[Music] [Music] hi good good afternoon afternoon guys we will start our video today for Soo Market okay [Music] [Music] feel hi uh can I just to speak for my vlogging no just vog only but yet to asking questions thanks sorry what uh because we're just also for my place is the col City we're just uh it huh what is it YouTube uh Vlog a vlog yeah like on YouTube uh yes also YouTube how fast I know okay okay thanks [Music] K [Music] City hi just Vlog here because uh I want to invite it to Bak City and other place also here I just parao Nila Ang experience City angu Anu saice ah for juice ah so maybe you maybe you will come here in seu city that's you I because I already do T here uh lemonade yes to think I know this is the already have people here every night a lot of [Music] people and also every nice dinner because you know that sometimes sometimes people is all I do the song she sing around she's with do you [Music] get right now it's early do that [ __ ] tooa dark like we used to do I was the one who there's [Music] pleas enjoy baby okay hi now I will I will give you um ice cream that's nice I love ice cream this is my favorite ice cream favorite every night every night no it's not every night H when it comes here in suu Mark that you will requested uh ice creen or or chicken chicken shrimp chicken strip I want to First my ice cream ah this only ice cream go now ice cream Japanese this is so [Music] this is the it's different in theol City ESP tees and then also tuu this is tuu there's a lot of hiya um one vanilla vanilla [Music] and this one brownies an kuya uh two scops Mago ice cream vanilla the ice cream if you guys if you're coming here and should try ice cream [Applause] a Yung Pala kuya start NG ano sin [Music] H naan 19 S start NG ano Sport Center Sport Center last na ano a little people were coming here because it's dinner time [Music] okay uh this is 164 mucho baan kuya 1644 okay I think just a ice cream [Music] tast is good faor it's your [Music] favorite thank you nobody come she had me going crazy I was star she woke me up daily my when I see in the street on I want to [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you if you want to come here in cibu City you just try ice so much [Music] delici hi guys we're just uh we're going home now because we already din in sugu uh just we follow me just follow us guys we are going home yay this is this is the the what you call is this 38 part my partner is already at to walk going home hi guess you good to uh by you can go to 7-Eleven be be yeah you drop it ah okay you will buy 7ap na Kam Naman SI ano SI kuya o nag [Music] [Music] din what is that tiger [Music] own SES old with your two big cans 180 P [Music] 185 I miss you I have to see you I miss you yeah okay give me 200 200 yeah 200 bucks I know thank you sir 50 how much you need um 50 36 36 I have I have to give you 500 give me 500 okay 500 the remaining money you give back to me now welcome vlogo to my guys hi guys welcome to my Vlog yes hi vog welcome to my guys you know what what I checked it on YouTube when I came in here with you guys why we are famous yes you famous because it went totally out because of you you and you adventure adventure page what's your page page one page two my page P one p two I can get your name give me Morgan I show you you can you can check it you can subscribes one second I will subscribe then you give me a commission no you get me a free de because my face in your blog ah J JP stories from the you guys from uh on that video this is a walk to it P the videos this is walk to it wait one second it takes so long faster faster time pretty much at the end you both guys are on thatp in the video handsome yes yes but you made such a long face on some issues oh yeah some occasions so no it went really very well I presented you guys really as the best sh because to you in the good sh it's not my day off yet when my day off let's go let's go drink in I told you that my street I told you that Christmas or treat I tell you when I see you I I was we wanted to invite you last time when I go there we only eat only eat yeah only eat I cannot eat this stuff without beer okay byebye get off just here already in 383 38 38 38 Avenue yes yeah this is our our cond is in the back and the back yeah yes this is the way is going to aella here it is um going to our condo baby this now we here yes right now a little Only We Are arriv [Music] no this is the T and you know if you want to massage the air here Korean [Music] very entrance if you want to go to IT Park in aala [Music] is yes wel come to my Vlog y h this is the mini Mar this the mini Mar this is the mini Mar uh this is the store of Min Mar uh there is very Clos the sometimes um because when you are going to AA very far it's 10:00 we closed now so that's why here also it's very easy to find some old Foods or anything uh drinks like beer water medicines go my Christmas lights it's still Christmas here hi hi it's your waiting area SI kuya guard hi [Music] this is way to go to our unit Tower tree this is a tower one and Tower two this is this is Tower one and and this is Tower two now we are going inside because uh the side is Tower toe [Music] yes yes is okay okay now we're just arrive here in Tower tree are you okay are you okay I'm okay okay just to make it this is the exit this is the exit going side but they have entrance here in front of the [Music] lobby this is a parking parking um one and this is also uh from [Music] this is elevator on [Music] [Music] YouTube looking forward to the weekend everybody let's go [Music] forer craving satisfied for me and you [Music] dra onstop Food Market [Music] in looking forward to the fun with friends and family EXC [Music] craving satisfi for me and [Music] you onetop food market in [Music] craving satisfied for me [Music] you your OneStop Food Market Inu for [Music]
2025-01-17 19:32