CRAZY Nightlife in Beijing, China (Houhai Lake)

CRAZY Nightlife in Beijing, China  (Houhai Lake)

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people performing inside there right  along the river bed look at all the clubs [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys oh man all of the smells incredible guys  this is where you want to come on in and grab   some stuff to eat that's for sure what's up  everybody welcome back to another beautiful day   here in Beijing China now right now it's actually  night time it's 8:30 p.m. and I'm out and about   trying to show you guys the nighlife scene here  in Beijing that everybody says is incredible so   right now I'm in a district called H high and  this place is located right along an artificial   Lake here in Beijing and man is it's popping  there's all kinds of restaurants bars along   this street there's actually a lot of souvenir  shops there's a place where you can go and buy   some cats yeah you can go buy a cat Chinese food  and then there's this beautiful palace or Temple   right in front of me as well that is incredible  but yeah guys today I want to take you guys around   and just show you guys the vibe of Beijing at  night there's a lot of movement out here a lot   of people walking around everyone's super friendly  super nice and I have a feeling that we're going   to have a good time so let's enjoy ourselves  a nice little evening here in China's capital city so yeah this here is super beautiful I actually saw it for the first  time when I got out the taxi and I was like   man I got to come back here and visit this  during the day it's a must looks incredible   but yeah right now the plan is well I want  to show you guys The Vibes of the city but   I also want to uh grab myself a couple local  beers I want to um grab myself something to   eat because I just got done taking like a 4our  snoozer I was actually I spent most of the day   sightseeing today and by 3:30 p.m. because of  the uh the time difference and the jet lag I   was smoked so I literally got into the hotel  slept my alarm went off at 5:30 actually and   I snoozed it and I wasn't going to wake up to come  on out here but then I was like Chris you're only   here for a few nights tomorrow night I don't  I can't come out because the following day I   got an early morning trip to the Great Wall so  I had to get on out here and actually make it happen man that trolley is cool look the  trolley has lanterns inside of it guys like   Chinese lanterns inside of the bus that's  insane yeah right here you got all the uh   fruits with all the sugar on them all kinds of  good food man so much good smells flowers being   sold but yeah you're walking around Beijing  just incredible smells not to be honest with   you guys I don't know exactly how difficult it  is going it is going to be to purchase items   because I do got a little bit of cash but  I also oh those are so good guys but I also um have Ali pay and I've been using Ali pay  pretty much for everything but the problem is   I'm actually filming on the cell phone right  now so it might have to stop every time I go   for a transaction which is okay it's not  going to be the end of the world but yeah   I'm noticing that the cash is yeah not extremely  popular to use most business says prefer the Ali pay wow that looks incredible man every restaurant is full today it's  because of the golden week holiday guys because   of the holiday there's so many people from other  provinces from other countries here celebrating   the um the beginning of the People's Republic  of China and it doesn't matter where you go   there are lines right now so I have heard a lot  of people say online I actually heard about this   after booking the tickets yeah horrible research  but online everybody says to avoid Beijing on the   first week of October and of course when do  I come the first week of October so yeah not   the best at planning but what can I say it's  not the first time you guys have seen that   or seen me make plenty of mistakes throughout  the years wow there's so many different areas   to Veer off into look they got a Dairy Queen  over there I hope the footage quality is okay   because I'm using my cell phone right now but  but at night I have found that it's the best   oh there's some live music coming out of  here okay I could get down with some live music it's either live music or like a  karaoke bar but it's coming from up there   wonder how you going to get up there what are  they selling down here some jewelry bracelets Rings sorry Hong Kong style noodles no way  I love those we should go over there right here oh these are like wooden keychains or  something yeah some sort of keychains being sold that's cool man there's so many  cool items I wanted to go do some   serious souvenir shopping later on  this week wow he makes them all by hand that's cool oh wow look at this when need the Pooh that's pretty odd huh oh man it smells so good there's a lot of bakeries  here in the city when you're walking past them the   smells are just insane so good the problem  is is every time I arrive to a country let   me know if you guys have the same problem after  a long travel day or a couple long travel days   I can't actually um I don't have like a lot  of of a strong appetites oh man this Bakery   smells insane though look at the line too they  got egg Tarts all kinds of good stuff I want   something from there to be honest with you  guys should I wait in the slim n let's go get   our beer let's go get a beer I don't need to be  eating cakes when I'm about to be drinking some   beers but man that looks so good look there's a  Starbucks in the hotong it's a Starbucks Reserve okay so you know what let me actually check um  my Google Maps right now and I'll see in which   direction I have to turn to actually make it to  um the bar Street along the lake that I had seen   earlier today on Google so it turns out that we  are actually just next to the street that I was   trying to make it to which is right along this  artificial lake so we'll make our way down here   oh bro they're playing they're singing  karaoke at the park that's a Vibe [Music] yo man Chinese people know how  to have fun man why don't we bring the   karaoke machine to to park man these fruits  are super popular the fruits with all of the   candy they're being sold 24/7 here on the  streets of Beijing okay you know what I   think I want to cross on over in this direction  let's do that man it is popping over there look   at all the lights guys it's beautiful yeah  let's cross over into that [Music] direction   I wish I was with a a local right about  now tell you what oh I can see the CCTV   Tower off into the distance let me see if I  can get a little Zoom for you guys you see it all right let's cross the street  right now and we'll go check out the views you know what let me actually see if  I can see anything off of this side of the bridge no not much all right let's cross okay man this is pretty look at  that bridge it's very beautiful out here definitely a nice relaxing place  to come on out to and enjoy the Vibes   I see why everybody recommended to come  on out here definitely a beautiful place in my city there's definitely nothing that's  even comes close to this I mean yeah I guess   maybe like a the Santa Monica Pier or something  during the week but at night there's yeah it's   not popping like this I think a lot of people in  the US have ruined that for a lot of people it's   not as fun as it used to be nowadays people  go out and they worry about a lot of things   that could possibly go wrong and you know most  people at least in my friend group I know that   nowadays most people just rather stay home and  avoid the drama and the the BS that you run into   on the streets you know last couple times I've  gone out to bars in the US there's always fights   people end up yelling last time I was inside of  one in Long Beach some people started arguing   and gang banging and talking about all right I'm  I'mma pull up right now I'mma pull up right now   I was like bro I'm out of here you know what I'm  saying nobody wants to go out and deal with none   of that I'm trying to come out and ride a paddle  booat and drink a beer damn it's beautiful out [Music] here all right so yeah we're  definitely about to get into an area   where there's a lot of a lot more  restaurants and it looks like over   there there's pubs so once we get  a little bit closer I'll jump on in yeah everyone said this is a  nice relaxing place to come and   take a stroll and I see why those  little uh lanterns on the boats are   beautiful oh this is the boat dock  so this is probably where you where   you can pay to go on one that's pretty  damn cool oh there's some street food here I was telling I think I was telling  you guys earlier that I haven't seen proper   street food oh these are awesome these  are um post cards or gift cards with popups okay yeah this is definitely the spot  to be yeah I can hear a lot more music coming   off in the backgrounds these look like there  are a lot of pubs yeah let's sit down at a   spot around here guys cuz I'm hungry and  I could also use a drink right about now I've noticed that here there are Starbucks  everywhere guys but I guess that's pretty   much everywhere nowadays huh these  massive companies are just taking   over everything there's no room for the  little guys no more anywhere it's kind of a shame man it's beautiful out here [Music] and it's  not it's not terribly cold neither guys like it's   about 65° Fahrenheits but it feels almost a  little bit warmer than that it feels almost 75 you can see why this is the place you want  to come and hang out at in Beijing especially   at nights I can't believe I almost missed this  I was about to stay home with my tire itself yeah out here there's actually a lot of  vendors I wonder what the situation looks   like in the I wonder what the situation  looks like out here during the day oh   there's a nice little rooftop up there you  know what guys I'm going to go and sit down   at one of these spots actually look that's  a bar let's go check out the pub let's go   have ourselves a little brui hello uh  drinking bar yeah yeah let's go thank you this place is beautiful yeah thank  you hello hello me hi room huh drink [Music] beer oh they got live  music upstairs please thank you hello oh yeah this is my kind of  thought I'd sit down there but I'm   the video I'm going to show you  guys the view [Music] from this [Music] beautiful yeah I want a local  beer local is there a beer from Beijing   no no no no ching A this one you  recommend ching A ching A ching A   beer oh it's a mandarin why it's a wheat beer okay  let me go with a is this Chinese no no no no just   this one no no no okay let me try one one yeah  okay okay I keep the menu okay yeah thank you all   right so I just ordered myself a wheat beer which  I'm not a big fan of I'm not a huge fan of beers   thank you this must be like a keychain where they  ring up your tab but look the drinks they got guys   they got all kinds of cocktails bourbon Peach  banana oh these are cocktails like B52 bombers   that's one of my best friend's favorite drinks  right there okay but the alcohol definitely gets   expensive guys look 300 Yen I mean uh W for a B-52  bomber which is about 100 is about 15 bucks dude   that's 45 bucks there's no way that's how much I  guess drinking here is expensive look Long Island   IC tea yeah about $15 then so yeah drinking in  China is expensive man you don't want to come out   here and get messed up stick to Thailand yeah this  is yeah it gets pretty damn expensive out here but   we'll have ourselves a couple and it doesn't  look like they have any food so we'll have to   go somewhere else and grab some food but this is  the spot look at the view of the lake from up here   guys and then you can hear all of the live music  just like you could downstairs but from up here   so yeah we'll have a beer or two look everybody  drinks Corona out here dude everybody has Coronas   I'd be damn if I came all the way out here and I  drink the corona you know what I'm saying that's   how you go home sad as hell but you know what  maybe after this wheed beer I'm probably going   to have a Corona I guess there's no local beers I  mean I I asked her if there's local beers and she   said no maybe that's why everything's expensive  I'm not sure all right I'll wait for the beer to   come out and then um I'll catch up with you  guys so the beers just came out or the beer   just came out this is what the C the bottle  looks like it's incredibly cold let's try it oh man tastes like a blue moon you know it's  actually not bad at all Mandarin wheat that   is very nice tastes exactly like a blue moon  I think they copied that man it's incredible   okay not a bad choice but I do see everybody  else drinking Corona I think that's pretty   damn funny but yeah not bad I like this  cheers guys to an amazing trip in Beijing [Music] so just one beer up there it was 70 R&B  but man that beer was delicious it was super good   now we're out and about walking again and man it's  super beautiful here guys I can't get over it this   might be my like one of my favorite cities in  the world now man Beijing easily this place is   incredible I don't know what I was expecting  but I wasn't expecting to fall in love with   it like this man I'll definitely be back here  a lot longer or in the future for a lot longer   a lot of good places to sit down and have some  food I think that's what I'm going to actually   do now because I am hungry guys so let's  sit down and grab ourselves something to eat man a lot of sweets people out here  have a sweet tooth oh that looks nice   oh man look that same Hot Pot that I saw  earlier today I forgot where I was where   I saw those absolutely everywhere  but yeah this lake is beautiful so   we'll sit down around here and see  if we can't find ourselves something   to eat look here you got some more of the  peeking duck man this place is lit hello niow oh man everything looks and smells  so delicious like these are chicken wings hello this is tofu oh man all of this smells incredible  guys this is where you want to come   on in and grab some stuff to eat  that's for sure all right let's   head on out of here though it's a little  bit too much music but man it's [Music] awesome that duck right there is  nothing to play with man that is so delicious you know what I  could really go for right now   you know I've seen chuds everywhere here  today too people love chuds um I could go   for like a to be real like a hot pot I don't  know if we're going to find that right now I   wonder if that's hot pot that little um the soup  that I've been seeing everybody eat I'm not sure   if that's hot pot here you know in the states  or in a lot of places where I go to it's like   a a pot inside of the table not the big soup  bowl outside of it let's sit down somewhere though I also noticed that here in China there  are heavy smokers obviously not everybody but   doesn't matter where you're walking around  you smell cigarettes like you're always   walking into like a cloud of cigarettes which  is a huge difference to uh Japan where I was   two days ago there you'll never find  that oh yo this place is crazy so   this is where the club scene starts  look there's NTI I mean like people   performing inside there right along the  rivered look at all the clubs guys that's wild let's see if we can see  inside one of these joints [Music] man that's sick huh that's the place to be   that's cross the street actually I see  like there's some clubs over in this [Music] direction it's crazy that there's so many children  out here too you know usually in places around the   world where there's night life for like people go  to have uh drinks and food at night you don't see   too many children but here you do see a [Music]  lot I love it here if you've been contemplating   coming to China don't contemplate anymore buy your  ticket and come out here you're going to love it guaranteed what are these those look [Music] interesting those trees are beautiful I've   seen those around the city all  day today they're super beautiful [Applause] [Music] [Music] what a blaz [Music]   all right so it looks like we're definitely  like in the nlife scene of the bit [Music] [Music] all right so I had two  more beers in that spot that was   crazy and man this whole street  is just full with bars guys it's [Music] crazy it's wild out here anyways guys I  think I'm going to let you guys go I'm going to   enjoy my night I'm actually going to sit down and  have a couple more drinks but this is nighti here   in Beijing I hope you guys enjoyed the video  I'm actually on the Hun for some food as well   well so I'm going to grab myself something to eat  maybe I'll tune back in but I think this is where   this video comes to an end I mean there's all  kinds of pubs it's a nice place to come enjoy   some relaxed time and you can easily spend the  entire evening here guys I mean it is crazy out so many people out on the streets right now so with that being said I'll see you guys   again soon for another video from  here in Beijing later guys [Music] [Music] so I ended up standing in line decided to  come on back to the video I stand I stood   in line for one of those I forget what they're  called they're like these little beef meat pies   I want to show you guys though I had one during  my street food video and I had to try one again   they're insane and then after this man I'm going  right back to the barn I'm staying here all night   now now I'm not not not going back home today  close this joint man this place is crazy this   here is the spot that I'm in line at there's  a huge line but it looks like a good spot so   I don't mind waiting but yeah these here are  the little beef patties that I'm talking about   those up there there's all kinds of street  food here on this street too it's actually   right next to the bar Street the bar Street  where we were just at we were sitting right   there crossed over a bridge and now I'm in an  alley where there's nothing but street food or   food in general so yeah I'll wait and I'll show  you guys what this looks like here in a second okay I think our turn has come we've been  waiting in line for about 25 minutes this   might have been a bad decision but I  think we're next oh man it smells so   good though defitely worth the wait  I definitely want to know what that   is though if anybody knows what that is  let me know down in the comment section hello hello [Music] sir thank you always smarted I was the one  to take a love I remember how we started

2024-10-26 15:51

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