Bushcraft in February | Tree & Plant ID, Ohuhu stove, pine cone fuel

Bushcraft in February | Tree & Plant ID, Ohuhu stove, pine cone fuel

Show Video

It's a Feb URI I've got bushcraft, gear with me and bushcrafting, in February, I'm. Craig Taylor and as, always, a huge, thanks for joining me here on my youtube channel, the bushcraft, Padawan. If. You're a regular viewer of this channel you'll know by now that when I come out to do these all day as rather than just come, out and wandering, around and puttering around bumping, into trees I like to come out with a list of things that I want to do to try and achieve and, again once again February, is no exception at all so in no particular order, I want. To experiment, today with using, pine. Resin as a fire. Starter I then. Want to further, that little, test I did back in January, I'm linking so up in the top right hand corner of your screen I tried, using pine cones as a fuel, in my wood gas stove and it just didn't work the pine cones worked they were soaking wet they didn't burn like I thought, they might because, of the high of, what I consider to be a high resin, content they didn't burn they've, been at home in the conservatory, off the ground in the sunshine, for, about a month now so I think there's dryers they're going to get really so I want to experiment with them again, I don't wanna give up on them last month the, variable, of dampness, which of course is, always always a big challenge when you're trying to start a fire, that was there, I think that's greatly, diminished, to date I don't want to give up on pine cones as a fuel source I want to try them today but, I want to try pine. Resin. As a, as, a, face something to catch a spark and then take that to flame and add the pine cones to it once I've done that I'm going to make a simple hot chocolate there's no cooking and today, I've already eaten so. No cooking involved the, thing that I really do want to focus on today and I always always, do, this when I come and do my old days but, I never do it over in front of camera, is I want to focus on my tree and plant identification. Regular. Viewers will know when again I'm linking up in the top right hand corner of the screen I've been doing now for just over two years a trained plant identification, master. Class now, I'm starting my third year, I've actually decided, to kind of upgrade and, I'm doing the continuation, studies. That pull kept the influency a bushcraft, have laid on it it takes the basic concept. And I used the word basic, very broadly you, know I still struggle with some of it but it takes that baseline contents, and it, expands. Upon that, what. I've been really mindful, of it and I've said this in few in past videos I. Flock. Towards, the tree ID I gravitate. Towards, that I'm looking up or, out, I really. Looked down at, the plants, that I'm passing by and I'm acutely aware of that so this is my challenge today I want, to identify five. Trees. I've. Already identified a few on the walk in to be honest but more importantly, I want to have a go, at, identifying. Five. Plants. As. Easy, always, tricky whatever I happen to stumble across I'm looking, down at the ground now and this one was, a tricky, one down there so I might avoid that one but, in five trees and five plants and I want to try and do that on camera, as well, so not, perhaps the most interesting, video, that I've ever done but if you're interested in, UK.

Trees, And plants, maybe there's something in here for you so first, things first let's get a brew down my neck. Here. We've got all my gear laid out nice sensible. Order close. To the stove down here I've. Got. The small, pot, here because. I can do a no group here models ground in general ground in detail anyway, got a little pot of and. Pine. Resin there I've, got a pile of birch. Bark here, and, then I've got my cones across. Here so working from left to right and then dropping them into, the stove, at the bottom let's see how we got on with those drier pine, cones and my son. We. Have a bird. Let. Me tell you it's a warm one today Easter, yeah it's. The latter half of February here in the UK and you can probably, get the, blue sky doesn't. Always mean to say it's warm but, I've ditched my jacket, and I've, got my sort of thermal, leaf atop and I've roll the sleeves up and even now I feel, too hot I wish I'd worn my much lighter summer. Shirt so you have beautiful, beautiful day here in the UK hopefully the start of spring, behind. Me that water is bubbling away there on top of the pinecones, comes. Is no real surprise, those pine cones of doing, a cracking. Job of. Burning, as, I, would hope they would have done back in January, but clearly they were damp they don't burn as well when damp as they do when they, are dry, unlike, birch, twigs and birch bark which clearly burn still, burn very well even, when they're damp doesn't appear to be the case for pine. Cones but that's no big deal at least now I know that when they are, on the ground when it has been dry when they are open, other conditions, allow they, are a good source of, fuel and of course you, rarely just find one or two pine, cones on the ground do you normally find masses. Of them, because you're normally in an area where they're falling from multiple, tree so a, reliable. Fuel. Source as long, as they're in the right condition, and in. My experience always, a plentiful, fuel. Source as well so I'm glad I came back out today Andreea tempted, that that I didn't give up back in January, when, and the conditions, went right for using that type of feel. Oh yeah. There, she blows. So. That's the that's, the easy part out of the way getting. A fire going with pine cones on the wood, gas stove make. Myself a hot chocolate job, done now comes the trickier. Part which is why I've put it off until the second half of the video, going. Out and do some tree and planet ID my. Intention, is to ID, the, trees purely, from memory, from, what I've learned over the past couple years doing this online master class. If. I can identify any, plants from memory I'm going to but as, I've already said it is my weakest spot so I've brought out my Collins guy two British, wildflowers. And I've also dubbed, the pages, there. With. The, plants. That are highlighted, and, dealt, with during the trim. Plant ID master. Class that, doesn't of course mean that I won't see another, plant that isn't, tanked here because it's not widespread it's, not common it's not useful and which, of the the categories, are they the filtering, that, the course applies to tree implants butter and it's, a starting, point at.

Least I'm hoping I can see some plants that I can identify just. From memory and. I. Already know what they would be I just need to be able to find them and, if I can't then actually, I shall have delve a little bit deeper into the old Grima and use my book but for now I've, got a hot chocolate waiting for me so if you'll excuse me I'll, be back real soon I thought. I would tackle the thorny, subject of plant ID first. Thorny get, it thorny, anyway. This, is I believe this is gorse yeah you, Lex, you row PS or Alex you row pious you, Lex you're Opie's I think this. Is gorse, it's. Habitats, is wide, open Heath, the grassland, which is exactly, where I am, I've. Encountered this in the past I've got a clue what bushcraft, use it has to be perfectly honest doesn't. Mean sick doesn't have one I suspect when it's dead and standing it will burn just as well as anything else but I don't know of any particular use I'm, familiar, with this because, then it's incredible. I mean it's covered in thorns it's just, a mass, of. And, I'm. Familiar with this because back. In the day when I did, a course, in the army, the alarms commando course I was. And there's, an area called Woodbury, comment and it's covered in this damn stuff and of course you're learning and diving and crawling through it so I'm all too familiar with what I wasn't familiar was with what I wasn't familiar with was, this and, I'm, just ready might ruin my plan ID book, that. The, petals, believes. The flowers, sniffing. Sniff. Smell, em smell my cheese that, the flowers. Smell. Of coconut now, I must admit whenever I read in these plant, ID books these tree ID books that the crushed leaves smell of this and they smell of that and they smell of the other I'll, be really honest it, just smells of generic, green stuff to me however. This. Stuff. Really. Do smell of coconut bizarrely. It really does and I know you can't smell it but trust me take my word for it it really does. Smell. Of coconut. Which. Is bizarre, and, wonderful. In equal. Measure so there's one of the five tips off the list gorse, at. Least I think is, first. Up from the tree perspective. Is this, I believe. This is a sycamore, a pseudo, protaras and, my. Key, recognition, feature over this key ID feature, is. That spirit. Green. Scale. Lizard-like. Food, that's, emerging, they're very, distinctive. And simple. So I'd a from. Hidden. Amongst, the undergrowth, I was walking, from the open, area that I am into the woods I spotted. This it stood out quite stack because it's the only green, thing, that's in this otherwise quite, brown. Background, I think. I've stumbled upon something of them.the a PACA, family, here, what's. Giving it away to me see the, leaves forget, a little closer. They. Have that very current. Leaf. Type. Of structure, and appearance to them I, think. This is a hemlock, and what makes, me think that is, if. I just Pat. Getting. Focus, here. Let. Me just zoom out. Hopefully. You can see the stem, there I'm moving, around very, very. Dark, purple. Blotchy. Colored. Stem, which. According to my memory and just backed up by the ID book, would. Suggest that, that that is. Hemlock. I'm. Not 100% so. Clearly, I'm gonna put it nowhere near my mouth and I'm very careful with my hands after, I've handled it but. I am almost, convinced. It is a member of the APHA family, what, I'm less convinced, about is what it actually is but what I do know, what this course has taught me is that, there are some, significantly.

Nasty, Members of the, APHA family, as well as some non harmful. But the fact that they're asked some means, I'm gonna be extra, extra cautious. Around, this. Just. Says I was about to stand up from talking about what I previously. Said, I thought was hemlock, I've, just noticed, that you can see in the, center of the screen now tiny. Tiny. Little example, of it just took towei and, to me it just demonstrates, that that need. Or that requirement. To. Actually sort. Of ultra, focus, all to look down I would never have seen this if I'd just been walking it simply, isn't at that time of life yet which, I've taken over but I'm pretty certain that what. I've got here. There's. An example of sticky, willies or. Gallium. A purine, to give a scientific, name, just. Before I switched the camera and I took a little sample of it and, stuck. It on my, thermal. Top that I'm wearing and it stuck, to it so, yes good, confirmation this is sticky. Willies decent. Bushcraft, use I've just been listening to a video from Paul Kelly. Some, great. Foraging. Uses. Steamed. Or. Blanched. In hot water removes, those tiny, little hook. Hairs or reduces, the air the. Stickiness, of them to spike miss of them and a, decent, salad. Green or decent accompaniment, so yes. And some decent decent. Foraging, purpose behind this, one I'm far more confident, over this being. Galium a princess kiki willows then I was over the previous one being hemlock but even having said that I'm, still staying away from the potential. Hemlock, that I've just ID'd. Sticky. Willis Gary May pruned. The. Tree directly. Behind me the one that appears to be coming up at the top of my head there just, stop through my trucks for a second exercise walking past it had these huge. Huge. Buds, to it that looked familiar. They looks like the buds of a, horse chestnut but. I thought to myself this. Tree, just doesn't lend itself to looking like a horse chest at the haas just nuts i've seen have, been in, urban. Areas normally in parks, or roads and things like that they've always been quite quite. Small. And squat, and, stockade. This. Tree is huge it's it, just keeps going up and up and up and up and up, it.

Doesn't, Look, like from, the form tree or at a distance that it would be a horse chestnut however, when I got up closer, to it took, a look at the buds they were large, brown. Sticky. To, the touch I looked, just behind, the blood on the shoe and those, that familiar. And. Telling, kind of horseshoe. Shape, on the, actual twig, stem itself. All of it all of it links, towards it being a horse. Chestnuts, it, just, doesn't look like, at a distance. Horse. Chestnuts, that I've seen that have always been quite short. And squat. And stocky in appearance this is anything but that it's long and tall, and slender, and magnificent. Not. Unlike myself. Aha. I was, just packing my gear away from. Recording, what I think was that horse-chestnut. We've just seen and. I've seen this bad boy lurking. There amongst. The capita, of bluebells and fairly, certain that this is an errand maculata. And I'm basing that on the fact that all the laser can look from one, stem below, they've got that Arrowhead. Appearance. To them the. Ones that are not quite there you still failed at fairly tight so I'm fairly certain that, that, is a lords. And ladies or, cuckoo pink or arum makiel, item to give it a scientific, name, want. To watch out for if it is if indeed that is in our Immaculata, the, bear is probably. Other parts and most definitely the berries they're, quite poisonous quite, harmful, and, toxic in. Nature definitely. Want not to be messed about with and, in summer months that. Will look like a. Relatively. Taller. Plants, with. Almost. Miniature. Cherry, tomato or, red, jelly, bean type. Fruits. Hanging from it very, appealing to look at. Very. Dangerous, as well. Lords. And ladies are. Immaculately, him I think. Just. Wandering past his tree behind, me and, just at the corner of my eye I saw the familiar, buds. Of ash there, we go. There. We go those familiar ash. Buds, they're black. Charcoal. Like ashen, like if you like. However. Then looked at the tree and, thought that's not an ash tree why, because. This had. Actually fallen off in much larger tree, next to it fallen, into the. Tree that I'm standing in front of so, if I based it solely, upon that, I'd, have been wholly wrong as it was it would have been a pretty hard mistake, to make because if I move you. Can immediately see, that's. What I think, is quite an, easy, recognition. Feature and that is of the elder, tree sambucus. Nigra. Yes. Do you know you can use the budget to identify, this you can use, the. Leaves but, every, time I look at this tree even young samples, it, looks old it, looks not. Good it, looks, weather-beaten. And lived in, elder. Old. Weather. Beats an elder, anyway, that's that's how I kind of remember it in my head so yeah just, that the general, look, of this, trade looks old that's how I remember, it as being an elder, tree sambucus. Nigra. On. The screen then I'm fairly, certain this, is ivy. Or Hedera, helix growing, up a massive. Ash. Tree, it's huge, I mean I can't even see the buds at the top of it I had to rely on a couple of uh shoots at the side to, get the ID but focusing, on what's growing up it Hedera, helix ivy, it's, probably important, to.

Note. Here that whilst. The. Leaf and the leaf stem is is clearly obvious thing if, I just move the camera round slightly. This. Here. That. There is, actually. The ivy, stem. I got a trunk I guess you could call it not sure what the correct term is actually looks to all intents and purposes quite, camouflaged, actually. Looks like it's part of the. Tree that it's growing up but it actually isn't it's the it's the scariest, is the the, the. Trunk, whatever the phrases, of the ivy, itself the Hedera helix I. Make. No apologies, for the Cornish sunset, shot, behind me it was too good an opportunity it's. In this here we are at the end of the video I. Didn't, cover off five trees. But to be perfectly honest, that wasn't my, onus, that wasn't my emphasis it was on the plant and I'm pleased I took the time today to, attempt. To idea, I won't say idea, but attempt, to ID five. Plants. And did I get them right all wrong let me know in the comments, below, it's, probably, worth saying but. Hopefully. Everybody watches, this realizes, anyway, I am, a novice, anubias, student, in the area of trim plant ID so, when I start to talk about plants. And what is poisonous, and what isn't and what can be foraged, for food, can, take. That, in. The sincerity, that it's offered but take it with a big dose of salt as, well because I am a novice in this area I wouldn't, go on camera and say something, that I knew, was wrong or that I thought, was, wrong cuz I don't want to make myself look a bigger fool that, I normally do but clearly, and we're, all human, and I have an obviously in this area so take it with a pinch of salt if I did get it wrong let, me know what I got wrong in the comments below that would be appreciated, thank you we've reached the end of another video. Thank you as always for watching if your subscriber. Pay. Attention, to my subscriber, count' at the moment we're approaching something, out way which, means because, I've changed, the way that I do. My giveaways. You might want, to start thinking about. Commenting. On some, of my upcoming videos. I'm saying no more than that but just remember I have changed the way I do my giveaways, if you're not a subscriber. Why. On earth not, why, not clicking that button in, the bottom right hand corner of your screen and see what happens. Anything. Else to cover off like share all of the usual stuff at the end of the video and I'll see you in my next video. Very, very shortly, just one final thing just out of interest if you're still sticking around sunset. Be hermie that sound is in this low ground here. That's. Where I live down. There half. A mile in that direction is the English, Channel it's the bottom of England. Half. A mile a mile in that direction is the edge of the south down so I'm very fortunate to live in an area that said I have so.

Much Outside. On. My doorstep, the. Only thing I'm missing are, the mountains, I do miss getting up some at some decent, some. Decent Peaks and some decent mountains, but you can't have anything can you Frank she's always for watching I'll see you in the next video she is.

2019-03-01 22:38

Show Video


Cracking video dude Had to watch it 3 times Once because I was laughing so hard after the gorse bit. Twice to soak up the info And the third time to check the Latin Romani ite domum It’s a real tough subject, keep it up :)

So inspired was I by your identification techniques, that being in Bulgaria this week I thought I would have a go at tree identification here. I can positively identify the Macedonian pine by it rough broken bark and it’s curved cones. Additionally using your visceral method , by the “ouff” sound made by a 6’3” slightly over weight 50 something male bouncing off it at speed on a snowboard. I was able to identify a further 3 specimens using this method. Thanks for the pointers.

Hi Crouching Tadpole and many thanks for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. I'm pleased that my pain has an entertainment value

Hi, Craig great video I would say you done a good job with identifying those plants and trees great stuff buddy. Gorse the flowers make a great tea, can be added to salads used in making wines also I'm sure they are a good source of protein but not 100% sure on that I would need to look it up further. Dead horse is great for fire lighting burns really well. Cleavers sticky willy is a fantastic plant the plant added to water and squeezed to extract the juice then strained make a great drink a good tonic. The plant is great for insect bites nettle rash that sort of thing. Really enjoyed watching great vid, one of my favourite subjects. Atb Garry.

+The Bushcraft Padawanyou're more than welcome. There are so many wild edibles out there and so much to learn that for me is one of the joys keeps the mind-body and soul stimulated

Hi Garry and many thanks one again for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. LOL "dead horse is great for fire lighting'

HAHA "long tall, slender and magnificent like me" That made me giggle a bit. Great video Craig. This is one of my weakest points for sure. I know for sure the trees that I use a lot in my area (tulip poplar, hickory, oak, maple, sycamore, river birch etc) Thanks for taking us along as always on your journeys. I am envious of your knowledge of the flora and fauna of your area

Hi Madison and many thanks as always for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. It sounds like me share some common species between us judging by your list

Another great video Craig. I’m one year into my plant and tree ID course so found this feature particularly useful. I look forward to you sharing more of your journey. Keep up the good work

Hi Mark Edlington-Booth and many thanks for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. I'm glad you found the video useful, I have a whole playlist on my channel charting my progress through the TreePlantID course.

That is one major mug of chocolate

Hi Andy and many thanks as always for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. Many bushcraft folk tend to obsess about coffee...... for me it's all about the Hot Choc

Good video Craig. I wish I could offer some sage advice on identifying plants but I believe you may have the better of me on this topic. I can readily identify five trees (all local to my area) but. Plants are a bit of a mystery. I'm glad you've chosen to study them. Keep learning and when you're ready dazzle me.

The Bushcraft Padawan lol, I’ve not used that one. I’ve always said,”The food I pack in tastes so much better than the food I find.” Since I left my first comment I’ve gone out with a field guide. It’s been interesting. I’ll let you know about taste after I’m sure I’m not going to poison myself.

Hi Views and Reviews and many thanks for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. I hear you on the Tree Vs Plant front, my excuse has always been that as I'm 6' 2" I'm closer to the trees than I am to the ground

Another good video Craig. Was nice to see that I was able to identify most things along with you. A bit of confirmation that my tree and plant id isn't that bad!

+The Bushcraft Padawan let's hope we weren't both wrong! Fingers crossed!

Hi bluesleeper16v and many thanks for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. I'm glad that your were able to ID along with me....... of course we might *both* be wrong!!!!

Subscribed to this channel last week - surprised you don't have more subscribers:(

Hi Blank Blank and many thanks for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. I agree on your comment about having more subscribers, it's a travesty right?!

Hi Craig! Happy to see the pine cones work. Your tree and plant ID is getting better and better. When I remember 2 years ago you only knew Christmas and family trees (Your words!) :-) Have a nice week! ATB André

Hi Andre it's always good to hear from you thanks as always for supporting the channel. It's been an incredible journey over the past couple of years in relation to my tree and plant ID, of course there is still so much to learn but I'm slowly getting there.

That ivy made me nervous. Here in the U.S., poison ivy looks very similar. You wouldn’t want to cozy up to that if you run across it.

The Bushcraft Padawan: Yes, it grows so aggressively that it challenges even “English ivy,” which is considered an invasive species in my area.

Hi Neil, fortunately poison ivy isn't present here in the UK so that's one less problem for me to worry about

If your a novice then I'm dragging my knuckles. Great video and love the humility and humour. Respect ✊ Cheers Sel

Hi sell and thanks as always for supporting the channel it's really appreciated. There's still a loooooong way to go, however whenever I take a moment to step back and look at where I came from in relation to this subject, it's always really encouraging.

Hi Craig. See, I told you that the dried cones burn nicely. Great video as usual.

Wan.... !

LOL, you did indeed John

Good video subject and nice way to out and test your knowledge, I am the same I can name it but not yet am I confident to 100% it say it is what I think it is. I am sure your were on the money on your id. Did you spot the lesser celandine to the left of the shot when looking at the arum. Cheers Tim

Hi Tim Iredale and many thanks for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. I didn't spot the lesser celandine tbh, I'll take another look the next time I'm up there (should be later this week hopefully)

omg, is that Gorse behind you during your intro .... (mutters about pest species) - yep, we can ID Gorse & Broom over here as it takes over the countryside ;-) ... the wood burns ok, but it's no good for carving as it's a twisted grain and the thorns grow through he grain forming MASSIVE quantities of small knots (yes i've tried) - oh yes we've had Hemlock & Blackberry introduced here too :p

The Bushcraft Padawan About as far from you as one can possibly get & still be on this ball of rock ... New Zealand ;-)

Hi Neil Johnston and many thanks for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. Well spotted on the gorse just from the intro part of the video, it's pretty unmistakeable isn't it?! Remind me where you're from again Neil?

Hi Craig! Another great, thought provoking video! Thank you! It is instructive to see HOW you ID the plants that you find. You seem to look at the buds first while I tend to look at overall plant shape, bark texture and leaves first. Of course here in California our plants and trees are completely different from what you have in the UK so that might have something to do with it. Nevertheless, I will start consciously looking at buds now since additional information can only help make a positive ID. Have a great weekend!

Hi there! Trust me, leaves are my preferred and 'go to' initial ID source, however the deciduous trees in my part of the UK have only just started to open their buds, so there are no leaves to speak of as yet. I appreciate you watching and commenting, thank you. Don't forget to like and sub if you enjoyed the video and would like to see more.

I found your vid's today and really enjoy them , though I am a lttle envios of you being in shirt sleeves. Come visit me in central Alberta Canada was minus 25 to minus 30 most of February lol

Believe me, if I could, I would!

Another awesome video mate! Cracking. Also thank you for your service! Cede nullis!

Hi Lewis Benjamin and many thanks for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. Glad you liked the video, enjoy the rest of the weekend fella

Edible flowers exactly same as spanish polker...

I have no idea what Spanish polker is???

Smell my cheese you mother!!! Good video as usual

+The Bushcraft Padawan strangely enough yes but more on bank clearance. Cutting down a large beech tree but with the problem of trying to not harm the sycamore in its way

Hi Coops and many thanks for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. Have you spent any time on the bank recently?

Great as always Craig, tree and plant ID a subject that I struggle with (I really need to do the online course with frontier bushcraft next year) Although I know that the identification is a struggle for me, that will not stop myself from exploring the possible bushcraft uses, things like cordage, basketry making using using Ivy. My plan for tomorrows adventure into the wild will be to take a couple of referencing books and try to identify a couple of plants and trees. Thank you for the inspiration Craig and as always keep up the great content Atb Chris

Hi Chris Ash (Fraxinus Excelsior!) and many thanks for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. Good luck with your IDing foray tomorrow, let me know how you get on.

Every video you make, excites and informs me. Keep up the good work fella.

Hi Colin Brown and many thanks for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. Very kind of you to leave such great feedback, thank you.

Nice one Craig, btw, Gorse flowers are edible, taste like raw runner beans, well, they do to me, they make a nice addition to a spring salad sarnie of fresh, young Beech, Lime & Hawthorn leaves with a splattering of honey.

Hi Mark Emery and many thanks for taking the time to drop by my channel, watch and comment, it's really appreciated. One or two other people have commented on the edibility of Gorse flowers and petals, so I think I'll experiment the next time I'm out and about - thanks for the tip!

Hi there from germany ;) Thanks for the video, very entertaining indeed. I have a question on the plant ID segment of the vid: I´m googling these as you describe them to read up on this and that...and having slight trouble with your accent and its manifestations in the pronunciation of the latin names :D Might you - in future videos - pls include the latin names (and trivial names?) in the description? That would be grand, master Jedi! \m/ **grabs bag and runs off to the woods**

​+The Bushcraft Padawan don´t kick yourself, Sir! My comprehensive inadequacies are not your problem...^^ Having something to read as well just makes it easier for me to learn. I promise I shall practice your accent and eventually master it! :D Subbed 3 weeks ago, I believe ;)

Hi Jim and thanks for watching. I'm kicking myself for not including a text overlay on the video itself!!! I'll make sure I do this next time. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I hope you'll consider subscribing if you've not already.

Another great video.

Thank you Mark, much appreciated

Excellent video, pine cones are excellent weather predictors, hold one outside your window for three minutes, if it is wet when you bring it in then it's raining

Wise words Sean, wise words

Hey Craig - first of all thanks for subbing back lately, appreciate it. At 11:30 that definitely is an apioideae, probably conium maculatum (poison hemlock). There are so many doublegangers out there that I generally never forage for daucus carota (wild carrots). Just too much of a risk, also as different types of soil alter the actual phenotypes.

@The Bushcraft Padawanyou're more than welcome. There are so many wild edibles out there and so much to learn that for me is one of the joys keeps the mind-body and soul stimulated

@The Bushcraft Padawan let's hope we weren't both wrong! Fingers crossed!

@The Bushcraft Padawan strangely enough yes but more on bank clearance. Cutting down a large beech tree but with the problem of trying to not harm the sycamore in its way

​@The Bushcraft Padawan don´t kick yourself, Sir! My comprehensive inadequacies are not your problem...^^ Having something to read as well just makes it easier for me to learn. I promise I shall practice your accent and eventually master it! :D Subbed 3 weeks ago, I believe ;)

Other news