BOAT LIFE: I’ll tell you my Little Secret

BOAT LIFE: I’ll tell you my Little Secret

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the main attraction of the day it's  not going to happen during the day   actually it's going to happen during  the night we have a serious situation   going on here guys oh the glamour of  life on board this just feels so good   we are georgia and diego and this is our home  unforgettable for the past five years we've   been sailing the planet our challenge now is  to continue the adventure as our family grows   today is the perfect day sunny no end no  waves beautiful beautiful but the main   attraction of the day it's not gonna happen  during the day actually it's gonna happen   during the night what am i talking about diego  a very exciting evening waiting for us tonight   uh our good friend joaquin here's  this company morea dark waters   specialized in uh night tours night snorkeling  tours and we're gonna join it tonight there's a   long time i'm waiting for this but has been windy  and tonight is snowing and full moon so it's very   promising i'm very excited and i think it'll be  great are you ready to dive with sharks during   the night well the day you are used to but night  yeah that's this can be sketchy i'm afraid of uh   going to the ocean during the night but uh life  is for just like uh breaking our fears winning   over our fears and yeah will be nice and uh also  will be is our first night out because after the   tour we're gonna we're gonna sleep on joaquin's  place it's on the other side of the island so   it'll be hard for us to come back so he kindly  invited us to stay and so some adventure for   our little girl as well well i'm staying with isla  diego is snorkeling maybe next time we can change   rules and as i said we're going to sleep out first  is first night isla is going to sleep out so let's   see how it's going to work and we're going to  leave the boat here at the anchorage it's it's   okay to live here we have many boat friends around  so they can take care of the boat for us and the   weather is good we've been here for a long time  i saw our anchor today it's super stuck it under   the sand so i think it's fine just to enter in the  mood of adventure we got this ride with this truck more dark waters is run by our good  friend joaquin and is specialized   by night snorkeling tours in the beautiful  lagoon of moret as soon as the sun went down   we went to the beach meet the rest of the  group equip ourselves and jump into the water is in the place that you said i'm not sure if you guys can see me but it's very  magical this right football behind me and yes it's kind of filly and it's not  spooky at all it's just magical is how was the three yesterday  i was very nice very nice   uh we arrived it was already dark and the  moon was out so we are putting our gear on and   already has this uh i don't know this magical  atmosphere and oh it's beautiful it's so different   from what you see during the day very  exciting very beautiful you could see   fish eating other fish things that you don't  see during the day we saw crabs and shrimps   and you can see like the the eyes of the shrimps  shiny and the moon was was perfect sometimes you   could just uh turn off my my my lamp and you could  still see the water was so clear and very calm   it was really a special night and i'm glad  you did it so if you're considering coming   to moria i guess you should contact more dark  waters and have this experience because it was   really cool we could see you yesterday during  the the the tour from here you were diving like   you were snorkeling there and we could  see the flashlights julie thanks so much yesterday we came here with a friend's dinghy he  brought us here and our dinghy stays at the boat   so today i have to swim to our boat and pick up  the dinghy and come here pick up the girls go for   it here's diego there's the boat he has to swim  from here to there from here to there go diego has arrived we have a serious situation going on  here guys i was predicting it was gonna happen but   today was cooking and i was like really naive  and just doing a nice risotto and suddenly   that's how we are doing it now things we do and  i'm so hungry so yeah we run out of cooking gas   runoff propane and so this is our  emergency kit it's a can with alcohol   but turns out this is really heavy yeah the thing  is that we didn't have any small can so we have   to use this big one and diego has to hold the pan  because we cannot put straight on the on the thin so that's how you're doing risotto i  i don't know how it's going to end up   oh the glamour of life on board probably it's  going to be a little bit weird but it's chewy   yeah anyway we don't want to waste it also so no  we're gonna have i'm so hungry and there's nothing   we don't have bread and have stuff so this has to  work right now our food cabinets are nearly empty   we are playing jenga here to see who is creative  and can do another meal another meal one more one   more before we go to the supermarket it's sunday  yeah and today is sunday so you cannot replace   the propane we have to wait till tomorrow  so i have a good idea for dinner you know   we should call our neighbors and ask how about  having dinner at your boat we can take the dessert   because we have some chocolate and something  else already made and they can make dinner maybe   that's a good one i think isla is the only one  here that's gonna have her proper meal as usual don't touch the can don't touch it again  oh my god he's gonna burn the pen and   i know that okay i'll help here guys  and then we show you the results you don't have to worry about these things do  you made it yes well it was not exactly how   we wanted but it worked and i forgot to tell you  look at this of course the alcohol was finishing   up too so just in time just in time yeah we used  what we had and i think we will be able to eat it   i'm sure it's delicious especially now i'm  starving not my best risotto but okay it will work bring it on bring it on hungry both life is  all about creativity you need to be creative   they're pushing me to talk it out but  my heart can hardly speak i want to you know it's fair to feel only one of us at the table oh my friends one of the things that i like about boatlife  is this feeling that you are the owner of your   time that you have the freedom about the days  of the week timetables and months of the year   i remember once it was a wednesday and diego  and i were here at the boat in the beginning   of our our cruising life and we were like okay  let's go snorkeling and we went snorkeling and   then we came back to the boat and we had some  drinks on the cockpit on the sunset and i was   thinking like this is a wednesday and i'm having  a great day and tomorrow is thursday and i'm also   having a great day again and i'm not on vacation  so this feeling was amazing and this is what   really makes me happy to live on a boat to have a  flexible life like we do i don't need to wait for   saturday and sunday to be happy not not that okay  during the week you have to work it's sad but i   mean to do the things i want to do in life to go  diving to meet with i friends just i can work a   lot on sunday and then on monday i can be having  fun i can just choose and i can be the owner of   my time i don't know if you can understand it guys  if i make myself too confused when i think about   like i have to wait 10 months 12 months to have  one month vacation and on that month i will do   the things that i want to do in my life i will  go to that place i want to visit or i will go   do a bike trip or i'll i'll dive in the most  amazing places and then that's it i have to plan   the whole year to spend this month doing something  that i like it's just crazy to think like that   now because this is we just try to plan and do  these things along the way and now i think we've   covered a lot of lots of people could experience a  little bit this flexibility in schedule in working   from different places and i don't know how most  of you guys feel but this is i really like it we   we are very committed to our videos i always know  when it's thursday because we release our videos   but i can choose to work in the morning in the  afternoon or in the evening on sunday on monday   so this is giving gives me so much freedom and  at least i am the kind of person that enjoys it   so both life is perfect for me on this matter  i think this is one of my secrets to happiness   because this really makes me happy to  feel that i'm enjoying my time that i'm   it belongs to me and i'm doing what i want to do  with it of course sometimes we have to wait also   to get somewhere or to do a few things it's not  just like that but well we are enjoying each day   we are having fun fun each day we choose what  we want i think it's this is what i mean we can   choose what we want to do with each day and this  is the most amazing thing for me about wolf life   after a while here in one of our favorite  anchorage in the world it's time to move the boats   we are sailing to another anchorage today it's  called hapiti is in the west side of the island of   monreal and it's very beautiful too the forecast  today is good so i hope we can say yo it's   indicating north east winds that's good to go that  way and the soil is from southwest it's not big   and we are going to save most of the way protected  from the swell so i think it's going to be a nice   day and we are leaving this place where since the  beginning we decided that would be the place to   to grow isla a bit and this place provides  us shelter water and peace and isla will be   leaving this place now four months old and much  stronger much smarter and yeah i think the the we reached our goal and now we're going  to explore a bit and see some whales   are you excited to sail yay you don't have to be perfect just take the jump and hold your breath and we are out i hope we can save here we today this more just a bit more opening the main sail is going to make a big  difference now yeah i wish we can only use uh   one reef like a very small  part of our sails because uh   all the rest of it it's completely  tiered and rotten so we can use just   a tiny triangle on the end and yeah that's  what we're gonna do now we're gonna open it   oh this just feels so good if you  never sail you really should try   and i don't know look for a friend for some yacht  club and give it a go or you can become a patron   and have the chance to come sail with us even  better even better we tried everything at the   anchorage to make her sleep this last days and  she didn't want to sleep so we had to put her   in the kangaroo we had to drop her we had to  sing and do a lot of things and even though   she wouldn't sleep much during the day and now  we didn't do anything we just put her on this   car seat the boat started to save and she's left  so basically we failed the sailing works and okay   so all we need to do is take the boat out of the  bay and sail for a couple of hours basically i   think that's it if you want to make her sleep  during the day to nap just let's go sailing foreign we are approaching this area where we might  find some whales so we're gonna crank the   engine just to make some noise that's  the procedure when we are sailing on a   whale area so they know that you are around and  you don't have any trouble with them so crank   the engine i reduce our sail so we go slowly  to this area and hopefully we'll see some whale   in a few minutes these are the whale tour boats so  we saw them in a distance and we came towards them   they always find the whales and but  nothing yet nothing yet there were   three of those boats together and two of  them left there now there's just one there where are you where are the  whales do you see anything uh this is getting interesting 6.6 knots and we don't have a mainsail   so i'm pretty stoked what a day  what a beautiful sailing days had well no way yesterday that's a pity but maybe  next episode who knows so that's where we   leave you for today guys i hope you enjoyed  this episode if you are new here remember to   subscribe give a thumbs up to this video leave  a comment we are very happy to read it and   yeah we're gonna enjoy the rest of  the day actually the sunset probably   and soon we'll be sailing again see you  next episode who is excited to see you you

2021-08-09 00:37

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