Bevagna, Umbria, Italy Complete Tour

Bevagna, Umbria, Italy Complete Tour

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If you'd like to get away from the  crowds and explore a classic medieval   Italian town, I suggest you head to Bevagna,  in the heart of Umbria. You'll find many   interesting sites in a small place that's easy  to explore. It's only about 600 meters long,   300 meters wide, and it's flat. This is not one of  those Italian hill towns that you have to climb up   the steps and up and down the hills. It's easy.   With rewarding sites, ranging from a grand piazza  

to an ancient Roman theater, and of course always  those many little pedestrian lanes that are so   much fun to explore. After walking around for  a few hours in the little alleys and the main   street, something most unusual occurred to me. Not  only were there not very many tourists here – it   seemed like I was the only tourist in town.   The other people were locals. So, during the   program you'll be seeing a lot of the lanes and  cafés and piazzas, and see if you can spot any   other tourists. I don't think so. There were more  cats than tourists. And you might even get a few  

inquisitive stares from the locals, wondering  why is this person walking in my little alley?    You can see how quiet the town of Bevagna is. This  is one of the main streets, Corso Amendola. And   it's about 11 o'clock in the morning, a weekday  morning, and it's very quiet, very peaceful.    Except for the odd scooter truck buzzing through  these narrow lanes. It's a Piaggeo Vespa scooter  

adapted to that ubiquitous little truck you'll  see everywhere. Of course, we're here in November,   which is certainly the off-season, but a perfect  time to be visiting Umbria. In the high season,   April through October, there'll be quite a few  more people around, but still this is a small   town. It's delightful to experience this authentic  life found in Umbria, especially at a time when   overtourism has made many places too popular.  Compared to its famous neighbor of Tuscany,   Umbria is much less crowded, less visited, fewer  people here, and yet with just as many beautiful   towns and countryside to enjoy. Umbria is in  central Italy and Bevagna is in the center of   Umbria, one of the many fine towns of this region,  and nearby is Montefalco, where I stayed for a few   days and came over to Bevagna on a 20-minute  bus ride for a day trip, passing vineyards,   showing off their fall colors. With convenient bus  service dropping you right in the heart of tow, n  

where the first thing you see is a pizzeria in  a Gothic building – just a taste of what's to   come in our little walk through town. So,  I'll have three hours to explore Bevagna,   another one of the great  medieval walled towns of Umbria.    It's just one block from the bus stop to the  main piazza, walking along the Via Gabriele   Pagliochini, leading right into Piazza Filippo  Silvestri. Naturally, the largest building is the   church of St. Michael the Archangel, built in the  late 12th century as Bevagna's first Cathedral.    For a small town, Bevagna truly has a monumental  piazza, one of the finest in Umbria. From above,   we see the whole town with the largo  with the bus stop, and the main piazza,   and then the main street extending out from  both sides of the piazza, with most of the   shops and attractions along Corso Matteotti. The  piazza is the central hub tying the town together,  

with that main street extending out both sides  of it. We will save the quieter Corso Amendola   for later as we take you from one end of town to  the other. Cafés are the social gathering place of   any Italian town. And here we've got two cafés on  either side of the piazza anchoring the corners of   those two main streets. Bar Centrale leading  off towards Corso Amendola. And Bar Colonna,   leading us in the direction of Corso Matteotti  where we shall begin our walking tour of this   wonderful little town. It's not easy to find a  lot of information about Bevagna ahead of time.  

There are no single books about the town  that you can find on Amazon, for example.    So look for a gift shop and see what might  be available. Do you have a map of Bevagna,   or a book, a guidebook? Ah, this, in English? Oh  yeah. Wow. Guide. A guide, okay, yeah, yeah. Okay?   English and Italian. That's fine, yeah, okay,  I'll take that. (indistinct in Italian)   

The booklet was helpful in listing the main  sites and had a little map tucked inside. So,   with that guide in our pocket, we're underway,  meandering along into some side alleys,   and back onto the main lane to continue. There is  a Tourist Information Office on the main piazza,   but it has limited and irregular hours, so you  really need to do as much research on your own   ahead of time before you go. And that's  where this program will really help you,   in analyzing what to do in Bevagna.  My research was greatly assisted  

by the websites of both the Umbria and Bevagna  tourist information offices. They have some good   maps and descriptions of many of the important  historic sites. You're going to find that this   town is definitely worth the effort to get here  and to explore. They don't have a supermarket,   but there are local food shops selling some  fresh produce, some of the grown in the area,   which has rich agricultural lands all around it.   Take a guess what the two main crops are – right,  

olives and grapes. In the spring they  dig up truffles to go with your pasta.    As in nearly all Italian towns, you'll find a  pasta shop selling dried pasta as well as fresh   homemade noodles. And it's not a restaurant. It's  for takeout. Bring it home and cook it yourself.    Shopping for local residents in these small  towns is usually a daily activity – step out   and pay a visit to the bakery for bread  and cookies. Get your fresh foods. It's   usually walking distance from your home in  the small town, and a chance to socialize,   see your neighbors. With a population of just  5000, it seems like everybody knows each other.   

Beyond the Old Town there are just a  few scattered homes in what is mostly   farmland – no shopping malls out there. The bigger  city of Folingo is just a 12-minute bus ride away   with Montefalco also quite nearby. As we continue  walking along, we're getting into the very small   commercial center of Bevagna, finding our  gelateria in this popular Tropical Bar.   

We have now arrived at the very crossroads  of downtown Bevagna where three streets   come together. Matteotti, Santa Margarita and  Crescimbeni. It is believed this junction was   also the site of the ancient Roman forum. Yes,  the Romans built a city here in a place that was   previously occupied by the Etruscans, and probably  the Umbri tribe before them. But it was the Romans   who developed Bevagna into an administrative  center they called Mevania, starting from the   year 300 BC. It also played an important role in  transportation, because the main street that we've   been walking along was part of the via Flaminia, a  300 kilometer-long road from Rome to the Adriatic   Sea. It was the most important Roman road to the  north, bringing trade goods, including wheat,  

back into the city of Rome. This major cross  street is leading us in the direction towards   Piazza Garibaldi, with its dramatic gate tower in  the old medieval wall that we will get to shortly,   after a detour into little side alleys. Some of  these lanes in Bevagna are very narrow indeed.    You might feel a bit lost here, but you can't  get in trouble. It's a tiny little neighborhood,   so just relax and take a mindless stroll here  wandering left or right. Within a few minutes,  

you'll probably come across another landmark to  get your bearings, such as Piazza San Francesco.    The church of San Francesco was built at the end  of the 13th century on what had probably been   the location of a Roman temple, because it's the  highest place in this relatively flat city. Inside   it is an important relic, reputedly the stone on  which St. Francis stood when he gave his Sermon  

to the Birds, just outside Bevagna. That brings  us to Piazza Garibaldi, a very pleasant place,   with some restaurants and they're shops, you  can buy some produce here, take a stroll – named   after that great Italian hero who helped to  unify the country in the late 19th century.    One of the gates in the ancient medieval  wall around Bevagna is Porta Cannara,   and it has that fortified tower you see behind me  – quite a spectacular site. Leaving the piazza,   you'll pass this impressive building that had been  a Roman temple, then transformed into a church,   and still preserved with original  stone semi-columns along the side,   now part of a small hotel, resident said the  polka. Well all right, now we're going to wander   over to another one of the gates through the  medieval wall around Bevagna, strolling through   a little tangle of lanes and alleys to get us  over there, including a rare dead-end street.    These local drivers have a lot of experience  and skill in squeezing their little cars   through these narrow alleys. It's so interesting  to see how these medieval-style homes have adapted  

to modern life by converting the ground floor  room into a garage for your beautiful car.    Locals can drive in the Old Town, but  tourists need to leave their cars outside.    Arriving at Porta Foligno, the medieval gate  leading off in the direction of that nearby   city of Foligno. It's here where that ancient  Roman road via Flaminia, left the city. There are  

still preserved sections of the original Roman  wall, with the medieval wall built above it.    Most of the original walls are still standing  and extend for a total length of about 1700   meters. Just on the other side of the wall, you  are already in the countryside, in the vineyards,   producing grapes for those excellent wines  of the Bevagna and Montefalco regions,   especially that unique Sagrantino grape.   The street signs give you a quick idea of   how close the other towns are  – an easy drive or bus ride.   

Outside the gate there is a war memorial in  Parco Silvestri, dedicated to the fallen and   missing in the first World War. The property is  located inside a small Parco della Rimembranza,   accessible by a small pedestrian gate, with a  series of oak trees framing the monument. Not only   do we have portions of the Roman wall here, but  just a few blocks over, we have some preservation   of the ancient Roman theater, portrayed as it  might've looked based on traditional design.    While most of the theater is gone now, the  original semicircular shape is preserved   in the buildings that were constructed on top of  it. We got a short tour from the museum guide.    My name is Phillip. Phillip, okay. We are on  the steps of Roman theater. Roman theater. The   theater is a semicircular structure.  On top level of gallery, the house,  

under, the shop. See the rooftops, the structure  is semicircular. Then Philip took us inside to   show a portion of the Roman theater that is still  quite well-preserved. Like stepping back in time,   you expect somebody to show up wearing a toga.  It's a curved passageway with barrel-vaulted   ceiling that would've been one of the entryways  into the theater itself. It's quite rare for an   ancient structure to have its roof still intact,  which would've supported the theater above it.    At the end of this ambulatory  there is a historical exhibit,   with the reconstruction of what's called the  Vitruvian Wheel, invented 2000 years ago by   Vitruvius, the Roman engineer. The wooden wheel  was placed in a stream that turned it, creating  

power that was used for a variety of functions,  such as grinding grain, or lifting things.    Windmills had already been developed, but  Vitruvius was the first who used moving water   to turn a machine – in some ways the beginning  of the Industrial Age, but 2000 years ago. This   industrial-scale capacity to grind grain for bread  was partly responsible for the success of the   Roman Empire, because it enabled the government  to feed millions of people and keep them loyal   with free bread. Just next to the theater there  is another attraction. And you have a shop. Would   like to show me the shop? The shop, the glass,  ceramics, the glass in the Middle Ages was very,   very expensive. And this was part of the theater?  The part of the theater. Along with reproductions   of Roman paintings, we get a reminder of  Vitruvius. The symbol of Vitruvio, You're probably   familiar with Leonardo's version of the Vitruvian  Man. There's also a restaurant inside. Bye.   

From the little street behind the theater, you  can still see the curvature of that old building,   with the homes up above. That completes our walk  through the main part Bevagna, but there is still   the other half of town yet to explore, which is  also quite interesting. We're now back at the   Piazza Silvestri, that dramatic town square at the  center. Here you'll see the Palazzo dei Consoli,  

from the late 12th century, the former  judiciary of the city, with a Gothic loggia,   and now it's a theater. Once again it looks  like there are more cats than tourists in town.   Have you seen any other tourists? And I don't  think so. We'll be exiting the piazza on the west   side just next to the Bar Centrale, leading to the  other extension of the main street of town. Corso   Amendola. Amendola? Amandola.  Uhm, bella citta. Bevagna city   very beautiful, OK? (laughs). The church of San  Fillipo is somewhere around here, and it looks   like this priest might be heading that way. So  let's follow along through another one of these  

charming side alleys, called vicolo San Filippo,  so we're on the right track. This church was built   for San Filippo Neri's Oratorio, in 1725. Walking  few blocks further south, we reach another church,   Sant’Agostino, whose congregation was founded in  the year 1316 with the original Augustinians.   

From here, stroll along one of the prettiest side  alleys, lined with plants and old stone buildings,   and it will bring you just outside  the wall of town where you can   see some of the gardens, and just beyond  are the vineyards and olive groves.    We're now strolling in the southwest section of  town, which is about the quietest part of the city   that you will experience. It's a residential zone  with no signs of shops or cafés in these little   side alleys. They do have few street signs, but  it's a little hard to figure out where you are.   It's something like walking through a maze. If  you're here on a day when the town was crowded   with tourists, this would be a good place to come  to get away from it all. As you wander along,   you'll get some candid glimpses into the  ordinary lives of the residents. Many do not have  

gardens or yards in the back, so the street  is an extension of their daily living space.    While surrounded by all these old buildings, we  can reflect on some of the history. Of Bevagna   was destroyed and rebuilt many times in the  past. Caught in the middle between larger   warring factions such as the Pope, and the  Lombards, the Guelphs and the Ghibellines,   sometimes controlled by Spoleto other times by  Perugia, and Foligno. Ultimately it came under  

the firm rule of the popes where it remained  until the unification of Italy and 1861.    Since then it has been a quiet agricultural  community, and in recent years has become   increasingly popular for visitors, with  Umbrian tourism continuing to grow,   so don't wait too long to get here, while it  is still a peaceful, authentic and beautiful   destination. The local school kids are heading  off for an excursion from this bus stop area,   the same place where we arrived at the beginning  of the visit, now waiting for our bus to go   back to Montefalco. The ticket is just a few euro  and you can buy it on the bus. Only takes about 20   minutes, and you're rolling through some of the  prettiest Umbrian countryside you'll ever find.   

Of course, you could drive it yourself if you have  a rental car. It's a very easy drive, especially   in the off-season, the roads are pretty empty and  you could stop where you wish and get out, take   a picture. But let the bus driver do the work for  you. Now, the bus schedules are not very frequent,   but that's okay, all you have to do is check the  schedule and plan your itinerary accordingly.    The bus is very important and useful for  getting around in Umbria, because many of   the towns are not connected by train. But the  distances are short and the scenery is lovely,   so take the bus when you must. We have many more  programs about the beautiful towns of Umbria and   the rest of Italy, along with most of the major  towns of Europe. We frequently upload new movies  

so please subscribe to our channel and click that  little alarm bell so you'll be notified and if you   enjoyed the movie. How about thumbs up and we  always welcome comments down below, or if you   have questions about the destination. Make note  and we will answer them. Thanks for watching.

2021-11-18 06:55

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