuals that came before you know that fought um shout out to them yeah I appreciate it man yeah you were you were there the whole time so who you with today who you representing so today and now I'm working with Chris's craft cannabis um we haven't really figured out my uh my role title yet so uh we'll just say it's more in the in the pr side Outreach we we want to try to get them like more acquainted to what we do yeah um excuse me I'm Josh well Joshua Villegas yeah nice to meet you hey pleasure's all mine you're one of the owners yes sir one of the owners CEO of Christmas craft cannabis nice um shoot like I said we want to have good people to help us do great things Chad is a good person who's obviously done those things uh we like to involve everyone to what we do as far as like knowledge and various [ __ ] so we'll catch them up for sure so you guys uh you guys are manufacturer Grove both retail too no no no okay so you retail something we're thinking about because during the intro or we're talking about we got competition and stuff so our plan is to see what happens establish ourselves the brand like just like you good sir yeah and [ __ ] like uh we figured how we're gonna get our Niche to stand out everyone grows everyone does this and that and so we dealt with other people in the extractions we figured let's do it the simple way it was do it organically yeah and solventless yeah and so that's pretty you guys just do rosin and bubble house yes sir bubble hash products and we're trying to not be a one-trick pony so like we're trying to do like Edibles pens and whatever else that we can get our knowledge in well man I I think I got to try some peach rings the other day oh yes sir um this one's good with uh Cruz gave me it and Shout out man shout out Stone head yes sir good guy that stuff was wild yeah you know send you in a trip huh and so that was single source so that was from your girl and and and processed by you yes sir nice nice um who does so who is who what's the core uh what's the partners in because I know you got some brothers in it right you serious sir um shout out to everyone first and foremost uh I thank the team and love the team because without uh them me and Chad and my brother wouldn't be able to show up in places like so so we're all working diligently um so the main owners are you and your brother oh no no no we got we got uh definitely a few people on the on the roster nice um but shout out to them we love them we're independently owned family and friends oh yeah uh so we're scraping pennies and try to do it without like msos or big money right now or anything and that's hard man and uh you know that's how we started um we started with four people um and you know no no uh investment um just making that buck every day chopping wood coming in [ __ ] working late um doing the most um just chopping wood yeah and yeah we've built it to a huge thing so you know good for you guys it's good to see um it's definitely possible to take it wherever you want to take it um so yeah hell yeah yeah pushing paddles and squishing pillows just a little bit what we do other than his the advocacy and other like various knowledges were like come into the lab bro you know what I mean we want to try to train everyone to do this and when we get production up you know how we grow love the logo um love the threes three crosses three C's three clouds um very cool um we have cocoa pallets too on the back oh yeah it's a Smoky Mountain very new Mexican notice the the um the colors right away right um can't miss it it's cool man it's cool to see other New Mexicans shine and it's cool to see Talent emerge from these places that you know nothing's better than being the underdog and people not you know knowing you know there was anything there and all of a sudden boom what's up we've been here and so that's cool man and and I love it and uh and yeah dude it's it's it's cool to see and I'm glad you guys came up to me and uh introduced yourselves no we had to man because like we want to actually we we preach about community and the differences we want to actually like talk to people get involved into it and not just sit back like Joel Osteen and just preach something without practice so uh open the doors right and yeah right during floods and [ __ ] so with that being said oh we're going around talking to everyone I was all like damn like it's a blessing to be in that one place with everyone for sure no that's cool and you know for those of you we're not live so for those of you that don't know it's Sunday um you know we're all out here on our own time you know these guys are up here you know uh from Cruces and it is it shows a passion for the industry you know what I mean we're not just here to smoke a joint um we're here to to address New Mexico and to address the industry and you know we're known for for talking about you know the dirt so we obviously focus on the good um but there's a lot of corruption and there's a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] that happens in this industry oh yeah and you know it's really sad it's it's affected New Mexico you know hugely but that's what the experience too because like people choose to do business like that it sucks uh how they go about it but um like you said we will weed out the people who are not true and well and Shout out [ __ ] CCD oh yeah starting to do the job now [ __ ] oh man I've seen the paperwork I see in the receipts I've seen the pictures um if you're if you're [ __ ] around to that blade and level right now you're you're gonna get caught oh yeah 100 at the very beginning you had about a year grace period yeah you know right about it when you got Larry Barker yeah [ __ ] investigates I mean Larry's on the job yeah so you see him show up yeah you should call him Scary Larry I tell you what he gets he gets everybody riled up he gets the people going you know what I mean in a sense where yeah he might be [ __ ] you know ready ready to retire but he's out there pointing out what's wrong like this is wrong you know what I mean and when he's you got [ __ ] Larry Barker saying that the cartels involved and there's all kinds of [ __ ] up [ __ ] happening there's there's a certain level of hey oh wait you know maybe not exactly what Larry Barker's saying yeah yeah but there's problems yeah oh yeah 100 and and for you know the state agencies to just you know continue to act like there's not they can't anymore yeah and that's why you're seeing this Crackdown and you know you're also seeing people that are fed up with it you know business is business you know a lot of cannabis guys think that they're like above certain laws and they don't have to follow business law yeah and they can do and say and act like they're on the [ __ ] Street still or you know they can you know rework you know union labor laws and different stuff like that that that's already been just [ __ ] figured out yeah yeah um you know you guys seen John Wick uh I love the one of the catchphrases they say without rules were no better than animals yeah yeah you know and and don't get me wrong you know there's definitely I got my Anarchy side but the the problem is is there needs to be some sort of structure because people can't [ __ ] act right right and and you know it'd be great to say Oh yay [ __ ] no rules but [ __ ] we'd [ __ ] blow up in a [ __ ] day oh dude yeah exactly so there has to be something yeah right um and and you're seeing it man and like I said people are cracking back you know you've got a massive company we won't say no names um you know being sued for tips right now oh yeah um you know what I mean and it's not necessarily the the the you know which company did it or what because there's probably many companies that do a lot right it's the fact of I'm guessing that's illegal yeah um and you know they probably started this because of like waitresses or something um that were getting their tips jacked making two dollars a [ __ ] hour yeah um but bottom line can't do that yeah um you know and you see a lot of companies that [ __ ] I heard about a restaurant in Corrales um over by Rio Rancho and Corrales that was taking the tips yeah you know what I mean and they were saying that it was you know [ __ ] up and blah blah I don't know what ended up happening there yeah um but basically what it shows us I think is that cannabis industry is open for the same scrutiny and the same laws as every other [ __ ] industry yeah um and you see lawsuits in every other [ __ ] industry yeah um you see labor disputes in every other [ __ ] industry and and you're gonna as you know cannabis becomes more mainstream in the Cannabis industry becomes the thing you know what I mean just like the restaurant industry or the alcohol industry you're gonna see a lot more of this you know Shady players being exposed you know and and they're actually being current news about you know what I mean you know what's going on yeah like the white collar crimes and stuff they're just yeah I definitely pick up what you're dropping well we see it we see it with Burner yeah poor [ __ ] I mean if guilty innocent like burner or not the dudes had how many lawsuits [ __ ] pinged off of it you know what I mean like it seems like it's bulletproof for how long he's got money money makes you special you know what I mean for sure you know like I said right or wrong who knows yeah um it's crazy though you're starting I think you're just starting to see that we're becoming a normal industry because we're being affected by the same thing every you know there's [ __ ] frivolous lawsuits and real lawsuits daily filed against everybody yeah and you know some of these lawsuits are actually really good for the industry I mean this this tip one if it goes through and you know the plaintiff wins um then uh that changes a lot of things you know um but you know could we see something bad happen from it you know they could you know say well now my employees are going to be tip wage you know or something like that or something dumb and I think that we actually need to challenge a lot of this other stuff a lot more you know especially like the rules and the laws in the state too there's certain stuff that I think we need to challenge more instead of just saying oh that sucks you know and because the CCD would straight up tell you this is how we interpret it yeah and what that means is we read it this way we're the ones in charge so that's what it means yeah challenge us that's really what that means you will have to challenge us first to say that it's not it's not Mortal Kombat finish them but like ask questions you know yeah exactly they kind of gave you a friendship at the end yeah and we need to and this this industry needs to be looked at as a legitimate industry um I really wish safe banking would pass and you know 100 we we can we could not be affected the same way with our money well let me ask you this real quick I've been wanting to ask everybody in the industry and we have you know each other we have each other in the room what do you feel about this whole Federal um rescheduling thing that's supposed to come down you know that's I think I think see I I'm I'm for the the D schedule yeah me too um now reschedule doesn't necessarily mean the good good or bad thing yeah now if they take it out of a schedule that were affected by 280e with that's huge yeah and that's that's a big positive thing yeah um do I think rescheduling descheduling any of this [ __ ] with the schedule will affect cannabis sales no oh no not at all um not at all um now where it's going to get weird is if they deschedule it's [ __ ] corn you know in corn so we can't really do that um so now if they reschedule it's they they have to change the laws yeah um and you know what is it to be caught with this what is it to grow [ __ ] four plants for yourself next to four acres to to you know sell dime bags out the front of your house yeah you know what I mean so is that allowed you know what I mean is it like tobacco you know what I mean which there's regulation on um but you know bet you're asking grow a big old yard full of tobacco and [ __ ] hook up yourself and your family and nobody bats a [ __ ] eye yeah you know um just like put Tomatoes potatoes [ __ ] carrots you know what I mean so it's you know what how much regulation will be involved with it that's the scary part what are they going to deschedule it too yep and how much control they're gonna have of it yeah it's like that definitely is like food for thought and and just so people know and stop me if I'm wrong but cocaine is scheduled two right yeah cocaine schedule two so all schedule one and and Google obviously um all schedule one means is like no medicinal value It's The Most Dangerous Drug known to man that's not just kidding it means it's a high dangerous and it has a high potential for abuse and uh for health and everything but fentanyl schedule too well but and I think there is a like no medicinal value yeah so we already know that yeah so it's uh drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse abuse some examples of schedule one drugs heroin lysergic acid uh marijuana and uh psilocybin yeah yeah and math so which is crazy because they use all kinds of amphetamines and medication yeah um so obviously they're you know methamphetamines and then there's different type of of ketamines they slip peyote in there yeah yeah of course coyotes in one yeah so to put it to schedule two does not mean anything much um you know 280e was written I I believe it's for any scheduled substance and you know it's it's weird so yeah um you know because it was written for Rick Ross who was a cocaine Kingpin which is scheduled two not the not the rapper you know no not the right not to clarify that not the rapper so who knows who knows what's rescheduling will do yeah um you know I I think they need to take a serious look at 280e at safe banking at what's happening to people that are basically doing legal business paying legal taxes absorbent amount of taxes and and you know what kind of [ __ ] they're going through and what kind of you know yeah yeah um so apparently 280e forbids businesses from deducting deducting otherwise ordinary business expenses from gross income associated with the trafficking of schedule 1 or schedule two yeah narcotics yeah so I mean I guess they'd have to go for three is there a schedule three yeah I mean this is where we're getting into the [ __ ] book of the of the more down you kind of go the more Pharma kind of has control of it so that's where it gets scary well and it was NC to make no mistake you know that the government has patented uh cannabis in in every form yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] name it and then they will not answer why long before [ __ ] [ __ ] most of us were born yeah Pineapple Express yeah I mean I mean yeah there's some so if they want it they've already got it yeah um and and and that is a scary point you know what I mean and that's that kind of Doomsday [ __ ] industry doomsday thought of yeah maybe they'll just say no yeah take it back you know you can get it from us and us only yeah um now I believe the people would not have that um I agree but who knows yeah you know I kind of feel for the industry it's going to do something for us yeah locally it'll it'll change if I kind of feel like we would wait a couple years yeah it would be better for us if it happened a couple years instead of like this year for New Mexico um for the fact that we're not fully set up yet you know as a whole state you know as a market so that's like another show yeah so like you know not only are we going to this bubble right now they're already bursted and all these places are you know just shutting down and um and I looked at the numbers and they kind of stayed the same I actually lost eight um from last month officially now what you really got to think about I think that that starts to get another question is state to state Commerce yeah yeah um and we have that in our in our um law re rescheduling um could do one or two things you know what I mean it could allow us to transport but it could also allow other states to transport in um and if we think we're sad right now about people selling on the same product it's gonna rock it wait till they're allowed to bring that in yeah yeah um and and and of course those markets will beat our [ __ ] price oh yeah um and and and saturate in a matter of [ __ ] people yeah so you know one's got to really think like what what you know it's it's a it's it's a good question yeah what will rescheduling do um will it be positive will it be negative what what's and I think it's just you gotta see yeah and what we adapt from it you know what I mean what does it mean if they change the the laws what what do we adapt as a state because at the end of the day stage rights they're gonna have a certain say of like yeah we're going with that or not yeah you know what I mean because I mean there's so many states that have illegal adult Market that it would be kind of hard just to shut all of us down you know just say no it's only a big farmer or no it's only going to be these big corporations I kind of feel at the end of the day um many many many many many years from now uh we'll be kind of left with um I hate to compare it to this because I I hate when people do it too but the way the alcohol Market is you have these really big companies um you find them everywhere but now you have these the more local places you know especially here in New Mexico we have some really great you know microbrew places and even some you know Michael distilleries um or some distilleries here that are local I kind of feel at the end of the day that look be what what it is I kind of hope not because these micros are really restricted on what they can do well and I think you're right um I think that's you know as much as we want to not compare ourselves to the alcohol industry I think that's exactly what you know is is in store for us on the on the larger larger front um yeah the ones that are established well um and have gotten to a certain size guys yeah they might be able to be the you know the boss case and the cumbres and the local brands of you know the local beer brands and um but that's the hope of still staying around it but no you know Cali will become your um what where's all the beer factories Milwaukee Wisconsin St Louis St Louis yeah you know you know that'll become Cali Colorado you know Washington yeah you know what I mean and that would be though those will be your your mass producers of of the the mids you know [Laughter] um but I think a certain level of the smaller guys will um you know in smaller guys in a sense of you know massive massive company to the to the smaller businesses we have in New Mexico I think a certain level of smaller guys will adapt and and pull their brand through and and offer something special um to the world yeah um and that's exciting yeah you know what I mean because don't quote me but I want to say Santa Fe Brewing Marvel Bosque like those beers are available out of New Mexico yeah I've seen them in other states yeah so um same thing got something special got something [ __ ] dope to offer the world yep you know maybe one day you'll be able to you know what I mean um and it won't just be New Mexico so that's kind of like an optimistic side of it yeah you know but no there will be [ __ ] Giants yeah roaming around that will will saturate the industry um with with Superman's super super dude um you know and though they'll dress it up in a pretty mylar bag um you know you know but commercial cannabis is commercial cannabis and unless you got [ __ ] billions to [ __ ] throw at it just like the Anheuser-Busch plant I'm sure is worth [ __ ] billions you know what I mean you know there's something there's some big [ __ ] big dick energy there where they just said we are beer and it's like America was like okay fine just to give you guys some context uh schedule three drugs to things like um Tylenol with codeine yeah okay so scissors so if they if they do put it in that then I think that corporatocracy yeah handing it off to Big Pharma or yeah they already [ __ ] on it or it's up to it's going to be up to the highest bidder you know that's when that's when the gov will release them patents and be like Patel um and this is where our industry needs to speak up we'll see the Rebellion that's what the Rebellion ends up being is is them telling us we can't grow or [ __ ] cultivate or [ __ ] have weed anymore [Laughter] it all started with one look that they told about it grow his own way he heard the message from a bird on top of his Mountain came down the Buffalo guy that broke into the capitol we've just put on the Wheaton hey that poor bastard's still in [ __ ] jail I think he got out I saw a big interview with him where he talked about being in jail well don't don't quote me but they're calling it j6 everything has a name damn yeah it exists j6 it's just like covered was an error why'd you have to make it political so there are still some [ __ ] in in jail yeah for for for old j6 um where they were LED on a tour um of the uh that's wild the building um and they're [ __ ] they jailed them like like terrorists yeah um which is wild because I know everybody saw the same videos and stuff I saw which like I said was you know a little more lively than like a Disney World Tour um you know where people just being let through a [ __ ] gate yeah um so I mean whatever but uh also yeah even bad [ __ ] happens at Disney people realize oh yeah all the time Disney has underground tunnels too I have 100 Bill been in multiple more violent [ __ ] mosh pits yes yes and you paid to be there you were happy you were like [ __ ] yeah I mean the security guard's trying to get under control there's always that one [ __ ] that's like back yeah enough audio but he's like pulling out one of those um yeah just [ __ ] windmill in it yeah some people doing cartwheels or what oh [ __ ] I always tried to find that guy and just give him like one of those good good ones right to the floor yeah that's where he like he like reset real quick like hey don't do that and then he was he wasn't doing it anymore swinging in the pit is not culturally accepted right no not at all doing Copperhead in the damn Mosh Pit dude I saw a video of my buddy he's like six foot four and there's this guy being stupid in the mosh pit he's like maybe five foot seven and so you know he looked like a tiny thing and like he pissed my buddy off and you just see him shove him and the guy goes about eight feet into the fence yo I was like dude he was like the [ __ ] bro now you know how us Mexicans feel um so what do you think what do you think net is next for for New Mexico cannabis uh well I mean I've talked about this a lot on my my podcast ask Chad grassy logic you know I I do a lot of predictions I guess in analytical stuff you know some of it comes true some of it doesn't just like anything right um but you know right now we're going through that bubble yeah and so I say that and right now we're seeing those numbers kind of you know kind of halt of the licensing um for retails it's not the state doing anything it's just people putting it in and you know well I mean there's only so many crazy [ __ ] that want to step into [ __ ] retail right now oh yeah and so do you know the number of stores uh we are at oh man I was looking at it the other day to be honest um I know it's stupid yeah it's like it's like 14 like 1 400 something or something yeah yeah it's like 14008 um no it's like 1400 have we surpassed uh liquor establishments I think I think I saw some Albuquerque yeah so we have it as a state uh it could be possible yeah yeah I mean uh looks like we have around 2 000 licenses as a whole 633 of those being retails there we go yeah but that doesn't mean that that's all the retails because that means retail specific so some people could have like multiple like the the micro businesses or the fully integrated yeah yeah so you got like you know the ones that have more than a thousand yeah yeah there's more of a thousand total um but yeah the retail I think we were at 700 and it's dropping that's that's even lower than the numbers that I remember from last month right but I kind of see that um we're gonna stable out eventually and that's what we're going through right now the bubble pop bursted um it had been building up you know building up and I kept seeing those numbers jump hundreds you know every month of the retail establishments and now we're kind of getting to that point where um we're gonna see the places that don't have a good model and then didn't make the great decisions or they don't have a good product we're going to see them start to close in ccds taking licenses yeah and that's why I was saying naturally those ones are closed and then okay taken is that the only one officially that's been like fully oh that that one that one was yanked um I know you know that's Case Closed yes sweets um Sweet Leaf I know that one but they're [ __ ] yeah but but they I don't I don't know if it's it's reached final outcome like no no no no they're going to court yeah yeah um but that's what's gonna happen yeah you know it's kind of wild um and I'm guessing it's just the um information age but I found out by a Facebook post and it was CCD that they made an insta or no Instagram I'm sorry an Instagram post that CCD made saying that you know paradise's license was revoked and I was like damn they busted him on there okay Instagram but don't [ __ ] up it was it was public it was public knowledge yeah um and I think it was their way of like saying this public knowledge I think it was their way of saying like hey check it like take this example yeah yeah no one has to be you know rung up on the social media yeah you know so you got to applaud them for being transparent though oh dude right right right I was like I was like yeah but yeah no 100 yeah and for those of you that don't know get on the website and check it out go look it up on the state on the CCD website there's public record um of their violations uh of their uh tickets um discrepancies for all the different licenses that have been busted yeah 100 um you can go there look at it you can even you know um I guess uh make a complaint and now they changed up the website I was looking the other day because you know I've been getting so much information you know last week was busy um with information and everything and um yeah they changed the website up it looks like and it looks like they're full swing and um in their Crackdown right now because uh that's another thing that's gonna kind of help us with these numbers like I said before is these places that are messing up they're they're going to get caught and uh it's already happening it's not hard to do things right and that's what I keep telling them and I've been telling them for the longest time I was like I just do it the right way I don't know like we're talking earlier they feel like immune to the law or something and to me it's just self-control yeah it's just you know the laws you know as as a cannabis business owner you should read your State's regulation and just follow the rules um realize that to me it's to me it's like sacred it's I'm doing something that not many people in the world are allowed to do yeah um and such a large and I feel like honored you know what I mean that's why it's sacred in a sense is I don't want to [ __ ] this up I don't want anybody to [ __ ] it up because um we're doing something in a sense that's that's that's pioneering you know what is the the Cannabis industry yeah um and that's every license holder and every worker and every owner and every Advocate and every you know media person and every everything in the Cannabis industry we are pioneering a a new industry in the [ __ ] world oh yeah um that eventually will be accepted by the [ __ ] world yeah um you know granted there'll always be that like you know who knows [ __ ] saudi's [ __ ] Arabia or whatever won't allow at her yeah you know what I mean somewhere will just be like no [ __ ] way which cool American devil but the majority of the World's Gonna accept it and and that the people that have that have been in it the the original [ __ ] ogs that were there pre-market to the to the ones that have like trailblazed and the what is the Cannabis industry across the the country will be the pioneers of you know this new industry that eventually people will just I want to do that you know what I mean I want to go to school for that because that's a commodity um that the world wants you know what I mean and and it's just a known thing um so yeah so I don't know I think I think I think there's a certain sacredness in that and there's a certain like super cool part about that you know people people have fought their [ __ ] entire lives you know the old hippies [ __ ] protesting and going to the Capitol and doing all the [ __ ] they did people have fought their whole lives to to try to legalize cannabis because it was harmless because it was an amazing plant and had medicinal value out the ass [ __ ] schedule one yeah and those people you know it to to get a license and be and to be told you can do this under the confines of these these laws these regulations yeah to [ __ ] that off to [ __ ] on that is just [ __ ] you it's not that bad it's not like we're in California you know like where we're getting taxed out the ass with everything we do you know like they pass a fart and they get taxed well exactly right and don't get me wrong I am not for the massive taxation without [ __ ] representation that we receive as as an industry in no way am I saying that I am for any of the [ __ ] [ __ ] robbery level [ __ ] terrorists that we that we are our subject to Yes um I'm saying follow the regulation of the program set in front of you yeah your cannabis program yeah um yeah of course pay your taxes if you [ __ ] know you don't want that tax man you want to breathe [ __ ] outside air um you know definitely definitely pay attention um but no as far as like if you follow all the laws and pay the taxes let's say you're doing everything good what would you say recommend for like anyone to say try to survive the Ripple effects and [ __ ] like that to from msos or just to stay relevant basically [ __ ] bang [ __ ] go out there and do what New Mexicans know how to do and fight come up with something more clever come up with something better looking better tasting better quality you you truly when you're put up against the the corporate giant when you're put up against the um the hyped up you know marketing money-backed brand you have to truly have a better product um you gotta work harder yeah um and and that's where a lot of guys don't get it um they you can easily just say oh [ __ ] I've been pushed out by the MSL you know whatever right I tap out you know you name it they they can do it cheaper they can um and but can they do it better yeah right and what do you do different to stick out exactly um so you got to be unique um you got to stay relevant you got to be cutting edge um one thing we've learned at farmers and you know we're constantly constantly in product development yeah um you know I've got it every time I dropped three couple products you know one to three products I'm I've got another you know three to seven products that are in development um we're constantly trying to go for that next big thing um that we watch market trends you know what I mean and we want to make you know what people want um and that can change from this month to next month um so you know you got to stay on your toes um stay relevant like I said stay stay grinding be creative because I agree with you because we're open to all types of collab and we're still open to work for other people just to throw it out there Works work um that's another thing don't be don't be too proud to work um I think that's one thing we've worked with everybody from the the biggest company um to to the smallest company right um you know money's money works works um you know cannabinoids and you know can you know just like you we soup with the fork we want to stay hungry yeah so if they say we got enough work for you that you can't work with anyone else they're like give me three of those and then some yeah yeah and then and then yeah just offer something they're not yeah you know um there's these companies are going to come in state to state um and and yeah they're offering whatever yeah um if if you're local if you want to you know know how to you know stay of put keep your head above the water and offer something they're not and do it right yeah right and do it right of course of course and and at the end of the day be ready to [ __ ] bleed oh yeah everything costs money you know I see a lot of young business owners say cannabis everything goes up 700 yep I see a lot of you know new cannabis business owners that just they come in real hot they got all this [ __ ] money but as soon as they got to spend it all they [ __ ] they're hurt and they don't realize that it's not yeah that's not just the initial blow yeah it's not like hey I need this much x amount of dollars to start this business it's I need that [ __ ] monthly yeah and and yeah I don't know if ruining's gonna come back yeah it's gonna come back but and we don't know how the price point is going to be for everything yeah I mean we started up here and I knew that was never going to be the price point again and we're coming down yeah um to more of a stable market price well we saw this with apocalypse you know everybody went out and got the rich guys money for apocalypse and they did that one way um and I saw it and they did that with the ten thousand dollar a kilo CBD price um which all the OG's all my OG's listening will know um at one time you can make some [ __ ] money off the CBDs yeah so when he apocalypse started and the farm bill was passed or when the farm bill was passed um and and things really got weird is you had all these people you know you mostly weed heads um you know and I say weed heads is in cannabis experience guys that said hey we can go grow hem the CBDs illegal or illegally um so let's take all this energy and let's put it over here and you know we can grow the best weeds so we'll grow the best hemp well this huge Market emerged and all this money was injected it into it off the thought in the whole [ __ ] deal was ten thousand a kilo CBD yeah um you know how much will this and I looked at it and the reason I know that number is because I saw these like prospectus um you know different perspective perspectives you know these different these different asks for money based off this figure so these Acres were you know uh whatever calculated and I can make this much kilo or this much CBD per acre blah blah blah 10 000 kilo [ __ ] I like a year and a half in by like season two it was down to like 300 a kilo oh it was cheap I remember getting people getting ounces for like 20 bucks 10 bucks you know and so so all that money injected just that Roi that return I just gone like it's not happening that way like you're and then then with everybody [ __ ] doing it you have the supply and demand was completely flopped over oh it was you had [ __ ] over Supply across the entire [ __ ] country and like the demand was like weak yeah we had freaking Burger King putting CBD and burgers dude and dude yeah you know I was one of the first like Consultants you know extraction guys that like started telling people the truth yeah and like you know I don't know for sure I'm pretty positive I coined the phrase the apocalypse like it was it was bad dude I saw it and I was telling people like stop stop putting money into it like [ __ ] leave yeah like just abandon sell this [ __ ] sell it to a THC guy like this is right like and do these equipment salesmen and like these you know consultants and you know [ __ ] hem pushers alike just push this massive hemp industry that just wasn't necessary yeah then we had like CBD shops like ever we didn't we didn't have the appetite for it as a country we we produced more like enough I think I've looked up some figures like we produced enough CBD that year to like fill the world like with CBD or like did you supply the world with CBD for [ __ ] like years and people slow into black market like I what is what is this like it's the salad without the salad well and what people you know the the mainstream doesn't realize is all that stuff went into converted leaders all that a good chunk of all that [ __ ] CBD just turned into your Delta eight Delta 10 Delta 11.

Delta 90. all that [ __ ] so people took the excess of isolated CBD and they used acid chemistry to convert it to other cannabinoids um you know there's you know from one cannabinoid from one molecule you can manipulate um through organic chemistry and synthetic chemistry you can manipulate that molecule to you know from one cannabinoid to the other from CBG to to uh CBN and everything in between um depending if you know your [ __ ] or not yeah um you know all this gas station CBD and all this [ __ ] no you know we've talked about it before the the the Delta [ __ ] Delta products you know what I mean um because most people selling you know CBD on or most people selling THC products are not labeling them Delta nine no some people are that's what it is of course but the Delta products in my mind are that gas station product that the the THC products you can buy at the smoke shop or a place without a lot reasons you know these are this is all converted [ __ ] Farm Bill [ __ ] yeah um you know loophole [ __ ] you know [ __ ] where they've they've basically flooded the the world with these products um you know these are the products that everybody's up in arms about that look like [ __ ] Sour Patch Kids or [ __ ] you know whatever it looks like those bags they don't give a [ __ ] no putting the Deltas in [ __ ] whatever you know what I mean they're selling it anywhere this industry only exists is because you know um just cannabis being illegal on the federal level and start with if if cannabis was legal we wouldn't have this hhc the Delta a the Delta oh the ABCD definitely have those things because chemists exist yeah that's true at this level and chemists like to [ __ ] around yeah Breaking Bad type [ __ ] and we love them for that um but you definitely have them but you wouldn't have them mass per produce exactly you know at a at a local 7-Eleven near you um and that's where it gets kind of weird because they're not all like great chemists there's a lot of you know non-chemists making these products there's a lot of um room for error um these these products are not regulated properly these products are not tested properly um they're not tested for the right things there's you know and I'm no organic or synthetic chemist so I'm not even going to get into the right the right way to say it but there's my products and there's [ __ ] that that can be made you know converted in the process especially when you're not starting with the with a super clean substance yeah um that can affect you negatively oh yeah um and we don't know because [ __ ] humans just haven't consumed enough of it in the past to really study it but we don't know what these things are going to do to us down the line we don't have enough data yet and you know I bet your ass there's going to be that [ __ ] that that commercial that says did you [ __ ] did you hit the [ __ ] deltas and you know did you get blinkers on the [ __ ] Delta right right at least 10 of them yeah in between 2020 and [ __ ] you know 2023 you may be eligible for a settlement of twenty thousand exactly exactly and you're gonna get you're gonna see some twitching [ __ ] up people [ __ ] come forward that are like oh [ __ ] you know and you don't know you know what I mean I don't even make fun of it either you know but no but who knows what if it causes some sort of organ failure yes you know you know what if you know down the line you know somebody's losing their grandpa because he [ __ ] you know used to smoke those cards yeah the blinker you know whatever right you know and so that's how you got Grandma and and that's how as like humans we've almost learned we be like God safety's Written in Blood and this stuff is like we've learned by [ __ ] just destroying people and [ __ ] like people dying and then being bad and then it's like oh [ __ ] we better put a warning on that yeah yeah they better at least know what they're getting into and so I think they can actually go into our community too because they see that and not being well educated to be like well it looks like a car but it's all the evil cannabis's fault at the end of the day you're right when you say that you know the gas station [ __ ] cart [ __ ] they line up right next to the [ __ ] are legitimate cannabis product and they're like same same you know what I mean and it's it's no [ __ ] joke yeah you know and and you're right it any of this bad publicity puts a a bad mark on us as an industry yeah and especially you know everything going on to like you know these places that are doing stuff bad you know that got shut down or the ones that are still doing it it gives us a black eye you know and it doesn't make us look good in New Mexico and nationally because a lot of the stuff that happens even here in New Mexico it goes on a national level when it comes to news so people know about this um you know so things like this aren't going to be kept under the wraps and you know like we hear about it from other states you know Oklahoma had so many illegal you know like 800 illegal grows at least yeah at least yeah that they know of yeah yeah that's the blinker I want to hit you know and that's that's the reality of things where people people are greedy yeah um you know people aren't stupid either no um we have there's a lot of stupid people but uh for the most part there's some there's some shiny stars in there um and they see the opportunity and they see when regulation is down and they get in and they [ __ ] try to make their book it doesn't surprise me um 800 girls got shut down you know what I mean but it took them bringing the [ __ ] DEA in like [ __ ] they got they got Loke in Oklahoma bro oh it got bad I seen some crazy [ __ ] so and it and what's left is this beat up [ __ ] a network of a market and and it sucks because I know a lot of people that it's hard for them to find quality products quality cannabis because everybody's just [ __ ] cheap cheap yeah and um that's why I'm glad the state you know is a little quicker to crack down on our um program here instead of waiting the five years and then the federal government getting involved because that's what it'll lead up to and that's what I'm afraid for New Mexico is if we keep allowing or if we were going to keep allowing that the federal government was going to step in and that's even worse yeah you know and it's it goes back to almost like you know like prison rules you know police your own [ __ ] or you know the the group will come in police it for you yeah exactly you know what I mean and and and and hey greasy wheel gets oiled yeah that way or the other so yeah no we got to take care of our our state we have to we have to run [ __ ] properly we can't be a a [ __ ] uh a black eye on the industry we can't be a [ __ ] a sore thumb you know and just making everybody look bad because at the end of the day it makes me you and the other guy look just as [ __ ] bad I don't care how clean my facility is there's many people or whatever how [ __ ] how I follow the [ __ ] rules as many people that are out there [ __ ] it off make make me look just as bad no that's all that's facts then that's something like going back to like just going out with different people like we're United and uh and strong as a Unity rather than just you know what I mean like putting that line in the sand that's gonna end our [ __ ] quicker here I feel no and I appreciate it you guys came up to me you gave me nothing but love at the at the hash and hatties um it's really cool like I said you know um glad you guys you know saw me out out and and said what's up because yeah it was cool meeting you cool meeting the operation crazy that that child uh met you guys is working with you guys because obviously knew him from before um but yeah man thank you guys for coming out appreciate it um where can people follow you shoot um the main page for Christmas craft cannabis and they're kind of messing with this so I created a backup account which is cruises uh see um CRC Excuse excuse me c-r-u-c-e-s uh cannabis or craft cannabis with the Z because we're about that Biz yeah and that's uh the backup account and um we also have Facebook and hopefully Twitter soon yeah and uh you can also check out Chad grassy Logics on a separate note on the podcast definitely educational great guest appreciate it after all the links in the description yeah and we've definitely I definitely uh watch the show Chad and I appreciate your ad advocacy right right now advocacy see advocacy I appreciate your ad give her yeah I appreciate what you've done for the Cannabis Community um from the med days um I know you've spent a countless amount of time at meetings and [ __ ] stay [ __ ] and and for you obviously driving all over the state um so yeah no thank you for that um it's cool that that you're involved with this company and that you're you know we wouldn't exist without his work just the point that I should appreciate that man that's that's cool and that's cool that that you guys you know respect each other in that sense um I think it's really cool too that you're bringing to light a lot of the the news in the industry yeah um people know you as an advocate so I'm sure you've become a magnet for those calls yeah yeah yeah did you hear what's going on yeah exactly Shannon [ __ ] let me know yeah you know and so but that's cool that you're actually putting that information out instead of just in a sense you know gossiping and keeping it in the in the in the you know certain little groups you're letting everybody know you know because this stuff's public this stuff's public [ __ ] information it is um and the public needs to know the patients the the business owners the you know the consumers the state the non-users should know what's going on you know in a state regulated [ __ ] organization exactly and I try to go towards the educational route you know with the podcast and everything and I just I try to keep everybody you know involved and you know informed as much as I can you know um it's just you know it's really hard when people don't want to participate yeah you know I can preach all I want but you know you need participation on at the end of the day well and you as well as I know the biggest problem with those State meetings that we used to go to and you know you probably went to a lot more than me is there was always barely anybody there yeah that was the worst thing right everybody said

2023-10-01 17:03

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