Cooking on an open fire and a chat

Cooking on an open fire and a chat

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welcome to sub-arctic life where we're living it up up north [Music] where we get out and enjoy the great outdoors we go camping and make fires [Music] there's time to take the canoes out or just watch the water there's time for work and there's time for play [Music] hey there all you tubers it's another quick hike up bellinger barriot it's a place that i can get to quite easily access is simple and it's a 20 odd minute walk up to the top at least to the first camp which is easy enough for me so today i'm going to grill some sausages and light fire obviously which will be really nice get some fresh air just finished a 24 shift at 8 o'clock this morning went home and introduced myself to my girlfriend and my cat yeah so it's really lovely to be out and about and i really appreciate having this on my doorstep it's truly wonderful i've lived in cities i've lived in large towns and it really is not for me i suppose if you've got the money to live in a city and enjoy the nightlife and all the things then obviously it's a great place to be but in my current line of work quiet little spot like this does me just fine and uh yeah so i think uh one has to count one's blessings and be grateful for the little things i heard they're saying not a few big things in life that makes life worth living but it's a great many little things [Music] the great many little things we get every day i think that's what makes life worth living so and i'm sure you're all pleased to hear me huffing and puffing like the proverbial theme train which i certainly sound like so we follow these markers [Music] the trails the most part at least on this side of the hill are very well marked to the main camp once you get further across you kind of got to look for them a bit which is fine now the back side of the hill they definitely need to do something because it's quite easy to get lost on the back there not that you're gonna get lost for long if you do get lost just walk upwards yeah you'll find something but uh i think they need to do something there put on the hole i have to say it's a lovely little area i don't have to drive many miles to get here it's a 20 minute drive i think i think that's i think we're very fortunate so my little attempt at a youtube channel is still in its early stages i'm still learning how to be in front of the camera [Music] i'm not my usual laughy jokey self i come across a bit more serious i need to change that but other than that i'm getting used to it it's uh interesting trying to talk to a lens [Music] that's a different ball game i tell you [Music] normally we talk to two lenses and they're usually sitting just above a nose well one would live in hope but uh yeah so if we hit 120 to 123 subscribers something like that [Music] we've only been going for the best part of a month so uh thank you thank you to all of you who've subscribed you don't have to watch the videos uh maybe as i get better more people will watch or as i improve my techniques and as i change over to an editing program it's actually an editing program that might improve the quality of my videos literally learning it's always good to learn and to improve one's lot to attempt to approve improve one's lot i think it's important to strive we have to strive in life [Music] what is a man if he hasn't got a dream well i've got a couple of dreams i've got a t3 vw van with a blown motor that i want to fix up i have been slowly it's got all sorts of new parts and uh there's a whole lot of new parts sitting inside us waiting to go in and the other dream is i want to sail around the world [Music] in an album vega yeah that's definitely a dream so i was having a look on block it again and i've seen a vega for 37 000 swedish chrono in pretty good shape by the looks of things so i'm waiting for some more details and i might uh i might have to push the button on that one [Music] i might have to push go on that one but i might have to go down and have a look at it first but it's a it's a little way south of here [Music] and anything a little way south of here involves a 10 hour drive in either direction if you're lucky so we'll see oh boy my lungs really not what they used to be 10 years ago i don't even smoke i've never smoked but asthma is a bit of a asthma is a bit of a bugger i tell you alrighty so pathway is getting interesting and that's why you heard that [Music] this pathway is getting interesting today i've got my three season hiking boots on which i absolutely love these boots they've done two trips to morocco and they've done a trip to the canary islands so with pretty much any issues i had for three months [Music] i wore these every single day so i really love these i've got some gel soles in them and that really does give you a quite an easier walk gives you a softer ride [Music] this is a rock field you wouldn't believe it but this this whole area this is a rock field and now it's just beautiful snow we'll uh do a comparison video in the summer well we'll probably do a few comparison videos in the summer because this is where i come to go hammock camping and uh it's a lovely place to be so i'm sure [Music] you'll see some hammock camping videos it'll give me something to do i always get so bored nightly so i'll have something to do and we're at my favorite leaning tree i'm trying to figure out this iso shutter speed thing and uh i thought i had sorted out the other day so we'll see [Music] all right so i couldn't actually record when i got here there were some people here and yeah that's not socially acceptable to record in front of other people unless they give consent and i didn't ask so now i've just put the sausages on two types of sausages today we've got good old-fashioned [Music] swedish we've got good old-fashioned swedish sausage grill sausage and i've got my habaneros i think they're called okay something like that now it's time for the real sausages at least as close as you're going to get up here in the north we are there's the crow flies maybe 75 80 k's from the arctic circle so we're definitely in the arctic zone up here and uh you know my friends down in uh holland well they're full on in spring my friends in germany flowers are blooming the bees are hamming and up here well it snowed last night it's below zero god i love it [Music] so gotta love some grilled sausages on a fire with birch wood [Music] there's a few things up here that i really enjoy [Music] one is that there's no shortage of wood you want a fire there's plenty the other thing is the air is clear certainly a lot clearer than it is even 1000k south of here in stockholm which is still quite north by most people's standards the air is clear it's very different from when i lived in lincoln in england when i go to visit my throat actually burns little in london let's not even talk about london so yeah talking about burning i don't want to burn these sausages here we go i think we have to see our blessings for what they are you know for those of us who have health you got to think about that take it into consideration consider your health for those who are mentally fit and able keep that in mind it's uh it's a blessing don't take it for granted life's too short to take it for granted and uh this is not advice this is just my way of thinking you know i've never smoked never put a cigarette to my lips or any tobacco of any sort and yet i have asthma so i'm gonna look after it you saw how i uh huff and i puff up the hill that's not even a big hill but you do it you know you push yourself and it helps it helps with the old belly growth because hannah's cooking is awesome talking about hannah's cooking she makes his little chocolate balls damn damn's good so uh yeah look after your health appreciate life enjoy your life it's uh it's over very fast i mean my body is 53 and a half and i'm still 11. go figure or 12 maybe maybe 12. but uh i follow a guy on youtube vancity van life his name's chrome chrome valdez i think and he has a english bulldog called cruz the previous one was called disco and i really like his philosophy i like the way he does things he's not scared to show his appreciation for life he's not scared to voice his happiness and he's not scared to share his opinion on things and i really appreciate that i uh i like his take on life i like the fact that he loves his van and he's proud of his van and he loves his dog and he loves his family but he loves his lifestyle and he gave up what wasn't working for him and he took on what he wanted to do and he's making a damn good go of it and you gotta take your hat off to ash and marie from uh lost in europe same thing doing what makes them happy gotta love it you gotta give them credits for that and uh really great people all around i've had the real pleasure of having ash and marie come and visit or should i say we've had the pleasure of having ash and marie come to visit and the same with theo and b from the indie project you've got to got to give them credit for that okay now it's time to turn the sausages looking good that is some good looking cooking oh yeah [Music] yeah they're flying above the clouds today the boys are up the boys are up but i think i need to put this somewhere where i can stand and do my thing [Music] i was actually thinking of bringing my cat but it's still a little bit too cold for her to be out for a long time and the last couple of times i've been up here there have been dogs people with dogs which is great but it wouldn't have been fair on her and there's a wind blowing she would have been cold she wouldn't have been happy so i think i'll have to wait until about may maybe the end of april then i'll bring winter up and we'll take a walk up here might not stick around for for cooking anything but definitely nice to get her out and get some fresh air i think she appreciates that just as much as i do if not more so she's becoming way too much of a house cat so i have to be careful with her she is deaf she can't hear when things are coming so she gets very skittish but once she's out and about she really does actually enjoy it i think i think i would like to think that she enjoyed it [Music] well lunch today tucked biscuits and cabernet sausages grilled on a fire the sausages not the duck biscuits we don't really want to grill the tuck biscuits that would be sub-optimal these sausages are beginning to look pretty damn fine oh yeah bit of a wind picking up a bit cold in the back of my shoulders but i can just stand in the way of the flames and i think i'll be fine right i'm going to turn this camera off for a minute and get some stuff done here [Music] i'm grateful for hot food there's very little [Music] i think there's three things in life one should be really grateful for one is a warm dry comfortable if possible place to sleep a hot meal doesn't matter what form it takes doesn't matter how simple it is but a hot meal and the third one is a warm-hearted woman preferably helping to make and eat the hot meal with you and then well and then [Music] or a man or whichever takes your fancy which ever is best for you but for me [Music] hot meal warm dry comfortable bed and my partner hannah i'm a happy guy i really have lots to be grateful for definitely i think that means i should eat another sausage one more [Music] oh yeah [Music] hot sausage and a hot fire oh yeah so as is so often the case up here my battery is about to die death the death of cold and i suspect you guys haven't sat here watching me eat where's the fun in that i would love for you to join me up here in the far north [Music] so we're getting camp makai slowly ready last year i had a break didn't do anything with it this year with what little time i have available to me i will get stuck in uh and definitely i want to put up a tp this year so we'll cut some trees trim them clean them and then we'll put up a tp this year and hopefully that will it'll do the trick and we'll get some tops perhaps even see if we can find an old army tent wrap that around it and that'll stay that'll stay up pretty much all year i think if i can if we can do that i'll do a tour of camp makai in the summer when i'm not up to my near to my waist in snow there's no fun trying to hold the camera and talk while you're trying to wade through thigh deep snow it could be could be fun but uh yeah so i think what we'll do is once it's uh melted enough for me to actually get up there again we'll uh we'll do a nice little tour i think i did a bit of a tour with ash but it was already snowy and dark and whatnot but once it's green it looks much better and i'll actually do some prep so that when i do the tour it'll look vaguely more like it's going to be so that'll be something to look forward to i'm sure and then we'll uh send the word out so people can come and join us and experience a bit of the north the uh the daylight at midnight and uh the mosquitoes i don't think people understand what the mosquitoes are like up here they need to come to kampukai i'll pick you up and carry you away yeah the mosquitoes are great okay listen folks thank you very much for joining me and as always please be safe be strong be kind especially to yourselves look after yourselves wherever you are [Music] this is good [Music] oh yeah [Music] um [Music]

2021-03-23 11:08

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