Arriving at SINULOG FESTIVAL 2024 in Cebu Philippines

Arriving at SINULOG FESTIVAL 2024 in Cebu Philippines

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oh well yellow one is nice matches the dress  the dress yeah thank you Mama thank you let   the festivities of syal begin if this fits I  think my head is too big per perfectly match   let's do this yeah myang hon everybody Welcome  to seu Philippines and happy synal to everybody   watching we are in the center of the festivities  right now and this is our very first time in seu   and our very first time experiencing calog  Festival Wow all I can say right now is wow   it's so colorful there's a lot happening it's  early on in the day and uh there's a lot of   people selling pretty much everything that you  can imagine from fruit to festive headwear to   uh colorful balloons to peanuts yeah everything is  happening here in seu there's so many people here   and it seems to be like the main song at least  for seu is the song called I love sa it's really   really funny but it's already stuck in our heads  we've been singing it for two days straight now I love right now guys we're very close to an area  of where melan's cross apparently is have no idea   what to expect but I can't get over just how  many people are here it is heavily populated   and uh very very dense we saw so many cars parked  on the side of the road yeah it's crazy there is   so so many people and everybody sort of is  bringing at least the people that are from   the area obviously we don't have one but a lot  of people are bringing the santono so the holy   Child uh basically and they're bringing him  to the festival to race basically and it's   such a nice uh nice tradition to think about  that so yeah oh they're already praying I think only to get some candles I don't know  they're all coming now some one thank you 50 P colorful one is okay just 50 okay  100 okay thank you so much thank you all right guys the current situation is  that we're standing outside of the S and   we're waiting to go in it seems like there's  a lot of people queuing up and they're only   like slowly slowly letting the people go  inside and we bought our candles so now   we're just sort of waiting to go inside and  see what happens we're both super excited I really can't get over just how many  people there are here guys this is   such a beautiful experience a big Collective  energy moving towards this beautiful Church oh wow I wish we knew the  words yeah I know uh this is gorgeous all right guys we both feel a little bit  stupid now we have been queuing because we thought   we had to light these candles somewhere but the  people seem to be giving an offering and praying   here and then they just throw the candles into the  middle part there I really didn't I really didn't   know that we bought them and we were like oh maybe  we're going to go in and light them in the church   but people are just throwing them away into into  this yeah it's like uh the lady said this is like   an offering or something like that but we were  sure that we were will have to light them but   yeah everybody's just throwing them there in  the middle part where the crosses uh yeah so   super interesting you learn new things every day  we're going to go in with our candles have a look   around inside and then come back out and then  Chuck our candles into the middle foreign for for I think this oh my God there is a here guys wow  people are loading into this place many oh my God I'm not sure what is about to happen wow that was a really heavy Rush of people  there yeah I got a little bit scared for   for a brief second yeah but now we're fine  unless you want to push yourself through the   front but I'm I'm okay see it from from uh the  distance yeah guys just have a look at this so   many people it's a communion station station you  can get uh it's like like holy uh communion like baptizing guys this is something that we would have  never expected this to be to be honest we   came in with no expectations of what it's  going to be and so far it's really blown   us away just how many people are here  the whole vibe the atmosphere yeah it   is uh incredible and tomorrow is the main  day so today is Saturday and uh tomorrow   is when the real celebrations are going  to kick off so I'm sure we're going to be   having another video for you guys as well  but wow it is crazy there's people behind me a lot of people behind me my God everybody and their grandmother is here the  new stations are here some celebrities we saw   already as well yeah this is so beautiful  yeah the inside I wish we could show you   guys but it's again totally packed for uh wow  guys I've never seen this many people in one place there seems to be several different  stations where you can give your candles   as an offering there was the other one  before that we already saw where you uh   throw them basically into the middle  and then there is this one here as as   well um where we decided to put our candles  which is L which is what Luke is going to do I love all the colors here guys this is  like literally a NeverEnding crowd of   people that are at least but that's what  it seems like now we're feeling pretty   hungry and thirsty so I think we're going  to try Jollibee for the very first time   so I think this is probably going to be  the most Filipino video that we've ever   done that's for sure it's trying jollybee  at Cog in seu very very first time trying   a jollybee but it seems like this jollybee is  as busy as the church yep look at this street guys crazy really crazy I love it though  guys Welcome to the EST jollybee in all of   the Philippines this place is absolutely packed  from literally from here from the front number   all the way to the back number seems to be a  pretty good organization here in the Jolly Be   though for how many people there are there's  even a lady taking the order beforehand she   sort of H you the note and then you just walk to  the cash register and you pay and our queue is   moving along uh quite fast I don't know the  last time we sort of checked in was maybe 2   minutes ago it's crazy there's like uh probably  around 1 thousand people in here I can't believe   it m so many people but as I said very sort  of fast and effective way to get through the   people so I'm quite happy with how fast it's  moving and I'm very excited to try Jolly for   the first time what a day to to try it so guys  after around an hour and a half standing in that   crazy jolli bees we got ourselves some food  and um I'm really enjoying this coke float   now there's still thousands of people here on the  streets there's very very little space just have a look yeah we're standing here enjoying the coke  float and um this whole experience so far has been   pretty much unbelievable I can't even really put  words to it I've never seen this many people for   this type of work for Catholicism all in one place  this is very unique very special and I'm very   excited for tomorrow as well there's going to be  a lot of Street parties and dancing and stuff like   that so I can't wait for that yeah guys this is H  delicious it's like a vanilla ice cream with some   chocolate sauce and um in a Coke float it's really  good and I'm really excited to try the food as well really refreshing we need the sugar  as well okay guys so it's a little bit of   a impromptu side of the road trying a chicken  sandwich review here I never thought that our   first time ever trying Jollibee would be here at  sinulog in seu um literally like I just said the   streets are overrun the traffic is Extreme  and that Jollibee was uh one of the wildest   experiences that I've ever had in a restaurant  I've never seen that many people in a in a   jollybee or in any fast food establishment  that was actually it was our very first time   inside of a Jollibee and uh yeah it's going  to be one to remember I think but here we go   this is a chicken sandwich I just saw it on the  menu and I figured why not so let's give it a try okay that's very good the fried chicken is  uh really tender very very juicy there's a   lot of juice going on there and um the  sauce the sauce on the burger I don't I   don't even know how to really describe it  it's almost like a sweet Thousand Island   sauce very very unique and the burger has  a lot of seasoning so like the color of it   is nice it's nice and uh well seasoned and  the crispiness of the chicken is fantastic too oh my God that is a really good  chicken burger you want want to try some of this that is a nice chicken burger  right I'm very excited from Luke's   uh reaction sorry I'm starving here  behind the camera I was like okay   I can feel my stomach B basically in  my knees that's what you would say in jman it's yummy no that's really good  people always say the JY bee is so   sweet but I don't really I don't I don't  really think it's sweet the sauce has a   sweet it's maybe like a dressing type of  sauce yeah but it's not like you know I   was anticipating like Chutney jams kind  of a sweet thing you know but this one   is not actually as sweet as I thought  it would be now I'm excited to try my D what did do guys I think Naomi went for a  spaghetti I went for a spaghetti but I hope   that they gave me a fork or something  the Jolly Bee sweets spaghetti Jolly spaghetti this is a really good burger guys  I really can't knock it at all to be honest   I I don't have a fork they didn't give us a  fork for the spaghetti what's going on it's   okay though I think the restaurant was  just very overwhelmed so yeah now I have   spaghetti but my if I wouldn't have really  dirty hands I would maybe eat it with my   hands um but I feel like a saucy spaghetti  is not NE necessarily the way to go right   now with bare hands with no way of washing my  hands before or afterwards so I'm just going to I'm just going to go in with the pie  immediately so a peach and mango High um never   add it looks at that people say that you have  to offer this one order this one so I went with it oh there's so much coming out of the pastry  is sort of like your like McDonald's Apple uh   pie type of a thing but on the inside it  tastes like Peach and mango similar to   you know this little like fruit pots that  you had as a child it's like super orangey   peach mango type of fruit pots so that's  exactly what the inside tastes like super good there's a man Shing peanuts nice this  one is really good though yeah maybe I'm   just going to have another one of of the  of the pies because Luke also got a pie   so maybe I'm just going to have that  one yeah yeah instead of eating a full meal so guys based off of the coke float and  the chicken burger we didn't order very much   food as you can tell but you got two mango Pies  Two Peach mango pies fries uh fries were n kind   of not so great a bit flery a bit floppy yeah  the mango pie is something that uh did you like   it did you enjoy the mango pie it's amazing y  very good so this is this gets a good rating   the chicken burger was fantastic I really like  the fried chicken and um yeah pooke float as   well pooke float was interesting I never thought  that that the Philippine the Philippine would find   a way to make Coke sweeter than it already  is but you guys did it and um yeah it kind   of worked like I enjoyed it and uh overall uh  out of a 10 I would give jollybee like a seven   it's uh very decent and I definitely want to try  different things on the menu maybe when it's not   overrun and packed like it was yeah that's what I  wanted to say as well just if you try like select   items off of the menu on a day that is not so  crazy because today like there were about 400   500 people there wait just waiting for their food  and there were more people coming in ordering so   I think it was just a whole lot of overwhelmed  stuff and uh people trying to cook as fast as   possible but yeah the food was good regardless I  would also give it like a s out of 10 um I would   like to try the spaghetti though like maybe next  time when we go to Jolly bees I'm going to have   it and uh then also get a fork yeah guys this  experience uh today on the Saturday um so far   it has been really something else something pretty  unexpected we never would have thought that this   is what we would uh encounter this is like it's  our first day now exploring around seu and it's   overwhelming that's for sure some people say  to totally avoid seu during the time of this   Festival because of how hectic and crazy it gets  and uh yeah there's literally roads closed off   traffic is being diverted in all different  directions and where we're staying is in a   place called Lapu Lau City so just outside of sebu  around around 8 km outside of of seu is where we   are and it is difficult getting a taxi or a grab  uh around here because of just how busy it is so   keep that in mind if you are watching and you're  thinking about visi visiting here try and plan   in advance try and book somewhere maybe in the  center of Sabu and it will save yourself a lot   of headache now I know all the accommodations  sell out here very quick so make sure to plan   ahead though yeah it's not only uh tourists from  abroad coming here to celebrate this Festival it's   also basically the entirety of the Philippines  that is coming here to celebrate so it's just   a whole lot of people we were talking to  some locals and they were saying um it's   maybe around 2 million people or something like  that we were thinking like sort of 1 million but   the local said it's more than um what you might  think so yeah very busy but super amazing day I think

2024-01-24 22:29

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