Camping Hain

Camping Hain

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Hey. Johnny, Canuck here and thanks for joining me. On the, seventh, episode of. Caminos, Ivy air puffs, if. You remember last, episode, I was camping, in Lost, Lake. Which. I found. And. The. First stop in this episode. You're. Gonna see some video of. Us. Riding, down Highway 3, - told mean and then worse, the first stop is. Camby. Name. Or. Campaign, that, it's called camping hain aim. Was. The. Rite. Of passage in, the. Indigenous. People. That. Were called Mike, Buchi. Of. Patagonia. And it, was a pain. Was the rite of passage and. It's, the, word. Can't. Be hain. Camping. Amos right, on the. Beach. Of. Running. The edge of Lake cami, like. Cami. Is a next. Lake it's. Huge, huge. Lake some. 90. Kilometers, long. 1,400. Feet. Deep. And. It's. The. Lake next like after Lost Lake and. So I rode my bike along some. Portions, of link, cami and then of course. On, the shores there at camping, Haines. Camping. 18 is owned by. Roberto. Barbel. Roberto. Is a an. Artist. And. In addition to owning can't, be named what's. Unique, about camping, in Haines is that it is. Everything. That's used to build the camp site, or. That's used in the campsite our, recyclables. So. If he's recycled. Or reused. Almost. Everything, there, as. You'll see they have wine, or trees, made out of wine bottles. Literally. He's, made trees using wine bottles. There. Are wooden teepees, in which you, have, to pitch, your tent in when. You're camping otherwise, the late that wind off of the lake will literally blow your, u10, away. So. He's got wooden teepees you, put the tent inside, and you're, even then even if you tied your tent down it would blow away so. And. It's. Just a unique place, he's got a place for. An. Obstacle, course slash, playground. That. The kids really enjoy and. Big. Kids as well. It's. Really just a fascinating place an. Interesting. Guy. And. There's. A we. Have good treat in this episode, I. Had. The chance to interview Roberto, and he'll talk at length about what they do there and. What. Goes on his. Family started the, campaign. And. Ninety-one I believe. As. A tourist, destination, and, it. It's. A it's a fun place it's it's, a lot of character, and and. He's. Used some a. Lot, of materials, that that. Would otherwise be trash. In. Very, creative, and unique ways. Portion. Of that video next portion of the episode. We. Have a bit of a party of Marcelo and Natalia and some of their friends, we. Had a cookout, at, camping Haines we. Had a. Rack. Of lamb on an open fire. Whining. Beard. Cheese. Sausage. Just. It, was the, food was phenomenal. Unbelievable. Atmosphere. Energy. Vibes. Just. A phenomenal, phenomenal, time. Remember. This journey Keokuk thanks, for watching, please. Subscribe and like below, remember. Get outdoors get outside get off the couch. Outdoors. Where it's at man peace. And love. Ready. Freddie ready. To. Rock. We. Got to lower our speed when you go by the police station that. Wasn't. Too. I'm. Sure. Thank. God for this. Flat. Stretch of land here man. Beautiful. Day and. I must, admit I am a little cold. Oh CTN. Inagua. Get. A couple bottles at least. Usually, you can ask it faces like this. This is your neighborhood man you know, Nemo. Bought this roof and this.

Was Passing it already though I, don't have anything for you buddy. Yeah. Each want some attention yeah. There's one problem. They. Don't get they, don't get it yeah, and, that's what happens every time this in this situation, where you come up to a property they, come out to you I or, what I'm driving riding, by a property, I just. Stop and then, I pet him and then that's everything's, cool you know because. They've realized oh he's not dangerous you know we're. Gonna. I said there's a law. School down. The road, eternity. Is I'm wrestler, all which is not too good to say. Well. Maybe delay. Down, you. Know going, in stopping. At this kiosk what would eliminate, me having to go into tahleen I could just go to we could just go down and. If you want to go to if you want to camp it what are you thinking about camping. That you're a spot outside of town. But. It's not too far away I know what you've done it, well. Campaign is right in Tolan grandpa. For tolling and. It's it's. A hundred and sixty at night. Instead. Somebody, living. It's. Like great, I mean a gravel. Road down it's just, down the ground a gravel road and you told, one's right there. I. Love. Its therapy. Hey, that's the beauty of it right. That's. Enough. Yeah. Might it might rain I. Guess. I wouldn't need to put some stuff some is. This. One rain most likely, maybe, no, I don't. Know what that's all about. We. Might we, might get it we might not. Tom. O-tama Grande Oh lemme know when. A small siege then. Go see what they Cinco años be. Wacky and tall win and Lochaber sara del lago fagnano hola. Go kami como, el hombre, lago fagnano le. Puse alhambra blanco. Es. Un lugar donde la. Nova Nova siento no Manta you know Punta la familia y hicimos, un proyecto. Terrific. O. El, cual. No. Solo le damos room service hello to rita sino que también. Termina. Mo haciendo esto lugar, de reciclaje bassett, llama correctamente. Todo, presa claw Mo's reduce, emos yo utilize, a mocha si todo i'ma. Say DCCA, me lo Tessa de vidrio, San, control who knows our beliefs devotees add a video Nasir, Khan posted. A mother algunos, clavos Celico local ago teases debo. Casa, de, vidrio. Si. De la mean hominy de todo lo que anda tidak boleh even, a Hondo well Tazawa Kunta no SETI Ranade, Volvo. Rabbit ears a recycler, shabba-doo cease a routine visit Oh, nada, sativa, toaster for money to lure e. Também. Oh no tengo mis, hijos, ball. Segundo mismo camino it. Evolved another chilies are woven a recycler, yet, an in limine. Tomate. Iike a, second. 108. Thomas and Rosie khala, the sea and taurine Corazon. De Lena del, Fuego and 30. Da da da da su and, the Republicans, Antonella, Patagonia, Argentina. Los. Invitados Avenida, conocer este lugar los invitados a venir econo sir tolven. Esto. Viene so lugar que no, Casa Mohan Samar como la. Capitale Nacional del Rey encuentro con una mismo los, Silencio de todo insan únicos, puede. Venir a dilute a Lodi fertile the. Del Lago toe area tenemos. La pelea de tomar el agua directamente, del lago con la mano y la. Miseria en los rios este lugar for, the most Amala singing, opera limit or via no tenemos la Lima the contamination, Hasegawa, no no.

Amenti Gracias y los. Amo foggy. This. Is how they roll at camping hain. Rack. Of lamb over and opened fire cheese. Sausage. Home-baked. Bread. Great. Friends. Makes. For a magical, night, o me. To. See. Company. See. It's. A Claro oh yeah. No. Control. I. Said. Boy nice seamoth. Follows. Me no sir. See. They laughter. You. You.

2020-04-18 09:25

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