Canoa Quebrada - A Must See Beach Town In Northeast Brazil

Canoa Quebrada - A Must See Beach Town In Northeast Brazil

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I’m going to a place called, Canoa Quebrada. You guys wouldn't believe how much I pay for this It’s like apartment at the bottom, and apartment at the top. Look at that. What! This is what you get for $r139 reais How what?! This is what you get for $r139 reais Interview! What is the question? My name is Diana.

Bonjour como ça va? Ça va trè bien, à toi? a marine biologist, No, I never came here at night. No! No, no! Come back, come back! as you can see, I'm here at Freedom Bar What's up guys? I am leaving for Fortaleza now. I'm at the bus station Rodoviária I'm not sure how to say it.

My Portuguese is getting better though. I’m going to a place called, Canoa Quebrada. It's, south of here.

About 2.5 hours bus ride here in, Nordeste do Brasil, the northeast of Brazil. And I'm just going to keep going south until I possibly hit, Salvador.

Then fly down to Rio. feeling good right now. It's cool. It's about 26 degrees. Let me go get on this bus.

there's different levels to the buses, Now, this isn't the most comfortable bus, I've been on. It's an older bus. You hear everything kind of rattling in here. but it's air conditioned. about a 2 hour, 45 minute ride. I don't have to wait in some long lineup at the airport via the airport.

2.5 hours early. I got here. 10:30am The bus leaves at 11am And, there's probably about.

Eight people on the bus with me. These buses aren't usually full at all. I've never had to sit beside anybody. The city I'm going to is called Aracati. It's about 15 minutes drive from where I'm going to end up. I'm at love Fazenda condo.

I just checked in. Careful with the taxis, guys. They're very expensive men. It's only about 15 minute ride, and they charge me 48.

So they do, stick it to you. I was told that they do have Ubers here, but they operate very poorly They have 24hr security here. Guys wouldn't believe how much I pay for this a night. You wouldn't believe it if I told you How cute it is, guys.

It's like apartment at the bottom and apartment at the top. So two apartments for each unit. It's got a nice pool in the center.

looks nice. And there's my apartment up here. So usually when I get to a new place, I end up staying in the hotel The first night, the first day, and I and I kind of get up in the morning and explore, but I heard that it's pretty safe here. Right now, it's, 3:40pm. Sun is going to be setting in about an hour or two hours, so there's not a lot of time. Olá I'm going to see if I can figure out a path to get down to the beach.

And, find a restaurant. I don't know how late things are open here. So that's why I don't want to take a risk. There's been times that I've gotten to places.

Relax, relax, relax. 8:00pm, 9:00pm I decide to eat, and there's no where to eat and where to order. And this is a small town, You can see the ocean just down there. a lot of construction going on over here. I feel like this is going to be like, Jeri [Jericoacoara] A small, quaint beach town. For people to come and vacation.

coming to Brazil, you're You just kind of know places in Rio. But these places. Kind of amazing. It's just they're so far out.

And the accommodations here, they look nice. Maybe that's why it reminds me of Jeri. Maybe this is a good place to invest. And this is the main street right before the beach. Oh, yeah.

This restaurant is huge. Chega Mais Beach. The water looks a little bit rough. Of course, I got to dip my feet because, you know, every new place I go to even if I don't go swimming gonna touch the water with my feet.

Wow! You know what? I got to take a couple of pictures. All right. Time to touch the water.

Ohhh! They got these little huts up here. I guess they're like local places that you can go and eat. These are fishing villages. That's why you see all these boats here. they go out in the morning and they catch their fish. And you can come down here and purchase lobsters is what they're really famous for in this region.

Would you guys try this? I don't know. I don't know how it all works. I wonder if you just, like, get a quick five minute lesson and you're out there. Or if this is something you got to study like. Like surfing. Look in.

This guy's in the water. His his parachute is in the water. I don't know if he's going to be able to get out of that or get back up in the air. It's interesting man. It looks pretty crazy. Woah.

Well, look at that. What! This guy must have just crashed. Here comes another one. Yeah. So, I remember seeing a video. I think it was in Rio in Barra da Tijuca.

Where a storm came in and a guy was out there in the wind with his kite, and he got. taken up, man. Like He came off out of the water off the beach, and he was gone. Like he went over the buildings. I don't know where he landed. If he was safe when he landed.

But that is scary. I got to learn a couple of things here. Like how to say the word lobster. Where is the best place to buy lobster here? comprar lagosta. Lagosta aqui. Lagosta is Lobster.

Camarões e lagosta. Onde é o melhor lugar para comprar lagosta aqui? Lagosta I've seen this in pictures. I'm in Canoa. It's about 4:30pm. Everything is shutting down now. I need to find something to eat.

Maybe a bar or something that's still open late. Place is beautiful. The beach is just over here.

Airbnb is about 20 minutes that way. All these cute little dune buggy’s and stuff Let’s see if there's anything open catch you guys later. Wish you were here. Peace. Many, many, many pousadas.

all over And they all look good. They all look decent. Olá. você, você sabe uma lugares abra mais tarde Um restaurante... a Broadway a Broadway voce vira aqui tu sobe pode subir reto sem aqui, sem aqui longe? No, no. 200-500 metros mais ou menos Okay, okay.

Lá vai ter de tudo tem masa de carne tem de tudo ok procurar vai ter lá, no problem obrigado I'm already pretty far. I hope I can get, An Uber back. Some more pousadas I know you guys can't really see it.

But this street is very steep. Look at this. If you lived here and you had to work, you'd be in shape. Oh, my lord. I'm dying.

Okay. Oh, this is a nice surprise. Broadway. This is what they were saying. This is where I can come and do some kind of Yeah, there's things to do here at night. at night.

It looks like. here's a sports bar here. People watching the game I was actually originally supposed to stay down in this area when I was looking for pousadas.

The reason I didn't is because, the place that I was supposed to stay. It didn't have hot water. I thought it was very strange it's not even an option to put that in your request for amenities. You just kind of assume that you have hot water. Sun's coming down. Nice sunset picture.

So that's my burger, guys. I’m gonna eat now and head back to my pousada. Everywhere in the world you go. Gonna be some Jamaican influence somewhere. Just walking back from my.

From Broadway. I just ate something. Walking down this lonely street. Some music playing over there. All right, I'm out.

I was woken up last night by some loud Reggae music playing next door. It was coming from Canoa Roots Hostel So I went to take a look if there was like a bar in there or there was some kind of party going on because the music was pretty loud I went out to the street and looked over the gate and somebody saw me and invited me in come in, come in, come in there was about maybe 10-12 people in there. We did the introductions.

There was a few of them that spoke English. One from France. One from Argentina. Different people from different places.

They were playing music, dancing, drinking, smoking. There was a DJ there. They had caipirinha, cervejas, beer sat down, I had a few conversations, a drink, and chilled for a while. I pretty much went to this place every day Every time I left my Airbnb, I'd walk by this place so I would pop in and say hi. They gave me valuable information about the area where to go to party.

The different things happening there. It felt great to meet some new friends. up guys? I'm going to head down to the beach. still early. 7:24am I got up about six. I flew my drone for a bit just to kind of get.

Some early shots before the sun got harsh. I'm a little bit sick, and it sucks. It's a beautiful morning It's going to be a nice day today. I'm kind of more on one end of the town. I'm not in the center.

Last night I tried to get a Uber. I waited for about 20 minutes. I tried to get an Uber. I tried to get a moto taxi, it tells you that it's limited and they're trying to find you a ride.

But it just kept delaying delaying, delaying. And then I canceled it. So then I hit up the Airbnb host and I said, is it safe to walk from Broadway, which is the little town area where I was eating, to the, Airbnb.

And she said, yeah, no, it's no problem. It's, it's it's very safe here. She's never heard of any incidents.

and I walked back and I felt fine. so I'm here, and I see a fisherman out there. Then I'm going to look. for things to take pictures of. All right these guys are launching their, fishing boat getting underway.

Right. These guys are working hard. Que horas voces voltam? 11 ou 12 hora ok, obrigado they're going to return about, 11 or 12. mas voces cozinham assim lagosta, peixes, camarões Okay. okay.

que horas voces abram? Ok obrigado Freedom bar. Oh, I heard about this place. Anywhere you go in this world. There's always going to be an influence from Jamaica.

Always. I was just talking to this gentleman over here. he was underneath one of these, bars here, and I couldn't understand anything he was saying none of the words that I'm like. pulled out my phone and tried to use a translator, but it said, I can't use that feature when I am, offline. with the translator, like, I downloaded a version that I could use offline. But you have to, write.

You can't use your voice. proceeded to show me that it was weed that he was trying to sell. So I don't want any weed here.

something you might run across? He was naming all these names. I guess the different types of things they call, marijuana here, but I don't. I don't know. I'm not a smoker like that. This looks like the book that I saw this morning that went out. Yeah.

As you can see, the, prices are a little expensive, but it's seafood, right? They don't have executive meals here where they. It's only for one person. Or at least not anything that I wanted to eat.

So I just ordered fish. The lobster. If I don't see it coming out of the ocean, I don't really want it. This is what you get for 139. Hey ice fish.

It's a pretty good size. rice and you know what that is? I don't really I'm not into that. Some salad with that as well. Just finish eating.

Couldn't even finish the whole thing. It's a lot of food. I'm basically, sleepwalking back to my apartment. Yeah. I just went over to the, reggae, place that I went to yesterday.

Real nice people. Kind of hippie ish, but, real cool. Hey, to bem tu? how are you? good No. Good. did you go to that other place on the beach? Apparently it's on tomorrow tomorrow is this party. I know the beach there’s nothing down there Yeah.

Yeah, we were sitting down there oh, this is it? yeah Oh, so its not really like a club, club. No, it’s like a dancing bar. so much more to Brazil than Copa [Copacabana] Okay, wait, wait, can I ask you some questions? How what? Interview! What is the question? My name is Diana.

And you're from? I'm from Argentina. from Argentina. What are you doing here? in Canao? I'm from holidays. Or some kind of but travel. And so I know in the places I’ve been for almost four months more or less But not here in Canoa Quebrada.

4 months totally in Brazil. What do you do for work? I’m working and traveling at the same time. online work.

Or do you work when you get to a place, you find a job? Digital nomad, some kind of you can work and travel Same as me. ah, exactly, well very good I think after covid this is the dream for a lot of people I feel fortunate that I'm able to do this. I’m sure you feel the same.

we are very lucky to be here. I agree, I agree. So where are you going to next? My next destiny is the Buenos Aires but only to stay there one month. And after that I go to Colombia. How long? I don't know yet. We don't know yet? I’m a little bit scared of Colombia now the stories I hear about people getting robbed if you go to some hostel and.

And if you never, you're never be alone. I feel very safe there bye! What's your name? Suzanne. And Where are you from? From France. Bonjour como ça va? Ça va trè bien, à toi? I’m backpacking I arrived in Latin America to learn Spanish. but I arrived in Brazil I arrived hitch hiking from France on sailing boats. You know what? I think only Europeans do this do these kinds of things before earlier you told me that, you know, you guys go to the beach at night and things like that. I'm.

I'm always worried about safety. Yes. I mean, I wouldn't do it, like, in the capital state, right But, here in Canoa Quebrada it sounds really, really safe. And, yeah, it's becoming very trendy to cross to hitch hike the ocean How long are you here for? I guess until September. I arrived like two months and a half ago. What do you do for a living? a marine biologist, I graduated last year and since I had some free time I worked in France, like elementary jobs just to make some money during six months. it's the first time I'm doing that.

Then during six months I worked as a bartender and some other, just like in France. And then I went on this big trip that I've been dreaming of for like years of, like, crossing the Atlantic. And I arrived in Brazil and I wanted to learn Spanish, so I wanted to go in a Spanish speaking country and to learn Spanish. But I arrived, and I loved it here.

So I just stayed. Congratulations man. I admire you so much. Where are you going to go after here? I guess either Pipa...

or... Recife I've been to Recife before. Thank you very much I appreciate it. Thank you.

Tchau. This party that they have on Saturdays. Were you here last Saturday? No. I never came here at night.

I want to go up there and see. You have many options there. and the other one. I think this is similar but it’s there.

I think this is the way. No! No, no! Come back, come back! Aqui? You know, I didn't understand. Why are these places on stilts? Now I get it.

The beach is completely gone. So they told me about this place that they have, like, bonfires and music on the beach. You think the water is going to go down tonight? Yeah.

Nice snake, nice snake! Okay. wanna touch it? you don't want to spend it? Look at that. Caipirinha? Now, I've been hearing about this party ever since I arrived in Canoa.

Freedom bar Saturday night. It's on the beach. They have a bonfire out there.

Good music, Good drinks, I visited this bar a few times during the week, but it was during the day. So it's time to check out what the beach is like at night in Canoa. as you can see, I'm here at Freedom Bar Upstairs is full, downstairs. Not so full Everybody wants to get in front of the camera, It's a nice spot. You saw earlier how the ocean was, know, it's right up to the wall, they assured me that it was gonna push back and its been a few hours. And the ocean is all the way down there. Now.

I don't know if you could see it, but we're good now. Lots of space. Ah, you want some help with something? I'm a good, I’m good. Oh, no no no no no, I get it. bye! I had to take my slippers off as you can see, the, tide came back in, Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed my video.

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Okay. The adventure is over. Leaving the club now. It was fun.

Time to go home. Peace. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram.

My information is in the description. Peace and love.

2024-10-12 06:44

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