China's MOST BREATHTAKING Natural Landscape In Yangshuo, Guilin

China's MOST BREATHTAKING Natural Landscape In Yangshuo, Guilin

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[Music] where's the stepping thing here  oh I step on that yeah okay this bike   feels more sturdy huh yeah than  the other one we had ready so good morning from Yangshuo initially  I thought this town was going to be like   a tiny village a tiny town but today we're on our  bike exploring more of this place and we realized   it's quite developed it's quite big but in  like a nice way because it's still surrounded by   mountains it's still very beautiful but it has a  lot of restaurants it has a lot of cafes even has   Starbucks McDonald's banks everything that you  need for your convenience I guess when you're   traveling and a huge walking street at night too  oh yeah that street was bustling and people were   enjoying all of the food like it's basically a  food street but today we are going a little bit   further away from this main part of town towards  a beautiful mountain area called Ruyi it's about a   45-minute drive by e-bike it should be a beautiful  drive as well but once we get there then we can   hop on a scenic cable car and enjoy this area from  the mountain view instead of the river view   that we experienced yesterday we should be able to  get there and back with this bike that's what she   said fingers crossed but she said that if we run  out of battery we can stop at the cafe and charge   it cuz people here will let you do that wow  we're entering the mountains what an epic gate what happened there that was the first time that  happened to us the lady just rocked up next to us   in her e-bike yeah and she's like hey where you  guys going where you want to play today   and then she's like I can get you tickets just let  me know so I told her we already got tickets but   we don't I lied good for her good for her good  marketing she's trying hard and we can't even   speed up we all can only go the same speed which  is like 28 km per hour what is happening here   I wonder can we stop and take a look sure oh I  guess this is where you hop on the bamboo raft   does it look fun yeah it looks fun we were  thinking of doing it but we already did the   cruise and we saw the river already I mean  this is a different experience though look   that's pretty neat yeah you're actually  on a real bamboo raft and it's not like   the Li River that we came on because this is  a lot more calm and more enjoyable probably   this is the end point of the raft so this is  where they load the rafts back on the truck to   take it further where the starting point is but  look at this machine that is loading the raft you were in her photo she was trying to get you  out of her photo that's so funny yeah that's cool   look at that how cool is that [Music] they  think of everything here they have all the   technology for everything in China you can hear  in the sky that there's also helicopter tours   of this area you see that one over there mhm  that would be so epic though on the helicopter you got our tickets I got our tickets so the place  we're at is called Ruyi which is a peak there's   a mountain top that we can go and explore  we're going to take the cable car up and on   top I believe there's like a glass walk and  a viewing platform a couple things to do up   there that should be beautiful when we were  driving on the way here yeah it looks so huge   cuz you can see the whole cable car go across  mountains so we're going mountain hopping today   mountain hopping and the ticket was 260 Yuan  per person which is about $36 a person it is   one of the more expensive things we've done so  far in China I think you can get it a cheaper   price because we see a lot of local people  coming up to us and saying they can get it   for us for 200 Yuan but it just somehow felt a  bit sketchy so we just bought it from the ticket   office here there's not that many people here  considering it's Saturday it's not busy at all maybe walk slower so we can get the whole thing  for ourselves they fit eight people in a cable car   this is exciting I'm excited I'm going to try to ask  her if we can take the next one he's going to go   by himself which he probably would enjoy too got  it yeah she knows she offered she's like wait a   moment perfect timing cuz there's no one behind us  yeah go no oh now we need the cable car to speed   up I see a family coming so just the two of us yay  I'm walking in slowly yay awesome and off we go oh it's so smooth we're going all the  way up there yeah and that's just   the beginning we have to cross more than  one mountain multiple mountains oh really   mhm wow that's pretty crazy that some people  climb the mountains here that looks so scary should we be sitting on one  side or should we balance it out   I feel like we're a bit tilted  and I don't like it you go that's so scary it's kind of hot in  here mhm can you see if you can open the   door there's a breeze right here this is the  most epic cable car I have ever been on yeah   I would say so because you're crossing so many  peaks and you can see I don't know like 50 more   peaks just surrounding you or probably even more  you can see the layers that go behind those ones   they kind of go never ending sometimes when  you look at the mountains it looks like you   have a double vision yeah but it's because  of the layers yeah it's just right behind   we're here we're here it's good to be back on the ground again now  we have to cross that suspension bridge oh my   goodness oh my gosh that looks cool oh and then  there's like a a walk to go up the peak and the   red one down there is a skywalk  yeah cuz it sticks out right beautiful let's go that's insane Chinese people just build  everything so grand the biggest the longest you see all of the red ribbons there they all  mean something different so you can buy a   red ribbon here it's only 10 Yuan for  one and you can pick the one the wish   that you would like for yourself  for marriage for wealth for health oh this one is to have children uh let's not  let's not do this one let's do the one for health what's this I'll let you know okay this one is a good one it says... means if   you laugh more then you're going to get  more luck I like it perfect for us cuz   we love laughing yeah we have to write  our names on it write our names on it   we can write it right in the middle okay yeah   wow I love this bridge I love this place so beautiful   here let me switch with you this side or that  side you can choose let's do this side this side   okay I'll tie it right here so if you guys  come here to this bridge and you can find   our ribbon it will be really hard though I  will give you 1,000 Yuan wow there you go it feels like we have climbed so many  staircases up mountains so far being   in China but this is one of the most  beautiful ones for sure wow that's   crazy this is breathtaking literally  I'm running out breath but look at that one of the most beautiful  viewpoints for sure that I've seen look at how they just built tunnels through   the mountain like that yeah  it looks so tiny doesn't it there's like a commotion over there it  says here something about flying a drone I think it's you can borrow a drone to fly I  know what's happening what is happening you   can hire a guy flying a drone over there to  do like a droney shot in the middle you know   the one that goes straight up into the sky  okay okay cuz yeah it would be chaotic if   everyone could rent a drone that would be  crazy but yeah this guy is on standby now they're forming a circle that's so interesting but   that's a pretty cool moment  for the group though yeah woohoo I think they're going to throw it on the  big screen for people to watch it that's so cool it says right here if we want to enter the  promenade we have to wear the shoe covers   yes I'm already choosing them one for you thank  you one pair for me so this goes over your head no   your feet cuz if you're scared and you  don't want to look down you just cover   your head with this there are two sections  this one is just to test your fear this one   is not high at all yeah this one's  okay go to the highest point what's   the highest point yeah how does it feel  okay for me look the kids are sitting come come sit and enjoy it enjoy the view on this side  I'm stepping on um what you call the middle the   middle part the connector mhm it's not going to  be like boom I don't know anything could happen   then I will grab here and step on there see  it's all sorted come come sit how many people   can one panel support probably more than two  you think so yeah I used to not be so scared   of heights but now that I'm older even flying I  don't enjoy flying at all I hate turbulence yeah   you freak out now with turbulence all the  time before I can sleep through flights easily   but now you have to hold my hand when there's  turbulence my palms get sweaty mom's spaghetti   turbulence doesn't bother me as much cuz I used  to be a flight attendant for two years taking   the plane is like taking a bus so chill and I  used to want to be a flight attendant oh yeah I   don't think you would have enjoyed it you wouldn't  have been able to provide customer service when   you were freaking out this is such a chill  place there's everything for everyone yeah   you want to cruise down the river you can you  want to see it from the mountains you can come   here if you want to see it from even higher in  a hot air balloon you can do that too or paramotoring or helicopter ride you can skydive  you can skydive out of the hot air balloons   that one I cannot confirm did not see any signs  for that one but there's everything for everyone mine actually looks like a  mango mine's green bean this is   the best mine is so delicious mine is  so delicious too tastes like real mango   you can do it don't be scared now this  one is the real glass bridge oh my God hey you gave up I don't like it no if I  don't have to I don't want to walk on it she just gave us a ticket as well it said we each   get a free photo over there I guess  there's like a little photo station like look at that mhm is there a net  underneath no there's a net on top why   that's for the boulders so the boulders don't  crush us yeah but they should put   one underneath too to catch you if you  fall mhm then it obstructs the view hey can you take this one my photo wouldn't turn out good why were  you like yeah and is it free we have to   pay for it I think it's a free one well  it's not technically free we paid for the   ticket oh true look at this it says no climbing  cross over like who would want to do that cross over to here what you have to pay 20 yuan or we can keep the little one I don't think so oh  can we keep this one oh keep the little   one then okay yeah we'll take the little one that's  so funny I like how they give you a little one   but they make the quality so terrible so that  you buy the big one well this is the best way   to end our time here in Yangshuo we started  from Guilin came all the way here and I think   the whole journey was wonderful like two days  well spent in this area so if you come here do   exactly the same thing as we did you will not  be disappointed mhm maybe if you have time even   add that bamboo raft in because I think that is  also quite a beautiful thing to do yeah and maybe   spend two more nights yeah I should have booked  two more nights but we do have something very   epic coming in the next series we are taking the  train again and going more towards the west and   we have a good 2 weeks in Yunnan Province to  explore quite a few cities there it's going to   be it's going to be really fun as always  thank you so much for watching hope you   enjoyed this video and make sure to subscribe  we will see you in the next one bye-bye bye

2024-05-04 16:15

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