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is kathy woods empire of etfs about to buy ehang  the e h stock that's really the question that we   want to look into today and aim to answer we're  going to look at a couple of things we're going to   look at what exactly is happening what is this arc  x fund when is it happening what's the investment   strategy of arc x and we're going to look at the  actual arc x research that mentions and analyzes   e-hang and what clues that gives us we will  also fifthly look at the chart performance of   all the kind of key drone stocks in this field and  lastly in number six i'm going to tell you my view   on what this all means for ehang in the e8 stock  so guys let's get straight to it as always this is   not financial advice this is for entertainment  only and if you enjoy these videos if you're   here live from hong kong do smash that subscribe  and like button our eq community is exploding   we are doubling every 10 days the  number of people in our lovely community   fans who are excited about adr's new tech evs  all sorts of things that we talk about here   every single day so let's get straight to it  guys and i'm going to show you some of these   sources so you also see what i'm looking at this  is the actual filing of arc x we're not going to   get the whole thing because it's rather lengthy  but there are a couple of points i've highlighted   this was filed on the 13th of january and after  75 days it because it basically becomes effective   they cannot start to offer securities i.e this  etf before 75 days that makes it the 29th of   march in my book i might well be off by a day  or two there but i think it should be the 75th   uh 75th day rather it should be the 29th  of march end of march basically uh this etf   might start to become alive under the symbol  arc x arc space exploration etf it sounds   very tesla like doesn't it really it sounds  exciting so we're going to look at very briefly   what is the segment that gets us excited about  drones and ehang and i've highlighted that here   sub ordered so they have a couple of segments  some a couple of sections they talk about   um four categories here one being orbital  aerospace companies that launch make service   operate platforms in the orbital space so that's  real space not satellites and things like that   and then there's the sub-orbital aerospace  companies that launch make service operate   platforms in this sub-orbital space so below orbit  that's drones air taxis electric aviation vehicles   and then there are also enabling technologies  uh such as ai robotics 3d printing et cetera   and then also companies that benefit from this  space so that make you know agriculture companies   internet access gps construction imaging all that  kind of stuff but really what we're interested   here is that beta have highlighted here uh  launching making servicing or operating platform   platforms in the subordinate sub orbital space  it's a tough word including drones air taxes and   electric aviation vehicles eh certainly falls  square within that and then otherwise we have   lots of stuff here on risk and all the  regulatory stuff they need to put in   do read that stuff because risk is very important  when you make investment decisions depository   receipts i mentioned here adrs are specifically  mentioned now it's a fairly standard clause of   course but it is just interesting to see that they  did mention adrs and and ehang of course is an adr   uh they also mention here that international  trading risk uh the funds may be um   basically foreign ones and therefore  the exposure is greater than etfs that   do not invest in foreign securities so they're  certainly including the possibility of buying   foreign securities although again that is a  pretty standard clause in one of these sort   of pre-prospectuses and then there is lots of  legal jargon which you might well wish to read   if you certainly should read if you're  interested to buy uh etf uh arc x   so what's next we have an idea of when this is  happening we have an idea of what they're going   to do about investing they're certainly going  to invest in drone companies now is kathy woods   arc x the first etf that falls in this sector the  first etf that is there no there are not there are   some competitors and we're going to look at those  and one of the indices that is tracked by etfs is   the s network space index so i thought i'd show  you that as well and we can see what they invest   in communication services being the largest part  of their industrials and then i t uh mostly u.s   companies a little bit of france japan italy and  israel now what companies are in there sorted   by country here you can see a couple of french  ones that's uh satellite companies airbus talus   and um a couple of italians here  one israeli satellite network and   then mainly us companies and these are very much  sort of space type companies you know satellite   companies comcast lockheed martin boeing well at  t northrop that sort of thing certainly not one   chinese name in this index so let's have a  look at the next one there is another one   spdr snp kensho final frontiers etf exciting name  a rather lengthy rokt is the ticker there so let's   have a look at what do they invest in and that is  a rather lengthy list i pulled up the spreadsheet   here and again we can see a bunch of companies  here some overlap there northrop honeywell   lockheed martin virgin galactic for example boeing  ttm you know a bunch of kind of satellite-ish   companies i don't see anything chinese uh in in  this so certainly not something that appears to be   much covered therefore begs the question what  is next is ea going to be one of them well i   also thought well let's have a look at two eh's  institutional shareholders of r and i couldn't   find any well ubs was one in in july 2020 but in  the last um filing of this um that that uh lovely   form they have to thousands of nasdaq um i don't  see it so they might have might have sold that off   so we have got no institutional investors in ehang  which is kind of interesting it goes to show just   how we're kind of new and undeveloped that company  is perceived to be now we do have an interesting   bit of information from arc directly and again  i'm going to show you the actual source here guys   so this is arc invest website and they wrote  an article in 2018 march almost three years ago   i wanted that analyst and it's  all about air taxis and it's   got that lovely peter teal quote we wanted  flying cars instead we got 140 characters   i'm kind of with them on that one i'd  much rather have flying cars and um   it then goes through a couple of startups this  is better mine guys this was 2018 and here says   at least three startups uh volocopter ehang and  kitty hawk and three established firms boeing   abbas and uber are investing in the development  of autonomous passenger drones essentially mini   helicopters like the one pictured above yes and  now we we see that the ehang one looks less like   a helicopter more like a drone but it is a  similar-ish design and they all have limited   range electric vertical takeoff and landing  drones and they can fly over traffic jams   that seem to likely to proliferate as autonomous  electric vehicles begin to dominate urban roads um   and then it tells us the advantages of them you  know they save uh safe regional give you basically   a reasonable travel time at a reasonable price  and they've done some research into air taxis   basically taking the midtown manhattan to jfk  airport uh journey and you can see here taxi cost   65 us dollars i actually thought it was a bit more  than that but um perhaps that is right and then 17   minutes uh journey that time seems about right a  helicopter is just under 200 takes five minutes um   although that does discount the getting in and  out of it and waiting for it and all that sort   of stuff checking in so it's not really a fair  comparison but yes air taxis 74 and 18 minutes   moving a little bit more slowly and then subways  7.75 certainly the most cost effective option   and at an hour uh a rather good competitor to the  taxi perhaps somewhat less comfortable so that was   kind of their thing there and then they're saying  that you know batteries are going to get better   and the range of air taxis will improve uh you  know literally the same conversation we're having   about evs all the time uh arc estimates that  improved battery total technology will enable   an air taxi to fly the 12 miles to manhattan  to jfk by 2020 as the display shows below and i   think there are rather accurate with that you can  see when they expect that and that's i do think   um the e-hang taxis could handle that uh although  you are can only get two people in there without   luggage i suppose it can carry about 200 kg maybe  160 kg in reality uh given what regulators require   so it can't be you and lots of luggage and your  whole family so that might be that's a little bit   of a challenge you're going to need multiple taxes  so that's kind of the the parallel they drew there   and and you know they're giving us sort of an  advantage in terms of of of uh why and then it is   the display choice below that a tesla model s has  an energy efficiency of 0.27 kilowatts per mile  

and so the model s was the latest tesla at  the time this is a bit of an old article   uh and um the airtax is four times less  efficient at 1.6 uh kilowatt hours per mile   um and then they put the tesla semi truck in  there which is six times less energy efficient   so it's basically saying that you know it is  a viable option but very interesting really   that right at the top the three startups they  mentioned are volocopter e hang and kitty hawk   so certainly ihang is on their radar i mean  that's what we can really take away from this as far back as 2018. now cassidy woods didn't  write this article herself one of her analysts   did this chap here sam chorus though you would  think that they have some sort of policy on   on on on which stocks they they cover and  mention so what does this mean does this   mean arc x is buying it well let's get to  that in a second i think we should like what   one more thing here really and that's is ehang  really big enough to be included in such an etf   and i mean big enough in terms of actual  sales in projected sales if you look at this   this is a a an investor presentation  from ehang themselves from their website   you can see the big drones that they have  in queue through q3 rather they sold 23   now that's a lot better than in q3 2019 where they  sold 18 of these large drones this eh 2716 that   can carry passengers or about 160 kg of weight  but it isn't that great a number is it really   and how much do they therefore cost well they cost  something like 200 to 300 000 us dollars a piece   now much cheaper than a helicopter i grant you  that but it's a lot more expensive than uh buying   a car isn't it so they are still quite pricey and  the volumes for the large drones i'm not talking   about all the little sort of surveying drones  and the little drones that can carry a small   dha pass up to 5kg that sort of thing these  kind of pilots they're running in in china   but it isn't a lot of sales of these big drones so  as of yet i think we should be realistic with this   there isn't much of a market i mean i think  you just have to be fair fair with that   that okay they sold a couple in china uh  because they're doing some tourism things   you can fly over some beautiful sites in china  with these uh and i think they have two of these   fire fighting drones i don't know who bought them  um perhaps they are i don't know i i just don't   know they haven't announced who has bought them  i think they are very clever and i think they   will be in great demand eventually  though at perhaps 300 000 us dollars plus   a um fire station and you have a lot of fire  stations that would need them and they would   probably need more than one uh so that you could  continuously fight a larger fire and a high rise   the costs do rack up so i think i mean just being  a little bit here um playing the counter argument   that you have to be realistic where we are at  the moment the technology is relatively expensive   and the demand at the current price point  for the large drones is relatively limited so let's have a quick look at what  other companies are there out there   who else is sort of competing for ark x's money  now there are a bunch of them and i'm going to put   them on a chart i'm going to show you the chart  in just a second so there is aero environment   that's the nasdaq avav i'm talking only here about  properly listed ones not the otc or anything like   anything privately held the money isn't going  to go there so we don't need to look at that   so that is a defense contractor and they  make these unmanned drones basically um   they also sell missile systems i understand  and they get government contracts and   they had a bit of a tough year about two years  ago so but they are uh basically selling these   drones to the military now there are other rather  established companies that you could invest in if   you were rx boeing being one of them they make a  lot of airplanes and especially military aircraft   uh and there is a huge huge drone market  of course from the us military um so that's   that's a a a one you could pour a lot of money  into without moving the stock very much which   is kind of appealing when you're in etf because  if you just everything you buy just shoots up 40   percent halfway through you you're buying it then  you obviously make it much more expensive for you   to continue acquiring that stock ehang of course  yes it is it is one uh you know there are um   approved in china for commercial passenger use  uh although we are only seeing sort of tourism   kind of pilots at the moment nvidia is one  i think that they might well look at because   well they make a lot of parts that a lot of the  top drones in the world use we see the same with   the ev cars they know neo are mentioning  them there that they're going to put them   into that new et7 so i think they are one who  was sort of indirectly benefiting from this   and again a bigger stock again it wouldn't move  as quickly now there are a couple of manufacturers   also parrot for example this one now that's an  otc stock so i wouldn't think that they would   put money into that a gopro you could think  of but they're having a bit of a tough time   i sort of think they haven't really improved  the usability and i think they haven't really   solved the problem of what to do with all that  footage uh because it's very well you bicycling   around a mountain all day long and then you've  got you know six hours of footage at massively   high resolution well what do you do with it how  do you share it what do you how do you edit this   you know it's it's it's a little tedious so that's  one i think amazon is also an interesting one   because a they're a large tech company and they  are you know quite leading in the drone sector   and um they have a little fleet of drones and they  um can deliver things to you and we are kind of   like watching basically when that becomes properly  legal i mean i know there is um there are some   new rules and stuff out from the faa but it isn't  sort of proper uh to use it yet northrop grumman   grumman rather another massive defense contractor  uh they also in noc on the stock exchange um they   built the global hawk which is that u.s  military and sort of surveillance drone   uh that is flying around the world uh and that's a  you know proper big drone stock uh lockheed martin   there's another defense company they um are  also building essentially military drones   they are of course some other ones and um let's  have a quick look i put some on a chart here   guys so you can see a little bit of what's going  on with them and the only one i didn't mention   that just out of these i think is uavs here uh  uh and that did i mention them uh and and also   avav sort of canadian stocks that do mainly  kind of there's a big agricultural use   for drones and if i just um yeah you can see  they've had a big announcement here uavs uh i   think they were getting um oh sorry i think it's  a a avav um apologist uavs they got those um   was it one of the u.s states sort of agricultural  heartland for kind of hemp growing and supervision  

and production they got a sort of licensing deal  there with the local regulator so you can see a   lot of excitement in a lot of the drone stocks  up here and then very little down there so for a   moment the green one here that is eh i just faced  out you can see that a pretty strong rally now the   green horizontal line i've put in here that  is the date the arc x fund was announced and   yes you do see e8 shooting up from their 281  growth over three months to something like 375   growth over the three months and then it's gone  up some more on the following day on the 14th and   then it sort of come back down to earth slightly  on the 15th so that stock is up 391 percent   in three months i'm just gonna hide that one for a  second and we look at uavs here also up similarly   381 now it didn't go up straight away on the 13th  but sort of after after lunchtime or rather on the   14th really i think saying somebody woke up and uh  also went and bought that so that also had a very   very strong performance let me also hide that and  then we can see what happened to the rest of them   uh you can see avav here also  very very strong rally on the 13th   and everybody else well there's a little bit of  a spike here in the noc stock a tiny spike in lmt   um nobody else really and nvidia and video okay  went up a little amazon touch but they've all   kind of come back down so really i think the ones  that have these big spikes uh av a v uavs and and   e hang and let's put e hang back on here because  that's kind of the one we are talking about   so what does this all mean really well we don't  know for sure that e hang will be included   now if i were putting together a u.s etf i might  be a little cautious on chinese stocks at present   or they might think well it's it's going to be  one of the biggest drain markets in the world   and we're seeing china push drones  very hard and here we have the ability   to invest in that sector through just one company  a relatively young relatively new but they are   making decent drones and they are working with  the chinese government which is always important   to have that support here in china so you  could look at the taikana from both ways   i would say it's kind of 50 50 really um and if  that's your view the 50 50 then well the stock is   has jumped quite a lot from from where it  was on that um day was announced to where   it is now and it has come down a little bit  but it has jumped quite a lot uh more than   it has even in all the previous rallies uh  really so from a price point point of view   it ah it is it isn't cheap is it it's  it's rather highly valued uh given   uh the relatively small number of  drones they're currently making now   of course you can make a parallel there with tesla  or any other kind of successful growth story and you can say well you know if you bought tesla  at the very beginning it would have been all   wonderful and and i i do see that point uh though  they aren't the only kind of company that is   making this space they are one of the sort of i  wouldn't say big ones but they are one of the ones   to watch but you do have to bear in mind you have  competitors like you know boeing and the big u.s   defense manufacturers who also know how to build  drones uh and you know if you invest in those well   you haven't got a pure drone exposure and i think  that's really what what runs an eeh's e-hangs   to each advantage much like we see with tesla  and neo et cetera you know there is a limited   number of stocks where you get really pure clean  100 evo in this case uh unmanned aerial vehicle   exposure so i i do like the stock i think it is an  interesting one and as always guys of course you   know this is not financial advice this is just the  ramblings of a madman um and i hope it entertains i would say it's about 50 50 whether he hangs in  there and for me the the why why i'm leading in   the middle there i think they must see  that chinese risk this is a tech stock   um will you know probably wouldn't be allowed to  be sold in the us uh because of the um all the   history we have or the data you know they  don't want chinese drones flying over the   us and i think they've only just realized that  most of the drones in the u.s are chinese made  

so i think that is a bit of an issue there now  from a stock point of view if i mean a singular   investor in ihang i don't have that as an issue  because i just look at the chinese market and   they're going to have a great domestic market and  we're also seeing them doing tests in scandinavia   and austria and spain and you know europe  doesn't have quite the same uh sort of uh   preach concepts and ex preconceptions or sort of  issues with with chinese tech buying this now is   definitely speculative that's what all i would say  if you're buying it for arc x well then i i would   say um probably buy a basket of all the things  that could go in it and and and see how you do   because some of these ones that have gone up like  that well they might come crashing down to earth   when they aren't included and and more likely  in a way you would think that the major us and   canadian perhaps companies would be included and  ehang is is there perhaps a a smaller part of that   and that's the other thing you wouldn't know what  um percentage of our excess money will pour into   it but you know what even if arc x doesn't invest  in eh the fact that there is a sort of space   drone etf is actually good for eh because it just  gives the whole sector more exposure more people   write about it more people talk about it and then  people will also say well each is in it or not   it will still get more attention and i think long  term this is good for the whole drone sector which   i think is why you saw a little bit of a spike  here in quite a lot of drone companies so for   me guys personally i think it's 50 50 or whether  it's included and i don't normally like to sit on   the fence i normally say one way or the other but  i think the whole china issue is is an overhang   and um but even if it doesn't i think it is  still going to be good for ihang in the long run   but the current chart is a little bit insane  the speed at which that is jumping up and down   based on very little sales and i know what some  of you are saying well growth stocks are not about   actual sales it's about future sales true but we  still need regulation in place for the aviation   authorities all around the world yes we are  getting there in some places but it is still   somewhat off and in china yes for small delivery  drones we have a regulation now in place here   which is wonderful but you are still yet to see a  massive roll out i think you still need somewhat   approval of local authorities so that's why we are  seeing these tourism type things because if one of   the drones comes down while it lands it lands in  a lake or on a tree which is you know preferable   than to to landing uh on a in the middle of a city  so i think that's why we're really seeing that it   is however a very very exciting sector i think  actually it's more exciting than the ev sector   because you know we all watch the jetsons i think  and and don't you just want to fly out of your   living room window uh and and go to work and and  vice versa or if you want to go get a starbucks   you could fly there it could actually it could  come to you couldn't it on a drone a starbucks   drone so i do think a lot of my stuff will be  flying around overhead but we need to see data   this is basically the equivalent of autonomous  driving but harder because to collect the data you   need to fly around and for that you need to get  permission whereas at least the autonomous driving   you can drive on around on a road and collect data  that way so that's my take on this guys i think we   are basically 50 50. um i'm going to keep covering  some of these ev stocks because i think it's very   exciting do you let me know what you think on  this will you be buying into our arcs or not do   you think it's over hyped already or do you think  it's just the beginning of this massive growth   spurt of the unmanned aerial vehicle space  so guys as always i love you guys tuning in   do share our videos hit that like and subscribe  button and let's keep growing this community at   the rate of 2x every 10 days which is incredibly  exciting well not quite as good as ihang   but you know still very exciting so guys that's  that's a wrap here from hong kong and see you soon

2021-01-21 23:45

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