BLACK GUY CRAZY Arrival in Shanghai, China (NOT What I Expected…)

BLACK GUY CRAZY Arrival in Shanghai, China (NOT What I Expected…)

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hi hello how are you what oh so guys I just met new friends okay the big like in the CI yeah  Center oh maybe I'll go there after let me yeah guys welcome back to my YouTube channel  it's your boy Abuja once again yeah we are back   with another great content guys so guys I I  just touched down to Shanghai right now I'm   in Shanghai man I'm really excited to be here  for sure you know yeah it's my first time to   Shanghai but guys uh I think it's going to be  a very good one you know to be here I want to   it was always my dream to explore this city you  know yeah so but as I I'm just arriving here I   just feel like yeah I just feel like I'm hungry  know first first thing first you already know   I have to find some places you know I need  some good meal you know yeah so I've been   also hard that the prices of the food in  Shanghai is quite expensive also I want   to check that if it is true you know so  right now I'm going find some restaurants   yeah and uh get myself something to to eat  really hungry never gos anything from Maybe   uh from yesterday from morning yeah uh so yeah  there's a lot of restaurants this side so yeah   I'm going to choose one which one can I try H  yeah but I really want something special from Shanghai Shanghai how here it's noodles how it's  noodles what I want I want rice I want something with rice H  so let's go in front guys and see oh my God I can't get any anything coffee shop oh said they have these but  I don't know if they have rice for sure maybe have they don't also don't have rice I I really don't know where I can get  rice because a lot of places in China you   might find they have they have noodles  but can't have rice so guys welcome to   Shanghai for the first time here I  see they have some food and majorly yeah they have some food but  I think they don't have rice   man I really don't know where  we get H so maybe I have to go oh my God where can I go oh my God this is let's go some some place where we be having  food actually wherever I go I have to find a   restaurant near you know hi you're welcome  yeah yeah yeah yeah you have to find f f   first first I have to find a  restaurant where we will be   going to eat to have some food no  because food is more important in life you know yeah so I just found  this restaurant I have been asking   where I can find rice no yeah but  this is the only place that I found   that have rice yeah so guys I'm going to  try the food the first time food here in Shai normally you need go to the U big shopping  mall um they have the English and the Chinese   version of the menu for you oh the big shoping  like in the city center oh maybe I go there after you so we have the same yeah yeah we we have  the same yeah yeah yeah what's the name of this so guys this is the [Music] food this is the   food guys let's let's try actually  some beef with uh with egg you know [Music] yeah guys I just finished my food but it's my  first time I'm trying some food and I don't like   it for sure but I wanted to show you guys here  right now I'm in the inside the metro station   this is the Metro station guys look how amazing it  looks man this is this design is so amazing it's   very clean and look at this design oh man this  is crazy just it's like you are inside the nice club china is crazy China is crazy yeah  welcome to Shanghai guys yeah so let's keep exploring yeah guys it's raining man yeah I'm  coming to one of the oldest uh it looks like   Old City you know yeah so I had to come here  guys and explore you know I'm exploring the   city mha oh can you speak English huh can you  speak English can you speak English yes yes oh no oh oh University yeah University  oh where can I get the umbrella umbrella don't know so guys let's get some so guys look at how amazing it is  man this is crazy let me get myself a an   umbrella everyone has an umbrella here  guys H so oh look at this waterfall wo woo wow this is amazing guys welcome to  Shanghai yeah so this is one of the most   tourist attraction places here in Shanghai  you know ah this place has a lot of visitors   that come to that comes to exppress Shanghai  H so look oh my god look how beautiful it is guys oh guys I just found myself in  this store this is not for sale yeah   just for taking picture yeah oh so I  can use this one yes for free choose   four things for free for free it's  to for taking picture is not for f   291 than for free you can use I can take it home  no just like take it take picture for free take   a picture 29 you should pay 29 you can use this  things oh so here you have a oh I didn't see this   there is a photo boo oh oh oh oh I thought  it's for sale it's for free just have to oh okay cool yeah yes I'm very handsome handsome  thank you thank you you're also beautiful thank   you yeah H it's my first time to come to  Shanghai first time first time to come to   Shanghai oh welcome to sh yeah you are the first  girl I meet in Shanghai yeah I'm not girl oh you   are married oh okay yeah yeah yeah you are  the first female woman I meet in Shanghai   yeah so I'm I'm looking where to buy like the  umbrella because it's raining umbrella yeah umbrella they told me here like  in front but I don't know where 10 oh oh thank you thank you oh I didn't see it now I so guys let's get an umbrella  so that can be easy to to explore this   city you know uh so let me get  myself an umbrella she quiet uhuh oh name ah ah o so right now I can Vlog  no problem guys yeah so let's let's go hi hello how are you oh my God oh my God guys  shangai oh my God shanga is the best guys yeah   so guys when I was yeah exploring this side  I just found a place where they put tattoo   guys and I said that uh just for my sister  you know you already know what happened so   I'm going to have my first tattoo of her name  on my body you know what I'm saying yeah so   guys I'm going to do it anyway I didn't know  that I will ever have a tattoo on my body in   my life but I have have to do this because  guys I never told you uh you know like if   I if I start to say about it maybe I cry  again I I don't want to cry because I try   to forget about it you know yeah so guys this  is the tattoo yeah so let's go tattoo tattoo   all so let's go guys let's go man I'm really  afraid you know it's my first time having a   and they told me that it's very very like painful  know man but I have to do it for my sister you know yeah so guys we are at the tattoo place oh my God oh my God guys I'm  really like bro like [Laughter] don't make oh my God guys I I I don't want to film this I don't  know if it is allowed on YouTube so I'll show   you the result guys but man I'm really like  scared man yeah so guys my first tattoo man   I had to do this yeah really really yeah guys I  had to do this now yeah so this we her name will   go forever with me you know what I'm saying yeah  so I'll repeat to my sister yeah it is what it is okay okay yeah guys that's why we  always tell you guys China's infrastructure it's the best in the world no guys  look at this this amazing Metro station this is   just a metro station this is not an airport or  whatever this is a metro station guys look how   amazing it is oh my God look at the lights this  is a piece of art look at this guys oh my God God   this is really crazy for sure this  is really crazy yeah I also like the   fact that they gave you this car let's  go hi hello how are you doing can you   speak English yeah I can speak oh do you  guys sorry we are hurry in time so I have   a good trip in China okay okay thank you  thank you thank you yeah man I wanted to   talk to her bro but it's fine it's fine you  know bro am I am I alone I don't know how to oh man I got lot bro this is like this too  beautiful the metro station is too beautiful   like I don't even know some of the pictures Okay  Okay Okay so let's go guys where is the exit bro yeah so let me take this one guys made some friend halib oh so guys just met new friends [Music] okay yeah my Chinese name is  Le yeah so you guys live in Shanghai oh okay maybe there  sometime I will go there sometime yeah so guys it's raining as always  in shangai during this time yeah but it is   what it is and now I am at the city center you  can see how beautiful it is know yeah so I we   go around and just show you guys uh how is  Shanghai man this is one of the best cities   in the world for sure you can see it by yourself  I'm from Brazil Brazil yeah no I'm from Brazil   brail yeah yeah I play football I'm professional  football player play football too you play   football too I you like football ah okay I'm a  football player I can see do you know Andre from I   like NE you like Neymar yeah yeah we play together  with Neymar yeah we play together with [Music] Neymar yeah so guys I'm actually  I'm finally at the beautiful city   of Shanghai guys that's crazy here guys  you can see a lot of people just coming   to so see how beautiful this city is  guys I'm going to show you guys oh my god look how beautiful it is I used to see this  uh this building on the pictures and I always   visualized to be here one day so right now  I'm here guys very very very happy yeah so let's keep walking around and  just try to see a lot of things here oh my God yeah a lot of beautiful girls  taking pictures of this background   know this is one of the most famous  background maybe the in the world I think this need I'm going to see if she can take picture very good okay what oh my God they're laughing oh my I can't see myself bro oh my God how you guys this is nice so guys yeah actually there is  some boats you can have boats right   here yeah maybe I will try yeah sometime yeah so this is it very good so guys this is the Shanghai Center  Tower and this is amazing to be here byebye so guys man it's crazy yeah we keep moving  around as you moving around this place you   meet a lot of people making new friends you  know it's crazy but I didn't like the fact   that it's raining if there was no rain  then everything could be better you know hey oh oh my God guys the PCT are so nice yeah oh guys you know the reason  why I look for a girl to take me   a picture because whenever girl taking you  a picture it's going to be a nice picture   man but when you ask a me he just take  like anyhow you know yeah so that's why so guys I'm going to because they did a a good   work I'm going to give them one gift  or two gifts you know yeah so [Music] so guys we going to take picture for  them man I think it's going to be nice [Music] Gent

2024-07-13 10:44

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