Buying Land to BUILD OUR DREAM HOUSE in Koh Samui, Thailand

Buying Land to BUILD OUR DREAM HOUSE in Koh Samui, Thailand

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cheers cheers to a big day for us it's a big day  all right so once again we are back in our first   home in Koh Samui we are now good friends with  our landlord so when she knew that we wanted   to come back to Samui for a month or two she was  really kind to just let us stay at our old house   which we love so much yeah if you're new here we  moved to Samui around 4 years ago and I think we   stayed at this house for like 3 years before we  gave it up when we went on this big adventure to   China Japan Canada I think we've always wanted  to keep a home base here until we realized that   we weren't here for 8 months of the year at one  point so we had to give it up but it's always so   nice to come back here enjoy Samui this feels  like home immediately the moment we came back   and today it's a moment that we definitely  didn't think it would come so soon but somehow   things just worked out the universe made it  happen for us the stars aligned yeah we are   going to purchase our first ever piece of land  in our lives in our favorite favorite place in   the world what time is it we need to get going  soon yeah we have to drive all the way down to   the land office where the transaction is supposed  to be quite simple right yeah we get the papers   they get the money but luckily we have a good  friend coming along with us just to make sure   everything is correct cuz this is all new to  us and I'm excited and nervous at the same time   I'm really excited I'm really excited and I know  you've done so much homework to get this to get   this deal basically done so I think it's going  to be just an amazing day and then we'll bring   you guys to go and see the land that we're going  to buy but at that point the land that we bought so whenever we finish filming a couple big  series we come back to Samui to just rest   and recover and this time we thought it was just  a simple rest and recover trip as well but Note   started to dig around ask about land prices  ask about what's available here and you know   see what is within our budget just kind of for  fun because our dream was in about 5 years time   we wanted to buy a land and build a house but it  was just a coincidence that something came up that   we found the perfect land that we like yeah and  the thing is we've been told by many people on the   island that the choices are getting less and less  people are really buying up land here because they   see the potential of Samui developing so right now  the area that we really enjoy living in is a bit   further away from the touristy area like Chaweng  and Bophut we enjoy living in like Maenam area   so when we found that little piece of land that  we like in the area that we like at a price that   was very reasonable to us we kind of just jumped  on it so it became a trip that we didn't really   plan for this big change to happen but yeah I'm  really glad that it's happening even if we can't   build our house in the next few years it's still a  good investment it is yeah I mean it's only going   to go up really yep yeah so in about 22 minutes  we're gonna get to the land office so we just met   the the owner of the land he sorted out all the  paperwork for us we just have to go upstairs and   sign the transfer of money this is the final  step it's interesting because they asked for   your passport and our marriage certificate oh  they did cuz I still need to get consent from   my your wife my wife yeah even though I'm  a foreigner yeah good that's interesting I   didn't know that before very secure for me or  else you're going to go off and sell our land   without me knowing right yeah even after I bought  it and if I want to buy this land I still need   your consent no if you buy this land and you want  to sell it in the future you need my consent yeah yeah it's so busy it's always intimidating  in the government offices isn't it is it happening it's happening this is  it I'm transferring the money but why   does it feel so casual after this we're  going to be living on instant noodles   for the next few years next few years  maybe maybe few months few months okay can you help me double check  that's the right number that's a lot of zeros yeah that's yeah  that's a lot of money okay okay    that's the decimal 1 2 3 4 5  6 7 that's good wait a minute oh so hold on we went to the bank yesterday  to up the limit to transfer that's right right that's  right I'm going to press next it's done it's done it's done gone no  but you still have land in your hand   true you can do anything you can build your house okay okay thank you so much thank you so much we'll do the official exchange of the land  paper outside in front of the office   but that's just extra right yeah that's just  extra right now everything is done we are the   proud owners of a land here in Samui our first  hopefully not last but our first real quick big   thanks to our longtime partner Squarespace  for supporting our channel and for helping   us keep the dream alive Squarespace is an  all-in-one platform where you can easily   build a website for your blog or business save  time by starting with one of their award-winning   templates or utilize Squarespace Blueprint  their new AI feature to personalize your   website effortlessly they also have a built-in  drag and drop editor making it simple for you   to design your page exactly the way you want  it just head over to for a   free trial and when you're ready to launch  go to to save   10% off your first purchase of a website  or domain now let's get back to the video it's the first time seeing your name on  a piece of official document like this this is unreal this is where we're going to build our home we're  going to remember today for the rest of our lives   we going to remember this moment because of the  help from our friends our family from people   watching our YouTube channel so we could save  money to do this this is like a very what do   you call it a full circle moment for us after  the hard work we put in the last couple years wow okay we got to go because we're going to meet   um the previous land owner he's going  to go to the land with us because we   want to make sure everything looks good  and yeah we'll also show you the land   Welcome to our land look at this such a beautiful  piece of land it is and it has so much potential   let me show you let me walk you through the land  you're going to walk them through the land it's   all the way from there that pin there all the way  to the road you see the pin there on the left and   it goes around like that so the total area is  about 2 Ngan in Thai that would be 800 square meters or around 8700 square ft it's quite big we  got the architect to come up with a rough drawing   of our dream home that's our plan yeah so this  is our piece of land we want to build our main   home here which is here the highest point of  the land and if you build it two stories you   could actually see the ocean from here you  can also see like Koh Phangan from here yeah   and then in the front we'll have one villa pool  villa another pool villa for rent this is this   is way in the future and this is a green space  and on the side it's either on the right side or   the left side will be driveway yeah yeah really  really rough idea that Note quickly drew up one   night but it will change the plans will change  it will change yep imagine that this is what   exactly what we want can you build it for us  yeah so if you're interested in investing or   if you would like Note to draw your house plan  let us know so if we build the house high up yeah you can see the ocean you can see just  from this height yeah there's a little pocket   there that you can see through it  wait I want to see too you got it yeah okay I wouldn't say it's um it's right there I  wouldn't say it's seaview you can see the   ocean just a little bit that little bit but it's  certainly nice to see Koh Phangan from here like   that and as they kind of develop this space this  area they're going to cut down some of those trees   we already see people cutting some of those  trees down and developing it ready to sell so   we might even see a bit more seaview in the next  couple years I did take my mom to come here to   take a look at this land cuz she just came to  visit us about a week ago and she mentioned   one thing though she said fengshui wise it's  really nice to have a mountain behind us and   we do we have a beautiful mountain right here all  these coconut trees there because it's like you   have support behind you so that's why you want the  mountain behind you and that's exactly how we want   to build anyways is with the mountain behind us  facing out to the ocean we don't really know much   about fengshui but that one fact was like cool cuz  that's exactly what we were planning to do what I   really like about this area is everyone's kind of  building now like building new places new villas   I mean so compared to some of the other plots  of land that we've seen with really nice houses   and then very very like local houses all kind  of combined together I think this community is   going to look really nice once yeah once everyone  has their own houses built we already made some   friends yeah with our neighbors that house is  a very nice Thai lady and her partner um that   land is actually our friend's land right in front  of the other white house yeah we need to go yeah   we don't know who lives there we don't know them  but there's another Thai lady with her Switzerland   husband I think building a big villa there and  you can see what they're doing there is they're   raising up the foundation so they're going to  build on top of that so they can see the sea view   for sure we can learn from them yeah like they're  probably starting from the height of us here   as the ground floor and then going up yeah we  have a lot to learn and are you going to look   after our land for us oh you're so cute you're  so cute you're so cute oh oh okay come here hello   Hello whoa hey you can't eat the camera wow he's  so cute we've seen you probably 10 times already   every single time we come check out this piece of  land we see these puppies we'll adopt you but you   take care of our land okay you chase all the bad  guys away so are you thinking where Rocket is this   is going to be our main house yeah this one right  here maybe two bedrooms three bedrooms we have to   decide we don't really know what we want at the  moment we got to do some searching on Pinterest   you know looking at photos initially we wanted a  bungalow but now it's not it's not going to be a   bungalow anymore it's going to be two stories yeah  it makes more sense because if we're a bungalow   and those are bungalows and we kind of just see  them right like a couple days ago we went to our   friend's house so Amy who was with us today at the  land office Amy and her husband David they just   built some new villas kind of in the same area  and then we went to check them out to get some   ideas of you know what it's like building a house  but also how the interior could look like the   type of material material layout and yeah it was  quite nice to be able to see that and we filmed a   little bit from that day to show you guys as  well what their beautiful villas looks like hello hey nice house thank you my new house here  that's a bold statement my mom's visiting from   Hong Kong to see my new house one day one day  we'll be able to say it yeah so yeah this is   one of the two villas that our friend David and  Amy built David is just next door checking on   something so we're going to tour this by ourselves  so as you walk in I guess this is the first bedroom ensuite actually the ceiling is quite  high on these houses it's quite nice one thing   I want in our home is the ceiling fan I always  love ceiling fans it's good to have the option   for sure this one even is a walk out to the pool  they have a pool here I feel like in Samui most   villas have to have a pool but to be honest us  having a pool at our house for 3 years we probably   used it 10 times but it's so nice to look  at though yeah so that's the tricky part   is like if we were to build a house do we  get a pool or do we not get a pool and if   we think about the future if we want to  rent it out most people want a pool are   looking for a pool but a pool is an extra  what 300,000 to 500,000 Baht to build they   have also like a seating area outside kitchen  area I would enjoy that in our house as well   I'm not going to break anything it's so new  still we don't know how to even open the fridge maybe it's not been opened before let's not break  it let's not break it but this is a very western   style kitchen though because they have dishwasher  they have an oven you know how much I wanted one   of these in the house I like this table that is  a nice table if I'm cooking if I'm cooking and   I can talk to you yeah we used to do it counters  yeah counters are a nice touch to it they have a   laundry room in the back and an extra washroom  like a guest toilet downstairs too but yeah I   like kind of the openness of it and they also  have fans here all right yeah little things that   we should think about one thing I also noticed  is look at the sink I'm always curious how it   works cuz I've seen this on TikTok all the time so  there's this then above is just normal oh so you   can actually put your vegetables here and wash  your vegetables nice okay and then this is for   your glass yeah like at the bar yeah nice that's  it but you don't want to use your expensive wine   glasses here wow and it's pretty big too yeah and  they come with you know another sink so you can   do a lot of things oh I feel like once we put  a list of everything we like and price it it's   going to be expensive it's okay we have two years  to think about it that's true right now we're just   looking at land yeah we're not rushing yeah this  is not what we're going to be building anytime   soon let's go upstairs it's bigger than I expected  there's a bonus room up here it's actually a four   bedroom house there's three full bedrooms up  here and the bedroom downstairs and it looks   like that they all have their own washrooms  like four ensuites this must be the master   hi Mom hi so what you think yeah nice house this is the one thing that I always wanted  is a big long L-shaped couch in the living room   personally I really like the room on the floor  mhm ground floor ground floor yeah is for the   seniors for the seniors yeah so maybe when we  build our own house we have to think about when   we get older yeah if I want to buy it now how much  would it be 11.99M 11.99M so uh we'll think about  

it yeah we'll go chat go check with Daddy we'll  check with the Bank of Dad yeah but if you're   interested we'll put all the information in the  description box below it's a beautiful home just   bring your swimming trunk yeah just bring your  suitcase and swimming trunk and you're ready to settle look at this drink that's cute so cool  so you have a pina colada and I have a whiskey   sour cheers cheers to becoming land owners  in Samui officially residents of Koh Samui oh that's strong is it strong mine's pretty  strong too actually I'm going to be drunk after   this we're not used to drinking alcohol anymore  but I feel like today deserves a little cocktail   to celebrate and we haven't been to this beach  in so long so this is Bantai Beach we used to   come here all the time go fishing bring our little  barbecue barbecue on the beach come and swim and   watch the sunset and now this beach is only 5  minutes away from our land so this is basically   our beach now yeah when we first came here it  was a lot quieter but it seems like a lot of   people discovered it now because of the resorts  there's a lot of resorts that have been built   here I say it's more like when we first got here  a lot of resorts were shut right and then now all   the businesses have reopened and some have new  management as well and it's just like this place   yeah very lively this place used to be just a  juice bar yeah like a tiny juice bar and now   it's called Cape Away Beach Bar and it's beautiful  looks like they're even building what is it like   little villas behind beautiful area though one of  the most family-friendly beaches in Samui for sure it's crazy to think that 12 years ago we came  to Koh Samui on a honeymoon and we only stayed   for 5 days but right away we fell in love with  the island and we said hopefully we'll make Koh   Samui home one day not really thinking that it's  going to happen but you know we want to dream but   things happen for a reason they sometimes turn  out better than you expect hopefully we'll get   to start building the house within the next  year or two and we can start a new series   documenting the process of building the house  here in Thailand there will be so many things   to learn and maybe we will be able to learn also  from a lot of you who have been building houses   in different places and you know telling us what  we need to look out for and yeah for now though   we're going to keep traveling keep making content  saving money but it's nice to know that when we   save enough we have a piece of land ready for us  to build a home thanks again for watching and even   though this is not the typical kind of video that  we usually make but we're just happy to be able to   share this moment this day with you all and for  us to revisit this in the future to remember how   we felt the first time we bought something that  was this expensive did you send a picture to your   parents I did they said congratulations they're  so happy for us yeah my mom is so happy for us too cheers babe cheers to our future this is perfect everything is perfect except the  cocktails are not that tasty I was going to say   looks good it's too bad you  win some you lose some right

2024-07-30 12:06

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