CHEAPEST Place To LIve In Phuket Thailand !

CHEAPEST Place To LIve In Phuket Thailand !

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where is the cheapest place  to live in Phuket Thailand   well if you watch all this video  we're going to show you we're also   going to go through these topics today  the cheapest area to live this is renting   could be the same for buying how to find where  to find these places and pitfalls and tips right   remember yeah so we've been living in Phuket for  three years now and we kind of know that where is   the most expensive and where it is cheapest that  we can stay yes and we are currently in one of the   pitfalls right now so we know a little bit about  it yeah so we're going to give you all the advice   watch it to the end give us a like And subscribe  and yeah let's get into the video shall we   so let's get one thing out of the way because  three and a half years we've been living here   actually and three and a half years doing YouTube  and can kind of see a little bit into the future   and I can read the comments already people are  going to be saying poop gets expensive it's the   most expensive player yeah it is we know that  it is maybe look behind us it is one of the   most expensive or the most expensive area to  live in Phuket but that's where we've chose to   live that's where we've chose to have a business  or should we go and live in rural Thailand Maybe okay we're now at Caron Beach and we're heading to  Phuket Town through some of the areas that we're   going to talk about in this video uh and yeah  look it's the true you know Phuket is compared   to the rest of Thailand very expensive and  it's getting more expensive at the minute   and maybell's from isan the prize  comparison is like what's it like so too there it's so cheap compared to here  you know if that's the lifestyle you want   then yeah maybe one day we'll retire in rural  Thailand what do you think maybe yeah I win   um 65. for now we like it here right yeah when we  have it now yeah we've had enough we'll booger off   and buy a house right let's go Phuket  town okay the route we take is down   Caron beach pascatter beach or Patak Road  past Mabel's Coffee Garden through shalong   through widget we're going to talk more about  these areas in a bit straight into Phuket town   foreign for the first part how to find  or where you will find these properties and I'm going to do this with a slice of cake I'm having cake ice cream sweet drinks it's gonna give us a sugar rush and get going so we're currently in Phuket town and how  we look for properties is first Port of   Call we use Facebook Marketplace so get onto  Facebook put your location obviously as Phuket   you'll find lots of properties and it seems to  be more current things like what's available now   um also there's a pitfall here as well but  I'm going to tell you that later in the video   you'll have to keep watching uh yeah Facebook  Marketplace you can find long-term accommodation   on there and short term uh second one for maybe  monthly stays Airbnb Airbnb is good hey which   we actually have an Airbnb as well links in the  description yeah Airbnb so if you're coming for   a few months or you're not  sure where you want to live   I would always recommend you do a month here  and there all around the island from Airbnb yeah see where you like see where you  want to be get a feel for the place   uh we've lived in Phuket Town  Caron Qatar that's about it so far thirdly there are some websites here but I have  to say not very good I can't find a good website   if anyone knows a good website for property put it  in the comment section you've got a DOT property   which I've tried to book a viewing a couple of  times and ended up nothing uh fazwas is another   one but I think prices are on the high side and  yeah if you know of any websites let us know   and then another one which we like to do and are  doing today feet on the ground get out in the car   drive around have a look uh Thai style we put a  picture on the you know put a phone number and   you know call up whatever that simple easy way  with found properties doing that before haven't we just have a look around ask yeah and  that's a way you can find something maybe   that wouldn't be advertised delicious what's mine   Co ice cream what's this one opera cake cheesecake  I want to try this one try the mango ice cream looks old nice yeah it's all right cheesecake ours is better what do you have now Mabel drink in  the loop with breast milk try it cheers good we're in Phuket town at the moment in one  of our favorite spots to have a bite to   eat and Phuket town you have got more Choice  really hey for food for nightlife whatever   and you can go Thai style in phuketown you can  live on street food if you like and yeah there's   just a lot more options available we're actually  tempted to come and live here ourselves aren't we   we'll talk more about that in the next part which  will be areas of Phuket restaurant core pool and has a beautiful view and it's quite hard to  find actually uh first time when we came we   get lost first time I got last year but  we'll show you the view and we'll talk   about carry on with the video you know yes the  cheapest areas right up to the most expensive   to a little look around this poo under gentle man put it up here very nice okay guys we're gonna do the next part which is  what's the next part let's check and remember   cheapest areas we're gonna do it while we're here  in the restaurant and having dinner we're doing   this videoing on the go aren't we what we're doing  life at the same time yeah it's time to feed the   big baby coming here look at the lump look at  the bump it's growing fast now the last second   we've had they said um maybe too small but since  then the belly's growing fast and this place is   where are we Phuket Town kind of on the east  side of Phuket Town some food's arriving sorry   green curry chicken here for me  really cool very green I'll show you it's meant to be that quick  we're going to start with the area and work the way up too what  we believe the most expensive area   so we got down as number one cheapest is  Thailand and obviously some very remote   parts of this island look it's a big  island yeah you'll obviously find some that will be very cheap put to Lang at the moment  when we're looking we're currently looking now   is coming up as the cheapest for a house if  you want a house a proper house yeah brand   new you can get brand new three bed Garden  for like 15 to 20 000. that's a good house   I don't mean you know obviously you can find it  even can find cheap there's something for every   budget here that's a good thing about Phuket uh  yeah so talang is the cheapest next on the list   which I'm I'm really warming to is Phuket  town phuketown you're right in this almost   the center of the Island Central East looking we  could film showing that way but it doesn't work   with a filming and we're certain the picture  it blows up the east side view is beautiful   from this island uh phuketown has lots to offer  loads of restaurants and for me it feels more   like Thailand than the rest of Pluto yeah yeah you  feel like you're in Thailand most of the locals   then put guitar as well yeah most of them can get  everything cheaper yeah compared yeah living you   could yeah another area yeah you can live cheaper  as well uh other than phuketown on a similar   uh price range is Geelong tattoo and Cheung Tale  similar prices but shalong is for me feel like I'm   just living on a highway on a Motorway it was  too big roads yeah he's not got that feel of   Phuket for me and what you can find definitely  find a cheaper property we could we could move   there and get a house right now but I'd have  to sit in traffic to get to our shop and   that's something I don't want to do hey let's  try this very green green curry very green so the case is nice shalong yeah like  I say KATU is actually I would be   another area I would go for cartoon because the  location easy can get into a tongue or a bangtow   it's kind of central bit further north and  yeah it was it's got a very Countryside feel   for me some of it not all of it some of  it's very Countryside yeah and it's nice we'll get to the point what we've been looking  for a long time so we've kind of been studying   all these areas and there's so many better options  for us but we can't go because we don't want to   travel to the shop don't want to travel on a daily  basis in traffic that's one thing I wanted to get   away from next would be Camelot and Patong now  yeah let me just mention the east side of this   island is going to be cheaper East and Central  it's going to be cheaper and the West is the   most expensive because that's where the tourist  places are so for tourist places I think the Tonga   and Camelot you can find better deals for renting  probably probably because there's more properties   on par with that probably rawaii in the South many  expats moving to this area proper Island feel yeah okay I'm gonna finish the areas on their own  or maybell finishes food if you've ever lived   with the tire lady one thing you would know  is don't interrupt their eating too much they   especially like this time I'm just a I'ma kind  of get it down me and finish it kind of guy   yes a raw eye number four on the list of price  range living wise very popular with expats and   more Island feel you feel you know  you're on a tropical island in rawai   yeah it's nice and then you've got our  area we're in Qatar Caron Qatar is in Caron   I put with them also bang Tao and Serene Maybe  not far off each other problem with Qatar and   karon I believe is very seasonal this is  a tourist spot very busy in High season   a lot of old properties so they know they  can still get the money in High season so   yeah they're just not bothered if you're looking  long term hard to find a good deal yeah so it's   up there with one of the more expensive areas  I believe obviously Patong you know is more   well known but is more on offer so you've got more  deals to find so Qatar and Carol is near the top   or at the top with you know for family rental  prices let's see and then the very most expensive   is going to be obviously hey look Phuket like I  said you know with food living property you've got   very high end and very low end you've got  the full range Thai style fancy style you   name it whatever you want is here so yeah and  the same with the property you've got a famous   billionaire Mile in Camelot you know  full-on unbelievable properties Kate   panwa in the East you could probably find it  very cheap but got some of the most expensive   you're talking millions and millions of dollars  uh lion beach in the north and bang Tao together   becoming a more higher end Market more  luxurious places are being built so yeah   but you know there's going to be something for  everyone's budget we're struggling in Qatar and   karon to find a family home that's not going  to happen unless we had you know the budget was   a lot higher or we move to shalong Phuket  Town that's kind of why we've been I know   a lot about this at the moment because I've  been researching and looking for a long time   yeah so that's like the areas if you look if  you're coming here to retire I wouldn't stay   in one of the tourist places no way Patong  putang for me is a no way Qatar and Caron no   way if you're coming to retire here or just live  here and you don't have to be somewhere every day   uh I would live in a more quiet area like the  East Side maybe Cape panwa or Phuket Town Far   East you can go on the east side and be near the  coast and still getting to phuketown in 15 minutes   you know but it's better places to live  on this island than the tourist places   are very good I would be living in one of  these areas if we didn't have a bid business in   Qatar but yeah later on step by step  one day we'll be living somewhere else   when I was here in 2018 I made a promise to myself  I was thinking she'll share it in this video but   they say You're Not Meant to share your goals  and and yeah I made it kind of promise to myself   when I was driving around this island I just  decided yes I'm going to come and live here and   I set myself a goal in my head very simple one but  it's coming to fruition I'll maybe share it later   yeah okay so next we're going  to talk about pitfalls and tips   I'll get my bell to help me with this  one maybe maybe a glass of singer okay it's time for pitfalls and tips tip number  one drink sing a beer with ice in it lasts longer right we're actually going through a  bit of a pitfall ourselves aren't we   do it okay Pick Four number one when you're  looking on Facebook Marketplace there's going   to be lots of adverts some Thai people putting  adverts and some Thai agents and foreign agents   and let's face it you know people have got to  make money but some foreign agents are really   bumping up the price I mean maybe 10 000  more a month on top of the price is much   better if you can't deal direct with the owner  hey right now we can't talk to the owner we're   dealing through an agent so when we've got a  problem it's hard to get resolution yeah uh   so yeah that's just a pitfall to watch out for I  would rather deal with Tire agents in Phuket than   others shall we say let's not say we're living  in a soft world that might upset somebody hahaha   okay two and this is one of the pitfalls we  have done we didn't read the contract read   the contract very well ours says zero about the  landlord's obligation to maintain the property   not one word in the in in the contract of you  know when you're in the middle of these things   you don't really well we should have done okay  was sold on The View weren't we yeah The View we should have read the contract if  it looks like it's been typed up by   uh you know someone's just  knocked it up on a computer   there's no obligation to the to the landlord  then maybe think again and look somewhere else   another one that we haven't felt foul of but a  friend has is a beautiful condo facing the ocean   with a beautiful view but at 12 o'clock in the  afternoon all the way through the afternoon I've   got the sun blazing through the windows and it's  like you know very hot your balcony is virtually   unusable and your yeah your apartment is just too  hot so be aware of this because we luckily had   one on the side the sun was rising in the morning  got the sun in the morning and not in the evening   we could still see the sunset but in the afternoon  it was very nice and cold the other ones facing   the ocean were roasting hot so a little one  to think about especially if you're gonna buy okay last but not least I had  to get yourself a deal here   if you can speak direct with the owner  or through the agent you can offer to pay   longer like I'll pay for three months or pay for  six months or even what did we do on the shop   we paid for a year didn't we yeah the first time  we got it six months okay maybe I was got the   best memory here not me yeah we paid six months  in advance and then you can negotiate the price   that seems to go down well so yeah that's another  way of getting a deal but yeah that's kind of it   that's the areas and the cheapest place you're  going to find property in Phuket and how to find   so yeah we're gonna chill for a little while look  at this beautiful view of the east side of Phuket and then go home thanks for watching thank you  thank you for your input neighbor appreciate it   good night God bless see you in the next one

2023-09-18 15:03

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