Central Park Day & Cape May NJ Roadtrip | Shelly Coco

Central Park Day & Cape May NJ Roadtrip | Shelly Coco

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[Music] good morning harley and i are doing an adventure day today today we're in central park which is my favorite offlea showers because the dogs really just run wild in central park all over um so we're going to do that and just explore central park in spring jill poodles [Music] [Music] good girl [Music] [Music] uh this is the best bit seeing the dogs run free walking down the mall and jill there are two black santa poodles ahead yeah harley [Music] holly go go let's go [Music] hi hey good girl [Music] there is a vishla club over there it's just all fishless come in good girl holly where are we going i actually have no idea feels like a real hike like we're not in a city when we go through this but oh [Applause] so this is belvedere castle which is the castle in central park harley do you want to go in the castle come on then come on [Music] this is the matte [Music] peanuts cashews [Music] [Music] okay we've walked down to bryan park now i think what we're gonna do is have a coffee in bryant park because i have to do a while on a saturday between twelve and one so i'm just gonna sit in the park with a nice coffee and wait for this call good girl bryant parker's not the nicest right now they're currently taking down the ice rink so it's a lot of construction holly hi hello we've come to madison square dog park up [Music] huh [Music] good morning it is easter sunday today so i'm glad we chose yesterday to go to central park carly and i are going to sunset park right now just for a nice morning walk and then i mean we'll probably go to the park for lunch or in the afternoon as well because it is supposed to be warm and sunny later i wish i had a hot cross bun [Music] hi [Music] okay i've had a nap harley and i came back from the park and i went back to bed and it was glorious but it is easter sunday so i want to do some easter things i love eastern england i want hot cross buns i want what else i want mini egg cakes i want mini egg brownies i want creme egg brownies i want all of the easter themed things um and then the easter egg in sainsbury's i miss it so much so if you're british you'll know what i'm talking about when i was a child you used to make these chocolate nests and you would put mini eggs in the middle usually made from chocolate and shredded wheat and you kind of form it into a nest shape and put mini eggs in the middle so i'm gonna be making those except i'm using corn flakes so i'm gonna make those i made those a couple of years ago when i was living here so i have made them before in this country things i would recommend if you are british and living in america so we all know american chocolate is trash so i have found that trader joe's milk chocolate is the best chocolate if you need british chocolate just non-american chocolate it is actually imported from belgium so it's european it's not technically cadburys but it tastes so much better than american chocolate american chocolate is so bad so get some of these you can also get the big bars but i just have the pack of three we're gonna melt that down pour in some corn flakes mix it up form some nest shapes i thought i had cupcake cases to put them in but i don't so i'm just gonna use this and just shove them in there and then put them in the fridge and then i might actually make some more before i go to cape may's so later this week i'm actually going to cape may with all of my cousins and my aunt and uncle because my aunt and uncle have a house in cape may and we're all gonna go it'll be the whole dog squad hopefully assuming everyone can come so i might make some for that as well so these are just my easter treats and i'm only gonna make a few and then i think carl and i might go sit in the park for a bit and enjoy the nice beautiful weather so i'm going to melt this chocolate i mean these are so easy i'm going to melt the chocolate pour corn flakes in stir it up put it in the thing then just put some mini eggs on top [Music] so so i'm going to put a little scoop in there it looks quite a big scoop and then i can just eat this and then these go in the fridge okay justin is currently in the shower but i have gotten the easter eggs out that my mom sent us from british corner shop so we can have easter eggs this evening i'm gonna get started on the roast in a second and what are you doing all right go ahead it doesn't even smash it's probably because it's so warm in here yeah it's too warm do you want me to put it in the fridge i mean i wasn't going to eat the whole thing now you put it in the fridge if you want it's good huh british easter okay justin has just attempted to smash his egg and he's just told me that i have an egg hidden in the house that you hid what kind of egg i'm currently boiling potatoes to make roast potatoes in my closet so noon help me the recycling crash wow oh a cadbury's cream egg thank you good morning i am supposed to be not working today i'm supposed to be out of office but i have a million things to do so i'm still doing some work today i'm having my second vaccination for covered 19. um which is like i'm a little bit nervous but also it's such a good feeling because once it's done i can feel safe going to visit my family in england and i haven't seen them in over a year now so i did book flights earlier this week so i have now booked to go to la to visit andrew my old roommate and so i'm gonna be working from home for a week with him in la so i'm gonna try and vlog today i have been so exhausted this week but i went to cape may last week and i filmed a bunch of clips but i didn't really properly vlog because i was there with my family it was very much family time and no one else really kind of gets vlogging like kate does but my other cousins were there and one of my cousin's girlfriends was there so yeah i didn't really vlog much so i thought i would include the clips here and then we'll finish off with a vaccination and um i guess i'll kind of vlog how i react to the second vaccination i know a lot of people have felt terrible after so i'm hoping that doesn't happen i am prepared like i have gatorade tylenol i've got quick microwave meals in case i feel like so i'm prepared but here is my cape may week why are we in the car goodbye new york hi olgie do you need to go out that's a screen door archie what are you doing who is it so your friend she just really loves cats archie is huge compared to selena is he yeah hi archie oh [Music] you're right [Music] [Music] come on oh exciting is though bye archie [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is mating scene oh they're mating oh wow holly leave it that's how they mate now we can really watch yeah the males should they not be underwater tonight i mean but the males um wait what did they do for the vaccine [Music] oh wow delicious you know into a beach got all that excitement what would you possibly want right now some cookies why are some wine now oh god [Applause] so yeah new food i'm afraid so i'm going to order oh you don't order you just pay so i'm paying a hundred one go i'm going hold the dogs hopefully you're already gone [Applause] hey careful is oh it's nice nice sunset view oh wait walk around walk past and go look at how pretty it is out in that little parking lot are we going in hi i'm catching up with kate a little bit late yeah yeah sorry right um thank you so much have a great day [Laughter] all right we'll be all really good good morning so i am in cape may with my aunt and uncle and my cousins and all of our dogs i'm going to vlog as much as i can but it's not really i don't know i don't feel that comfortable vlogging with everyone here and it's kind of awkward so i'm just going to film as much as i can yeah i'm in cape may will be in cape may until wednesday and then i'm heading to pennsylvania which is where my aunt and uncle and cousins live [Music] all right [Music] so [Music] um [Music] okay that's so bad holly [Music] as well i'm gonna get something that was four dollars on the board i thought it was more normally you paid a dollar we got something like this before we took the pineapple salsa audrey where are you going a lot easier for me [Music] thank you um it is monday today so kate and my cousins and my aunt and uncle and i all came down to the cape may house to work from home for a few days just because we can so it will remote um but kate and i up early walking the dogs we decided to come to wawa to get coffee and today we'll all be working from the cape may office so we're all gonna work from the dining room it's a very cloudy day is it alive [Applause] [Music] yeah of course so i've watched all the last season he does it this way if you want it long maybe we should have put it in that pot yeah we might need it to sprinkle on top [Music] excuse you who's barking oh really didn't seem as though it was okay with betty for them to leave i do feel like uh being in the same room hasn't solved the problems julia oh yeah there's something we came along nice so [Music] it's supposed to be like um rusty nail wow it is seven in the morning um it's wednesday so it's a work day no one else is up yet but we're waiting for kate to get up so we can go for a dog walk before work [Music] good morning i have just had a shower and washed my hair um so yesterday we drove from the cape bay house to my aunt and uncle's house in pennsylvania and we're gonna be here for a few days before i go back to brooklyn um i'm all gonna work from home together which has been so nice but it's just i haven't vlogged because we're so busy working like a 35 um discount from us when they buy it and so then they'll up charge it to the customer and then access google arrow or whoever they'll provide support to the customer so so you have to have like any um extended power i'm just confirming that collections oh but i gave it to ashley i want to give it to you what is it yeah i have so many little free library can you unlock the car oh i love that someone put a post it with their review i i think you'll love this though i kept thinking that oh man wow [Music] it's friday this morning um and the first one up i thought i'd show you my aunt's easter decal because i love it it's like actual goals got a mogee go go go go what are you all doing get out it's a gum rapper have you not seen moana i have it's been a while i've only seen it once oh no i meant is this frozen it's a song [Music] okay good job places so i have no idea but there's contrasting you were so [Music] suspicious was her personal birthday [Music] [Music] okay i'm trying to drink as much water as i can because apparently if you're dehydrated then you suffer worse with the second shot i don't know i honestly don't know like i'm just doing all i can to be okay because i don't want to feel ill okay it's so windy today my hair is a complete mess um i'm early again i'm always early because i hate being late and i hate stressing about getting somewhere the vaccination is just over there i'll go in a second just gotta get this done and get the back home and watch i've got all my british tv shows that i watch lined up oh god this is stressful let's go ah good morning it is currently 4 a.m i have not slept at all i had chills in the night and that my apartment is hot all the time like most nights i'm throwing the duvet off and then back on myself and justin had like one leg under the duvet but i was cocooned i was freezing oh shivering my muscles ache i'm wearing my jacket inside i just got up because i felt like i should take some tylenol just to make sure i don't have a fever and now i'm just sitting watching youtube harley's here and selena's on the other side okay it is a few days later now um i just rested all weekend basically um i went to the dog park on sunday and i was okay like i could walk to the dog pod my muscles ached after the chills i was just tired and my muscles ached but that was it but yeah i am fully vaccinated which feels good and and that's it for this vlog i will probably vlog this weekend um i think harley and i are just gonna go to prospect park or flee showers and then the next vlog after that is camping with kate

2021-05-11 22:53

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