BMW M3 Touring (2023) TEST Na rowerze samochodem [4k]

BMW M3 Touring (2023) TEST Na rowerze samochodem [4k]

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[Music] and it's poop Hi Bartek Urban I invite you to the test BMW M3 Touring and as you can see it will not it's just a test because I have it first bikes on the roof second in the back you see the sign that raises the pressure every motomaniac and for m3 It is one more car but in turn together I conducted the m3 Touring test on Nurburgring, the most famous i the most beautiful track in the world During the last test of the m3 in the station wagon I've done long trips I've ridden around I flew around the city a bit sideways but I missed one track ride A As I love the Nurburgring, together with with the Works Zone crew we hit the track in two cars I m3 Touring and they chose Porsche Titan Sport Turismo So also kind of station wagon, what were the bikes needed for there I'll tell you a little later now quickly we take these bikes off then we buy them entry for 35 euros and we run into the ring that day turis faren or tourist only lasted two and a half hours so after the first time was short but the second There wasn't as much traffic on the site Recently though, as you can see, they still were lines to ride [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the first circle lasted 9 minutes but they were there brake problems, that is, hard they were heating up and after three-quarters of the tracks I had a slight problem with them in the options are ceramic brakes But me unfortunately I didn't have any of these in mine luck during the lap cooling we remembered that you have to take the covers off to get it better cooling of the brakes and right away better the second circle is 8 minutes [Music] then did one more circle this time again with a time of 9 minutes but there was a bit more traffic Well, there they were yellow flags are still very good though times and auto firecracker I didn't think that it will handle so well on the track despite its enormous weight I remind you the weight of m3 in the tour is 1940 kg almost two tons very much but I don't feel the weight of the car that much is a bit oversteered. So how the real BMW comes out a little backwards but really gently we have 4X4 drive which beautifully pulls out the front And the only thing for me it disturbed this tragic sound the drama boosted from the speakers But now with I can with a pure heart and conscience say it's a complete car Of course it has its flaws, but it's hard multi-purpose auto car is It's fast as hell and even in a station wagon a hundred in less than four seconds and 100,200 under 8 seconds It's really packed because I now had two bicycles on the roof that robert in the middle in the trunk three bags and three adults on board and it was still a really comfortable problem he showed up with an armchair, and an armchair only drivers after about 4 hours of sitting on the ass the ass suffers I thought it was only I have the same problem with adek but the same There were two other drivers involved we were three and we took turns Well, no need to stop Anyway, the combustion is what it is those three four hours On the road in fast traffic you must stop a at least with bicycles almost all we were driving the route at a speed of 120 130 km/h and our average fuel consumption from this driving is about 11 liters without the trunk fuel consumption was lower. Approx liter to one and a half a lot, but m3 in a station wagon has 510 horses for the time four-wheel drive Okay, you can turn off the 4X4 drive and have it only on the back but then we always have so all the traction is turned off a bit I was afraid of how we were driving this is also only in 4 x 4 and z drive dormant traction Thanks to the 4x4 on the way out the car behaved like a slingshot and It was wonderful to drive backwards It would be great too, but sideways slightly slower as a result if you're wondering what it was like sleeping on the track was over 50 liters of about 55 per hundred, or one The tank on the track will be able to do about 100 km high fuel consumption but it will be in everyone the car you'll be driving at the track really m3 touring is great i I'm slowly getting used to it for that beaver in the front of the station wagon can her fits but these fit even better bicycles bicycles that are painted in this the same paint as the car and such a set it draws on itself incredibly strongly attention seriously everyone was taking pictures he asked more strongly than about the taikan who was almost always there I was surprised how big it was the m3 station wagon arouses interest And now we can go to for a moment ticana we were driving almost the same way except that the Thai was driving 120 km/h And we rather after these 130 and the tajkan was driving with two reasons. First, already at 120 bicycles whistled And the faster it was louder is unfortunately the fault of this wonderful one glass roof which was wonderful Bo it could have been covered up so well unfortunately this only affected the rays sunny because the noise Was still big wen There was no Trinity even at 140 150 of course you can hear wheezes with this one you can't drive that fast that's why we flew the 120 130 all the way km/h And the tican's problem was fuel consumption Is there electricity consumption at 120 it was 31 kWh and at 140 it was over 40 yes over 40 kWh at 140 km/h And this means that at 140 it was barely possible make 200 km on the road because the battery has 84 kWh net at was slightly better because it gave to make well almost 250 km very large burning and what is interesting is through bicycles same copy without bikes at 120 consumes 21 climate-hours and at 140.30 huge difference over 30% more Where in The BMW was only 10% more and that's it 2600 km was with this titan more expensive than driving the same thing distance in BMW in Germany we refueled PLN 3.70 for one

kilowatt hour and we paid for fuel about PLN 8, which is easy to calculate that the cost BMW when burning 12 times 12 times 26 times 8, which is PLN 2,500 and in Porsche 26 times 31 times 3.7 is PLN 3,000 for an internal combustion car it came out PLN 500 cheaper on the road than electrician fact on the roof of the Porsche were three bicycles but without wheels and more dynamic BMWs were whole bikes and that's it, I guess tourist bigger Well, bikes after what do we need these bikes Well, in order to drive them around the track Exactly on the first day by car on the track a on the second day by bikes on the track yes exactly on the same track, Mr Wall The burgring event is called rat amring and I was already on it in 2019 Later Unfortunately, several editions due to the pandemic has been canceled since last year again my goal for this year is to do that the entire loop, i.e. 21 km without stopping 5 years ago I couldn't make the climbs I got tired and had to put in bike now that is about to change of course I approached the task very professionally I mean, I didn't take the bikes out of the trunk roof until the day of the competition I even checked if the first ones work We noticed that there was no air in it wheels, but luckily they were enough just pump up There are two schools first school is Pro See it's chains smeared and the second school is that bicycles we pulled out once yesterday we drove by and found out they work very badly So on them let's go elo look at the chain in these bikes once that it years and two it's like that dry that nothing gets dirty And that's it nice when we bring bikes in At least we won't get dirty, not It what are they there Worse, it turned out that there are two of them different bikes two different frame sizes one is Eska and the other is ma and both me me and my friend needed bikes l Well, a quick professional solution theme paper rock paper scissors stone scissors stone paper scissors ok i lost you got a little one and you it turned out that I will have m a homie s third bike It was hidden in the trunk We hid it because it didn't match the colors up to m3 and after the spectacular ones preparations, it was time to start big organizational chaos at the start but managed to find a place starts and we go good luck good luck we're flying we're flying we're flying exactly 10 km I think we're going turtle where Paweł we know the color very well but with the perspective of the car, the bike is completely other feelings and, for example, the first 10 11 km is almost non-stop downhill Co you can barely see it in the movie because I'm aronomically arranged and that's it checked, I drove 87 km/h buddy team was going even faster after 93 km/h shock How fast on a bike Okay that I had a helmet But But it catches sore from holding it like this hard for good fire good good faster for dad Unfortunately, right after these beautiful mountains driveway appeared for the hills is very nice but uphill is much nicer because release here are pebbles here E36 standing water and this such a driveway that I was still standing on it I was cycling as hard as I could in my legs now is climbing The worst problem is that in this the bike does not have a small derailleur so i'm getting tired cruelly good I drive Unfortunately, there was not much in the BMW bike small derailleur so there was a fight huge and this fight lasted almost 5 km because we have so much driveway driveway o surpassing almost 600 meters and this Believe me, it's a lot, but we made it managed to make the entire driveway entering I didn't stop once or not introduced and as a racial souvenir photo on top of the first carousel oh beautiful then another huge driveway sip of water and you can fly on yes no I had a water bottle with me Turns out the bikes don't have baskets water bottles but they have a footer it was worth it later only descriptions remained starting straight, small hill and track traveled almost 21 km done in hour so a decent average of 20 per we survived an hour I will not forget I think if not for this stop for a souvenir photo and no going down to the water would be a pain in the ass a few more minutes, but that's it there is a task for next year and so I was proud of myself that after sunsets first I went to the store to buy myself I finally got the truth And I'm not sorry Even before shopping I did a loop around the GP track which too it's great as you can see here I made a mistake because the GP track was full prepared for motorhomes and others players and these players are for me cyborgs yes cyborgs Because some of them they took part in the 24-hour competition yes 24 hours and during those 24 hours he drives around the track and on the main track not after this GP loop there was a possibility of changes and there were teams of 8-4 and I think twos But over 700 people rode individually individually for 24 hours Well, you must admit they are cyborgs it was spectacular to watch where I had 87 km/h the best they were doing over 110 km/h on a shock bike As you remember I did a circle in an hour and the best do it twice faster shock the best person individually did 26 circles where each was probably faster than my one more of these wheels There would be more but unfortunately the competition had to be stopped after 22 hours and 30 minutes on one of the exits one of the players scored such a soil that a helicopter was needed to land on the track and took him for good luck players are getting better competition not resumed It's a pity but I still think Nurburgring and the rat amring party is something amazing How someone loves motorization and he also loves bikes so he must come on nururbing is such a magical place There's no better way to feel gasoline feel under and feel smiles and thumbs up as well as driving the car as well I rode my bike and saw so much kind people that you can't make them name everyone. And the team with whom

I was wonderful madmen the best So it's time to sum up during which there will be a rally in the background of the Italian automotive industry that I came across quite by accident on the way back we were driving around Frankfurt and we saw it that it is Classic statt which is so small Automobile Museum So we decided however, that's what we found exceeded our wildest expectations So, a summary first m3 touring car summary which now he has confirmed us 100% that he is the most versatile sports car in a market with no competition it's incredibly fast, it's packed Dimensions comfortable has a 4 x 4 drive which gives you security but you can use it also do rear drive and give you madness As for the look Well, it's a matter of taste but already slowly getting to it I just got used to it crashing sound synthesizer in Skawina and maybe slightly modify the exhaust and it would be perfect Unfortunately, such ideals cost a lot and m3 Touring starts from PLN 497,000 and mine the copy cost PLN 630,000 very expensive And how are we with prices it's worth summarizing the cost of going to Nurburgring Let me just remind you that BMW I used 12 liters per 100 km plus 3/4 I only burned one tank at the track hence how someone will drive something this price will be more economical adequately lower So for fuel I got 2500 zlotys for two nights with with breakfast I paid 75 € per person extra food i paid around 60 euro entry to the track I paid 35 euros cycling participation on the track I paid 20 euros and here I will add that I could do How many circles I wanted but I had a three-hour limit on this the price of fuel must be divided by three people Because, as I said, there were three of us so it came to PLN 834 per head and a euro I will count 4 zlotys and 50 gr, which gives us 855 PLN, that is 834+855 gives us PLN 1,689 for this I will add my sweatshirt reward for 60 euros But you have to admit it was mine So I spent a total of PLN 2,000, which is what it is high amount for 3 days but believe me I don't regret a penny or a penny atmosphere people cars adventure m3 Touring, well, I want something beautiful next year too go Hi, have a safe weekend [Applause] [Music] [Music]

2023-07-31 07:56

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