Bruce Trail (31) Thirty-first flavor of ice cream

Bruce Trail (31) Thirty-first flavor of ice cream

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Morning. July. 2nd. Day 31. Well. I, made. It back to Woodford. Yeah. I was. A good rest, ended. Up taking a couple nights at a local, hotel and. We. Had a pool a, little. Bit of fireworks, last night. There's. A Tim Horton's, there, was. McDonald's. There was. Didn't. Really have a grocery, store closed me, for this kind of. Spread. Along, the lake but. Yeah. I you know only needed a couple days enough to make the ones yeah the. Temperatures. Are gonna be climbing into the 40 with the humidex, and. We'll. See. If. The terrain, is. Not too bad and. There's. Not too. Much elevation, and. You. Know there's a little bit of a breeze, yeah. But. If. It's gonna be what I think it's gonna be. I'm. Gonna be slugging, it but, a couple days throwing sound I got. Lots of food this time, too. Much in fact and, I. Split. It I. Got. To go north first, and. Then. Swing back down so, we'll. See how this goes okay talk. To you guys in a bit. It's. Hard to believe that that's a natural. Like. A perfect, dam. Well. Let's. See if I pass the. Backpack. Test Oh No. Kidding, I might. Have to put the phone down here, oh. Yeah. Just, like a refrigerator. Well. That was a wide part. Okay. Seems. The mosquitoes like it -. Somebody. Lives down here. Yeah. Okay. I got a scrap oh maybe I can do it. Made, it. Cool. Or what. Well. My. Little Splunk. It. Was nice when I was down there nice and cool, but. Boy, immediately. When I came out, the. Sweat, just started, pouring. I'm. Condensing. Yeah. It's it's hot I don't. Even know what 40 degrees is in Fahrenheit. But. Yeah. It's it's, hot. I'm. Heading towards the Bayview. The provincial, Bayview. Natural. Reserve I guess and. Yeah. There's a bit of cloud up there if we're gonna get a small, shower, which. Ends. Up being nice, because it, gets rid of a little bit of the humidity but yeah. Doing a road walk right now and you can hear the wind. Yeah. I was. Starting overheat there and it's, not, even close to noon yet. Fine. Go on, okay. Later. Well. Then the. Day. View. Provincial. National reserve. It's. A multi-use, trail which is good, because. It's good and wide what. Dear fly and. Yeah. A little bit of a breeze so, I'm. A little off. I'm. Hoping, the name implies that. Eventually. I'll get a view, of the bay. We'll. See, things. Have been miss, named before that's for sure. Haven't. Seen the soul today yet and. Well. I mean. The. Temperatures, like this I don't think that's the first thing on, people's.

-, Go. For a hike I think the. Majority of them are down by the beach. Wisely. Okay. I'll, keep going here and super eventually, we can look. Over into the bay that would be kind of cool okay. One. Of the smarter, things I did this time was. Get. A short haircut, what. A lifesaver, that was. I've. Been going for a while here in the park and, still. No view but. Hopefully. We'll get one little glimpse. But. It's. Cooled, off a little bit. So. That's. Good, it's. Almost bearable. Well. I'm finally getting, glimpses. Of the bay which, is good. I. Guess. That's. Where I came down one of those. Hills. A long time, ago before, I went down the valley. But. Yeah. You can see the overcast here, now, if I should prepare myself for a bit of cooling. Water. Okay. In a bit. Well. You've got to, follow the ridge here a little bit but. You. Never really get a a. Clear. View. There's. Another hill on the other side and that. Apparently. Is the military. Base and. I. Think. They I'm. Not sure really what they. Do there I I I know there, was some, blue. Helmets, in town United. Nation guys and. A. Lot. Of people were on leave. I guess for a long weekend, for Canada a day and, the. Deer. Flight. The. Hotel, prices, magically. Jumped from, $80. A night to 200. Which. I thought was a little. They. Know the guys are on leave right, so. Like. Happy. Canada that they I thought. That was in piss-poor spirit. But. Hey. That's. What we've become. Okay. I'll continue here is sure threatening, rain here and it. Has, cooled off a little bit but. Yeah. I think. Just. Waiting for this downpour, and then hopefully. It'll give me a more pleasant afternoon. Okay. I'll continue and try to find a good, vantage point I, finally. Got a little glimpse I. Don't. Know if that's the hill with. The military, err well. Now I'm that way a little bit but. Catching. Part of the. Of. The. Bay there too. Kind. Of gray though sorry, one. Thing about the. I've. Been the military base there it. It. Sure keeps the housing away, you. Don't get no Richie's trying to sneak in a monster. House or anything, because. The. Federal. Government wouldn't, allow it and. We. Also get this huge tract of land here, two of them, I've. Been on, this for most of the morning it's it's a big piece of forest. Uninterrupted. So. There. You go I'm, gonna say that. MN. D stands, for. Ministry. Of natural defense. So. I shall heed. Now, what's. Kind of neat that's, a big old tract of land, I. Kind. Of have to go southbound again, and almost. Back to where I started it's. It's. A big old loop with, this road walk and. Then. Yeah, I got a bunch of a road walk but I got cloud cover and. It's cooled down significantly so. I'm. Gonna enjoy it I think, this is gonna be the best. Hiking. Kind, of weather I'm gonna have for a little while so. I'm. Gonna book some miles here on the road and. Get. As far as I can here if I can keep away from these horse flies horse, lice is the worst that the deer flies are I don't, know what you call them the biting flies.

They. Just. When. They catch on to you they, will follow you for a collage only, way to get rid of them is to kill them you know okay. I, get. To it. The. Owner of the dogs is there but. Dogs. Weren't listening to her she had two of them couldn't handle it looks. Like a starting to rain anyways. I made it through unscathed. Yeah. If. You have a dog that doesn't listen to you, put. It on a leash I. Mean. You. Know what I mean oh, is. Here to steal your. 1969. Ford, on the on, the grass or anything you know I mean, okay. Especially. Us because we don't carry anything we don't, need later. Guys. Well. That's the bull. Stopped. On the corner there. Of. My road walk there was a, piece. Of mowed lawn there that at. Least I could sit down on, and. I. Had. My lunch. What. Can you do I never. Realized, how much road walking I actually I'm. Practically, Road walking, all the way there on the sound but that's. Okay it's. At least the sun's not beating, down today and it's actually cooled. Off, nicely. And just. Happened. One these chocolate, bars they're called, big. Turk or something, and I've, never had one of my life and you. Know what, they're. Delicious. And. You, can keep them in your pack and they, won't squish down to nothing there's like a a jelly. Type Center. Sixty. Years old still, learning, okay. Get. You Tibet sad. To say but. I. Haven't, seen a decent crop or farm, in. A, long time I don't, think these farmers are rich I don't. Know if it's the weather I don't know if it's the soil but. Wow. Manure. Piles, are not very high. And. She got a glimpse of the bay there again and I. Guess. I'm heading out that way, after. All unsound, and Wiarton, and I know, if that's lines head I can't, remember what's next but. As. You can tell by the poor quality of the audio there's. A gorgeous, wind, happening, it's just saving my life. Perfect. Couldn't. A time to better. The. Wind died down a little bit. Yeah. You know what. The. Road walks. Do. You get to thinking and. You. Really put in some good time because. It's. A no-brainer number, one you're not looking for braces. You're. Not tripping, and going into crevices, or, you. Know what I mean it's left foot right foot and, today. I'm lucky I got. An overcast, guy I got a wind I know. Tomorrow, it's just gonna be blistering, hot again. It's. A rate that I'm, smashing. Kilometers, here. I'm. Gonna see you when there's, a designated spot. If. If. I'm in any shape. Well. I just might, just, push into all-in sound a lot. Of its Road walk anyway, so. Even if it does get a little dark. You. Know and. From. There I don't I don't know what I'd do whether, I'd grab. A hotel and either Greyhound, at home or. My. Plan B was maybe. To do the Wiarton section, but. We'll. See I have. A lot more road walk to do. So. I have a lot more time to think about it but. Yeah. It's. It's. Whirling. Around in my head here okay. Let's see how I make up. Must. Be, near. The Owens on airport I, keep. On hearing small aircraft taking off on, a regular basis, while, the mosquitoes are thick I, think. If. There's a little bit of water to be had here I'm. Just gonna grab it filter. It on the road next time I want because. Wow. I don't, think they've had blood in a while okay, gotta go I. Don't. Think that's a very used trail I'm on. Kind. Of a dry swamp, that's the best description. Well. Turkey there with I. Don't. Know what a baby turkeys. Called. Air. See. The wait for the babies to come here one. Two. Three. Or. Well. Little ones can really fly I. Found. A little shade here, um. My. Phone is down to about twenty, fifteen percent and I have, to keep it for navigation, so. It's. Looking more and more like I'm going to bail in in Owen, Sound, there's no sense the designated. Spot is, like six. Kilometers, away from from. Downtown, and, like. You. Know is road walk anyway for the most part so, I think, that's what I'm gonna do I know there's an eight o'clock bus, back to Toronto, in the morning.

The. Next section is notoriously. Dry, and. Today's. The coolest, of all the days this is an actual cold, front and, you could see how much I was sweating, this morning, so, if I get into that next section, and then there's nobody around and, and, things. End up being dry. You. Know it's it's not worth it I think, I'll go home rest. Up let some of this heat wave go through and then. From, there I can. Do. My last push which I haven't, really figured out how much is left but. You know something, comparable, to what I've just done, so, I. Think I'm gonna just sign off here and save. What I have for navigation. Kind. Of kind of an anti, climatic end. But, I can't. Really I don't I'm. Gonna recharge. And maybe say a few words tonight once I get settled in but it's. Not worth me stopping and recharging. The battery for for. This so okay. Let. Me carry on here beard on no, Owen. Sound off, bye. Bye. Oh. I. Finally. Made it to one, sound. And. I got like two. Wooden pegs for legs, yeah. I did a marathon. It, ended up being so, hot I think I made the right, decision. When. I first started this trip I. Tried. To accommodate, for the weather I tried to chase it and. It. Never worked out for me I I know where, I'm comfortable I know what I can do so. I think. If. There's gonna be three four days of heavy, heats again, I'm. Not gonna try to fight it. So. I get up I got, a nice room actually and, was. The same price but as, the. Other day and in Meaford, but four. Times the room and. I. I looked. Down I said oh I'm getting a pretty decent tan, and. Then. I I took. A shower and. I. Discovered, no, that was just road dust yeah, I was a pretty red I, was. Burning up and I didn't even realizing, it you know like yeah. It would have been a mistake to keep going so. Greyhound. Ticket bought. It online. Printed. It out at the hotel, eight, o'clock tomorrow morning back to Toronto it's. Kind of a long haul not, super expensive the. Only thing is that they leave at 8 o'clock in the morning so you're you're. Kind of stuck getting a room because the. The. The campsites. Are too far, anyways, I'll let you go and but. I'll be back don't you worry bye. Excellent. Stay at the hotel. It. Was so fancy. They. Even had like lotion. Which I applied generously. Over my Bert areas. I've. Got like two. Peg legs right now but. It's. About a kilometre to the bus station. Which. Is like getting. Up. To go to the fridge after yesterday, and. Yeah. Quick. Ride home. I'll. Be back I'll jump. Back. On the same place. There. Was cheaper hotels, closer. To. The. Latrell. But. This. One's just a quick walk to the bus station. I think, on the way back if, I jump off and it's too late I'll probably just grab the cheaper hotels, but, yeah. Good. Little trip. You. You.

2018-07-17 06:33

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