Bikepacking the Saimaa Archipelago Route - 3 days of island hopping, biking, beer and friends!

Bikepacking the Saimaa Archipelago Route - 3 days of island hopping, biking, beer and friends!

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Welcome back to Taival Outdoors and  thank you for joining us on this   three-day bikepacking adventure along  Saimaa Archipelago route in Southeast   Finland. Although some roadies might  be able to do this loop in a day,   we planned some sightseeing and detours along  the way and focused on bike camping and having a   good time. Our first day begun on the gravel  roads of our old hometown of Taipalsaari. Being an archipelago route, there’s quite a bit of  island hopping involved. The first water crossing   we did was from Sarviniemi to Kyläniemi  on a dedicated bike ferry called Rasti.   For more information about the route and these  ferries, check out the links in the description.

I miss my fatbike right about now. Well, that was sketchy, but we're here. Riviera of Saimaa. Here we are. This is the home for  tonight. Our little tent village. It's already the first weekend of August, so the  nights can get pretty chilly, down to +11 degrees   which means that there shouldn't be any bugs  during the night. There's still a bit right now. But not too much. Which means  that I'm ok without the bug net.  

I do have the mosquito headnet just in  case, but I doubt that I'll need it. Now the plan is to go for a swim. And then have  some dinner, it's seven o'clock in the evening.   Easy day of riding. Weather has been  great. Should be a bit more challenging   weather and tomorrow's ride in  general, but we have then the whole day  to do what has to be done. We'll see that  when it happens. Now hygiene, food, rest. First tests with 5.11 Ferro Knife. Seems like  I can baton with it, which is pretty cool.

Still figuring out the grip. Kippis! Having a bit of a late start for  day two. It's almost ten o'clock.   The guys are still going for final bathroom breaks  before we head off to the east. A bit windier and cloudier today, as expected. It should  rain this evening. We don't still want to rush   today. We have plenty of smaller destinations  on our way today that we want to check out.

And not feel like we're in a  hurry, fighting the weather.   If it starts raining while  we're still riding, we have   some sort of clothing and protection.  Quite different setups again for all three. Should be quite interesting and  nice day ahead us, so stay tuned. Although day two was going to be our longest, it  was divided to roughly eight sections or legs if   you will, having either points of interests,  water crossings or food breaks inbetween.  

Our first leg was the shortest as we stopped  only after a couple of kilometers at Utula   town shop for a quick ice cream and chain  lube break before heading of properly.   The Saimaa Archipelago route goes right past  Salpalinja or Salpa Line fortifications in   Syyspohja and I definitely recommend stopping by  and checking them out. Salpalinja is a massive   defensive line that was built during World  War II, but it never saw any action since the   Soviet attack was stopped well before its  advance units reached the fortifications. The line included over 200 kilometers of  anti-tank obstacles, made of 350 000 stones each   weighing about three tons. These stones  are visible in Syyspohja area as well. The section from Syyspohja to  Ruokolahti was our least favorite   since it was a bit busier road, yet it was  not big enough to have a separate bike lane.  

Battling with loaded bikes against the  headwind didn’t make it any easier either. After the hefty lunch we diverted from Saimaa  Archipelago route to another smaller loop   called Four Island Cycling Route. It’s roughly 30  bonus kilometers and the roads themselves aren’t   that spectacular, but it goes by one unique point  of interest. Also, the loop ends in the longest   and most extreme bike ferry transit we had, so  all in all the extra kilometers were worth it.

We are waiting for our last  ferry ride of this trip and today. Guys are putting some more rain gear on. This is all rain gear that I have. Figured that I will just try to keep my core warm. The rest is either merino wool or something that  shouldn't be that bad if it gets wet. If it gets   too cold, then I will add some layers to my legs,  but before that happens, this is the way I roll. At this point we were in Imatra and about to link  back to our original route. However, by pure luck  

we happened to cruise by Imatrankoski rapid  just in time for the dam opening show to begin. This is the strong one! All right, there's mi bike. This is the  home for tonight. Has to be probably -   well, has to be, not probably - is the wonkiest  setup I've ever done. A pretty steep hill.   But it will do for tonight. Ground is wet, obviously.   At least this sleeping pad is dry on this side,  so that's nice. Ortlieb bags have been absolutely   waterproof, so no problem whatsoever getting a dry  sleeping bag and dry set of clothes on tonight.

We are planning to go for a swim still. As you can see it is raining. My bike light there pointed towards the  kettle. Boiling some water for dinner.   My things here. There's food and clothing.  Sleeping bag ready. Bibs and shorts drying up.   And there's my rain jacket,  acting as a table of sorts.

Charging up heart rate monitor, bike lights,   and so forth. Went for a small wash / shower the rain really started to pick up.   And now plan is to have some warm dinner, warm  food. But pretty intensive day, 90 kilometers or   so, plus all the ferry trips, but well worth it.  Saw a lot of things, experienced a lot of things,   and combated the weather a bit as well. So  made some good memories, no doubt. Kippis! (Kippis!) Right now I'm trying to dry out this merino  wool cycling jersey from Keli Clothing   with my own body heat, and actually considering  the fact that it has been raining for hours while   we we have been cycling today and these  sleeves have been absolutely soaked,   it's like 90% dry. So pretty impressive.  Time to call it a day. Tomorrow early wake up at 7:00.  

So we can hit Lappeenranta around  lunchtime, that would be pretty ideal.   But anyway, eagerly waiting for tomorrow and  tomorrow weather most importantly. Let's see. It will be better weather-wise than this, but  it's pretty hard to beat today in terms of   the different sites that we went to and  all that history learned and interesting   ferry rides experienced. So not a bad day. See you tomorrow. (Is it cold outside?) It's not cold.

Yesterday, we woke up at 7:30 and got going around  10 I think. Now it's 8:30. Guys are still doing   their finishing touches and then we are on our  way. Improving every day. Cloudy and gray looking Sunday, but it's not raining and it's not  windy, so should be a pretty good riding day. And just like that, we were back in  Taipalsaari, and our journey was almost   over. By the way, Finland’s biggest  and best ice creams can be bought here.   The town turned 450 years old this year, so a  celebratory ice cream was definitely in place.

2021-08-24 18:52

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