Chuck's Big Adventure I 2023 Holiday Special

Chuck's Big Adventure I 2023 Holiday Special

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oh what a year it's been from the beaches of Florida yes sir to the shores of Lake Michigan that's the real deal kept off by a stop at one of the most iconic destinations in the world Niagara Falls come along as we revisit some of my favorite spots on the Chuck's big adventure holiday [Music] special [Music] welcome and thank you for joining us Julia over the next hour we are going to be looking back at a great year of big adventure oh yeah what a year that it's been I've Lov seeing all of the destinations that you got to visit and I have a lot of them on my list to visit you know for myself but right now I think a lot of people would agree I'm dreaming of warmer temperatures yeah aren't we all you know we kicked off 2023 with a trip to the Sunshine State Coco Beach is considered the small wave capital of the world and anyone can learn to surf there thanks to a family with a passion for the water first light Coco Beach Florida it brings a good State of Mind for myself and this morning it humbles you like every morning it's my little bubble out there The Sea Calls and that call will be answered you know it's something about being in the [Music] ocean they'll say you know only a surfer knows the feeling and it's really true because every time you go out there it's never the [Music] same this laidback Beach town is home to the surfing Superstar Kelly Slater Ronan the world's most famous surf shop that's here too something Coco Beach does not have monster waves and that's the appeal we call this a small wave capital of the world small wave capital of the world small wave small wave capital of the world yeah what determines a small wave what is a small wave what is that mean so a small wave is probably anything below like chest head high it's up to the surfer somebody that's a beginner they look at a 6 to 8T web they're like a man that's a house coming at me former pro Surfer Todd Holland and wife Lauren mlan both grew up in Coco Beach now they run the Ron John School of Surfing I mean it keeps us together those who play together stay together yeah and uh we do do that as a family for you surfing has always been a way of life right yeah you know most kids get like footballs or soccer balls I had a surf board at 11 months old toddson Calvin is a surf instructor too perfect just like that he says anyone you're just going to push up nice and strong and I do mean anyone can learn to catch away then push up with your hands and twist to the side as you stand all right not bad that was pretty good it's infectious and I'm glad that we get to share that with people your stance is perfect feet are aligned newbie or not it's hard to resist the call of the sea at Coco Beach we ready to do it yes sir who's the best surfer in the water the one having the most [Music] fun Calvin I got to tell you I think school of surf is one of the coolest things that I've ever heard of oh totally totally [Laughter] totally do you have to learn the lingo of the surfer too totally totally okay and I'll tell you uh this comes too do you want to do it uh I'm not the fact that it's the small wave capital I think that sounds a little bit more attainable for me but and one of the things you can do too is what I'm going to do I you got to consider when this was shot I was just a few months out of heart bypass surgery so wasn't ready to do it I'm going to go back down I'm going to boogie board first and thenie there we go I think I can do that well this next stop Julia is one of Florida's top vacation spots for good reason it's a City full of history and charm and was a bucketless destination for me and CH there's something else there that's been the stuff of legend for centuries right oh absolutely St Augustine Florida or St Augustine as it's correctly pronounced is the oldest city in the United States but it's also a place many go to feel young again on the water's edge a famed Fortress standing guard over America's oldest city that wasn't always [Music] Americano so we're talking 250 years of initial Spanish [Music] claim the British period is about 21 years then Spain comes back for another 37 years and the US finally gets it in 1821 which means we've only been a US Territory for about 200 and in July it'll be 202 years and how many soldiers actually wanted to stay here zero it was not a nice place to live today the Castillo de San Marcos is a very nice place to visit and so is the rest of St Augustine a city that has the feel of an outdoor Museum it was The Lure of Youth that brought Pon de on to Florida back in 1513 and Factor fantasy the fabled fountain he discovered still flows its famous water to this day so have you had people that honestly believe when do I start feeling better or well I tell you you know it's it's a little water and a lot of faith it's what you know it's what they said back in their 30s and the 40s you know as a little that was back before there was nothing to see here except for this you know this spring we didn't have all the interpretive sites that we have today now 15 Acres surround this mythical spring it's changed over the years third generation owner John Frasier says discoveries on this property have changed North Florida forever it truly became the place where legend the legend of PTO Leon met the history of Pedro bendz and the founding of St Augustine you could say that the water essentially the myth actually saved this place for history real history for decades people have flocked here to take a little sip and left with a big appreciation for how much St Augustine has to offer wow this really was more than a drink of water and they take a little bottle home with them you know oh that's and you're welcome to bring your own if you come in you bring an empty bottle you can fill up the bottle yourself you don't have to buy one of mine but if you forget yours you know we'll help you out there a souvenir from America's oldest city that just might make you feel young again I'm a Believer and here you've got one too Julet those personalized bottles of water that you can purchase uh I don't know if it works but a little water a lot of faith right I think it's worth a try at least yeah you don't need it I know a long time I do need it I'm a little older than you but cheers I'm going still hang on to it thank Chuck all right well you know the holiday season is a wonderful time to visit St Augustine the town is lit up with millions of white lights isn't that beautiful beautiful and it is truly a sight to see well when you think of Venice Italy probably comes to mind that's the first thing that comes to mind for me at least But Chuck I know you found the Venice of America on your trip in Florida absolutely Fort Lauderdale is a mix of old Florida charm and new luxury brought together by pristine waterways that gives visitors a unique opportunity to see it all up [Music] close the beach might be Fort Lauderdale's most famous attraction but that's not what gave the city its nickname this is the Venice of America we're the Venice of America here the Venice of America that is a stamp of Fort Lauderdale and the fact of the matter is it's much prettier than Venice maybe they should call it the Fort Lauderdale of Italy right just behind the beautiful Atlantic Coastline the greater Fort Lauderdale area has 300 miles of inland waterways we are [Music] off I don't think most people and tell me if I'm wrong have any idea that this exists in this no I think I think you're right this side of it really it's like a small gem just sitting right in the middle of downtown what's not to love about the water scenery I mean what more could you ask for we can go down any of these small canals I don't think anywhere else offers some type of experience like that you could really see some nice properties out here opulent Mansions who lives here multi-million doll Yachts whose boat is that all right there for the world to see the price of things and what a site it is what's the most expensive house 20 to 50 plus million some amazing displays of wealth around here it's for sure that boat is probably close to $75 million oh my gosh we want to know how other people live and to be able to step out of your life and to experience somebody else's life for a little bit even if it is just looking through windows it's kind of neat to see that other side Allen Discovery is outbound over to Tunnel the Fort Lauderdale Water Taxi offers a Hop On Hop Off experience with 11 stops on his rout you know most of the time we're out here just relaxing it's really a calm Cruise Riverfront Gondola tours offer the same views but from a more intimate setting dinner for two on board couples with date night it's a super romantic date night well you know that's what happens when the Sun goes down all the romance starts it's a Twilight cruise that will have you believing this really is the Venice of America is one of a unique places in the world what you think my little tour of my home there I think I think I'm G to come over for dinner that's what I think but actually I remember you coming back and was was describing this is the Venice of America and I was like yeah sure we'll see and then seeing the video and then just seeing like he said minutes from downtown just seeing the skyline in the background I'm like that really is just like miles from just a city it used to be the spring break place of the world kids went there and tore the town up H not like that anymore well we really enjoyed F Lauderdale but this next story may be one of my favorites ever we visited the villages exciting right a 55 plus Community but where golf carts are a way of life oh boy but these aren't any old golf carts AR they Chuck no they sure aren't from Wild designs to Wild rides and I do mean wild the next director's cut Story shows Adventure has no age limit Welcome to The Villages Sharon CR I'm 72 years old from Cincinnati Ohio 138,000 residents I'm Larry Gooding 79 from perkville Pennsylvania minimum age 55 Dan rman 68 Troy Michigan Pat gersi 74 from in aqua Wisconsin senior citizens from well everywhere Nyla mood 70 years old Las Vegas Nevada Janette kich 65 Colorado Springs Colorado Glenn Derby Rish Frederick Maryland the pace here relaxed unless that is you spend time with these folks we are the flying golf carts W yes Chuck you come on in here great we're going to seat belt you very good thank you and we're going to drop this armrest okay so you're you're locked in all right fantastic The Villages offers residents the choice of over 3,000 different clubs and activities woo the flying golf carts may be the most unique option I'm going to close my eyes Glen look I do myself too so you're in good company we're in trouble this isn't a parade troop it's a Precision core of drivers pop over now this is synchronized swimming in golf carts you know yes spacing has to be just right one and 1/2 card spacing the timing has to be just right now it's a dance a really fast watch out fullon Daredevil kind of dance honey where's my heart [Laughter] medicine teacup and that's where you go complete circles this one is called lazy loose Swagger that's when we're going in and out popover blizzard dizzy donut the cupcake all these playfully named stunts are part of a show that entertains fans year round what's the favorite of the crowd the Venus fly trap for the same reason everybody's mouth goes who like the same response you have wow wow Jee that was close you know you're in a community where everyone's driving a golf cart and you can get to movie theaters healthc care stores everything by golf cart so this whole idea of the flying carts is really the golf cart culture of the villages on steroids yes for the flying golf cart club retirement doesn't mean quitting I am a flying golf cart stunt fir it means proving to themselves I am a flying golf cart stunt pilot and The Villages I am a flying golf cart stump pilot the fun is just begun I am a flying golf cart stunt pilot stunt pilot stunt pilot I'm a flying golf cart stunt pilot oh went it's such a different lifestyle we have to give Chuck a break I'm really happy to be part of this group hey forget Disney and Universal we've got the flying golf carts man and thank you to the Flying golf cart team for an unforgettable experience they two are around the State of Florida as well and I think maybe I know where I want to retire Julia I don't know I thought You' have to get your rest up because I look they're very busy community and I've actually seen a lot of this on Tik Tok and it's it's really cool thing to see very good much more to come as my big adventure holiday special continues just close your eyes and hope for the best we're headed to the West Coast of Michigan for some fun in the sand here we go we'll also explore the area's Rich waterways and introduce you to an artist creating One of a Kind pieces in his backyard and welcome back to our Chuck's big adventure holiday special you know Florida is a great Beach destination year round but there's also a spot closer to home perfect for a quick summer trip and that's one thing I love about this you don't need a lot of PTO you can just make a long weekend trip out of this and there's so much to do and see there especially boating you know that's a way of life for many who live along the coast of West Michigan but there are plenty of opportunities for visitors too [Music] there is something about the lake and there is something about water it calms the soul don't you think absolutely I hear from people all the time that come from the bigger cities like Chicago it's just so quiet here it is the calm of the water and just the enjoyment and just feeling like ah I've made it I'm on vacation Sagat Tu Michigan has been a vacation destination for over 150 years so no surprise boating here comes with a heavy dose of History all right Lauren let's go back in time let's do that here we go at retr booat rentals guests can pick from a fleet of restored 50s Classics because that was The Sweet Spot for gorgeous boats we have Ruby lce l this is the boat we're on there's lever lne spent some time in Milwaukee that's why she because of LeBron and Shirley gotcha and then that's Doris there at the end what is it about boats they all have like women's names sagatuck is divided by the Kalamazoo River you can take a long road and Bridge to cross it but there is another way our historic chain fairy see how they're hand prking [Music] it inside here is essentially just a big bicycle chain and there's a chain underneath that takes people from one side of the river to the other that's a very unique thing how unique is it well it's the only hand crank chain fairy in all of North America currently established in 1857 back then the was the only way that that got across you've seen people from every corner of the world writing this thing what are some of the questions people usually ask uh is that Wisconsin is that Wisconsin the I thought the lake was so much bigger than this you're not going to see that anywhere else in the country but it's still around and then you know our star of sagatuck is a historic boat a cruise on this Majestic paddle booat is just one more reason that a Tiny Town of 900 people swells to 10,000 in the summer and I think that's why people come for that small town atmosphere so it's important to us to keep that around this will be the last Marina you see on the way out and then we'll be out on Lake Michigan yes this is Lake Michigan right out here sometimes they'll come where it's just a husband and wife they'll bring their whole family the next time so people really enjoy it it is Saga Tuck's Legacy have a fairy nice day life on the water sweet memories for a [Music] lifetime you know Julia I grew up uh almost exactly on the other side of the lake and to be there it was so so peaceful and so beautiful and I love the efforts to restore things or I guess keep things kind of in there the way they were but I can't imagine cranking that thing by hand those guys were like this let me tell you you got to work out before work absolutely you know all that time on the water can really make you hungry I've been craving a burger ever since I saw you bite into one in the beginning well we found an iconic burger joint in Michigan that put one small town on the map the line forms before the doors even open people waiting for their chance to get the hamburger that made New Buffalo Michigan famous well what would a Chuck's big adventure be without talking to Chuck about ramax and thank you for having us here Chuck well thank you you can't go to New Buffalo without stopping here and how did you get to that place as a restaurant uh mom and dad James and Angie purchased the business and 1975 July 15th actually was a Tuesday this eery is more than just a popular destination it's traditional in fact even the way you eat a hamburger is different here how are you supposed to eat a hamburger well basically as as the pler tells you is to flip it upside down why is that because we put the cheese on the top it's all old school here oh my gosh you can't use plastic to pay eat pay and get [Laughter] out and you can't order a cup of coffee but you still made it work I think so yeah of 48 years let's bite into a legend here it's the ramax way be prepared to wait in line to have enough cash available and to have a wonderful vacation memory thank you Chuck thank you very much nice meeting you so I think I missed his explanation why did he say you have to TI the burger upside down well because everything is on the top so you've got the cheese the ketchup but if you turn it over the bun on top is thicker it's heavier right so that support all that and having a bite of the ramax burger had I flipped it over like this it been all over my shirt oh okay course I usually eat like this you know Jala and I think I I heard you say that they it's cash only but they say you you can't even have coffee when you sitting They don't serve coffee because that means you'll sit and talk and they said they enjoy it and get out of there eat pay and get out of there well aside from the natural beauty the west coast of Michigan is also known as the art Coast the sagatuck Douglas Area uh is full of incredible Galleries and I love this one Chuck you met one artist that's doing something especially unique yeah love this guy Jeff blanford is not one to take no for an answer and that attitude is how he finally discovered a way to make blown glass a way that no one thought could be done so my work is really about design it's easy to understand it's about color it's about shape and now more than ever it's about materials taking unusual materials bringing them to the studio breaking rules that's a big part of my work is the evolution my name is Jeff lford and I'm a Potter and glass blower of sagatuck Michigan tell me about your shop because it's very eclectic well thank you that's a great compliment I try and do a huge variety of things Jeff's art has been a lifelong journey trying to create things that I have not seen always moving forward every year I unveil something new never accepting boundaries someone said you can't do something well I wanted to know why someone told them someone told them and I've just got to see it for myself and so here on the shores of his beloved Lake Michigan Jeff decided that the impossible was possible the sand around here is used for [Music] industry but there's never been a glass floor that's used it and made it to create a quality stretchable blowable glass I did my research a little bit of experimentation studying ancient Roman glass what were they able to do with limited technology get it hot enough cleaner Sands melt it all Iron rich [Music] sand I didn't think it would work but it has and it surpassed my hopes even inside this studio molten glass is shaped and will cool to become a beautiful blue teal as if everything I have done in the past doesn't exist and I want to focus on this new thing the color is unique to this creation what Jeff likes to call backyard glass and it's also very special as a youngster I played in the sand and I always wondered what the Sans were made of and what it could be in glass but [Music] how it's come very full circle being that I've grown up around here taking sand from the beach is not allowed but Jeff finds an infinite Supply by cleaning drifting sand from nearby properties and it lights me on fire like I never have been before the potential is huge Jeff could have traveled the world trying to find the secret to his glass blowing question but the answer was and is and always will be in his own [Music] backyard from beach sand beach s beach sand [Music] glass and Chuck I love when you bring back a little piece of your big adventure with you because I wouldn't have known though if you had asked like oh I wouldn't have guessed that this was made in the way that now that I've seen the process and I just make sure you appreciate handmade things so much more this way it it is beautiful and what you're holding in your hand is so rare because uh we've always known that Ball mason jars up in mun they were made out of beach sand but we're talking about quality stretchable blowable glass hasn't been done and he's tapped into something that can change art for Generations yeah and the research that he's put into it he's very passionate and it shows it sure does well all that sand is good for some Adventure too yeah and you attented sand sledding has to be one of my favorite moments so far too well I'm still finding sand from that believe me uh we really had a great time experiencing all the dunes of Michigan have to offer in Southwest Michigan it's the lake that steals the headlines but don't despair land lovers the sand at Warren Dune State Park let you hit the surf and never get wet so it's similar to a snowboard you know the concept is shape and then this helps you slide through the Sands sounds rad this will be [Music] epic these are really steep slopes uh let's bring in some help that's better meet camera knives 18 years old 5% body fat and enthusiastic sand surf stunt [Music] man go for it buddy I you're good we'll be offering moral support and here he goes oh Cameron thank you for the demonstration oh of course yeah how you feeling right now I'm feeling a little a little tired but uh yeah it's definitely experience especially climbing back up no chair lifts here to come down you must climb up looks like he's going to try it one more time ooh wipe out want to see the dunes without the climb then take a ride [Music] the folks at sagatuck dun rides have been treating visitors to Sandy Adventures for decades yeah we had a new driver last week smack into this tree here on the left yeah but they hired me anyway we go through a wooded section we go through open Duneland I think the Highlight for lot of people is getting out on the tallest Dune is 300 ft up that's where people can get out of the buggy and explore the Dune for a few minutes kids run down dunes and inevitably do face plants in the sand tight turns steep hills and maybe even snake snake oh my God oh my God yeah fake snake but real rubber he's here all week ladies and gentlemen it's all part of the adventure a trip to Michigan isn't complete without exploring the sand I'm living a life of danger and no matter how you do it just close your eyes and hope for the best tackle the [Music] dunes and love the experience that was such a fun trip and our thanks to that fine young man who's still probably out of breath climbing the top of that Dune well we also want to thank the Third Coast surf shop in St Joe they rent the boards out at the dunes and all of the people we met on this trip thanks for allowing us to share your stories next up we're headed to Niagara Falls here we go it's a popular vacation destination for people around the world and with good reason wo we'll explore the falls from every angle and take you to some hidden gems worth adding to any [Music] itinerary well welcome back to the Chuck's big adventure holiday special and you know Julia this October we took the big adventure to probably one of the most iconic spots in the world Niagara Falls and Chuck I know this is one of your most popular trips ever right without question we got such a great response to this trip and many of the pieces came in as definite fan favorites we ask people on Facebook so we'll kick things off with the most asked about ways to see the falls the made of the [Applause] Mist one of the things it seems like to me is that you can come here every day and you see the water but it's almost a different experience every day right why is that is it is wow the conditions the lighting weather a visit to Niagara Fall is all about seeing Nature's power the most popular view it's from the water aboard an iconic vessel you have to do made of the MTH it's the thrill of a Life [Music] Time the made of the Miss first challenged these perilous Waters is a border crossing ferry in 1846 1848 it became a sightseeing vessel since then different boats same Mission get passengers close to the falls I'm going to ask you the question that everybody who's ever ridden this boat is wanted to ask you here we go how in the world do you navigate this vessel when nobody can see anything with this MTH well to be honest I'm still trying to figure it out just so just letting you guys know actually Captain James strawber operates this boat with laser focus The Falls demand it you get quite a bit of mist coming on right through here off the American Falls and then as you approach the Canadian Falls you'll see a shield of just straight mist and looks like we're about to head right underneath at some spots The Falls drop 675,000 gallons of water a second be prepared you will get wet real wet well we're in the meat of the ride if you will with hurricane for wind I totally believe it the M of the Mist is now in its 100 1 77th year of operation a powerful tradition then and a screaming soaking we wondrous thrill now and so I know I said that the warmer destinations are like at the top of my list but this is one that I would just suck it up bundle up and and go to Niagara Fall because you've got to see it for yourself yeah and especially at fall I think fall is a great time to visit because the crowds are a little smaller and the colors are spectacular and the made of the Mist gets you pretty close I would say but you're saying that there are ways you're brave but to get even closer to the falls in fact this was one of my favorite parts of that Niagara Falls trip we got the chance to check out several ways to see the three waterfalls of Niagara in ways I never thought possible just don't forget a poncho from above Niagara Falls looks peaceful and Serene but there are plenty of ways to get an up close experience just prepare to get wet the Niagara Parks Power Station lets you see the history of how this natural wonder was harnessed for power production down what was a service shop but we'll be seeing all the underground infrastructure as we go so we're going way down we're going way down wow you can even take a trip down to an old water tunnel and where the lights are today is roughly where the water would have been how high the water was when the plant was operating so where we're at this is all underwater we' be underwater here wow there it is so here we are David with the view that really up till now people didn't have before right that's right this is a never before seen view the Lower nager River the American fall straight ahead and then to the right as we come out you'll see the iconic hor wow what a payoff that's right so this was an industrial purpose before a Hydro power station now we' turned to a visor [Music] attraction if you want to get even closer you can Journey behind the fault Nature has a way of overtaking reality and it look at those get soaking wet on the viewing deck or actually go under horseshoe falls through a series of tunnels to feel the power of the Rushing Water on the American side cave of the wind it's the thrill of a lifetime oh my gosh can this possibly be real can walk through the White Water wow right up to the front 10 ft from the base this is the hurricane deck at Cave of the Winds since a child I've always wanted to experience this a deck with hurricane forceed wind water blowing sideways and that's why I'm sending photographer Steve rhs to check it [Music] out one of the most popular things I hear down at the bottom I can't believe they're letting us stand this [Music] close you get so and we want to thank the pride of Northwest Missouri State University Steve rhods for Manning up and taking that since I wasn't man enough to take it but wow what an experience and people say Canadian Side New York side both sides I was actually going to say that I love that you showed us what the American side and the Canadian side because there's so much to do on both sides there is and it was such a wonderful experience seeing people from all over the world uh enjoying the beauty together definitely beautiful and again on my list but Niagara Falls also holds a lot of history too it sure does you know the Falls symbolized freedom for so many with the Niagara River as the line between slavery and freedom and today there's a special place honoring the history of the Underground Railroad then and now this is our arrival Gallery imagine yourself arriving here to the city of nigara falls in the early 1830s what would the landscape look like what people would you see who would you come in contact with the Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center Works to answer those questions through the conversations about a tumultuous time in American history Niagara Falls is a great tourist destination but do many people really realize just the role that it played in the Underground Railroad um they're starting to know more you know and thankfully we've established this institution as the first black cultural institution within this city in over 30 years I I've got goosebumps on me realizing that just across the street Harriet Tubman was there and crossed into Canada and she was just one of many Freedom Seekers who were able to cross into Canada in this location the footing for that bridge to Freedom still exists today the museum details the challenges of this journey with interactive displays including the recreation of a luxury hotel that hosted dignitaries even presidents so imagine you come into a location that has marble fireplaces velvet curtains it's about the size of a square block and the staff are all people of African descent John Morrison was the head waiter and he was able to successfully coordinate his staff to live double lives as secret underground railroad agents preserving these stories are vitally important because if we're not telling these stories then someone else has the ability to control that narrative and you never know what stories will be told or how people would be depicted in the public domain now the center also features a gallery of modern-day Freedom Seekers showing that the fight has not ended uh just evolved and I even love that historians are careful now to use different language and even saying freedom Seekers cuz it gives you a little bit more humanity and I told you this was one of my favorite stops that you made glad they're not slaves they were enslaved people and take a couple of hours visit it and enjoy that trip to Niagara Falls we still have much more to come from my big adventure in Niagra Falls including your number one fan favorite wa Come Along on a wild ride through the class 5 Rapids and we'll visit a place that will leave you feeling a little [Music] nostalgic welcome back Forest Park in Noblesville is home to a very special piece of History a carousel made by the hersel company it's a classic metal Carousel called a little beauty and was built back in 1925 now at one point the company manufactured more than half of the wooden carousels in the country all in one small New York town near Niagara Falls and check this place looks so cool well the hersel carousel uh Factory Museum there is dedicated to preserving a key element of childhood Joy close your eyes [Music] listen for the music if you're of a certain age it's the sound of your childhood joy that was very likely crafted carefully in this Tiny [Music] Town 50% of all wooden carousels in the United States were built by the hersel companies my name is Ian sella and we are at the Hershel Carousel Factory [Music] Museum Ian to me this is a jaw-dropper how old is this uh Welcome to The Roundhouse yes okay this is our 107y old Carousel built in this building in 1916 just a few miles from Niagara Falls it's a don't miss stay for hours kind of place oh yeah once around is never enough and that is for all ages so you're never too cool for a carousel even if you believe so a visit here transports guests back over 100 years when these finally crafted attractions were a big part of American life we have a volunteer here who says that we don't have a carousel we have a time [Music] machine you could even get a look at where and how the work was done inside a carousel carving Workshop it seems like the men who put these all together were very good at what they did but in a sense they were artists too right very much so and I've noticed there are so many different looks of the horse heads was that just what they felt like of the day just what they felt like the Allen Hershel company is pretty much known for happy animals and as long as they could carve at a pace to keep up production they had all the freedom they wanted to put extra designs into it and we're able to bring people in to experience this amazing idea of Americana and it's a place that everyone should be really proud of Amusement is all about family family that's no longer with you when you remember all those amazing experiences that you had with them previously it's also for all the experiences you're giving to the young ones you have with you that they will remember long after you're gone and that time machine takes you back to a fond time right yes it does uh it's a fine fine [Music] time I really love that piece and you know Noblesville isn't the only Indiana connection the carousel at Holiday World and Santa Claus Indiana is a hersel along with some of the other amusement rides at beautiful Indiana beach you guys scout out and we go to the best places but it doesn't surprise me that this next one too is a fan favorite as well oh it sure is you know we've had a lot of Adventures over the years but this one may be just the wildest yet I'll tell you this is something I thought I would never do but this was one of the fan favorites for sure check out this special director's cut of my ride on the whirlpool jetboat tours class 5 Rapids a whirl poool swirling with Nature's Fury are we ready to go jet boating take a boat ride through it all hi sure why not three two and one well first off we got to talk a little about where we are and what the Niagara River does the Niagara River is a 35m long river that connects Lake Erie to Lake Ontario there is 330 ft of drop in elevation between Lake Iran Lake Ontario now obviously 170 ft of that drop occurs where at The Falls however that still leaves about another 160 ft of elevation drop to be made up somewhere and that's because of the whitewater rapids so we're going to jump that 160 ft of elevation drop in one of these hot rod Jet Boats here [Music] [Applause] today Whirlpool Jet Boats has been conquering this stretch of the Niagara River for decades the latest in technology 1,800 horsepower in these boats this isn't just a joy ride are we ready to break these class five Rapids or what it's a TV production cameras are positioned on board at every angle and we added our views to capture every bump dunk and scream the main stay of our program is what we call the Wet Jet and you see that they all have windshields on the front of them yes I wish I could tell you that that windshield was to keep you dry it's actually a perfect launching ramp for the waves to be deflected onto the guest on on board H us smack Us in the face like aami just like a big wall of water the next thing you know you're you're underneath water completely underneath water did you get it in the mouth a little bit a little bit we do have an alternative and it's called the freedom Jack where you're free to get wet or free to stay [Music] dry we go to exactly the same place you get to experience the waves but you can go dressed as you are now so I claim my constitutional right to stay dry on the Freedom Boat I stayed dry wa but it was a wild ride I think I'm like 10 lb heavier from how wet I am right now people mostly say to me that is something that I thought I could never do that's a place in this world I would never have thought of myself going to these boats make it safe and enjoyable for the wide breadth of people that come here to Niagara take that last breath of air on one in three 2 1 wo [Music] oh my gosh wow so you're going to ask me did I get sick yeah just a little just a little well thank you to the folks at the jetboat tours for one Unforgettable ride they have locations on both the United States and Canadian side it was one love how everyone was like screaming on the first one by the second one they got the memo they're like wait the water's really goodness let me when you open that mouth you get wet well we're going to take a quick break right now but stick around with this because when we come back we are going to reveal our destination for my next Chuck's big adventure you don't want to miss it well welcome back to this Chuck's big adventure holiday special we've really enjoyed this last hour looking back at some of our favorite Adventures of 2023 you said it you said we know where we were going next so what's next all right drum roll please all right the lovely City of Charleston South Carolina uh it's a place of both culture and history but also food and music and I can't wait to experience it all we will be hitting the road very soon and we'll bring you those stories in early February I am looking forward to that the Low Country the Low Country absolutely and a lot of people say uh tour magazines and travel magazines that this is the world's number one destination now so we're going to go where the world's going to go to Charleston South Carolina well as we say goodbye I want to thank you Julia for being a part of this hour also want to thank our producer Megan Simpson and our brilliant photographer editor Steve rhods but I also wanted to share some of our favorite memories from this past year thanks for watching we'll see you next year on Chuck's Big Adventure [Music]

2023-12-31 10:27

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