Cahuita: Land Of The Sloths [Come See How Real VANLIFERS Live]

Cahuita: Land Of The Sloths [Come See How Real VANLIFERS Live]

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when we wake hear the birds and see the sun side-by-side our fears are done all the good times just begun us crazy but things it means a lot emily made me this  coffee cat dog is still asleep and snow   who said that i would always  be the last person awake but i hope she gets rested up and we'll have  a nice day checking out this national park when we're in such a hot place in the  morning we like to open up the doors   thankfully we have these bug nets so we  can get some air in here so we don't have   ac like snow & curt they're very lucky when  we built the bed we cut a special notch so i   could reach my hand down and open the back door  from the inside good morning good morning guys what's up oh man so you're thinking it might be  a bit of a rainy day today so i looked at the   forecast and they did say it looks like it's  supposed to rain like all day high percentage   exciting it's sunny over there yeah it's cloudy  out there wow yeah i could probably still go for   a swim so we've got sombrita walked and now  she's outside running around for a little bit   graham's outside running around everybody's up  and we're figuring out what we want to do today   making some breakfast cutting up some papaya it's  a lot better to eat raw fruits and vegetables in   this crazy hot place so that we don't have  to turn on the stove and a funny fact about   papaya is it has a double meaning in a lot  of latin american countries cuba costa rica   first to the lady parts curt's going over  here fill up the water we filled up last night yeah that's the sprinter the water situation  has changed now that we're in costa rica every   other country would have purificadoras  water purification stations where you   could fill up in costa rica the tap water is  generally safe to drink that kind of purified   water is really expensive you're talking about  a dollar a gallon and so you just put it in here   yeah just fill it up with water that's cool and  how big is your tank uh it's 27 gallons it's   best to try to find potable water when you stay  somewhere or that your families fill up out of   their sink so we're parked up at this reggae bar  it was free because we ate dinner there last night   very quiet the family that runs it is very  nice we also got to do some laundry next door   and the woman that does the laundry  is also a part of the family   that runs the reggae bar so it's a good stop all  in all awesome what a beautiful beach we have here   basically all to ourselves but we're gonna  go find another spot that we can stay tonight good boy graham you're so independent well here we go for the day we're  gonna check out the town real quick   gracias so this nice guy told us that  there's a sloth super close really low oh my gosh oh my gosh almonds yeah i guess he said it's an almond tree teamwork makes the dream work  it's how it goes in van life dang so we just saw a two-toed sloth oh so amazing   the guy just rolled up next to us on his bike  and he was like there's a sloth close to the   ground you have to see it we stopped and got out  and looked we only left the reggae bar less than   50 meters down the road and we saw a sloth and a  sloth that is hard to see sometimes with two toes   such a good day already it's only 9:45  we're killing it the word sloth in english   is one of the seven deadly sins for laziness  and the word in spanish is literally lazy   or with the spanish accent so we got  an oso perezo they call it a lazy bear   so we found a parking spot it's at a little  hotel so it's good that it's raining because   it's gonna be kind of cool in here for the  dog and the cat it's gonna be a nice day   i mean it's already been an amazing  day we already saw one sloth really low so i just looked out of the van and there was just  a mama sloth walking across the road and curt was   wandering around like he always does and i was  like come on come on come on we have to go see   and so we all got to go out  and watch the mama sloth   walk across and she had a baby  right on her stomach oh how amazing she has a   baby i would say this qualifies  this as a pretty good spot oh look at the little baby on  there yeah oh there's a baby no way so we just saw a mama sloth walking across with  the freaking baby right there chilling in the   van about to pour some coffee and curt started  yelling sloth on the road yeah we all ran out   that was pretty amazing guys that was so cool  the baby was like i know she was so small it was   perfect perfect yeah what a day it was only like  10 o'clock who found her you or danny i did yeah yeah i just saw the parking attendant walking  around like and there was something weird moving   underneath of him i was like what is that probably  helping across the road yeah because there's cars   looks like the solar is climbing i  think it is going to stop raining but i really i've seen it before wow i'll  show the wife emily you want to see this thing smell it smells bad huh you'll eat this if you  need this medicine yeah sure yeah no you don't   yes i eat it sometimes but i don't like it a  two to three hour snorkel trip costs between   15 and 30 bucks a person includes everything  so when we're going to leave the pets here   we fill up the water bowl we turn on the fans put out a couple toys a bone for sombrita  and then also i usually pack one of her kongs   full of a little bit of food and  peanut butter so she has something   to do for .. i don't know how long it  takes her to do probably only 20 minutes   but at least she has something to do she  loves it you comfy you don't really fit there a huge change of plans we're all gonna  go snorkeling out on a boat together   with snow and curt of course we're all  riding in the van on our way to a little   port where we're gonna take the boat sombrita  is always making friends is she up there yeah   there oh graham's up there too yeah he's he's  down there i see graham's tail you are going   to love me one day hey graham  and this is our guide kenry   i think we're about to head out   here we go yay it's too shallow i think  you can't hold your breath all right these guys are gearing up it's time  to go in right guys it's looking really clear it is i might even be able to see stuff  from up here guys i think you will   you'll have to be our guys all right everybody's  getting in curt couldn't wait he's already gone   these guys are still flippering up or as i  like to say putting on their swim slippers   and there's curt already in the water oh he's  already he couldn't wait yeah he couldn't wait   all right danny's next getting  geared up getting cameraed up   it's their day they got to do the filming i'm  just helping emily's still size in the mask curt's already been in the water for 47 minutes okay there they go these are the fish i am seeing chopas and there's  a bunch of them oh you can see them swirl on the   top a little bit those guys are way out there all  right back to the underwater footage so when you   snorkel in this park a guy goes with you they  take very good care of this reef right yeah and   they got to make sure these guys don't do anything  to damage the reef i think that's pretty awesome so for me two things crazy fear of sharks i'm not  going in it's stupid i know but i'm not going in   and even if i did go in my bum knee would make it  very hard to get out of the water on the ladder   so i get to hang out in the boat so those  guys are out here right behind me snorkeling   don't feel too bad for me the capitan drove me  around and i saw like five different kinds of   fish the brain coral the fire coral and a  stingray and it was beautiful so it won't   be the same that those guys are seeing  but i got to see some stuff so that is awesome emily is back on the boat she was cold she's  drying off and those guys are going some more once she gets all warmed up  we'll get a little info from her it's not raining at all huh no no it's nice  and warm it turned out really great i saw a   bunch of those brain coral there was urchin  there was a couple of fish that whenever it   reflected in the light it was fluorescent it was  like bioluminescent almost it was really cool   nice really awesome stuff down there oh we  saw a bunch of lion fish that i dove down to   get a closer look it was really fun  yeah awesome yeah definitely top spot what a nice day did you see the what did you see right there wow they come over here did you  see uh that giant barracuda   i didn't see anybody i did see some barracudas this is brackish you guys sink showering or living a man we're heading back to  the well your van yeah the vans are   reuniting yeah and we're going to have some  an enormous lunch because we're all starving it was really good it was really good there  was a huge biodiversity a lot of corals and   lobsters and fish and sea urchins so much cool  stuff and colors too right yeah it was amazing   we saw some stingrays from the boat but dang  that was an awesome time yeah it's good time   well let's bust out these  bikes go grab some laundry do a trick for the sloth picking up laundry in style there's  curt in the lead danny in second for   laundry pickup danny wheely so we are on  a bike ride to go and pick up the laundry   we're definitely living that caribbean life yeah this might be the most fun laundry pickup  i've ever done thanks snow for letting me use   your bike i'm not gonna lie it might be a  little bit more fun than the bmx that i have   we made it back to uchi's thank you so much  it was a pleasure meeting you and your family   yeah thank you so much laundry pickup success we made it put it up to two  and i was like oh my gosh i kept putting this thing i was like oh this  isn't really doing anything she rode all the   way up there in 1 wow what an amazing day with  snow and curt here at the beach in cahuita   costa rica well we're gonna leave it there  for today but check in tomorrow over on   curt & snow's channel and follow us we're going  to be traveling together for two weeks we're gonna   have a shared playlist should be pretty sweet  we're excited to share these weeks with you guys   big first day hoping for another one tomorrow

2021-07-13 15:40

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