BACK ON THE ROAD [S5 - Eps. 22]

BACK ON THE ROAD [S5 - Eps. 22]

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Don't be afraid Hi Guys So I am now really close to Oudtshoorn and Oudtshoorn is actually the ostrich capital of the world I am going miss you - I am going to miss you too Ah it was so nice to see you - Ah so nice Bye dude! Safe travels Thank you See you - See you soon, bye! Good morning Internet, it is 8 o'clock in the morning and welcome back to the channel Welcome back after this break, I am now in Plettenberg Bay The locals call this Plett and I have just spent a really nice time.. with my friend Mandy and well I have so much to tell you It has been a long time it feels like but I am ready to hit the road again I will show you on the map later where I started this morning and where I am going and everything but I am riding now today to Oudtshoorn and I am riding south, so I am heading towards Cape Town and the area that I am going to ride in, pretty much from Plett all the way down to Cape Town that area is called the Garden Route so it is not really just one road but just the whole area is kind of called, Garden Route and it is supposed to be some of the most beautiful scenery in South Africa actually So I had an amazing time here in Plett We did loads of things, went to see a lot of beautiful places really enjoyed it I didn't make videos here otherwise I am still working and filming and editing so it was really a break really for me from the channel for a little bit I am going to first go to a road which is called The Seven Passes road so well, I guess, it will be covering seven passes So let's first get there and then let's see how we get on I just entered a dirt road but before I .. get Savannah all dirty I just want to show you how she looks now So when I was in Plett, Savannah got some TLC, some tender loving care and she got a nice service just going to show you, how extremely clean she looks at the moment The most important thing is, I had to change the chain and sprockets sprockets were actually still pretty okay but the chain was worn I obviously don't know which parts of Savannah have been there for how long because I bought her second hand maybe the chain was still the original one and now I got an X ring chain made in Japan look at it This is a heavy duty, high quality chain and a new sprocket set, so this should last me for quite a while Tyres are still good.. what else so she got an oil change, an oil filter change the air filter is also just finished, finished But unfortunately Honda South Africa was doing a stock take or something, a stock count and I don't know, I just couldn't get the air filters now they are coming but I will have to last like, I think 5 rides more, like another 1000 kilometers before I can get my hands on new air filter and change it but it should be still okayish.. the air filter is now clean

so hopefully it will not be a problem it shouldn't be a problem and then she got some upgrades I got a .. you actually can't see it because my luggage is on top but I now have a small luggage rack here, underneath and these are my 2 fuel bladders they each are 3 liters so I can now bring 6 liters of extra fuel if necessary Obviously now they are empty, if they are full I have to tie them on a little bit differently because you can't put too much pressure on them So.. that should avoid any stressful fuel if I ride in areas where it is a little bit harder to get fuel Obviously I really wanted a bigger tank cause they exist, I think there is 2 brands that make bigger tanks for this bike and I actually ordered one of them and then after I placed the order then I realised, or they told me, that they actually import it from Europe and well we are now 6 weeks down the line and I still haven't got it it can take months, months, months before parts from Europe arrive in South Africa, so that is a shame so anyway, I now at least have this, it is better than nothing, I think Yeah, people were asking me about bash plate and engine guard and stuff like that and yeah it is the same In South Africa, you just cannot find any parts like of the market parts for this bike they are just not here so everything has to be imported from Europe and besides the high cost, it just takes forever so yeah.. that is a shame

obviously I would love to a bash plate and some proper protection cause it is a bit risky to ride around like this, the way I do but yeah, that is it.. living on the edge I guess I also don't feel like trying to go to a work shop and make something custom all of that just takes so much time and effort and I just want to ride.. basically So .. yeah.. that is that Savannah.. is all ready for new adventures, next adventures She is so super clean but I think that will change today because I have lot of dirt riding planned for today this is the first part but I think, today by far the majority is going to be on dirt so that is pretty cool so anyway, that was that Let's go! Also a lot of people have been asking me to do a review on Savannah what I think of the bike and bike review videos are actually not really my favourite to make But I promise you, I will make a bike review video but I thought, let's do it after I have clocked 10 000 kilometers because then I feel like, I am allowed to have an opinion on the bike and that will be a little while more, because now I have only done like 5000 kilometers So I am about half way Pretty cool road I just passed George and now I am going to follow this road to the Montagu Pass So I don't know, am I going to scale those mountains probably Just had that backdrop of those mountains for quite some time now, so it will be really cool to cross them but I think this pass might actually do that Yep, I am crossing these mountains This is magnificent yet again Oh look at this view I have reached the top of the pass I am getting closer to Oudtshoorn It is only 34 kilometers and as you can see I am entering the Karoo it is a very arid, dry area with just like small shrubs some trees here and there but it is mostly barren But the colours of the mountains are just amazing Oeh, somebody lost a tyre there Oh, look there we have them The ostriches of Oudtshoorn See them Huge birds right? Well biggest birds in the world Don't be afraid Hi guys So I am now really close to Oudtshoorn and Oudtshoorn is actually the Ostrich capital of the world 65% of the worlds ostriches live here in Oudtshoorn and these are obviously not wild these are farmed They started farming ostriches a long time ago because in the 1880's ostrich feathers became some sort of fashion accessory in Europe so the demand for ostrich feathers became huge so at some point they started farming them well domesticating them and farming them here and back in 1884, one kilogram of ostrich feathers would sell for 12 euros which obviously at the time was just a huge amount of money so this was booming, booming business and right now the ostrich feathers are not so much in demand anymore they still use to.. you know, for dust.. dust.. how do you call it? Dust dusters? I think but now mostly I believe, their skin is used to make handbags and all sorts of things and obviously they are used for their meat because the meat is a lot leaner and healthier than red meat.. so

There are still thousands and thousands of ostriches here around in Oudtshoorn Alright I have to ride a few kilomters more and then I have booked an accommodation so I am going to go there then and drop my things Look at this view Wow It's pretty cool I even have my own little .. parking for Savannah What luxury There is nobody here but they told me that the key is inside the door see if that is the case.. Oh wow! This is really nice Yes, keys here I have an entire house! Okay, let's go to Oudtshoorn See if I can have a lunch there See what is on the menu there must be ostrich See these were the things, I was talking about before the dusty thingies so these are all made of ostrich feathers got some funky colours as well This is it, this is a pretty I think famous place in Oudtshoorn Jemimas Would like a table.. this side.. inside.. front side? Yeah, I would here.. thank you Alright my food arrived and I basically have a trio of real South African meals so this is ostrich carpaccio and that is another bobotie and these are spring rolls filled with kudu meat so first I am going to try, of course the ostrich carpaccio That is yummy Wow I can see why they say that ostrich meat is leaner and healthier than normal red meat that is delicious Okay, now I am going to see something else All the fun starts right here -Ah okay.. cool Are they bats here or no bats? I was just about to say, we do have bats Ah, really? We may see a few but I am not sure the GoPro is going to pick them up because we quite literally have only a few - Okay Wow That is so cool Look at that Have you ever seen a place like this? I don't know if you have seen any other caves on your journeys where ever you have been but all of us share a few things in common and one of them is obviously that we are underground but also the different types of formations that we get to see in pretty much every cave and these would basically be flow stone formations and drip stone formations so that one over there is a lovely example of a flow stone formation that one is actually known as the organ pipes and if you forgive me that I don't have a very good sense of imagination it doesn't look like organ pipes to me -It does not? I think it does Maybe it is because I have only seen a few small organs but anyway - it is incredible So she is known as the organ pipes, probably the most photographed formation in this cave but anyway flow stone formation and this is what makes this job so easy the way they are formed is really their names if you want to put it that way a flow stone formation is formed through flowing water and then the other type of formation, the drip stone formation that's the one formed through dripping water The drip stone formations are the most popular ones though those are the stalactites and stalagmites almost everyone knows those stalactites growing from the ceiling downwards and the stalagmites from the floor upwards Wow This is.. incredible

This is by far, the most impressive, unbelievable natural cave I have ever seen in my life I don't think.. have you ever seen anything like this? This is just .. breath taking We don't normally do this Just for Itchy Boots - Just for Itchy Boots viewers This is known as the crystal ball and that is what it should shine like Oh wow! That is pretty cool That is just.. incredible So why does this one shine so much more? because of.. Nobody comes here so they don't touch, nobody is here it gets it's water wherever it is and otherwise there is no around, there are no lights really shining on it only this LED here so we don't come here, that is why - That is why.. wow These would normally be filled with water but water is not something that we see all that often these days so sadly these pools are empty Ah right Pretty cool huh? Really cool! Really cool! - Itchy Boots exclusive Itchy Boots exclusive Wow.. I feel honoured All we are monitoring at the moment is carbon dioxide temperature and humidity Okay You will normally have carbon dioxide in a cave it would normally be reasonably high but we would like to know the levels we can say nothing good about Covid but if there is one thing we can say is that the cave was shut for 6 months it has never been closed for that long ever since we had our first tours in 1804 or something ridiculous like that, we have always been open always people here and now that we have the technology to monitor all these things we were able now to monitor nobody in the cave for 6 months and see what it is doing The temperature in here is now 19,2 degrees Okay and we have 1011 parts per million of carbon dioxide which is about 3 times higher than outside Oh really It's not bad But how would that be then on a normal day, when the cave is full of people when it would be full of people this chamber was running at about 5000 parts per million I know that when nobody is here then the chamber runs at about 600 to 700 in this chamber right Oh we are going to go up here? - Yah I am going to scoot along in there first - Okay and then you.. - I will follow

the camera behind - Okay Okay, you are not nervous are you? No, not at all - Okay Oh, you are fast It is still the big part, it gets smaller Oh wow This is really low It was just the beginning We are now here - Okay These stairs we have to go up over there up the iron ladder, it is a very easy name to remember then inside there are the last 3 tunnels they get progressively smaller so - Right The tunnel of love is supposed to give you a squeeze from both sides and that obviously depends on how large you and how you go through there Then the devils chimney is really it's a chimney it's a tunnel that goes almost straight up 75 degrees by 3 meters high or so, it is way tricky to climb up there once you get through there you go back through a section known as the coffin This is hectic Slippery What a day! It is now 16:30 Wow that was just incredible, incredible These were by far the most impressive caves I have ever seen it was just.. the formations were mind blowing honestly.. just the scale of things really amazing, I hope it came out okay on video because it was really dark and it was hard to see the scale of them but I am so happy I came here and to just have the entire cave.. just alone be there alone, because yeah Normally.. there is just so many people coming there and now.. it was just nobody it was incredible Anyway I am now riding back to Oudtshoorn so that was it for today I really hope you liked this video back on the channel and if you did please give me a big thumbs up and subscribe down below and then I will see you in the next video

2021-05-03 15:08

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