Busan Geographic #0 - Professor Wescoat's Oryukdo Tour

Busan Geographic #0 - Professor Wescoat's Oryukdo Tour

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I. Am. Outside at, a place called odo. Odo. Means five, or six islands, o means. Five, buek. Means six, dough. Means island, or islands. Odiogo. Is located. In the, Nam, GU, or south, district. Of Pusan. It. Is, in yo ho dong which, translates. As dragon, lake. Over. Here you can see the. Hill leading up to the Skywalk. There's. A tourist, center and a cafe. And. The. Main attraction. Is. Audio. Sunrise. Park. Which. We will be exploring, in this video. 4000. Sunrise. Park gives us the best, view. In Busan. Here. I am outside. At Oreo, dough in Busan Nam GU Yong, ho dong. You. Have your choice of several buses. From. Young someday boug yong-dae and other places you can ride the 24, the. 27. And the, 131, in. Addition. The village bus number two for Busan Nam GU Yong ho dong comes out this way as well. Over. Here you can see the front entrance to sunrise park. We're. Coming up to the tourist, center and the cafe. You. Or, you, know skywalk. You. Can see the Skywalk, is closed right now because of coronavirus. Apparently. Apparently. You might catch coronavirus. From walking, out on the Skywalk. Now. The ridiculous. Thing about this skywalk is, that. It is considered, to be the main attraction. It. Is, the place where all the tourists, go, it. Is not especially, interesting. In. Fact, it's kind of boring. That's, it. You. Just get to walk on a glass walkway. And. It's not particularly, interesting. Or impressive. The. Main attraction, is up at the park. Behold. Odos. Gave, you where, i live. Audio. Still s gave you as a cluster, of 15, skyscrapers. Ranting. In height from about 25, floors to I think more than 40, floors. Each. Floor, has six, apartments, on it a. Lot. Of people live here it's. A very nice place to live. The. Tourist, areas around Busan, often, have informational. Signs like this in multiple languages. The. Large, island. You can see off in the distance in korean is called young doe or young. Island, doe means island, the. Smaller one here in the foreground is called. Jodo which. I believe means bird Island I think it also has another name of Ghana, Maggie some. Over. Here you, can start to see the port. Area of Busan and there's. Also. A. Place, called bacon, Pole that's. Where military, ships often dock, it's. A really lovely location. I'm. Gonna go down these steps, to. See some other wonderful things here. Oh Diogo. Is the boundary, point, between Korea's. East Sea, known, as Donghae, and, between. Korea's, South, Sea, known, as Nam had. There's. An interesting. Controversy. Over the. English, naming, of what koreans called, old hag or, the East Sea. The. Rest of us in English know the East Sea, as the, Sea of Japan. But. There are many Koreans, who feel that the world owes it, to them, to. Call it the East Sea, in, English. This. Is completely. Regardless. Of the fact that, if, you're in Japan its, West in. Japan. The Sea of Japan is, actually Japan's. West, sea. But. Koreans, feel that it is reasonable. To demand. That everyone, call, it the, East Sea, in English, around, the world and. If. You are in Korea. It is, to your advantage to, simply. Call it the East Sea. Even. Though that really doesn't, make much sense, except. To some diehard Koreans. Now. The, argument, isn't actually, about making. Sense so no, matter how reasonable, you try to be, or. The fact that you explain that. The. Sea of Japan is, west of Japan, and it's only East for Korea. That. Doesn't, matter to those people because it is not an argument. Motivated, by reason. It, is, an argument, motivated, by long-standing. Hatred. Of Japan. For. Japan's, abuses. As an, empire, in. 1910. Japan. Invaded. And conquered Korea. And. Held. It. As. Part, of the Empire. Until. The unconditional. Surrender in, 1945.

And. Korea. Was with. Abuses. The. Japanese, Empire, used, Korea, for, resources, for slave, labor and we. Even have, a. History. Of sexual, slavery. With. The euphemistically. Named, comfort, women which, is. Something, that Japan. Came up with to. Cover up the fact that what they were really doing is, raping, children and, using little girls as sex slaves. There's. A nice little rest area, for. You. Busan. Has an amazing, series of walking, trails, known. As the seagull, trails. In. Korea. Seagull. Trail. Is. Walkable. The. Paths are almost always marked. Sometimes. You go through urban, areas but mostly they take you up on to the mountains. Here's. Some information multiple, languages. Including, English for you we. Have Korean English, Chinese. And, Japanese. Here's. Some more information. Also. The very beginning, of what we call the hey put on view. Trail. I'm. Not sure if the entire trail is based at this point but I have, walked like one. You. Can supposedly, walk. The, entire. East. Sea, all the way from this location. All. The way almost up, to the DMZ. Years. Ago I was actually not able to find, any science, marking, leg two of the trail, so. I'm not sure if that's still possible. Something. To pay attention to. Is. This beautiful, little sign here now. You. Can actually. See. That there's some fantastic, stylization. Image. Of a bird and then. A road so we get the seagull, road, or seagull, trail but. It also in, a stylized, way spells, the first syllable, that actually, says, as. In gotta make you gotta make go. This, is a government you know with a seagull trail there's, the seagull, the trail and it actually literally, says, god it's. A beautiful symbol sometimes. When you're walking in the city and you think you've lost the trail you'll find this spray-painted. Signage. Around some, areas are marked better than others. And. Looking. Around. Looking. Each. Step was going and wound up stepping, into a small hole where a stone was missing and twisting, my ankle it, is very easy to. Accidentally. Get injured, in. This city do, not pay attention to, every, point, where your foot is going to go. Here. We have. Some. Areas of, busan. Have. Many of these they're. Called soju tents because people, come to get drunk. Cheaply in, this place people come for snacks and food. Here's. The box office, for, the boat in. Case, you want to buy a boat to. Keep. In mind. Becomes. A problem if you're at the beach and, most. Especially if you're trying to, take. Pictures. In, that case it's likely that someone will complain to the police, and. The police may likely come find you so. It's. Generally not a good idea. Even. In a situation like this I. Generally. Try to avoid. Here. You can see one of many, feral, cats, which. Live in the park and, also. In my apartment, complex. We. Do not. Have. A rodent, problem here. The. Feral cats take care of it. Here's. A map of sunrise. Park itself. It. Is unfortunately. Only in Korea. One. Thing to note if you find these wooden, map signs around this. One is exceptional. In that the top is North. Korean. Maps did not respect, North, being always on the top. Very, often, especially for, the local maps the. Maps are simply designed to fit a certain space and then. North is indicated, in whatever direction it happens to be after.

The Map is situated. This. Is not, the best view yet. When. They first put this pond in my. Family. And I came up here and. There. Were thousands. Of frogs and tadpoles. So, we. Lovingly, started, referring to this place as the Frog Pond. Unfortunately. I'm. Not sure what happened, but I don't. Think the frogs made it that was huh maybe. Eight. Years ago and. We. Haven't seen the frogs or the tadpoles, since then. As. You can see just like always international. Rotary has been busy, busy. In Busan just like everywhere, else in the world. Now. There are two ways up to the upper view this, trail will go up a bunch of steps and it's. A nice railing, but it's very popular and, I'm. Trying to maintain social. Distancing, it. Is also not my favorite, way to go up there so. I'm. Going to take a different route in. Audio. Doh, here. We are coming up on the bridge and. The. Waterwheel. And. Here, we are at, my favorite method. Of getting up to the top of the park. This. Sign is talking, about eg day if, you. Follow the trails beyond. This. Park you will go directly into, to Geisha, cliff, or. Eg. Day that's evening, to, D. Short, for gisaeng which this is the Korean equivalent of, Geisha and. Dead, is cliff, precipice. High. Elevated, area, eg. Day -. Gasps a cliff. -. Gasps a cliff or Iggy day is a gigantic. Open-air. Public, park, it's. A fabulous walk. The. Iggy de coastal, walk is 3.6. Kilometers. That's. In a straight line on a map it's. Longer than 3.6 kilometres, I guarantee. You it's. Probably more like 5 or 6. Because. You will be going up and down a lot. The. Observatory, is really, just a deck out on the ocean. It's. In Sunrise Park is 257. Meters which is incorrect, because we're, in it it. Says the sky walk is 758. Meters. Maybe. It's about that far and. The. History forest walkway. That's. A really, pretentious, name for something that isn't very interesting. We're. Almost to, the top of the park we. Are almost to, the best view, in Busan, I. Guarantee. You that, this. View is worth the effort. We. Just have to make it over to that deck right up there in front of us. Teaser. Here. We go. Movie. Best. View. In. Busan. We. Have one of these things too. Now. I could take these stairs down but I'm gonna turn around and go back the other way, pass. The pretentiously, named forest, path. Actually. I think I'll take this path up a little bit. Just. To show you the, choices that you have, because. It's a very short walk up here. Here's. Where the path Forks. You. Can go past the military base. To. The left. All. The way to the left. Should. Take us down to the pretentiously. Main Forrest pathway. On. The far right. This. Will take us on the iggy de coastal, walk. If. You were here for the first time and. You, were willing to continue, I, would. Recommend, going right, I, also. Recommend, bringing several liters. Of water with, you. There. Is nowhere along this path, to. Get a beverage. Unless. You know exactly, what you're doing. Maybe. Two. Or three kilometres. In there's a place to get a beer if you're. Lucky. But. Pack, your water be. Ready for that it's. A great walk, but. We're not going to go on that journey today. I'm. Going to go to the far left. We. Will not be going into Iggy day today. If. You, intend, to do significant. Hiking I, strongly. Recommend bringing, hiking, poles. Going. Up the mountains, it's not difficult, coming. Down can. Be very dangerous. If. It is dry. Be. Very careful of leaves and twigs, because. They can be sitting on rocks and you. Can lose your footing. If. It is wet. Be. Very wary of wet of, wet, rocks and bare. Rock, because. Then you can lose your footing and you. Actually then want to step on the little wet leaves and twigs, to. Keep your footing. And. Here, we are. Coming. Out, at. The back gate of. Audiodesk. A view.

2020-05-15 23:09

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