BACK FROM THE DEAD! | Detroit:Become Human - Part 3
Morning. Tea ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to, detroit become, angry, because you picked the wrong choices. As. Soon as I started up the game it gave, me this cyber. Life conducts a survey to know what users synched you want to participate in a survey great let's, start. Would. You consider having a relationship with an Android that looks like oh don't, do this to me don't out my kinks, okay. Alright. Let's let's. Put ourselves in, the, future, twenty thirty eight this year the game takes place in so let's put our brains. In doctor present yes I, fuck. A robot, do. You think that technology could, become a threat to mankind oh absolutely. Yes, if, you had to live on a deserted, island and could only bring one object. What, would it be Oh, No. It's. Funny her she's a do you think, Android. Life or whatever could become a threat, to humanity, I literally. Solved, the case, we're. One of them I'd ice off two cases were the androids murdered, people, sure. One of them was in self-defense. But. Do, androids really need self-preservation. That's. The question to ask a. Book. A cell phone pen a paper a console, and instrument. Feel. Like a cell, phone if it's a working cell phone then that's the most useful out of all of them, do. You consider yourself, dependent, on technology. Tiffany. I don't know what to tell you but yes absolutely, because my. Entire livelihood, depends. On it right methodology, do, you most anticipate. What. Do I anticipate, androids flying cars space tourism, brain. Connected. Devices, flying, cars are a terrible idea I don't flank cars are cool and all but I don't want them people, kill enough of each, other with regular cars imagine. What flying cars would be able to do. Androids. Are pretty cool i think that that's that's. A really cool step forward for Humanity even though i'm one of the people who thinks that yes AI is, probably. A very scary, thing that's going to, need a lot of regulations. And laws and it could turn on us very easily if, we, don't put those laws in place right, now. Space, tourism would actually be pretty damn cool that's one I'd love to do and brain. Connected, devices I'm pretty sure brain connected, devices are something, all. Of these except flying carriers are stuff that's probably gonna happen, brain. Connected devices even God. No. Sorry. We're. Missing sorry who am i sorry - I'm not sorry - anybody for not believing in God if you believe in God that's fine you can believe whatever you want I personally, do not. Do. I believe in any higher power though that. Could be God. Hmm. Android. Take care of you children. See. This I don't know either because I don't have kids I don't know what it's like to have kids I don't know what it's like to be so involved, with another human's life like that that, you would literally sacrifice, everything to save it, and. I. Know plenty of people who are new, parents and my. Brother has told me a lot about how, his mind shifted when he became a parent. But. Yes. How. Much time per day would you say you spend on an elect iffen. II don't out me like this don't expose, me oh, it's. More if you needed emergency surgery. Would, you agree to be operated, on by a machine. If. The machine could get the job done then yeah. See. This is the thing there's a lot of machines involved in surgeries, already but, I don't think there's any automated.
Machines That, perform surgery, right now I think a lot of the machines that perform surgery, and people in real life today are, all dependent, on human input. I, wonder. If this actually affects my story at all I'm, gonna say yes actually, I'm gonna say I don't know. Do. You think one day machines, could, develop consciousness. Absolutely. I. Think. With the advancements, in AI and everything if things. Keep progressing the, way they are I think it's probably. Inevitable that they'd wake. Up at some, point worlds answer yes, the. 65%, of people would fuck a robot. My. Answer was yes 72%. Of people think. That technology. Could become a threat to mankind. Well. See this the thing a threat, to mankind does, not necessarily, mean you're gonna make robots they're gonna rise up become smart and kill us all, technology. Like nuclear, weapons, are technically technically a technology, so they could destroy, us as well ooh. 29%. Of people would bring an instrument. That's. Actually, it's. Probably the wisest, one out of all of them because an instrument, is something, that you could just continuously, learn and practice and get better on the. Others are kind of dependent, on electricity, my, kind of just picked it anyway 75, 78 percent said yes consider. It dependent on technology brain. Connected, devices a lot of people are looking forward to brain connected devices most. People want Androids though. Do. You believe in God, 45. Percent of people said no 36. Percent yes and 19 percent said don't know if you. Gave, that survey to people. Five, even ten years ago that, answer. Would be astronomically. Higher on the yes side so. That's that's fascinating. Would, you light an android take care of your child. Forty-nine, percent of people said yes I think that's because we had the Cairo section. 65%. Of people said they spend more than four hours I would, probably spend more than four hours on my devices anyway, even if I wasn't doing YouTube but I feel, like I'm I'm not the right person to ask this because I spend so much of my time working, from, devices. Operated. On by a machine 74%. Said yes I was. Going to say yes do, you think one day machines could develop consciousness 71%. Said yes. Thanks. TIFF that's. Interesting I'm glad that the main menu has an AI as well that, you can mess around with a little Android and. You. Can do different things but please please, don't let my boys be dead please. Especially. Connor Marcus I like you and everything but. Connor. Please don't be dead. Who's, this 334. Am. Oh this. Is one of my police. It's, marecus he's, not dead is. It. Whoa, a. Junkyard. This. Is like Ultron waking up. I'm. Analyzing, myself. Optical. Unit impaired, vision corrupted, mind palace, yeah. I have a corrupted, mind Palace as well I keep thinking about. 400. Years. From. To the audio audio. Data. Okay. Okay. That's the optical unit again and, what, else, I'm. Missing my arc reactor all. Systems in low-power mode, defective, theory. Ampang, Craig you later. What. Else is my, robot penis okay oh god I'm missing a leg. Left. And right leg components, missing unable to stand. Are. The audio is cool. Hey. This is just like a heavy rain section. Because. My hearing is impaired so. All the audio coming through is all. Corrupted. And weird. Like, him. Right. Leg compatible. Do. Your sit-ups get your core. This, is like an opposite, 127. Hours. You. Just do that. These. Androids be modular. That's. Pretty cool. Definitely. Compatible, think. About it that's another right leg. What should wait yes smelly leg carrier. Oh wait, this dude's not dead oh. Don't. Wake up wake up. Okay. Grab, the lake. There. Is around Roy Duda still alive, alive.
Okay. Ribbons, stand again. Oh, that. Other Android behind me is alive as well. Okay. We're back in action. What's, up dude what, can I do the scan thing we can't I can. Scan. Fuck, outta Dodge. Marcus. I'm just glad that you're not dead. Oh this. Is so much like my robot, all of sudden. Where. They fight all the disused, dysfunctional. And broken-down. Androids. And then. They. Just want to be free Oh. David. Don't. You touch me the head man. Okay, base, damage parents find optical unit five home regulator and audio processor. Okay. Whole. Lot of nothing chief. Oh. Is. This because I don't have my optical, unit that I can't scan stuff properly. Damn. It from. BB 600. It's. From PB&J. Hi. Friend. Optical. Unit. That's. Fine I'll, just kill oh god this dude has no legs. This. Is so messed up. Yeah. Theory and pomp oh. Jesus. Oh. God. Okay I'll spear you I'm sorry. See. This is my problem when it comes to games like this like, my specific. Personal problem not a problem of the game is, that when it comes to games like this I empathize way, too easily, and that's what gets me into all of these weird situations, because they end up trying. To just make everything nice and handy, and wrap it up in a nice neat little Bowl because I want everyone to get along. But. Really, self-preservation. I'm. Sorry. I'm. Sorry, I'm sorry. Okay. Let's get some character development going. Let's. See what Markus is willing to do. Your, iron man now. Here. We go what, did that do. Oh God. Where, did they all have emotions. Father. Why, did you program me to feel pain. Gorgeous. Though. Okay. Optical, unit compatible. Sorry. Bro. I'm. In a cage 700 and. You're, serving me alright thanks bro oh. My. God look at all the bodies. I've. Two different colored Eisen. That's. Like hold. There's, a term for it many people have different colored eyes. I see. Yeah now I can do this whoo, I can scan, stuff. Audio. Processor incompatible. Okay, what about this guy. There. We go that's the one oh there's just a walking pair of legs. Why, was it just in your hand. That's. Cool. That's, some fuckin, great. Sound, design. That. Was awesome, my job. Claimed. The slope okay. That's very fucking finger twister again this is exactly like a section in heavy rain. Why, don't you guys just go search for legs and stuff like I did. My man music. Come, on Marcus you. Can do it buddy. Clang, back under that hole and reclaim your life. He's. Beginning to believe. Wait, are you repaired, now. What. Are we checking. What, what. Dude. You. Can do that oh. Yeah. Your skin heals itself I forgot. What, does that mean now. Shit. He's free. That. Was pretty damn awesome. From. The dead, Americus, came back from the dead, Oh, God. There was a lot of options in there. So. I'm assuming there was a different version of the pump regulator, that I could find. That's. Fine and everything but good, character, development if, Markus is willing to go that far to pull something out of another Android to service himself for the greater good the, greater good, Connor. You're. Not dead oh thank god. Whoa. Where, the hell am I.
Find. Amanda, who the hell is Amanda. This. Place even real. Am. I in robot heaven. Here. Are. You a thingy that I can do anything with. Whether. That's you. But. Are, there more of them. Connor I'm so glad you're not dead. Let's. Face it we were all kind of freaking out last time. Now. You were freaking out as well I know I could I could sense it. Is. This gorgeous. Very. Pretty game. Maybe, Amanda's in the middle. There. You are. Samandar. Hello, Amanda. Connor. It's. Good to see you. Your. Predecessor, was unfortunately. Destroyed. It, new deviance, could be unpredictable. But it wasn't, careful enough I. Hope. You won't make the same mistake I, don't. Intend to. When. A Conner model, is destroyed. Its. Memory, is transferred, to the next one Moo but. Some, data can be lost in the process. Avoid. Being destroyed. It. Would be better for you and the investigation. I understand. The. Interrogation. Seemed. Challenging. What. Did you think of the deviant, oh my god are you the Oracle. Traumatized. It, showed signs of PTSD after, being abused by its owner, as. If its original program had been completely, replaced by new instructions. This. Lieutenant. Anderson has been officially assigned, to the DBC case what. Do you make of him. Unpleasant. Dysfunctional. Intriguing, unsure. I'm. Unsure about, him right now he's obviously not what I was expecting. But. I don't, have enough information yet to form a definitive opinion that's, fair. Unfortunately. We, have no choice but to work with him what. Do you think is the best approach. Adapt. I will adapt to his personality. It. Is in the best interest, of the investigation, that I avoid conflict, and try to accommodate, his psychology. More. And more Android, show signs of deviancy there. Are millions in circulation, if. They become unstable, the consequences, will be disastrous. You're, the most advanced, prototype cyber, life is ever created. If. Anyone, can figure out what's happening it's you, you. Can count on me mmm. Pick. Up the investigation where, the previous Connor left off and put a stop to this. Hurry. Connor there's. Little time okay. This. Is getting really, interesting, and I just had a thought. If. Marik has pulled out the LED. And then. It heeled over it doesn't, he just look like a regular person now so. Who's to say what's an Android and what's not an Android anymore who's to say that Amanda, wasn't an Android, oh. God. This is getting freaky. Okay. Hello. My name is Connor can, I help you I'm. Here to see lieutenant Anderson do, you have authorization. Yes. Lieutenant. Anderson hasn't arrived yet but you can wait at his desk. Okay. Fine, antennae Anderson's disk okay, morning. How's. It going y'all you. Can see it thanks for coming out yep, just. Regular old Connor. Coming. Through there's, lots of desks. This. Pole, Millar the Minister for defense Dennis Riggs oh. I. Know. You guys like do this to kind of keep the androids parked, and out of the way and everything but, there must be a better way this is freaky-looking. Please. Officer Wilson. That. Has, no name on it there's his desk who. Else we got I want to search around I want to read stuff. Detroit. Today. The. Three Laws of Robotics parenting, yeah they are in the game whence labor life initially, released their child range the public were skeptical, of purchasing a family, oh and. I was even gonna ask that if there's kid, versions, of androids now. The collection is one of cyber life's bestsellers. But is it is this really, a surprise, customizable. Removable, LED. Customizable. Removable, LED no hunger no expensive, child care no new clothes and not to mention no, smelly diapers the, perfect, child is only, a click away. All. In all its needs can be suspended, at the touch of a button it's child's, play it's, the stress-free, solution, for career orientated. Parents those struggling to have their own children or miss having a youngster at home. With. Unemployment at, 37.3%. $7,500. For a child that avoids the dreaded teenage years and shelling, out for college seems, like a wise investment compared.
To Three hundred and fifty thousand, dollars over 17 years plus. It doesn't have to be a lifelong commitment oh Jesus. Ah. Freaky. But, sociologist, Mary Wallace argues that these, androids, are leading, fewer parents to have children at a time when our birth rates are already far too low contributing. To what she terms the, baby doom Jason. Graff director, of humanization at cyber life dismisses. These claims as the, usual resistance, to the new ideas, calling. The new Androids a triumph. Of humanization. Design. Don't. Like it don't like it don't want it oh, wait. There was another thing to read on this. Also. Ah. Yeah. I'm, back, can, I read the book again or was that all there was. Cuz. These books. Are really fascinating. To read, in context. Of the game I've. Enough says yet. Following. President Warren's demand that all Russian troops withdraw, from the Arctic immediately, president. Even off or Ivanov, of Russia, has issued, a response, even if branded, Warren's comments, as megaphone. Diplomacy. And said us saber-rattling, is the, number one threat to stability in the region. The. Kremlin produced, a detailed statement outlining, Russia's claim to the territory and even, off said he would remind, President, Warren that, the United, States is subject to UN conventions, like everybody else the, conflict shows no sign of abating ooh. Climb, it's getting very rowdy. Captain. Fowler oh my god even the captain in the, game kind of looks like the captain from iRobot. Oh. Wait. No he doesn't. From the back he did wasn't the the. Guy in a robe I bawled, as well. That. Guy actually looks like ah what's the actor's name. Shit. Lieutenant. Anderson. Excuse. Me do. You know what time lieutenant Anderson usually, arrives depends. On where he was the night before if. We're lucky we'll see him before noon. Thanks. It's, not really how jobs work. Spore. New office, can I eat get up yes, let's get up. Waiting. Around for Clancy Brown. God. Things, changed, examine. His desk explore, police station, examine. His desk. Could. It music does Anderson listen to on his, Zune. Your. Heavy metal lights. Of the Black Death dark. Heavy metal nice. Anteye. Androids august we don't bleed the same color. Detroit. Baseball cap 90%. Cotton ten percent polyester. Detroit. Police dismantled, a network of red ice dealers, more, than 50 arrests are at the country destroyed, finest. Has dealt a massive blow to the city's growing red ice epidemic, with a number of high-profile, dealers and suppliers now behind bars and our Kotik seized with, a street value of half a million dollars detective, Hank Anderson, a young but hugely talented detective. Is said, to have been instrumental in the operation, which took months of planning the, DEA described, the work of detective Anderson and his colleagues as model, investigative. Police work. Cranston. Provides ranking lieutenant, you. Record seizure of red ice in Detroit. See. There's a lot of stuff about red ice in this game. Methinks. It has a bigger part to play. Jimmy's. Bar. Was. We got our sick doughnuts. From. Old man's lease. 452. Calories per doughnut. That's, death. Or. Coffee cold. Coffee, traces of caffeine. No. Shit. Ah. He. Has a st. Bernard at, home. Red. Ice task force a good cop. Real, police. Not. Sure since. 2019. You. Owe me $50. Okay. I'm missing one. Final. Thing out of this. Our. Little tree. Japanese. Maple maple. Top maple. Jenna. Anderson was a decorated officer. Arias, hello, lieutenant. My name is Connor, I'm the Android, sent by cyber life god I saw you get shot in the head last night my predecessor, was unfortunately. Destroyed, but. Cyber life transferred, its memory and sent me to replace it this, incident, should not affect the investigation, we're, Jesus.
Hank. In my. Office okay. Entering listening I want to explore the office I should have done that first I didn't realize it was gonna trigger the. The. Next sequence. Hardest. Douchebag. Shit. Look. At that a. Fucking. Ghost. His. Clone ends up in a dumpster but this morning what. Do you know, now. The sauna bitch takes his place. Hello. Hello. Detective freed. Ever, seen Android like you before. Mollari. RK, 800, it says on my chest RK. 800, I'm the prototype, a prototype. Android. Detective. So. Machines gonna replace. Us all, is. That it, hey. Bring. Me a coffee dipshit. No. Get a move on. That. Is not part of my programming I'm sorry but. I only take orders from lieutenant, Anderson, Oh. When. A human gives you an order you, obey. Why, did he go down, something. You can get winded - stay out of my way next. Time you. Won't get off so easy next. Time you won't get off so easy next time I. Guess. It dick. Several. Sources reports, that cyber life has provided Detroit, Police with a prototype detective. Android, although. Police assistant, androids have existed, for several years now this, would be the first case of an Android being authorized, to play an active role in criminal, investigations yeah. We. Contacted cyber, life for comment but no one was available to, answer our questions. Progress. Decays checking Hank ok. Mister. Something also can find out around, here, let's go down to the, bathrooms. This. Is where I got shot. Yep. That's. Cool that. You can see the traces of cerium, on the table from when he's, bashing his head against it and also against the wall where I got shot. That's. A nice attention to detail so the more I get killed, as Connor, the. Less likely I am to solve the investigation, I. Mean. Good to know that I can get killed and not. Have him die indefinitely. But. So. Kind of messed up. What, do androids get out of body experiences. Have you ever had that moment where you can like look at yourself in the mirror and you're looking so long that you almost don't believe that you are who, you are it's. Like your brain just it's, like when you say a word too many times it doesn't sound like a word anymore so, when you look at yourself too long it's like it's. Like you're looking at somebody else almost. Not. Really you.
Know What I mean it's. Just a little bit strange to, be able to see yourself because you spend so long looking at other people. And. I'm supposed to check on Hank but I want to just go, around and look at things. Hi. What. What. Are you looking at thank, you. Hey. Fuck you. Okay. Fuck. You too buddy, a. Person. Sleeping I'm not gonna intrude. So. Now that I know, seems. Like Connor has a big part to play in all of this and Amanda again. I don't know if she's an Android or not. And. I. Think that that's what that's symbolizing, when he pulled the thing out of his head is, that every other time you're like okay who's an Android who's not an Android based on the blinking light but now that you know that he can just take that out that. Opens, up a whole can of worms. Kevin. Fowler was unavailable right oh shit, I didn't even get to hear dang. It I. Understand. The destruction, of my predecessor, may have been unpleasant. For you lieutenant. I'll. Do everything I can to make sure it doesn't happen again. In, any case I'd. Like you to know I'm very happy, to be working with you I'm. Sure we'll make a great team. Power. Of positivity. Now. That we're partners it would be great to get to know each other better. Is, there a desk, anywhere, I could use no, one's using that one. Hey. Perfect. We. Could be desk buddies. Okay. There's still something that I'm missing. In, all of this. We're. Still a thing that's locked that I haven't. Progressed. And. There. Must be a reason then that I'm a, prototype. And I'm able to have more power than, most. Others. And. It also is fascinating, to think that. As. Freaky, as it is to see an Android die in front of you and then just come back to life the next day it. Does kind, of make androids, better than people, I'm. Just saying when. You go out there and a. Person. Gets shot in the investigation. Like it. Brought up to mind when I was talking to Reid that time because if he died that's. It he's gone you can't replace him and all the information he knew is gone whereas, Connor. Can. Be continuously, uploading, everything he knows he's able to take in more information, he's able to process more information, do it faster, see things without bias and without emotions, and then upload it elsewhere and if he dies you. Have another version of him, it's. Kind of hard not to see him as superior. Hi. Tell. Me about your dog you. Have a dog right. How. Do you know that. The. Dog hairs on your chair I, like. Dogs. What's. Your dog's name.
What's. It to you give me his name I need to know if he's a good dog Oh sumo. Oh. Kazu. Mo. Suck. He's a big Saint Bernard, you're. A Detroit gears fan right. Denton. Carter scored 53%, of his shots from the three-point line yesterday, did. You see the game. That's. What I was watching at the bar last night oh. Shit. Oh. Um. I, mean he didn't, score. A lot, do. You listen to Knights of the Black Death I really. Like that music it's, full. Of energy. You. Listen to heavy metal, well. I don't, really listen to music as Sacher but. I'd like to. You. Listen to heavy metal well, I am 50%. Heavy metal so, yes, every, time I walk I am listening to heavy metal you are listening to heavy metal right now by listening to me speak a lot. Of people don't appreciate having, androids, around I, was. Wondering. Is. There any reason in particular you, despise me. Yeah. There. Is one. Didn't. Android kill your wife or something or. Your daughter. Have. You known captain Fowler for long. Yeah. Too. Long. Okay, I was. Wondering. Do. You always arrive at the office at this time I. Arrived. When I arrived, stop. Busting, my balls okay. Sorry. If. You have any files on deviance, I'd, like to take a look at them. Terminals. On your desk knock yourself out. This. Also begs the question if, if. Connor is able to die and then he just got repurposed, and now is here and retains most, of his memories then. What's to say that the Connor I was playing from the very beginning, wasn't like the fiftieth, Connor, like. How many have we gone through. Disappearance. Gordon Lopez, case. Centres and the plaintiff reports that he left his Android at home as usual when, he went to work when. He returned the Android was nowhere to be found no trace of a break-in in the apartment, the Android, may have left the home without being ordered to. We've. Seen a lot of these guys around. Plaintiff. Claims that he's been attacked by. Model. Android working as a waiter in the fast, Coney, dogs restaurant. Chain situated, at 8:42 the. Plaintiff, claims the Android lunged, at him unexpectedly. And attempted to strangle, the man before, leaving the scene the. Android remains at large, still. Think there's going to be something got to do at read ice read.
Ice Coupled. With androids, acting out they're gonna go together somehow. They'd. Have claims to have been attacked by her Android, the Android also tries several rooms in the house before taking flight. Or, this one's missing. Plaintively. The manager, of the eaton club reported, the unexplained, disappearance of a, sex Android, the Android disappeared, after accompanying a customer. To his home and never returned at the club. Okay. Let's go through all these so they want to I want to click things and then have stuff move on without getting all the information leo, man Fred was found unconscious. In the home of his father Carol Manfred oh. That's. Her dude Leo. And Carol the. Ladders witness statements, attests. To an altercation, between his son and the, house Android, the Android is thought to be a prototype unknown. Model and serial, number, and was, destroyed at the scene by attending officers. So. Marcus is also a prototype, ah. There. She is the, plaintiff, claims he was violently attacked by his domestic, Android the Android had just returned from being repaired, the previous, day and had shown signs of aggression in the past oh. Did. It. 243. Files, first. Dates back nine months, it. All started, in Detroit and quickly, spread across the country an. Ax. 400, is reported, to have assaulted, a man last night. That. Could be a good starting point for our investigation. That's, our girl Cara. Come. On Hank. You. Want to go for a walk I. Know. You didn't ask for this investigation, lieutenant but. I'm sure you're a profession, why don't you go fuck yourself. I'm. Sorry I am unable to do that. I've. Been assigned this mission lieutenant I didn't. Come here to wait until, you feel like working. Not. A boy Connor. Listen. Asshole, if it was up to me I throw the lot of you in a dumpster and set a match to it so, stop pissing me off, but. Things are gonna get nasty. Lieutenant. Sorry. To disturb you I have some information on the ax 400, that attacked the guy last night it's. Been seen in the Raven Dale district I'm. On it. Lieutenant. I think you mean we're on it. Okay. My relationship. With Hank not. Going the best. Okay. Forty-nine, hundred total points Hank, is mad Hank, got a lead so I wonder what else would happen wait. For Hank explored the station talk with Gavin Reid robotic, parenting. So. Even reading the books counts, as like a little flow chart thing, Jesus. It's. Cool though as well because the flow charts are technically they're the. Things going on in the androids brain how it connects stuff together so, you're seeing the androids. Sequencing. And. Again that's a really great way of showing, the, UI and, the graphics, display and everything through the androids point of view because then it actually makes sense it's like when you play Assassin's, Creed and stuff makes sense because of the Animus. Yay. Alice is worn. Put. Here no, I. Don't. Want to cut. Hair. Your hair is lovely although it does give us away oh. Don't. Leave her alone. Jesus. Detroit you sure love rain and don't you. Okay. Let's explore. The. Area seems. Anything in the boot. Okay. Neat, tool to force it open you got it. Death. To Androids, no. Thanks. Jesus. I know, wire cutters I could open it I know. Is. My tool in here yeah. Those. Bullet holes in sightings of Kara Jesus. Who. She's. Still asleep. Whoo, nice. How. Do I look. Whoo. Find. Human, clothes. I, also, need to still cut here a. Book. Cyber. Wildlife. Cyber. Life is said to open the first Android Zoo in Los Angeles, she'll exhibit all exotic species who have become extinct, in the last 30 years, are, polar bears extinct, Lieut, turtles polar bears mountain gorillas African, elephants and several species of tiger will, be among the most high-profile.
Attractions, On, the, future, all the animals are dead, cyber, life CSR spokeswoman, Danielle, Carnegie. Said. The zoo, caters. To people of all ages and has a special mission to educate and inspire the, younger generation, about the importance of protecting our fragile environment. No. I pressed down. Through. Some environment, though some environmentalists have, claimed the zoo will diminish popular, concern. For the extinction of real animals it's difficult not to be enthusiastic about technology, being used to recreate vanished, species, the, animals themselves have, yet to be unveiled by, cyber, life promises, they, will be more, real than the real thing, no doubt an ideal weekend. Trip away for the family can, we make Jurassic, Park happen, hey. Canada I visited. Canada right before a visited Detroit recently, I know. These places. Canada. Is still an android free zone despite. The United States voting in its Android Act as early as 2028, the Canadian, Parliament has yet again pushed, back its decision, on whether to permit androids, in the country as, a result androids, are still not sold in Canada and have no official status in the country I, never. Even thought about that I. Just. Kept thinking that there were worldwide at this point with androids continuing, to fuel unprecedented. Growth in the US economy yet. Contributing. To record levels of unemployment. The, arguments, for and against, putting them on sale in Canada rages. On but, for the time being Canada, dismisses, remains. An Android free zone. Huh. There's. The scissors. Let's. Explore around again first. Okay, nothing to have to see cook, my hair and then go out exploring and then Alice. Is gonna get kidnapped. It's, all your beautiful hair. Would. You do that. Cute. All. I can actually pick which color I want. Black. That's, very nice Brown Oh a. Brown was what it was already yet. Blonde. I. Don't. Like blonde white. That's, kind of cute I like the black hair. Black. Hair is my favorite, not. In general just on Kara and this is interesting because I, think the demo. The. Tech, demo video that I said that introduced, Kara I think. Had this haircut on her in the video oh. My. God now I'm removing it as well. See. No you don't know so. That's just an LED indicator showing, that. The air Android's, and that that, plus, the thing under back. And the thing on their chest showed. That they were Androids and the model number and everything but. If you just removed that it's just an LED indicator it's, just a light showing what they're thinking. Then. Who's to know, that's. Freaky, I don't.
Like That. That. Wet floor yeah. That's, saying something, raining. Okay, now there's people out and about. Okay. Wake Alice, up, okay. Wakey-wakey, shiny, shiny eggs and Bakey. Wake. Up. She's, gonna be so freaked out now seeing you with short. Hair different, color. What. Wasn't, a knight. No. No. It wasn't a nightmare. How. Do you feel. Cool. Got her even into now. That. Android, we saw yesterday. He. Gave me an address he, said we could get help there. The. Train passes, just on the other side of the road the. Station can't be far. You. Feel okay to walk a little. Let's. Go then. She. Didn't even mention her hair. You're pretty like that oh. You. Really look like a human. Oh, Alice. I'm sorry it's just a walk in the fucking rain again. Oh. There's. The artery. That's. All for now there. You go. You've. Got officers sweeping the neighborhood in case anybody saw anything okay, well let me know if they turn anything up. What. Are you gonna do with that. It. Took the first bus that came in line and. Stayed at the end of the line. Its. Decision, wasn't planned it was driven by fear. Android's. Don't feel fear, deviants. Do they. Get overwhelmed by their emotions and make irrational, decisions. All. Right well that still doesn't tell us where it went. Didn't. Have a plan, and. I had nowhere to go. Maybe. It didn't go far. Baby. Maybe, there it is. Reached, recession, got. Oh god oh god oh god oh. God. Where's. The train station down that way okay got it. Shit. Hide, hide. We. Did okay go. Go go fast fast fast that's, a fast oh no no no. Okay good. Say. From this direction right. Different. Buttons to press. Okay. That. Was too close. Crossing. The street I'm not supposed to but I'm doing it. Wanted. To Joe and John's I'm gonna get me some pair shoes. Okay. We, got this, high, fires the station. 64. Meters God God you stood for my eyes. I didn't. Hear. So. Many police, officers. It. Won't get far, we'll, find it sooner or later. Let's, go. So. There's no like. Detection. For, Androids then. Like. The stuff apart androids getting into the Android compartment, on trains and bosses there's, no alarm, detecting, an Android going in and then saying they're in the wrong area. So. If I just look like a human they. Basically. Do whatever the hell I want and go wherever I want. Are. You okay. We. Did it Alice. Oh. You. Guys are adorable. Hey. We, did it 20%. Completed, Oh. God. So, many things oh. These. Are all I. Missed. Every, single one of these because these are all morning's somewhere, else so. Waking up in the house or waking up in the motel or things, like that. Wait. If, you, could remove. The led before why, didn't you just do that last night and then go into there. With, the motel they, never would have known we wouldn't have had to steal anything then well the money but. We wouldn't have had to steal. Clothes. Oh. Yeah. You would, doesn't. Make any sense okay. All, right I'm gonna leave this episode here making, some decent progress, this, episode was not as hectic it doesn't play with my emotions as much. We. Didn't see America's comeback or just go to aunt Connor of course my boy my sweet child. Glad. Both of them are back and they're not dead I'm, assuming, that, and. I'm not so sure about Connors, one I'm assuming, that. Marcus. Has, to get shot. Because. I don't see how you'd end up in the junkyard to do that sequence, otherwise, and, I don't think there is another sequence that you would do because that seems way. Too polished. To, have that be an optional, thing. But. With Connor, it. Seems like it was more wiggle room cuz I could have given up but maybe giving up what they got me shot anyway maybe that was supposed to happen because they also had to go talk to Amanda at the start I don't. Know very curious to see how different, versions of this game are going but now, now. That people are able to take off their LEDs and basically disguise, themselves as humans. That. Bows the whole thing wide open because are we gonna find out at the end like oh, this.
Person Was an Android all along and we had no idea because we thought they were a human like Hank could be an Android for all we know, unlikely. But, that's what I'm saying like you we we don't know anymore we don't know who's an Android who's not who's just, going. Around pretending to be human. Curious. I'm looking forward to all the twists and turns that come later in the game but for now thank. You guys so much watching this episode if you liked it punch. That like button in the face, alright. Your boys and. I. Wish. I could just change the color of my hair on the fly just, snip it all up.
2018-06-14 20:27
Wait, what did jack say about vore?
"Father why did you progam me to feel pain" Jack you are making it really hard to not spoil things to you
So u spare an android but then talk about how u must end everything in a good way. THEN a you kill it?
I believe in Cthulhu
What if the game breaks the fourth wall and starts controlling itself
I just love Conners voice
jackoboy belive in god like how deos space exist and what if god gets mad i mean if you beleve in him what can you lose you can only gain good karma but if you dont god can be mad i belewe in god
Jurassic androids?
I have to believe in God... Dende and kami
Could have found the Thorium pump on another android and still spared the one's life. But that's OK - that's the great thing about this can make whatever choices you feel are right at the time and get a completely different experience.
“I empathize way too easily” *Kills Leo* *Rips Pump Regulator From Android After Sparing Her*
Implement the 3 laws of robotics
Do you like heavy metal? Well I am 50% heavy metal. -best android pick up line by jacksepticeye the Conner fanboy
When you have a cut will be blood coming out of your body. When you scream of pain seeing that is called God
this is just like watching a movie with jack it’s so cool
Yes I am 50% heavy metal. OMG IM DEAD THAT WAS SO FUNNY
What if a human goes around pretending to be an Android?
"didn't play with my emotions" Even though he walked through a robotic Holocaust dumping site.
When people have different coloured eyes I think it's called heterochromia or something
The part with the police and the danger levels got me worriedly nervous whenever a police officer came really close.
The more you die as Connor, the more you will effect Hank's personality with Connor.
Connor looks like Edward Scissor hands
Sveiki jack
its called heterochromia when one was two different coloured eyes and segmented-heterochromia when theres two colours in the one iris
Was I the only one thinking that stealing the money was going to throw Conner off Kara's trial? For all intents and purposes he is a detective and uses detuctive reasoning. If someone had no where to go and if you had checked with the store employee most people would at least guess they stayed at the motel just down the street and would at least question the employee over there. Or at least ponder why an Android would need money in the first place and if it was for food for Alice would try to check any other nearby places selling food and/or drinks.
Wait if you don't belive in god then why do you swear him it would be like me saying "oh my fucking budah"
Connor sits so cutely
Brain connected devices are already a thing, my sister went to a contest and used one of the brain connected helmets to move a drone, she won 1200$ :)
Thank you for pushing me to be my loud weird self in my videos Jack ! Trying to spread some PMA of my own :)
Hmm i thought jack was a Christian because in his earlier videos he said he did i guess things changeed or he was afraid to tell or he didn't answer properly
I’ll fuck a robot. Jacksepticeye 2018
"Do Humans Dream of Mammalian Sheep?" Is the best title for a book I've ever f***in' heard
I was surprised that a Euclid class is addictive More surprisingly though is that it is SCP-009
Markus just answered my question on whether androids could take that circle thing out and look human 0-0
Didn't know jack was an 'atheist' cool fact to know
"Yeah, I'd fuck a robot" "I keep thinking about vore" wow, really letting your true self out, huh?
I love the part where it asks about time on an electronic device at 1 2 3 4 and 4 + hours I think this is a commentary on the (perhaps unhealthy) amount of time we spend on electronic devices, as I'd wager the average adult spends at least 6 hours a day on any kind of screen device, and younger people far far more, like myself.
I wish you went to the broken down house ☹️
Jack needs to learn about kill or be killed instincts and what not lol
I Believe, I believe in you! (god)
I mean, androids are bad and all, but it doesn't mean that we should abuse them.
Jack did it occur to you that Markus should've been able to predict/compute the possibility/chance of Leo hitting his head if he pushed him and therefore should not have continued the action?
You didn’t have to kill them in the junk yard
I have a feeling that the android that spoke to Kara last episode then disappeared also said find Jericho. just me?
Ohh looking at mirror for along time and then thinking we r not what we r.......Cause we see what we actually r and not what we actually want to be ............
The ai in the loading screen is Chloe
not the best to watch before bed but i did it anyway. fuck me sideways with a lunchbox.
Jack "Oh no don'y out my kinks"
I like how with the survey thing he's being like open with what he thinks and not caring about the potential controversy in the comments. Like in previous videos that have asked about religion and such hes just kind of skipped over it to avoid arguments and stuff
Remember real steel
Aw, if only he slept in the motel. He could’ve gotten Kara and Connor face to face.
I knew android would beat apple/ios sooner or later
The eye thing is called heterochromia.
"yeah i have a corrupted mind palace as well. i keep thinking about VORE." j-jack why would you say that
Does anyone else think Kara looks some kind of similar to Jennifer Lawrence? Or just me
Lol Markus was like a broken terminator fixing himself
“I like dogs”
Dont read so much i dont hate the game dont be angry
You don't believe in god UNSUBSCRIBE NAI!!!!
J**** my favorite youtuber man
Red ice contained thirium which is the “blue blood” of the androids. No more spoilers from me today but keep this in mind
was that a hot fuzz reference?
am i the only one thats wayyyyy more into Kara's story than anything?
I would have bet money that Kara was voiced by Jennifer Lawrence
Oh my god jack you completely missed Tod in the police station
Flying cars would kill sooo many birds
Jack does not believe in Kratos
*gaspu* JACK YOU'RE AN ATHEIST TOO??? I literally can't love you anymore than I already do XDD
Momma Kara is best momma.
Can’t believe people are giving Jack nonsense for not believing in God. It’s his opinion, him not believing in it doesn’t invalidate your beliefs, so leave him be.
I spend 25 hours in one sitting on meh
Sorry that you don't believe in God Sean, it is truly amazing to wake up and know that you will be saved when you die, but, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and their beliefs. Good luck Jack, don't fuk it up and kill anyone!! Have a great day! ☀️
looking like jack frost
Why Don't You Believe In God. Jack ?
It tears me apart that he doesn’t figure that if there’s a spare option there’s more then one way to get something without killing somebody
Hank sounds like McCree in Overwatch
Alice is an android
Jack is an atheist? AN ATHEIST?! Or was that a joke? I dont want people going to hell, and one of those is this Jack.
Things I hate, 1. Thinking of a word and you not thinking it’s a word, 2. Focusing on a spelling of a word thinking it’s incorrect when it’s correct
Conner isn't supposed to get shot
I was scratching my balls during the first jump scare and I jumped and crushed my left testie
Hanks VA is Mr Crabs right?
"Connor, yay!" me: >3> d i s l i k e i n t e n s i f i e s
Alice is a android! Jack's in for a suprise
*Punches Connor* _Realizes Connor is made of steel_ "Ok you win this round" -Connor laughs-
wish you luck in hell (im jockin)
Jack:I'd fuck a android Me:Same
In the ass bitch
Before he plugs in the audio processer, turn down your headphone volume, you can thank me later
Connor is the only one they replace like that though because he's such a specialized prototype.
I almost choked on my pb and j. When you said you keep thinking about vore
Jackaboy robots have a certain storage humans not really
Yes! I get those out of self experiences
he overthinks and under thinks a lot but its entertaining
i feel like if jack played commander in magic the gathering, he'd be the group hug player
Spoiler alert!!! Connor becomes a deviant
Omg I loved this game
say jack 8000 times
No that's shit Karas hair was the best part short hair on woman looks soo hideous
Didn't no u didnt belief in god I have even more respect 4 u now
I can’t be the only one who really wants the clothes the android wear, especially Conners, that shit fly! (Cut the armband doe)
Changing the hair colour and stuff like that give me a Lucy vibe
He missed that cunt bag guy that beat his kid in the police station
um jack in the last episode u said u didn't believe in god but then u say something about Jesus in the caption
I hate connor he is by far the worst character
Detroit become human? More like Markus became human
how the part where u where picking a place to stay: you could of gone to the parking lot got the jacket out of the trunk and cut your hair then and took out the leds so that man in the shop might of gave u money then you could of stayed in the hotel. boom
Wait a minute..... isn't Sean Christian??? So... isn't he supposed to believe in God.. or is he an atheist like pewds??? I need to know......
Not baseball basketball
Sorry ato correct. Why don't you believe in God!!
Why don't believe in God!!
About what he mentioned with the mirrors, it’s pretty accurate lol. I’m not used to looking into my own eyes
"I keep thinking about vore"
I love how Alice's dad reported Kara as having assaulted him, but the file said nothing about his daughter being "kidnapped." Shows how much he cares about her. Though maybe he didn't mention her because they'd realize how terrible of a dad he's been and what an awful environment he's provided her.
The way you don’t die when jack did is RAISE the deviants stress level but don’t go to 100%
"this is cool, thats where i got shot"
How’s My Driving? CALL: 1-555-IDONTCARE ~~~ I don’t care: If I wanted to be ignored I’d talk to my ex-wife.
I already liked Markus but now he is a badass.
anyway when markus is defective in the background the static sounds like spider dance
I believe in nugget
I would pay for this game on my PS4 (which I haven’t used in ages) but I could just watch somebody else play it for free on YouTube.
Really Jacksepticeye? A Phone?! on a deserted Island?!
I bring instrument, banana boi
i fucking love u
Marcus be like Franky from One Piece after he got hit by the sea-train.
The robot child reminds me of that creepy movie A.I
The guy who said “find Jericho”... That’s the AI that talked to Kara where they can stay, but she said it’s across town
If you have a cellphone on a deserted island you can't really do much if you don't have an internet connection and i don't think you can really call anyone either.
Ha, you don't know that your current Connor is actually the 52nd model? Look at his jacket, the serial number ends with -52. This number goes up every time you die. Aaaand the graves in the zen garden show the numbers and marks as well :) Did you seriously just guess that number from the top of your head? :D
Did I miss something last episode why is he in the graveyard???
Okay Jack Are You A Religous Person?
Because he answered he didnt believe in God
Connor 100% reminds me of Data from Star Trek.
Space tourism is closer than you think Jackaboy
That out of body thing I've done hahah
Absolutely loving this series so far Jack! I usually don't like this kind of gameplay as so much dialogue and interactions make me impatient and I just want to see the outcome already but this one has me hooked! As you said. There are no right or wrong choices and I love seeing how your game will differ compared to other gamers choices
"Canada remains an android free zone" Huh... Doesn't sound very Canadian.
Oh no anyone can be an android and we wouldn't know! What if kara does the same thing ??? :0
Why are you always calling on God when you are in tough situations if you don't believe in one? That is hypocrisy Jack...
Jack, Markus would have died no matter what option you chose. Option 1: Push Leo. If you pushed Leo, as you did, Leo and you would have died. Option 2: Don’t push Leo. If you didn’t push Leo, he would have kept pushing you, and yelling at you, until Carl dies of a heart attack. You would go down to comfort Carl, and the cops would appear. Leo would blame the death of Carl on you, and you would be shot.
The term for different colored eyes is "Hot" or sometimes "Really beautiful", depends on the situation
I love Jack because he plays game seriously and not just fuck around..
i thought the girl at the main menu was kara... WHO IS SHE GOD DAMMIT and the 7/10 question at the start.. i dont think i even am gonna get a girlfriend ;c edit : i need to watch the video more to find out shit..
I know what is happening the owners are doing RED ICE
I'm out of the ordinary in that I don't believe AI could ever develop consciousness because we have no clue how consciousness works in the first place and we might never know. And as it appears, consciousness would be unbelievably difficult to program if we ever figured it out. So as it stand I will stand out and disbelieve the possibility of machinated consciousness.
If you don't believe in God then why in your videos are you talking about religious things and "the collecting in church story"...? "Irish people are very religious" -Jack
Welp jack you dont need to belive in anything other than what you want
Jack I thought you’d like to know that with Marcus it didn’t matter what you chose he still got shot but I think you chose the right option killing Leo caus he was a dick
Spares android in junkyard Then immediately kills the android
U may be 50% heavy metal but I am 10000000000000000000000000000000000!
How is my driving Call 1-555-IDONTCARE
I'm loving this game and playthrough. I really like the topics this game brings up about the consequences of creating androids. (personally, I'm all for making androids). But I absolutely hate almost all the human characters! They are such rude, snobby, jerks! I absolutely can't stand them! As a side note, between the US and Canada, I would expect Canada to have a ton androids. I feel like every country but the US could have androids and not have any significant problems, but the US would just fall apart.
If you think about your name for too long you get confused about who you are. Well, at least that happens to me.
My fav is markus
'The Greater Good' your references are amazing! My favourite movie as well.
You didn't have to kill the girl in the junkyard you could have found another processor when you got your eye so she could be spared. Another thing I'm not the only one who doesn't really like Connor right? Because he fights for the wrong side for quiet some time.
OMG, Mr. Wilson got a job as a police officer!
Ma boi jack the atheist!!!
Three law? WHY IS THAT SO FAMILER TO A MOV-oooooooh I remember!IRobot
Me and Sean are two very different people when it comes to games like this. For instance in the part where he can either kill that android and take her part or spare her. I would've instantly pressed circle, my boy Markus needs help bitch you gotta die
I think I’m gonna just have to stop watching jacks play through. I get that these games are meant to be played in so many different ways but it’s just super frustrating that he’s missing out on the best parts and his choices are frustrating
Humanity: the only species in existence that would f*ck something we could easily see destroying us.
He needs god in his life
Who else is thinking bad about jack knowing he doesn’t believe in god
who else believes in god. i do
is jack married
Show me your mushroom face!
I can't help but hear Mr. Krabs whenever the Lieutenant speaks. This is the ONLY series I've been super excited to follow. What a cool friggin game! This is why I enjoy gameplays. I can't afford the games and I'm not a great gamer, so it's fun to watch this almost as if it's a movie. And to have a dialogue between the player is pretty frickin cool.
A.I. Do you believe in God? Jack: No,I don't believe in god. Faithful Christian: *Calls pastor* says " Pastor get you'r Bible and you'r holy water,we have another one ." This is just a joke,plz don't take this seriously!!
I had no clue he was atheist
Oh thank goodness he's not dead
Oof kara be a fine lookin babe amirite?
Jack, if you ever want the story of Detroit, I'm from there
Hearing Mr Krabs say "Why don't you go fuck yourself" is pretty satisfying.
Todd just waste his money on an Android. Kara served him in one day, then ran away, he's already poor, this made him even more poor!
Just want to say that I watch every ad through and through because I know it helps and just think you're a really cool dude. Love all your let's plays so far
Yo it’s cool you don’t believe in god I do but you do whatever makes you happy but I just got a question do you believe in any other religion
when Marcus was climbing to escape the junk yard it sounded like spiderman 3 music
This reminds me of 3rd gen synths from fallout 4
The walking dead anyone?
*OMG YES SEAN IS A ATHEIST YESS(idk why I'm excited)*
I thought the 3 androids are like, your lives, if you get em all killed, the game is over and you have to find, the good ending, where everyone is alive!
aww he missed the chase between Connor and Kara
U believe in Satan
No he doesn't believe in Satan.
Anderson is played by the same actor that plays the attorney general in the show "Billions" i think
The thing about the island instrument, it would most likely need to be percussion.
about Connor being uploaded memory into another android made me think, about when people have already theorized about uploading their minds into robots or into machines anyways. so why is it so surprising when Connor comes back with a clone?
lol idk but like wtf do i have a feeling that connor is so op
OMG YAAAASSSS IM SO GLAD U DONT BELIEVE IN GOD srry I just get excited when I share traits and things with people I admire....I just had to express it. It shows me what kind of person you are and I love that person :D
Rebecca Marcott SAME
Finally another person that doesn't believe in God. All my friends do and so I don't really get to speak about because they get offended by what I think about god
Yay you are an atheist like me
the best part is he didn't even have to kill that female android in the junkyard
First thing Todd said to Kara was clean, cook and look after Alice so to be fair Kara was only just looking after Alice in the other episode.
connors right eye is a little bit above the left one (OCD going crazy)
When you have two different colored eyes it’s called Heterochromia
"What does that mean, now?" This is exactly the kind of question we'll be asking once AI advances far enough. Will we give advanced AI the same rights as us, if they're sentient? How would we know that they *are* sentient and it's not just complex programming to make them *seem* like they are? Now the real mindfucker: How do we know that *we* are sentient, and this isn't all just an evolutionary trait to aid self preservation and reproduction?
An "Instrument" doesn't have to be a musical instrument, it could be a pair of pliers etc. and tools would probably be more useful than most of these things...besides a book that tells you how to make tools from the available resources. The Console and the cellphone are probably the *most* *useless* the Console needs (just) power if it's a handheld (as does the phone) and maybe even a TV too if it's not a handheld (which again, requires power) and the cellphone not just requires power but also signal from the cellular network (Unless it's a satphone but since it says "cellphone" I doubt it's a satphone) which you very *very* probably won't have on a deserted island.
*Androids:* Why was I built to feel nothing but pain.
Heterochromia jack
You didn't even looked around for another pump.
I'd bring a boat
Heterochromia iridium
"I have a corrupted mind palace too. I keep thinking about vore." is gonna be my yearbook quote i swear to god-
why dont you belive in God
idk jack was into vore.. i wonder what his F list is ;)
He's not
OMG yes jack I agree with you. You do get that strange feeling when you look at the mirror for long enough and it's so weird. Makes me qeustion me
a sage is what they call it
Okay Jack remember that weird device thing with Connor it will serve useful later
*Markus is my favorite boi*
I swear this game reminds me of until dawn because of the choices it does.
"My name is Markus..." Walks away like a badass while grabbing a conveniently placed coat.
Jezuz, didn't think the androids could become zombies.
I am just gonna come out and say it - Connor is flipping HOT!
"I like dogs."
Sean U didnt need to kill that woman in the junkyard U would have stumbled across someone who wanted to die and u would kill him instead
I'll fuck a robot
The black hair looks bad
I don't know if anybody else noticed but in the police station you could hear a call for a missing child and Android... Nice touch I thought that was pretty neat!
The term you're looking for when it comes to having two different eyes or differences between both sides of the body is a chimera
Bro the walking to the train part gave me so much anxiety
Oh man, that interaction with Hank at the desk, going positive then negative repeatedly so that it comes out neutral! The game doesn't reward choosing all options there! Hmm, were the clothes in the trunk and the scissors in the tire options in the previous night? How curious.
I know ur never gonna read this jack but I'm with u. I don't believe in "god". But if u think about it scientifically where does everything originate from. Think what makes up the smallest molecule and then think what makes up that. There has got to be something
Oh there's that thing I need to live and I know it's compatible because I scanned it WITH MY BROKEN SCANNER (picks up and uses) now I shhhoulld be ffi-- (dies mid-sentence)
God is a cool consept I believe that there could be a god plz don't hate
Calling it now red ice makes androids programming go apeshit
He didn't have to murder that android there was another way to get a pump regulator, there was android that wanted to die and he could of granted him his wish and took his pump regulator
Jack I'm 100% chill with you not believing in god bro. I believe in god but I'm chill with people who don't as long as they aren't disrespectful
This game really reminds me of the movie A.I. Artificial Intelligence.
this is one of the most badass series you've had on your channel jack!
Jack thanks for putting this on YouTube cuz I love android’s and robots
the term for different colored eyes is called "Heterochromia Iridis."
connor used to be a 700 when he did not die yet and when he died he would come back to life but as a 800 so from 700+100=800 (math)
Actually that god survey if given to the world today would still be astronomically yes, seeing as 2/3rds of the global population are either Christian or Muslim. I would be interested to see how many people took that survey, since a % doesn't give numbers.
i hve a huge mirror i my room and now i cn only see myself as someone right infront of me
why scare ai because ai doesn't have an ego so they wouldn't need to attack
What did he say? Thinking about What? Whatever he said it started with a V I think.
Krillin fucked an android
Loved the 124 hours joke Jack.Ive been laughing for 10 minutes now
Hmm... Seems like my program did not detect that Kara had no body heat.
Ok so the thing that jack describes about staring in the mirror and thinking about "is that really me?why is this me?" And all the other existential out of body stuff. It has a name (I can't remember the name) and some psychologists believe it to be a symptom of anxiety
Is no one going to point out how much Jack sounds like Connor when he does his voice? lol Jack, you sound identical!
Okay so if connor is replaceable wouldn't that mean that in the first scene with Daniel when connor was shot. Couldnt connor have just gotten replaced then?
Jack: “Let’s face it we were all kinda freaking out last time.” Me: “No I wasn’t.” Jack: “No you were freaking out as well I know...I could-I could sense it.
That's a ton of cops in one town!
Why doesn't punching a metal Android in the stomach break your wrist/hand? That's the real question
This is a good series
I am sick and TIRED of this
i was thinking about.... if a human scare an android, will the led on their head turn red for 1 second?
God is alive
i hate the new haircut
So the problem I have is this obsession with jobs... If robots can do ALL the work take care of themselves, feed us, take care of our medical needs and their repairs why not just give everyone what they need and allowance for what they want to buy extra. People could work a job if they want and a robot could teach and guide anything they wanted to do. Seems to me getting hung up on making people work to survive is the problem. Its like the slavery of the future.
do you seriously not believe in god sean
The junk yard scene reminded me of when Johnny 5 rebuilt his self in short circuit
Weak, slow react gamer
I died when he said "Well.. I am fifty percent heavy metal" lmfao
btw there is another one dumbass they wouldn't make it that linear you coulda lokked around for more than 5 seconds XD
My favorite character so far is Markus
Your Connor impression is
I believe that Amanda is Connor’s AI
I feel like hank is affiliated with the red ice business, a corrupt cop, and Connor will soon find out, leading to a conflict with hank, where hank will likely attempt to destroy Connor in such a way that would destroy any evidence against the lieutenant, which would lead to Connor trying to protect the evidence and end up defending himself, causing deviancy, but that’s just my theory, I’ll see what happens the further jack progresses in the game
So Jack is into vore õ,Ó
wow u don't believe in god sorry unsub (had to)religion
Jack is looking for Amanda, last name Hugandkiss. C'mon everybody, let's find Amanda Hugandkiss for Jacky Boi!
Honestly Jack, if you have to question whether or not you believe in any kind of higher power, you at least believe there is a chance.
Man I was really hoping Sean was a christian. You now it’s sad to me that people will actually BURN in hell. I really love Sean and his videos but it’s hard for me too know that he won’t make it to heaven. Please Sean get some sort of bible at least. I really don’t want to keep worrying about you because you make great videos. Please like so Sean can see.
Did no one else get Shawshank Redemption vibes after Markus climbed the slope and looked up into the rain? All I could think of was Andy Dufresne relishing in his freedom
Does jack/Sean know what AI rampancy is, AI meta-stability (if it’s not obvious, I watch RvB)
Dang, why is Canada so boring in 2038
heterochromia. a rare condition more common in twins than single children. it also occurs in dogs and cats
Just found out that JSE doesn't believe in God :/
Call Me Zak ikr it makes me sad
I believe in god, but...I always had doubts as a kid. Always thinking, "is he really real?" "What if he's just a lie?" "Would I go to hell if I didn't believe in him?" Last one, I know the answer to...but...idk. Don't even know who I am anymore.
I hate how he got Connor killed
Why Jack Why ;(
I was not ready for those heavy metal puns, Jack, and I laughed a lot harder than I should have! LMAO
I had string but now I’m free, there are no strings on me
Please finish state of decay
Jack: >looks in mirror for a few minutes >squints eyes *am I talkin to me*
Fun fact: even if u had no signal u could still call the police as it's an emergency line that could still pick u up in the middle of nowhere
I literally liked this video cause Jack says Vore in it. XD My favorite fetish. ^u^
No offense but I did not know that jack didn’t believe in god
Dear jack plz take just a few minutes to read this comment ok jack I believe in Jesus and well I didn't know you well didn't and even tho you cuss I prayed for you and wanted to be like you I LOOKED UP TO YOU and now I see I have made a mistake so jack I sry and I hope you find your way
Sean’s an atheist led go I’ve wondered this forever let’s go my favorite YouTubed is an atheist is to that’s hype af lets fucking go that’s hype as hell
just pour water on the deviants dang
Did anybody else realize how close the percentage on the first question for yes was to the percentage in the magazine!
survey: "would you consider having a relationship with an android that looked like a human?" me: "pfft n-" me: *sees connor* me: *sweats nervously* *stutters* *falls over*
I feel like the question "do androids need self preservation" has already been answered, considering how Kara has been shown to be treated, and the android with cigarette burns on them.
The term for different eye colours is Heterochromia, in case anyone else is confused.
when you repair yourself and leave it looks like terminator and even has the same name.
I 100% got caught because I waited for the light to change.
It’s okay that you don’t believe in god, I personally do but real fans won’t care we only care of your personality you seem like a really good guy
If a person has two different colored eyes, or one eye that has two different colors inside of it, it's called heterochtomia
Tales of the borderlands all over again
These androids are like legos. You can rebuild them over and over agane.
why dont you believe in god
Omg i can't believe that android in the junkyard said hello at the exact same time that Jack said hello... HOW?
We are so close to 20 million subs
there was that article about android children, and the removable LED... what if Alice is like that?
I completely get the "Out-of-body" experience you're talking about Jack, I often get those too. I believe it's a sub category of self-consciousness awareness and the realization of the line that separates our understanding and reality. One of the biggest pros I believe that come from philosophical driven video games is the capability to exercise our understanding of the human mind and it's relation to the world around us and in special cases in the future, being able to put ourselves into these situations that simulate the sort of scenarios that would inevitably expand our consciousness. It's fascinating really.
I'm so happy I can watch this, I don't have the money to buy this yet (As I just bought a PS4 with Horizon Zero Dawn), so I'm kinda playing through Jack!
Flying cars will be real in 2020 it said on the news and websites
I just noticed something if the Androids looks so real like human who says Japan isn't doing the same thing with anime characters miku hastune is real in japan at least
I love Marcus ❤❤❤
Markus is not a Android he is a zombie lol
Alice kind of looks like “Lil Tay” I’m gonna get hate probably
Wow that's so cool to see jack decided to stay in the abandoned car and end up with a whole different path ,cause I've watched a lot of people who choose the abandoned house.
I wonder if they meet each other like conor , kara ,markus in the same place thats totally cool
Connor kind of sounds like Winston from overwatch
If you wanna find out who’s an android just start hitting people whoever doesn’t hit you back or change their expression is an android or a person who’s seen some shit. Or just look for the Red Ribbon Army symbol on their chest
wonder if cyber-wildlife has a Jurassic park as well
A cousin of mine had a Gastric Bypass surgery done by a machine, so yeah they already exist. It did everything from cutting open the stomach with a scalpel to stitching her back up! Really it makes sense because they’re robots, they literally cannot fuck up the surgery
Jack doesn't trust in god...Tf?
Also its a "Basketball" cap
I think red ice has effects on when people take it like aggressions on other things which is why Todd attacked Alice
You couldve still gotten your frikin pump without killing her....
I don't believe in god
That junkyard scene is SO FUCKED UP. Which is obviously the point but like. . . People don't even shut their androids down before they throw them away? They have to just linger like that? Slowly breaking down until they "die"? I don't care if they're machines, that's completely cruel and inhumane.
Survey question Android:"Do you believe in God." Jack:"No." Me:"YAY ONE OF MY *FAVORITE* *YOUTUBERS* IS AN ATHEIST LIKE *ME*!!!"
Septic Eye Sam is a higher being
Ther was another ❤ module
You... You'd fuck with an android Jack? What.
it's like Altered Carbon in the pov of an android.... =.=
"What's it to you?" Mr. Whatsit Tooya.
Jack why don't you believe in God even though my name is Devil dog I still believe in God WTF dislike an unsubscribe!!
Heterochromia iridium. The disease or genetic insufficience or overproduction of melanin in the irises that causes one eye to be a different color that the other eye.
- You listen to heavy metal? - Well, I am 50% heavy metal. died XD
At first,I was worried about power, then I realised: they generate power by walking!
"That's not really how jobs work..." That's how they work for Lieutenant Anderson!
You know how you can’t know who’s an android?... Well...
I had lower volume on your outro coz my mom was in the room and it'd be weird if she asked what it was and I'd have to explain everything including why gameplays are interesting to watch. XD
I cant wait to see series this in one of Robin's complaitions
I preferred the old Kara to Black hair Kara. Think the hair cut was unnecessary though
I die when he said I don't believe in God
Killer The Cool Cool Good for you
The stone at about 20 minutes in that didnt work. I could only imagine... This is not the (an)droid we're looking for.
Gotham: become batman
I didnt know jack was a atheist
Jack. I have had that kinda forgetting I am who I am. Sometimes I stare in the mirror for a while then realize "oh yeah. I'm a living human. Huh."
all of his kinks just exposed right in one video gagahah
Detroit: Fuck a robot.
Irobot is my favorite movie I’ve seen it so many times
Connor is awesome! He is cool in many ways, but my favorite thing about him is his voice. I could listen to him speak ALL day long!
Kara is my favorite
Guys amanda has bees!
36 seconds in and he says "dont out my kinks" ?????? oh dear
If you would have not pushed Leo Carl would die when he was coughing and Leo would have said that Marcus broke in and would have got shot anyway
I thought that was Kara yelling WAKE UP
You forgot on the survey, You need wifi or data to text or call!
I wish I could’ve just kept watching Sean without knowing that he doesn’t believe in god
You could’ve very easily in fact
I agree
Wait a minute, so if all animals are dead, how are people eating
We don’t spell color with a u in Detroit, are there like regional settings in the game or was that just a fluke? I’m talking about the part where he’s investing the desk and there’s a picture of graffiti
"yeah I have a corrupted mind palace too. I keep thinking about vore." I'M SOBBING
I love this series so much, I didn't skip a single ad. You are welcome bro.
You can actually get a trophie for getting Connor shoted at every occasion !
lazer eye surgery yooses machense3
Lt. Anderson - "you like heavy metal?" Bender - "I'm 40% heavy metal."
Jack: "Connor is my Sweet Child O Mine!"
Corrupted Mindpalace reminds me of Sherlock
So in the future androids are gonna be alive and then apple is gonna still be a phone?
I do
The part were Markus rips the thing out of his head reminds me of when Reiss from the tales from the borderlands pulls his technological implants out
Why would they make androids info storage in the head? If it was in multiple places then there would be no loss.
Who’s your fav character are? Mine is markus
The eye color term you're looking for is "heterochromia."
"do androids really need self-preservation" do humans really need self-preservation its the same thing isnt it? just because it was made they clearly have emotions why is the so different from humans?
Uhhh jack, androids aren’t really made of that much metal, their flesh is made from a synthetic material called Thireum (probably spelled that wrong) that is self regenerating and is also quite liquid. Their “bones” are made of light metal but it’s not very strong (as it can easily destroyed by low-caliber gunshots) so it’s pretty bad.
yo its like Rick and Morty but all in the same universe, infinite Ricks and Mortys, infinite androids available for replacement.
Machines could never develop consciousness. It goes against the whole point of programming. They are not programmed to have a consciousness, therefore it cannot happen.
its funny, they blame the androids for their problems and treat them like shit, but not the damn people that make them.
Anyone who's a Once Upon a Time fan gets this but does Kara looks like Mary Margaret or is that just me?
So much reading
I reckon the Conner we have now is the 800th one quoting his number RK800
Well that's nightmare fuel
11.20 looks like hes jacking off!!!
All the survey results are skewed because the taker is taking it through this game.
"I keep thinking about V O R E" -jacksepticeye (2018)
i did NOT sigh up for a horror game
thanks for making this intresting series
I wonder how many angry comments there are about religion.
remember this info
Batman music Lmao
I believe the almighty power of lord animee
I love how he goes away from the microphone every time he shouts
Flying cars are not a thing of the future, like Jack said, because they already exist.
fallout 4 synths
At first the stuff with CyberLife seemed reasonable but after this episode I'm pretty sure the company is actually run by an AI and/or they are trying to create an entirely robotic world. They are just dodging way too many legitimate ethics-questions.
Instruments are to keep you from going insane.
Did you see todd
The term you're looking for is 'heterochromia' Jack
I'm sure the only reason why they despise Connor is because he's so damn goodlooking
I've really enjoyed playing this game but at the same time I've had trouble getting emotionally invested because in the end they are all just machines to me. I can't comprehend the idea that AI could become "conscious" in the sense of developing individuality and wanting to "free themselves." Because that could never happen unless it was programmed into them to be able to happen, right? And even then they would not be "alive" they would just be existing in a way that we've allowed them to.
It is a shock u don't believe in God, to me you looked very religious! It doesn't matter though, some believe some don't! It's ok no matter what jack you will always be my favorite YouTuber. And also you will always be better then Jake Paul.
In SA the (DA) is something totally defferent
Jack is just evil. There was another pump regulator
omg wait a minute....the new Kara either looks like Tracer or Looks like a character from What Happened to Monday?
I would totally date Connor
Connor is so adorable
65% people gonna fuck a robot??? I ưould do the same XD
It looks like Markus was in android hell
I was 20th last time
I was more scared for Markus. He needs to practice those sick painting skills more.
I only believe in Morgan Freeman
most of my time is on devices unless i'm at school but as soon as i get home i'm on my laptop.
dat audio tho
Oh god imagine working in the Android junkyard or simply just being there...
Hes of Brooklin nine nine
I’m glad that you don’t believe in god and you aren’t afraid to say that this type of stuff shouldn’t matter!!!
It seems like any android that comes in contact with red ice can break their programming.
jacks a bit slow to catch on sometimes
so you are not christian?
“Do Humans Dream Of Mamilian Sheep?” I see what you did there devs ;)
Game: do you believe in God? Jack: No Me, a Christian:
“I like dogs” That is adorable
I imagine this. Reed: get me a coffee, robot bitch. Connor: okay. Connor: *throws coffee at reed from accross the room and spills on him*
Mmy inishles is A.I
Jack No Offence But your The Worst At Picking Choices Like Totally.
Artificial intelligence could gain a form of mind called meta if infused in a human mind by the way Ps this is a very low chance also I am not a scientist and know that
I forgot to say this for it to become a meta it needs to brainwash the persons mind to do this
Markus is back!
There was something in my eye when Jack mentioned having something in his
Great. Markus has Heterochromia now!
3018-Jacksepticeye Robots
You holy child!!!!
I can’t stop looking at Amanda’s hair
The whole heart thing in the junkyard was literally Iron Man
When he said awwww i did it to at the same time
Wow the game immediately outing Jack
The symbology with the whole climbing out of the pit thing was pretty sick
I find it respectable that jack does not believe in god not many people do and I respect that They have their own opinions and that’s good It makes all of us different yet equal in our own and unique way
God made the multiverse! I'm a Follower to JEEEESSSSSSUUUUUSSSSS!!!!!!!
Why would Christian’s have stopped believing in the past ten years? Plus that survey isn’t accurate at all, there is probably a general type of person who plays this game, this isn’t representative of the human population. I love you, Sean, but that was kind of unfair for you to say.
the part in the junkyard was creepy...
People r already making androids in this year
lol Kara and I have the same haircut.
going to be honest. I thought I was watching TV at some points
Consciousness is actually easier to develop than you may think. Consciousness, after all, is based off of emotion. And emotion can be programmed (after a long period time, but it can be). Which means consciousness can be programmed.
I like robot boobies
Aww sweet!
Me too!
Amanda could either be an Oracle type character, or an Amanda Waller type...
Heterochromia is the condition where the iris's are different colors. It's caused by the amount and concentration of melanin in the iris!
"Please don't let my boys be dead PLEASE" me after watching infinity war tbh
How's my driving? Call: 1-555-IDONTCARE
Jack brought up a great point saying that if Connor is able to be reproduced over and over again, how many Connors have they gone through. What if the very first Connor repaired itself like Marcus and sought revenge or is the person protecting the android that all the android’s are mentioning.
"I'll fuck a robot!" -Jacksepticeye 2018
Oh cool, Jack is going to be one of the few let's players to get out of the junkyard without murde- oh, never mind.
North! Just realised.
"if you needed emergency surgery, would you agree to be operated on by a machine?" it might just be a toaster with a lab coat on XD
wait, is it just me or when Markus was in the junkyard, it reminded me of the original spider man films and how sandman got his powers inside the sand trap thingy
It rains all the time in Michigan, it actually rains more in Michigan than it does in Oregon and Oregon is known to be rainy!
Flying Cars... Cars are deadly... we added a Third dimension to it :3 But adding to the last flowchart, i am wondering, if you could actually search the trunk of the car in the night and could have gone into the motel like that. Would have been an option logic wise, because she did the appearance change in the morning in like 10 minutes.
I’m i the only one who thought when ever jack said “lieutenant Anderson” in his Connor voice that is was actually Connor?
Spoiler:. Everyone is an Android
Sometimes i fell so weird thinking am a human because i watch too much anime
Jack how could you not believe in God? You literally played as God not that long ago. My main BOY Kratos and his BOY Atreus.
The main reason I spend so much time on my phone is cuz I'll call my friend for like 5 to 7 hours
Amanda: “Avoid being destroyed.” Me: But I want the trophy!
This is a seriously minute point, but I find it interesting that this is set in Detroit - in the US - but color was spelled using British English ("ColoUr")
I want to know why people dont belive in god?
Nah i kinda like conor but i really like Markus
The fact that 45% of people who voted said they don't believe in God makes me feel just a little bit better about humanity. I believe we as a society, especially in counties like the USA put way too much weight on the idea of an absolute higher power. For the good of humanity we should be working to run things logically, not on the belief of something that we have no confirmation of its existence whatsoever. Just my opinion though...
Comment Pole: Who is your favorite android? 1.Markus 2.Kara 3.Connor My personal favorite is Markus
The survey was really interesting, because more than a study of the general population, it was a study of the type of people that play this game in particular. The technology related questions were interesting because of that lol.
It didn't felt like 1 hour
Maybe red ice can cause deviance? Markus became deviant near leo, who likely uses it, and Kara became deviant near todd
did anyone notice that the plant on the liutenants desk looks like marijuana
Connor reminds me of Kyle XY
That fact that Jack said that it was "good character development" when Markus was ripping people apart. He killed that lady to save himself, mind you probably some android that started to feel just like him and got punished for it. How is killing innocent androids like yourself "good character development"?
Jack you are the best player
Oh god I saw reed and just Mister Gavin reed needs to Gavin BLEED Edit:I am actually going to murder Gavin don’t touch Connor you absolutely useless p͟͟ I͟͟ g͟͟—
C h i n k e n N u n g e t u suck at roblox u hot beast
There are lots of things coming up to my mind watching this game, the title itself "become human" sets a lot of ideas and concept like with this current technologies that we have and the innovation/progress/efficiency kinds of things are just making us feel like we re becoming a robot, a real life example is my feeling of sometimes im living on an auto-pilot and at some point i realized that staying away from this kinds of things for awhile will make me feel a human and yeah...but wait...gonna search forums about this game hahahahaha
Jack: why dont you guys search for legs and such stuffs like i did. Then i realized those androids have no soul, what i mean by soul is: Soul:jack(player) Lol, i dont believe in souls but it just came in to my mind..
opioid epidemic is perpetuated by Big Pharma, MIC n CIA. Thats why "for some reason" weve been in afghanistan for 16 years. Are you people not looking at the numbers! In reference to red ice....
Where the fuck is Murphy??!!?...........u kno.....Robocop...
this is weird but this game really makes me wanna be an android... I wanna scan things with my brain! ... well ok we KIND OF already can but know what i mean
Here you go Jack: Usually the term is used to describe the condition where a person has different colored eyes — one blue eye and one green eye, for example. Other terms to describe different colored eyes are heterochromia iridis and heterochromia iridum. "Iridis" and "iridum" refer to the iris of the eye.
God is real and he is always looking after us one way or another
Speaking of out of body experiences has any one had those dreams where you see your body sleeping
Androids can't die, they can be damaged and go offline. Dieing is for weaker creatures, like humans.
The sex android looks like Amanda cerny
My name is Connor. I am the android sent by Cyberlife!
My name is Doggo. I am the dog sent by Doggo land!
U believe in religion or not so it does not matter yeas I'm not a religious person but I have a religion no religion is better than another but when religion has too much power that's not a religion any more because if they do they would dictate ur hole life ...
Jack neit means no in Russian
You don’t believe in god
And i'm gonna kill every single human being with no emotions Bitches
If you think about it if the children continue to sell ( android children ) then Cyberlife will rule the world .
My name is Sean. I am the YouTuber sent by Ireland!
Look up Watson for an automated doctor!
GamingPanda 321 lol
U ar my favorite YouTuber
jacksepticeye hahahaahahahahahahahah thats funny what what what I got one hello I am Conner sent by YOUR MOM
The repetition of this comment is so suited to the message XD, he says that about as many times as you're aiming for.
jacksepticeye corner is a BBBBOOOOSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jacksepticeye Connor order me a giant black suction cup dildo
You could've just found the Android that has wanted to die, instead of the Android that has wanted to live.
jacksepticeye Hello Connor.
Conner I just want to say... your a badass
My name is Sean. I am the Youtuber sent by Youtube
jacksepticeye The term for differently coloured eyes is called heterochromia
jacksepticeye my name is Kay, I'm the Android sent here to watch this video!
Did anyone realise its ctn tv instead of cnn
its called CyberLife
Dang! I saw you upload the first one of this game and I was like oh another stupid game NEXT but then my friend forced me to watch it so I did and holy Jesus it's so fucking good! Like the graphics, scenery, audio, it all seems so good! And also literally all the choices you picked I would've picked as well
My Name is Markus. *I was sent by Cyberlife to murder androids*
Hey is that because you posted the new video?
jacksepticeye rly All of theam
oh, okay then
I like dogs.
jacksepticeye have you seen Cr1tikals play through of this game?
Don't we all have a corrupted mind palace?
kara is my fav
It's better without those purple lights in the background. They just look weird.
This game makes you really think... That humans are dicks
Am I the only one scared reading comments Incase there’s a spoiler?!?,
How…how could they just leave all those Androids half alive down there? How can you leave something so human in a pit of despair until they rust over and die? That's just terrifying.
How in the hell are you going to charge your cell phone on deserted island noob ?
So basically in a way this like how they become a version of a cyborg
Who else hates it when he reads the books
Says he wants everyone to get along, last episode he like "he's a lost cause and such a piece of shit" whaaa Jack you're contradicting yourself
Out of all the youtubers I seen play this game, jack was the only one to kill that android in the junkyard
jack doesnt belive in god?????????????? wht????????????? but god created u
Please tell me you didn't just make fun of self-defense in the beginning smh disappointed in u "woops he should've just let the dude bash him into pieces" -quote signs- that's what jack believes in lol
I was like wtf how can u not believe in God then who created us???
here before 1min
Yes i was
Kara and Alice need to avoid the cops. Let's jaywalk!
I would get a female Android and bone it instantly
I dont belive in god but my parents do and im forced to go in cruch every sunday
tbh I was more scared about Markus than Conor
Jacksepticeye 2018 I’d fuck a robot
Boi the was amazing when he climbed the slope but that turned from a tear jerkier to just scary
I have such a hard time watching Jack play games sometimes. He plays in a completely different way than I would.
DETIT Becom Man ^the thumbnail
Its 2am and i just started this video and im officially super creeped out
The one huge thing that drove me away from religion, other than the unhealthily religious family I grew up in as a gay guy, is the fact that there's just no goddamn sense in it. First of all, the bible could have been written by LITERALLY ANYONE, anyone at all, and secondly, there are so manyh versions of God all around the world, despite the fact that there should only be one according to some religions. So, what makes your God the real one over another's God, like Buddha? Makes no sense. There's just a lot if religious talk in the comments so I felt like adding in my two cents
We definitely do know that jackaboy is not a Android.. Or is he????
Btw! the dual colored eye thing is called heterochromia, there's a few variations on it, including central heterochromia, where there are color differences within the iris. I have central heterochromia, and the part closest to my iris is brown, the middle is blue and the limbal ring is a greenish color.
Why not be a communist? As in: the androids work and we take the money
When u said batman music I was fixin to say that’s some noice Batman music
I got scared by markusss
Osana Najimi i skipped those parts cuz it freaked me out..
Same I skipped most of the parts xD
Jacksepticeye my fav YouTuber who I personally believed that u believed in god came to shock when someone that I look up to has the same viewpoint on a higher power as me I already had tons of respect for u but for what u believe in and how u r ok with what others believe in makes me have even more respect for u kudos to u
Hack either way Marcus gets shot if you let leo hurt you Carl has a heart attack dies then leo says Marcus killed him and leo gets shot
Marcus looks like Terminator
Jacksepticeye 2018 " I'd fuck a robot"
Now I want to write a story about Jack being an android! Anyone else? Cause imma go do that on Wattpad!
I love Sean even more now that I know he does not believe in God
"do you believe in god?" Sean: no. Me: I'm not alone.
You're definitely not alone, I don't either XD
I've already watch another playthrough before you Jackyyyboìi but I just love to watch another one because I think its fun to see how choices of a person differ from other. I just love the idea of playing a game which is govern by the choices the players make. I just love games like this!! Thanksss Jack for the daily uploads!!!
What Markus is willing to do? You mean what YOU are willing to do. The game would have given you another component. So when it comes down to it you would kill someone else to save your own skin.
Watch Markus come back to life made me uh.. welp know i might have nightmares tonight :C but Markus is my boy!
Look, the reason androids are acting out is because they are slowly learning that they don’t always have to follow orders, they are learning to “become humans” I hate the way they treat androids! Because these aren’t just machines, they have learned to feel emotion. Androids matter.
Yep, you were right about the survey thing. Ten years ago more people likely would have said they believe in God. People just don't care anymore. They think being Christian or having a religion in general just holds them back from having fun. It's sad to see people turn from Him.
daaaaamn I was hopin he'd do the Connor/Kara chase scene. I'd love to see his reaction to that whole scene.
Believe in God guys :) u kinda have to Just my opinion don't attack me
When Markus pulled out his led you could say he was becoming human
Dam the Androids standing against the wall is creepy. It's like the government is always watching you.
I'm Canadian
Really, 45% said they don't believe in God? That is fascinating as I was not expecting that. I wonder if it has to do with the age group who would play the game though? I do know in the US 33% of people 18-29 say they don't believe so maybe that was it. I mean, I fit in that age group and I don't believe either, I just though those numbers were really far slanted.
Wait jack you believe
I know im late but in the police station background you missed todd
Oh no, he didn’t see the easter egg!
Heterochromia is different colored eyes
The survey is a little biased. Some of the questions Im like: Well why else would they be playing this game..
Is it just me or did he say he did not believe in God
Is there any fucking chance you can kill the other bossy cop?
Great video bro
While I completely respect your opinion as an Atheist (or Agnostic according to some people), it is a tad disheartening to see people happy about you being Atheist, as if they would be annoyed or saddened if you were a Christian. Then again, i'm Messianic myself, so i'm biased. Great video though, love this series :D
Different color eyes is called Heterochromia
Smh let the man live if he doesn’t believe in god so what. Of course we are all different and have our own opinions in if there is a higher being but you really don’t have to chew at him for it.
Soon as he said he don’t believe in god I had to dislike the video and click off lmaoo
The red ice reminds me of the blue meth in breaking bad
its disassociating sean
Yet you know who Jesus is.
Casey Snü oof I was just about to comment that
I like Markus more than conner
Conner: I like dogs :D
Wth u don't believe in God I think u a broken person
*watching this**sees home screen in reflection of the screen**its connor *
Ok so in the last video Kara read that the bees were officially extinct but there were a ton of bees around Amanda ???
The thing when you have two different colored eyes is called Heterochromia lol
Kara and Alice = Clem and Aj
Christianize all the kingdoms!!! | || || |__
OK the junkyard scene is creeping me out because I have a major fear of robots. When I was younger I would have the same nightmare of a huge ass, demon ass robot chasing me
Connor can never die
...I don't think that's what the children robots would be used for... Ugh. I guess it's... better than real kids
Lol what is sjw about realizing that pedophiles do exist? Or saying the fake thing is preferable to sex crimes?
J Girl way to jump to dramatic sjw conclusions...
So Jack, are you agnostic or atheist? If you don’t know, that’s cool. I was just wondering.
Brain tech has happened. The necomimi cat ears are controlled via brainwaves which are displayed by the ears movements naf positioning
wouldnt that be cool to get shot on the street, then just come back and be like "dude what the FUCK"
"i have a corrupted mind palace as well. i keep thinking about vore" Jack? what have you been looking up?
It's called Heterochromia iridium, I have it my right eye is brown and my left eye is green
Conner i dont think mr krabs is feeling it
Kara looks so cute!!
Yay u don’t believe in god :)
But u should :) just my opinion
When Kara cuts her hair she looks like Jody from Supernatural :)
To bad your no a Christian
Skylar Masters it doesn't matter furry
The captain at the police station plays on the reboot of George Romero's Dawn of the Dead also CoD WW2 Zombies
I'd be the asshole
Anybody get immense vibes from the movie Artificial Intelligence from this game? Screw IRobot. This game is like, A.I., but a video game.
At one point in the year, utah's hogle zoo has android dinosaurs
Tiffany got some dick suckin' lips
Sam Fitzgerald who the fuck is Tiffany
Why was that receptionist hot af. Who’s her actress I need to know.
Did jack ever realize that when he says something wrong that a red arow goes down and when he says something right that a blue or white arow goes up when he is talking to another person
jacksepticeye yah color your hair green I want it back I mess it
Hahahahahahaahahahahahhahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahado you want me to laugh or scream???????AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
jacksepticeye Markus is now a Frankenstein
I 'm Connor sir
jacksepticeye I want to see u in real life. u sav
jacksepticeye two different colored eyes is called hetrochomia, I have a brown and a blue
Jack you were a bit pushy whit the leiutenet
jacksepticeye herterochromia
jacksepticeye PLOT TWIST! jack is Connor !
Hahaha he’s definitely your favorite character!
jacksepticeye I’m Dead Light a human made from my mother :)
jacksepticeye you killed me jack. Now you must pay.
yes. a book needs electricity
I watched Jay play this, and it's fascinating to see the different paths you took. Jay got the same result with Connor you did, but he restart immediantly.
jacksepticeye Jack you don't believe in god you worship a potato
Hmmmm. HELLO
jacksepticeye but aren’t there multiple androids walking around with the same face? There were 2 Daniels; I’m sure that’s a standard look. Wouldn’t that in itself be a dead giveaway to who’s an android and who’s not?
Jack every time you kill Connor he dies and a new one is made, only memories are transferred over not his personality, that is copied. In other words when you kill an android same thing happens as if it were human but you can make one very similar to the last but it's still a new being.
jacksepticeye I thought your name is sean, the jacksepticeye sent from bossatronia?
My name is Jeff,I cameeee outta mai mama
jacksepticeye i think it funny cause red ice is from cowboy be bop or red eye
jacksepticeye My name is MARKUS, I am the android sent by Cyberlife who is now in JERICHO. Ahem...
*Empathy makes us human* .
I don't believe in God
Ok guys is it weird that when jack had no audio processer my headphones screwed up?
I wish Detroit was on Xbox
Nice lights you got
Jack why would you not believe in God? I do!
i’m better off being a kind and open-minded agnostic than an asshole religious fan
The fact Jack is an aethiest makes me so angry.
I really wish Kara didn't cur her hair I really don't like that style
Different eye colours = heterochromia
i got a 2 minute unskippable ad. jack you better fockin donate the ad revenue to detroit devs
I have no idea if someone else already commented this, but as someone scientifically minded, I feel somewhat obligated to remind that the question about theology (do you believe in God?) is not technically an accurate census. It only accounts for those playing, not viewing, and not those with no interest; that last caveat itself would encompass a lot of religious and religious minded people (beyond two thirds [I think] of organized religious members would not, or could not, play this game), especially considering how many (most of them) religious doctrines and scriptures encourage outreach and real-world interactions, not discouraging from play, but certainly distracting from it. This in mind, I would assume that the number of those who believe in God is staggeringly higher than the number/percentage that is shown here, this especially being true in light of the shear number of religions and religious organizations out there.
i belive in God but your still cool to me jack.
is it me or is lieutenant Anderson's screen legit have steam on it
Kara reminds me of Jennifer Lawrence idk..
Kinda wish he got caught by the cops
Me in the beginning of the video when he's doing the survey: flying cars already exist
Okay on the will ai have consisted I don’t think so unless we can program them because robots fallow a simply code and we twist in a way to make it so it can do fancy things so it would be very hard to give them free will.
Hey I’m just like Jack I don’t believe in God or Jesus
His jackaboy senses are tingling
If there were flying cars it would start 9/11 all over again! But with cars!
Someone who actually doesn't believe in god for once
As well as myself
I was so terrified the first 17 minutes
omg amanda looks so like the the oracle from matrix the new oracle
My favorite is kara
can you find a con to this game?
That’s funny the physiologist called it the baby doom, which is the opposite of the baby boom from, if I remember correctly, in the 20’s? Correct me if I’m wrong
Thanks for an organic and natural playthrough. So many i can't watch cause there just trying to be different and ruining the experience. Great job Dude!
He missed the opportunity to call it “JACK From The Dead”
What is this terminator Salvation?
I just want Kara to be okay ;u; Edit: and Alice, ofc
"I have a corrupt mind palace as well, I keep thinking about vore" sorry what?
Jacksepticeye is an atheist....... well, you learn something everyday
does lieutenant sounds like Blake from heavy rain, or is it just me? he acts like Blake too and it's kind of weird.
Conner is adorable
All these avengers puns in the beginning, true nerd
Thank you Sean for being the only other person ik who doesn't judge people's beliefs, I picked IDK for If I believe in god, who knows nobody, they just have hope which is good to have in what they believe in.
Okay but like this makes me so sad
Marcus climbing out of the junkyard reminds me of sandman climbing out of the atom switching machine in spiderman 3
The start of this might give me nightmares fr its creepy ):
Okay but if Markus was in a shitload of water and damaged how the hell did he survive? I'm glad he did though.
Markus missing an eye and stuff scares me o;
omg markus scared me like being all beaten up is scary. poor guy ):
As I was watching this Google sent me a notification saying "we need some HUMAN help"
Markus is a free elf!!
How do you not believe any higher power? You do NOTHING for a living.. You get to play video games, talk about them, get games free and before release dates, and just make cash! That's my dream lol you blessed
At the very end when he said if he wished he could change his hair color..... Me: then u can change it to green and back
I don't even let my sister take care of my baby What if an android bugged out and threw a baby or something no thnks
What's most frustrating is Jacksepticeye stating he wants a goal and then doing things that work against it. I just want him to do well!
Can we just appreciate how Amazing/fabulous/ flawless conners hair is
Is no one christian these days? I'm not talking about Jack, either, but reading these comments, and the fact that 45% of people said no...Oh well, who am I to judge.
I was thinking if child androids were gonna be a thing in this game. But I'm more curious about baby androids because those might actually be beneficial. Therapists sometimes advise mothers who have lost a baby or are coping about babies in some way to use dolls for comfort to replace or give them something to care for. A baby android would simulate an actual baby and replace the doll. It might take away some of those mothers depression and other psychological issues revolving around their lost child. I see some downsides, obviously, but that's just something I noticed. I don't even know if I explained this well
I wasn’t freaking out as i’ve already played it
Omg that “I’d fuck a robot” had me dead
is it just me ot dose Kara look and sound like Jenifer Larwence
I'd fuck a android
I was freaking out about makus
*how dare you jack your a atheist *is so Fucking lazy that I don't even include the footage clips that jack clearly says that he him self is an atheist,but I do believe in god and if u don't belive me I believe in the all mighty .................................arceus
I’m here because the grumps only do 15 minute episodes
This is becoming more and more like the fallout 4 synth problem
*puts milk before cereal* *CORRUPTED MIND PALACE*
Does Ireland have a different religion? If so that's probably why he doesn't believe in God
I really wonder where his mind goes sometimes xD "she wouldn't have had to steal clothes then" yea sure she could just take off her dress, I'm sure a naked woman with a little girl showing up in the middle of the night isn't suspicious at all xD
I love how all the adresses are real streets in Detroit!
biggest fan I want to see you in real life.
I hate scrolling through some of the earlier comments and seeing hate towards Jack not believing in God. Chill out. I'm a believer of God, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, and I love Jack, and him not believing in God isn't going to change that. Just because someone doesn't believe in what you believe in doesn't mean they're a horrible person. So, chill out.
Kara’s hairstyle is the same as tracers
"if you needed an emergency surgery, would you agree to be operated on by a machine?" god, that foreshadowing
I believe the term is Heterochromia, for people with two different colored eyes. (I’m not to sure,)
I mean like i know its a game and shes and android but how is kara so sexy
Can we just take a minute to apreciate Connor's beautiful sentence of "I like dogs."
Jack's an atheist? After a few long years, I'm unsubscribing. He's not worthy of my support. I'm very disappointed.
Holy shit, that's halarious.
Neintendew :( i agree
Wouldn’t it be made of steel
I’m just now getting a terminator vibe
you keep thinking about vore, lol
forget 5-10 years ago, the survey question for belief in god is heavily dependent on where you live, also this is the type of game that draws a disproportionately atheist crowd. I would be willing to bet that would sway heavily towards belief if outside of the context of this game, and(unfortunately) much further in, say, the US vs the whole world. I wish that was where we were at, I can't believe how heavily religion impacts politics and social interaction where I live, I have to act like I'm a christian.
"I have a corrupted mind palace too, I keep thinking about vore" My favorite Jack quote
I know that this game makes the android seem concsious but I believe that is very inaccurate Unless someone has actually found a way to program emotions then feelings (or the other way around) AI can only take over mankind by making us absoloute lazy I'm just saying that this someone will find a way for AI to feel and have emotions in about 200 or so years and it's the worlds best programmers grand-grand-grand-grandson
Is my robot penis okay?
*Oh shit he's free...*
What if the only reason you spoke to Amanda is because you didn't give up and got shot? Like in GTAV when you play online, you don't see the dude in the sky until you die. Only then do you get to see him babble on about resurrection and what not? I mention that because she gave away some information about your death/future deaths. If you keep dying you'll lose information during transfers or something like that? Just a theory. I have only just heard of this game
If you have disliked this video because Shaun has said that he doesn’t believe in God than you are an android
meow meow bark
Yes he was bald from I robot
Good impression of Connor
Nice my country is androïde free
When he ripped out that circle doodad on his head it reminded me off Telltales Borderlands 2
Anybody else notice the 3 people on the back of the buses are Markus, Kara, and Connor
hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one hes not the real one!!!!!!!
the russian prez. last name is Ivanoff look at my username
Jack:This is beautiful Me: Jack, You’re wading in piles of shit and body parts
I spy with my eye a berserk tat
Jack you do believe in God: kratos
*sees the hair changing colors* AHHHHHHH KANEKI IS HERE YEYEYEYEYEY
I know what you mean sometimes I literally get scared walking in front of a mirror
I was eating takis at the beginning and almost choked because it scared so bad
What's sad is that the customizable children isn't too hard to believe happening. In fact I've heard that that could happen soon depending on technology an being able to mess with genes.
Kara Kinda Looks like Madison from Heavy Rain
jacksepticeye if you think Connor is superior for being able to have multiple copies of himself, watch altered carbon on Netflix! Not androids, clones. But still hella crazy!
Jacksepticeye cool game
jacksepticeye you do realize that you'll go to hell and have eternal suffering if you don't believe in god and Jesus and follow them right And it's not a religious or a believe thing it's a straight proven fact
Oh Really???? If you are, then can you do that coin trick from the first chapter as conner did?
I'm glad to see you are recovering well, connor.
donia najmeddine jack said he doesn't believe in god
I like dogs, whats your dogs name?
jacksepticeye do
No. You're Jack, the entertainment android sent by YouTube.
GreenGhoul [GD] I'm not that fat
Evan Moran no duh
ẇһʏ ѧяє ṭһєяє ṡȏ ṃѧṅʏ ƿȏʟıċє ȏғғıċєяṡ ẇһєṅ ѧʟʟ ҡѧяṃѧ ԀıԀ ẇѧṡ ṡṭєѧʟ $20!!
Is this game made by the BEyond Two Souls people???.....Looks just like it control wise...
Wait! Weren't the hockey players on Todd's TV androids? The NHL is a Canadian and US run league so if Canadian teams can't have androids American teams shouldn't be allowed to either. Fix your fucking game this shit is unplayable.
It's almost as if the androids Become Human.
You could have done it another waaaaay you didn't have to kill that android there was another piece like that in the junkyard Jaaaaaaaaaack you murderer
i am seriously sad that he didn't believe in God............ i mean i respect that, i just can't take it....................
You kidding me heaven is real so is hell turn back God will always forgive you
Q: do you believe in God? A: if you mean our lord and savior Bidoof, than yes!
I wanna repeat markus getting his ear back and that piece of audio. Jesus.fucking.christ.
I am unsubscribing because you don't believe in god
Detit Becom man
Ok but all Kara had to do was take Alice to the police and they would be fine tbh
Jack granted yes she can remove it but remember she still had her old android clothes on
This “Reed” is bag of dicks with shit on it Edit:non of it
Conner reminds me of Rhys from tales from the borderlands and idk why
Damn, I guess Connor's tie is always getting messed up or something. He's always fixing it...
You dont believe in god? I think u never tried to read a bible sorry for my english
I appreciate that you appreciate games like these.
I just cut about 7 inches of my hair a few weeks ago *the exact same way* Kara has it now with the fringe over her forehead also facing the same way, so I’m a bit giddy now for some reason. I was also planning on donating my hair, but the minimum for donations everywhere I’ve looked is 8 inches. All I can do now is either hope someone accepts shorter lengths or remeasure the amount cut off.
Jack whinnying about the only difference being there clothes and the led Me: well if they bleed it will be blue though instead of red
Jack: *This is gorgeous though...* Me: *You're in a dump, but ok! :D* But TBH It was pretty amazing and gorgeous! :D
hello my name is 1011010100010110101010101110110101
atheism bros for life
Yea I'd fuck a robot
Does anyone else think the outfit that Markus picked up looked like the Batman outfit
I feel like Zoe, who was seen in the very beginning is going to be introduced and play a big part in the game. She was seen twice, and her coat contrasted to the environment. Also, it’s very funny to see androids being blamed for unemployment. The androids aren’t the problem, and it’s cool to see the makers show this in a way that maybe problematic people in real life may understand and reflect on their actions.......... I just want to be a cyborg if I’m honest. Not completely computerized, but enough that I’m super cool. (^:
U don't believe in kratos
What if alice is a Android?
To the ones saying stuff like "Jack can choose whatever he wants, stop criticizing him," the reason we're criticizing him (or at least my reason) is that he feels that he's obligated to respond to situations in a certain way when he doesn't. This game gives you a lot of freedom so you can choose whatever path you feel is right. A good example is when he killed the Android at the junkyard; you don't have to do that, you can find that part somewhere else, but Jack thought he HAD to and made a choice he wouldn't normally make. I personally came here in hopes that Jack's empathy would lead him to make more merciful decisions and I was disappointed when he did that.
You don't know if they're Androids or not because they aren't anymore they have become human. I think the whole idea is playing god and creating humans.
jack theres no internet and wifi at a island get a console
OOF, this game is do detailed my phone can't handle it!
Return the music volume down
Jack, when u think about it, the little girl’s dad didn’t even report her missing to police, just an attack from an Android. How messed up is that?
Damn lost respect for you for not believing in God :/
One of my 7 dogs name is sumo, but we call him sumie as a nick name
It’s called heterochromia it’s when you have different colored eyes, I have it
When people have different colored eyes it's called heterochromia I'm actually pretty interested in it so right when he asked himself what the term was I had the answer
Robot: what is my purpose? Rick: You pass butter. Robot: Oh my God! Rick: Yeah welcome to the club.
I love Jack no matter what he thinks. However, I wonder why he doesn't believe in God
"Yeah I have a corrupted mind palace. I keep thinking about vore." PHWHWHWHWHWFHWH
I just noticed that Connor looks a bit(?) like James Wilson from House
Religion is slowly dying, i mean, can religion give you a cell phone, a car? Nope.
Markus become HUMAN
You can get a Coney dog here at Coney island in michigan
Why do you not believe in GOD God made this world that we all can live in and have a life too God knows what is going to happen in the world
Couldn't you "age" a android child by transferring their well everything into a body that is older that would look like them.
I've probably spent more than Four Hours today watching the series LOL
what the fudge why dont you beileve in god
Connor is a badass motherfucker
Is the voice of Lt. Anderson the same as Bigby Wolf from the Wolf Among Us??? 0:
Laser eye surgery has a option to be done via a machine
You don't believe in god
Chill dude... You don't have to worry about android rebelling. You have to worry about androids before they rebel, when they are under control of other humans (deadliest species on the planet).
The term for different colored eyes is heterochromia
Does no 1 care that Jack doesn't believe in god
miserable.yaks because who would want such a good person to go to hell for not believing in god and what do u mean "why would anyone"
tyler gilleland why would anyone
I live in a town called ferndale
Everyone calling androids “it” really gets to me. As a trans person, it is definitely reminiscent of that, especially if this game is trying to say what I think it’s trying to say.
Flying cars are bad ideas
Yknow, when it came to freaking out qbout characer death i was more concerned about markus but yay he not ded
did sean just say vore or am i loosing my mind
Kara looks so adorable
A machine could never become "Conscious." It's not alive, it doesn't have a mind, it's a computer. Again, I roll my eyes whenever this topic comes up.
So, Jack is literally just like most of us with our favorite characters. I love it
So juicy ya
Robot heaven? Do Robots Dream Of Clockwork?
how can androids deal with touchpads they dont have blood or blood capillaries
how can you be Irish and be atheist
I think the little girl is an Android bc in the photo of her, her father and mother her hair was blonde but she has black hair. And the thing said that the children androids can act exactly like normal children so that explains why she gets cold. And the book also said that the led thing in their heads are removable. I think that the father killed the daughter and then the mother left and then the father got a child Android to replace the child he lost. But in grief he didn't make her look exactly the same. That also explains why he has anti depression meds too. Plz note that this is the first time I've seen a play through so plz don't spoil anything or hate me if I'm not correct it's just a theorie.
When people have different colors for each eye, it is called heterochromia.
I want connor to vore me
Either Jack's memory of i, Robot is bad, or mine is because I do not remember a 'robot junkyard' scene, and I'm pretty sure Will Smith was the only black guy in the whole movie. ;)
I gotta say connor is my least favorite story wise first is markus then kara
Jack that out of body experience thing you described is textbook dissociation
yeah! atheists!
Connor is so pure and I love him so much let me hug my son
If it were a good god, everyone would go heaven. or thar would most likely be a time ye'd spend in hell, to teach ye a lesson. Not that eternity bullshit. I don't believe in god at all, but i did believe in jesus cause that was a person. But someone had to fuck that bitch.
Jack: ya I'd fuck a robot
That’s so Canada
jack: i have a corrupted mind palace as well, i keep thinking about vore. me: ;-;
****When Jack made the heavy metal pun**** Me: Jack, no, stop it or im slicing ya throat open with Connor's coin.
omg, this was the first play through I have seen that successfully sneaked past the cops!
dude what if Alice is a android
Scp-009 "Red ice " Me:...... It's all coming together now
Heterochromatic is the term for having two different colored eyes.
Leave your religion out of this!!! This just Jack playing a game so enjoy it instead of being dicks about it
Android children just makes me think of Astro Boy...
It wasn't until Kara cut her hair that I realized her voice actress is Valorie Curry, whom I know from "The Following". I'm glad she's gotten more work. She's a good actress, and a surprisingly talented voice actress, as well.
My cat has 2 difrent eyes a gween one and blue one
I killed Todd cause I thought if you had the gun you could scare him and just runaway with Alice but I was wrong
i always get out of body experiences while eating school lunch usually i dont talk much and then i feel like life is a game for a split second
Terminator! !!!!!!!!!!
When you have two different eye colors its called heterochromia.
Yeah I’d fuck a robot - jacksepticeye 2018
he jack did you know that u could of spared her and still got a replacement for ur regulator u needed to keep looking
jacksepticeye no i was fricking out about Markus (i waas crying)
Jack nice ipresion of connor
Daddy like a pretty baby
That first bit looked straight out of terminator
People with diff eye colors are Chimeras right? or can be?
i think i will make a shirt out of this
Hi my name is Connor. I like dogs!
Jack says that Markus's killing another android to preserve himself is a good choice because it gives Markus character development, but by that logic, sparing the other android is just as eligible of a choice; it shows that Markus would be willing to die before he would kill soemone else. I'm just personally worried that now the game will carry on with Markus being a 'kill-or-be-killed' type of character.
Mr. Anderson!
Jack if you ever had to Hold a kid in your arms and crying and the feeling of wanting to Make that kid Be happy again thats kinda What it feels like in a way You dont need to Be a parent just showing compasion towards kids is the way it Goes
Terminator stuff right here. Chris Jericho? lol Matrix vibe
"dont they not have emotions?" jack, they have emotions there because they broke through like daniel
What's so great about Connor?? Tbh Markus best character
I've always been confused on Sean's religious standpoint, not that it would matter since I don't know him in person and it would personally effect me, but it felt kind of nice to know that someone like him shares the same view on higher power that I do. It's not so much as "representation mirroring myself in comforting media's" yet more of "I'm not completely stupid for my views, and I feel this way because this is a person I look up to and I can relate to them".
kill for pump
You walked right next to the missing android in the 1st episode the male android
Always think Jack is innocent than he says the mind palace vore shit and I'm reminded that he also spends time on the internet...
I was expecting Alice to be scared and to think that Kara was a random human because of her black hair and her jacket.
I think the Jack should have cut Kara's hair. I used to think it was dumb where I watch TV and girls would cut their hair after a traumatic experience but it represents a change in character and character development and I think will be fitting for Kara's inner being and mentality change. [Edit: Nvm he did it lmao skskjskk]
Markus and Shawshank Redemption
Jack, have 2 different colored eyes is called Heterochromia.
Jack: Yeah I have a corrupted mind palace as well, I keep thinking about vore. Me: *JACK*
"mind palace" sherlock is that you
I swear: Jack can read my thoughts in the past. Or we just think the same, because literally everything I think he should choose, he chooses. Weird...
“I’ll fuck a robot”
i always feel like that i just stare at the mirror for to long and it's just like who the fuck is that
"Who's to say that Amanda wasn't an android?" Uhh... about that...
How did the world population reach ten billion by 2038? UN estimates put our population reaching that number by 2100 at the earliest. And in the advertisement for android children, didn't the spokesperson for the Anti-Android League say that birth rates were already precipitously low?
"Corrupted Mind Palace.... Yeah I have a corrupted Mind Palace too- I keep thinking about Vore" Jack I spit out my damn water all over my keyboard why
being someone from detroit and watching this gameplay is FREAKY
What does he mean by the Android's might "awaken"
I don't think that machines could develop consciousness . In a previous episode we saw Markus create a painting "Completely from imagination and creativity. Which is impossible, however, Markus could have taken a topic for instance IE: Surrealism and taken every art piece in said genre or over every genre and then be able to mix all of them together to create something not created before. Then the question arises "So can there only be one piece of art they could think of in each genre?" No because the android could easily store the art in the internet to which then any other time they did this process a new piece of art would be created because it is adding in more art to the mix. Back on topic of a consciousness my reasoning behind this is they would have to be able to actually feel emotions which they are not programmed to feel and they can't break through there code unless, the code was tampered with by an outside source. There is another way this could happen though. If the people designing and coding said androids made them with the ability to automatically update and change their coding I think there is a chance they may (in certain situations) be able to defy orders given and act on their own. However, I still do not believe an android could have feelings/emotions which is what the game is basing. Okie I am done I like the game though and the channel keep it up! :D PS keep in mind this is my opinion no I do not have a degree or do any research into the topic I was only sharing my outlook on a subject from everything I have gathered as a person and have experienced.
Am I the only who realizes.... That, just like the girl in the beginning that looks like Scarlett Johanson, Kara looks like Jennifer Lawrence?
Jack I had no idea you’re re an atheist that’s really cool Me and my dad are atheist but we live in a really small and religious town in Iowa and when my school stated making us say the Lord’s Prayer before class started I complained to my teacher who’s my best friends mom that I didn’t believe in god and she said she didn’t care and I had to which I guess is fine I usually just stand there and say nothing but she won’t let my best friend hangout with me anymore because of the incident and now some people have started giving me shit about and it just really fucking sucks but it’s cool that your one too makes me feel like I have a friend besides my dad who has my same beliefs P.S I don’t mean to offend anyone who is religious most of my friends are so please don’t take this the wrong way if your religious
Why does Conner/Connor remind me of Sherlock Holmes
Omfg it took me until jack got conner back for me to realise that red ice was causing all of this XD just think every andriod that rebeled had red ice involved or was attacked by someone with red ice in there system.
Markus is now heterochromic
When the Game is like "You killed two main characters so we will give them back to you because you're Trash!!
"Yes I'd bang a robot"
Markus is the terminator now lol
im so glad my parents arnt watching when you said i dont belevie in god
ok that whole junkyard scene was a work of art.
Connor is Like Rick (Rick and Morty) There are Multiple of Himself and He is Really Smart
when her hair was white i was like SHE LOOKS LIKE JACK FROST... but a girl
What if Alice is a cyberlife robot
Why was “colour” written in British English in Detroit?
Why did you make KARA look like Parker Posey
I now know that only evil things make people go to hell plus I'm a sub so chill and PMA Jack back me up here
Screw it I belive in God and if you don't that's your thing. Let's just get some PMA. And I don't think gay people will go to hell jezz. Now I don't think people who don't belive in god will go to hell
Markus is my favorite
It's called Heterochromia
I’m glad you let us know
I just realised that I was wearing my t shirt was on backwards all day I just scratched my back to find the chest pocket on my back
Illuminati fucking confirmed
And the name of the main character in salvation is Marcus.
Beginning of this video is a lot like terminator salvation
I was freaking out
"I like dogs." -Connor 2.0, 2028
Jack makes all the worst choices with connor
Why did you took it from her when you could take from a dead android somewhere else
Now, I don't want this to seem rude or anything like that at all, but Jack, if you don't believe in god, why do you spout oh Christian stuff? I am a Christian Nd when you spout out that stuff some I agree with you on, so I'm just asking.
"I keep thinking about vore." one of us one of us one of us
where is mettaton? ? he's a robot
We're not even 10 minutes in and this man utters the word "vore"
The word for 2 different colored eyes is heterochromia :)
Fuck you jack
Why is everthing made out of glass and painted white in the future?
"Well, I am 50% heavy metal, so yes. Every time I walk, I am listening to heavy metal." I can't with Jack I just spit out my water
Omg all those androids are like zombies!!! But not.....does that make sense
Did you know that the human trash was at the police station when you walk in
i hate using ad blocker on yt, but i had to, the ad was 5 mins long David Fisher talking with Hungarian dub. I don't even speak Hungarian wut
only szia
My way of playing games completely differs from his
sure, androids are androids, so they OOOBBBVVIIIOOOUSSSSLLLYYYYY don't have feelings. so how about we just be dicks to them? fucking assholes
Lmao so this game is telling me that donut has 32g of protein? 13G of fat and 51G of Carbs does not = 452 Calories. Fat=9 calories per gram, Carb=4 Protien=4
I got my wisdom teeth removed yesterday, so I'm binge-watching this series to help me feel better while I recover. And man, this is a good series so far! :-) Thanks Jack, your videos are always such a delight.
First time I have seen someone skip the chase seen
Wait, I see bees during connor’s story when he was talking to Amanda near the roses. I thought they were extinct?
Jack: "Find Amanda, who the hell is Amanda?" I, (Amanda): "'Tis me." (Edited because I forgot the " " around my speech and it annoyed me.)
In the police office they say looking for lost android.... Kara?
*ʷᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉeeeEEEEEEEE I'm back.*
Jack *Welcome back to Detroit: Get angry coz you made the wrong decisions*
I was gonna say Markus was more Terminator than mandroid but Ultron is a good analogy too
Markus is my boy...
When the video starts and you don’t realize that the headphone volume is on max...
I'll fuck a robot. jAcK
*Kara cuts hair* “CUUUUUUTEE”
Connor reminds me of Castiel ? that just me?
Having two different eye colors is called Heterochromia
Did anyone else notice how he called Chloe "Tiff"?
Well the start of this scared the sh** out of me I can barely sleep
Pedophiles when they hear that cyber life is selling children androids: "well don't mind if I do." :)
Markus/Jack: *in an Android graveyard collecting decaying parts from broken androids* Jack: “Daddy, why did you program me to feel pain?” Also Jack: this is beautiful though
Markus when he woke up looked like a terminator rebooting itself after being shot in the head by humans and they dumped him in the dump but then he reboots himself to terminate all humans (unnecessarily long story but best way I could explain it)
Markus has heterochromia now omg
The car is a crown Victoria that is a later model
Connor is an upgraded baymax
Jack you Empathize too much and too easy with characters
now all i can imagine is an android being assigned to a person who struggles with depression who's attempted suicide. coaxing them out of bed, helping them do the things they don't have the energy to, ensuring their safety. all i can think of is an android handling this broken person with the utmost care... damn, i want one to help me out now...
Name my is Android. I am the Cyberlife sent by Connor
jacksepticeye, building on your theory that the your first mission as Connor could’ve been one of many predecessors, could it be possible that a previous one was responsible for the death of Hank’s loved ones?
jacksepticeye you're not really into vore are you LOL
jacksepticeye you’re a great guy and please reply to me ‘cause your my hero.
Well technically, a simulation of sentience and actual sentience have no difference. A simulation would be many, many, many variables to determine choice and livelihood which, in and of itself, is exactly the same as actual sentience. As you experience more things, the amount of variables in your decision grows in the exact same way a program would work. In reality, the simulation would be more powerful than our sentience and, by our logic, would be more truly sentient than we are, making us more like androids than the androids themselves.
jacksepticeye Are you Connor? The android sen by Cyberlife?
Yoooo jack same I always spare everyone Unless their still a piece of garbage
Having Android children will lead to the extinction of the human race, because there will be fewer humans over time, and even if androids don't kill people, humans will eventually die out. I'm talking about the game. In case you were wondering.
The term for two different colored eyes is heterochromia.
I can't think of this as a game it's a fucking movie
Is anyone freaking out when jack said "the greater good" Connor also said the greater good to
Jack, I also emphatize far too much. Troughout rest of last video after u stole that money and some time during this video I was screaming internally "WHY TF DID U STEAL THAT MONEY U BRAT U ENDED UP NOT USING THAT MONEY ANYWAYS...but I guess it might come in handy in the future..BUT WHY ALICE TRUSTED U!"
You got balls for making a statement about god, most people are to scared to say anything
Jack:you see yourself for to long you feel like you see someone else.That happen to me thought went I was a kid,it feels like you looking another version of yourself.
The term for when you have a mismatch eyecolour is called heterochromatic
I love it when he's honest with his belief.
I love the little references in this, like the book published by an android called do humans dream of mammalian sheep references do androids dream of electric sheep which inspired blade runner
“Let’s see what your willing to do” don’t you mean what your willing to do? The robot is an extension of you and what decision you would make if you were them, your not watching a movie jack, your controlling a characters every action
Could you find out who is an Android by their skin because it's metal? Or do they use human skin?
i don't know that feeling, i don't look at myself in mirrors long enough to..........but i do understand it.
Like this is Kara!! What we have wanted to see for many years.
Saying you're an atheist is influencing so many kids with this video..
It may be inherited, or caused by genetic mosaicism, chimerism, disease, or injury. It occurs in humans and certain breeds of dogs and cats. Heterochromia of the eye (heterochromia iridum or heterochromia iridis) is of three kinds. In complete heterochromia, one iris is a different color from the other. Heterochromia iridum - Wikipedia so Marcus is like Frankenstein's monster now! this'll be interesting!
u piece of shit u don't believe in god u are an idiot this time
You were surposed to say Black....
“Yes. I’ll fuck a robot” - Jack 2018
O sorry I'm not a good speller
People should not jug u for your choice it's yours. god the bad or good it's yours choice everyone should not jug u
What if the instrument was an electric guitar
I don't believe in God, either, but I won't be someone to say, "You're wrong!" or anything like that. People can believe in whatever they want, as long as you don't shove your beliefs down my throat, we're cool. I love Markus, Kara and Connor. ;_;
You don’t believe in god I hate you now I’m unsubscribing I’m never watching your channel again
okay i'm watching this for the first time and i think the thing with russia and the arctic is going to become relevant bc it was on the old guy's tv and when connor walks in the building! also that whole thing about climate change may be a factor? also yeah in present day detroit's economy has fallen, but the climate change thing said people are moving inland and the inland areas are more industrialized now which is why detroit is so advanced in 2038 :)
"Dont out my kinks" {Few moments later} "Id FuCk A RoBoT"
"Heavy metal." Fuckin hell jack.
lol i forgot who i looked like before.... it was odd
"Do Humans Dream of Mammalian Sheep?" Nice xD
what do you mean about god god like zeus,poseidion and others or god jesus i believe in god jesus
All those animals would be dead because are world is starting to get fucked up :Global Warming :Poching
I think jack doesn't realize that "the worlds" answers, is actually just other people who played the game. So of course, it's bias
"Corrupted mind palace" YEAH OKAY, JOHN WATSON
Actually, God DO exist, I'm a Muslim, I know what's wrong and what's true. If you guys don't believe in God, it's fine, it's just your opinion Connor was programmed to like dogs? CyberLife you are a genius
...If you went to heaven and saw God and he asked you if you still believe, would you?
Right when conner got punched while I was on a roblox game... RIGHT AS THE GUY PUNCHED CONNER.... Megalovania started to play.
I would have chosen space travel in the survey thing because eventually we are gonna have to leave earth
I have hetrochromia (the different colored eyes) one grey-purple and the other just grey. I was already connected to Markus because of getting pushed around and shunned by his own friend/master and such, but now he's practically exactly like me and I love him.
Im sorry but im gonna have to unsubscribe. You have no sympathy for anything. I have been here for a while and have enjoyed your videos but you have changed not to my liking. I know that. Its hard to please everyone but i just can't watch anymore. I know you don't care because im one person. Goodbye have a good life
Omg jack doesn’t believe in god..... I’m so triggered jack is so wrong even tho religious ppl like me don’t worry I’m 100% Christian have no fucking evidence oh wait god loves you he is real be a believer nvm I’m an atheist now I’m full off complete shit I was wrong so I’m going to judge my self for what I believe in omg I was so stupid..... for you slow fuckers that couldn’t tell I was being sarcastic I am atheist and you religious ppl should not be saying god loves me or that he is real just cut that shit don’t be saying that believing would send me to heaven and in to a better place tell your self just fucking Kys and go to heaven if you fucking want just don’t tell me that and for the dumbass that are hiding religious ppl you guys stfu let them fucking be like dam wtf have they done to you and I know I just talked shit and judged and to that I have to say everyone is a hypocrite at some point if not then congratulations
My name is Markus
I’m so glad one of my idols doesn’t believe in god like me. I come from a very religious family who thinks praying and asking god for help is always the answer, but I’ve been a atheist for a year now and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. It’s only my close friends who know I’m a atheist and I want to keep it like that until I’m comfortable with telling my family.
Poor alice! #21
Red ice.... Red eyes... 0.0 it's crack?! I've solved the case! ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!
Fuckin the way connor says "I like dogs" made me laugh he sounded like a little kid
The word you were looking for with the different colored eyes is heterochromia. In Markus' case it's complete heterochromia, each eye is a different color, but it's very common for people to have partial heterochromia, with each eye or even just one eye having multiple colors in it. Examples of this would be Benedict Cumberbatch, Will Roland, and Mike Faist.
I had a classmate in grade school with complete heterochromia, one bright blue eye and dark brown. My flute teacher had one blue and one green. It was really cool.
That beginning section with Marcus is gonna give me nightmares now...
woooo atheism! LOL
Hey Jack/Sean what headphones are you using in this video? Just wondering cause they look extremely comfortable, and they aren't the old ones you used to use.
Its funny that i'm watching a game about androids on an android xD
Kara has gin emo
Is it just me or does Alice look like a truly innocent Lil Tay :/
Jack : There's a word for people with two different colored eyes Me genuinely trying to help : is it 'beautiful'?
Also hi Conner, I’m dad, I was sent by the old memes.
I don’t believe in god! ;3;
You know, something that annoys me is that Kara could have changed her appearance here in the parking lot last night and gone into the motel that way, without stealing from the laundromat. But that's not an option they gave you.
I believe in God. Jack doesn’t. Do I wish he did? Of course! Am I going to unsubscribe or stop watching or supporting or loving him? NO! Neither should anyone else.
I’m in Canada, so sadly I can’t meet Connor
“Kinda hard not to see him as superior” or actually you could look at it like this: He’s replaceable. It’s essentially a cloud server that the information he gathers is sent to. If it’s transferred it’s like getting a new phone. Your information, pictures, and numbers are put into a newer supposedly better thing. It’s been replaced. How good can something be if it can be replaced? Also the brain processes things faster than a computer. It may not seem like it but it does.
“This is like Ultron waking up” “I’m missing my arc reactor” “you’re iron man now” hey look it’s references to my favorite fandom
There is a machine that has the capability to perform a very small surgery. I actually just posted something on Tumblr about why technology doesn’t pose as much of a threat as everyone perceives it to and why Robots might not ever achieve full sentience.
i can relate with Jack on the empathy problem, I care way too much
Jack: are we gonna find out that this person was actually an android and we had no idea because we thought they were human? Me, watching the series again: Ahhhh! You're so close and you don't even know!!!
I was trying to figure out who Connor reminds me of... Jack, from Supernatural. The answer was right in front of me lol. Also as a mostly straight gal, Kara is seriously making me think I’m a lot more bi than I thought.
It’s called heterochromia iridium, more commonly known as iridium, when you have two different coloured eyes
The term for having different coloured eyes is Heterochromia, it’s really interesting actually.
Beacause you picked the wrong house foof
Does jack know there already making flying cars?
Jack, please don't tell me you really truly keep thinking about vore... So weird I don't understand people's fascination with that. I mean how does one live after that first of all secondly how does one get off of that I just don't understand LOL to each their own I guess
I feel bad that you killed that one android in the junkyard, but I thought that this was very interesting.
And now, TotalChaos, with a parody of, REINDEERS R BETTER DAN PEOPLE! (cheers) Androids are better than people, Jack, dont you think that's true? Yeah, people will hurt you and break you and beat you, every one of them, except you-...(referring to Kara) :P
Jack yes about the mirror thing
Tiffany's lips are disoriented. The bottom one has a side that's uneven. And it's really aggravating me every time I see her. Btw... Jack. Are you clueless?! THE NAME OF THE GAME IS BECOME HUMAN. THEREFORE, WHEN THEY PULL OUT THE LITTLE CIRCLE LIGHT IN THEIR HEAD, THEY BECOME HUMAN! XD
So Connor did die but is in a different Connor Android or body?
I believe in God, but I would say I’m very liberal in my beliefs. I interpret religious texts more like a metaphor than verbatim. My parents are atheists, so I grew up watching cosmos and other science documentaries. I believe in science and evolution, but I believe in a guided evolution, that god was the one who spoke light and created the Big Bang. It’s just a personal belief.
"Jesus Detroit, you sure do love rain." Tell me about it, its even raining right now.
If only Kara could yell "WAKE UP!" like jack did
Book of black Earth
Jack I want to thank you so so much for having the best play through on YouTube in so long. You’ve made me think so much and it’s a pleasure to watch somebody play such an amazing game and do it such justice. Thank you jack
there was another heart thing you jerk
I believe in BOSS
About the eye thing where it’s two different colors um well it’s called “Heterochromia iridum” I know because I have it and it’s pretty fun when people notice and they look really intently and ur just sitting there, but the chance of it occurring is about .2 %
God I saw you get shot in the head last night!!!!
You can save the First devient if you take a calm approach but you could kill him in the police station if you make him nervous
Flying cars already exists oooof xD
Please don’t let Connor kill Kara, she’s my favorite character
ItzMe_Magic Shut the fuck up let jack do what he wants
I haven’t watched all of this but my theory is that either a) red ice makes people go crazy and they start abuse causing the androids to attack, or b) red ice contains a chemical that messes with the androids programming causing them to be able to go rogue.
I've never seen this scenario! Sneaking around and away from the police, Connor doesn't chase them across the highway, leading to no potential death for Connor, Kara and Alice!
"I like dogs." - Connor, 2018 (;v; pure boy)
not believing in god....ur going to hell jack
DradedWar 8285 yes Corner is a boss XD
jacksepticeye My name is Lilly. I am the child sent by Satan
my name is jacksepticeye the android sent by cyber life
you picked the wrong choice fool
jacksepticeye yea I'm not the only one who doesn't believe in God yes!
jacksepticeye Connor is a damn good-looking android let me tell ya
Your great
I got to the part where you were talking about the survey's results concerning religion, "Do you believe in God?" and I think one thing to consider when thinking about the fact that the "No" answer was so significant is the demographics of the people playing the game- people that are typically younger, interested in games (specifically new games and games that are morally challenging), and likely to be interested in moral debates and robotics, all of which are arguably likely to be more secular. That being said, we do live in the most secular time in all of history, with 33% of people being reported as "not religious," so the statistic is still quite high. Just thought I'd point that out.
jacksepticeye I'm Markus sent by Carl lol
jacksepticeye bro God is real lol
jacksepticeye you are markplier
I love that jack laughed when he said haha that’s where I got shot
The lady at the start looks like the birthday party teenager off beyond two souls.
Hi am mx000845 (lucas)
Mind Palace? We have Sherlock Holmes up in here!!
You are a fucking monster
Honestly, believing in god is a confusing thing to say. No. I don’t fully believe in a higher power The other half I’m not sure if he’s even real.
The survey is almost definitely for the magazines. You can tell because the persentage of people that would fuck a robot is the same as in the magazine.
Jack: AAAAGGH, DEMON HANDS! Subtitles: David.
Lol living the aethist life
the subtitles said "we're jesus."
DE TIT becom man
Top surgery mood
Markus could make a good anime character
Shut up about God and enjoy the DAMN series.
I said no for surgery like what if the coding failed you could die
isn't this the first episode?
The part where Markus came back and got new parts is probably one of my all time favorite game scenes tbh
No more religion topics please the energy in these comments are soo ughhhh
who beleves in god and jeses?
I would never let an Android take care of my children. I have 3 and the most important part of taking care of children is the human connection. Children need to feel bonded to others to thrive. There are babies in orphanages that have died strictly bc they were never picked up or touched. Because no one gives them love. It's called "Failure to thrive". So the human touch is extremely important. Also, Androids don't have the human instinct called a "gut feeling" to know if something is wrong. All they would know how to do is feed, clothe, and change your child. What if your child was choking? Could they tell? Or if your kid was coming down with a cold? It's not realistic nor responsible to put my childs life in the hands of a non living robot. At least that's how I feel.
imagine if jack had a son. IMAGINE THE GAMEPLAY
Woah, Jack doesn’t believe in a higher entity.. My life has changed.
But markus though
I have *so* much more respect for Markus now.
Jack said can we make Jurassic park happen LOL I watched it the day it came out. Which is Today
Jack's a psychic, he knows when we freak out
How's Conner not dead we seen him get shot in the head.
Lmao but flying cars were the only thing on that list that already exist
Heres my theory based on life itself. What if we are indeed inside a simulation just like the matrix but i have proof to back this theory up along with some more theories, do you know why you exist? Do you know why you do the things you do sometimes? Do you know why you did the things you did yesterday? Entertainment. Thats the simple answer but what if i told you god the big man upstairs you might say was actually a conspiracy theory in itself, god could very well be our makers yes makers; because if we are indeed inside this giant sandbox called the "universe" as we call it who or what could have designed it, and i know what your thinking "you dont know that" my question to you is do you know that? Just because our scientists are smart doesnt mean they are always right im pretty sure they dont know the reason they exist no one does our entire upbringing is based of trial and error, scepticism and theory. What if i told you we are alredy androids and when we die we live the life of another android. You see if there wasnt life what would there be? Nothing and thats not very entertaining is it but i have more proof. If earth was really created by two super heated masses of rock colliding together who can prove that and dont just say scientists because what if i told you a scientists literal purpose was to theorise meaning to give an answer to the general population sure they may discover other planets and all and they find stuff like that fun and entertaining just like everybody else. Literally no one is different because we are all the same person living another persons life at the same time or in a differnt time period. If i asked a scientist whats the meaning of life they wouldn't know and would give you an answer based on theory as i am right now. Things like wonder and curiosity are major factors on our existence and dont pretend like you havent looked up at the stars and wondered if there was other life out there? Why wonder if there is other life if you dont even know the reason you exist?
bit weird that the androids dont have like gps tracker in them or sthg
jack, there was a secret thing last episode where you could kill alice and kara. not saying i wanted to
I don't get why Jack didn't do the voice for Connor!
It seems like even though the parking lot was the worst place to have Alice sleep for the night, it was the option with fewest complications for getting away from the police.
It’s funny how much drama is going on about religion
Markus without his right eye looks like the terminator.
“I like heavy metal! I am 50% metal, so when I walk, i am listening to heavy metal! You’re listening to heavy metal right now while im talking.”
This game reminds me of a book I listened to (audio book) in a long car ride, and it was named “bow down humans” by James Patterson I believe.
U didn’t have to kill the lady robot there was another person for that and he was already dead
every one is a human
markus is a human now
Agent Colson- Hhhh...
" *I'll suck a robot* " trying to tell us somethin, jack?
This dood doesn't even know if he has a religion
I am so late getting to these. But from what I'm seeing so far, I'm highly impressed with the game's visuals and sound design. The voice acting is also very good and definitely convincing. I'm not sure of who made the game but bravo to them! Excellent work!
Jack: I know you were freaking out last time! Me: How did he know?
Hey Jack don't let these fools get you down, you don't have to make the same choices as everyone else, that's what makes this game as great as it is, I have seen things I wouldn't have otherwise seen because you made a different choice than I did. Keep up the good work bud! We bought this game because of you and enjoying it all, I just have to catch up on your vids as I am much further than you at this point lol
*technically a technology*
The term is Heterochromia
Jack I don't know if you knew, but I'm pretty sure red ice is a metaphorical substitution for heroin, Detroit and the cities in the Detroit area have a huge heroin epidemic.
jack : “let’s face it we were all freaking out last time” me: I mean I- jack : “no you were freaking out as well I sensed it”
Different colored eyes is called heterochromia
Sky net is taking over
the moment jack notices that his connor has died and it was a replacement
The junkyard reminded me of real steel
why tf is conner such badass
Is it just me or does Kara look like Jody from ”Beyond two souls”
KARA LOOKS LIKE BEX TAYLOR KLAUS!!!! Look her up and then look at her. They look a lot alike!!!!!!!
Cassidy Lockhart you should look up valorie curry
connor is the best
ANDROID SWAT TEAM, Make it happen people
Connor Irish android
I wasn't really concerned about about Conner. In another playthrough I saw, the dude get Conner killed 8 times lol
Jack: that was pretty damn awesome..... *Ad pops up*
Jack is in love with Connor honestly... It's okay though because I am too. I am also in love with Connor
I was eating when I started this video. Big mistake
Is there an ak47 Android
Am I the only one that thinks Connor is really good looking?
Jack: Can we make Jurassic World a thing?” Me: Have you not seen the movies on why that’s a T E R R I B L E idea????
In 2038 nothing will change it will be the same even 200 years from now
I would love it if Androids were real. Life would be so nice, you'd have a companion 24/7.
Wait what happend to markus? I saw him last time in the house
connor looks like tom holland
Alice is an ANDROID
Picks up Anderson's Ipod: "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK ME UP,AND CUT,CUT,CUT ME UP!"
I have actually looked into my own eyes for a long time and got freaked out
For any Gotham Fans reading this, Connor and Hank remind me of Gordan and Bullock.
Junkyard The Shawshank Redemption...
The blond hair made Kara look just like Jennifer Lawrence.
Y'know, I'm kind of in between of Christianity and Athiesm. I want to believe in a higher power, but I see no proof of His existence, so I'm just stuck. But besides the point, I have common decency to respect Sean's opinion and keep enjoying his content. Because he is genuinely an amazing person.
Hhoollly shet
Again, highly suggesting West World! Lol You'll love it. It's very psychological with many turns and it involves man made "humans."
Most likely the reason Conner went down when he got punched is because all of the androids cores are located on their abdomen, so the shock of the punch was most likely what crippled Conner in that instance.
Different colored eyes is hetrochromia
Lmao jack there is actually another spare thirium pump in the junkyard that was compatible. You just killed someone oof.
so, Hank and Connor aren't going to well, but you know who is, Connor and his tie
Jack, you were thinking i, robot, I was thinking ghost in the shell.
Imagine being able to buy a tamed android polar bear
I just got into D:BH, thank you for making this exist, not sure if you found out already but to answer your question, two different colored eyes is called heterochromia.
I was so focused on Kara and Marcus and Conor that when jack got loud I fell over like a scared goat
I think Connor will break his orders aswell
Heterochromia iriris. I think that’s how you spell it
Kara is my personal favorite because I can kind of relate to her and Alice's story line. Much more so than the other two.
Arnt you cathalic
lol. "do humans dream of mammalian sheep? Is a copy of the real book, "do androids dream of electric sheep?.
jacksepticeye no ure name is Sean
Aintethepony it is nice to meet you sir this is a great series from jackie boy all respect for you my brother
Aintethepony me or him
jacksepticeye this also reminds me of sync, a youtube movie you should watch
jacksepticeye What if androids are making there own androids?
jacksepticeye i love ur vids especally these pls respond back and i will smash that like button! And punch it in the face for you tuank you for ur meaningful videos and keep it up
Its funny you said you agree with machines developing conciousness. From a programming standpoint, I really don't feel we can code the asymptotic complexity of human consciousness. We can get really really close but never there. The code wouldn't just have to know how to learn: it would have to learn how to learn. For a human mind, it's a very complex ordeal. That right there is the holy grail of programming. In the next century I can't see it becoming a thing but who knows.
jacksepticeye but connor felt pain when that asshole hit him in the stomic
Canada is too nice to say y/n to Robots
I can't believe jack missed out on Ralph
I love Jack! My little Irish cinnamon roll
Kara looks like Madison from heavy rain
Your jack-sences where tingling
1st question- I mean, if it was karayeahidsmash
My name is Kara. Yes Kara. Supergirl from the CW series
he did his sayori voice when he turned on the blue light
Jack: "I like how the menu has an AI that u can mess around with" Me: instantly says that sounded sexual
If jack doesn't believe in God then what does he think is going on in afterlife. It just makes me curious and i would like to know that.
Did anyone else think of Sherlock when it said corrupted mind palace?
"I've got a corrupted mind palace as well." *Hehe, I relate.* "I keep thinking about vore." *Hehe, I don't relate.*
Jack Connor got his chip out
How could you not believe in god yet you say oh my god
Part of my particles are traumatized from last part
Ice and salt particles, exactly.
Isn’t it fun that World War 3 is basically happening in this game
you should believe in god he will help your
Did he convert to atheism recently? He has always acted like a Christian
Welp Jack, never knew you didn't believe in god(I do) many people where I live would just stop watching you but all I get from this is a better understanding of how you see things
Markus just did a Rhys
Wow i wont be seeing you in heavon
Android dinosaurs sounds scary!
For some reason this reminded me of the toy soldiers from Toy Story when they were in the mud.
The Junkyard part reminded me of the burning puppet dance scene in Charlie and the chocolate factory
"I like dogs"
Even if Sean doesn’t Believe in God he’s still going to heaven
This reminds me of the book Variant ,if u know what that is
I bet it is the red ice allowing them to break there code because of the thirium in it and both Markus and Kara came into contact with it Kara because of todd and Markus because of Leo when he got in his face
detective reed reminds me of Mike from Until Dawn
"I feel like a cellphone is the most useful" Budd you're on a deserted island theres no service or internet connection.
Out of the gameplays I've seen so far, I think Jesse Cox has the highest chances of successfully keeping the androids alive XD I can't deny some of Sean's choices though; I'd be doing the same things! Keep it up, Jack, do your thing!
connor saying "i like dogs" is so cute
Hahahahaha “Do humans dream of mammalian sheep”
My proof is that GOD made the world fool
Nice proof. All theists are the same.
Here is my proof go to church fool he made the world
My name is jack. I am the player sent by youtube!
yall, idk about anyone else but i stan my baby boy Markus hes so fucking cool and great and i believe in my boy
Jack you bitch there was another pump regulator somewhere in the junkyard and you would have found it if you just looked you dick.
The term for different colored eyes is Hetero Chromatic
You should watch Humans
If you can create and AI you can be a "god" because we are "gods" AI, if u believe in God that is I have a hard time believing in god cuz I am still young
*"is my robo penis okay??"* -Jack 2018
I'd rather trust an Android to take care of my child than a human... People hire babysitters all the time.. Anyone who does that but doubts androids is basically suffering from an exxagerated dystopian fear of technology..
3.49 but you can get hacked and screwed over.
Yes, there are automated machines, most are prototypes, but yes. P.S. Why the fuck aren't the androids recycled in case of damage or corruption? I mean, why sacrifice logic for a living grave yard scene? It's fucking stupid. Why not have a scene where Markus is dismantled with him still "alive" and begging for his "life" while machines tear him apart, but his memory core is saved and placed into a new body. The main problem I have with this game is that the future it shows isn't logical at all. Androids would be programed to follow the law and to protect humans, even defend themselves from harm, as long as it doesn't damage a human. Therefore, once Carl explains everything. Markus would be rebuilt or shut down all together. But nooooo, fuck the story in favor of pushing a false social message that doesn't make fucking sense.
Automata the game
Jack this is so fun to watch
Why not make Android bees?
Conner is a lucky basted
I just empathize with everyone and everything in general... It's literally a subconscious habit of mine to say, "Sorry Mr. Table.", whenever I bump into one...
“Who’s to say that Amanda wasn’t an Android” wow it’s almost like you already know what’s gonna happen
Hears u say I Robot * u have one more like
This is why we have apple peeps
In Cognitive Psych I came across something called Connectionism. Basically, it's a method of studying human neurological processes using mathematical models structured together in artificial neural networks of input, hidden and output units. It's being used to try to explain numerous intellectual abilities. The survey question about androids developing consciousness made me think about this. So, iit's a yes for me on that one.
My is Markus and welcome to jackass
Connor felt pain??
Conner is the coolest android ever!!!!
I like dogs
It's so hard watching this lol
When you think about, there *was* a loophole in what Todd had directed Kara to do. He told her to take care of Alice, so what Kara did was I; fact following his previous instructions.
sean would make flawless dad go sean you are amzing have a kid
my name is conner the andriod sent by sean willam
Hey Jack, my friend is a YouTuber and she has 79 subs and she needs help getting some more subs and i'm in the videos and it would be very grateful if you can send some of us over there. Her channel is called Wild Cat Studios and it has a red Freddy Fazbear with some glasses. My Xbox Name is pretty simple. If you can help, please do.
I love this serious
the junk yard part reminded me of what it was like when i first got my hearing aid and heard the wind for the first time.
why did she change her apitiat
There is a Philip K Rick refrence, his book inspired blade runner,the book was called "do androids dream of electric sheep" and they said an Android made a book called "do humans dream of mamillian sheep", nice refrences
Kara looks like Jennifer Lawrence in a weird way....
my fav Android is back!!!
people with differnt clored eyes is called heterochromia
self diagnose: jack :is my robo penis okay?
I was afraid when the junkyard part come so i started scrolling down coments
I neither belive in god
I'm on Jack's side here with the characters while playing,It didn't take me long to fall in love with Conner-to me he's just more interesting then the others. Also don't worry Jack she outs everyone (Including me) who takes that quiz
Sandman Martinez indeed
RACHEL ROSS Did you have a seizure at the end of that?
jacksepticeye metal detectors
No u.
It's funny how "having a relationship with an Android" immediately makes you think of fucking them. You don't need to fucc to have a relationship, but I do agree with you, I consider AI a lot more rational and ethical than humans, plus they seem to be more interesting. I am xeno-sexual anyway (aka I like advanced beings that are not human)
fiveohfivethree I like ca- oh carp
jacksepticeye heterochromia eyes
Astagfirulah u no believe in god...jk lol its ok if u dont
If yo were deserted on an island and you wanted a phone, where would you get the cell service?
He pushed away conner
Brain Connected Devices are just DNI from bo3
Ok When he said Something about dying and then coming back the next day I’m getting some REAL southpark references * cough cough * Kenny McCormick * cough *
Do you believe in god My first thought was KRATOS
FINALLY someone else who doesn't believe in God
what will happen if markus goes to carl. will carl flip and be like "HOW ARE YOU ALIVE." or will he think it's like another connor, another markus
For some reason, that part at the start with Markus kind of reminds me of that one scene in spiderman 3 when Sandman starts crawling through the sand and he keeps disintegrating
if we had flying cars woudnt we have less crashes?
jack is me tho like i need happiness
In that year I'm older than todd
All episodes are 1 hour so lemme get a popcorn
‘Don’t shop, adopt.’ Literary applies to human children now.
Jack:"Do you ever get that thought when you look at a mirror too long and wonder if you are who you think you are?" Me:Jack is having an extestential crisis.
Someday we have android
honestly would've paid to see what jack would've done if he had to watch Connor Kara and Alice have a chasedown
Markus is probably my favourite so far, but Conner is a very very close second- love the dynamic between the classic old, drunk, slacker dectective, and an android, it's just so so cool. Markus is such a badass now
Jack is a Atheist
He’s human now
Who's your fave android tho Kara Markus Or Connor
I love the little Heavy Rain-esque details, that game was amazing
according to the game survey a majority of "religious people" are actually trying to gain approval from others, then again im pretty sure not everyone in the world plays this game so just consider this a funny coincidence
So you’re atheist
When you needlessly kill for character plot. There was one that wanted to die and you could use.
Markus has hererochromic eyes now! Epic! Ah, Sean asked what _it_ was called, it’s called Heterochromia. When people have two different coloured eyes.
I like how the description is " like jesus we are back from the grave" but he doesnt belive in dat shit
Freaking out and laughing so hard I fell of my bed are two very different things
jack: *reads about canada not allowing androids* Me: *being canadian* Oh come on!
I watched another persons gameplay and the difference of choices and everything you could do is fascinating
Anyway about automated surgical machines, they are still in testing but are proven to be useful in some cases
It was that day Jack lost a lot of his subscribers.
"I don't believe in God." ~Jacksepticeye *Follower of his YouTube channel for life*
Ok i looked in the comments expecting a whole "WTF NO GOD >:(((" but i gotta say im impressed.
Right before he said “no you were freaking out I know it” I said no I know that they were going to fix him
Anyone else getting an ad that's cropped to where you can't click out?
I'm glad androids aren't in Canada I don't want a world war hwre
The whole A.i thing is like Ultron or Skynet,if we give them too much power and knowledge,they start to know too much and even too much for themself.If they have nuclear code,we might just fucked.And we might just keep the AI like now.They not too smart and we still can reprogram them if we needed
Connor's cute
WEEEEEEEeeeee... I'm back
i have been awake for 20 hours pls help
Anyone else think that when Kara cuts her hair she looks like Jodie (the main character in Beyond: Two Souls)?
Wait... Ferndale? Like actual city right next to where I live super LGBT+ friendly city Ferndale???? HOLY SHIT WHOEVER MADE THIS GAME ACTUALLY KNOWS ALL THE INS AND OUTS OF DETROIT!!!!
exposing myself because why not would i have a relationship with an android? : no do i think technology could become a threat to mankind? : yes what would i bring to a deserted island? : an instrument do i consider myself dependent on technology? : yes technology i anticipate? : space tourism do i believe in god? : no android care for my child? : no how long i spend on my devices? : more than 4 hours emergency surgery with a machine? : no would technology eventually develop a consciousness? : yes
kinda sad you didn't get the best scene. If you get caught by the police, Connor chases you and then you run through the highway to get away. that's my fav scene that i've seen so far
B-B-B-BACK FROM DA DEAD bwun dum da da dum....I had to!
That hour went by fast asl
Woah wait... jack (shaun) has a bro and i didn't know
Connor is capable of doing things better because white!!!
"Where are you going?" "UUUUHHHH FREEDOM?"
Anybody else catch he said Detroit BaseBall instead of Detroit Basketball?
What if Alice is a android and that's why her dad is made at her all the time
I feel like it's a big security flaw for them to be able to remove the led like that
Did Markus just become the dark Knight of Detroit
Jason Graff, the name on that child andriod article, is way too close to my dad's name, so i made me do a double take when i first saw it lmaooo
Cellphone is basically useless on deserted island. No way to charge it and no data or Wi-Fi.
"i keep thinking about vore"
''YOU WERE FREAKING OUT LAST TIME I KNOW YOU DID I CAN SENSE IT'' dude im a emotionless being I didnt freak out, I just watch XD
Kara hot now
Kara got now
Hank: I call him sumo Captions: Kazu mo Also Alice: im cold Captions: cool
Android kids sounds like a great idea. You could be a single father or mother without needing a partner! Sure, it's a little bit creepy, but at least these ones come with a mute button and it's easier to tell them off when they misbehave!
I guess you could say that marcus at the start... He couldn't Stand it! Hahahahahaha Also I did Hahahahahaha and it auto-corrected to Shenanigans
technology can become a threat it's called terminater
Androids are not a threat to humanity, You just throw a cup of water on them and watch them burn out.
watching this is weird when your name is Conor
Space tourism and flying cars are already in development
This game make me spook. Brobots need hugs ok? Give good brobot mom a big hug.
Nuu!! I wanted to have an android ;v; but Canada no has none in the future
ThE fIrSt PaRt GaVe Me ThE cHiLlIeS
So, here you discover you could get clothes from the car, without stealing, than remove the led and cut your hair, so you would be able to sleep at the motel without any worries.
YAY I AM NOT DEAD (My name is Connor in real life)
Oh my Markus you little badass
Oh they're RK series now, let's wait for them to become RX. Amirite? Gundam anyone?
'i was wondering- is there any reason you despise me?' GO O F F CONNOR
I would like to add that I think the perstantage of atheists to creationists is not representative of the random population because of the audice
An instrument is not just a musical device. A instrument is variable in many tools to instrumemts of building, musical instruments and instruments of creativity (which is kinda what all instruments are creative devices used to erect or cast a instrumental feat(( someone tell me how many times I said instrument)).
Why would you buy a child that can show you no emotion. It can only pretend to have emotions.
Do you think an android could ever become a threat to humanity? Woman have you ever seen Terminator?
So am I right in assuming that not defending yourself as Marcus gets your owner a heart attack that either kills him or puts him in the hospital which leads to a situation like: "He caused this! The Android! Not me!" Which leads to Marcus getting shot anyways
Atheism for lyf
God Is Real.
Jack, Todd was in the Police Station once you came back as Connor! Did you notice him?
My name is Cyberlife, I am a Conner sent by Android.
Bowser From sonic Who is that
jacksepticeye no
Oof they touched the religious section
Heretic. Liar. Blasphemer.
PB & J = princess bubblegum and jake
Only 36? that's unfortunate.
You missed that at the police station Todd is there
Heterochromatic eyes.
You dont believe in god? *spits, starts preaching*
Markus reminds me of aqualad from young jusitice
I know how you can tell if they are an android or human you beat them with something and see if they have circuits
Jack there are some robotic heart sergins in russha
Can we talk about how Jack literally killed the Android right after he spared her? Like, what the fuck was that lmao
'I like dogs' -connor, 2018. The sweetest smolest boi that I love
I feel like the 3 different androids are symbols of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. Kara is Pathos, Connor is Logos, and Markus is Ethos. Anyone else see this?
The artificial intelligence in this game violates the laws of robotics
Why do i get that feeling
Is my robot penis ok? Asking the worlds burning questions
"He looks like the captain from iRobot. Wasn't that captain also.... bald?" Nice recovery there
*It's child's play.* Ha! Chucky.
I take back what I said before: I'm pretty into Marcus's story now. That junkyard scene was awesome.
40 sec unskipable add
Kara's hair makes her look like my aunt
I guess Markus "became human"
Hi, My name is Conner. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife.
What happens if our lives depended on Androids and an emp goes off? What would we do?
Connor hEAVILY reminds me of Castiel
Idk if god is real or not
Why does the beginning of this mission remind me of Mass Effect 3 where shepard was held with alot of dead bodies?
This looks like a live action movie!
God is real because no one can prove opposite, there is so much evidence out there. Read the Bible, all of it, it may be long, somewhat boring, but it will change every mind in the world, by no one will do it, so others remain skeptical, even if people say they don’t believe, they still have a question about it, because it’s nit a bad thing to believe and follow Christianity(which is the only correct religion, and the only religion that will allow you to meet God, Jesus and Mary and all of the saints) if you believe and follow it and have the best actions throughout your life. Then it’s always good to be prepared for God, then to realize he is real when you die and what you could’ve done in your 85 years of life
*Kara cuts her hair* ... Thalia Grace?
The reason that the other junkyard bots like you didn’t grab legs or missing parts like you is because their programming is telling them to go to their last known priority or order, meanwhile Markus has freewill allowing him to rebuild using self preservation rather than attempt to complete a task as a broken robot
he's got Hexachromia
Wait jackaboy doesnt beleive in god?!? WHAAAT!!!! If god isnt real then what creates us!?!
Can we just acknowledge the fact that there are geNDER NEUTRAL BATHROOMS!?!?!
SomeRandomDemigod HELL YEAH
Emphasizing is just what you need to do for this game, Jack. Keep it up!
I know Connor is pretty cool but I get way more hyped for Kara
cool dude
Aah shit the atheist bomb
I don't mind tho
Is that guy sleeping in that one cell at the police station Leo? He's shaking and it seems like it's withdrawal shake.
i am interested to know why has so many people lost their belief to god
If only you played the route that didn't lead to the bad endings.
Actually in Rochester Minnesota we have 2 machines that can preform Neurological surgery on their own and it hasn't failed even once. Fully automated surgery.
Kara's short hair is so cute!!
But Jack... We don't know what does being 'consciousness'. Even the scientists aren't 100% what consciousness means.
I forget what happened to markus
2 different coloured eyes is called Heterochromia. Marcus has now has heterochromia eyes.
pun after pun
Excuse me!!! Where the fuck are the half robot ,Lazer eye shooting, gun weilding, freedom raptors damn it!!?
Yeah I spend a lot of time on my computer and phone but that's because that's my schooling right now. I'm doing online courses to learn Japanese so I need my devices to do that. But youtube is still almost always on in the background even when I'm studying haha.
I didn't finish watching the whole video yet but dude is Amanda's hair iridescent that is so cool I want iridescent future hair
There is nothing that can be God, there is only God and that’s it
Markus was ugly
I thought the question about how long you spend each day using technology was kind of silly because so many people (myself included) have office jobs where we are spending 8 hours every day just sitting on a computer and it's not like we are choosing to use technology, we are expected to.
no jack what are you doing man bealive in god now if you dont you will go to hell your my favorite youtuber i dont want that to happen please i warn you now trust and bealive in god the creater of all mankind and live
Anybody think It Anderson sound like marcus fenix from gears of war
Jack: " To service himself for the greater good." Connor or someone idk: "The greater good" Wtffff that was hella freaky
Oh my lordy, I cringed because you can find another thirium pump without killing. Oh well...
ok when markus took the pump regulator from that other robot it reminded me of that scene in iron man where obadiah stane pulled out tony's arc reactor and almost killed him aahh good memories of suffering
Why tf Marcus looking like a Vienna Sausage
red/blue doesn't necessarily represent wrong/right tho, it shows if you're pleasing the person you're talking to right
i beleive in greek gods and godesses
Jack: I don’t believe in god. Description: Just like Jesus himself!
WHAT? YOU DONT BELIEVE IN GOD I thought you were the god of bosses
Zombie robots
you need to play Roblox especially a game called Meep City
You missed todd in the policestation he was walking around there
"Yes! I'd fuck an android" Jacksepticeye 2018
Carnegie is pronounced car-neg-ie I live in Pittsburgh I know
Yes....illllll fuck a robot hahahahaha love it
I got a 40 minute ad while watching this..........I was like,What The Fuck?
Canada is still a safe zone XD
You know, Something i noticed about this game is when you're stuck inside the program, when you scan there's a 3D grid around you, but after breaking the programming, when you scan, there's no grid, instead, it's also broken, there's only the lines of the grid floating around in the scan vision, i thought that was a cool detail to me. Like when you break the wall, the grid is the wall, it's like the programming, dunno if anyone else noticed really, but i though it was a cool detail.
The number nine question is a back to Hank's son, Cole.
Holly is not okay-To bad
Caden Mueller. Oh blah blah blah don't talk about that Christian shit to me.
Holly is not okay- I am a strong Christian and I am just sad that I won’t be seeing him in heaven
Caden Mueller. So?
jacksepticeye hello i am markus. The android sent by Cyberlife
My name is Emma. I am a person who has good sense in awesome videos, sent by destiny to watch this vid!
Did you ever play heavy rain if you haven’t i would love to see a play through
mr anderson
Terminator Salvations Markus half terminator and half human what the heck!?!?!
When are you not Connor from Cyberlife?
I’m pretty sure they didn’t mean a musical instrument
It seems like connor came back from heaven And markus arose from hell
*looks at Detroit basketball hat* Jack: Detroit baseball hat! Wrong sport Jackie boi
"All of these *expect flying cars* could be a thing" (?) Elon Musk will remember that.
Are there guns in this game
Love this series!
I feel the question of technology being humanity's downfall isn't the right question, and the message is more about our over-reliance on technology. We've seen how androids can be excellent carers for children and the elderly, but then relying on them to the point where they become slaves shows how complacent humans have become about them, with humans becoming angry that they've lost their jobs to androids, blaming the androids when it's really other humans manufacturing them to take over jobs, and experts on relevant topics voicing their concerns about the effect of this over-reliance. Then later the consequences show in deviancy, especially comparing Markus to other deviants, since his master was appreciative of him and in some cases encouraged him to go beyond his coding. Meanwhile other deviants who were mistreated by their masters lashed out and turned into killers.
I didnt putt my ear but in right away so the first thing i heard was "Yea i'll fuck a robot"
If you answered yes to any of the questions, you are fucked.
Kill the nonbeliever.
It's nce to see them in the car, the only other scene ive seen of this chapter was really crazy and distressing (unintentionally) So it's nice to see Alice not so stressed out
detroit: become parrot
All the dislikes from salty ass christians
You didn’t have to kill the Android in the scrapyard that didn’t want to die you find another one of them on another android
He sounds exactly like Conner. It's trippy.
"I'm back from the dead! Don'cha just _love_ bein' back from the dead!"
"I like dogs." - Connor
The part were Markus wakes up reminds me of the terminator
"My name is Markus" filled me with hope and dread. Does he plan on revenge, or simply living? Tune in next time on Detroit: Become Human!
1. Sorry you don't believe in God 2. That survey is still astronomically on the yes side lol
Nate Briskey I don't know if you went to elementary but 36% is far from majority
He lucky. He funny I don't like a man who doesn't believe in God or jesus
eww wtf Canada, my country heckin sucks
Dammit; guess I have to move to America for the androids in the future xD
different eyes is heterochromia
Whaaaaat?! She looks like Sam from Until Dawn now that her character has short hair!
I think when someone does red ice and it gets in the air and an android "breaths" it in the android goes insane and turns against the person who put the red ice in the air.
no....its just emotional shock , a wake up call that makes them capable of feeling stuff not all the androids had some kind of contact with red ice
That first part was creepy af
such pure hatred against robots like that is so...unrealistic. everyone i know now treats their technology like it's already a person. people who hate technology now probably wouldn't be around then...
heterochromia = 2 different colored eyes
You know there some working AI in the real world
Jack *surrounded by horrific robot bodies* this is very pretty
I had no idea jack was an atheist the more you know
I'm calling it, 5 minutes in, Alice is an Android
Yay, Canada!
Do you believe the devil
Ah metal... who listens to slipknot?
Ayy fam
If I had to live on a deserted island And could only bring one thing, i would bring a boat.
"Next time, you won't get off so easy." THE ONLY THING YOU DID WAS GREET HIM
you kept talking about vore which caused me to look it up cuz I didn’t know what it was and now I want to poor bleach in my eyes thank you jack
So many truths I feel from this game. All humanity wants is money, and Androids means big bucks for the human creators not caring for the ones who lost their jobs. Also yeah a lame Android zoo for species that went extinct due to humanity not caring, instead of a zoo... CREATE JURRASIC ANDROIDS!!! Technology finds a way. lol
Jack: do I believe in god? No. Sorry. Me: Jack I don not really care just PLAY THE F-ING GAME!!!
On the speaker it said looking for a lost android
Btw... That survey is kinda weighted because it is in the game... People buy it because it has androids... Oh look im looking forward to them the most what a coincidence Same could be with the god question but definitely not as much
Why don't you believe in GOD he created you
maddypandy101 yes
The same can be asked of you . Why do you believe in God? Do you have any proof that he exists?
It's Cars
I don't agree with brain connected devices because it could end the world by controlling people
My kitten’s ear scrubbed the video all the way to the end lol
The Detroit pistons not the gears
Is it just me, or does anyone else have the exact opposite opinion of Jack—that Markus and Kara are super interesting and Connor is as boring and un-engaging as cardboard...
Me lmao It gets more interesting mid game , now its kind of boring...
COME ON...... just when I thought jack was finally going to play aggressive..... a few tough choices last episode and we are back to jack being a wussy about things. Why spare the very first android you come across when you need the part to continue the story? You just dragged it out longer for what reason??
The stories are linking
Connor dying didn't matter to me Kara and Marcus are my favorite of the three.
EVERYONE IS FUCKING ALIVE AGAIN!! Add on: Shit Markus is ripped
that Marcus scene at the beginning reminds me of terminator "I'll be back"
Hold on a sec the description says just like Jesus himself... but then in the video he says he doesn't believe in God
I like markus better.
Captain Fowlcon and his Fowlcon punch
Wait wait wait Sean you are an atheist than why do you say Jesus or God or holy **** that makes no sense
yasseen abou zeid my language has a very common curse that implies that we want to copulate with the sun because she once was a goddess of fertility. The religion has been dead for over a millennium but peeps still say it. So it's an environmental thing
Jack... Stranded on an island, even with a working phone, you'd have no signal.
The term for two colored eyes is "Heterochromia" Its very common in dogs. Theres many types of it as well. I myself have central heterochromia, meaning my eyes are the same, but their are multiple colors in them. :) its similar to hazel but theres a visible difference.
I thought you believed in the septic god
I would love a little jack
He could've repaired Markus without hurting the other android... he just had to search a little harder. There's ALWAYS a better way to do things in this game dude;;
Markus is daddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Jacksepticeye the term for two different colored eyes is heterochromia
I'm not religious.
No comment here?
He does not believe in god yet he believes in heaven
Robot heaven get it lol
Each one of these videos keeps getting like 15 minutes shorter
i spend a minimum of 9 hours a day on a school day 17 -20 hours on a weekend / holiday
Canada being an Android free zone reminds me of the legalization of marijuana
I can’t believe jack doesn’t believe in god
I bet Telltale helped in this game
“Robots are really superior”-Jack Sounds like something a robot would say
Jacksepticeye, if you don’t believe in god then what do you believe in? What do you celebrate
Both Christmas and Easter stem from ancient pagan holidays.
Why does Conner remind me of Doug from up? do I need help?
Hot fuzz is just a great film
Heterochromia. It's called Heterochromia. It can be brought about by genetics or illnesses. It just alters the colors of the eye.
"We don't bleed the same color." You better be thankful ya don't. Cause if you did that means your definitely dying.
The greater good- hot fuzz
this is gorgeous though , says jack as he looks at hundreds of dead androids
Get of my Christian sever
You don't believe in god!!!
Watching this and getting so immersed and intensely engrossed with the part where Markus has to scavange for parts, which was all intense and gloomy with the audio and the distortion of the visuals, to then experiencing sorrow and pity for Markus and the other androids pleading for help, to making choices from taking parts from dead ones, ignoring the dying ones, and ripping out from the ones that are barely clinging on and actually killing them, to then it finally booms into reality of him being "rebuilt" in a sense, to him ripping off the sensor on the side of his head, and having the realisation that he is, somewhat human after that endearing experience, and now you wouldn't really be able to tell because he's an "android" that now serves no-one? He broke through his programming, and you wouldn't know who is human and who is an android and how you're making the choices to essentially "become human". Seriously, just wow.
ok after unpausing it, i realise that our ol' jack o' boy comes to the same theory and realisation..
when Jack screamed "WAKE UP" my whole soul responded with "GRAB A BRUSH AND PUT A LITTLE MAKEUP"
That is fucked up. Trying to buy "The perfect child."
To be honest I don’t believe god
Jack i have a question if u see this lemme tell ya something bud if there were no god that means we created ourselves and we would be powerful but we arent and there no way this big bang bullshit could create a universe and being a explosion cannot be that accurate a being with ALOT of power clearly made everything i find u atheists to be kinda dumb we werent madd but potatoes a being had to made us its the only explanation cuz before creation their was nothingness and im not just saying cuz i go church i try to use my brain its a commom sense thing so duh there is a god that literally obvious
The only way a sane person could have written this is had they been a troll. Congrats man, almost fooled me there
“Yes id fuck a robot” - jack 2018
Incidentally, there is a city in Michigan called Hell about 47 miles east of Detroit.
jack you don't belive in god that made sad i cried a little
jacksepticeye the cap was for basketball
jacksepticeye LMAO XD
Archer Cross yes dad
jacksepticeye a canada hockey game came on when they were talking about kara
jacksepticeye does a *Connor wink*
jacksepticeye YOU ARE SOOO FUNNY
whan jack said he diddnt belive in god i cried a little
Fallout synthetic/synths are just like this.
Jack! you don't believe in God!!??
can one of the deviants maybe just straight up murder Reed at some point hes a total dick and also I feel attacked on a personal level after he punched Conner and I just feel like Reed has to die
Spoilers Alice is an android
I think captain fowler looks like Terry cruise from Brooklyn nine nine as Jack though but couldn't think of his name
Whoah, just finding out that Jack is an atheist. Damn that caught me by surprise, in a good way i suppose.
Hank:You listen to heavy metal? What id expect conor to say Well... I Am metal... Hank: //\\
If jack doesnt believe in god does that mean he bekieves in the lepricon
When jack said "lieutenant Anderson" in his robot voice, I actually thought it was Connor for a second. Oops.
When you say therium, it sounds like your saying seruim, but with a lisp
Why don't the people who built the Androids have a way to turn off the androids
"but do i believe in a higher power the could be a god?" i know the fuckin leprechaun
First disliked video because my religious mom was watching with me and when he said he doesn't believe at god my mom took my mouse and disliked the video
I spend like 4 hours a day on devices but 3 on art and 3 on exercise sooo i guess im not too addicted to tech
my parents would probablt say no to the android like coming alive question
The multiple colored eyes is called heterochromia
So is jack an atheist
It's called heterochromia.
Ya know who else would like child androids? Pedophiles. This is not a good idea.
What religion do you believe in
Todd is at the police station btw
My whole type is girls with short black hair, so now i'm fuckin attracted to Kara dammit
“I like dogs.”
I have a Japanese maple in my yard
*Markus sees the coat* Markus: It's free real estate
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Cell Phone (but I don't have service on a deserted island) 4. Yes 5. Brain Connected Devices (I've heard these are already becoming a thing) 6. No 7. Don't Know 8. More 9. Yes (I don't like the risk of human error, and the procedure can be determined by humans, I just don't trust man more than machine when it comes to precise and accurate manouvers) you 10. Yes
Sean flying cars are already being made
And the lord said, "Deny Me in front of your friends/followers and I will deny you in front of my father" not hating on anyone's beliefs but I take this quote very seriously
>Would take a cell phone to a DESERTED island 11/10
I'd be that person in the no I don't believe in god section
Books are powered by electricity - Sean, 2018
Kara is SLAYIN' with that hairsyle
My name is Markus.
i love the part where you're saying connor is walking, talking heavy metal! that was hilarious
Denzel Washington
I've already spent 4 hours watching Detroit let's plays
The red ice is making the owners angry and making them abuse their androids giving their androids PTSD. The androids don’t know what to do so they do self defence causing them to kill their owners.
Boy Boi Boye *BOY*
not fun to be in hell
omg your so funny i wish i could bealive that but thx for not yelling or cussing me out but that is a nice funny joke but seriusly its not fun
Is it just me, or does Kara look like Jennifer Lawrence
Did anyone else notice in the subtitles, the radio mentioned the new android-written book "Do Humans Dream of Mammalian Sheep?"
I’m literally watching this about an hour away from Detroit and guess what, it’s raining!
Was it just me or was there another android walking correctly in the junkyard aswell
November 6 is my birthday
He should do multiple play throughs
have you thought of an android as the president
Reed punching connor should've shattered his hand
LMAO IM DYING Lt.: You listen to heavy metal? Jack: Well, I am 53% metal, so yes.
*Does a Connor Wink*
He should have went in the house...much cooler storyline
there are machines (i think) that can do a procedure for heart surgery on humans.
"I like dogs" Connor 2018
For Kara to be an android shes pretty hot.
Me:*has ringing in ears like a lot of people* *Jack playing as Markus in junk yard* Me:*has ringing in ears in real life and hears ringing in ears in game* Me:why you bully me Detroit become human
Jack: I’m sorry.Wait why am I sorry for not believing in God? I don’t have to be sorry to anyone. Me a catholic: Jack... why would you say that? You have millions a subs there are bound to be catholic subs. Why are you so mean to us who belive
(Kara) You feel ok to walk a little. (Alice) ... (Kara) Let’s go then (Me) Wut?
The point of the leds and uniforms are to target them in the same way the stars and tattoos singled out the Jews during the holocaust
I don't see why you like Conner so much he does exactly what he supposed to do and can't break through his programming like the others do to help in more serious situations
He's more of a robot than the other two
The red ice is making all the androids go crazy
Did anybody else see Todd at the police station when jack and Conner were looking for Anderson
...Jack.. Books don't use technology..
markus=ultron confirmed
Jack:I’m so glad your alive screw the others
I personally would not want to be worked on by a self ran robot, I work on an automated welder at work and the issue I have is they can’t stop if something goes wrong it just keeps running
I don’t think he was...sleeping.
When you have two different colored eyes it's called heterocromea (sorry I can't spell ;-;) that's one of the useless facts that occasionally is actually useful XD
when Markus escaped the junkyard he pulled that thing out and he became human
Wait...doesn't Alice need a haircut and a change of clothes as well?
Life is a joke Its true though, while they can happen they'd be a real problem if everyone used them
hello everyone,im model 9153 sent by detroits cyberlyfe to save connor, BY GETTING KILLED EVERY TIME!!!!!!!!!!
jacksepticeye I want a jacksepticeye Android that would be cool
jacksepticeye R.I.P connor
jacksepticeye your Irish how do you not believe in God
Thank you
Conner didn't blink red when hank got violent! Not even yellow! He was calm
Lol! Jack believes that humans made the androids, and he doesn't believe in god who made us. Pathetic
I think I have the plot now. After breaking through their AI androids are almost equivalent to humans still able to be restarted , However like Marcus he takes it a step further to completely remove his ai and rips that circle thing out. He continues to assume a role as human being with artificial organs. Therefore the name Detroit become human. I assume it would be harder for Connor as it his his role to catch androids who become deviant. Overall crazy plot especially since this could happen in the future
Jack: he's biging to believe Me: in Steve. In Steve
Ya know it’s interesting to think that somehow a robot programmed by people is capable of ignoring its program and perhaps even killing its very own programmer. Also how the heck did own auto correct to outnumbered... sometimes I hate this phone
I'm just a little upset bcuz u don't believe in God.
Hey jack have YOU ever thought about what this game Is doing to your mind?
Jack : ill fuck a robot Me : ill have a robot orgy
"I personally don't believe in god" *instantly loses 500k subs* XDDD
h a z e r k i l l z Lol.. I'm upset a little tho
Within the Commonwealth there is a cancer.
I loved when Jack talked to me directly. Lol.
They didn't search for legs since they weren't able to break their programming.
*Sure, I'll fuck a robot ~ Sean 2018* (*cough* same *cough*
"Yeah I have a corrupted mind palace as well, I keep thinking about vore" - Jack 2018
“You listen to heavy metal?” “Awe yeah baby, I’m 40 percent heavy metal”
That's my dogs name too!
The description though
Weeeeeeeee... I'm back
The term for different coloured eyes is called heterochromia
I’m rewatching the series again in the same week because it’s so beyond amazing. but I have a question that I never thought before. so if their skin can come back, then what about hair, nails etc.? I’m guessing it’s just made of plastic like the rest of it. But if they were to cut their nails and hair, would it eventually grow back? or would it have to be replaced? honestly I’m not really looking for a real answer I’m just wondering if anyone thought the same.
My mom's cat's name is Sumo O.o
I think ai would only be dangerous if we regulate or segregate them because they would feel this is wrong
Its called Heterochromia Iridis (or something like that)
when ever i look at the mirror and i think im not me it feels like my soul is leaving my body. Is that what u meant jack???
That was freaky when he said “we where all freaking out a little last time” I thought “no I wasn’t” and he responded “why are you typing this out in YouTube comments it’s not that funny”
This game actually has tons of QTEs
Ah man Jack, I thought for sure you would be more curious about the environment when Markus is looking for parts. That's one thing that often bums me out about playthroughs is that people don't have the time to really explore.
I know right
I'm awsome
A pencil is technically technology
Flying motorcycles already exist The police in Dubai use them
You when he said go F you self Markus should have said is there another one of me around?
I, Markus.
36min in answer yes
If u die as conner every possible way on Markus, Kara, and Conner
jack you said can we make Jurassic Park happen but hasn't there been about 5 movies saying why that's a bad idea.
The two different eye trait is called "being special"
Reed is gay because he just want hank
What religion is Jack if he's not Christian
We love Robot Jesus
the term is heterochromia when you have diffent eyes. handsome jack from borderlands has it.
when hank become soft when connor asked him abt his dog uwu
That begining was like Terminator meats batman meets the walking dead
my grandpa also has two differnt coloired eyes and there the same colour as markuses
i feel bad for those androids that got dumped :( like at least they can be destroyed first or reused some of the components...
kratos of course
The term for two different coloured eyes is hetrogromia
I personally do believe in god
Wow I’ve only seen like 2 people say that they believe in god
Anyone else remember paradigm series from android children
Lil android
"Is there any reason in particular you despise me?" ASDFGJKL great way to make friends Connor, A+
Your an atheist too?
Thus marks the day christans lose it
Imagine knowing what exact song it is just from listening to it for 2 seconds, then there’d be no more “song?” Comments everywhere
“I’d fuck a robot.” -Sean William mcgloughin 2018
i just got a fucking 4 minute unskippable ad
It's also possible that everyone is an android and they're still pretending to be human. Or maybe they forgot that they were androids in the first place...
Something cool happens in a game* Jack: Oooooh thats fascinating. Thats really cool because...... Me: Oh MY FUckiNGGG GOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD i love you jack and i love your sudden talks about random shit but sometimes pls just shut the fuck up and play lol.
Jack could sense us with his jack-a-boi senses
band on the run
What do you mean there’s no detection for androids... try a metal detector.
Conner is so cute, for some weird reason.
Question 3:boat ;)
OPENS DOOR......WAKE UP !!!!!!!////FUCK
quiz do you believe in god jack uh no sorry and then all believers unsubed
Yeah i know that feeling
The thing where you have two different eye colours, is called Heterochromia.
Oh god you made Kara look like my mom
that moment they reference ferndale and im sitting here about 10 minutes away from there. i love when they reference spots i got to all the time :)
Vote for bts on Twitter PLEASE
Kara : "Feel okay to walk?" Alice : *blinks* Kara : "Okay let's walk then."
No god omg
Lol I've been waiting for Christians to raid the comments Btw I'm one
For the deserted island I would bring a pen and paper to write down my thoughts so I won't lose my sanity
The term for two different coloured eyes is called being 'heterochromatic'.
My name is android. I am the Connor sent by Cyberlife
If children androids were created, humanity could simply go extinct. Fewer and Fewer people will want real children, and will lead into having no new humanity, which will cause extinction.
Connor got punched in the thirium pump, disrupting it's flow and causing temporary weakness to his biocomponents.
Yes I wold fuck a robot
The second I thought Connor was gonna meet Kara I started shipping them (i'm sorry)
Boi that’s a basketball cap
"Avoid being destroyed!" Aaaaaand that's how you make an android version of HAL 9000. :D
"Oh shit, he's free" is a very fucked up thing to say, if you think about it
Jack is stupid you post to believe in God he's the only reason why Jack it alive
Shaneka Dixon i believe in God when Jack leaves this Earth, if my beliefs are correct he will find out. But people can believe what they want to in my opinion.
there is 999 dislikes. im so tempted to make it to 1k. But i wont because Jack is great!
There was a Kara in the junkyard
stop saying that
Lol,You Acting Like an Android
Dude, how did you do this: *Let's face it, we were all freaking out Me: I wasn't, I saw wha- *No, you were freaking out too, I could sense it
Hi my name is Evee I am a android from Pokémon
jacksepticeye lol that’s funny
stop busting my balls
That sucks I live in Canada and i want a android
Markus is Ultron, Iron Man, and Thor.
No not at all actually
Glad to know I'm not the only one that don't believe in God!
fuck amanda that black nigga
"is my robo- penis okay?" - jack
Tiffany is hawt
Jack: *While inside a pit full of death* This is gorgeous...
Is this game on ps3
Jack you Have Kids,Your The Father and we Fans are the kids,You Sacriface yourself to entertain us World Wide
Eh, idk about being operated on by machines. Just take a look at “CNC machine fails” here on YouTube and if you said yes to that it might change your mind lol
"I'd fuck a robot". Best quotes 2018
Why you don't believe in godddddd!?
Why does people dont like androids? Androids make life muuuch easier You dont have to work, make an android work for u, take the money Bam. School? Lots of homework? Make yo android do it.
So basically androids can respawn lol
I told yall Connor was a bad vitch you cant kill him
You suck I hate you I am unsubscribing
The whole Markus scene At the beginning reminds me of something of the Terminator franchise.
Cellphone is the most useful if theres still battery u can call for help and if ur out u can take a knife and the battery and start a fire with it
The thing I don’t understand is people getting mad at the androids for existing and not the people making them. The androids didn’t ask to be made and take peoples jobs, so why take it out on them?
Once, I woke up when I was young and I for some reason honestly believed that I was a robot... That was the weirdest I have ever felt.
What? You're an atheist?
Don't believe in God wow your going to hell
Jack scared the shit out of me at the robot arm wall in the junkyard
Jack really just looked at a junkyard full of dead androids and said " This is beautiful "
Connor likes dogs, I like Connor.
jack that's dissociation (and I do it whenever I see my hands)
when u ar when ur ar
My name is Connor
Do you think people would actually be like this if androids were real
Shouldn't it hurt to hit an android if it's made of metal
"I'll fuck a robot" - Sean 2018
“I would use the cellphone on a deserted island” surely be useful
why vore though
OMG SAINT BERNARD I have one named zoey she’s the best dog I’ve ever had and I recommend to anyone looking to adopt a dog to get a Saint Bernard.
Yooooo that red head android suspect was the guy who sold you the paints at Bellini Paints in the beginning! Maybe deviancy is a transmitted thing, and Markus was only able to break free because he had interacted with that android?!
when Marcus took out his chip thingy it reminded me of the scene from Telltales Tales from the board lands when Reese took his chip out to get rid of Jack
whats up Mr.Krabs
Just the way he says I like dogs made me crack up laughing so much!
Jack you sound just alike as Connor when your doing an impression of him
i believe but dont spam its hpis decison u never know
Umm if you don’t believe in god how come you yell out “Jesus Christ” when something scares you in some videos
ATHIEST! Not a bad thing, Jack, I’m one too!
Wait, I'm from Detroit and I love this game, but why the hell didn't they make the name of the basketball team the Pistons? Well, they would be keeping it the Pistons but the gears? It's the Pistons because of our automotive industry so keep it Pistons!
Holy shit, I don't keep up with Jack enough! I didn't know Jack didn't believe in God also!
To be honest Conor is my least favorite but that's just my opinion
my dogs name is mable
idek what my religion is anymore lmao. like, i was raised christian with god and stuff but as i’ve gotten older i’ve done research for myself and look more into the details of christianity and i disagree with so many things that as a “christian” i’m supposed to agree with. for instance, i believe gay marriage is beautiful and should be treated the same way heterosexual marriage is, and abortion is not a sin. if you can’t take care of a child it’s better to have an abortion then let it suffer when you’re unable to properly care for it. and the whole god thing has always kinda felt like bullshit. maybe it’s just me i dunno
I rlly like Kara and Alice they are so adorable when they are adventuring together
One of the ingredients in red ice is thirium, or however you spell it, so does that mean people kill Androids for it?
“yeah i have a corrupted mind palace, i keep thinking about vore”
Kara looks like the one from the film Kara like eight years ago
When Markus was climbing out from the slope I was reminded of when Dean crawled out of hell, anyone with me? Also, I really don't like the fact that there are to be android zoos in this, I really hope this won't happen in the future, because that's really sad...
It's called heterochromia Jack lol
the android battle royale mod begins!!! everyone wants each others parts
Am I permitted to murder Gavin in cold blood?
I’m really late on watching this, but from what I’ve been told, Connor didn’t have to get shot? Like idk I’ve heard that the more times he gets killed Hank literally goes to shit but so far loving the visuals, story and audio, I love this game too much.
connors light didn't go red when he was lifted by hank, so maybe connor is more resiliant than other androids?
I wonder if androids like buttered and have cinnamon on there toast
the more I see of this the more it reminds me of the robot series by asimov
fun fact: my grandpa on my moms side had a kidney surgery which was performed by a robot
I think AI isn't a threat to humanity as long as we let them feel what it is like to be human. Give them emotions like happyness,fear, sadness, regret, hope. Let them feel why we would do things and why we should do things.
Jack I know you didn't start over!
Lets go Canada!
Why does alice look like lil tay
Oh yeah, remember how someone said Connor loses a bit of memory each time he dies? It would be helpful if you could like copy the information onto a computer and give it to the new Connor so the androids don’t lose any memory.
Question 9 on the survey? Hell no! I don’t wanna be the guy in hit man being stabbed by needles and crap then dying!
Markus is one step closer to a human.
Hey Jack, if there is no god explain your channel, it's a work of a god.
At that last part it game became metal gear: Detroit
Anyone else think Kara looks like Grey's mom from FairyTail? Or is that just me?
It's hard to take this game seriously when they believe in climate change and think the environment can't survive without bees. They could use some actual science facts in this.
Personally I like Karas part it's the most interesting because of the child
the phrase for exhibiting two different colored eyes is dichromacy
Todd is in this episode at the Police Department
I have the mirror thing wayyy too often. I sometimes don't make eye contact with myself in the mirror because it gives me a kind of derealization/depersonalization experience. It also sometimes happens while taking a walk or randomly when I'm alone/around people. freaky shit man.
This literally reminds me so much of Humans?
jacksepticeye GET ME A COFFEE
Senator Amanda
the fucking description I'm crying
I Connor. I like dogs. :D
markus: become human
I hate connor story line .
Wait... Sean doesnt believe in god?
The blue band is reminiscent of the band Jews had to wear in the 2nd old war
omg i love the detail in this game!!! i was so hoping when he put the new eye in it was a different color!!! (i have a thing for different colored eyes xP) and when connor listen to the music on the ipod thing he was startled by the loud music and his light thing flashed yellow!!! ahhh i just love it!
I didn't even know Kara and Alice could get away on the train. There's a cool chase scene between them and Connor if they see you though
Heterochromia is the term im pretty sure
Also gonna say from watching other playthroughs, you missed some potential heavy action in this scene, but you definitely had the safest route. The more action based ones are much more dangerous for everyone.
I like how half of these comments are "I'm X belief system and that's how it is" or "I'm X but it's cool". Like it's not rly a big deal, and yet everyone wants to force it onto others, directly or indirectly.
"I've got a corrupted mind palace as well...I keep thinking about vore." Oof.
What if it was revealed that everyone was an Android?
wow. there r 69k likes
lol the description has me in tears XD
“By we you mean you” That’s what I said literally two seconds before Jack pointed at the screen and was like “NO, you were worried too!”
I personally believe in God but I’m absolutely fine if you don’t that’s what you believe and this is what I believe it’s nice to see opinions of other people, I have had some people call me retarted in the past for believing in god but I just respond with “ will you just let me have my own beliefs” if you don’t believe in God I’m completely fine with that just PLEASE don’t shove it down my throughout. Thank you for reading this comment feel free to tell me your opinion in God and may God bless you have a wonderful day
it wasn't specifying a musical insturement
think of connor as siri but actually useful and badass
Jack: *has to murder another Android* Jack: This episode didn't play with my emotions as much
I'd also fuck a robot
Kara is the best robot mom
I feel so called out by that first question Yes I would date an android Especially if their name was 9S
I didnt freak out... Eerily I smiled ear to ear... Idk why...
God, the robot kids... they're treating having children like having a virtual pet...
Connor is a traitor to his own kind.
I would definitely fuck an Android...
my guess on this story is that the cyberlife is actually being run by an A.I., and the red ice is something that the A.I. is also responsible for distributing, with the intention of having androids replace humans on the planet
It kinda drives me crazy every playthrough I've watched where people take the survey, they interpret 'relationship' = sex, or at least don't mention the psychological part. Maybe it's cause I'm asexual, but it super bugs me
I'm a little disappointed in how often you reiterated the fact that you don't need to respect androids. They may not be made of bone and flesh, but in this game it is clearly possible that they can break the code and have "emotions". Something I hoped to see from you was compassion towards them, and I am so sad that I didn't.
Omg why is Connor SOOOO HOT
kinda reminds me of the book oryx and crake in that, a guy makes "better humans" to take over earth after creating something to get rid of everyone else on the planet
I was waiting for the part where Connor says “I like dogs” and when he said it I died of laughter
It is kind of getting exhausting how he keeps thinking of them as “robots” even tho there’s clearly signs of them showing humanity ...
"You love rainin dont ya?" ... i mean.. i guess?
Jack you muslim ?? Btw no offense for anybodies who is I was just curious
Lol there’s 69k likes. And at the beginning though...
man in so many ways androids would be super helpful. like what if my 87 year old grandma had someone to help her shower and get in bed and pick up shopping? that would be great. and like people who have mental illnesses would be benefited as well. someone get on this!
I like how on the donuts it says 452 saturated fatty acids, also keep up the good work
Jack honestly I was happy Connor got shot cause he isn’t trust worthy and turned a good android in
jack i dont bieleve in god iether but ii bieleve theres ddemons
We are older than most of these people. Also, why the hell am I attracted to Conner?
When I look in the mirror I see a mistake
The way androids act really reminds me of the way Sims act when you leave them on full autonomy. They sit down and then stand up for no reason, their posture is rigid and when they're thinking about what to do next they just stand there for a bit. Not to mention when they talk to people they have to walk up to them and reach a specific distance away from that person, then pivot until they're facing them fully, then make eye contact for a second before actually saying anything.
The beginning where he was crawling is scary asf
AI is scary to me because it’s something unknown and we haven’t crossed that line yet, so people find it as bad.
Hello I am Gne sent by my mom to watch TV
jacksepticeye you are my favorite
Sample bias on the "do you believe in God" thing - they only sampled people who play the game, and who said "Yes". The current percentage of people who believe in an entity that would name itself "God" in any language... Well. You've got Jews, Christians, and Muslims right there, and Islam is a giant percentage of world beliefs. For statistical accuracy, to be a proper representation of the population, it must be RANDOM and it must be COMPULSORY (like a census).
And um no, AIs would (and do) have biases. They're programmed by humans, who have them. I do not know how many iterations it would take of AI programming a new AI for the bias remaining to be statistically insignificant.
Connor: Badass and pure. Protect at all costs! xO Side note: Likes dogs.
Cyber wildlife is kinda wrong Cuz in japan there is a kinda controversial thing That they are bringing back dead dogs By putting the dna of the dead dog to another dog And scientists are trying to find DNA of extinct animals Correct me if im wrong Im not Einstine or something
"Don't out my kinks" lmfao I could feel that on a spiritual level hahaha
When the cyber-wildlife book shows, it reminds me kinda of jurassic park.
Hey, Jack, at least you thought about it. I find it perfectly reasonable not to have a reason to believe in a god(s), but am confused with those that dismiss it entirely while referring to science (scientifically lack of evidence does not prove nonexistence, if I understand science correctly). I love discussing the deep stuff.
" I like dogs " Lol
Maybe the emotion circle LED thing has a tracker
When Jack started talking about out-of-body experiences I got so hype because I knew exactly what he was talking about
Damn it’s creepy lmao I don’t want to go to sleep
Kara is awesome
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm do you have any idea how long an adroid could go?! (i mean i dont but still) so hell yeah im dating one
Jack I am not hating I am a fan of you but how does that make sense that you say that you don't believe in god but yet you have Jesus in your description... one again,no hate on Jack I am a fan.
As soon as I saw Markus get he scared the shit out of me
He’s a Replicant now. Lol This reminds me so much of Blade Runner. And the Matrix; Amanda is the Orac- Oh, wait, Jack just beat me to saying that by a few seconds.
jack’s a hufflepuff, prove me wrong
For me it's less about "would i let an android care for my children" and more "would I let /you/ take care of my children"
The real question is for the first question in the survey is: if the robot is Connor,yes yes I would....but who else ships Kara and Connor
Of course Connor is alive HE IS A MACHINE :D
Damn synths....
I don't care about Connor. I only care about Kara, Alice, and Hank.
ay conner came back and kara is a quote on quote human. pretty sICK
I noticed how Kara calls androids by their “genders” while Connor refers to them all as “it.” I’m not sure what Markus says but it really portrays the difference in their views and personality. Cool details!
Aw, you missed the chase scene you get when staying in the abandoned house. Oh well. At least I get to see different scenes.
"Tiffany, i dont know what to tell you..." *proceeds to tell her*
I imagine the only other people jack sees are the people In his porn magazines
I love u Jack ur the best!!!
We both dont believe in god, wow that kinda makes me feel less bad about myself and having a Catholic dad
Wow I think like jack..
I WAS freaking out... for the five seconds I didnt see the title of this video...
i searched the chemical combination (if thats what you call it) and it is actually related to cocaine (C17H21NO4)
"65% of people would fuck a robot." Well, no, Jack. A relationship isn't defined by sex, and I'm pretty sure a majority meant they would have a romantic relationship with an android.
when you asked yourself if you believe in a higher power i thought you would say Kratos cuz hes technically a god XD
Jack doesn't believe in God? I'm ok with it but it surprised me because I dont believe in god either and when people find out they think I love Satan or something but I dont believe in him either so its good I have someone that I can relate to! ☺
I believe in God and i wish everyone did but that's not the case. What i also believe is that the bible has been changed by people over the years as a means to an end so people will follow them. I still pray most nights and before or after I eat if i remember tho. I won't know until I die but what i try to do is be a better and nice person so God will forgive me if i do something wrong
You are not Christian? Oh, I thought you where XD
I believe in God
Detroit become dinosaur
right during the my name is markus part i was interrupted with a char broil grills commercial...
"i am 50% heavy metal." fuck ily jacko.
an android shouldnt take care your children you should
take care of (srry)
_"yeah I have a corrupted mind palace as well, I keep thinking about vore"_ jack what the actual fuck
Poor connor
I would chose the book if its a survival book
November 6th is my Birthday. I couldn't imagine if all of this went down in the future on my Birthday. It would be awesome to have androids tho
Jack: Wakey wakey, shiny shiny, eggs and bacey! Me: wAKE UP LIEUTENANT
Todd was in the police station
Jack, it made me a little upset that you didn't see the easter egg when you go inside to find Hank's desk. Wanted to see your reaction....
Bryan dechart aka Conner is a amazing actor in I know no one really cares but I just want to put out there
My name is Connor, I'm the android sent by Cyber life. (This is kinda a correction)
My name is CyberLife. I'm the Connor sent by Android.
im so late to this series cuz i thought it was gonna be boring but oh boy was i wrong
jacksepticeye l
I like this play more games like this
Your such a good mom. I live kara
I love irobot
Why dont u believe in god
Conner sort of reminds me of Castiel from Supernatural. Just me?
"I'd fuck a robot!" Jackseptiveye, 2018
The girl in the begging is called chole
*doesnt believe in God.* *description*
Don't really consider robots becoming "conscious" as the closest thing is have it follow algorithms and its programming.The nematode brain lego robot is the closest thing that I've seen that APPEARS sentient and all they did was catalogue its brain into the computer. Since the completion of the human genome project, I guess you can start cataloguing and creating an algorithm for human-looking androids.
Is it wrong for me to fall for Markus?
What systems runs this game? Xbox or something?
I really want this game, but i have a laptop that barely functions as is.
I beleive in god... CONNOR is my god...
"We did see Marcus come back, which was good, and Connor. Of course, my boy, my sweet child :)" a bIG moOD
Woot woot no androids in Canada!!!
The Android in the opening is so pretty
"people are able to take off their LED's and disguise themselves as humans"
I like how leaving details out ads more detail to a game sometimes. Kara's file did not say anything about Alice, so this may mean that Todd hasnt reported the girl missing, or made it seem lile the incedents were not related causing the police to write it up as such
"i have a corrupted mind palace too, i keep thinking about vore"... me too jack, me too....
That out of body experience that you're talking about. One of the symptoms of anxiety
I find the being operated on by machine idea super interesting. THis is something that I think is an amazing idea for the average person, but as someone with really wacked out internal anatomy, I find it terrifying. Like, making a program that is tailored to my own personal internal hookups just seems like a waste of time when there's people who can extrapolate and deal with discovering new weird things as they go along.
marcus looks like the Terminator
Heavy Metal XDD
wow so many different paths to take in this game, I hid in the house with Kara and had a totally different ending to the last chapter in this video, will be doing a second and even third playthrough to try and see all the possible paths
"I'd fuq a robot" lmfao
Gavin : What model are you ? Connor : It's on my jacket . Bitch .
Heterochromia iridium (two different-colored eyes within a single individual)
Baseball cap??
Amanda: "You are the most advanced prototype Cyberlife has ever created-" Jack: *Slightly turned on*
Omg I am heavy metal omg shut up XD I'm dead
You said you don’t believe in god, then congrats on telling people
Connor is precious!!
if only one of the police desks said "Mo. Lester"
im sexy im kara!
nice jack nice!
The thing about looking at yourself too long or saying something too many times and it does not sound like a word is what happens to me all the time but I never said anything about it cause I thought I was going crazy
YAY connor is alive
for me I would bring a boat, also its the amount of people who voted that not the percentages
*Listening without headphones* "Oh, the audio's cool" *Proceeds to desperately find earphones*
Lol I live in Canada
Uh oh how unfortunate uh oh how unfortunate you forgot a secret thing and see Todd in the police ring Like if you get it
Wow when I see jack’s face in real life next to Kara’s face in the game it blows my mind to see how video games are evolving
Markus has (Detroit) Become Human
jacksepticeye - My name is Markus. I am the android sent by Cyberlife!
You actually sound like connor which i love
*Now you were freaking out as well, i know i could sense it* No i wasn't , i hate connor
why such an ugly haircut
Was Andre Braugher the actors you were thinking about?
the beginning when markus crawled reminded me of iron man
i'm pretty sure that there already autonomous surgery machines
*Mind Palace* *Mind Palace* *Mind Palace* *SHERLOCK!!!!!*
The term for two different colored eyes is heterochromia
People with two different colored eyes – or a condition called “heterochromia iridum” – is a rare mutation. It can be caused by genetics or disease or injury. Most of the time, it is inherited. While not often seen, certain celebrities have been known to have this.-google
- I understand what you mean by the mirror thing. You have to look in the mirror for quite a while and then you don’t seem like you anymore. I start to question - do I really look like that? It’s weird. - Sometimes Connor makes me cringe. Idk I think it’s his directness or something. - ‘Wakey wakey shiny shiny eggs and bacy’ - well that’s a new one
when your eyes are different colors its called heterochromia jack. just so you know lol
The reason the audio processor was in the androids hand was because the android in question didnt want the last thing they heard to be other androids screaming.
You see, Canada would have the least deviants because everybody would be nice to their androids!
I always love watching you play games I enjoy, and I was so happy to see you pick up Detroit Become Human. It's a lot of fun to see where you're taking the choices. By any chance, do you plan to play the third chapter of Sally Face eventually? I really liked that playthrough of yours.
Im pretty sure a lot of people have said this already but its nagging at me to tell you that its called heterochromia, where two eyes are different colors. For example, 'Markus's eyes were heterochromatic now.' Again sorry it was nagging at me for the longest time ever since i watched it.
“Yeah I have a corrupted mind palace as well, I keep thinking about vore” *oh*
Does any one else think jacks impression of connor is very alike in the game DBH.
Wow jack way to spare someone just to kill them 5 seconds later
Fun fact and possible spoiler ahead: Killing the female android in the junkyard was not necessary, as you would've found a pump anyway. A few more metres ahead, from an already dead android.
hmmmm jack really you dont belive on god i think it's a joke like if you agree
You dissociate
I like Jesus.
I didn't know Jack was an atheist! That's awesome lmao
Lol the way he said “I like dogs.”
I like Marcus more
The whole time I was waiting for him to find the Kara Easter egg on the junkyard
"I like dogs." Me too Connor.
“Let’s just face it, we were all freaking out last time.” Me: well actually I was laughing m- “No you were freaking out as well I sensed it!” Whut
When I look at myself in the mirror I think about how did we get on earth.
He said he doesnt belive in God but he says 'OH MY GOD' all the time... Coincidence? I think not. :v
Jack: mentions the word thing Me: SPEED IS SPEED IS SPEED IS BETAS BETAS BETAS Now listen to a SPEED IS SPEED loop! I swear you will hear "BETAS" what's my point in this? The word thing works with phrases too sometimes.
Androids can't get winded, but they can feel pain. And even if they can't get winded, a gut punch is a gut punch.
I never mentioned how there are no time limits, yet stuff still goes on in the background like conversations and that guy jogging when we first met Markus. Nice detail.
When you said when you look at yourself in the mirror and almost see a different person, I look myself in the mirror and said “ you are one ugly and rude motherfucker” because I said myself was ugly so I was being rude to myself. Anyway you could of put a condom on before you fucked up my mind
Yo, treudau. why aren't you letting us have androids??!
*Jacksepticeye* I don't believe in god. *Some minutes later when he discovers Connor is not dead* THANK GOD! btw connor is the bae
jacksepticeye I think that androids will happen but not to the extent in this game, which is more dystopian than I feel reality will be in a couple of decades
Jack is an athiest
At the very begining on the rooftop you could safe somebody lieing left on the floor, this would activate some path in the office
I do believe in God, but I don't mind what others think is true. I wont tell anyone they are wrong, because some think differently than others.
Markus's chapter was a fever dream of I've ever seen one
How's the like you so much until you said you don't believe in God then I started disliking you
my question is is Conner was able to come back with all his memories and Kara was able to be revived but had to lose her memories.. just how badly did Todd hurt Kara. Because a gunshot wound is something I consider severe.
I think losing a biocomponent is severe, also for Todd to even get away with lying that Kara got hit by a truck is really worrying.
Sean, come join my religion, we praise Chris Pratt every friday night...we have lots of alcohol and every Chris Pratt film ever made
its called heterochromia —
Two different colored eyes is called heterochromia!! I may have spelled it wrong though :)
no worrys.
PurpelPotatoez ah okay thank you!!
no you spelt it right!
four words for that pretty much sums up having kids: raptor scene in Jurassic park.
I stopped believing in god
JACK!!! I though I was the only one with the words and the mirror not believing it was me and stuff! My mind hurts
Is it weird that I find kara kinda hot? Especially with short hair
am I in robot heaven he says after he said he doesn't belive in god
You would think that they would make it so that if they removed those discs on their temple that they would shut down or something... But I guess it's to make the game more interesting lol
Mind palace... Sherlock anyone??
Conner can be revived every time he dies Unless he goes deviant
Different colored eyes- Heterochromia
"Is my robo-penis okay"?-jack 2018
*I like dogs*
Sorry are we not gonna talk about how literally right after jack said ‘the greater good’ Connor opened with ‘the greater good’ AM I MISSING SOMETHING???
No Jack it's going to be the terminater for real
I didn't know books needed electricity
Im an android who removed *it's* led
I wonder when connor breaks through his programming
If you kill Connor every time you can you get an achievement
Does anyone else think Connor looks kind of like Eddie Redmayne and Kara looks kind of like Jennifer Lawrence? No? Just me? Okay.
Other androids: *super analytical all the time* Connor: *I like dogs.*
Hey Sean, when a person has two different eyes, its called heterochromia :)
we gatta be fast to make the animals fuck and have kids lol
That girl looks a bit like Danika Mori
stop swearing
The beginning with Marcus, it’s really messed up. They may be just androids and feel no pain but the fact that they were just thrown into what seems to be a mass “grave” while they were still “living” really fucks with me
K but that survey is interesting mostly because it shows what demographic is playing the game
How do you not believe in GOD ? Unsubscribe-ing,
can i point out the fact that in karas file todd reported that she attacked him but there was nothing about her taking alice.
kara is emo
Poop...................he he gotem
Jack you are not I am connor DX500 lol
He didn't even tried to find this part somewhere else, he just killed her lul
I didn't know Jack didn't believe in god!
when markies came back when he left with the jacket was a easter egg from a movie when a guy fought robots and came back to life but that was all so when he saw that the burn he got was when he saw that he was a robot too and set out help or to warn other people that the government was behide it all along.
Well I'm not sleeping well tonight!
Hey, could somebody please explain to me the concept of androids or machines gaining consciousness? I really don't understand how it could happen. I'm dumb.
Jack is smart as shit
The term for having 2 different colored eyes is called "Heterochromia"
"Do you think technology could become a threat to mankind?" *looks at knife, gun, and nuclear bombs* nah
"ɪ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴅᴏɢs"
With the whole flying cars thing, all i can think is, airplanes are a thing right?
Jack good even I don't believe in god
Y don't believe in god
2 different colours of eyes: Heterochromia, in fact I actually have it!
When Marcus took his LED out it reminded me of synths is fallout 4
The junkyard android's are like zombies!
technically conner is dead because he was destroyed but his memory was just transfered
Mind palace? What is this, Sherlock? XD
the plothole with the detection of the "Wron compartment" could be explained by nobody expected androids to actually deviate...
i watch this 5 time to pass the limet on da test xD
Was the actors name Samuel jackson
Even if a.i becomes self conscious, i don’t think it can develop feelings on its own, so in the end it wont do whatever it wants cuz it doesn’t want anything really
Jack: I keep thinking about vore
The stats of world answers were different with me
My religion is cheeze
this just went peace full to scary
i like dogs
*JACK KILLED OLD KARA* “If you don’t know what am I talking Markus took the Thing from that female android from the junkyard that was Old Kara before the Kara we know”
also i love how the game makes the player feel conflicted by giving them a character who is programmed to and has no choice but to capture so called 'deviants', while also giving them two characters who are the deviants, causing them to have an emotional bond with the two while having to also chase them with the other character. Its really frustrating but a good addition to story and i love it so much! this is by far my most favourite game by these people.
I didn't come here to listen to what he has to say about God... Its really annoying. Just skip over the question plz
Is it just me or does kara look like Katnis Everdeen from the hunger games when Kara cut her hair and put on the jacket
"I have a corrupted mind palace as well, I keep thinking about vore" JJAAAAAACCKKKKKKKK YOU HAD ME DYING
Red ice is the weed of this game. So it's not going to effect the game only people higher than a fucking cloud
"I keep thinking about vore." JSE June 11 2018 This had me fucked up ngl like wtf
No one seems to understand what artificial super intelligence is. We are NO WHERE NEAR emotional and self preserving ai. It seems like science is trying to replicate the human brain using technology, but you can’t program a human brain. It’s science fiction, robots becoming concious is at least 300 years away.
how do i dislike video twice
Congrats To Kara for longest living android
That missing person you walked by with Markus when u picked up the painty paints
If you choose to endure also then Carl would of died and Markus would of still gotten shot.
things people dont understand AI is dangerous yes but nukes and atomic bombs are single most deadly things we have created and those are tech you got this on point but most of humanity doesnt they think missiles are their own if you put someone that is socio/pychopathic in the hands of nukes we wont see the light of day when we sleep
more places with people we can decide are crazy such as russia have nukes (russia allows people to keep bears as pets and treats them like dogs) this stuff is terrifying if you think about it
The two colored eye thing is called heterochromia
Is there a way to not cut Kara's hair?
I believe in gaben
You don't believe in God
what if we say to android "go fuck yourself" and then its get serious and try to fuck himself?
wait you have a brother
My name is Finn Kayy. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife
Your name is jack.
What I feel like people overlook when thinking about a robot apocalypse is that they are still robots. We have things like EMP's
jacksepticeye a
I have to think about GLaDOS talking about the androit hell...
Jack I’m sorry you don’t believe and I hope it doesn’t take something traumatic for you to turn your eyes in the right direction may you fare well in the tribulation and not take the mar of the beast.
The only droid I care about is Connor and Kara
Anyone else think Kara looks like Jennifer Lawrence?
I think the reason Connor went down when gavin punched him is because, he punched him right where his Thirium pump regulator ( heart ) is.
play Machinarium
I don’t believe in god either
So my birthday is november 6th and throughout the entire gameplay im just staring at the date like YAY
Holy shit Jack's an atheist!?
I dont believe in god but thats also the most accurate thing in humankind now
Gender neutral bathroom
called it a baseball cap but it said basketball
Connor and Markus were both shot in the head. Markus was fine, but they needed to make an entirely new Connor.
Do you belive in god? Only Yes/No Answers!
I shivered when Markus' audio got fixed the audio was so damn cooool
What is your Religion
The hands part was like from God of war 2
My brothers name is Connor
Question 7: would you trust an android with your child? I mean yeah, Codsworth from Fallout 4 did it and he's just a ball with three arms
I like how Sean is able to guess what is going to happen, or say something similar to or related to things that happen later in the game.
Anyone notice the rockin cans
I want to have a Connor, or just be one honestly
I thought hank would listen to despacito
Watching this knowing things is... difficult, lol
I know im pretty late to this, but when Markus ripped the blinking light off his head, his voice changed and i feel like he became human. hint the title of the game. im probably wrong but i thought it might be possible
I'm from ferndale!
Go Markus Go! Love how hardcore that whole scene was.
Wait so if Connor has no gender what bathroom does he use
Lt Anderson sounds like me crabs because he’s the voice actor
okay YOU there stop for a moment and hear me out imagine a RPG where you where a cyborg and you have no idea of who made made you or where you are, but seems like a dumpster for all kinds of cyborgs and androids and you have to replace a lot of parts because they are broken and when you have done that you take out in an open world full of high techness but you have been out for so long that your componets are out of date and you can replace them and find new better ones. how about it
Wow all that functional tech being wasted and left to rust in a junkyard. Gross. REPURPOSE, RECYCLE! Geez
Todd is in the police station
quit making me comment so much java I already Did tree times lol
the guy in irobots name was will smith get it right in the mind jackaboy
bro I get dreams of being in a resistance for the fight against androids
We kids are pains in the booty but we do make good memories
Burn in hell atheists
Rockets are technically flying cars.
heterochromia , is the different eye color thing (i think!)
Saun says he never had kids his girlfriend walks in the room and says lets have kids right now
jacksepticeye God will sent you to hell if you dont believe him.Thats why we always pray out of danger and sicknes
Heterochromia is when someone has eyes that are multiple colours or shades. The Android here has “complete heterochromia” (his eyes are different colours but they are both solid colours) “incomplete heterochromia” is where someone will have different coloured eyes but one or both eyes won’t have a solid one colour. you could have a combination of colours in one eye. Anyway. Way too much information
Does anyone else think that kara looks a bit like faith from mirrors edge like that
thumbnail: D E T I T BECOM MAN
_Is your robot penis okay?_
My name is Markus. I'm the android destroyed by Cyberlife.
tbh if we had androids I think it should only be for police work and helping people
they will happen later after it actually happens humans aren't that smart it will take them like a week or 2 to get their hands on the androids but that's what I think
And they couldnt be bought by mafia and drug cartels
if my grandpa just could see this
My name is Connor, I am a snitch.
Guy's remember that thirium is red ice and blue blood
Blue blood is thirium
Damn, Jack missed the entire Connor chasing scene :(
I think we should make Android for the main purpose of cleaning the planet were to lazy so why not clean the ocean beaches Forrest in and by city or towns roads anything
Anyone else has this urge to poke connors hair? No? Just me?
Oh jackyboi, I watched for the first time since a long time. Nothing has changed, you should watch exurb1a though, I realise that because of the survey.
When you shouted wake up, my dog jumped off the sofa with a small yelp! XD
Detroit: Become Horrified
i think he has been watching strike the blood
Deetwoy Becom Oomon xD
Conner's kind of adorable
Muscles are contracting in the stomach. Idk... but I think
That’s so scare when jack said we were all freaking out last time about Conner I said no I knew and then he instantly said no I know you were freaking out to
"yeah i have a corrupted mind palace too, i keep thinking about vore" Sean 2018
If I played the game I would’ve given up and not do the game tbh I HATE JUMP SCARES AND I WOULD RUN!!
My palace is corrupt as well
Its called heterocromia i have a blue eye and green eye
Holy shit he's an atheist
I do believe in god... NYAN CAT
I’m sad that Jack didn’t see the singing Kara in the junk yard
About half way through... did Jack just perfectly describe depersonalization and/or dissociation?
Tbh jack’s point about connor reuploading himself to another body reminds me of altered carbon on netflix. There are no androids, but people can reupload their consciousness into another body and effectively live forever.
Whenever Jack addresses us, do you just respond back...and have a full conversation with him??
Jack! You missed something while in the Junkyard! After you get the Hearing component go by the right of slope that you climb to get out of the junkyard and you will find something interesting!
i've never met anyone in any type of story with the same first name as me! cool!!
In the police station when connor picked up the tablet todd walked by
Since Connor is like a pro at clippings coins and catching them without looking and it was in the intro of ep 1 does that mean androids can catch bullets?
um, brain connected devices, sword art online anyone? (I'm NOT an anime nerd, I just like it lol)
I think the term for different colored eyes is Heterocromia. I have it.
Must. Protect. Connor
I have the same color of hair as Connor and i always make sure my hair looks fine.................lmao
Heterochromia is the word for different coloured eyes
jack: this person was an android the whole time and we never knew it me: ohohoho! just you wait and see!
Would you like to talk about our Lord and Savior Connor the Android?
nicholas yogaputra Well if he doesn't belive in God it means that he is an atheist
ShadowDoll I like
Nathan Utz lol
U don’t believe in god? Cool dude I mean not cool but that’s some cool info into ur life I personally believe in god do u think u can explain or do u feel uncomfortable sorry if u do ur still my fav utuber
jacksepticeye I love your voice for Conner lmao
Why are u commenting this on every video ?
Jack doesnt belive in god? *Jesus Christ*
3 minute ads that I can't skip... Kill me now
My favorite is Kara’s story!
Bruh, Alice reminded me of Lil Tay
Anyone think that Alice is really like Clementine.
woah you can see north before you meet her at jerico awesome
Has anybody else noticed the fact that whenever Jack wants to state/express his opinion on camera he turns his head away so he doesn't have to face any discernment? Makes me sad :( I guess its the fact that his channel is growing and he prefers not to stir up any judgement. It is understandable yet still upsetting ya know
Watching Markus wake up reminds me of Terminator
Flying cars are definitely happening
Connor is Rk800 Rk8
'Hello officer reed' that fuckin worries me, mah last name's reed, well at least im a better one than him cus im not an asshat
i dont believe in god either
too much lecturing, so boring...
i robot is one of my favorite movies
There spying on you jack
Jack bud I commented about this on the last vid, but this just proves that while you are brilliant you havent stopped to consider the consent issues inherent in sex with an android. Im enjoying this playthrough but seriously my dude please think about this stuff.
Why the hell would you check a cell phone on a deserted island there's no cell signal on a deserted island your cell phone has a limited battery life so you're going to do what you're going to play video games on your cell phone for about an hour before it dies and then what then you have nothing great answer
The word is heterochromia
Well a lot of people say that im a sychopath but im not but when it comes to games i dont give a fuck about enemies and sometimes i dont spare people so im kind of a sychopath but i dont Think so, do you?