Croatia is CHEAP! | Rabac & Labin Vlog

Croatia is CHEAP! | Rabac & Labin Vlog

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it's time to go on holiday first gotta  find that pesky travel partner of mine   where are we going today Pula which is in Croatia i brought us to a very very small village it has one restaurant well the  lights are on there's music tell me about your first impressions in here  please so they smoke indoors that is a shock   to the system it's like 2008 again but there's  no women in here there's a woman sat behind you and there's a woman at the door not many women and there's a  woman who just served you yeah there's 50 50 men and women in here i'm not saying it looks unappetizing but   i'm sure it's i'm sure it tastes  delicious james has got an entire cow it does taste a bit like curry sauce which i love  i mean it's tasty it's like a curry mushroom sauce good morning should we  check out the view oh my god damn   james have you seen the view yet come here you didn't realise we're by the sea no  i have literally sent you the photos i haven't   been looking to be busy does anyone else have to  put up with a travel partner that no matter how   many links you send how many excited conversations  you have with them about the apartment by the sea   i'm going to start asking other people  if they want to come out holiday with me   wow yeah it may only be 20 degrees but you  still gotta put that sunscreen on especially you   i once got so badly burned in florida that i  had to spend three days in the bikini i was   wearing when i got burned it was awful and it  taught me a big lesson it's just not worth it james there's a lot of old people i feel  like we might have come to croatian Benidorm   no because there's no mobility  scooters yeah too many hills   apparently this is a bit of a tourist destination  for the germans and the Austrians however   not many of them are on their holidays right  now so it might just be james me and the OAPs which was it for Aperol spritz there  it's three pounds 30 for an apparel   be great we'll be back clouds we'll be  back yeah but we need some breakfast   instantly please now what's  that good i might just literally   bye to the side of you i'm sure would be great  are you hungry yeah but do they do coffee   i've told james to stop being a snob we're  gonna try out the omelettes as that's basically   the only thing on here that's a bit breakfasty  this does feel like vinegar are you loving it   i mean we had a great time in Benidorm we had  one it that's one of my favorite holidays ever done the point of this holiday is for  us to sit on a terrace and drink yeah   perfect i'm not on the town all right debbie downer oh our coffee's  coming thank you looks quite good actually come on mr positivity let's have some  more positive vibes the oxygen is lovely   the oh i love the sky isn't it nice   the trees are very green taste test i mean  that looks like a pretty decent omelette turn that frown upside down my salad is beautiful  you're such a dick kuna how much did that cost   james 13 pounds yeah pretty decent i think  there's an omelette and two loaves of bread   lorry loads of bread the first drinks of the holiday cheers what  are you chatting what are you saying to me do you like flowers on an yeah i do your favourite  colour what's that great obviously and you like   baggy clothes are you describing something you're  gonna buy me yeah i can't tell you what it is this is a change um i wasn't expecting this james  this is like Dubai this is like we went to zero   gravity in Dubai i wonder how much the aperols  will be here do you think they'll be a lot more   expensive it was 27 in the last place how much  here it's more it's 37. oh that's not bad though thank i think it's a lot nicer than Benidorm that's not  to say Benidorm is not but this is so beautiful   i felt like we had to drive 30 minutes to get  out of Benidorm to get this kind of beauty   it's nice really nice just a bit of an older crowd   it is but we are outside of school holidays so  who else is off who else can be leisurely only   the old and those without children also i am a  huge fan of the beaches here because they are all   you see in the background there they're all  pebble beaches we don't have sand beaches here   so this is the only supermarket in the area really  a big one this does not look open and we've just   drank two drinks so we can't drive anywhere why  is it closed it might be open it's not perfect okay um say what you like but this  is the dream isn't it james workspace each on a balcony with that view   it's my plan to do quite a bit  of video editing what what was it what the [ __ ] is that that's  not a wasp that's a beast   anyway that's what i was saying i'm gonna edit  a [ __ ] ton of videos i'm doing my own stuff   okay okay oh and also look at this i haven't  shown you this yet that's that's happening later   it's nine o'clock i've just finished  editing shall we go for some dinner james   yes james how many beers have you had  so far four four and some ad rolls let's see how it goes so the place we wanted to go close at nine and  a lot of these places are very close we are   here out of season fingers crossed we can find  something this is where we have the omelette   no i'd like to try something new but good to  know it's open i mean it looks like they do   everything it's the same menu as that last  place did we walk down slightly further   now i think we're running out of time i think we  need to go now we've chosen a very popular place to be fair everywhere is empty and everywhere is  about to close james have you ever worked in a bar   this laughs but this is the  Croatian way oh really let's see like 10 larger and 90 head is and  then just just part way up the glass   expectations for this pizza here james um low to medium low james this looks banging this looks  good how does that cut it forward it's good it's good what do you reckon  what do you reckon i'm going to go for 230. 186. good morning the big question is did we get drunk  last night james have we got some horrifying video   to share no spoiler no no it was a bit dead wasn't  it couldn't get drunk but today is Friday so i'm   quite excited to see how rowdy it's going to  be tonight we shall see but for now we've had a   very chilled relaxed morning had some coffee have  some breakfast and we're gonna go 10 minutes up   the road to a medieval village town called this  we'll find out how you pronounce at the moment i think that's where we're staying right   we are heading up into the medieval hilltop town  here in la bin and we're gonna go get some food we haven't even got a starter yet and uh this  has happened it's the straw i just i don't even   realise it's gone i think i need another this  is more than my main dish as in the whole thing   so high expectations how much okay that's  pretty good for tuna capacity though   oh it's right it's three after all spirits   two covers a starter two mains and a  couple of coffees it was really good   oh james looking into the house everything's developed okay people got their washing out up here   shall we uh head back to our terrace oh first  should we go to the shops i want to make our   own afro spritzes yeah it's got to lidl we're not  going to little well wherever you're into the spa   biggest flow you've ever seen in your  life just seeing the spa actually what in the distance it's little oh my  god that is the biggest spa in the world oh the beer cave do you get to go to little to check see if they  got ice it's been in lidl i've been talking   about a little and you refuse to go a little bit  and that's less than six quid oh my god we paid   double never again will i be drawn to the  worldly nature of a big ass spa just go to lidl i know it's cool in it i just  said i just said it's there laptop club wankers club got beers but we're about  to make our own afro spritzers afro spritz with me   james making two apples but get yourself  an Aperol deck just like this one here and   make sure it's off then you do three parts of  prosecco how are you measuring that with my eye   it's a skill just one eye then two parts  of this and then soda pretty boring   just one part of that because the alcohol  content of that's wrong that's carbonated too much of that one don't mind and then finish it off with orange bloody hell no no the  chopping board is stop christ james j oh lordy use the chopping board  in the air don't don't tell people don't   do that people don't don't only only if  you're an afro hold professional jam it in april how's it going james all right how are  you just a little rise around the block yes i think this is what it's intended for i  did think what's this what's this basketball go knock it over ready one two three pretty yeah destructive what number aperol is this please my name is chelsea i have consumed  around eight nine aperol spritzes   this evening and now we're gonna go out do you remember how absolutely banging it was last  night over is dead it's Friday so we're praying   for for an improvement let's see we want to  spend our money we want to spend our money you're so rich this is like 11 pounds oh james this is the bar we were going to look at   we asked a chap who worked here and he was  like everything's closed come back to my room hello can we have a look in come on right this  apartment is amazing first of all let me show you   the entrance hall which is really cute hello right  there's lots of nice artwork here too but this   is the first bedroom and strangely in the  corner is a crib which james and i do not   need and won't be needing any time soon thank you  very much right let me show you the first bathroom   which is absolutely massive plus there's  a way to wash your clothes there's a bidet   a nice big bath and through here into the large  living kitchen area the great thing about this is   that in the kitchen there are so many mod cons so  you've got a dishwasher an oven a coffee machine a   fridge everything you could possibly need and here  you've got this cute little tv area to chill out   but speaking of chilling out why would you not do  it to this view how amazing is that it's so good   the great thing about the terrace here is that  there are so many places for you to enjoy it   including this table here which is where james and  i have been reading a few books well that was me   on our laptops just enjoying it there and  it also comes onto this room here which is   a bit of an odd one because there's a sauna  in it and also a load of kids toys and things   which we haven't needed the  use of but maybe you will   now this is the second entrance hall which has its  very own door so you've got two entrances and two   locks there's also a second bathroom which just  through here quite cute and small sometimes in use   and speaking of clues here's the second bedroom  here it is i really like this one it's really   cute got your storage here and also you guessed  it is another bloody bathroom ensuite style   right finally let me show you the room where  james and i have been staying this is the   master i mean look at that bed frame it is pretty  special and the best thing about it for us anyway   is i don't know if you picked up on this in  Europe sometimes they have what looks like a   double mattress but it's actually a twin but this  is a double and we're very very happy with that   and that is it for the house tour oh i have missed  out the best bit which has got to be the hot tub   how are you doing come get in here now you can  stay in this place for just this much a night   or between six of you it would be  this much so pretty cheap right cheers that wasn't hard at all  first take wasn't it yeah one take   it wasn't the first take in fact why don't  you comment down below and guess how many   tips that took us because it was a fair few  we will tell you at the end you're a friend james look what it is your favourite very good oh wow this is the bizarre  shrimp bizarro with tagliatelle raw   vegetables and that's a beef dish with cheese  oh my god i'm only gonna get a gin and tonic   oh a martini no have you ever had a martini  before i don't think i have actually no this is good actually game changer it came up to about 80 quid which is a lot however  we had starters we had mains we had puddings we   had to drink cocktails we had shots i think that's  pretty good uh what is a massive difference is   there are people about support plus mine there  are people civilisation that's live music our flight's at 10 30. so a very  early checkout for us but let's go   so the holiday is over but what did you make of  Croatia james it's very pretty it's so pretty   we're in the middle of a touristy area the locals  don't seem to really live in the area that we   were staying it's more of a tourist resort there  weren't that many places to eat at no um but you   know we had two cracking meals the last night's  meal was really good la bin was really good   it's a really nice place to  come and relax get some sunshine   that's a little bit different if you've never  been to Croatia it could be a good way to do it   we are now heading back to the airport  however we won't end it here because you   need to find out how many takes that one take of  the apartment actually took did you guess it right   how many times did it take us to nail the  one shot it wasn't one james why are you   lying it was a bit more than that it was nine  nine was that money yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm   tired the one we did in Barcelona if you  haven't seen it before we genuinely did it   on the first go ah yeah we weren't gonna be that  lucky again but thank you so much for watching   if you enjoyed it please do click like give us a  comment and also subscribe if you haven't already   like if you like beer like if you like yeah okay  then right see you in the next video like bye you

2021-01-05 13:14

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