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what's up everyone so today we're in a very  famous historical city here in minas gerais called Ouro Preto probably the most famous historical city within  this state and also one of the most famous   historical cities in brazil too so this place is a  portuguese colonial gold mining town from the 18th   century so this was the focal point of the gold  rush in brazil during the 18th century and this   is the view from the place that we stay in so we  have this really nice garden area as you can see   we're in the colonial style buildings portuguese  buildings here and we have this light room that's   almost like a balcony here so we were able to  have breakfast here got a hammock to chill out in   as well with the awesome view and this place was  55 a night so we're staying in this bedroom here   and this is where carol's brother and  mother are sleeping all good getting ready   yeah and this is the living room and this place  has three bedrooms as well just like um the last   place that we stayed we just use it as storage  so you could have like six people in this place   and then once again just a pretty big kitchen  everywhere that we've stayed so far has had   big open kitchens another dining table there   so we're going to be getting around by a car  today not walking because this place is super huge you can probably already see all these  hills there we don't really want to be   walking up and down all day so  yeah the car's the best option so we found our parking spot pretty hard to  find parking here because it's a sunday as   well so next to all the main locations  yeah there's no parking at all anymore so so if you watched our previous videos here  you'll know that we went to a little place   called chiradenchis which was also a historical  portuguese place but yeah this place is much much   bigger so the buildings are a lot bigger there's  lots of buildings that are like two stories here   even this one here so yeah much bigger place  overall the size of the door is like huge yeah   that's for an elephant yeah elephants used to  live here wow look at this cool historic fountain it's huge as well yeah check this out too because  the buildings are on a hillside   you get these doorways here that  you have a huge gap from the street   but to remain in the line it's kind of funny a  lot of the buildings are like that around here yeah we're at a really beautiful  part here on this old old bridge so down here there's a walkway and i think  there's also a waterfall i can hear it so we   might try and walk down there literally every  single building here looks amazing though   so we passed here at night yesterday and check  this out for a cool restaurant so there's a   big queue for this place at night but right now  it's pretty empty look at that building though   really cool yeah it'd be an awesome place to  have a meal carol i'm in love with this place   already yeah it's very beautiful and as you said  it's bigger than tita so yeah it's like different   from there yeah it has like a big big city  feel to it yeah yeah like bigger buildings and   and yeah we should try and walk down here it  looks awesome like a little stream going down   i don't know how you got there though so yeah carol so this is why we brought the car  yeah there are so many streets like this they're   very very steep yeah super steep  so all over it's just constantly   up and down like san francisco dumplings so that nice little park that we could see  from the bridge is called this contos yeah get all my portuguese corrector especially that  word author i never say that yeah it's not an   american homework to sing for people yeah so  this place costs 20 hey ice per person to enter   and it's actually the second oldest botanical  garden in brazil it was built in 1798   got the chickens and hens over here yeah so  i guess before they built the portuguese city   it might have looked a bit like this everywhere so yeah it wouldn't be brazil if you didn't have a  football pitch yeah that's so random even in a   botanical garden they have a football pitch so  they have these signs here um yeah giving you   information about the different things so this  one is about the bridge that we crossed earlier   pontiudus and it says that this was  constructed in 1744 that bridge right there pretty cool isn't it carol how  there's like just some jungle   yeah in the middle of the city yeah in the middle  of the city look at this it's like completely wild   but right next to it yeah there's  all the buildings just right here but   i can't tell at all over here yeah  it's nice that they kept it like this check these guys out so here in the garden there's one of the old   gold mines looks like you can go inside right  oh i'm not sure if i want to go no through dark all right see you later guys trying to find some gold yeah it's kind of  weird that it's just open like that but it   doesn't really look like it's one that you're  supposed to go in we're gonna go to one though   later on like a really big mine so really  looking forward to that it's gonna be awesome so we were just coming back from the botanical  garden and we came across this historic church   here i'm not sure which church this is we  weren't planning on visiting this one but   yeah there's like millions  of churches all around here   and we also have a viewpoint here  should be able to get some good views oh wow yeah check it out yes i think the botanical garden started over  there where you can see the top of that church and   we just walked all the way through up this hill  even got a church back there on the hillside you   can just see so many churches i don't think i've  ever seen so many there are a lot so we we choose   two to visit but they're i think more than five or  more than ten maybe yeah i think there's more than   ten i could probably see ten right here because  there's this one one two one down there three four   five i'm guessing this used to be one i don't know  six yeah just here right now can already see loads   so here we have a astronomic observatory and it  also says the school of venus so i think all this   building is a historic school of meanest and at  the end it almost looks like a chapel i guess uh   back in the day religion and the schools were  mixed together right like religious schools so this is the most famous square here  in oropuretu it's called prasa denches   which is the famous national hero the  brazilian revolutionary yeah he was actually uh   murdered because of his ideas i executed  yeah i executed and they the portuguese or   the government put his head here for show  for other people right here yeah in this   square and there's actually a statue statue of  him yeah so that's the statue of denches up there   so even though their plan didn't work right  to overthrow the royal family they're still   a hero though it was good to have different  movements if there were other movements of   liberation in other parts of brazil and this  one didn't work but uh it was a good help   for like the the revolutionary idea in brazil  yeah so that's why i see his name everywhere   and just as usual absolutely beautiful buildings  all the way around that's a museum too but once   again it's close because of covid but around  here you have like souvenir shops and pretty   much all these buildings here are restaurants and  bars so yeah really nice place to eat around here so this is going to be the first church that  we're entering people consider it to be the most   beautiful one in europe and it's called a grazie  g san francisco giases so this was built in 1766   an architect called alejano is really famous  so he was the architect and a sculpture   but apparently it was only finished  at the end of the 19th century so   yeah over 100 years to finish it completely yeah so it's quite small inside   the ceiling is really cool though  look at the impressive artwork there over 100 years to make all this so it's strange to think that the people that  started the project of building this thing   never saw it when it was finished  never saw the final design   so at the back of the church we have kind of like  a little museum with paintings and sculptures   so these are all from that time  this is from 1758 oil on wood this one's even under 17 32. looks like it's all depicting  sick people with doctors maybe so there's quite a few different viewpoints  that you can go to in the city we chose one   called miranchi das larges so it's pretty  crazy driving up here but yeah you're getting   an amazing view of the entire city almost  so now you can really see how big it is   i think the main historic part is all this area  here but there is a more modern area on the on   that hillside over there and back there so from  what i read in the 1700s during the gold boom   there were 80 000 people living here which is  yeah loads for that time and it was the most   populated city in latin america at the time  and i think right now the current population is   around that much 80 000 people but obviously the  economy right now is mainly tourism no longer gold so so we're about to head out of here now  loads of souvenir stalls here with like   um souvenirs made out of rocks different ornaments  and sculptures and that's very popular around here   and we're going to be heading to a gold mine  now gotta get in the car to go there we ended   up having a meal on the main square and it  was 28 hey eyes all you could eat buffet   self-service so you could get loads of  different plates and also desert alpha 28 so the mine that we've come to is called mina  da passaging and it was 120 hey eyes per person   and i think that includes a guide and apparently  it's the largest open to visit gold mine in the   world check it out so here we have some of  the old school equipment one of the cats   i don't even know what this is maybe to sit multiple people send them down  the mine i guess this is where you put the   the gold that they find it's written cornwall  cornwall from england i don't know i wonder if   that's from england from cornwall so check out  how cool this is we're gonna go down in a cart   so we don't walk down yeah we're gonna get one of  those cool old-school carts all the way down there yeah this is a real tight fit oh here we go roller coaster it's cool cool there so the area that we're in now is a 120  meters below the ground you can feel the   cold temperature in here so there's one main  walkway but on the side sometimes you see the   there's other holes as well  that you can walk in well   it's restricted but yeah that's where they did the  mining you've got another one pitch here though um oh yeah so the guy told us that 35 tons of  gold were extracted from this mine   and from what i read online 800 tons were   extracted overall i'm not sure if that was in  brazil or miniature ice and sent to portugal the end of the roller coaster ride so that was an interesting tour  probably took about 45 minutes overall   and yeah the guy was explaining a lot of things  so he told us the mines that were um excavated by   slaves by hand right were around 50  meters deep at max and this one is 130   because the british actually came here and then  they used equipment so they could go that deep   so from what he said when the portuguese royal  family escaped to brazil because napoleon   was after them the british protected them the  british navy and then since they had that debt   to the british they handed over this mine for  around 90 years to the british to extract the gold   and that's why they brought their machinery and he  also explained about where the gold was so i don't   remember the exact names of the kind of rock but  he showed us there like a white rock and a black   rock noisy birds and that's usually where the  gold is found between them and there is still gold   in the mine it's just not enough to be worth um  extracting right now the cost of trying to extract   it would be more than the actual gold that's left  there so that's why they're not doing it anymore   and now it's just open for tourism and the part  where you could see the water they do a scuba dive   in there now not to find anything just for yeah  i guess people that are professional scuba divers   can pay and then you go down into the gold mine  into the cave so that'd be pretty cool as well so this is the last video from the state of  minnesota we've all loved all the places that   we visited here and there's certainly  more things to see the state is so big   we just saw it a little bit but  yeah i really like what we saw   but it's not the end of the road trip we  do have one more video coming up i think   right now we're about to drive back into the state  of rio and we're going to stop at a place there   called petropolis which is also like a historic  city but in rio very different to the ones around   here so that will be the next video if you like  this video just drop a like as usual to support us   subscribe like see more videos like this follow  us on instagram and we'll see in the next you

2021-10-09 04:46

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