hello everybody welcome back to another episode of city skylines my name is city zilla and today we are in the city of canal ville where we are going to be working on a massive cruise cruise ship terminal and then along with adding the cruise ship terminal we are also going to be adding in a small little tourism area right here with a metro stop we're starting to have some issues with traffic and i was kind of going over the city and we have a few bottlenecks one of them is this road right here and then this road right here so this whole island does have ferry access but it does not have any mass transit access other than this metro going to the airport and so i think we are going to be adding in a metro connection starting from over here branching off to our new cruise ship section and then we are also going to be adding in a metro line going this way and ending right here and i really feel like it's going to help out this whole area i did also optimize the trams i upgraded them to our newer trams and then i went through and kind of adjusted them make sure that they were right and so i'm hoping that by adding in these metro stops it's really going to increase a lot of access to this island and so on the last episode if you missed it we made this awesome little beachfront resort area we did this we did this area which was more like a public beach and then off camera i did make sure that all these were connected so that we had people kind of walking through so you can see people walking through the sand getting to our jet ski rentals which i think is fantastic and then we did this uh big hotel over here as well um it's definitely more of a modest hotel it's not as grand as the other one but it still has a ton of cabanas and nice little beach chairs and everything and so i think it was a really nice fit i like the expo center too and then we did these awesome little pool areas with some stages and some more cabanas and then we put in a small trim depot and so another thing that i did in between episodes was completed this area i went ahead and put in some hedges with some trees and then some planters over here and i really feel like this whole park just looks really good and i actually had gotten a suggestion for the name by danny and ann to name this paradise of fun i thought it was just such a great name for a little boardwalk theme park and everything and so i went ahead and changed it to paradise of fun and so thank you so much for the comment i super appreciate the name and so let's go ahead and jump right in and so the first thing that i did was deleted our key ball off the front side and so the idea is that we are going to build out a large kind of protruding pier out here and so i did look at a bunch of cruise ship terminals in real life and it really goes back and forth whether they're just kind of parallel with the land or whether they come out a lot of them definitely are parallel but i felt like for our limited space it was gonna be a really good idea for us to create a little protruding harbor out here and so we're gonna jump into rural roads and we are going to come out here and i want it to be about even with this so i do want to turn on snapping and we are going to go out 15 on either side and of course the numbers block it so we're going to come out here go 15 and it looks like it's about one and a half so i'm gonna come out here again and that should be 15 right there yeah it is and so the goal is for us to have this about 30 apart which it is now and we're going to come out about this distance it's going to be pretty far out here then we're going to go 30 across and then we're going to come back nice look at that perfect and so we're going to jump into landscaping tools and we're going to go to level terrain and what we're going to do is grab this height and we're going to come all the way out here nice look at that and then we're going to jump in and move it we're going to use the marquee selection tool we're going to grab all of this and then we are going to control h on that height so that we can make sure that they all are the same height and so now we're going to come into keys and we're going to use the standard key since i really don't want people walking along this because we're going to have all the cruise ship terminals and so we're going to jump into the network multi tool go to create parallel mode and we are going to start over here come up over here and go all the way around nice and so i'm going to hit that minus button until we get all the way down to 10 meters which is right up on that road and i'm going to hit enter and there we go nice and so i'm going to come in here and i'm going to delete all the roads now since we don't need them right there and then it does look like we need to go through and adjust our keys a little bit so we're going to come in here go to invert segment and just go around and it should be pretty easy looks like we didn't really get a lot that were flipped the wrong direction and then we'll come back into the level terrain tool and we'll come up here and just smoothen it all out and then we will go into the water and just touch this up a bit especially since we're gonna have cruise ship cruise ships coming up here we would definitely want the water to be deep enough we wouldn't want them to ground themselves coming into the harbor that would definitely be bad and now let's jump into the transport tab go to ships and go to our harbor and so the goal is for us to probably put about four of these we're gonna go like that go like that then we're gonna space this out maybe go like right there and then we're gonna try our best to line that up as close as possible you know i'm actually going to draw on a quick road so that we can get even a little bit better of an angle so if we go right there and then now when i line this up it should be a little bit better yeah so if we go right there perfect and so i'm going to go ahead and delete that road and then we are going to select everything again and then make sure that it is the correct height nice leveled it all out and perfect i think this looks pretty good so far and so we're going to jump into a two unit road go to one we'll go to trees just because it's going to be a little bit nicer let's go ahead and connect this up and it looks like we're a little bit off so i'm going to use move it to shift this over just a smidge so that i can get it a little more level we're going to ctrl h let's see if that helped out so cannot build on water yeah so it looks like yeah perfect nice and so before we start building out any roads we do need to allow it to flood otherwise what happens is every time you build out a road it literally just sinks into the water and so i'm gonna go ahead and let this flood out real quick and so it's definitely flooding our city we'll probably have to come back through here once the disaster response units kind of clean up this mess and rebuild some of this because it looks like it's just flooding the whole city now this would be like a national emergency water is just coming up onto the land especially all these people renting out these ends this would be really bad and so before we draw the road across i do want to come in here and do a theory so i want this to be like right in the middle i think that's perfect right there we're going to go ahead and control h onto that harbor so we can make sure they are the correct distance and then let's go ahead and grab our road and i think you know we'll get away from the one with trees we don't really need it and then we are going to go like this and i think we may even pull these harbors out to get them a little more level with that yeah just because i would rather it be perfect even though it's not really the end of the world so now let's jump back in here and we will connect these roads up we'll go like that and then what i'm thinking is we will curve this down have it connect up to this row you can see all the helicopters going by now it's an emergency and so let's jump into a four unit road go to a nice one probably with trees on the outside i feel like that would be good yeah we'll go to this one just a nice standard tree and so we'll come out like right there and then what i'm thinking is we're going to curve these in and so let's go to and we're going to go to complete connection mode we're going to grab that we're going to come down here yeah that looks pretty good so 50 and 50. we're gonna go like that and then we are going to try our best to have this one mimic as well yeah look at that 50 50. perfect nice and so we should be able to play around with this note a little bit and just widen it to get it to fit yeah let's go ahead and go like that and then what we're gonna do is jump in here let's actually remove yeah look at that perfect i knew we could get it nice and so now we have a nice clean connection in here and it does look like we have our crosswalk down there a little too far maybe we can just drop this down a smidge yeah we'll go like right there and then what i'm gonna do is hold alt hold out right there and i'm just going to bring this back a little bit i'm gonna do the same thing for this other side yeah there we go just so that we can get this connection a little bit further up right there and then i'm going to jump in here and remove the light off of there and then i'm going to go ahead and tell these people to just continue on so we'll go like that nice i feel like that looks pretty good and we may even turn this to a three and two feel like that would probably be good so if we come in here and go to a three and two that one's only got grass oh this one's got trees nice so if we go like this and then flip it around nice and so now we have we have access to each of the roads so that everybody has their own dedicated lane because one of the big things here is they start to become super busy super fast and so we definitely want to be mindful so the idea i'm thinking is we are going to create a connection right here and i want to do a combined tram metro stop right here we're going to do some parking in the middle and then i think we're going to do a big parking garage and then also a couple warehouses because these are cruise terminals we would still need access to storage in the area for maybe the ships or the ship maintenance crews or anything like that and so a lot of the terminals that i saw still had like warehouses and and maintenance facilities and stuff like that and so um i'm gonna go ahead and throw in the parking lots real quick and i'm going to just use the big parking lots that we can get a nice little clean look out of it and i think we're gonna come up like right here so it looks like we're gonna have to go right there i feel like that's pretty good so we will have our trams then come up here and then branch across feel like you know this is gonna be great so we're gonna go like this and then i'm gonna go ahead and finish this real quick okay and so parking lot in and so now let's come in here and look up parking garage so we'll go parking garage perfect and let's see if this big one will fit uh it looks like it's going to be a little tight so maybe if we just do this small one in the middle or we can do them on the sides and then what we can do is have a little maintenance road go in the middle because that could actually be good so if we go like right there and then come up over here because the idea is a lot of these cruise ship terminals people fly into the city and maybe go on a cruise to the bahamas or to alaska or basically anywhere in the world like the mediterranean or wherever they're deciding to go and so we would want to provide adequate parking for anybody who had a rental car or anything like that maybe their the airport wasn't right next to the area and so and it looks like i wanted to connect that up but i think we're gonna get a little tight so if we come up here go like that how bad does that look so if we move this over a smidge does that clear up the road oh you know that actually looks pretty good so then the idea for this road is that it's going to be our maintenance road so then we will connect this up and connect that up and then let's go ahead and jump in here go to warehouses perfect and let's see how many of these fit so if we go how do these ones look better hmm we could even put a big one in there this could actually look good so if we go like that and then move this over how does that look you know what that actually looks a little better versus the small ones and it's got like the little bays and everything so maybe this is where like the food is delivered before being unloaded to the ships and i feel like this looks pretty good i like the garages too i feel like that's a good touch we'll come through here and put in some planters and stuff kind of clean it up make it into a welcoming environment okay and so now what we can do is go ahead and throw in some water pipes real quick and there we go and so now we should start getting some people in i do want to hook up this fairy line first so that we can make sure that there is some access so what i'm going to do is go ahead and connect this up and have it connect up over here but then i'm also going to have it connect up over here so that we can have access to the island but then also off the island pretty quickly and so i'm gonna go ahead and get that done real quick all right and so i got it connected up right there and so now we are going to jump into our fairy lines and what i want to do is just grab this line grab this line and bring it all the way back here nice and so we're actually going to grab the one going the opposite direction as well actually no we'll just have it on one root so that the other way it's uh not kind of clogged and so i do want to get both of these though so we're going to grab this we're going to come all the way over here and then what we're going to do is grab the opposite direction as well since this is fairy line that leaves the city and so or at least leaves the island and so now at least there should be a little bit of access um it kind of gets crazy with these when you first plop them down you start to see just a ton of ships and so let's actually come out to the edge and see if we have any queuing already we should start to see people yeah lined up so you start to see just lines of people so all these people are waiting to get on a cruise ship so cruise ship will come here and then pick up all these people and let's see if we have any over here right there so yeah some people waiting over here too nice so we should start getting just a huge wave of people in here and we'll just have to wait and see and so now i do want to start working on that tram line so if we come in here let's go to trams let's go ahead and turn this off so we can see a little better and we're gonna go to a dedicated tram road and we're gonna come up here and go all the way across gonna go like that and then let's go ahead and do one more we'll go like that perfect and then let's go ahead and jump into node controller and just widen these up just a smidge we don't want to go crazy with it and we'll go ahead and do this as well and then we will come up over here and do the same thing then i think what we're going to do is remove crosswalks off this intersection so that we don't have um too many in here like look at these crossings we don't need this many crossings so we're going to come in here get rid of that one we're going to come in here get rid of that one and we're gonna do the same thing here get rid of those two inner ones and the reason we're doing this because they can exit on the outside and it just makes it look a little better now that these are right there i'm not having the crosswalks just looks a lot better and so now we will come in here and we're gonna do an underground metro station here so i want to put this like right there but i want to make sure that it's in the middle so i think we are going to go like this nice i feel like that's pretty good and then we're going to connect up path access to and just really give this some nice accessibility because that's really the the big thing here is a lot of people start coming in on these cruise ships and so we would want them to have access so we're going to come in here and let's go ahead and grab our tram lines now so we're going to it says uh we haven't upgraded our tram road and we have an asymmetric i don't think we have a three and two asymmetric tram road so let's jump into our roads we might i'm not sure though i don't believe we do now so we have a three and three no we're going to use this one with the bikes just because i know a lot of people start to use the bikes off here too which i think is good and so we will use a three lane with trams we're gonna come up here upgrade these and it looks like these are facing the wrong way anyways this will go like that let's go ahead and flip these around let's make sure that we have the rest of the roads facing the right direction i guess i didn't really check them oh so we didn't even upgrade it so i want the outside road to be a one way so we're going to come in here and go to a three lane one way with trees and we're gonna go all the way around when we need to unlock these first two i'm like really getting ahead of myself so we're gonna come in here unlock all these and then upgrade the road okay and so i've upgraded it to a three lane one way going all the way around and then we have tram access up here it does look like we need to extend it just one lane further though so let's go right there and make sure we have it on this side we do perfect and so now we should be able to jump in here grab our tram lines let's actually grab that stop right there so we'll go right there and then let's go ahead and get it going the other direction as well so we'll go like that two separate stops and then what we'll do is we'll have the green come up here as well go like that nice and so now we have the purple going both directions and the green which the green connects up all the way down here which is fantastic but then the purple also connects up down here which i think is just great so they'll be able to get over to our little station transfer over get over here really easily if they want to and so now there is some much needed access and so let's actually draw on some paths real quick so we're going to come in here go to concrete paths i'm going to turn off snapping oh it's already off so then now we will come up over here and let's go ahead and connect that up we're going to connect this up and then what we're going to do is go in the middle connect that up and then we will have this go up the middle perfect and then let's jump into node controller create a couple crossings go like that we'll go ahead and create a crossing in the middle as well so that they can get to both sides i feel like that's pretty good and i'm going to go ahead and leave the lights in there just because it does block the trains which i think is really important and then what we could do is make a couple bridges across which i think would also be good so maybe we will come in here go up to 39 come across and then do the same thing on this side come across and then we will have it branch down here okay and so i have connected them up they look pretty good they're not perfect but they look good and so now we have provided access let's go ahead and draw in this metro line now so we are going to come into metro go to unmodded so that we can get a nice tunnel piece let's go ahead and jump into freeform and basically what i'm going to do is draw from right here go underneath all the water and then come up over here go above ground and then connect up to this connection going both ways so i'm going to go ahead and get that done real quick okay so i went ahead and drew in that metro line and i did a three-way connection going this way and then i tried to uh stretch this out far enough to where it was going to be a more even grade going down but then i had it go all the way over here and meet up with our underground terminal and so now this really provides some great access for this whole island and so i'm kind of anticipating people actually using the tram to transfer over here get on here since now this metro line really provides access to pretty much our whole city we have goes all the way down here but then it also comes to this terminal which is one of our biggest terminals in the city right next to our cable car access and then right next to connecting lines that go into our downtown and also to our old market transfer station over here and so um it's really got some great access i'm glad that we got it in there i think this was a really good fit and it's kind of funny um all the cruise ships started coming in and i love this like quad cruise ship terminal idea um i knew that i wanted to do more than one but it's kind of funny you often don't see people do more than one and so i felt like you know especially after looking at real world examples there's normally more than one terminal especially in really big ports and so you'll have just a number of terminals um but what this does is it allows us to now receive more boats rather than just having all the boats go into one terminal which they do still tend to crash into each other it's kind of weird just it sends too many boats to a terminal at a time and they don't like sit out here in queue like you can kind of see some of them are sitting there but they come in just a little too soon and then they all kind of congregate in the same area too it's kind of weird but um you can already kind of see that we are having a ton of people come out here and what i like to see is all these people just jumping onto our bike lanes so i think that is great that we got a pretty good little bike bike road network here then we have a ton of people going down here look at all these people walking this is just crazy and so this is probably going to become one of our busier terminals i wish it was above ground so we could see it um but i think having the this tram access here is really good too like you can see a ton of people what line is this so if we come in here so it's our kind of pink purple line it's got six trains and yeah it's filling up fast but we got enough to keep it going and so i think this is going to be pretty good for right here let's check out the other ones though so it looks like pretty much all all the lines are busy which is good it shows people are wanting to kind of disperse throughout and we can actually come in here as well and just go like this yeah i mean we can really see so we got oh and we even have people coming up here too so i feel like that metro i think if we continue this underground we could possibly even do another connection maybe have it come up over here to the above ground and loop around i feel like that would just be fantastic um it definitely would be taking away from some of our train but it would provide us an opportunity to maybe drop it down but i love seeing how many people are here let's check that line out again it looks like even more people are waiting now so filled up the whole 120 but it does look like we have another train coming up behind this is really the bonus to having four terminals is you just get all these people it does look like all these people are driving but then you have all these people over here walking kind of interesting oh we have a lot of people coming up here too so let's we're gonna have to check out our fairy lines too because this looks like it is getting pretty busy i think after a while it does calm down with how many ships it brings it's just because we we just opened it that it's sending them all um i think as the game progresses it kind of it definitely cools down a bit but i love seeing all these people walking through here i think it's gonna be even better once we decorate this up it's going to look really good and then i think here in the middle we'll even do like a really big plaza with some park assets and stuff and so now let's go ahead and move on i do want to lower our speed oh and i kind of want to bring these back they're just a little too far so if i turn on snapping just bring this back to about like right there and then let's go ahead and bring this one back as well and then control each make sure it is the correct type go ahead and bring that like right there and then what i'm gonna do is go ahead and hook up some keys over here so i want to do like a big hotel right here this would be where people would maybe stay to explore the area maybe they went on a cruise but they left like a few days in between for them to kind of you know have some fun out here as well and then i think we're gonna do something fun right here too with a unique building and so let's go ahead and start doing that let's um jump in here and i want to go to a key wall and i think we're gonna do that same one with the trees i really like that keyboard so we're gonna come up here connect that up and then what we can do is jump into node controller and then turn this into node lists and it's not the greatest of connections but it's just because they're two separate key walls two different key key wall types and so we do need to be mindful of our metro line under here wasn't really able to get it super flat it is out of the way of the boat though yeah it looks like it's definitely good um but i wanted to get a pretty even slope down there and so it did kind of protrude up all right so i think what we're gonna do is use these condo assets in here and these are assets made by the same creator who did these lovely palm beach condos over here his name is thomas13to and if you jump onto his patreon you can actually get access to a bunch of assets that aren't currently on the steam workshop and so um because i really enjoyed his content i went ahead and got them and i think they're just fantastic i absolutely love these buildings there's a ton of them and i think they are going to be a good match for this area and so what i do want to do is find i think what we're gonna do so all three of these we have a big building in here as well which i think is nice it's got like a rooftop pool which i think is just fantastic um i just think that this big building would look maybe a little better across the street and so we are going to grab a road we're going to use a four unit road and this would be for anybody who maybe wanted to stay in the city for a little bit before they went on their cruise and so they would stay in the hotel right next to the cruise ship terminal just be really easy for them and so we are going to come down here and then let's grab a one unit road now we're gonna go to two way we're gonna come this way and i want to kind of follow the key wall a little bit we're gonna go like this and then we're gonna do the same thing over here have it go like right there perfect and then let's go ahead and look at these buildings now so they do have little turnouts for like a valet which i think is just fantastic so we're gonna go like that and then we're going to go ahead and grab that and copy it and i want it to be on this side as well so we're going to come like right there and i'm going to do the same thing with this one nice i feel like this is going to be a really nice addition we're going to come through and decorate it all to make it look really good but i do want to before we jump into anything else want to create but i do want to come in here and do our lovely valet entrances so we're going to turn off snapping come like right here go like that perfect and we're going to do the same thing on this side go like that and we're going to do the same thing for these ones nice look at that and then let's go ahead and just have these loop up into each other i feel like that would be great so we'll go like that and then we are going to do the same thing for this one loop them up nice look at that i feel like man there's really a lot of opportunities we can do with this and i think we're going to make this like their waterfront as well and so they'll do uh some some plazas and stuff in here we'll probably keep it grass rather than doing all concrete maybe do some more pools and stuff just going to clean it up and then we'll do a grounds as well and then probably fence it off make it look really good but i feel like that's a great addition for that area so let's look across the street now so if we come in here and go ahead and type in palm so i want to get a couple of these assets in here which is the police station in the fire department and just because this up here is already kind of far away from any of this we would want to at least have a couple more of these so maybe we will grab this road and i want to continue following the same pattern that we had going on with our that's basically this whole area so we're going to go straight we're going to go like that and then what i'm going to do is grab a one unit road we're going to follow the road down i think we're going to do a little bit of a bigger gap in here this time too so we're going to come like right there and then we will come up we'll go like that and i'm going to go ahead and turn on snapping so i can get right next to that key wall and there we go so now we have a nice little turn around over here i do want to provide another connection up over here though so i think we will go like that just before the bridge and i feel like that's probably good right there it is still pretty tight but i think we're gonna do a hotel in here so let's come in here now i believe we have quite a few so this is unused yeah so if we come in here we're going to do this yeah i think this whole thing right here is just fantastic so we're going to go like this and then what we're going to do is jump back into one unit roads and this is basically going to be like a whole little condo section for people to live and then we're gonna do some tourism stuff in the area just make it into a really nice area so i want to do like some leisure we're probably gonna do some leisure over here as well make it into like a nice little like um restaurant area and stuff like that for you to hang out maybe grab something to eat with your family or whatever so we will jump in here now go like this go one across as well and then i want to have these a little spaced as well i don't want them to be right next to each other nice there we go and so now we have a nice little condo community and we are going to do a pool area in here i think we may even do the community pool so if we come in here let's go ahead and check out the community bone here i was just going to dry in a pool but let's see if this actually fits in nice so if we place that right there how does that look so it actually looks pretty good and it is gated is i don't know if it really blends in with the area that well but you know what i mean i like it and i like that it actually does provide a service for the area too so it has like a little pool area maybe even like a little restaurant right there with some chairs i think that looks pretty good and i like that it provides um the actual benefit of the community pool in here too so this would be like a really nice area i think we will turn these into residences as well in rico so i'm gonna jump in here go to add local local residential we'll do yeah we'll do high because it is um it is a pretty big building so we'll probably go to level five so then for a worker home count we will come in here and we'll probably just do like 50. i feel like that would
probably be good so then let's see how many homes available that gives us now so if we you know maybe we'll do 30 households because i mean a pretty big con is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten twelve we'll do twenty five yeah i feel like that's pretty good and so save and apply changes and then we're going to jump over to the other building now and basically do the same thing it looks like that's the same one nice i feel like i really like that i like these two i think these would definitely be a little bit better as commercial but i think we'll leave them that for right now i do want to level this out though so we're going to come in here and then control h on the ground perfect and so i do want to do some nice commercial areas in here as well so we have some condos we have a hotel off the front let's go ahead and do a small little tourism area in here and i want to do one that has some parking so if we come in here let's actually see if we can jump into parking lot road so maybe if we go like this i'm going to go ahead and turn on snapping and then just turn i don't know if this is going to be enough if we go like right there nice that actually feels i feel like that's going to work out well so then let's um go ahead and finish up our keyword real quick perfect and then jump into node controller turn this into node lists we can get them on top of each other and then i just want to bring this out a smidge so we come out like right there bring this back and then grab that and ctrl h right here perfect nice and then i do want to level this out as well so we're going to go ahead and control each right there and there we go and so now we will do a small little restaurant area in here and so we're going to jump into zoning adjuster and remove zoning off of these we're going to remove zoning right there because what i want to do is have zoning off of this yeah there we go nice so i do want to put prioritize new road so if we go like that perfect so now we're going to get zoning off of this full stretch i'm going to come in here and paint this as a district this is going to be like the restaurant nightlife district for the cruise ship terminals which i think is just fantastic come in here go to leisure and then let's go ahead and paint these in i don't want to just get crazy i want to have a little bit of a space in there too so we're going to go like this and then we're going to go across the street i think we're going to go like that and then i want to do some pauses and stuff in here make it into a really cool little area so then we will add in that and i feel like that's pretty good this is going to be a nice little leisure area i'm going to go ahead and throw down some water pipes for all these real quick nice there you go water pipes in and so now we do need to do some parking spaces for in here so if i jump in here and go to our slanted ones here i feel like these are going to be good so we'll go like this go like this go like that and then come down here unlock it again go like that go like that go like that and then i do want to have some handicap parking as well so i think we're going to go like this all the way down we want to make sure that we provide enough handicapped access i feel like that's pretty good we could do um some parking spaces around the curve i just it's tough to deal with and so i would rather just keep it empty and so we are going to connect up some paths to this real quick we're going to come over here turn off snapping connect that up and then let's go ahead and connect this up and i feel like that's pretty good so we have some great access i do want to come through here and kind of play whack-a-mole with these buildings make sure we get some good ones i don't want any gyms i want like restaurants or like this one's really cool with a little parking and then a little front door area and some dumpsters feel like this is pretty good too little sing sing along karaoke i feel like that's gonna be nice and then i think we will do the same thing over here so if we grab that road and go straight i feel like this is going to be great so if we go like this yeah nice and then i think we will jump into one of our three unit roads come this way then i'm going to curve this in i like that nice this is already looking pretty good so now we'll just play around with this make sure that that looks good i feel like this looks pretty good they definitely would have to turn around but it's not a huge deal that um definitely would be better if maybe we connected it up like that how does that look that actually looks pretty good i'm gonna go ahead and flip that so we can have the parking on the inside and then let's go ahead and extend our leisure district over here and then let's just do a couple so we're gonna go like that we're gonna come up here go like this i'm gonna do that one oh you know we'll yeah we'll have these ones i feel like this will look good and then let's remove zoning off the main road and we're gonna go like that nice and so we left some great room for us to be able to do some pauses and stuff let's actually jump in here and see if we have any great plazas i'm thinking i mean the zoo plaza would be nice i just think we need to paint it as a park district oh you know it's actually gonna allow us so if we go like that and go like that yeah look at that those look great i really like those especially in this area we do have a couple buildings that are the same though so i want to get those out i want to get this out as well i don't want the same buildings like those are the same but at least they're painted a little different which is good all right so i think this looks pretty good i do want to connect up some pathways over here as well and we're going to come in here i think i'm going to do like a custom plaza i was kind of playing around with putting in another plaza but the shape over here is just kind of weird and so it didn't look as good i do need to jump in and just do our parking spaces real quick though okay and so we got some buildings coming in i feel like this is already looking pretty good it looks like we got like one of our arcades big arcades and then our little nightclub over here which i think is fantastic this area is really coming together i think this looks really good and so let's check on our cruise ship terminal now so our traffic isn't too bad we still got a ton of people using this so how many people are using this now i think so it's the blue line so it's actually not too bad it definitely is getting busy like you can see a lot of people are showing up for it but none of the metros are completely full which is good i'm guessing most of them are coming over here and transferring so yeah once we add in that other access to it's really gonna look good so i think for this section over here so we have some tourism and leisure right here some nice little shopping areas for everybody i feel like doing another unique building in here would be good so we have condos we have a hotel let's see what other unique building we could fit in here so if we jump in here oh i mean we have the neighborhood park we could just make it into a green space i feel like that could actually be good so if we go like this and then let's go ahead and paint this as a park district go like that and then we will come in here and create our our little main gate even though i don't really like these we're going to move this over just a smidge and then i bobbed out pretty much everything from these so i do want to go ahead and bring back in our parking i feel like that would be important we're going to go ahead and put that back hit that check mark nice and so let's come in here we're going to have this curve go like that we're going to do the same thing on this side have it go like that and i'm going to go like this do the same thing on this side go like that nice i feel like that looks pretty good it's not even but i'm not too worried about it it doesn't need to be perfect and so i do want to jump into a path we're just going to go ahead and keep this one concrete since the park is concrete i could go into bob don't change it so we'll go ahead and connect that up and then let's go ahead and do some trees i want to get like a little plaza in here i think we'll use the standard plaza because we don't really we don't really use this that much so if we stretch this out if we go like this i think this will fit in here pretty good yeah nice and then we're gonna come in and do uh trees around it and everything so i'm not not too worried about it if it's not even i do want the ground to be even though so we're going to grab all of these and then control each right there nice i feel like that looks pretty good it does look like we have a little bit of a hill right here though so i want to control each right there nice there you go that looks pretty good and i think we will just rotate this a smidge and then again we're gonna come and put in some trees make it look really good and then i do want to do just a couple little gazebos maybe even a little restaurant i feel like that could be good so park cafe come in here and then we're gonna do our little plaza across the path from it so anybody who wants to grab some food they can just go kind of sit down relax have a good time i feel like that looks pretty good right there and then let's um just do a couple gazebos and i think that'll be good maybe a bathroom or two i think we'll put in a bathroom right there and put in a bathroom over here too bathrooms are pretty important so we'll go like that go like this and then let's go ahead and do a red one off of there nice i feel like that looks fantastic and then we will come through and do some trees and stuff at the end it does look like we may need to work on this intersection a bit this is um kind of becoming a problem so i think yeah we have a standard light but it looks like they're really cueing so we can get rid of that light get rid of that light we could just give priority to the main road but it looks like this way is also pretty busy so we're gonna get rid of that light get rid of this one get rid of that one so let's go ahead and give put yield signs on this one go ahead and put yield signs on this one we'll do the same thing here yields and that should help out a little bit let's go ahead and just get rid of this light and then control shift click for this and then what i'm going to do is jump to our two sides that are super busy i'm going to increase the minimum to 10 and the maximum to 20. and then we're going to go to the next one edit we will go to minimum of 10 and maximum 20. anybody who's used these before if you're unfamiliar with it this is basically just the minimum amount of time the light will 100 stay green so for 10 seconds from the time it turns green it will stay green after 10 seconds it'll be based off of flow with a maximum of 20 seconds this is actually how they do real lights but with real lights it's actually much much bigger it's like 120 seconds in some cases but it's just a way for you to make sure that the sides that have a ton of traffic are getting what they need and so it looks like i did pause that i do want to start that and it's funny even without it it already fixed itself so let's see how it does with the lights now so that actually worked out pretty well so you can already tell because it was three it's already based off of flow for this light and so it can basically turn red really fast and they do a lot so if we watch this one now because there's quite a bit of people we want to get all these cars i don't know why they're stopping we don't want them to stop i feel like this uh definitely worked out good that light was a little too fast we may need to come back in and adjust that but i feel like this is pretty good for now um we don't have any more backed up traffic which is good we have a ton of people using this man let's check out this line so we have doesn't even show oh dude i'm guessing it's because they just picked up all those people but man that is just so many people walking they're all going to the cruise ships i think it's funny they're you know i put four of them to make sure that they have access and it looks like so three of them are getting cruise cruise ships right now up this one just got one but they get just like a slew of them that all hit the same one like what are these people doing these this you know cruise ship captains are just all going into the same space and then what happens is all these people just walk out like look at all these people this is just crazy i think they're going to the the metro terminal all right so let's go ahead and move on um i think this island looks really good especially once we decorate it up i think it's going to look fantastic i do want to go ahead and tell these people that they can block the intersection though that's this isn't a high volume enough area so kp block i want you to be able to get through the light but now what i want to do is move over here and start working on this area so let's go into a four unit road and we are going to create a connection right here we are basically going to draw in the metro line and then design everything else around it so we're going to draw that in right there and i want to connect this up real quick so let's go ahead and jump into metro and what i'm going to do is go like this and have this go down i want it to go underground there we go and then i do want to make sure that this is kind of as smooth as we can get it so what i'm going to do is jump into the network multi tool hold shift and then i'm going to level out these extreme sections so we'll go ahead and go like that nice that looks pretty good and then let's go ahead and do it over here as well we will grab that node and then come all the way back here and go like right there so we can get a nice even slope yeah 0.9 perfect and then
let's go ahead and do the same thing here grab these two hit enter oh i was like still holding on down there so i'm going to go ahead and switch this real quick and then let's go ahead and lower this down i want this to be the same height as the road and then let's go ahead and you just use the sub tool on this as well nice i feel like that looks pretty good and then we can even jump in here and turn this into a sloped piece perfect i feel like that is fantastic and then we are going to have this section actually be above ground so we want it to come off like right here and it does kind of suck it's only going to be one way but i really don't feel like we have a another option here nice i feel like that actually looks pretty good and so i do want to come over here and just adjust this a little bit so if we grab from right there and then go from right there hit enter let's go ahead and check that out note that actually looks pretty good all right so i'm going to come over here and we are going to play around with this connection so we can get it nice and smooth so it does look like we have a node right here so we want to get rid of these whenever you're trying to make these connections a lot of times it just comes down to how close a note is so if you get rid of that you can already see it just popped back to normal right there and there we go nice and so let's go ahead and smoothen this back out so that it's not weird and then let's go ahead and smoothen out our new connection too so we're going to come in here grab that and then come over here and grab that and hit enter nice there we go go ahead and check our old connection make sure we didn't mess that up that looks pretty good and so now we have added a connection over here which is just fantastic i think we can even come over here let's go ahead and get out of node controller i think we have an extra line so we already have two lines over here let's go ahead and just connect up the one line right here yeah we're just gonna do a line right here this is gonna be a really great connection for the city they do have to transfer over here which i think we may fix because it does look like we don't we have the big so if we grab that let's go ahead and there we go so i ended up moving that stop over to the other station and now what i want to do is just add in some connections in here so let's make sure that the purple stop has stops on the other side so i'm going to come in here get rid of all these just grab the purple line yep so we actually got two stops in there which is fantastic but then we stop at our old market station which is good and so now people all the way from our cruise ship terminal would have access over here which i think is fantastic but then they would also have access to the center piece of our downtown and over here as well so i think this is really great this can be a really good addition for the city and it's probably gonna really help to drive traffic on these metro okay so i think this is going to work out pretty well so we now what i want to do is just downgrade this to a regular bridge piece real quick this is like just way too we don't need that metal right there okay and so then i think for this section what i want to do is add in the grand mall i feel like this would just be a really great addition right here if we put it like right there we want to make sure that it's not near the runway though so i think like right there would probably be good it's um definitely a little close but it's not within the flight path i don't believe and so i think it's going to be okay so we're going to come up here we're going to go to a one unit road we're going to come this way and then we're just going to have it turn we're going to go like this we can actually connect it up to the key and let's go ahead and hook up the grand mallet right there and see how this looks so this actually looks fantastic i think this is going to be a great addition for this area and so i do want to put in a quick parking lot real quick and i'm just going to do one of our little standardy ones rather than the the big parking lot so we're going to come in here and i think i'm gonna go literally right here and come down and go ahead and turn off snapping so i can go with that road a little bit so we're gonna go like right there perfect and then let's go ahead and add in a couple more connections back here so if we go from like right there nice and then i'm gonna go ahead and throw in the spaces real fast and there we go so i think that is going to be good and i think over here we'll just do a green space i don't want to over crowd this area i definitely want there to be some nice walkability and just turn it into a nice little area and so i think we will go like this and have it turn and then i think we're gonna do some more zoning in here so i think if we let's go ahead and see what other buildings we have in here i don't know if i have any like little shops or anything but i feel like that would be great if i did i think these little offices right here would be nice and then i think we will do low density commercial in here go ahead and fill that in we're going to go ahead and fill this in as well and then i think we will try to fit in a couple more little office buildings in here we don't want any super tall ones but i want to provide just some nice access this would still be a nice view even though it's right in front of the airport and so i think we have if i just go to find it and search up offices nice i feel like that's actually really nice and then we'll do a nice little plaza pry park maybe one of the big parks in here feel like that could probably be good go like that and then we will move this in have it go like right there perfect look at that i feel like that looks really good and we're gonna get low density commercial on the inside and i think we'll even do some low density commercial on this side as well so let's go ahead and remove zoning right there let's remove zoning off this as well and that go ahead and bring zoning back and then let's um fill these in go like that nice and so i don't really want zoning to be off of this it will go like that and so i think this can be pretty good and then we're going to do some trees and stuff just kind of clean it up and then i do want to have a little bit of a buffer before we do an industrial area over here and so i think this is going to be pretty good i do want to connect to paths real quick though so we're going to come in here we are going to come across go like that and we are going to come across as well and then i think we have the park right there but it would be nice if we had a couple little plazas too no i mean we got some high density commercial right there maybe i don't want to overdo it so i think this would actually be good we got offices we got the grand mall with some parking and we have some space over here though i think we're just gonna do some decorations and stuff and then we will leave this empty for right now then this is going to be the entrance to our national park and so okay so i think this new area looks really good and i like that we're leaving some space in there too it really helps to create some separate little spaces but then i think our cruise ship terminal is doing fantastic and i just love seeing all these people especially once we decorate this up it's just gonna look really cool um i did adjust our time traffic light a little bit i increased them all to 10 to 15 and so we were getting a little bit of a backup over here but i think this all looks really good and again once we come through and decorate it's really just going to capture a just a little bit better of a look i'm going to go and add in some pools and then i think we're going to do some some little paths in here and just really clean it up make it look good so i'm actually going to jump into a detailing time lapse and i will be right back with you guys i hope you guys enjoy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so i have just finished and i definitely took it to the next level it's kind of funny when i first started this i didn't really think that i was gonna was gonna go this far but i decided to do a canopy with some glass overlays on top and so i thought this was just such a nice little fit for this area so it's covering the pathways and also the metro stop but then i did um some fountains with a planter network around the outside and then i did some more little awnings with some benches down here for the tram stops and then i put in another fountain over here and then just did trees and stuff all the way around i did two pools for these hotels right here and then i came over here and did a little walking path with with some bushes and some trees around just to kind of clean it up make it look good and then over on the other side i again went a little crazy i wanted to get something to fill in this space that was going to look good so i did a larger kind of custom park with four of these plazas in there just to give it some symmetry and then a nice walking path in the middle did a big rock and then i did trees all the way around and i decided to do two little kind of like decks out here with some chairs and tables and then a fountain with some benches around it um as i can probably imagine this was an office building and so now there's somewhere that they can maybe have lunch or something like that and so i think this looks really good i went ahead and put a little deck on this side too i'm not sure what we're gonna do with this section just yet and so i kind of left that like that it looks a little unfinished but again i wasn't really sure and so now um i was kind of looking at our metro stops and man they are just slammed like this purple line is becoming super busy and if we come over here to our main centerpiece downtown centerpiece i mean you can see that this transfer station is now just so busy it's crazy they're just getting off the trams they're they're going over to the other side and transferring over and it's just fantastic and we still are getting some people coming to this actual park it's definitely not as busy as i would hope but i really think the new metro lines have really helped us out and i just think this area is fantastic i love seeing how many people come through here it's just crazy i really didn't think that this was going to become this busy a lot of it is because that metro though too we're getting a lot of people from this area taking the tram over here to get to the metro but then whenever we'
2022-07-12 05:51