Catamaran Adrift In Ua-Pou’s Chocolate Bay - Ep. 48 Thula Sailing

Catamaran Adrift In Ua-Pou’s Chocolate Bay - Ep. 48 Thula Sailing

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That. Is. Three miles from here. And it's blowing, like hell like seven before. Around the corner, even more. We even saw a little mini tornado, just going faster. Yeah but the anchorage, is super early so we decided, to go. This three miles even. Shitty. Weather. Oh oh. Yeah you can, spray me. Just pass this. And. I'm wondering, and. This is actually. A full field full of. Coconuts. Wonder, what you can do with dried coconuts. It's a very intensive. Smell of rotting coconuts. Here. This is the. City. Hall. Of faith. And in front of course. There is a huge. Tiki. Looks like it's double. Double-sided. So this still, belongs to the city hall. Seems like there's a little, place, for gathering. With a little decoration. On the table. One huge, below me you can see a huge, tiki, again. And. Some. Painted. Patterns. That may come from here. And just. Above. Is the post office. Besides, the church the island's main post office and the mayor's office. We found two more mini marts selling the most necessary, supplies, like eggs, some hygiene, articles, and canned food, but that was pretty much it. When entering the bay it felt like we had to maneuver, in the space the size of a handkerchief. As there were mooring boys of fissures scattered in the main entry channel. And it got shallow in an instant. Despite the role was much better we did not feel very secure, in this for us, to narrow bay. The next day we were ready to discover, our next marcation, island, known for its spectacular. Landscape. So we are um, on the passage, to uwappu. And, uh. Just passing a very shitty piece of water, um the waves. Coming, uh, from the south, um. Southeast. Um are being reflected, here. By this huge, uh cliff. And. Um. Yeah bounce back to uh. Form, very. High peaks of waves, that are totally, uncoordinated. And just throw the the boat back and forth. And um yeah it's not fun to sail and i hope we're out of this passage, very soon. Uh to have some smoother sailing. Um, over to uffo. Which is about how wide how long it is 40 miles huh yeah there's some wind coming up the next few days, so we're trying to find a sheltered, anchorage, on the west. Western east side, and. Yeah so. Let's get out of. Here. Really. We're the only ones in the echo bay right now and we're just seeing that, the catamaran. Up there. Over. There. It's drifting, out and it used to be over here so let's go, we saw today. And, the anchor is not holding anymore. Somehow. Maybe sail. Back. A little bit more than half a mile. Uh. Just in case. We do have some tools with us but we hope we don't have to break anything. Um. Yeah, so let's hope for the best. So we're quite lucky they they left the doors open now, uh. It's the question how to start this this motor. Engine is on that's actually the first time we on a catamaran. Um ilya might know a little bit more than i about this but. Me about this. The second engine running in here. Spots. Yeah but you know you've never done a camera before but i think they will have an anchor event in front, hopefully, we hit the the anchor. Go behind, the other catamarans. Uh. And they come back and think nothing has. Happened. We have. Uh. So you show me the direction, the train is leaking all right. Yeah, but you know. It's like. You must stand up and show me the. Direction. So. Is. So luckily the owners came back really soon. And we just managed, to. Give up anger, but uh i think we would. So it manage. Quite a nice kind of miranda push the bottoms and the engine starts and now we are on the way back to the anchorage again. Wow that was an exciting, tour. Our first tour on a catamaran. I would say i really like it you push the bottom and then the anchor. Anchor chain goes up you push the bottom the anchor chain goes down, you just push the bottom the engine starts. It's really nice. Engines, easy peasy. I would have like two hundred. Thousand dollars, i would go for a catamaran. Yeah they're just re-anchoring. And, um. Yeah recovering, from the shock really they were up there in the mountains, they told us. Having a walk and then, one of their friends. Called them. As, they seem to be, living here on their boat permanently. Which you can see by all the tattoos. I'd, say a good mile, out of the anchor bite here, and. Actually we wanted to go hiking today as well but we decided. To take things a little bit slower, and now i think we're just gonna. Yeah watch the boats a little bit and actually we were the only ones here.

Are Still left, with, um. Yeah with the dinghy, and the other ones are all not sure so. Yeah, it's better to always have someone in the bay watching the boats. Come on that bamboo. Feather. So today we decided, to, pay monthly, to visit. Uh. The, shokuman. Here on, uh opu. Montreal's. House is. 1, 500, meters away from here and, he has supposedly. Lived here, for. Over 25, years i think, 27. Was something that i read and that might have been. An old, um. An old guide. And, he supposedly, makes really good chocolate, and we know he makes really good chocolate because yesterday. After, yeah saving the catamaran, from drifting. Out to sea. Uh we got a present from cecile, who. Is living on that catamaran. And. She. She gave us a piece of chocolate, with pistachios. In it. And. It's. It's to say that i don't think i've ever eaten vetted chocolate in my life it's uh. Some it's dark chocolate, and it's, inside, it has like a texture, of musa chocolate. And it's. It's to die for so. Let's go get some chocolate. Welcome to, montpellier. Manfred, is the so-called, chocolatier. Of uapo. He lives at the foot of the pumaca, piton, together, with his wife terese. Manfred, used to own a spa, close to munster, germany. Which through an unfortunate. Accident, burned down. After lots of trouble and coming across an article. Of the south pacific, isles. He spontaneously. Left germany, in 1987. To french polynesia. Despite, he lacked the knowledge, of both french, and english. Here he acquired, his helicopter, pilot license. And lived on tahiti, for around 10 years. 1995. He moved to uapu. The island, he'll never leave again in his life as he says. Together with tyrese, he bought the piece of land they live on today, on which he planted, and constructed. Everything. Himself. Okay. I. Um. Um. Foreign. Um. Oh. Is. Foreign. Um. Thank. You. Several, thousand visitors, find their way up the hill to meet manfred. And pick up a few bars, of his perfected. Chocolate. Causing, an explosion. Of senses, on the tongue. His chocolate, laboratory. And the devices, for the chocolate production, as well as his recipe. He keeps well hidden, from visitor, eyes. Thanks for being part of our chocolate, and catamaran, adventures, on wapu. If you enjoyed the video, don't hesitate, to let us know.

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2020-11-19 19:38

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