Benelli TRK 502 X - Wolfpack 2020 - Part 6 Piódão to Serra da Estrela

Benelli TRK 502 X - Wolfpack 2020 - Part 6 Piódão to Serra da Estrela

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So. I'm is. Hello guys welcome, back, this is it the final, part, of the wolfpack, 2020.. We just left the village of piado. And we are going to follow this beautiful, valley, and, after it, we're going to start the long climb. Until the summit, of secret australia, mountain. To get there. You're going to spend 25, kilometers. Just climbing. An average of a slope of 10 percent. Or higher. And the views are going to be, just, amazing. The weather is still very good but there are a few clouds, gathering. On the top of the mountain. We are a bit late on our, schedule. But i'm sure we'll be, on time for a 2000, meter sunset. So let's. Go. Whoa. There's our destination. Behind, those clouds. Are we going to be blessed by the heavens, in the form of rain. I don't think so, but then, again. We are already, doing the long climb. Hard to believe we started, at 6 00 a.m, and it's almost, 8 p.m. And we are still riding. No pain. No discomfort. Across all riders, all bikes. Zero, issues. With all benellis. Yeah, i gotta say i just love my vanilla. Trk. And it climbs this ice slope so easily. Please remember, i have a full bike, cases. And pillion bags full. And the fuel consumption. So far it seems to be below 4 liters. To 100 kilometers. Very very nice. This road. It's beautiful, the views are amazing. The tarmac, is perfect. And these long, sweeping, corners, are just. Delicious. The second australian, natural, park, is the largest, portuguese, protected. Area, and is located, in the central, mountain, massive. On high plateaus, sloping, to the northeast. Deeply cut by the valleys of the rivers. And streams. That are born here. Such as the mondego. And the zizer, river, that we have been, accompanying. During the wolf pack. The landscape, is marked by fraggers, rocks and cliffs. Some of which. Take on forms that gave rise to popular, derma nominations. Such as. The head of the whole lady. And cantarus. Fat thin and shallow. Which you can admire, following the different walking, trails, that exists.

It Is the highest, altitude, point in mainland, portugal. This is one of the places. That where rain falls in greater, abundance. And where snow, appears, frequently. Enabling, the practice of winter sports. The crystal of ice. Was the symbol chosen by for the natural, park. In reference to the climatic, characteristics. And also to the glacier, origin, of this mountain, range. Examples of which, are the zester, and unais, valleys. The kovonsh. And approximately. 25, natural lagoons. Here you can find large flocks of chip. That feed on the vast pasture, areas. Watered by the cellulose, trailer dogs, a breed of dogs. That are powerful. And resistant, to low temperatures. Chips milk. Gives rise to the most characteristic. Product of the region, the famous. Queso de serra. Cheese. And crafts, according, to ancient, techniques. That use the thistle, flower, as a rennet. Be sure to try this butterfly. Yellowish. Cheese, between two slices, of original bread. If you want to bring it with you you can find it some for sale at any time, of the year but in the months of february, and march. The offer, is more diversified. At the fairs that take place. In the very, locations. In the. Region. So. Do. Such a nice road. I'm sure the guys behind me are having, fun. You can see on its surface, the discoloration. Due to the salt, meaning that in the winter. This gets all icy, and snowy. I want to come back here in the winter, last time i was here, in winter, 2018. There were a few traces, of snow, but i want more. I think some of the wolves might join me. So maybe next winter. The temperature, dropped 10 degrees, since we started climbing, and these clouds, ahead, they don't seem to be rain clouds. But at. These altitudes. Who knows. I'm gonna do a small stop. On the. Sightseeing. Spot, ahead. To switch to the winter jacket, and stretch our legs a bit. And then, the final push, to 2000. Meters. Mirador, the russia, viewpoint. It also known as bikers, point. Is this little parking, spot with an incredible, view. That mostly motorcycles. Like to stop here for a break. Its name russia, meaning, rock, in portuguese. Is due to the rocky formations, nearby. Wow. Relax, stay. Clean. If you come here please be careful, since this spot. Has a slope, above. 10 percent. So remember, how to park your. Bikes. I really like when the weather is all sunny. But i have to say that this overcast. Is amazing. We are getting, above. Some of the clouds, and i bet the sunset, is going to make them all, orange. Also. Feels very good to the fresh, mountain, hair, it's like an injection, of power. I've been here, in all my motorcycles. So this place is kind of special to me. This is the first time, with the trk, x. And i'm loving it so far. Like i said before, i want to come here with a lot of snow. With a clean, road of course, i'm not crazy. But one thing i really want to do. That i never did before. Is to come here during the late night, one or two or three am. And check out the stars. Must be beautiful. And i will need a clear. Sky for that. Well maybe one day. Who. Knows. This is it the final push to the summit, of cerro de strela. I still remember two winners ago.

Having A little fun with my trk. On the bits of snow. That were on the side of the road. That was really really slippery. But today, is all dry. And this is it we made it our final destination. The summit, of cerra destrella. I want to personally, thank, each and every one of the wolves. To participate. On this. Long road. Trip. And thank you all for watching. In a way, you also, came with us. As for myself. I loved, a lot. There's something i like a lot is to guide friends, and share, them. And share with them the places i love. Thank you once more, and take. Care. What's. Up. We've been studying, the sake of need. Okay. Foreign. Um. Take. Off. You.

2020-10-07 00:42

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