Buzzed by the US COASTGUARD chopper! - Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 278

Buzzed by the US COASTGUARD chopper! - Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 278

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I. Think. We're just getting hailed, by a, Coast Guard chopper that, is hovering. Above bellows right now, yeah. US, Coast Guard chopper this, is Delos on one six over, and. Hello three questions which answer to three, yeah. To three. Cuz. Car never calls you. This. Is Delos, on to three and, fellows, from Coast Guard helicopter, overhead, you. Are correct international, band we ought to leave our us band but, don't leave, our board. Just wanted to say hello oh. That's, gotta be the, the, coolest thing, ever never been held by the Coast. Guard helicopter, what, are you guys doing you out of ragged. Island we. All face that up and rosemary, have a second, detachment, agua. Well. That is absolutely, fantastic we're. Following, the news of the world here, and. Just. Hunker. And down and seeing, how things go over. Roger. That that they care that baby. Wishing. You guys a safe flight and all the best. All. Right. Don't let standing by one six. That's. Freaking, cool. This. Is the story of Dulles a. Sailboat. Adventure, izing around the world for the past ten years. And. Now. If, we embark on our greatest adventure of all. Come. Join us as we take to the high seas and, travel the world with the newest member of our crew, if. You enjoy Dulles videos please, subscribe it's. A great way to support our channel. Excuse. Me I thought. Something was wrong. Sorry. Good. News okay, good good morning is, Wow. Well like. That one other morning, we had, yeah. I'm all crazy. Oh. Man. It's one of those morning's again. Check. It out, holy. How. Clear, it is. Here. You can see the bottom of the ocean you can see the bottom of where we are look at it you can see our anchor chain. It. Feels like we're. Anchored, in a swimming pool. But, you want to do today. Probably. Be outside it's gonna be really hot yeah we should go swimming, yeah there's, a reef over here. That. Jerry, told. Us about that. It's, just at the end of that point, over there we. Drew a fight in the dinghy it's. Got a nice chloral, you. Go check that out yeah, also. Grayson bill said they would be happy to babysit, so you could go swimming. What's. Going on out here. Are. We going sailing. I. Wanted, to make this shade for you and then Leggett or, me and then uh get while you're swimming nothing's, freaking, hot today.

Yeah I took, our one, of the poles. From. The up front and I got the cover I'm just gonna rig it up and, perfect. My work yeah. Jimmy. Bring you some snacks why are you going ten feet over there. Dinghy, ten don't. Camp in that way you can swim well I watch the Nugget and I can swim or you watch the Nugget we should bring some Nugget entertainment, go camping nugget let's go yeah, this, requires, a little bit more to. Go, you, just used to chuck our fins and. In the dinging we're off and now it's like it, takes us about an hour to get ready now but that's, okay. Yeah. So it's a little harder for us to go snorkeling, together these days yeah this, is actually like my first ever, snorkel, for this season, I mean I've, been there for a while but it's, just kind. Of hardened I don't like to go myself I'm a bit of a chicken like that I like. To start with other people. Luckily. We have our. Okay. Do. Wider. Peekaboo, that's a new one. Have. You seen. Cheese. Anything. Really cool coral. Baby. Dogs baby ducks baby. Dogs. I'm. Gonna go see. If I can get us some more seafood. Okay. Sorry. To leave you with a crying baby while I go out playing in the water. Life. Is okay, life. Is just fine huh. Espie. Calicos, gasoline. From New York. Have. Fun see, you later. The. Waters are health in these parts and abiding by the rules helps to make sure it stays that way, while. Lobster is in season our fishing permit allows us to collect up to ten lobsters per, boat as long as they meet the minimum tail, size of five and a half inches, we're, also allowed to gather Caunt from the sea floor and up, to 20 fish of various species and since. We're only two people and a baby a few, of each goes a long way for us. I, got. A grouper. Not. One grouper. All. Right. Now. We got dinner. Hey. Did. You get anything. Yeah. I got the. Two. Lobster two bugs and. Two. Gripper. One. Group huh yes. This, right here is enough to feed us for at least a week. There. We go seafood. Basket. Okay. I just. Said that in the culvert. Point. One. Good. Is. It low tide or is it gonna get lower. So. He's gonna get lower. Yeah. Please hit the bottom. Okay. We gotta move our house. Yeah. Yeah. We're like the resting on the bottom right now. Yeah. It's not a nice feeling every time it goes on I say bump and. The bow this goes Duke. We. Hit the bottom.

How. Much are we now. Point. Three point, a movie. That. Better yeah, point. Five no okay. We. Are, doing, the. Grouper, but. I shot along. With some. Rice. And. Pressed, out. This. Nice. Fillets. A lot. Even use one of our precious limes. Do. You think I think it's lime worthy. Soy. Sauce are you crazy yeah. Oh the lime I forgot the lime. That's. The. Missing ingredient. Yeah. Welcome. Welcome. To my hole. Where. I will be working for. The next few days. This. Is the port, laser at on Dulles and. There's. Quite a bit of room in here once you get in here, I've got everything cleared out and this is where I'm gonna be mounting, the majority, of the heater stuff I think it's a pretty good spot it's sort of out of the way and. We won't lose that much storage so. I've got the heater on the base it's gonna fit over there between the water maker, in. These controls, I've got to work on making sure I've the appropriate. Clearance. Exhaust. But I think it's a pretty good location because. Then, I can route the exhaust right out the. Side of the boat right, there. This. Is the thermal. Expansion. Tank, so. This guy holds, to. Have gallons, of the. Coolant antifreeze mixture, water and, propylene. Glycol I think it is and this provides head pressure to. The pump so it has to actually be the highest, point in the system so, the, heater. Boilers there and then I'm gonna put the pump somewhere, like down by the floor maybe, then. I'm gonna mount this up, here, which will put it you. Know foot, and a half almost two feet above, the. Pump and provided with some head pressure. So. Yeah that's my my. Plan I'm just gonna start installing things, and, follow the diagram and. See. How it goes it's, gonna be a lot of work you. Might be wondering why I'm installing a heater when it's about 8,000. Degrees in the boat well, I've, been hot for the better part of a decade and, now Kaz and I have talked about sailing, bellows out of the tropics and exploring. A bit of the higher latitudes and to, do that we, need a heater so after, a bit of research I, decided, the right thing to do would be in to install a diesel-powered hydronic. Boiler. The idea is to burn diesel fuel to heat water which, is then pumped around the boat through hoses to radiators, with little fans on them which, then keeps the cabins nice and cozy for us. Right. In, there. You. Can't be claustrophobic when, you work. It's. Like like. A lady in a coffin, it's like boat yoga I found. A good place for this yeah. It's. Just really hard to work with one arm while holding it up while keeping it straight. Sierra. Was a few years older she could stand. In there and healthy. Okay. When. The diesel is burned that produces, a lot of heat but. It also produces, exhaust. Instead. Of having a chimney, here we're, gonna have the heater exhaust, be piped right out, of the side of the boat, the. Temperatures, of the exhaust tubing can be excess, of 800. Degrees Fahrenheit so. I need to use a special high-temperature. Cement, to join the pipe pieces together yeah.

We've Got assistance, today from boat, neighbor Jerry okay. We're. Gonna put a hole in the boat, which. Is generally. Something you try to avoid it's, got to be big enough to put this through hole, this is the through hole for. The boat so I've got to make a hole, that's big enough for this, to. Go through then, there's a high temperature silicone gasket, that, goes on here and then this sits inside and, this is a water stopper, so if, a wave happens, to come in, this. Bottom tube goes all the way up here so, it gives us some opportunity, for the either the exhaust if it's running to force it out or the water to drain out before it. How do you feel about, well. This is a little soft that I bought, it. Just happens to be exactly the, right size I'll probably drill, a hole from, the outside, because I have it marked on the inside I'll drill a hole outside with. This is, my centering, hole and then. I'll go to the outside and I'll drill in so, if there's any splinters. They'll both be on the inside of the boat and on the outside so that's the exciting task of the day Wow. Have. You ever done this before like through the hole inside of the wall not. On purpose no. Accidentally. One time when I first bought bellows I was trying to mount something down under the nav station yeah, and I was hauled out and I went to put his screwed and I wouldn't right through decided, about like, total. Newbie mistake was like I screw this far for me, yep. Okay. So I'm gonna do this before I think about it too much. Ready. No. No. Turning back now. That's. Not good. The, last remaining task was, to use high-temperature. Rubber. Adhesive to. Seal the exhaust through hole to the boat. All. I del is tried did. You know that for about the same price, as a cup of coffee you, can join our inner circle which gives you lots of whole benefits, like early, access to our video releases. Private. Membership, to our tribal council, you can chat with the crew and also. Invitations, for like sailing, and diving and, crew opportunities, and all sorts of cool stuff yeah. So, head, to Forward. Fast SP bellows for more information, and we. Love you that's it back to the show. So. He's taking, a little, midday. Stroll. To, the other side of the island and, it's. Nice and breezy today so. Should. Be good. Series, chillin. Make. Sure she doesn't get Sun in her face. I. Was. Actually gonna ask you guys some questions though. Cuz. I was reading the news last night I saw. The. U.s. top motion. Audio. Check audio check, audio check, I was doing some internet cruising last night and saw that the u.s.. Is. Now the world leader in. Cases, and the, most likely, time. Scenario for things started to turn around is still in the months but, most. Likely longer. So. I mean I think were you gonna try to stay here as long as you can that's, what I was just thinking yeah yeah, cows and I were talking about pros and cons the other day it's like well what's the major downfalls, if we get sick there's no medical, care. I. Think, it's probably, so, much easier to prevent getting it here because everything's. So controlled in terms of, contact with people so, I mean we control it yeah. We control exactly, you know if you can't we believe to, new, people come in and we make sure they've, had their their time, before. We are making physical contact, yeah, so, you guys never explore, the windy side of the island and see what it's like yeah okay I'll, follow you. Mine's. The baby head on all right. Trip. You're walking here it's. Like really. Sharp stone, and. This. Holes. I'm. Gonna go down in it. Who. Looks, gross. Very. Through the end of the toilet, it's. Quite a walk isn't it yeah. It's. Even longer do. You think it took like an hour and. 20, minutes. New. Hot Wok time to cool off. It's. So, nice. Out, it's, gonna be a green flash they might be a green flash. It's. Like a bowl, of red, fire, you. Think it's gonna be a green flash. Mmm. There. It goes. See. That Sierra that was amazing, huh. And all the horns are going off and everything, I'm. So, hungry right now, let's get into the breathing, come. On baby nards. Up. Next, all right. Connor. Just. Makes you feel happy, and try, to get food delivered to, our uninhabited.

Island. Is. This your height. Of your cuteness yeah, this. Man, you're getting cuter, by the day I wonder. If you have a height of cuteness or, thank. You to every day. Yeah. You're seeing a lot of.

2020-07-28 20:22

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