Bush Camp Victorian High Plains Sub Zero Temperatures Test out the Roof Top Tent Bundutop Bundutec

Bush Camp Victorian High Plains Sub Zero Temperatures Test out the Roof Top Tent Bundutop Bundutec

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welcome to our victorian high plains series  put on your woolies crank up the heater and   come journey with us as we explore the victorian  alps in this episode watch us freeze our butts off   with sub-zero temps and admire the  bush in all its winter splendor oh it's so green one thing  for sure when they say 40   they mean 40 50 50. yeah no doing  60 or 70 around but it definitely not it would be straight off Arbuckle 50k's might have to let our tyres down we will see how it goes bouncy bouncy bouncy with high plains camping comes high plains  wood collecting so that we don't freeze to death we've just stopped on the side of the road  to collect some wood on our way to kelly's lane Chilli Mate I been turning the heater up Haven't notice no difference (on CB Radio) Jeff we just have to see what this is like for you there's the campground with one track in there's the campground oh it's closed oh what whoa tracks closed Jeff What already? seasonal closure first of May very pretty wow she was uh maybe she was  scared she might have been A must Bundy and the high plains oi that's okay how long we've been here yeah about an hour to split wood set up the awning yeah make a fire clean up rubbish yeah, I haven't cleaned up rubbish because its all wet rubbish I need the fire warmer Karl make fire next quest Katty made fire camps all set up and look what's for lunch looks like an airplane good morning Kathryn. oh good morning what time is it? i don't know about 7 30.   i think so yeah and last night  we actually slept in our clothes   we've got two doonas a woollen blanket and  another blanket and it was nice and warm   and the reason why we've got so many clothes on  is because when you look outside this morning it looks like this so it's probably fair to say that  it's a little bit frosty and chilly   i think the tarps heavy i might  have to do something about that i think our campfire's out don't know that we're going to get  much solar today on the solar panels   they'll tend to be blanketed a little bit in snow so that's the weather report for  this morning snowy what do you think Kathryn snowy! you look like cousin it for everybody interested in what  the the bundutop tents like in snow   well there you go it's just fine it's nice and warm in the bed i don't  know about out there that's fresh so far the fire is going that's good we're waiting for it good job wasn't easy the matches wouldn't stay alight oh yeah   those chucks super wipes make good fire lighters i thought you had fire lighters they really go i thought you said you had fire lighters  i did have to try and get them lit   i got bare feet in the snow oh what are we having for dinner we  probably should get that out to defrost yeah did you bring your bikini yeah oh i  thought you're going to get skinny dipping   no i didn't bring my bikini oh skinny  dipping it is i guess so yeah trikini a bikini and an overcoat oh is the track you wanted? yeah, oh that's why you pulled in here that's where we wanted to go through wow i've never seen it that deep ten years ago we were here swimming in this little creek it was 45 degrees and there  was a few of us swimming and over the other side   a brown snake hopped in the water because he was  hot as well swam around with us went over into the   reeds and we thought well he's not coming out  and we're not getting out because it's too hot   so we all stayed in there together and it  was fine today we're going skinny dipping waitress one beer please and a parma crap don't eat that deadly yellow  snow where the huskies go Frank zappa and the mothers of invention dad's trying out a new refrigeration  system windchill factor barista made it even has the buzz ugh gotta love technology wow look at that sunshine don't you dare I thought you were going to snow me thanks for watching and don't forget  to subscribe if you want a reminder   hit the bell and remember  we always love a thumbs up   next week join us as we visit some iconic huts  that hold unresolved secrets from the past you

2021-06-09 01:19

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