Can conservation save our ocean? | The Economist

Can conservation save our ocean? | The Economist

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So. We'll keep an eye on these guys and see where they go is they probably gonna go to their nets which are somewhere out here. The, crew of this ship is, on a mission to try and save one of the most endangered, sea, creatures, on the planet. We. Now our. Night-vision drone setup is line and close, they're. In the middle of a marine protected area. In Mexico, a conservation. Zone where certain types of fishing are banned two. Guys covering, their faces I'm pretty sure they're pulling a net. Local. Fishermen, are poaching a species, of fish that is so highly prized in China they. Can make tens of thousands, of dollars in just one night. He's. Got a gun he's got a gun. Gun gun, we. Now know that these guys have guns, think for the safety of the drone I'm gonna fly home now. We. Have the coordinates marked of where that now was. Tomorrow. We're gonna pick up that net. Even. Though this is a marine protected area the illegal fishermen still, will go out and poach they, will destroy this ecosystem and we're here to try starting with. Ocean. Life under threat could, marine, protected areas, be, the answer. Sixteen meters of line in the water. Near. The Mexican fishing town of San Felipe, on the upper Gulf of California. Conservation. Group Sea Shepherd is working, with the authorities to help enforce, a marine protected area, or MPA a, designated. Section of ocean to be conserved, managed. And protected. Most. Of the damage caused for human activity, is done by the coast where. The highest biodiversity. Can, be fine. Maintaining. Rich diverse, ecosystems. Is key for the health of the ocean and ultimately. The, survival, of humanity. But. Ocean life is under threat from, plants, to microorganisms. And animals, species. Are disappearing forever. Marine. Protected areas, of the west rule we have to protect, and conserve. Biodiversity. From. The in from the human impact. Marine. Biologist. Patricia Gandolfo, and, the rest of the sea Shepherd crew, are, here to stop poachers. Caught. Up in the nets of the criminal gangs and local fishermen is one, particularly, rare porpoise the. Vaquita. You. Cannot find potatoes, anywhere, else in the world the v-system 8 is between, 10. And 30, the. Makitas left eye so. Low, that if, we don't do anything we. Will lose them forever. Worldwide. There. Are thousands, of sea species, currently threatened, with extinction. Losing. Just one species from the food chain can have a disastrous effect on an entire ecosystem. This. Kind of nets are forbidden, now. We can find up to 13, Nets in a day. When. You find a net first, order it is like no, animals, in the net I'm of course not, rakita. There's. Something tangled, in the net. It's. A dead Toto ABBA the. Endangered, and highly valued fish the, poachers are after. So. There's a clear example of how these nets can here. So, these fees can be worth up to five.

Thousand, Dollars just for the fishermen. After. It's sold on the, toto Abbas swim bladder can, fetch up to a hundred thousand, dollars a kilo in China where. Its prized for its medicinal properties. All. I want is the yes where's, me I'm losing control, oh we're not, ready to follow the. Toto a burn needs to be destroyed. Patricia. Calls in the Mexican, Navy and the environmental, agency who, are patrolling the area. Critics. Disapprove, of Sea Shepherd's, use of direct action tactics, in some of their campaigns, but. In the Gulf of California their, presence, is welcomed, by the Mexican, government, the, sepal is working, with the Mexican environmental. Agencies, and the Navy fighting. Against illegal, fishing, but. That is not going to be successful until. The local communities. Agree, to work with us and stop, this illegal activity in the marine protected area. Globally. The fishing industry employs. 260. Million people, but, many more subsistence. Fishermen depend. On the ocean for their income. Local. Fishermen here claim, protecting, the ocean has limited how they can fish destroying. Their way of life, yet. Doing nothing may ultimately present, more of a threat to their livelihoods. 800. Miles south from the turmoil, unfolding, in San Felipe lies. The once thriving fishing, village, of cabo, pulmo. David. Castro's, family, worked these waters for decades, until overfishing. Destroyed, their livelihoods. He. Would own a comet, or to. Employ. Spaces dependence, on, a llegar al punto de comer TLRs if ananda cierto, submarine que, era. Salir. Alomar. 1/3. A cup -. Rahr peasant. Montaner, no he. Died, basically no croissants. In solo person in a launch a new era, era. Era fruit. Rent a para para, mi familia. In, order to survive the community, decided to try something new, conservation. They. Approach the Mexican, government, to help them transform. Cabo, pulmo into. A marine protected area. Strict. Conservation, rules, were put in place and enforced. By local, residents to protect populations, of fish and other sea life. Commercial. Fishing was banned and scientists. Were invited, in to monitor the reef. Kokumo. For lead has a very special place in my heart I feel, very happy. Marine. Biologist. Professor Octavio. Aburto has. Been studying, cabo pulmo for, over 20 years I believe. This is one of the most important, marine protected areas, around the world, which. Are Marine Park that was established, in. 1995. 2010. Nobody, has fish inside. The park. Octavio. Hasn't, been here for a year and he's. Excited to see what's happened in that time. Today. Octavio. Is going out to survey a reef. Let's go. Cabo. Pulmo marine, protected area, is only 27, square miles it's. Tiny. But 22 years after the no fishing policy was introduced it's, having an effect on, a far greater area. The. Ideal for marine protected area is very simple, the dip the ocean, arrest, and everything that was exploited. Will recover then. When animals. Start growing, and the. Abundances, start increasing. All. These animals, and all these new, babies, will. Start, going. Out from the area. It's. An effect that is called the spillover, effect. What's, happening, in these waters is attracting. Global, attention. We, have been monitoring the series for, the last ten years the. First time that I came I didn't see anything, that the, ribs were empty.

Every. Time that we do a transit, fearing cover problem we, see, more, and more fish compared. With other ribs. Octavio. Is here to measure the size of the fish and record, species, that are new to the reef. When. I'd put my regulator. In my mouth and. I jump in the water everything. Changes, for me I. Forget. About what. Is happening on LAN. The. Time, somebody. Stopped. Thirty. Minutes into his dive, octavio. Spots, a group of surprise visitors. A. School. Of bull sharks. For. Most people this, would be terrifying, but for, Octavio, it's a sight he's been waiting for since, the creation of, cabo pulmo z-- marine protected area, over. 20 years ago. All. Dive, twelve. Sharks, with us incredible. Sharks. Are the most important, species in, the rich because. They control, the praise they, remove. The sick animals, they're the. Old ones, so, we charged, the, marine communities are, more productive. Currently. Marine. Protected, areas, make up only 3.6. Percent of, the world's ocean but. A growing number of scientists, are calling, for 30 percent to, be protected, by 2030. The. 22. Years, of protection, their. Community. Mie community, as rebound, amazingly. It's, almost 500%. In Bahamas that, it's that. Means more. Fish and bigger bigger fish especially chopper. Cabo. Pulmo now, has a thriving ecotourism. And, diving industry, the. Environmental. Rewards, provided, by the MPA to, the local community, have, been valued at millions, of dollars a year, far. More than they ever made from, fishing for. Me their success, of this marine protected area is because the community, requested. The National, Park they have been, involved. In many activities including, enforcement. They, are receiving the economic, benefits, of this production now. More and more people come, to see the reefs to. See the Sharks and this. Money is basically, increasing, the, human. Well-being of, everyone. That lives here in California. Conservation. Has changed, David's, life forever. Posadas. Event a videographer. Notable. Demos, los resultados. Cow, uma Rasta simple, center Cooper Asim poor Sentosa Louisville y la. Vie de la comunidad cambio, no cambio para VN porque. Ahora severe. Math curriculum Anthea. The. Scientific, research taking, place at, capo Palma is, providing, hope that, other destroyed, marine, habitats, can recover, I think. That the. Cabo pulmo community, was. Able to, recover, this, fantastic. Marine life there should be no. Problem, for other communities. In other, parts of the world to recover. The oceans in the same way. Cabo. Pulmo is just a short flight from america it, can work as an eco resort because. It's accessible for tourists. But. Most coastal communities, that rely on fishing, are so, remote they, will never be able to make this kind of marine protected area, a reality. The. Village of and avid work is on the remote southwestern. Coast of Madagascar. It's, home to the vaso people, who. Like nearly 90 percent of the population here, a small-scale. Fishermen. More. Than 3 billion people depend on, the ocean for their primary source of protein, Russa. Is one, of them. Not. A local area before, moving a. System and eel. Is, a map and Anthony Sanders announced about, subtracting, a low point. The. Ocean is ingrained, in ruses culture. Surveys. Say. Monkeys are fun. Haha. Mullet. Invasion, violin, octopus involves, are havin. Such. A mood invisible. Me. A camellia, Covanta, white. Octopuses. Thrive, in these coastal waters, but. As foreign demand for octopuses, grew, fishing. Communities, like ruses, were encouraged, to increase their catch. It. Was unsustainable. Octopus. Stocks were soon in drastic decline. Local. Fishing people him they'd, never foreseen. That. They. One, day they would struggle to feed their children dr.. Garth crypts works for the charity blue ventures, in, 2006. It helped launch Madagascar's. First locally, managed marine area, a type of MPA. Despite. Its depending. On the scene the, Vezina have previously. Had no right students, so. The key thing that enabled. Them to survive was. Completely, unsecured, and. It. Was open access anybody. Could come in and, push. A. Total. Fishing ban wasn't, an option so. Blue ventures, offered an innovative, plan. Smaller. Temporary. Bands for a set number of months acting. Like a crop rotation, in coastal, waters. This. Enables, stocks to replenish themselves while. Allowing the community to continue fishing, sustainably.

Zeramy. Valley samba mila holy Donnelly hue it's. A big day for rooster, in the community, this. Is the first time they've been allowed to fish for octopuses, in two months. Meet. Automatically. De. La. Face on Mimi Hilda not a Volvo if I tell you later, for, the battle. Over. Happiness, you who lead I suppose more little mischievous passivity Putin became. Human. -. Ah tonight on gobbler. The, locally managed marine areas are patrolled by the villagers themselves who. Impose strict, rules. Now. Thorazine, verso who detail miss. Opoku Lulu tens a LOF. A miss me jus being a pharmacist, Kimberly, back. From. The, parents. Death of. Assad. These, types, of MPAs, have, been such a success, they're, being rolled out across the, country, I. Kind. Of see Holly a I, kind, of see my man who's that, read. That. Thanks. To seasonal, closures which. Give octopuses, extra time to grow ruses. Catch has increased in size and she now owns nearly, 90 percent more, at market. Gaming. 5v lisa diluent re calle. And gamma plaza media, - sierra mommy cafe. The. Octopuses, will be taken to a processing, plant to, be frozen and shipped off to restaurants. In Europe Africa, and, Asia, with. More. Than 65, locally, managed marine areas have now sprung up on the island, dr.. Fernau, receptacle. Valencia k2 e, denomination. RZ, today. At aloha. Lion, therapy, booming. Poodles, i Kokua. For. Now these, locally, managed areas are replenishing, coastal, waters. But. Beyond the horizon, there's a far bigger threat over which the baizhu, have no control, it's. Subsidized. Foreign, industrial, fishing that is draining, our seas. The. Capacity. Of a single, industrial. Vessel, is, the equivalent, to what this fishing, community catches, in an entire year, we. Need to act drastically. And urgent, otherwise. Refacing, immeasurable, loss of life in our oceans. While. Most damage, from overfishing, happens, around the coast in order. To ensure the planets biodiversity. Scientists. Are also looking to protect large, swathe of marine habitats, including. Those in the high seas. The. Ocean covers around 70%, of the Earth's surface. The. Challenge, is policing the most remote waters, on the planet. The. Answer, may lie in, an, unlikely location a. Team. In central England believes. It has the solution, to policing the high seas what. We're looking at right now is a map, of the world all. These little dots these triangles, that you see represent. Hundreds of thousands, of vessels cruise tracking, systems we can pick up with satellites. Bradley. Sewell is a fishing analyst, working for ocean mind a not-for-profit. Organisation. Harnessing. The power of satellite, technology to. Fight against, illegal fishing. Satellite. Surveillance is one of the most cost effective ways, to monitor. Remote, marine protected areas and ensure, that vessels, operating, in the area are following the rules. Globally. There are more than four million fishing, vessels the. Biggest are fitted, with tracking systems, known, as a is or automatic. Identification system. This. Technology, is a game-changer. For fishing enforcement. Vessels. Change course and speed to, set, their fishing gear and to pull it out of the water and these courses and speeds when. Looked at over time can, give you a really strong sense of whether or not it was just transiting, through the area or maybe what type of fishing activity, may have been taking place. This. Technology, enables the team here to keep tabs on commercial, ships. Especially. When they're passing through marine protected areas. Ocean. Mind is currently working with governments, from all over the world to. Help reduce the amount of illegally, caught fish valued. At around twenty, three billion dollars each year. Thailand. Is one, of them we. Are in the process of helping the Thai government, to see if there are any risk indicators, of illegally. Caught fish entering supply chains inside, Thailand. Bangkok. Is one of the busiest tuna, ports in the world. Natalie. Tail right is ocean, mines representative. On the ground, she. Works alongside the, Thai port authorities. Any. Foreign. Flagged fishing, vessel wanting to unload its catch is, investigated. Using tracking data gathered, by ocean mind, so. With the, track analysis, the ocean mind has done for one of the carrier vessels we've, highlighted, that, the vessel may have had slow speeds on the high seas the red dots here indicate, speeds below 5 knots and this, is an indicator, of possible, fishing.

Activity. Natalie. Has given these findings to the Thai port authorities, they. Have the power to inspect, vessels, question, the captain and investigate. Logbooks. During. Their investigation if. They found the, catch was illegally, caught they wouldn't let the vessel, offload, and that would prevent the illegal catch from entering the supply chain. Some. Of these 200, ton vessels, can, carry their own weight in, fish if. A, ship's captain cannot, prove the catch is legal they, won't be able to unload making. Their haul worthless. Morning. Splashing. Lysis, and then, the clasp shake with the navigation, lock. What. You're seeing now is this vessel unloading, tuna, because. It's it's past the, the inspections, these. Types of ports take checks are reducing. Opportunities for. Illegally, caught fish to, be landed, and enter, the seafood supply chain which, is fantastic news, for ocean, conservation because, it means that it's harder, for illegally, caught fish that's, potentially, caught in a marine protected area, to be landed, and so, marker. New. Technology, is allowing the ocean to be monitored, in a practical, and affordable way, providing. The first real hope of enforcing, high sea marine protected, areas, and fighting. Illegal, fishing globally. This. Type of work that we're doing if that was multiplied, across the largest, ports in the world the impact would be tremendous, in terms of ocean conservation. But, technology alone won't. Save the ocean. Back. In Mexico marine. Biologist. Professor Octavio. Aburto is, making. His last dive of the day on the cabo pulmo reef. Our, ocean, is facing, its greatest ever, challenge. Overfishing. Pollution and. Climate change, are all, threatening, the health of a resource on which the whole world depends. We. Are losing a lot of species, we, are losing a lot of ecosystems. And, many. Coastal. Communities, also, are. Losing. The resources, to survive so. We must act now if we, want to recover. And protect. The oceans, and help. The people that depend, on these. Resources. Marine. Protected areas, can, come in many forms. But. If they are to be effective, they, must align the need for conservation. With, the needs of those who depend, on the ocean for survival. In. Order. To avoid disaster, and to, ensure a sustainable supply, of fish for the future far. More of our ocean needs, urgent protection. You.

2018-03-10 21:37

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Better than NatGeo

The problem with MPAs will always be enforcement. Too much area for the minimal staff to guard

I made a doc on overfishing 3 years ago with the same title and a curiously similar title sequence...

i'm Chinese, fire at me.

I love how technology helps to make the world a better place

Humans are the most evil disgusting life forms on this planet. They murder everything, eat anything that moves, destroy creatures natural habitats and exploits all resources to the detriment of all non human lifeforms. Humans are the only life forms in the Earth's history to actually destroy this planet and wipe out most of the other life forms. The human population is increasing exponentially whilst the rest of the animals are declining at faster rate with many species becoming extinct. The fishing industry is industrial scale genocide against sea creatures.

Amazing!!! Great job! Congratulations

too bad the chinese don't want black people. they could get their ivory and whatnot from them lol

i always saw sea Shepard as kinda stupid for their fight against whaling in Norway. which is legal and non threatening to the eco system. but this is cool.



China is a CUNTry

Get a real life animals take care of themselves man take what they need only they pushed global warming when that's a lie the earth goes through catastrophic disasters all throughout history of planet. Bible revelations proves this. Globalist want to get rich off earths changes! Where did mayans disappear to out of Mexico oh asteroids Noah floods earthquakes all part of Creator God plans!

Good point, this illiterate toothless psychotic may be on to something.

Yes Demeter the Goddess of nature will look after the animals. Treating the ocean well pleases the almighty Poseidon who then grants bountiful harvests in return. Treating the ocean bad will cause Poseidon's wrath and he'll bring forth hurricanes and earthquakes. Just as Apollo is the God of healing he is also the God of plague. The Twelve have a plan for us!


Jesus loves big dick

always china with their superstitions, consume rhino horns for ... consume that for that.... ffs so many species are in danger for stupid reasons. nobody can stop the chinese but the chinese.

Yes, some Chinese medicine/remedy are based on holistic beliefs, but Americans PER capita emit more than twice the co2 of the Chinese. Along with our consumer culture we're not really helping the environment either. While a China is hurting the environment in a major way for the last 2 decades, we've been doing so a lot longer


The economist is for globalization ,they want to blame problems on people but not the evil people destroying the Earth on purpose to control humans , have they ever talked about stopping chemtrails ?? Why are they spraying us like bugs ?? Wake up ,look up you have kids and grandkids to think about

What would save the oceans stop chemtrailing spraying aluminum, barrium, strongthium, lithium,that's what's killing the world not good people but bad people with bad intentions, speak up people now !!!!!!!!!!!

Of course we can all do our part to clean and protect our oceans. May all countries and people join in the maritime effort. Let’s all do our part - whether government, business, organization, or individual. We can do it. May we all move to eco friendly vegan sustainability!

Great work

This vedio is good. I have a qustion why it do not tell us who are the main consumers/clients of the wilde fish or ivory? They are not the most of Chinese. We can not afford them. China has a lot of factories to process the raw materials. But who buy the products? Should they be responsible for the market?

God is missing one O to be Good. Prophecies Celestial Terrorist Threats. No Good deed goes unpunished. God will always win, in the name of love. God is Evil. Humans can not compete with Thy Evilness.

you never stop greed. never

Hate to agree with you but basically your right! this world need a good plague.

to say the chinese dont use rhino horn its complete ignorance, just search on the internet and u will see, they use it as a superstition for curing any disease they think can cure, and its all bullshit. if it was only the arabs using it it wont be so high valued on the black market today.

It is not the Chinese who want Rhino horn, it is the Arabs who use the horn for the knives they wear in their belts.

The Fish populations have become so depleted, Many sea birds have evolved into scavengers. I am a couple of miles from the coast & Every day the sea gulls hang out on the rooftop of my shop and scavenge scraps of fast food that are left by the school kids in the adjacent school yard. It is really sad. Normally these Birds should be at the beach catching fish, in their normal habitat. Many of the sea birds hang out at dump sights & scrounge for anything they can find to keep from starving, probably consuming pieces of plastic in the process, Lots of dead sea birds have plastic stuck in their digestive tracks. I think Fishing should be banned for at least 5 years to allow some sort of recovery, But it will probably take longer than that. Scientists say the Bluefin tuna will likely become extinct very soon as the remaining fish stocks are near the lower end of sustainability, & the Blue fin remain in huge demand due to the large profits raked in by the greedy fishing industry.


Go S.S.C.S.!!!. What some Warriors. You are my hero's as Capt. Paul Watson, is so wonderful.

fucking chinks

$100,000 per fish catch those mofo's

I would agree! They ruined the ocean, It is now a plastic dump, & they still make billions of tons of junk out of plastic. Plastic should be outlawed. They also dump Human waste (gross) & toxic hazardous waste into the oceans. no other animal does that!

you could not be MORE WRONG about people, there is only a small few that are "what you call evil" the rest are good hard working people, the only thing you right on is population, and the only reason that out of control is because once again a few that has 4,5,6,7,8,9 kids - any given 2 people should only have 1 child each.

This is something relieving in the midst of so many environmental problems.

Imagine China didn't implement the "One-Child" Policy. It just got removed too.

Yeah, ALL humans are like that, right? ;) It's only a small percentage. Most humans are not "evil", as you call them. Most humans are good people.

next time, let them speak in their own language and then translate it through subtitles. it will be easier for the interviewee and the people watching the video

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