Aquaponics System Design Part 4 – Real Life Practical Design Plans and Structure Models

Aquaponics System Design Part 4 – Real Life Practical Design Plans and Structure Models

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Hi. Welcome to our Banach system design video, subscribe. To my youtube channel and, click on a notification valve, of your updates, thank, you very much possible. Agreement. I've. Made you two models, one is 32. By 48 one. Is 24. By 48, so. Let's take a look at this point we're, start off your line you build enough east-west. So, the Sun lights when I come over and go this way alright, this, will allow you to I, checked. It and in Jamaica, in the, summertime, you're, 65. Degrees, is, your, East. That's where the Sun comes from and the, wintertime it's, a hundred and fourteen, degrees, okay. That's. Great, so, if you lined up get the compass, line you stop up the east to west that's, true, east and west okay, you. Need to check the magnetic, deviation, for. Jamaica to, see what is off to correct for your company, otherwise. Most. Of the smartphone. Is the true, north they took it out so you need a true, East okay that. Being said if you're 32, foot by 48 you. Can have 12 of these four by eight easy, to pivot ones I noticed. Here that the drain pipe is here so pouring strain fighting if you look underneath here, misty, underground, we've, already put these all in does that show underneath. So. We got four inch pipe it's a quarter inch slope drain, so. This, end is the high end that's. The low end so let's say if this in is one foot underground. That, would be a foot and a half underground, over there I'll, give you a quarter, inch per foot it's, low okay, you, might even want to consider going, to half inch per foot that. Means if you're, 32, foot you, know you're gonna happen, to put maybe, a 16. Inch deeper, this. And then, this tent okay, now. Following, that one if you're going to go 48, feet that. Way if, you're 16, inches, here, at, the other end you're gonna be 24. Inches deeper. That's a half inch per inch low that. Way you won't have any settlement, in your drainpipe. Now, the red, straws, the red straw are, to stimulate, this. Free heads coming down from the top cuz we're in the greenhouse, so we gotta move we gotta frame, we. Run a cable across here, with the tension on it and you'd, hook your PVC, pipe to it and, this is what the inside this is your spray heads and be spraying the water off they'd, be in here this way okay. So, maybe one of these in each one of those okay. Right here's the bottom of the red would be the arms coming up so.

The Water would come down come, over, and spray, up okay. This. Is where the hair gets added into, it okay so, the air hose to be coming around the side it, would just be tie wrap to it like a garden, hose and it would come down and, go to each head pretty, straight, for your, application. There okay. So. That, way you tip it on the bottom, and the top festivities. There's no restriction. To you turning this this. Would have a pipe Union that's where you can unscrew, it and that, stays there and this can be moved out if you ever needed to, now. If, we're 32. 600. Gallon fish tank, five foot in diameter this, is the scale so. This, whole model, is one inch per foot so. These, would be five inches across, here, okay by footers, by, four foot tall this. Gives you room over here to have a working table, go, in here needs. To be roll around stainless, steel racks if you near us a foot tall here, two, of them here right, now. If, you're 32 foot wide you're, gonna have four but, let's say you're. Only gonna go with the 24, foot month. We. Lose this prep table, we. Would lose one. Row of these. And. Then, we take, off six. Feet so. I'm gonna show that by the brown part is gone, everything. On this side is, gone so, you have a three foot Iowa, and then bingo, this. Would be yeah okay. All. The, plumbing, stays the same no, matter which building, design you go with so, that way you, could be, 3248. Whatever all you do is extend, those pipes coming out that way that we have here I say, those pipes that's, the pipes here, the drain pipe, they just extend, out pretty. Straightforward. Let. Me also comment, at this time that. The, end of this over, here you'd, put a normal, switch, clean out swap, the plumber type to come here and run a cable or rod through so. Pretty straightforward. He's. This side you're west side. So. You, can come out of your 24. Foot building and. Set up in 332 you'd, have four for twenty four so. Pretty much you can work it out any way you want to you. Know for doing it what, I like about doing this configuration, I got the plants at one end I got, my fish here if. I was gonna do another one of these I would take this model a floor. Plan flip, it over and the next fish tank to be right next to these fish tank right if. I was gonna go widthwise I take this plan and I flip it over this, way and the. Next, three fish tank should be here and. If I want to over, to the back same floor plants we use the same floor plan the beauty, of it is. Keep, your centralized. Area, open, okay, so. Sticks, one of the other the other alternative. Is if. You have, open, air. And. You can go, the other way so either way don't, hesitate, just flip your plan over, and do, the opposite. Hope. That clarifies a few things for you we'll. Stay in touch. So. Now you see what I did in arts and crafts class right ah how, to make things so, it's kind of funny we were looking for a computer modelling trying to model that and after. Spending about a week and going crazy doing, that I jumped up went down to enchanted, lakes Ben Franklin store, and. The girls there helped me out huh. Natalie. Found a little fish, stickers, to put on the fish tanks, and that but, sometimes it, helps to have a 3d model, everybody, talks about having 3d, modeling you'll own the computer-aided, design, in that and most of my work is 2d, you know what just flat stuff you know when we do here when we do all the drawing but all of this has been done out we went to Jamaica last, year they bought all the material, everything, is stacked up they, had a little issues, with it, had to take. Down a greenhouse, and move it to a new piece of property put it up and this, week they're putting this over up of course it rained and stormed, and everything and apparently that storm front up on the east coast of the, mainland, America, and. It. Pushed it snowed in Florida and. You can believe it Jamaica's cold I said I want to go I want to go she'll never seem to make a cold you know you, make us a lot like Philippines. They have two seasons yeah hot and, hotter. That's it yeah so we were kind of looking forward to that but they, were going to postpone us it looks like for a week until, they got to get dried out and finish the solar because I'll need the electricity, to run to. Run our system, and that we have one more little short clip we'd like to show you and I believe this one is where we actually sat it up and ran it in the backyard this sprayer the sprayers yeah that's all. Right. Okay. We'll go ahead and run that. Okay. Here we are, afternoon. Just about lunchtime. But. We're coming up with is, we're, running about 18, to 20 inches you see the water in the clear pipe and. That's. Being fed, by. This 3-inch pipe over here we have water coming in we've dialed it down they, filled up that 5-gallon bucket in 1 minute and 15 seconds.

So You take that one and just what you get a nice, light, spray, and, that. Coming. Down. Hard. To see the mist this time of day not. Seeing a lot of it though, well. We got to tone down and all 8 have been made identical, to. The one that was doing the misting yesterday, but. What happens, is if you have one that's restricting the other word 7 we're free floating the, one might have a totally, different now you got all eight are exactly the same so. We're still chasing getting. That smoke misting, coming. Back up it'll be interesting to see what we can do to get that but. We have all eight of these identical, it's, 5 gallons, in 1 minute and 15 seconds. And. All you got to be wondering about the air we come. Over here I'm running the air right now oh. Pixee. Knock. That off. Put. That back on, come. Over here I'm running about here and I'm gonna bleed it down. The. 1 psi, this. Was it wide open now I'm bleeding off to the sky and. You see it the 1 psi, and I'm still doing just fine I'm, getting, above the board, okay. Okay. So. I get my six foot and, you, see I'm getting my whip and you sound far out she's coming then the base is gonna be done really, good no problem, there so. This about wraps it up. For, our trials. What. We wanted to do is get a lighter spray, and we cut the water volume almost, in half by. This new version here, okay, so. I hope you enjoyed that hope, you see the the sideways, they're coming out, and. You see up above, okie. Dokie, well, here's Glenn here, smile. There. You go you got to see my little pigtails, in action, you see that spring thing well, we got a little more for you we've got some pictures right after, the break so stay with us thank. You. This. Is think Tara ye raising. Public awareness. Sounds. Like scuba divers are the poor man's astronaut, die part we believe that to be true we, say forget the moon die pod can help children adults and veterans of all abilities, escape gravity right, here on earth search dive So, they could play so. So. A date. Aloha. My, name is marks club I am the host of think, Tech Hawaii's law. Across the sea, across. The sea, comes. On. Every. Other Monday, at 11 a.m., please. Join us I like. To bring in guests that talk about all types, of things that, come across the sea to Hawaii not, just law love. People. Ideas. History. Please. Join us for law across the sea. All. Right well we're back okey-dokey. So all, of it's all about the little pigtail, it that has been the backbone as so much of what we're doing it's, always like to do is just show you some pictures that Natalie's put together to, give you a little feeling for what's involved in this system okey-dokey. And so we'll pull them up there and see what we have for you to share this. Show-and-tell, time now. This is showing up here is a drawing and this. Shows it this is what we call a Glenn Tory there are a turbo blaster, the air goes into the red part there and it goes down in the purple, goes across and then the blue right at the center that's where the water's coming up so, you see there the green the air is all around, it so when the water goes up the air and the water mixes, and the pigtail is about six inches above it so air and water, has hit my pigtail, and she sprays so, this is his gutter, notice, that the unique thing here is the open Ridge event at the top okay. And you see has a corrugated. Plastic right, underneath it it's about thirty inches wide and what, that does is lets all the hot air out but the rain can't get in that's. The big thing so. We went down there they got all three greenhouses up, and ready for us and that. Such really nice and then, the sides roll up so, these the purple, there is everything, that's underground, that's a three-inch very drain line what's, really neat is we run a little ditch which we put in the, ditch. And that throw, the purple pipe in there it's actually a white pipe it's just purple here for illustration, and it, sticks up and then only it's just flush with the ground okay. And it's, sloped during, the long piece of slope and bring it all back down to the fish tank so they're the green or the spray bit then, the spray beds or we, spray the water up with the nozzle Cinemark these are four foot wide and 32, foot long beds, in here and, they have like 8 of them and what, it'll do it you'll spray it up fall down and then dream back to the fish tanks you see there at the bottom and one of my air lifts picks up now, all the holes there is actually, a neat pattern, a neater pattern that that's just a little illustration, but the holes are like four inches on Center six angels Center it depends, on what you're you're growing right and so. It, it'll. Be four foot high or six foot high and the sprayers can reach up so. Here's goes to show you the, secret, is that tall, blue, piece there on the right you see there where, it says two PS 5 valve 4 psi, 6 psi, well, every 2 feet higher, I go, I get one PSI higher okay.

And So, I can dial in what pressure so, this shows you how the plumbing, is done from. The header tank to the fish tank to the squirrel radio filter, to, the nitrification filter. So all that, gets plumbed in everything. Is in PVC and fiberglass this. Is our signature this, is a design we came up for the radio filter, and the idea there is if water goes less slows. Down less than 5 feet per second, the solids. Will fall out so. You see the red that's the fish tank water coming, in ok. It comes in comes out and it swirls it around but, the order has to go down in the light purple, one there it has to go up and you see the arrows it curves around and, it goes down so it's like a baffle, where it goes up goes over up go over and down and. So, here's your pigtailed nozzles, or inside, there you see the pattern of holes the whole thing would be holes all the way and so. We will have like 600, plans on each side so 1,200, plants, and a, little 16-foot row so. You see how the peak nailed everything. Comes from the top it, comes from the top cause remember it has to pivot to adjust, to the Sun from, summertime, to wintertime right so, everything, comes through a hole in the center and it's suspended off the ceiling because you got a nursery built in there so you in great shape so, that is. Really neat there that you can do it the design that, we have of it and by. Being able to have it in the center we pivot it and, it's kind of neat when, you're in the Philippines, we made them and they're four foot wide and some, of them were eight and twelve foot long and, we pivoted, them with the Sun and so I went it one in but. When I did that it adds a swing four or five feet to, go and what happened is it would go all over and then touch the wall and you couldn't get by it closed off the walkway, and then, Natalie, and Liz they got to thinking about it and they said wow if we pivot it in the center maybe only a two foot movement, so, there you see four, foot by 32, foot 8 frames six foot high that. Whole something, I think it was out, 3,000. Plants on each side or 6000, plants per row and. There you see how one. Feed there goes, and feeds them all from the top 8 of them in a row and the red underneath is the drainage taking, it out then you see the little a-frame, arrow drip, liner and that is just a little fiberglass tray with two inch lips on it so the water just sprays up falls down in the drip pan then. It goes over to the three inch drain and out she goes out this side, okay. And. So this shows how, we stack, up the different cylinders how, you have a tray, and you put a radial, cylinder, so you go from a two inch pipe coming in to 24, inches to 48 inches and it really slows the water down and it settles out so, this is supper my looking, from overhead, and it's, hanging down it's suspended, so, because you want to put the water in the top you want to go underneath the bottom of the first one then over the top of the next one then underneath that one then over the top so, it's constantly, making u-turns and very clean, very clean oh. It's. Amazing it looks like drinking water when it comes out and so, it's a it's the fastest. Way to slow, the water down and it's, kind of unique when you go from a two-inch pipe to, a 4-inch pipe it's, eight times amount, of water well it's also 1/8 the speed so, it's great stuff and, so.

You See there in the center is the incoming, water and then, you go from a two-inch pipe you see you go to the 24, now this one a little bit sideways there, you go use your imagination. Turning around sorry about that but. It would be going up what you see on the left, would be going up there, we go and the. Air and the water mixed, so you see it coming in it mixes, and you see the blue and the white bubbles, that's, the air going, in and then it will go up so it's very simple to made we brought some we pre-made something then we can make some more there then. They think about a lot of our designs is we can reuse whatever the local materials, are is once you understand that the. Philosophy. Of it are the design you, can orientate, it so, you see how it is there we have to spray, heads two of these pigtail nozzles, in each, four by eight foot section, if it's 32, foot long I just have a tub in a row nothing moved so. This is going to be a test to, see what is it worth the doing the rotating, one to get the even sunlight summer, in winter or do you just by. Not, giving up the two foot break in between and having a solid row of 32, foot you, grow more plants, and in it all equals out okay, then. That so, here you see that, they have the screens inside, this where the water comes in from the top left you, see how it goes to the screen we, get to one screen then the next screen then the next screen and then it goes out the dirtiest, water the clean water will go down and then, it will it will its are self-cleaning screens, and that the water is going down at an angle it, will push the stuff down to, the gutter and move the trash waste all the clean water goes right through so. These are different methods, of how to clean, your water on this, one they're using like window screen you buy six foot wide and they, have on dowel rods the red ones are dowel rods so it goes down goes over it goes up goes down and goes over if, you put the water over the top it, will go through down on the blue that's your clean filtered, water and that, goes to your spray nozzles, okay even, though they can take a lot of dirt to being get it they're clean better just, another view of it red, coming, in is a compressed, air it comes in mixes, with the water going, up and then, you have an air and water mixture hitting the nozzle, aerated. Yep Oh super, aerated, yeah so the plant roots just love it they keep in mind the end of the a-frame, is closed off with plastic. So it's a hundred percent humidity, inside, because. It's we spray 24 hour today now, the plants only grow in the daylight but. We, need to keep the water oxidated. For the fish and so, we're not only are we water, in the plant roots they keep in mind when you have an a-frame and I'll use if for example the, dish a-frame, all your plants are sticking in the side here right so all the plants are on the outside the leaves all the roots are on the inside and, your nozzle, is right up in the center of it right and if, the two ends are closed off they, will never dry out now. We, I said we run it 24 hours, the, system, operates 24, hours but, the sprayers they run for three minutes then, the next row of eight runs for three minutes then the next row goes through three minutes treatment he comes back 12 minutes later and runs another 3 minute well. I simply cannot dry out in there. Ok but can you imagine if you had a plant, sitting. On a shelf you. Walk by and you picked it up and you dipped it in the water and set it back up on the shelf that. Plant would start looking forward to you coming in the room would ya huh, the, very time you walk by you picked him up and doing all that we're, doing we're water but they're not getting saturated and, they're super aerated. Yeah and it's better crow yeah. I don't plan yes and the, math of it is like this folks if you were to take something let's. Say here I'm gonna take these two sheets just for illustration, and. If this was 4 feet wide and 8, feet long and, if. I had 300, plants planted, in there do, you see that if you took this and you did this and you did this, and you, had it 8 feet long you just doubled your production, yeah ok and greenhouse, space is expensive.

Yes. Well Natalie we got about a minute to go or so anything, you want to add in. The. Glen, is. Ready. For Jamaica yeah, I got one foot on the airplane already, yeah yeah. I'm. Gonna try, I'll try really, hard to hold down the fort well you know so Natalie's gonna stay back and she's gonna hold down the fort this time around and, because the last time we went when Natalie and I went to Jamaica and we ended up being gone 7 weeks there's some six weeks 7 week so, it happens, sometimes this time she's gonna stay back and run the farm for us well. We hope you guys enjoy today's show please write, in and let us know what you think we'd like to know what you guys like and if you get something out of this and if, it motivates, you always, go to olomana,, or. You go up on youtube and you look up all the mountain Gardens i go to think, tech hawaii and look, it up and search for my name or all amount of Guardians and see all the shows we've done most of our own aquaponics, and if, anybody's, interested, we. Could also do sponsorship. We do sponsorship. So we're always looking for sponsors, hey buy me a plane ticket that'd, be great huh we, go anyway, well we think y'all so much return them to think tech Hawaii we're looking forward to it we're looking forward to our interview, with NBC, tomorrow morning, I will get any sleep tonight now I'm going. National well, thank you all so much for tuning in to think tech Hawaii and please, look at our other shows thank you very much. Cool. Right click, the link in the description, for pricing, ratings and reviews.

2020-04-22 18:25

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