CRAZY NIGHTLIFE in CHINA… (I Had No Idea Beijing Was THIS Wild!)

CRAZY NIGHTLIFE in CHINA… (I Had No Idea Beijing Was THIS Wild!)

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face come on wo they're so cute I definitely  want a cat from China oh smells amazing I need   a moment hi guys welcome back we're on tour  Bridges if you're new here we're a full-time   travel Cobble from the UK we are currently in  Beijing the capital city of China we have been   here for a few days now and today we're going  to experience the night life literally have no   idea what to expect how we're going to get there  we're like 2 hours away from where we want to go   we can't V to get the Metro we've used that a few  times getting a little bit boring so we're going   to hire a bike and if you followed us for a while  you know we've rented a bike once and that was in   South America in Banos and Ben nearly through the  bike off the cliff I'm not happy about it so this   is going to be interesting but it's really simple  easy we've even got a separate road to the cars   so literally one way along here as you can see  this ladi's riding one right there it's super   easy and I'm pretty certain they're super cheap  we haven't used them yet so we're going to give   it a try suppose you need to use alip P which is  the trusty app here used to pay for like literally   everything so I've got my bikes up so alip play  we just go on rides and you can even like change   it to translate so I'm thinking you just need to  scan it don't you sweep code to unlock there you go I done it welcome to bicyle let's learn  the car oh we got some rules check out the rules hello hello speak to me at the  moment we've got the cost of the ride   1.5 Yang I think that's for 30 minutes  I'll check it at the end you just want   to press return when you finished but Ben  needs to do his now go and do yours so it   looks like the sun's starting to go down so  hopefully by the time we get there it will   actually be night otherwise I'll just have  to do a little bit of shopping hang around   and wait into the bars open Ben's just sting  his Boke out over there but it's going to be   interesting Ben's not the best Rider wish I  had his glasses with me I'll you just follow me this is so much fun these bikes are actually  like really easy to use and they're like Smooth   in how you going you enjoying it hi got my little  basket with my bag in all right we're going out   some traffic lights so break break riding around  Beijing wo stra on straight on for quite a bit   how you find it then you don't nor loot bikes  no it's all right it's the this bike's really   good like we do have taken his own really to  honest it's not stiff as it oh we can go go go go easy to yeah and then he needed grack [Music]   just parked our bikes up we went 72 minutes 10.8  k.m. and it cost us 4.5 Yar I can't believe it   that's unreal isn't it that was actually one of  the best things I've done here in Beijing it was   so fun it was peaceful it was relaxing and you  just got to see the city just Rolling Along at   your own little Pace I reckon um China have got  it sus they have got like the power bank charge   your phone on the side of the road you can get  around doing exercise safely and cost effective   it's just craziness payments are massive yeah  like just look that's just for the bikes that   road there yeah it's so clever I'm going to move  it we're going have to look for apartment oh it   is good it is good but we're now heading into the  night life con area I think it's kind of dotted   all the way around it but shops food everything  you want to see there this is one thing I love   about China look just a little dance class going  on in just opposite the big massive I think it's   called workers Stadium the big massive Stadium  have a little dance go going see you mate all   right mate yeah fancy dance yep I'm I'm dancing  tonight you dancing tonight yeah I'm dancing I'm   always dance on a Thursday even though it's  a Saturday Sunday Sunday we have have arrived   at toui Square this honestly looks absolutely  amazing look we've got a big screen there you   having fun got n Shar look these buildings here  they all like lit up all sorts of shots fer there   amazing and everyone's just out enjoying it the  temperature today absolutely perfect look if you   look got t-shirt on this square is proper  cool you got look at that massive N Shop   we've got to have a look around the area see  what else there is the trees are like all lit   up and back over there they had like flower  lighting all on the floor oh wow this looks   amazing You' got like fake oyster cubes there  as chairs look they look are they cold to touch Ben what is it go they get Frost pure summer shot  oh wow look at this Square though wao Flying Pig   flying pigs do this it's got like that um Time  Square sort of feel it it's all like lightting   oh wow it goes like under it's like oh it's like  a cube yeah Cube squ underneath that for an Apple   store that's the world's biggest oh my God Polo  Ralph Ren is that its own coffee shop oh my God   it is Ralph Ren has its own coffee shop do you see  what the prices are like then yeah why not Ralph   regular coffee 30 30 y isn't that bad is it  that's good about £33 see like Che it is it's   Starbucks yeah that's what I'm saying that's  Ralphie no no it's what M Ralph's so Ralphy   to be fair to Ralphie he's not actually rown for  coffee making is he look at this Jo Malone shop   with the flowers outside lit beautiful W Vivian  Westwood over there another like t-shot w look   at this Square we're just going around going  wao yeah I know you don't you don't actually   know where to look because there's so many like  cool things like even these pillars they're like   mirrors and then like every time all the cuz all  the lights start it's reflecting off the mirrors   and then your eyes drawn to something so once you  come out the square and you come on the outskirts   there like all the fancy restaurants and bars  along there so you got like number 56 um all the   places we're going to not go but look this what  it's on about all these lights on the floor all   lit up with flowers every every shop well not  every shop but a lot of shops have got screens   anding con constantly playing like pinzo Paris I  feel like I need like a drink or like an ice cream   have you seen anywhere but I am really like really  thiry I keep seeing the green ice cream there   we've actually done loads of exercise today  we've been honestly we we've been rapid for   people watching this video like oh they got loads  of videos going up we're we're only here for 6   days we have filmed relentlessly since we've been  it honestly we we're not sleeping we're not eating   except for when we're on the camera no I'm joking  but we've been out since like I think we went out   about 1:00 today um and we'll probably not get  home till probably 10:00 it's like 8:00 now and I   got up at 6:00 a.m. morning yeah but that's your  fault yeah because I can't sleep I haven't been  

as sleep lately I've just been I've just been  thinking just been thinking about these videos   thinking so excited to be here he can't sleep  no it's quite um like anyone that does YouTube   or anything right it's a little bit like when I  used to go to the boxing gym and the adrenaline   still gone and sometimes when I we film late like  I film these videos late I can't really wind down   get to sleep and when I do get to sleep I'll  get up early and I don't know my my body clocks   all over the place boring us now but yeah look at  this place come on wa you get some balloons here   and she's also got kittens and flowers I'm not  sure if the kittens are for sale well you know   what it's like it um draws attention Drew us over  there didn't it they're so cute I definitely want   a cat from China we can see like a massive blown  up is it bunny yeah like a lot ni mon it I'm not   sure but we think that's the Soho mall so we're  crossing the other side once we can it seems like   Beijing definitely comes more live at night is a  lot busier yeah is during the day you don't see as   many people night a lot more yeah but it's noce at  night is it yeah it's cooler it's cool everyone's   like chill no there's no stress here it's cool go  go go everyone's got like this really nice looking   like fresh drink I'm hoping I can find it he can  have a drink I can have the ice cream every time   I see it I'm like oh I'm buzzing B dram can't  find it wao look at this it is a bunny rabbit   Oh I thought it was love them more Ken Le you  can climb up there yes stairs let go we're going up hi Ben look at him rabbit hello they go rabbit on the lead oh  my God Ben did you see the rabbit put rabbit   on the lead yeah was a rabbit on a lead I said  hello to it wow smfk we're not really sure where   we're going in I thought this is a mall I don't  feel like it is it is a more we thought we like   gone into a like office building or something  but it looks like the shops out there that gu   in the suit was definitely looking at us funny  like what you up to guys we're back outside we   didn't really want to film anymore that's  not what we want to do so we've come back   out and we're just seeing what's along here  it looks like there's like a Beauty studio   over there's going to go and get his makeup  done looks like Tiffany and hermes's colors   always trip so we've seen these everywhere like  we was talking about earlier basically in China   everything's on your phone so your ID your payment  methods your telephone obviously so if your phone   runs out you're pretty stuff but every single  place has got power Banks so you can never run   out of battery it's cool it's so cool we've ended  up in this Square I think this is kind of the Soho   area yeah yeah across the way from where we were  W but honestly look at all these amazing buildings H they're absolutely incredible this area  this Soho area is pretty special I love   like all these um these Bright Lights these  these big screens all the advertisement just   drawing you in the expensive shops the  sports shops I think downstairs there's   a food court and I think we're going to  check it out cuz I'm hungry Ran's hungry   she's always hungry don't know where  she is oh there more power Banks P placeit oh watch out I want to saw that big old hole in the  ground all sorts of restaurants here it's   got be something we can find oh smells amazing  Vietnamese food here squid I think there hot   poot hot Parts seem to be very popular here in  China it's not really my thing I don't like to   have to cook my own thing I think that's a chef  thing it well what Chef's that well I don't want   to cook my food that's been served to me in a  restaurant yeah I agree with that I don't want   to also don't want to self checkout because I  don't want to be doing the checkouts job and   Cat places and look where ran is loser turn  around guess where she is absolutely addicted oh you're so cute I love that there's like  loads of cat stores but they've had ones   with like bar in it so the cat could like  reach his hand out I was letting them like   go like that on my hand touch them got to off  touching the cats when will you learn right   we're leaving this herea now we're going to to  Wanga Fuji which is another like walk-in sort   of area hopefully cheaper yeah the thing is we  want to eat something and everywhere there was   mega mega expensive I don't know if it's cuz  it's maybe it's like an up market area let me   know in the comments I will get used to this  Metro using it like quite a bit lately and   I'm still absolute no meal with it so we're  navigating this I think we've got to go so   we're on oh sorry we're on the green line we  got to change to the Blue Line oh this one   yeah no we're fine so go up there change there  change there and then go off down there yeah okay this Line's quite limited it's only got one  change at the blue so we'll kind of make it up   for some reason my map isn't figuring out for me  right guys we're at Wang Fuji this is absolutely   awesome have a look at this right you got screen  screen Apple shop they're selling cars over there   another big screen there it's look of a dest  stre walk way either side this is so cool it's   amazing we're going to take a stroll along here  and see if there's any food I'm starving it's   like half n at night and we still haven't eaten  yeah we haven't at nothing so let's go and have   a look what there is but I think there's loads  of like highend chops mixture of everything here   but the food is meant to be good look at the  statues oh wow that's class do whatever you   want little girl is you can't can't exactly like  push her out though you have to wait wait for she yeah see there yeah there's like sports shops here and  stuff it's actually considering it's like half   n 10 whatever the time is very very busy I  think although it's a bit cool of this time   of year everyone sort of comes out at night  where it's cooled down still warm now I've   got a t-shirt on com I've got trousers on today  I normally wear shorts but you could comfortably   wear shorts it's still that sort of temperature  it's good Zara Zara first one I've seen yeah and   it's still open all these shops are open late at  night don't get any ideas another screen there   massive one another screen got loads of these  like food and drink wagons they look well cool   kind of like you normally like see like for  mobile hairdresses and stuff like that you   got like coffees for about 35 so isn't that  cheaper actually we were hoping we' get some   cheaper food and we got some gelato oh wow just  everything's like loud and more better and just   look at the seats look seats for people just  they make like a lot more of effort this is   like massive it's like you're looking around  everywhere aren't you a love this Rox up what   look at the screen oh it's it's one of these  3D things like the p is coming out of it that   is awesome oh he's going to come out Ben he's  going to come out that so cool how there she do   that then is it just where it's curved I'm not  sure don't know how it's done look at his face   he's like well fascinated I just R another  science behind this everyone's filming it hello oh wow I think we're in like a [Music] food wow is like a food cpls oh look at that duck we're getting like a duck   roll the duck the sauce the spring  onions that cucumber this looks so good there there there's the ones waiting for their F say say oh my God I'm so excited we've been told   we have to try the dark out here so  we got a dark massive dark pancake roll speechless s that is heaven I need  a moment it's just like a massive duck   pancake roll hot what a surprise  really hot you got spring onion   you got dark flavor you got the um what's the  sauce hoiston sauce you got the hoiston sauce   in it and they're not stingy oh my God it's is  so good look at the S of it as well this is so good put all that in it looks unreal are  you going to let me try it or what no okay don't go too big BS oh I think I did go too big cuz I can't speak  that's I told you not to go too big no so that   so good just like not that much sauce where  the you get a lot of flavor from the duck   and the duck is delicious what it's wrapped  in I don't know what that is what what would   you call that pancake pancake that pancake  is not like doesn't take too much away from   the Flavor of the inner thing I'm talking my  mouth while I'm being rude this guy hard at work happy yeah so we've actually  found our favorite place minku   I think this pronounced that and  they do the best ice cream and the cheapest so ice cream too so you want  ice cream hello okay okay thank you okay done it good okay come over way this one  seems to be really busy with take they best best thank you just waiting for B lemon drink it's so creamy I had one of these the  other day and that wave of it is on real going   to do a ref what eat all your o before you  leave and it up that's what I was thinking   got his lemon drink as well oh we sit down here  for a minute yeah we'll sit down we're going to   sit here before we jump on the Metro and head  home it it's like half 10 at night now it's   been a busy day today we have been out about  all day we were out before this filming the   previous video so it's been a long day where  we're at in China for such a short amount of   time we're trying to get as many videos in  per day as we can well explore as much as   China as we can we are I mean got we we've  had the best First Impressions this is our   first time in China it's best First Impressions  ever this oam place just like made it for me   we just spent for two ice creams and I drink eight  yarn less than a pound other than that we're going   to jump on the Metro back to our place we are  shattered but we'll see you tomorrow we're hoping   to find a good Market here like a fake Market  I've read mixed things online whether whether   the legality of a fake Market yeah so hopefully  that's tomorrow's video or it could go tis up you   never know of us make sure you follow us along  on our China series but otherwise make sure you subscribe well think it's going to be better but  but I'm going to have to grab this as well it's   going to be hard look it look good though will it  though hi guys welcome back we're on talk oh God   I forgot and we've been exploring it and today  we're going to explore right we have arrived at   the Tuli area and this look this look let  do it again this square is proper [Music]

2024-06-21 09:24

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