Crazy Forest Adventure GONE WRONG! (He Wanted To Punch Me)

Crazy Forest Adventure GONE WRONG! (He Wanted To Punch Me)

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Hello welcome back I'm making my way today to  Valašská Polanka I'm on a train heading to Vsetín And then from setting we'll get on another train  to Valašská Polanka join me on the journey and   Let's see what interesting things I'll come across  and what Adventure I'll be going on today let's go So this is the train that I'm on Check out this toilet A mirror in here in here wonder  if I wonder if it flushes Yeah it does all right let's go Right so now on the train outside Super Where are we now? Bystřička We have now arrived in Vsetín on  the train so I'm about to get off now Right Let's go All right so we will be getting this train  from setting oh this train looks newer   Okay so we're now in setting on the  train waiting for the train to move   So here's where I'm located now in City and  then the next stop will be Leskovec from   Vsetín and then Valašská Polanka and that's the  destination where I'll be getting off the train Now arrived at Valašská Polanka let's go Let's go Valašská Polanka Right it's not raining, all right you're not  you know me I'm known for meeting up with   The locals and going interesting places  here so we're going to go somewhere now In Valašská Polanka let's see what adventure  we'll go on what we will come across let's go   It's raining now I've had a couple beers and  slivovice a bit so I've warmed myself up and I'm   Ready for the journey let's go. Slivovice is  the best nationality drink. Absolutely   I agree with you yes yes, cheers let's go let's  go it is raining now so there's about 10 of us   We've had some Viva and we've had some  food at the locals house here in Valašská    Polanka and now we're making our way  now to somewhere else with the locals Let's go Wooden house Right where are we now Right where are we at now Let's go let's go We have arrived at another checkpoint  and there is a Japanese sir   Here and I can hear some music playing  coming from here so we've all arrived   With the locals at this place let's  find out what's happening let's go Wooden house Wow beautiful wooden house look at it Beautiful. Ducks.. Hello duck I'm walking through the forest now we have to  catch up with the locals I'm quite far behind   Come on you know I'm an Englishman I'm not used  to this walking through the forests and hiking   Through the the big Hills so here we are now  check out my surroundings absolutely beautiful wow It's raining but still it's a really  nice beautiful view I can see so   Many trees and like the foggy the foggy  atmosphere in the distance have a look We need to keep going in  this direction here let's go Let's go Wow look at the beautiful view  wow absolutely beautiful let's go Okay let's go be careful It's quite slippery here have a look Wow have a look that is beautiful   Wow. All right we're in the forest now.  Yeah we just follow the yellow mark right yep

Have a look In the middle of the forest foreign Are there bears in the forest in Czech  Republic. It's pissing down with rain   Here take the umbrella. Yes right look what way  would I go oh no it's very slippery here oh my oh no oh [ __ ] all right let's go let's go yeah do it Oh off I fell over oh [ __ ] man That's so funny No darling no I can't go I can't go like this  oh look hold that hold that hold that hold that Oh my How does that look? Just brown It just looks brown Oh my God No oh my gosh I have a muddy  bum have a look oh foreign That is terrible I should have wore them remember when you asked me   If I wanted to wear the plastic  thing and I said it's stupid Should I put it on the plastic  yeah yeah yeah let's go super   Right feels better yeah check out  my drip show them the drip okay so then show yourself from  the back czechoslovak drip Let's go One thing I like about nature it's really  beautiful especially when you want to peace   Of mind because growing up where I came from I  wasn't really used to the nature I never really Okay so the rest of the group are really  far ahead we're like five ten minutes behind   And then I guess we will reach to maybe a pub or  something like that so apparently at this event   We checked up and there was a thousand people  attending so let's see how many people attend   So because it's raining I'm not really sure if  it's going to be a thousand people but let's   See I'm looking forward to finding out the  locals it has invited me back to their house   I had some soup some beaver and then I had some  chicken and rice and now we have met up with some   Other people maybe locals and now we're making our way to somewhere else let's go in that direction Everyone's there yeah oh my  this is a really Steep Hill oh My how are we getting down here Oh my days right I've got a grab on the  tree woohoo you have to drink the tree This is like some bloody mission oh my God you   Must be kid how the bloody hell  did please look get down here Oh my God how did they get down here God wait let's go here oh oh Guys oh This is terrible oh my gosh how are you managing Look at my hands on my face I'm so dirty  look at my trainers look at my Crips Just hold on to the trees.. Lets go My gosh let's start Guys I really mind we have ah we have oh My days This is terrible this is terrible I'm so dirty how are you Bloody hell Oh I can't do this I can't do this  how can I get down right let's go whoa I made it Right here we are Okay Wow oh my look look at my hands   Right let's go time for a beer.. oh let's go here we are Cheers Right now im in the trenches I'm just gonna enjoy the first checkpoint  and one of the locals here has invited   Me for a shot of silver visa and then  we'll move on to the next checkpoints Hello hello yeah and please  take a picture with you? Okay Thank you so muchY you're welcome I love your videos That's good Thank you very much. I follow you On YouTube and Instagram? Have a nice day. You too  all right then bye-bye ciao

Oh my gosh luckily I'm not  wearing new trainers have a look Let's go Right now where's the forest we are in the  middle of now let's go where the bear sleeps Seems like everyone's drunk me too walking  through the forest my feet are soaking wet It's just me with seven  ladies check ladies let's go Let's go Finally a bit of banter So slippery Look at this. How are we getting up here? all right here we go oh oh my days Oh my I don't even know but I'm  climbing a really Steep Hill   My legs are tired. I'm wet. My feet  are wet a muddy. I'm in the forest   I've had slim of it some people I'm a  little bit drunk like everybody else here oh Let's go chop chop chest up car Oh my gosh look at the hill  I'm really tired let's go oh   Can we get Uber here we cannot  unfortunately we cannot as an Englishman We'd love to get a black cab let's go oh  what a hike and it's raining I'm wet oh my oh I was not expecting this Oh my God How did we do this how do we do this  in this rain slippery it's deep uphill this is Tyron I'm wet oh my feet are soaked  I don't know how far we have left to go oh My gosh look at that You see that right there that is from Bosch cut  that is from a very big bit of lightning that   struck that bit of tree there could imagine if  that was a human being what it would do to them I think we're at the second checkpoint In the middle of the forest We're in the middle of a forest I've  been walking for about one hour now I'm really wet my feet are wet my Oh my let's go woohoo Oh my I'm so drenched I'm muddy trainers Oh nobody knows how far we have got left to go oh Luckily I've had soup. I've  had some chicken rice. Beer

Slivovice. I've  got this waterproof jacket let's go where have we arrived now? Nothing Right we have arrived at another  checkpoint now. Hello hello Right where can we get a beer?

2022-07-14 23:35

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