Charlottenburg Palace - Prussia's first Queen Sophie Charlotte

Charlottenburg Palace - Prussia's first Queen Sophie Charlotte

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Hello and welcome to my new video. It's  nice to have all of you back with us.   Today I am visiting charlottenburg palace with  its old castle and new Wings it is one of the   most impressive Castle complexes of the former  Brandenburg electors Prussian Kings and German   Emperors and today I would like to introduce  you to the old castle in more detail [Music]   after Sophie Charlotte of Hanover  her husband elector Friedrich III   he returned his country estate in kaput near  Berlin he handed it over on the 30th in June   1695 the village of Lisa was replaced  Sophie Charlotte then hired architect   Johann Arnold nearing to plan and build a  summer residence on the property foreign was famous for her beauty worldliness charm  and taste she was an extremely educated and   self-confident princess and she was able  to lead her life relatively independently on July 11 1699 the castle was inaugurated and  has been Sophie Charlotte's residence ever since   her husband's birthday his name was selected  in honor of the adjacent Village leitzenberg in the oval Hall Sophie Charlotte  and Friedrich the first received   their guests who could enter the castle  from both the courtyard and the garden side the hall is bigger than the other rooms as it  extends into the garden offering a particularly   good view of the surrounding grounds he  connects the castle to Nature blending   them harmoniously [Music] originally there  were over 80 portraits of important princes   and kings hanging in this oval Hall all of whom  were related to Sophie Charlotte and her husband through one of the two fireplaces you  can see in a richly carved and gilded   frame the father of the Prussian King  the great elector Friedrich Wilhelm of   Brandenburg and above the second fireplace  his second wife Dorothea of Holstein [Music] Sophie Charlotte's parents were Ernst August  von Braunschweig Lunenburg from the house of   wolfen and Sophie Von de Felts who was a  granddaughter of the king of England and   Scotland this relationship later resulted  in Sophie Charlotte's eldest brother Georg   Ludwig becoming George the first who  became the king of England [Music]   during Sophie Charlotte's lifetime one would  initially enter this room before being able   to access her bedroom it is the so-called  green chamber the original wall paneling   was replaced during the time of Frederick  the great with a yellow wall covering the   tapestry is currently present here only  arrived after the second world war from   the destroyed Potsdam City Palace [Music]  thematically they are intended to evoke the   ceiling paintings depicting scenes from  the ancient Tales of cupid and psyche [Applause] [Music]   thank you [Music] this room adorned with green damask and glass  mirrors warmly greets us it is also referred   to as the glass bedroom he belongs to Sophie  Charlotte's so-called first apartment so it was   created during the quiet times of the Electoral  existence [Music] thank you Sophie Charlotte loved   her garden the many mirrors were used to capture  the light coming in from there the flowers and   Blossoms and to bring nature into the castle in  this way the green damask wallpapers reinforce   this impression the inventory listed numerous  extremely magnificent furniture for this room foreign [Music] with this large room the old  Gallery we enter the parade Chambers   the walls of the Alton Gallery which sustained  only minor damage in 1943 are entirely covered   with Oakwood a multitude of portraits depict  members of the Brandenburg Prussian ruling Dynasty after Sophie Charlotte had given birth  to a successor to the throne she started   to withdraw more often to lisenberg Palace and  focused on her great Passion music and theater   she also loved intellectual conversation very  much she turned to the study of philosophical   and Theological questions and called  Scholars and intellectuals to the court   with her teacher philosopher Gottfried  Wilhelm leibniz she helped found the   Berlin Academy of Sciences completed by  her husband in 1700. [Applause] [Music]   Sophie Charlotte was skilled at playing the  shambalo her Talent was greatly admired not   just because people wanted to honor the Regent's  memory they had multiple shambali including   the one that is currently being exhibited here  it's white and it's colorful painting designed   in a Chinese manner testifies to Sophie  Charlotte's passion for Chinese fashion [Music]   the queen loved beautiful things shortly after  moving into leitsenberg Sophie Charlotte came   up with the plan to add a theater to the  Palace it was inaugurated in June 1700.   from then on Sophie Charlotte's whole Endeavor was  to invite the best composers the Italian atelio   arasti gave her the pleasure and Giovanni  bonchini were guests of her Muse Court   they performed concerts and composed and  staged operas with the courts ladies and   gentlemen playing prominent parts once Sophie  Charlotte even managed to win the affection of   her young son Friedrich Wilhelm he appeared as  Cupid that is as the Roman god of love although   the latest Soldier King was already terribly  frightened by courtly entertainment at that time   Sophie Charlotte's passion was passed on  to her grandson Friedrich the crowsen once   more he was the one who furnished the room  with the beautiful tapestries as well during   Sophie Charlotte's lifetime the room was an  anti-chamber to the audience chamber [Music] if the guests of Sophie Charlotte had  entered the palace through the large   oval Hall then waited for a while in the  anti-chamber they were now received here   by the queen in the audience chamber although  they did not see Sophie Charlotte in front of   these tapestries with scenes of the Italian  Comedia de latte which were commissioned   Again by Frederick the great but in front  of a fine wallpaper with Chinese motifs foreign the equipment of the room was very similar  to today's above all the small table with the two   geridons which are stands for candlesticks is  original small turkeys are said to support the   table top they're made of wood but painted  white to imitate the appearance of porcelain   the Golden acanthus Leaves can be found on the  Gilded ceiling again indicating that the furniture   belonged in this room garadons illuminated the  room no chandeliers like the Magnificent one with   glass crystals in Pearl shape existed in Schloss  leitsenberg during Sophie Charlotte's time [Music]   the fire in the fireplace will have provided a  pleasant light in the evening hours above the real   fireplace there was no painting or mirror instead  there was a relief encircled by a series of small   consoles Sophie Charlotte used these consoles  to Showcase her cherished porcelain [Music]   ing of the audience chamber is considerably taller  than in the two previous rooms she is already in   the extension building which Sophie Charlotte and  her husband added to the old castle after 1702 in the year 1701 Frederick the elector of  Brandenburg was officially crowned as the   first King of Prussia marking a significant  historical Milestone power political rise   should be seen in castles construction  enlargement and decoration occurred everywhere   in charlottenburg a parade apartment was built  which however was only completed shortly after   the death of Sophie Charlotte it extends over  seven rooms the Magnificent audience chamber   is a first highlight of this parade apartment  here the king received important state guests   the granting of the audience whether  standing or sitting depended on the   rank of the guest Friedrich the first if  the guest was requested to be seated he   would be provided a chair based on his position  either with or without arm rests and upholstery in European castles audience rooms were  furnished with valuable objects like   marble covered walls and tapestries creating  an impressive and opulent Ambience for visitors   at that specific point in time the value  of it clearly overshadowed the price of a   painting the tapestries in this room depicts  scenes from the lives of famous Greeks and   Romans which were recorded by the ancient  writer Plutarch by choosing this topic the   host consciously aligned himself with the  role models of classical antiquity [Music] the red damask chamber is a gallery-like room  with walls covered in red damask wallpaper and   adorned with golden braids made of woven metal  threads creating a richly decorated ambience   above the doors there are portraits of the  royal couple King Friedrich the first and   queen Sophie Charlotte opposite each other both  individuals are currently represented by elements   from their respective Coats of Arms the crown  and the eagle of Prussia along with the jumping   horse of the House of Hanover are depicted  in the freeze beneath the ceiling [Music] thank you the room would have appeared even more  representative if a particular and detailed plan   had been implemented because this Gallery was  originally intended to house the world famous   Amber Room Treasure unfinished charlottenburg  Palace hosted an extraordinary meeting in   1709 [Music] Frederick the first is in this year  Augustine starken from Saxony who was also the   king of Poland and the Danish King Frederick IV  both reigned attending as a guest the meeting   of the monarchs is set to be remembered as  the historic Gathering of the three kings   to achieve this purpose the still unfinished room  needed to be equipped in a representative manner   their plan was to rearrange and Adorn  the walls using red damask and gold   brocade panels as the coverings  for the wall decorations [Music] a select few visitors were cordially invited  to the exclusive private audience room for   a special Gathering such a conversation was  more exclusive and intimate than the public   audiences that took place in the large  representative audience chamber [Music]   although one could not completely dispense  with the ceremony here either the visibility   of rank differences played a less important  role in the private audience at times the   king would offer his guest an armchair  that was indistinguishable from his own this gesture should indicate to the guest  that a conversation has taken place on an   equal footing [Music] the ceiling consists of five  large oil paintings on canvas each meticulously   painted the annual cycle is represented by the  Four Seasons the 12 Zodiac signs and the ancient   mythological deities of the Sun and the Moon  Apollo and Diana [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the parade bedroom the impressive bed from  Friedrich the first Sierra catches the eye   in the eye because of the valuable textiles used  for their canopies curtains and blankets beds were   highly attractive Furniture in castles however  in most of these expensive beds hardly anyone   ever slept as part of the parade apartment the  room should be observed and appreciated above all   therefore even private audiences were held here  this room also played an important role in the   context of the ceremony that regulated  the weddings of the Royal House [Music] between 1700 and 1888 in numerous weddings  were celebrated in charlottenburg after the   festivities the court Society took the bridal  couple to this room to conclude the celebration   the historical reports however do not mention  whether the wedding night also took place here foreign the today's painting presentation of  the paradisima refers to the Furnishings during   the time of Frederick the great in the mid-18th  Century Century the portraits made between 1680   and 1700 some of which were already hung here at  that time Show members of the English royal family   or individuals who were related to and politically  connected to the reigning monarch [Music] one of the civican features of the  room are the four cabinet cabinets   decorated with exotic lacquer paintings  the valuable Furniture was used to store   important documents or interesting small items  displayed to guests during special occasions for   safe keeping and admiration protected from  thieves by the massive Castle's presence between the windows you can see  a wind vane Through the Mirror   he is connected to a Weather Vein on  the roof by a gear mechanism this method   allows for reading the wind direction  in the room as well [Music] [Applause] there is a small bathroom next to the bed with  its sunken marble Basin and supply of running   water it was intended to impress visitors of  the Baroque Period as a technical innovation   unlike the parade bed it is likely that  the king also made use of the bathroom   because he could access it from his private  living quarters through a small corridor [Music]   yeah Sophie Charlotte lived relatively  independently at leitzenberg Palace after   the castle was solemnly inaugurated  in 1699 the summer residence was   later expanded by AO sander Von Gerta into  a representative three-wing complex [Music] Sophie Charlotte was a strong opponent of prime  minister dankelman's politics after his fall in   1697 she retreated to her castle litzenberg  unable to achieve anything politically at   the Berlin Court from 1696 until her death she  raised Carolina Von Brandenburg on spark as her   foster daughter who later married Sophie  Charlotte's mother the Elektra Sophie of   Hanover with her grandson Georg Von Hanover  the future English King George II [Music]   on the first in February 1705 Sophie  Charlotte died of a sore throat while   visiting her mother in Hanover  after the Queen's death the king   renamed lietzenberg as charlotteenberg to  honor his late wife's memory and Legacy leibniz who survived Sophie Charlotte by  11 years wrote about her after her death   she often wanted to have me close to her  so I often enjoyed the conversation of the   princess whose spirit and Humanity were never  surpassed by anyone the queen possessed an   incredible knowledge even in remote areas  and an extraordinary thirst for knowledge   and in our conversations she strove to satisfy  this more and more from which one day a   considerable benefit for the general public would  have emerged if death had not carried her off foreign [Music]   the porcelain cabinet contains  more than 2 700 porcelain vessels   which are organized based on their  size and function the glazed walls   increase the impression of perplexing  wealth and infinite abundance [Music]   the ceiling painting was created by  Anthony coxy around the year 1706.   the theme of the picture is the expulsion of the  Night by the day in the middle on her Chariot with   eight horses appears Aurora the goddess of dawn  under their team the Knight crashes with their   children the light prevails and becomes  the radiant center of the world [Music] Sophie Charlotte did not personally witness  the design of the porcelain cabinet however   it is highly probable that she had seen the  drafts for this she laid the foundation for   the execution through her husband with her  enthusiasm for porcelain and collection thank you [Music] [Applause] no no no no no no no no no no no wow [Music]   foreign the Magnificent design of the chapel is  reminiscent of Christian Catholic places   of worship from the Baroque Period however the  ruling family of Brandenburg Prussia had been   members of the Evangelical Reformed Church  since 1615 and only the word of God from   the Bible applied to the reformed every Pomp  and every ornament were frowned upon foreign Charlotte and her spouse however found here  a chance to merge the power of the Lord with   their own sensitivity [Music] on the side of  the entrance you can see the mighty Royal Crown   in the clutches of the Prussian Eagle she  looks absolutely great and very impressive the organ was reconstructed by the renowned organ   Workshop Shuka after being  destroyed in World War II only the royal family had exclusive  access to the small area near the entrance   Sophie Charlotte herself did not witness the  completed Chapel but she did commission the   construction and also reviewed the drafts  from her architect eosander [Music] you Angels which names the queen as the donor of  the Sacred Space as well as the year 1704.  

it was the year before her death foreign [Music]   to all of you you have now gained an exciting  insight into the castle grounds and learned a lot   about the history of the prussians did you like  the video then I would be very happy to receive   a thumbs up again and if you never want to miss  a beautiful castles and palaces video again then   it's best to subscribe to the channel right away  I'll say goodbye and see you next time goodbye foreign foreign

2023-09-28 10:28

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