Arnhem Live City Tour (Netherlands)

Arnhem Live City Tour (Netherlands)

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hello everyone greetings from the netherlands  from arnhem today we are in arnhem   the capital city of catherlands today i  will have two friends with me roy and nikki   so we have two professional  locals here today with us let me find them it's really crowded the city  and we are my shopping streets are nice there's   a street magician family we'll come back first  let me find the professional arnhem locust mickey from arnhem originally and roy from tibor  yeah it's okay you are from tibet by soccer   it's nice that the family fit musician family   let's see this first another street  position is over there and let's come back hello everyone hello paolo pablo adrian  leo santo david trump rosa zayman and borah this is the capital city of helderland oh the this street musician is on on the  break maybe it's better to visit the other one   hello bruce and elements  it's about 20 celsius today   split one day but yeah warm jackets that's nice  crazy tropic tropic weather we pay with euros we still have cash yes let's support street musicians you some people say latino uh eastern europe europe or  india or something yeah maybe what a nice start to our  tour with a strict concert yeah i think so paulo wow island people are so generous  they put so many so so much money you know you live in a rich rich man nikki is the richest person among us the richest is we will ask where they are from so  we will wait until end of the suns   then we will continue to travel today is another warm day in the  netherlands it will be more than 26 celsius oh they are so cute look at those couples good evening to indonesia you know some  people from indonesia they are watching   indonesia she is from indonesia  actually my grandfather hello marcos and this is the main shopping city in anaheim i think they will not finish it on the way back okay   let's go and explore the streets of arnhem  the most important thing is here primark   and the interesting fact is the all beautiful  dutch woman i met in the netherlands they were all   from arnhem and uh it's not a surprise yeah roy  is from it's okay we know it we mix another music   it used to be the bike it was really nice  before oh okay it was a bangkok was better more luxury i said she is rich bianco thank you marcus thank you hopefully we will do some  other tours with any again also and i sold ice cream and fries oh did you hear  that salt ice cream here some people work at   mcdonald's some people work at burger king  yeah if also people they work at swoopy soup   oh i'm sorry there it is i'm i'm sorry to  call you as a rich person nikki i'm sorry   i didn't know that you started from the bottom  and then you have become rich wow that's true she just mentioned that she ate croquettes or  fried crackers it's fabulous i mean that kind of   favorite things not healthy but she's vegan oh  this kinder cast wrinkle i see this everywhere   all cities in every town and in my place  in west there is no this kind of place   the pinder castle in california but in some  other shops still you can find this peanuts with different flavors spicy wow this  is saute cocoa cocoa satay ah satay medieval atmosphere a candle medieval  jeans look at this boy medieval genes oh   you are not tall enough even dutch  people are not tall enough for this wow we lost nikki sorry look thank you oh there there is still uh free coffee  intense would you like to try one small one   maybe no i am okay with my coffee for now i have  three coffees there is a free conversation here   no this is only for take away we will just get  it and leave let's see all right let's see okay kratish i thought it was karates it is destroying  my dutch my perfect touches exactly hello   thank you for fidok thank you for  far and we need to find another guy all right sen sale this is not sponsored  by the way yes this is not an advertisement we just we just see it they give it  free here see how beautiful arnhem is   you can put it in your  machine or in your underwear coffee pot we need a machine can we ask  if all if they can also give the machine we're gonna use it no maybe we can give it back  yeah we don't have a machine i misunderstood oh let me show this car it's beautiful  we do recycling and that building wow yeah we have is it close by no it's on the other  side okay done first visit local market maybe   right this street and i see a  beautiful tower there or church so nikki is the boss here nikki is from arnhem so  she knows everything about arnhem i'm so excited   where she's gonna take to be taking us today  yeah bandido barbershop oh look that's nice hello nice brands bandido hans sanders i have a you have  been breathed fun thunders hello much baby free coffee anime must be a  paradise you see paolo from brazil what are some important things about  arnhem i didn't study my lesson a lot   because i trust on you nikki i think you don't  know much about other than shopping places right   anything about the history no ah they  produce a special design right so can i make   follow my trails something like  this follow my travels wine box wow   oma oh my bubble can we see inside i'm gonna ask  hello can i show products on the video thank you okay you you give your photo  and you make it like this   personally everything is even personal for  your personalization personalization is true bottle opener space repeatable inside some classical cars we say yes important for your important  days you can make some   personalized gifts or wines  they make everything so nice like this thanks that they are tied for on spells  thanks for this time something like that and happy   father's day this one for example  you can take it with car with the car   because i love you i love you let's see  beer oh i love you later i love you too oh and they make frames let me take closure with the but yeah they protect it because you can  eat so they don't allow you to eat but   protective glass wow some  other great stuff for euro oh and how much is this this is also four euros thank you okay now we are heading to the local market  the streets lead us to the local market area doggy oh no it's not because okay you want to get inside you decide we  it's okay if you want we can get it   i think the streets are nicer right what do you mean so the street is i think  nicer no if you want we can get in somewhere   but we need to get permission of course ah  okay that's right shop is also an amsterdam   flying tiger yes that's a great plan i sold  this right vicki and also in conference is it like action or no no i think they have  all kinds of games and [ __ ] as espresso and   there are there are some brands i have never seen  in amsterdam for example this one germans i think   there is german german we are not far away from germany can we go it's a typish netherlands weather i think it's warm but it's great homie so i heard about arnhem bridge one of the most important historical landmark here   is on arnhem bridge near  the canal rhine river right yeah in the second world war  thousands of allied soldiers were died riviera and how far is the bridge from here  it's really nearby walking distance   right yeah yeah at the end maybe  we will visit the bridge to see the   wheel not really much to see but  you have a cannon there and oh yeah uh i i saw the bridge before i have been there  but still we can show it to the people how it   looks like a bridge too far there's a movie a  bridge too far it's about that bridge on ambridge yeah we have some history here yes my grandfather part of grand  forces in market garden wow bruce wow it's interesting see bruce from  england i think i think england he says my grandfather part of grand forces  in market garden the operation you talk about   right she's beautiful you know how to pick them  david no i don't think that'll be good she's   belong to this guy from tilburg i don't belong  to anyone yes she is free frey is it correct one frag no she's not frightened oh wow  yes hello david by the way maryland yes do you know the name of  this church tower or church is written there on the wall ah okay wow  you can also go up there with the elevator   you can see arnhem can we go now do you  think i think so i'm not sure if it's open where is the entrance from here or other sites let's take a look at this interesting  bus and then go to the other side oh that's another position arnold is so rich  about street musicians very old building   it's called the devil's house devil's house   nick is such a surprise i didn't expect  that such information about arnhem st   despite she was born here is another  musician hello let's say i'll give this one   beautiful music look at the luggage huh such a happy happy man all  right how happy he is oops   wow you guys building zutpan oh zutpan  i know that town i have been there susan i know that also okay and in the border almost  germany rorman's shopping paradise outlet paradise oh wow i have to use the other angle yes  this building is magnificent there are some   hats on the top i don't know why they call it the  devil's house actually that history you already did a lot wow this is the entrance of the building wow trolley trailer bus right according to nikki this  is the only one in the netherlands only in arnhem   you can experience this on here oh there is an olympic winner here on hemistros  arnhem is proud of our golden golden stephan   hassan in all olympic and all olympics  supporters i think he took the gold medal congratulations all right let's check it if we can go up to the tower you know we mentioned that the man  is happy so happy and david says i   will be happy if i were in the netherlands too this boring building right there is a boring color so this is the local market on um uh is it  located here every day or on the weekend friday only until one time everywhere in every local market extra falls back here some fresh vegetables and fruits mango free testing and she's tall as usual  hello martha australia hello pecans it's spicy spicy old cheese i think  very good one kilo 10 euro and this is organic creamy creamy cheese this one it's a huge circle so i left nikki and roy i left nikki and  roy just a minute and they started shopping i'm sorry who failed at this cost hopefully that costs here it is okay two  dozen two dozen five euro it's a good price a   reasonable price wow it smells really good so many wow i will not eat much so think about  yourself can you finish all right right hollands are bane art bane meanwhile i'm gonna look for some  other cheese all cheese explore young you know they are specially sealed cheeses  to protect it so their life is longer   man pajama 10 euro person per  piece per piece is 10 euro and four men swimming shorts 7 euro 50 cents sports sets 13 euro 50 cents top and bottom bottle box or iphone olives i mean two bags  of and one pepper devs 15 euro take a look to whole iphone and those are  pesto oh avocado cream 3 euro 300 grams salty salty lice 200 gram 3 euro i think so david price looks sweet so this market is not that big  or it's not fully open maybe let's check the other side while uh roy and nikki  are chopping i'm gonna check the other stalls hazelnuts two kilo 20 euro here  it is generally nuts are expensive   in the netherlands comparing to the other  countries like turkey or other asia countries but the the marketplace is  in a really nice location   between lots of historic buildings like this  i forgot the name of the church nicki knows it hello sundari sorry i can't reply all the  comments have a good conversation with others another bakery bakery stove i saw an indonesian shop oh we lost roy and nikki let me see where they are i saw an indonesian store here can we can  we take a look if they have something with   sugar i will take some indonesian dessert  hello malta network resources bora sanchez i'll try something wow is they they also desert  something sugar yes yes pudding like spinning   okay yes rice with coconut and sugar okay what i will try will you get anything drink this is a nice is it palm sugar syrup yes it's really sweet   and now he puts uh i don't know what  he will put in now next to palm sugar is it something like coffee or  juice you will put the juice oh yeah yeah you want one too uh i will get it's really  sweet you wanted sugar right there sugar   yeah but uh i will choose the other ones yeah instead of drink i will eat something until made of wow magical some kind of flower flower i'll take it because i will  take this one also yeah you are my guest in arnhem such a such  a nice person but i don't have any money   okay let's start unfortunately  it's under recording we can't go far oh there are some other things you don't want sugar right no  it's okay i can take sugar yeah   okay instead of this i will take one but because  i give you mine i don't want oh really okay i will taste one zip from  mickey okay and that's coconuts yeah and you wanted something else too right oh  no okay i'm sure i will get the drink because   for later you can have a speculator at home  or something or a train no no it's too much you never have enough all right for thank you this is my spec cook thank you nikki you are so generous such a nice person in   arnhem we met as if we met now and a 40-layer cake  not 40 bucks 15 maybe they make it layer by layer   okay wow i will put it on my back just  give me fillyput please sorry second okay thank you so much chandri what was that chips wow so fresh what's the yellow  thing don't ask that one so fresh but it's beyond my  expectations to be honest   it's much better is it  better oh you really like it hello please put next time i  will visit wow cheese ground beef   it's not for them they are  vegan but i can eat sometimes oh where is the baby where is the baby so romantic yes the taste is eligible he doesn't want and  then he drinks mine yeah always the same   we can take one more if you wish but it  it's really nice not not that much sugar   it looks like sugar taste the  palm sugar that's a this one less different taste i thought it would be  too much sugary i mean but the better   opener there's a really nice  balance with ken kendall chandler and also you know the ceremonies  or indian drink called yeah david he's so tired we were in a latin  party yesterday he's slipping and tired i'm not wow look at this actually it's  amazing but i am not sure it is it is it pink milk what they call it also doctor or doctor sorry i  want to see this wall with lots of names i think   talents for the later later martin  foreign this is the name of the church arnhem was in the middle evan and found the  fear of stardom it's a little bit unhysterical uh i have to zoom in give me a second look at this  there are some interesting figures on the walls and towers and on the sides thank you david you know yesterday i drunk  a lot and i danced we were in a salsa party   and i slept less than normal and i still feel  really good i think i'm addicted to spent energy so many details i'm gonna check if we can go  up at least we will try it nikki can we check if we can go up if you  cannot just i will follow wherever you go right there is the bus yeah there is the bus   uh i have to say guys guy tris  guide in dutch and what was this tourist kids look you live here opposite of the church in  your new build property i think david would   would like this kind of apartment what  do you think david this kind of apartment   when you live opposite of the church yeah  you can pray every day yeah so convenient tourist information okay still possible at this time but we this is from the sunspeaker art exhibition thank you thank you kashi candles 50 cents so once again we are in a church after khada   another time we are in a beautiful  church oh wow what an organ practice you see david america has some advantages she works better than me yeah they forgot where the  toilet is and a tv from 70s foreign this is the exhibition not my kind of exhibition another theory from 70s wow it could be horse dropping i don't know look at this your preston let's go back to the entrance ah and they also or would you like to uh we will be the  citizen room a bit i think what do you think   here is also the center there is uh go to the place you mentioned football you said  footage yeah and the bridge and then the center oh   the bridge is the other way is there but there  are two bridges the big ones the bristol bar we don't need to get into the  bridge already we could be   on distance just so it's even from the distance foot hull arnhem oh i saw it all right it's something like photon yeah wow gangsters okay we are going to the quiet places   i think the bridge bridge area was  too quiet before when i visited before i think now there are many people  having lunch that are next to the river   yeah the previous time there were some junkies i don't know which area they are complaining about roy  is not smiling he's too tired   he is a tired exhausted dancer  after yesterday's latin dance party he's not in his mood yeah i prefer to walk alone  he has another youtube channel he is my opponent what's that is it wi-fi garbage you  send your garbage with the wi-fi   i think you can only open it with your pants trance is it called as rain here or another  name another touch okay because some   some part of rhine river they are  called with some other names like wall   sorry for example uh the wall there is another  river it's called the wall oh the valve the wall   it's actually it's rhine river i mean  the extension of the rhine but this one   is already called rhino right yes the ball  is going through another city next to easter there's already a piece of the  bridge oh small piece of pistol rodrigo puente i have to sit on my bench yeah if the prison dutch prison is like that i think it's owned old arnhem right  arnhem street some thousands years ago sabbah i think power restaurant it's so much nicer than my previous time   i got this there are so many  bar terraces along the river on the other side of the river oh  there's a small bridge beach restaurant take a closer look i think  they are already sunbathing so we are next to the rhine river  flows through many countries here we are the rhine let me show you the beach   at the other side there's a small  beach at the other side of the river and which one is the and there  it says also indonesia oh yes on the bridge it's written  in indonesia what else the   utopia the third the strong winds some  other words but is that the one the war   happens i think it is the other one the  other one right because it should be bigger that one is the bridge who couldn't  be captured was captured by   allies german germany won at that time  and they lost too many allied soldiers also thousands of civilians in the nearby villages so along the riverside there  are many restaurant cafe bars similar to germany similar to elbe river in hamburg or dusseldorf yeah what can we do is i see so this small boat take you to the other side i used to live here next to the river  wow you live in a nice place is this   is there an exit from here or you  shouldn't go up there with the stairs yes from amsterdam central station it takes  one hour one hour ten minutes it took by train   from central station to arnhem central station   there's also small beach here i think it's a  neutron in another there's also a pool i mean   there are some other restaurants i  saw that they made some beach area with some fake sons or real sons i don't know some that's some bad thing area oh yes the throaty bus we  saw before it's on the bridge how how long does it take to  arrive and i make him from here   um not far right i think it's like 20 minutes yeah i was going to ask that place i've never  been there but it looks so cool it's like a   restaurant in the jungle yes either camping  area or restaurant i think it's a restaurant sun sun finally sun arrived we need vitamin d there were also restaurants  here in houses and they they now created the food hall  here football i follow the title can you smile to david right you got it it's only for  you normally he never smiles   just for david us he was mentioning about  that you don't smile yeah i like i'm like   kanye west kanye west okay okay is there  a coffee shop here yeah many many cups probably there is also a turkish neighborhood horse poop thanks you saved my life nikki yes horse poop in the center  of arnhem it's not good thank you oli arnhem to name anything by train is  approximately 12 minutes you want to go back in   the city center in the street or you want to look  inside here i think the sanctum will be better oh red lights no problem you're  gangster sneaky it's nicki's fault   you know i never uh crossed the road  on red lights she's she's local dutch i always stop on the red light and mostly   while i'm biking but all the dutch  people just continue they never stop looks bora says arnhem gives you the medieval  mood by that horse boobs it's true we have a lot   of position horses here really yeah oh okay so in  the weekends that's yeah nikki blamed the police it's because of police horses they put some trails in the  weekends they always go uh   on the horse to check nightlife in arnhem  checking the nightlife with her so nice keep it more natural they check the nightlife psychologist no well you have the  phrychologist lynch cafeteria fruit love   and i saw barefoot and more more horsepoo yeah  shame on your arnhem we are walking in the [ __ ] this is for our moderator barefoot moderator  our dear demij from izmir turkey of ritre half i have been to this bar in my first  visit on my first visit to arnhem   on our bicycle tour we were in this bar nice right  it was so crowded there was a party wow that's   the first local bar i saw in the netherlands  that time we were so fascinated hello enjoy uh friendly people i like old  typical old coffees like this i like this woman she's a rule  breaker yeah you you got a point nick me because you cross the road on the red light the arnhem kinder book  children book shop there's one what's that under advisor  you will see my old apartment   you'll see your old apartment i'm  so excited how luxury is is that you might know it let me  know it that's interesting like a virus this building from 1889 1889 humanoid star fancy  store what is mendo this is art i think it's a   passage there should be a passage right justice  expensive brands thank you for the support david martha save it from australia your friend  is beautiful but more importantly she's   nice good company and interesting martha she's you made her shy thanks so much  do they have coffee shops in the city   yes nikki said there are so  many coffee shops in the city there's also a really nice old building there  used to be the ballet school ballet is cool okay let's take a look to the prices 30 discount sorry and classes 10 euro some other jackets trousers good boys records i don't see  the prices on these t-shirts 73 euro independent independence this is the old ballet school right yeah farmer  by the school it stays already different arts i'm so glad that we haven't seen famous dutch  chocolates so far like we saw in the pipe you know in other kite marks you show me some disgusting dark chocolates oh chocolate chocolates uh it's a restaurant nice beautiful garden yeah it doesn't look luxury but one of  my best friends used to live upstairs i   think it was so expensive because it's next  to the shopping streets a central location   checking checking you were okay you were living  up floor of the chicken she lived in chicken place chicken chicken we will try it and i i can  hear the strict musicians   he's still on the work at the world and make them  oh historical mcdonald's look at this sculpture we found historical mcdonald's here with some medieval figures no thank you thank you oh that's interesting indian and pakistan  street food corner like a very small one   yeah and the other places i never buy something  there you know why why it's a disgusting story but   there used to be a television show and  they always used to visit restaurants   and they always checked on germs and stuff  yes and this one years ago so maybe it's all   good yeah it was 30 years ago yeah they  found some interesting stuff in the ice cream   oh i won't say what some interesting  stuff so i never similar to pre-condo all right you know in in india  there are millions of them oh it's closed ah which one this   ah it was closed and it's rental  only strip waffle letters left for us why i'm so sad we are so sad we were looking forward to visiting this  place and try some unhealthy things but   it's not possible any longer maybe we  should try our chance in india and pakistan i will try it actually you want to try but  there is a crew inside our sauce try and die   oh you can go for donuts oh no duncan donuts  no now we're in the netherlands halal meats   it's true or do you have anything to  do you like fish have you tried honey   i can try one more time this is the best  padding i think which one let me show you   in this gumball it's the shop or street store  it's a shop where you can buy fish let's see   okay i'm vegan but the last time we should try  it last saturday i was in alakmar and i tried   haring but one more time why not only if  you want cajun it's a new new vegetable   have you seen this no meats  one hundredths percent tastes yes it looks good should i try another ring look at nikki's famous here  she saw some familiar people hello sorry sorry manish you you are stinging  burger king table you have to order some   texas back in love or something i ordered  a relaxed burger relax burger okay yeah i need a little sitting break but please feel  free to continue no i'm i was just focused to you what is that sure markers fries  fried chopped okay sandwich i will try harding to be honest not twice maybe  you can get fries and i can get hurrying and you   can meet you know my friend nikki is famous here  she saw someone yeah someone she knows yeah okay   until the conversation i will go to the corner  and come back and then i will order your own stuff oh okay let's get to ring first can i pay for oh i will destroy it soon thank you oh yeah yeah i should pass you like of course onion dutch way nice and a little bit more do you also like the pickles  pickles yeah one more one i always like the soy   sauce also it's a little different but oh i love  it yes you convert it to the sushi kind of it's   also there a lot if you want i interview let's  try it i have never tried it with squarespace and i think there's also it's  becoming a sushi oh no there's no lime oh okay oh are you going to eat like this oh ok real dutch hey smuggling i will do the same thank you martha i hope this money  can pay for one waffle at least   yeah it's cover our heart but i'm lucky already  nikki paid i'm so so bad person she paid again my pleasure no i will buy fries  for him so that will be fine right okay let's start with the pickle i'm slowly getting into the powering fish i'll  do that like the previous saturday let's try it maybe it's better wow wait i'll do it on the right way yeah you're from with onions and with soya sauce yeah don't add pickles to it   sushi someone says i ate pickles  already yeah and also soy sauce let's see california roll this one looks huge hello is he talks about the word thank you she said nice weekend to him she said nice weekend  to him and he said not nice weekend to you right they always say that the supermarket should i eat in the one time or is  it okay if i eat it like in three   pieces so i did it in three steps  two steps i did it in three steps   i think that's perfect okay how  can you swallow the whole fish you because he's hungry yes he's angry or  hungry hungry okay both angry and angry okay feel free to fly around yeah yeah i will  i want to see the corners i will come back i'll   research you there it's what you like you are here  for five minutes and i will come back okay okay   all right let's explore the other  corners and then i will come back   we we will finish the video  in 15 minutes by the way because after that i need to go back to  amsterdam and i will meet some other friends i need to find a garbage bin that's not funny nice colors thanks david we will do more despite the   the problem is i didn't understand almost  anything about the guy said that i talked to us without nikki i couldn't  understand anything to be honest fry shop hey malta network resources was here last  weekend or the previous weekend i confused okay where we are that side is the train station where we start to are walking today  not to the video but to our walk today there is a small pool over  there i will not see that this is something between a bus  and tram electricity bus trolley there's an interesting slogan over there sex  work is honest work are you agree with that small pool let's go back to the shopping street zorba street  food there's a greek street food place in distance september i don't know what it is cultural  mark mark culture makes you happy it says this is the greek street food place zorba street  food very common name for greek places orba   pita 6 euro kostini 7 50 in a greek  place mexican classic burrito chalupa they're confused with mexican and greek greece wanna be silky is a huge park in arnhem i think yes soon i will be going back to angry man the passport el cortio and cortio prices not bad mexico's this is a nice night bars entertainment area  around the church koppel couple kirk purple church those flags could be arnhem and  calderland flex i don't know okay oh i think i'm too ugly ugly david why  do you think like that thank you let's check it out if you told me there  are some nice jobs along this street   before we started to our tour so let's take a  little check with that for workshop handmade children things i think all nice handmade art miniature things so cute okay also handmade another handmade shop organic shop a unique place  rigid vegetarian eating place hey glad to hear that you like  the store martha save thank you yes believe me he is not like that normally  he is too tired and he's not really   in his mood that's why he looks  angry it's he's totally opposite right hello loco another bar streets primark is here which side we should follow i'll choose this one yes i said hello and she also said hello i think  there is not any problem with greeting people   it's very common here even if you don't  know anyone you can just say hello hello another interesting story wow magic mushroom is another kind of magic mushroom hello oh we have a british flag here raptors robots it's a vintage vintage winkle shop hair bones possible too nice alice yes because i use microphone microphone on next  to me so usually you hear my songs not the others   or you just hear the sounds  of others in a low volume america today i saw an america shop it is america today there are  so many in the netherlands let's go under the corner then i will go back to find roy and nikki and then we will finish what's that um oh damn it you're so funny summer deals bubble tea shop another one let me show you myself and max and  and max it's a chain coffee shop   we are again around that's by george tower i think you have come in the right time when  i was destroying my herring it's a good timing but for the theater you could now the thing  is i'm lost i don't know where roy and nikki   is now so let's okay i saw the coffee place bar we  saw before so i just i'll just follow the same way yes i'm walking faster david i will catch them you cannot take my translator huh we have been to the streets  how far ago bikinis 25 euros i think the meaning is heaven rich it's the  passage i was mentioning to mickey before   look at this accidentally i found  it it's a small shopping mall and   there are some signs on the ground  you have to follow one direction for covet measures suzumba it looks so clean and fresh  shopping mall or package it's a cafe i understood your style martha i would wow to sorry i would like to get into  the shops but today i don't have time left another time i'll just be uh having a  shopping tour hi friends how are you i say actually it's good new zealand  i think oh it's new zealand auckland the popular shop in the  netherlands with nice colors woman woman fashion entrance oh this is the  coffee place next to the hemel   right passage look at this how it  looks nice the entrance of the cafe fun from our hearts welcome bye and there's an interesting story here i think the written rubber armor okay okay i'll not go further because  there are sitting areas after here peter hanema i think this is stylish a nice cover  place next time i will visit here   good place to relax and the  prices salads around 10 euro what's that cleaner small lunch things uh from seven euro from five euro to  seven year old soup is five-year-old   and something some snacks with beers peter ballen   from the oven six pieces five euro nine pieces  seven directed five cents and some other things thanks martha the society for charity shops this is one area another shop and man fashion sweet fashion how much is that  wow this sweet 800 euro only jacket and trouser   and 100 euro this grey shirt is 100 euro another famous chocolate place okay now how i'm gonna find roy let me see this is the place for our jamaican  musician i think this way most probably privy okay i solved the historical mcdonald's building yeah on the streets we'll have troy and nicky  we found the streets we were looking for i had left only for 15 minutes  but i spent so much time i think um honestly i hardly found you i walk around a lot you ate already okay i will finish the video in  a minute okay they love they love you so much i love you too nikki and they  talk about angry angry man how can you stand him they say it's difficult with some i antidepressants know normally he's really  honest funny guy he's not in his mood today   so all right thank you so  much for watching his video   we will finish the video before uh roy close  the phone so he will not get angry any longer so we will finish it bye see you tomorrow  tomorrow after three o'clock we will have   another live stream walking tour bye oh  roy is smiling it's an extraordinary moment you're welcome everyone and thanks for  joining us on today's tour in arnhem   please hit the like button if you  enjoy thanks nikki and roy they say   thank you thank you thanks yes and you paid  my hiring fish and i destroyed it thank you and check the description for our discord   server link and social media  links oh thank you martin b hello see you tomorrow god

2021-08-25 18:15

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